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Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

I discuss the potent and remarkable astrology of the conjunction of Mars, Pluto and Venus at the very first degree of Aquarius in mid-February of 2024. 

This has significant implications for society and with respect to the Divine Feminine. 

This episode was published on February 12, 2024 at 1:37pm EST.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 12th, 2024.

Dates mentioned in this episode are calculated for the Eastern North America time zone. As usual, see the description for links to related episodes.

As I mentioned in my recent Pre-Equinox Astrology episode, which I published very early on February 11th, Mars enters Aquarius at 1:05 AM tomorrow morning, February 13th.

Mars will conjunct Pluto exactly at 1:06 AM on February 14th [at 0° 46′ 07″ Aquarius]. They will be within a very tight 2 degree orb through February 16th, and within a 5 degree orb through February 20th.

This is one of the most volatile and potent combinations of energies, especially if it occurs in close proximity or aspect to a significant point in your natal chart. With this aspect, it is not uncommon for pent up anger, resentment, or even rage or violence to burst forward in surprising and dramatic ways.

It could originate from within yourself, or it could be externally expressed by others.

This can be related to people, organizations, or institutions that attempt to forcibly dominate or control us, or even harm us. Needless to say, conflict can result.

Bear this in mind in your dealings with others and avoid risky or dangerous situations, people, or places during this time if possible. Also beware of expressing yourself or acting in rash ways that you may regret later when this energy subsides.

A good way to express this energy is through physical activity, being careful to avoid injury or accidents resulting from overconfidence or rashness, especially with sharp implements or tools.

Another way to benefit from this transit is to pay close attention to the nature and condition of any anger, resentment, or sense of injustice or victimization that arise or that this triggers within your psyche. Much of this may have been formerly unexpressed or not totally conscious. Make notes of this as it can point to shadow work or therapy that you can focus on later when the energies settle down. This can be extremely helpful in releasing yourself from past traumas.

Venus will enter Aries [Correction: Venus will enter Aquarius, of course, not Aries!] at 11:06 AM on February 16th and will conjunct Pluto exactly at 3:48 AM on February 17th [at 0° 51′ 41″ Aquarius], thus forming a very potent stellium with Mars and Pluto.

It would not be surprising if what is triggered relates to sexual trauma from this life or past lives.

Again, this is occurring at the very first degree of Aquarius, which Pluto just re-entered on January 20th of this year.

Aquarius deals with society at large – that’s broader society – social justice, causes and groups and organizations related to those kinds of activities, our dreams and hopes for the future, and technology, including the Internet.

Regrettably, with the involvement of Venus, this combination likely deals with violent abuses of the feminine, whether in the past or in the present.

Pluto can represent abuses of power, control, domination, oppression, victimization and subjugation. In Aquarius, it may represent systemic abuses or human rights abuses resulting from state or military action or warfare.

It would not surprise this astrologer if these themes arise or come to light during this period and they may be shocking.

It behooves humanity to confront and reconcile traumas and injustices, whether recent or from the distant past. They fester within our collective unconscious or psyche and our past, from generation to generation, whether we are aware of this or acknowledge this or not. To stop unconsciously perpetuating this and other vicious cycles, we must confront them honestly, sincerely and responsibly. We must do this for ourselves, for society and for future generations.

On February 19th, at 4.30am, the North Node conjuncts Chiron at 16 degrees and 45 minutes of Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars, of course. Again, the theme of trauma related to the masculine.

Chironic energies are never easy to confront, but this aspect speaks to bringing deep wounding to our conscious awareness and self-expression. It implies that the timing of this is fated.

The South Node, which speaks to the past, is transiting Libra. Libra seeks peace and harmony and is ruled by loving and compassionate Venus.

Given that this is occurring very near the recent ingress of Pluto in Aquarius, I predict that this will be a theme for years to come. The reconciliation of, and social justice pertaining to, abuses and subjugation of the Divine Feminine.

Venus can also represent the natural world and the nature spirit realms, which I have also talked about here before, and which have been subject to rapacious and unbridled opportunistic destruction by humans for millennia. Such acts are clearly a manifestation of the lower aspects of the divine masculine. Thus, the themes I have discussed extend to our precious and vulnerable natural world as well.

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is currently transiting Taurus, as is Jupiter. Venus rules Taurus as well as Libra, again drawing our awareness to the natural realms and the land.

Again we must heal and transform our relationship with feminine principles, including the natural world, which provides us with incredible bounty and sustenance.

Those who seek to oppress or harm the divine feminine expression are acting against their own interests. Ultimately, it is unnatural, self-defeating, and nihilistic.

Events that transpire during this time may be quite disturbing and unwelcome. However, in the long run, they may initiate a cycle of much-needed awareness, heart-based healing and transformation. Healing that will help us transform and regenerate our collective psyche in critically important ways.

