Tag: Age of Aquarius (Page 4 of 4)

Uranus transit Gemini 2025-2033

I discuss the astrology of the transit of Uranus through the sign of Taurus and what we can expect when it transits Gemini from 2025 through 2033.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.

This episode was recorded between September 8-10, 2023. It was published on October 10, 2023 at 8:00pm EDT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is October 10th, 2023.

The bulk of this was recorded on October 8th.

Today, I will primarily talk about something that has been stuck at the forefront of my mind for about a week in terms of things I want to talk about here.

Before I get to that, though, most people in the world are likely aware of what happened in Israel on the weekend. A terrible tragedy.

At that time, Mars was conjuncting the south node in Libra, opposing the north node in Aries of course, and tightly squaring Pluto in Capricorn. A T-square involving Pluto, Mars, and the Nodes.

I also want to draw your attention to this Libra solar eclipse, this New Moon eclipse which is occurring on October 14th, a few days from now.

Eclipses can bring sudden, intense events to areas that they influence.

In mundane astrology, the seventh house, which is ruled by Libra and its ruling planet Venus, governs things like diplomacy and open enemies. These are enemies that you know exist, as opposed to the 12th house, which traditionally ruled hidden enemies, which are enemies you have but you don’t know you have them or you can’t identify them.

So here we see this dramatic, unexpected event that relates to a complete failure or breakdown of diplomacy, perhaps triggered by the violent and explosive energy of Mars squaring Pluto and involving the Nodes, which are very karmic points.

Like I said, it’s surprising, it’s dramatic, and this event is certainly one that will be noteworthy historically, where relations will never be the same going forward.

In fact, I find it quite surprising that nobody predicted this or saw it coming, given its incredibly significant implications geopolitically and historically.

I personally find this very horrible and unfortunate tragedy difficult to contemplate. It’s very disturbing.

In personal astrology, Libra and the 7th house, where the October 14th eclipse is occurring, govern our own close relationships, typically committed ones, as well as business partnerships, and in negative expression, our detractors or “enemies”. So bear that in mind.

We also have, at the same time, and I’ve done a whole episode on this, we have the North Node transiting Aries and the South Node transiting Libra. Which I believe plays into this as well. Aries, of course, is ruled by Mars. Mars is the god of war.

So it’s not surprising to see dramatic expressions of aggression because that is the lower expression of Mars, and a diminishment (South Node) of diplomacy.

In fact, there’s a lot of diplomatic breakdowns that have been occurring recently, even with China, for example, or India, or the BRIC nations.

Countries and leaders are striking out independently (Mars) and a lot of traditional geopolitical policies and alliances are being tested. Rash behavior is not unexpected.

As usual, I will be putting links in the episode description to other episodes where I go into some of these topics in more detail.

But, the North Node entered Aries on July 17th of 2023 and will be transiting Aries until January 11th of 2025.

In the episode prior to this one, I mentioned the two eclipses in October. The second is a lunar eclipse on October 28th at 5 degrees of Taurus. And I also talked about the major retrograde cycles.

And quickly I want to point out here again, just to refresh your memory, that Pluto goes direct on October 10th and then Saturn goes direct on November 4th. So those are coming up fairly quickly.

Neptune will be going direct on December 6th and Jupiter won’t be going direct until December 30th.

Those are major shifts that will be occurring by the end of the year.

When planets are retrograde, think of it like going back and double-checking your path or your progress. Retrogrades give us an opportunity to review or revisit, to make adjustments in our path or direction before we proceed forward again.

This can be very, very useful. It’s kind of like clearing up loose ends.

And so, it’s not surprising that a lot of the issues that we’ve been seeing playing out in the media, and there are many, it’s been incredibly intense from a news and current events perspective. There have been many, many things that are coming to the surface that really need to be addressed in many dimensions of society, politics, human experience, and so forth.

