Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

I discuss the astrology of the transit of the planet Saturn through the sign of Pisces, which occurs between March of 2023 and early 2026.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 10, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, it is February 10, 2023.

Saturn has been transiting Aquarius roughly from 2020 through 2023. On March 7 of 2023, Saturn will commence transiting Pisces through early 2026.

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This is a significant shift of energies for a variety of reasons, and this shift will occur roughly around the timeframe of Pluto beginning its transit of Aquarius, which I have talked a lot about in other episodes.

Let’s concentrate here on how Saturn transiting Pisces might affect us and the world.

Saturn deals with reality, responsibility, and karma. It is the opposite of rose-colored glasses. Often under hard or challenging Saturn transits we are forced to confront reality as it is versus how we would prefer or like it to be.

So, for example, if we have overextended ourselves financially, we may find ourselves in situations where we have to deal with that reality very pragmatically.

Saturn does not let us off the hook easily. It does not let us escape our responsibilities or duties or obligations based on wishful thinking or avoidance, and it holds us and others accountable for their actions, and that is why Saturn is considered to be very karmic.

Someone engaged in dishonorable or unethical activities may not find this influence pleasant. Think of Saturn like a judge. But it can reward those who have accepted their duties and responsibilities and acted admirably and with integrity. It can give them more power, influence or authority.

Pisces, where Saturn will be commencing its transit, is a very non-material energy. The negative expression of that energy can be illusion, delusion, fantasy, escapism, using things like drugs and alcohol to escape reality, avoiding responsibility.

Traditionally the 12th house, which Pisces rules, was considered the house of self-undoing. In Pisces there can be issues with boundaries, because Pisces doesn’t really have boundaries. And that lack of boundaries can create conditions where webs of lies and deceit can occur, even on a grand scale. Mass deception, mass delusion, mass fantasy.

I don’t mean to suggest that Pisces is inherently dark, it is not, quite the opposite. It is just very ethereal, and if not grounded, can result in the kind of things I’ve been talking about. So being grounded is a challenge for Pisces. And there are many people who have no qualms about taking advantage of that kind of influence to manipulate other people for their own benefit.

The positive expression of it can be tapping into the non-material dimensions of realities, spirituality, and those kinds of experiences. And it can also be a very creative energy because we can channel higher dimensional energy into the material realm. Many notable performers and entertainers, for example, have Piscean influences because they are able to tap into the collective unconscious and express and reflect that back to humanity. Thus their work can resonate with many people simultaneously, on a mass level. Whether what they reflect is real or not is a different question.

Pisces also has kind of a dissolving quality, where arbitrary and outmoded structures can simply collapse due to the influx of all this non-material energy. People think that reality is very hard and fixed, when in fact viewed from higher dimensions, it is rather a physical manifestation of non-material consciousness.

Pisces can also be very compassionate and empathic, and it is very frequently associated with things like psychic, intuitive and spiritual phenomenon.

Pisces is also the last sign of the Zodiac, so it’s the sign of endings. Aries, the following sign, is the sign of new beginnings. So everything ends in Pisces, inevitably.

So Saturn, the task master, is going to be entering Pisces. So how will this manifest? What will we experience and what will we witness?

I think this is something we should very much welcome in many ways because it can ground our idealism and our spirituality, make them very tangible and help us sort the wheat from the chaff, what’s real from what isn’t. And I would say the world desperately needs a dose of that. Pisces because it covers things like delusion and insanity, where people are extremely ungrounded and not dealing with reality, in the case of the lower expression of these energies. Saturn should bring a reality check to a lot of things like mass delusion, propaganda, unhinged conspiracy theories, lies and deception, which we have been plagued with, especially for the past decade or so.

I would argue that misinformation, disinformation, and mass delusion are probably one of the most significant features of recent history, and one of the most dangerous, because humanity has to make a lot of very important decisions that will significantly influence us and future generations as well as the planet. we can’t do that on the basis of BS.

If you’ve listened to me before, you will know that I detest lies. And Saturn will help us deal with that.

So I would expect to see commencing in March, which, like I said, also happens to be when Pluto begins its epic transit of Aquarius, that we will see the beginning of a period of reality check.

And that will include, by the way, institutions like the Church or religious organizations because these pursuits fall under the umbrella of Pisces in many ways, as we seek to connect to and understand the divine aspects of our experience.

As Saturn transits Pisces, it will form a challenging square to Sagittarius and Gemini, Sagittarius specifically ruling things like religion and philosophy, and Gemini ruling communication. So it will be challenging in many regards to those kinds of institutions.