As we can see, a tremendous amount of powerful and important information can be deduced from astrological transits, on both the personal and collective level.

In the age of Aquarius, we will begin to learn and master collective consciousness. Consciousness that profoundly affects us in ways we barely understand. It is our destiny.

Mastery begins with conscious awareness. Denial of truth is not an option.

If during this time, the Divine Feminine is attacked by lower expressions of masculine energy, know that this is not the way. It is merely an expression of their own unresolved wounding, vulnerability, and weakness.

There are a lot of major, major changes occurring right now astrologically and over the next couple years.

We’re going to have Neptune changing signs. We’re going to have Uranus changing signs. We’re going to have Saturn changing signs. Pluto changing signs recently alone is huge.

And so, this is a really good time to get a lay of the land before these things happen, with your own personal astrology. I know from a lot of people I’m talking to that there are major changes taking place.

Often as expected, people tend to request readings when major things are happening that they don’t understand. But I would highly encourage you to be proactive and get a reading beforehand so that you have some mental preparation for what might be coming up. It can be extremely helpful. You don’t want to leave it to the last minute. And I do have a special going on right now for readings.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Nature Spirits in Distress

How We Will Heal The Earth

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #SpringEquinox #PlutoInAquarius


How We Will Heal The Earth

I discuss a vision I have had about how we will energetically heal the Earth in the Age of Aquarius, and why we will do this.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary published on October 5, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary, where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all. It is October 2nd 2022. At least that’s when I’m recording this. It looks like it’ll be published October 5th or 6th.

I want to share a vision that I had with you, and I actually had this vision months ago but I haven’t shared it. It’s one of a long list of things that has that has come up for me, or that I just had an awareness about, or download about, however you want to describe it. And this deals with how we will heal the Earth in the future. I had a vision and it was very clear and very vivid.

A little background or a little explanation of why this is relevant. Because human beings are powerful creative beings we have a very significant influence on the environment around us and energetically. That energy can kind of stick or persist in objects and places. So down the road in the future sometime – and I’m not exactly sure how far into the future this will be – but humanity more broadly will have this awareness that we are energetic beings. This is really the 4D or 5D stuff that people talk about. We’re not just physical beings, we’re not just biochemistry, we are more than that.

And so in the future we will have more of an understanding of how all that stuff works and why it matters. And we will have groups of people who will be dedicated to healing areas of the Earth that have incurred things like violence and great grief, or trauma, or torment, or things like that. So there are spots on the Earth where there has been very emotionally charged and often painful experiences. An example might be a war zone, or a battlefield, or a place where people were enslaved, abused, or tortured, or something like that, etc. So these areas exist on the planet now and they have for a very long time, depending on where you go.

So we will have this sensitivity or an awareness about this and we will recognize that part of cleaning up the Earth isn’t just cleaning up the environmental pollution and contamination we have generated, it will also involve clearing up the energetic pollution we have created. And this will be deemed to be very important because, in order to lift up the vibration of the planet, we will need to help purify it and we will need to do that deliberately. There’s also a component of reconciliation where we will recognize… wow, strong energy here… we will recognize really strong… wow, really strong energy here…

In astrology if you have a significant Pluto transit, a challenging Pluto transit, you can go through this period of purging and processing trauma and grief, and sometimes that can even be stuff that you’re not fully aware of say, for example, past life stuff. And we will do that with the Earth. And so part of this reconciliation will be people devoting their time and energy to healing these parts of the Earth.

And now these people who will be charged with doing this will be people who are advanced spiritually, have powerful psychic abilities and, most importantly, will have very pure hearts and pure intentions. And these groups of people will go to these… wow this is so cool, amazing, just more energy um… and so people will go to these places, these areas. And we will support them in doing this. And they will spend as much time as needed to heal these areas to free any attached or lingering souls, to help them cross over, and to basically clear that region of the wounding and pain and suffering energies.

And we will go and do this in person at the places to show our respect and sincerity and to do so with dignity and honour. We can’t armchair quarterback this. That’s why we will make dedicated efforts tangibly to rebalance and restore these areas. And it may take days, or weeks, or months, or even years, and even many years in some cases. But we will be devoted to doing this for as long as it takes. To make restitution and to heal and to make peace with the souls and the people who were involved in these kinds of incidents, and the land. Now this could be a very big undertaking, it could take decades. It could take… it could take generations, it could take centuries. I don’t really know. I don’t feel like actually it’s probably going to take centuries, but it will take years for sure, maybe even a few decades.

It may be when Pluto transits Pisces starting in 2044, that wouldn’t surprise me. But we will go around and we will identify parts of the Earth that need healing and we will very soulfully and very sincerely dedicate ourselves to healing this planet.