When these planets start moving forward again there will be more of an energy for problem-solving and implementing fixes. Right now there’s a lot of energy going into backtracking a bit, questioning and revisiting topics as I said, giving us a chance to make course corrections before the energy start moving ahead again.

Now we’re still going to have Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn which is a really big deal and I also did a whole episode on that as well. I don’t like to be redundant so I’m not going to repeat all of that. You can check the episode description if you want to consider that.

So finally, back to my original mission here.

I have done a couple episodes talking about a lot of the radical kind of experiences, politically and socially, that we have been witnessing in recent years, trying to put them into a historic context. I’ll link those in the description as well.

But I want to express one of those slightly differently because sometimes it helps to look at things from a slightly different perspective. And that is the transit of Uranus through Taurus.

Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and will complete its transit in 2026. And for various reasons I have pinpointed the time frame of 2026 for the end of a lot of the chaos we’ve been experiencing. I’m not going to repeat all that either here right now.

But the aspect of this transit that I want to focus on a little differently is just that most people associate Taurus – in mundane terms or big picture terms – with property, banking, finance, money, possessions, real estate, and the like.

But on another level, Taurus also represents what we value.

Money is an abstract representation of our value. Why is one thing worth a lot more than something else? That’s because people value it, obviously. Or something may be more valuable because it’s more rare, whether it’s a mineral, a piece of fine art, a property, a car, whatever it is.

Uranus can represent dramatic events and dramatic changes. Things that occur suddenly. Things that are out of step with the past. Things that are radical, extreme, or completely unexpected. It can be shocking, and sometimes it can be so shocking that it actually causes trauma. Because it literally breaks up patterns that we may have clung to.

So when we think about, for example, what’s happened with banking and finance and money and the stock market, real estate and housing, and things like inflation over recent years, it has been truly shocking. A lot of norms and patterns that people predicted and expected were completely upended, and in some cases, shattered.

And the same can be said for our values. We have seen an incredible rise of really extreme and radical values and expressions of those. A lot of it has been incredibly shocking. That is a fact.

If you read the news, you can find completely jaw-dropping, shocking things on almost a daily basis. That’s what I experience.

This can be quite stressful and anxiety-inducing, because you don’t know what to expect next. And a lot of these things are outside of what anyone predicted would occur. So they’re very surprising. This is very Uranian.

My point is that we can expect this all the way through 2026. We get a brief reprieve between July and November of 2025 – that’ll give us a taste of what the new normal is going to look like. But things will start to settle down in some ways then.

Then Uranus is going to transit Gemini from 2025 through 2033.

Now in mundane astrology, the third house, which is what Gemini rules, governs communication, short forms of transportation, a country’s neighbors, that would be countries that are adjacent to them, and local commerce.

So in some ways it includes the internet because the internet is a form of communication, and we also use it for commerce.

But it’s more like your local community as opposed to your country. It’s your town, your village, your neighborhood.

And it includes the media because the media is all about communication.

Now you can expand this tent as large as you want because there are many, many expressions of these kinds of activities.

But we can expect, for example, a lot of changes during that time from 2025 to 2033 about how communities function and there will be probably a lot of shake-up and transformation in news, publishing, communications, the media, any form of expression that conveys knowledge or information, even film or art.

Local commerce will probably go through a lot of radical changes, and there will probably be a lot of involvement with technology and the internet with all of this.

The news media is already in a state of crisis. There are many, many traditional publications which have really been struggling with how to survive in a digital age. And so there is a dearth of local reporting in many cases, which is really unfortunate for a lot of obvious reasons.

And I think we’re going to see a huge shift in transportation. So, electric vehicles, for example, electric cars and trucks, community-based transportation, public transportation, all of those kinds of things are going to be up for radical evolution and change.

Now, Uranus can manifest quite shockingly, as I’ve explained. So, a lot of these changes are not necessarily going to be received as being beneficial by everybody. A lot of the stuff that will occur will be upsetting.