The symbol for Pisces is the two fishes. And Pisces has long been associated with Christianity, which has played a very prominent role during the age of Pisces, which is at its final stages now. But Pisces in many ways rules all large religious organizations. And historically when Saturn has transited Pisces, it has represented a challenging period for those institutions. There can be a crisis of faith. As I myself have talked about here before, recent history has raised many questions about what types of movements and people religious groups have aligned themselves with that are often hypocritical based on spiritual values.

Also during this period, Saturn will be opposing Virgo. One of the areas that Virgo covers, or the sixth house which it rules, includes nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers. And we have had many challenges in those areas due to burnout, lack of staffing, chronic underfunding, and so forth. and I would expect that to be a significant issue in the next two or three years.

I think also in the spiritual community and with things like psychics and readers and prominent spiritual leaders or figures, people should be holding themselves to a very high standard to ensure that the quality of the information they’re conveying is accurate and based on truth as much as possible, because Saturn is ruthlessly honest and will hold anyone or anything to account that is not reflecting truth or reality accurately. So I would expect to see a lot of scandals emerge and truth begin to emerge about how institutions and organizations or prominent figures in our cultures have been misleading people, probably deliberately, a lot of secrets will be brought into the open, and we will go through this period of reality check cleansing and karmic reckoning for those who have abused spiritual laws or who have engaged in mass deception, propaganda, disinformation and misinformation. That, to me, is going to be a very good thing. In fact, traditionally, the 12th house, which Pisces rules, was associated with imprisonment and prisons.

You know, Saturn is a very discipline-oriented planet. Personally, I do not have a problem with spiritual discipline. I have engaged in many spiritual activities that require discipline, and I actually enjoy that and find it very rewarding. So this does not concern me at all.

There’s going to be a big reality check, scrutinizing and cross-examination of a lot of our beliefs and whether they are based on truth and reality or not. So Saturn is there to keep us in check and from going off the deep end, which we seem to have done in an epic way in recent years, with the proliferation of BS which I despise, and it will help us deal with that, thankfully. Especially, like I said, coupled with the extremely important transit of Pluto through Aquarius, commencing in just over a month. Very exciting times.

Now let’s take a quick look at how this transit will affect other signs. You’ll need to know where your planets and points are positioned in order to do this, meaning you’ll have to have access to your astrology chart. You may also want to look at the ruler of the 12th house as well as where Neptune and Saturn occur in your chart.

In terms of challenging aspects, Saturn will be squaring the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, and squares can be quite frustrating, and it will be opposing Virgo, and the opposition can also be very challenging. Obviously, Saturn will conjunct any points in Pisces during this time. For more positive effects, Saturn will be trining Scorpio and Cancer, that is a strengthening aspect, and it will sextile Capricorn and Taurus. That is also a strengthening aspect, although it may require a little bit more effort to materialize than the trine, which comes with more ease.

These are just the major or Ptolemaic aspects I am discussing here. Generally, if you have abided by Saturn’s terms, which are integrity and duty, and not cutting corners, it should be easier for you than if you you haven’t, regardless of the transit.

There are far too many factors and variables in a personal astrology chart than I could possibly ever cover here, so it depends entirely on your personal natal chart configuration and what other transits happen to be occurring at the same time. Most of what you will read about or hear online deals with sun sign astrology alone, which is only a small fraction of the actual circumstances that need to be considered. There’s generally some truth to it, of course, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

We can say fairly confidently that those people affected by the conjunction, opposition, or squares may face some challenges. Again, that would be Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Between March of this year and February 2026.

Finally, Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, governs the collective, unseen forces, and the immune system. It also governs international and foreign affairs, including things like travel. With Saturn transiting and challenging this area, I would not be surprised if the challenges related to global health on a mass scale persist and linger. Saturn demands strict discipline, and many people have been resistant to disciplining themselves out of frustration, ignorance, laziness, gullibility to misinformation, or narcissism.

I want to add here that I find this sort of exercise very challenging and frustrating. And that is because I really dislike things that are superficial, and our world seems to be exceedingly superficial these days. To do this topic justice would require days of work, and I simply do not have that amount of time that I can afford to devote to this at my disposal, unfortunately. There is a lot more that I could have included here and would have liked to.

Be that as it may, I do want to, at the same time, draw people’s attention to this because I think some of the implications are definitely worth being aware of.

Take care, I look forward to your amazing comments as usual, and will talk to you again soon.

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  1. Raymond Flood

    I can tell you’ve done your research, appreciate it.

    • john

      Thank you very much Raymond!

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