And we know we will be doing this for our own good. For the good of future generations, for the good of Gaia, the planet. And it’ll help bring humanity back into balance with nature and this three-dimensional reality. And you know there are some areas of the world that have been in conflict for centuries, if not thousands of years.

So this will be part of this Awakening this this Great Awakening… oh my God I can’t use that word because that’s used by the MAGA’s… So this will be part of this acceleration or leap in evolution, and this is really what 4D or 5D reality is. It’s us becoming aware of these other dimensions of ourselves and of reality and actually interfacing with that. And actually I would argue that that is already occurring. I think the phenomenon of all of the psychic activity that we are aware of is an expression of that. That’s us starting to recognize that we do not just exist within the boundaries of physical time and space or physical reality but that we can transcend that. It’s very evident if you know anything about psychic phenomenon.

So this will be part of the Age of Aquarius. You know, like for example the way that we treated the indigenous people when we came to North America. I mean there’s areas where it was basically genocide. And we need to make peace with those people and those Souls and the places that they lived. And it has to be extremely sincere. Like you can’t just go when you’re trying to do forgiveness with yourself, or with others, it has to be extremely sincere and heartfelt. And you have to be committed to it. And you have to go through it and not just deny facts or reality, and brush it off, or treat it lightly or something. You have to take it very seriously and your intent has to be very intact and sincere.

So that’s what we will do with the planet. I wish we could be doing that now. I mean I would like to see that and participate in it. And I’ve done forgiveness work in my own spiritual practice, and I know how powerful it can be, and how liberating it can be. People don’t understand karma. And they don’t understand – most people, most people don’t understand – how important this is. Because we carry the weight of that on our shoulders until we resolve it, until we clear it. And many people do not even know that they carry that weight, it’s very sad actually. But like I said it has to be extremely heartfelt and sincere, and it can’t be superficial.

So we will do that with peoples and places for as long as it takes. And that is how we will clear a lot of karma from the planet. And this planet will be a much more beautiful, and a much more brighter, and a much more spiritual place when humanity has dedicated itself to this. It’ll be very emotional, and it’ll be very powerful and transformative.

Actually now that I’ve started talking about this I recall this first crossing my mind probably five or six years ago maybe even more. I think it first came to me when I drove through some indigenous territory in Canada. Trying to remember…

But anyway it has come up for me, and it’s been kind of at the forefront of my mind for a while now. And I thought I should just record this and put it out there. I’ve got tons of stuff like this I want to talk about. It all fits in the realm of the Aquarian Age it’s very poignant.

It is very powerful, and it’s clear to me that we absolutely need to do this. You know, we need to probably seek forgiveness for all the damage we have caused to the biosphere as well. How we’ve polluted the waters, and the land, and the oceans, and the seas, and skies. And it’s not just, you know, going out and picking up our garbage. Because nature and all beings are sentient on some level, contrary to what most people conveniently think. Because we’ve caused harm to nature and we’ve caused harm to the planet. It’s harming us obviously too because you know it’s going to affect us and future generations who are going to have to live with the consequences of that pollution.

But there’s karma, karma that’s caused by this too. But people just don’t understand. It can linger for millennia. We need to address karma head on. I do this in my own spiritual work, like every freaking day. And it’s not easy but it’s really important it’s… it’s just about taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. You know we’re not adolescents. We don’t just go like “Oh, you know, the dog ate my homework.” No. That’s… that’s just… that’s juvenile. We have to own our karma. And we learn from that, and we grow from that. And we realize, if we’re intelligent and mature, that it’s in our highest good to do that. To not just ignore, it or even pretend that it doesn’t exist. We have to own, and take responsibility, and be accountable for what we have done. This is a fundamental component of spiritual growth and spiritual awareness. It’s… it’s an immutable spiritual law.

And you know, when when you look at the things that are going on in the world right now you can just see that there is so much Karma being created… like every day. And most people just don’t have a clue. They’re completely oblivious to how that is going to affect them possibly for many lifetimes. If people understood this they would think twice before doing anything. Some of the indigenous people had a principle of considering everything from seven generations back and seven generations forward when they considered what they should or shouldn’t do. And that seems very apt.

On the other side of the veil when we have crossed over we sense, and perceive, and viscerally feel what we have done to other people and other beings because there are no filters at that point. We’re not blocked from anything. So it’s my belief that karma is self-inflicted. We will choose to come back and reincarnate with various people, in various situations, so that we can feel and restore and balance our karma. It’s not entirely like there is someone on the other side with a big stick going “You’re going to go suffer!”. Now there may be situations that we don’t want to face because we know they’re going to be difficult. But I believe we all consciously choose the experiences that we will have in our incarnation. It’s about how we judge ourselves.