I expect that many of these issues will pertain to environmental issues, like think about what’s happening for example with the Mississippi River and New Orleans right now, where suddenly they’re finding out that their water supply is being contaminated by saltwater intrusion because of drought and sea level rise.

So there may not be a lot of stability within the boundaries of traditional communities, whether it’s a town or village, the suburbs, whatever.

By now, we’re all aware of these really unprecedented, extreme weather events that have been really devastating to a lot of communities around the globe, whether it’s floods or wildfires or smoke or drought.

Even now, insurance companies are starting to pull out of a lot of these markets and even if it’s available, insurance is becoming insanely expensive. So this makes people vulnerable and puts them and their properties and their communities at risk. We know that the climate situation will worsen for years to come, even under the best case scenarios.

Uranus can fracture things. I’ve seen that in my own personal experience with significant Uranus transits to my personal planets. And like I’ve said before, it can be traumatic.

So, with Uranus in the sector of communities, I think that those kinds of things are probably going to reach a completely different level.

And because Uranus breaks things up, we may start to see people being displaced and dealing with all of the stress and anxiety about that. Where we find that these communities that have been a place of refuge for generations no longer feel secure or safe.

For some reason, the suburbs came to my mind a lot while I was thinking about this.

You know, I hate to say this because I’m a fan of the country, but we might start to realize that we are quite vulnerable in rural settings where we don’t have as much infrastructure or as many municipal services under these kinds of conditions.

I’m going out on a bit of a limb here, but whatever it is, community and community life will be disrupted and changed and broken up in some ways. Living situations may be more transient or less permanent than what we’re familiar with.

Another possibility would be, say, homes get a lot smaller, so they change a lot in size, or maybe they are mobile.

And a lot of this may relate to commerce and the way that commerce is conducted on a local level. We know that there has been a huge consolidation of power and ownership in many, many sectors of the economy, whether it’s grocery store chains, agribusiness, meat processing, sales, whatever.

There will be a lot of stress and strain and changes and things are going to be breaking in a lot of those areas. And like I said, there will certainly be changes that were not expected.

It could also be, for example, that there are new forms of energy, maybe that are distributed, where people are producing their own energy at home, which leads them to be less dependent on utilities or the power grid, that would be very Uranian and technology-driven, which is a Uranian thing.

And like I said there could be tremendous breakthroughs with transportation. For example, batteries with really significant range capabilities could suddenly become available at a much cheaper price, which would completely upend the entire automotive industry. It’s already being dramatically altered, but this would take it to a whole new level and it would occur much more quickly.

Or maybe driverless or autonomous vehicles take off to the point where they become a major form of transportation for people. It could be that it’s much cheaper to use them than it is to buy or lease a vehicle because they will just show up whenever you need them. And you don’t have the monthly lease or bank loan expense and all the other costs associated with owning a vehicle, like maintenance. And a lot of people could adopt that because vehicles are a major expense for people.

That also would have really important implications for us as individuals, for our communities, and for the automotive and transportation industry, which in many cases are locally owned enterprises that could become redundant overnight. Truck drivers are a classic example.

And also for the government, because they generate a lot of tax revenue from vehicles, highways, driving infractions, vehicle licensing fees, and so on. And how do governments tax labor that’s done by machines or computers?

These are the kind of disruptions we should probably anticipate. The technology is there, it just needs to reach a level of maturity. Those kinds of changes would have profound implications.

I would expect to see, in the publishing and news industry, that a lot of things are going to make a shift into being truly digital during this time. And whatever happens with the news and media will likely be something that nobody really fully anticipated. There might have been a few people who saw it coming, but the vast majority of people won’t have seen this coming.

One possibility that might fit into these energies might be a lot of journalists operating independently, because Uranus doesn’t like boundaries. And that’s already kind of starting to happen with podcasting.

The current generation of AI [artificial intelligence] is advancing at an unbelievable pace, and it has the potential to displace countless jobs in fields like the media and publishing and journalism.

But beyond that, combining AI with robotics could render millions of jobs obsolete, which would devastate communities. We would either have completely unprecedented unemployment rates, akin to the Great Depression, or the government is going to have to step in and offer some form of universal basic income.

Internet connectivity itself, right to your home, could also be revolutionized, such that it becomes available to people even if they’re, for example, in far-flung places. We already have satellite connectivity, but that could dramatically expand and become more broadly available or ubiquitous. Like for example, imagine if satellite connectivity was built right into your laptop as a standard thing where you don’t need a wired connection or even Wi-Fi anymore.

There will also likely be a lot of really significant developments with things like computing and cell phone technology. We think our phones are pretty sophisticated right now and they most certainly are compared to what they were like a decade ago, but the proliferation of them and their capabilities will likely go through really profound evolution during this time.

This whole notion of us being digitally connected will be taken to completely different levels. It might even mean, for example, that things like electronic voting takes hold, where we can weigh in on things almost instantaneously.

Digital currencies is another thing. Many people may not realize this, but China is moving very, very quickly towards a purely digital technology for its currency. For day-to-day use, this is the third house.

In fact, even people on the street in China who, for example beg for money, need to have smartphones because people don’t have cash.

So, that’s really good in some ways because it reduces a lot of middlemen. Like when your employer pays you, the money is instantaneously in your account. When you purchase something, it instantaneously goes from you to someone else and there’s fewer middlemen.

Like credit card companies, for example, may not welcome this because they charge a lot of fees on transactions. But if you can make a payment instantaneously with no middlemen, what do you need them for? Think about that. It has huge implications.

The downsides are that the Chinese government can monitor every single transaction by everyone in the country at any point in time. That is really scary. If someone is critical of the Chinese government, they can be cut off from making financial transactions, which basically would bankrupt them. So this can be a very powerful tool of autocratic control and oppression. So there’s potential for abuse, but there’s also upsides to it.

Now that’s going to put pressure on the United States to also move forward with this technology because they don’t want to be left behind. China is not a direct threat yet in terms of America’s reserve currency, but the US cannot ignore the trends.

So I would not be surprised to see this become a major theme for, for example, the European Union and the United States and other major countries to start seriously implementing digital currencies, for better or for worse.

Because we use currencies in our commerce, day-to-day commerce. That’s the third house.

As someone who has been very involved in internet and internet technology for many years, I don’t even like raising the prospect of this, but I would not be surprised to see a lot of battles over control of the internet and the role of journalism and the media during this cycle.

There may very well be attempts by various governments to try and rein in internet activity, even if some of it is well-intentioned. It may have unforeseen and unexpected consequences and there could be a lot of battles over that. The government may think that it needs to put its foot down, but at what cost?

I am a huge advocate of free speech. There is a fine line between free speech and irresponsible or dangerous speech. Now clearly those that cross that line have to be held accountable, but that is a very slippery slope.

We’re already seeing that begin here in Canada, where the government is trying to implement legislation that many people find very concerning and troubling. And others are arguing that, well, we need to do something about it. But the question is, what do you do, and who are the gatekeepers? And who are the gatekeepers aligned with?

It’s a very complicated, tricky issue, and very few countries in the world even anticipated these kinds of problems, much less what forms of legislation would address them, without stepping on people’s freedoms.

The flip side of that might be that we have much greater privacy laws and digital protections.

It would also not be surprising to see large monopolies in the tech space being taken to task for unfair business practices, for example. Uranus can break things up.

Some of these discussions are already underway with, for example, Google in the United States, as well as Amazon, which are being accused of monopolistic and predatory practices.

Now one other thing that’s really important to note here is that Uranus in Taurus will be trining Pluto in Aquarius the whole time that it’s in Gemini. This is really important.

The trine is the most harmonious or easy flowing aspect in astrology. The energies, in fact, can flow so smoothly that we take them for granted.

But what that means is that this relationship between Pluto and Uranus, two of the big players, will be very harmonious and the energy will flow incredibly easily. It’s like the volume knob is turned all the way up and there’s very little resistance between the two.

Pluto representing change and transformation, death and rebirth, is going to be in this very powerful harmonious aspect to Uranus and Gemini for this whole six or seven year period. And so, these kinds of changes that I’m talking about are going to be flowing very powerfully and without a lot of obstruction.

It doesn’t mean that we as people are going to find that easy because change is just going to be happening so fast and so constantly that it’ll be hard to keep up with. And people, generally, some more than others, like things to be predictable. But in many ways they won’t be.

Of course, I did a huge episode on Pluto and Aquarius, which is really about this shift in consciousness to more of a global level, where we have a trend towards global egalitarianism and connectedness and awareness. The breakdown of the smaller tribes, more of a focus on us as a species and our place in the world. And Aquarius is very intelligent and rational, generally.

So think about how this effect is going to play out for us, like on a community level in our day-to-day lives. It has really big implications if you take all the things I’ve been talking about and meld them together.

So there will be a surge of change and evolution in a very forward-looking, rational, and globally conscious egalitarian perspective.

Now Pluto will be showing us the negative sides of Aquarius because it has to purge. It has to purge the darkness, the garbage. It will be bringing that to our attention wherever we’re not expressing the energies of Aquarius or the 11th house authentically.

So we’re definitely going to have challenges, but the overriding agenda will be to purge all of those false expressions of Aquarius so that we can manifest the accurate and positive expressions of it.

So we’re going to see how governments and organizations and groups and groupthink and nations and tribalism are expressed in its lowest expression or in ways that are antithetical to Aquarius, on a higher level, so that we can get past that. It’s really about what we want the future to look like.

Pluto transits are never easy, but they can be profoundly transformative and sometimes old ways of being and old ways of thinking need to die so that new ones can take their place. It’s very regenerative, but there can be that metaphorical death part of the cycle, and there often is.

The third house, or where Uranus will be transiting in Gemini, is a mutable house, meaning that it is more adaptive and flexible about changes, and is capable of seeing things from different perspectives. So, the overall trend won’t be necessarily as dramatic, perhaps, as it was in the fixed sign of Taurus.

And, of course, yes, in the third house, Uranus is in trine to the house that it rules.

On a personal level, if you have significant planets or points in Gemini, you’re going to be experiencing a lot of very noteworthy and sometimes sudden developments or changes.

While in Gemini, Uranus will be squaring Pisces and Virgo and opposing Sagittarius. Those are all very significant aspects as well.

So, whatever planets or points, like your Ascendant or Midheaven, are in aspects of square, opposition or conjunction to Uranus, things will happen and they can be quite intense and disruptive, and forever change the course of matters that pertain to those planets or points or houses.

As I’ve mentioned, Uranus will be trining Aquarius and Libra during this time and sextiling Aries and Leo. Those are the more easy-flowing energies or aspects.

You’ll have to check your chart for more details on how this transit will play out for you.

So that’s a bit of what you can expect when Uranus moves from the values area into the communication and community area. And again, this is local community, not global community.

So there’s a transformation happening on the global scale, which is Pluto, as well as how that percolates down to and expresses and manifests in our local communities.

However it plays out, you can expect it to be dramatic and unexpected and sometimes shocking.

But at least by then, we won’t be dealing with the radical extreme expressions of values that we’ve been seeing relentlessly for years now. To the point where even democracies are under direct threat. Where it seemed like the genie was let out of the bottle with respect to our psychology around values. A lot of people were saying the quiet part out loud, which is pretty shocking because they’re not supposed to do that, even if that’s how they feel on the inside.

That cycle will be finishing in the next few years.

So that’s what I wanted to say. This is a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I guess that’s just how long it takes to express these things.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. A natal or transit reading makes a great gift, by the way. It’s something people won’t forget.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon. Bye for now.

End transcript.

Other episodes of mine referenced herein:

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

#Astrology #Uranus #Pluto #Aquarius #Gemini #Taurus #3rdHouse #11thHouse

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Pluto at 29° Capricorn – Will brute force stop progress?

I discuss the current epic astrology transit of Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, the critical “Anaretic” degree. What will be the outcome and effects of this socially and politically and how long will it last?

This episode was published on December 20, 2023 at 6:14pm EDT.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

Follow me on Threads⁠ where I share articles I feel are important.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all!

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is December 20th, 2023.

This is just a quick update to draw people’s attention to something that is very important. It is something I have talked a lot about on my channel here for a very long time.

That is, that as of yesterday, December 19th, 2023, Pluto entered 29 degrees of Capricorn, which is the anaretic degree.

The very final degree of an astrological sign is considered to be particularly intense because the energies of that sign, the whole 30 degrees, which in the case of Pluto, which began its transit in 2008, is completing that multi-year journey.

So what tends to happen, even if you have a planet at 29 degrees in your natal chart, that planet, depending on the sign in the house, will have an exaggerated effect.

So Pluto now has moved into the anaretic degree, 29 degrees, where it will be until January 20th of 2024. So basically a month.

As someone who follows the news a lot, quite carefully, everything seems to be very exaggerated right now. It’s like the volume has been turned to 11, and especially with respect to the issues that relate to Capricorn, or the 10th house in many ways, as I have articulated in previous episodes.

So we’re seeing the worst aspects of all of those themes, whether it is unhinged billionaires, the rise and unprecedented fervency of autocratic right-wing politics and political movements, the structures and institutions of our societies being challenged, or having their failures become blatantly evident to us.

If you’re feeling really discouraged or disappointed right now, which I am in many ways, because I find a lot of the things that are happening right now are very disturbing, that is not unusual.

The whole point of this transit is to show us the failures and flaws that underpin a lot of our assumptions about these institutions and structures of society, particularly that deal with those in positions of leadership and power. Pluto represents power. So we are seeing basically how the system is corrupt.

We now have the former president of the United States, who, by the polls at least, is a leading contender to be the next president, again, even though he is shockingly inept, unqualified, and is under investigation for criminal behavior on multiple different levels and in multiple different jurisdictions.

Again, the point of all this is to show us how desperately those areas of human life and activity need to be reformed, and probably dramatically so, at least if we care about things like democracy.

In some ways, it’s kind of like just before a new moon, when the light is diminished to its darkest state, before you begin a new cycle. So bear that in mind if you’re disturbed by what’s happening. These are the darkest hours. But it won’t necessarily last, at least like this.

It’s not that we won’t have a lot of work to do, because what happens with Pluto is that it will destroy or undermine things that are no longer valid, or that are corrupt, and make us all aware of that as part of the process.

And then we have to actually go and do all the work to transform and rebirth those areas or themes, to renew them and ensure that they reflect the reality that we want legitimately.

In the case of all the resurgence of the right-wing stuff, we have to ask what conditions precipitated or allowed that to occur. How could this happen? Why did it happen? And how do we prevent that? Or what changes do we need to make?

In other words, where did all the anger and resentment come from and what do we need to do to address those kinds of conditions? Why do people feel alienated?

And I’ve argued that a lot of it is just plain economics. That if you look at the distribution of wealth over the past 50 years, our quality of life has actually been deteriorating.

The situation for young people right now is very bleak. It used to be that your children could have a better life than you, and that’s not true anymore. And it has to do with economic inequality.

And both the right and the left are responsible for allowing that to occur. There may be more blame on the right, who lowered taxes for billionaires, but, for example, it was Bill Clinton who opened up a lot of foreign trade, which offshored a lot of jobs. Globalization, etc., etc., etc.

So in your personal life, depending on what house Pluto is transiting, the lessons that you’ve been learning since 2008 with Pluto transiting that house may be coming to a head. It’s like there’s an exclamation point that is showing you any final flaws that are in need of reform, renewal, and regeneration.

And if there was work that needed to be done that wasn’t, Pluto can hit very hard. It can actually destroy things to basically clear the ground for a new beginning.

Pluto is going to retrograde back into Capricorn one more time next year. That’s from September 1st until November 19th of 2024. And then it is done, finished, transiting Capricorn, and it will be in Aquarius for the most part through 2044. That is 20 years. A whole new cycle.

And of course, I will put links in the episode description to other episodes where I go into this in more detail.

So we shouldn’t be surprised that things are off the charts, happening very fast, very intensely. The seeming war between reactionary movements and forces and progressive ones is reaching a climax. And temporarily at least it may seem like the progressive forces are on their back foot. But that’s only temporary.

The last time that Pluto went into Aquarius, which was actually the first time that it went into Aquarius, in any of our lifetimes at least, was from March 23rd of this year until June 11th. And I recall personally that when Pluto went into Aquarius I felt a huge shift, which I like because it’s an air sign, and that suits me much better, personally.

And then on June 11th when Pluto moved back into Capricorn retrograde, I felt kind of the reverse. Like, instantly I felt this heavy, weighty energy. Pluto in Capricorn, the ruler of Capricorn, is Saturn. Saturn is a heavy energy that doesn’t like to move or shift and is very rigid.

And for some people it can manifest as being very controlling and repressive. And Saturn is not known for being fun at all, actually. It usually means work and concentration and focus and duty and responsibility. And yes, those things are important, of course, but they’re not light, they’re not entertaining, they’re not expansive. It’s more of a contracting energy.

So this is really important. Again, through January 20th we’re going to be dealing with a lot of really intense energy. We’re probably going to continue to see things that occur that are shocking.

Again, the rhetoric of Trump recently, which is unparalleled given its scale and implications, that is so reminiscent of what happened in the 1930s in Germany, for many people it’s very shocking.

There’s roughly 40% of the population that is either authoritarian-leaning or capable of being triggered to be an authoritarian. In other words, these tendencies are latent.

I’ll put a link in the episode description to an episode of Background Briefing that actually just came out yesterday that discusses this a bit more, the psychology of it.

So there are some people who are hardcore authoritarian. And then there’s another segment whose authoritarian tendencies can be triggered under stress or duress. And we are clearly in very stressful times.

It appears as if we’re going backwards socially. And politically there’s a lot of stuff happening on the right-leaning side of the spectrum, which is quite surprising to a lot of people. But again, that’s being triggered, especially for the next month or so.

One thing I should point out, recall that I stated that Pluto will make its final retrograde into Capricorn from September 1st to November 19th of 2024. The 60th US federal election will be on November 5th of 2024. Anyone who pays attention to current affairs knows that this election is going to be extremely important for the whole world. That election is occurring when Pluto is at 29 degrees of Capricorn.

So it could be very dramatic. It could be a situation where there is kind of like a final face-off between reactionary and progressive forces. It’s going to be intense regardless, that whole period.

But again, it is the very final time that Pluto will be in Capricorn for over two centuries. It’s a really big deal.

I’ll just remind you of one other thing as well. As I’ve stated in my previous episodes, the last time that Pluto was in Aquarius, which is where we’re just about to go, we had the French and the American revolutions. Extremely, extremely important.

Aquarius is an air sign.

It is all about moving forward and dramatic changes, and it moves very quickly. It’s not stuck energy in the same way that an earth sign like Capricorn is.

Aquarius is very independent, rational, intellectual. It challenges the status quo, and it generally has very progressive and egalitarian, and that’s key, egalitarian values. The right is not egalitarian by definition, which is in stark contrast to the energies of Capricorn and its ruling planet Saturn.

That is why, as Pluto is at this critical degree, everything is so polarized and extreme because the energies are very, very different.

Mercury is retrograde until January 1st. That adds a bit to the confusion.

Jupiter, which can represent our philosophy and our higher values, and things like higher education and international or foreign related themes, as well as optimism, has been retrograde since September 4th and doesn’t go direct until December 30th.

So December 30th, Jupiter goes direct. January 1st, Mercury goes direct. January 20th, Pluto enters Aquarius.

There’s going to be a lot of shifting energy over the next month. It’s a really big deal, and this shift of Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius is also a very, very big deal. So a lot is going to happen.

Things can appear very dark right now, but like I said, in many ways, it’s like the dark before the dawn. So hang in there.

I mean, I find a lot of things that are happening are just like jaw dropping constantly and horrifying. But in many ways, the rebirth cycle is just around the corner.

And remember, despite all of the batshit crazy stuff that’s happening right now, all of this authoritarian, controlling, dominating, punitive, vengeful, grievance-centered, belligerently oriented energy…

Aquarius is very egalitarian. It’s very progressive. It’s very socially conscious. It believes in social justice. It is not top-down or hierarchical. It is not tribalistic.

Because I know a lot of you are like me – that’s why you’re listening to me – despite how dark and nasty and negative, and let’s face it, what we’re really seeing is how our social and political systems have been corrupted by literal criminals. These are criminals who should be prosecuted, as far as I’m concerned. They are anti-social, sociopaths, if not psychopaths. They need to be rooted out from our systems of governance and control, whether it’s corporate, political, banking, finance, etc.

And all these dark money groups that are operating behind the scenes to reshape society for their own personal benefit, all that crap, that energy is in complete conflict with the energy of Aquarius. So just remember that.

I know that things look really, really bad right now, but we’re going to have that energy of Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy or that there isn’t going to be battles, but the tide is moving in the direction of a more progressive, egalitarian, and just society for all around the world.

It’s up to us to root out the criminal and corrupt elements in our systems of governance on a global scale. That is what we are going to be focused on for the next 20 years. And that may mean that there are literal battles that will take place to arrive at that outcome.

As far as I’m concerned, and I’ve said this before too, we shouldn’t even be doing business with corrupt regimes or foreign countries that are anti-democratic.

A lot of what’s happening, I think, geopolitically is blowback for us compromising our ethics and values and being hypocritical in pursuit of profit or strategic advantage. We could have placed pressures on them to change if they wanted to do business with us, but we did not. Not sufficiently anyway.

And there have been plenty of cases where Western countries literally installed dictatorships or subversively toppled democratically elected governments with horrific outcomes.

How much more hypocritical can one possibly be? We have been enabling dictators and autocrats for profit. You can imagine the magnitude of the karma. Gigantic.

So hang in there, and like I said, fasten your seatbelts. And don’t give up. Don’t lose hope, no matter what anyone tells you.

One small housekeeping note.

If you subscribed to my contact list on my website, you should have received an email which you have to open, and there’s a link in it that you click to verify your email address.

There are many people who have subscribed to my contact list who did not complete that step. It may have gone into your spam folder or whatever.

So if you think you’ve subscribed to my contact list, but you didn’t go through that confirmation process, you may want to try going to my website and adding yourself to my list again, and then be on the lookout for that email. Because if you don’t confirm your email, you will not receive any updates.

So all the best to you during the holiday season, by the way. If you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. Thanks very much.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

I have a 20% off special on currently. A natal or transit reading makes a great gift, by the way. It’s something people won’t forget.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Other episodes featuring Pluto.

Articles or podcasts referenced herein:

Indian government accused of attack on democracy as 141 MPs suspended

The Background Briefing episode I mentioned (audio date Dec 19, 2023)

10 Times America Helped Overthrow a Foreign Government

Operation Condor: the cold war conspiracy that terrorised South America

How The CIA Overthrew Iran’s Democracy In 4 Days

CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits ‘Argo’ rescue

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