Anyway, I wanted to share that vision with you. That is part of how we’re going to restore and heal Earth and make it a much brighter, much more lighter, much more joyful, much more spiritual place. I would love to be here when we are doing that. And I’m not talking about a fringe group of people. I’m talking about collectively we’re going to recognize this. It’s not going to be just a small group of people who organize on social media or something and go somewhere to do it do a ritual or something. It’s going to be something that we will do collectively.

Deep in our hearts we know these things. Deep in our hearts we know when we have done things that are wrong. And deep in our hearts we know what is right. This is about being adults. This is about being mature and responsible. Not taking responsibility is by definition irresponsible, and immature. I get this very clearly. That all of this is, on some level, it’s about avoidance and choosing to be ignorant so that we don’t have to be responsible. But that isn’t going to cut it in the Age of Aquarius. This… getting really strong energy again… this is about… this is about us taking responsibility.

We will never fully access our power until we are fully capable and mature enough to use our power responsibly. And the first step of owning our power is to admit our mistakes and take sincere efforts to correct them. Whatever it takes, even if it takes lifetimes. We have to be devoted to the truth and nothing less. No cop-outs, no compromises, no laziness, no deflection, no coercion, no empty platitudes, no indifference, no willful ignorance, no excuses.

This is when Humanity will realize its full potential. Because power can be weaponized and you do not give powerful weapons to immature and irresponsible beings. Period. This is a mandatory test.

Anyway, hope you find that useful and interesting.

Thank you for all your support. Again I post content on my community tab, fairly frequently, that I find interesting. I’ll put an image of that on the screen so you can figure out how to find it if you don’t know how already. I also have a contact list at my website you can join in case this platform doesn’t function the way we expect it to at some point in the future. Thanks to all of those who have already used it. I have received quite a few.

And I look forward to speaking with you again soon. Bye for now.

Nature Spirits in Distress

I discuss how the natural realms on Earth are in distress due to harmful and mostly unconscious human activity.

These realms include countless nature spirits and beings that typically do not present themselves to the vast majority of humans. That does not mean they do not exist or that they are not harmed by our actions.

These beings have been known as Fairies, Elementals and the like, and many plant species are represented be Devas.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on October 31, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging age of Aquarius.

I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all! It is October 31st, 2022.

In my opinion, this is a very important topic, but it’s not a light topic.

I recently published an episode titled “Our Toxic Legacy”. In there I was talking about how a lot of the chemical and environmental pollution we have caused will likely be a much bigger problem than most of us realize at this point in time.

And later I was reflecting on that and thinking about it. And as I was doing that, I connected with the natural realm. And it came through very clearly to me that the nature realm, and by that I mean like the nature spirits, are really in distress. And, to use a phrase I don’t like to use actually, but they are kind of freaked out.

Now I know that some people have a hard time dealing with more troubling or dark matters, but this came through very clearly to me.

What am I referring to? Well, in the natural realm there are many, many types of beings, from the ones that we can see readily, like plants and trees and nature, all of the aspects of nature itself, as well as many that we cannot typically see. In lore they would have been described as fairies or nature spirits, or elementals.

And these realms… wow, strong energy here… these realms are populated with many types of beings. Even the nature that we encounter on a regular basis, that we can perceive, like trees and plants and animals, have spirits. And some of these species have a single spirit, like a deva, which is where, like for example, each oak tree doesn’t necessarily have a soul, but the species as a whole does, and that’s called a Deva.

But the natural world is populated with all kinds of sentient beings, which most people are completely unaware of. And I have had many experiences over many years, directly interacting with and communicating with these kinds of beings or spirits.

And every day pretty much, in my Spiritual Practice, I connect with and I set positive intentions for the natural world, and I pray for the natural world, because I have always… very strong energy here… I’ve always had a very strong attachment or affinity to these realms.

I have had a vision of at least one past life where I was a Shaman, So I probably connected very consciously and deliberately with the natural realms in at least that one incarnation.

I have also had incarnations where I was living in the jungle, very primitively, or what we would consider to be primitively. I know I’ve had a lot of incarnations where I was very closely connected to nature. And so I feel a tremendous amount of empathy towards the natural world. And as I’ve said, I’ve actually connected consciously with those realms many times in many ways.

A lot of people think that the natural world is just physical, but it is sentient. It has consciousness. I have zero doubt about that. Zero.

And so when we, for example, are out destroying nature, we are destroying living beings with consciousness and sentience on some level. And because I think I care so much about those realms, they connect with me. They know that I have a pure heart and pure intention.

Most of these beings do not reveal themselves to average people. typically. So, as I said, I connected very powerfully with those natural realms, nature spirits, and this came up again in my Spiritual Practice last night, and they are very much in distress.

Now the planet has gone through many major shifts and calamities in deep history, but there was always pockets of life that survived. What’s happening now is happening globally. And what’s happening now is almost exclusively the result of human activity.

And a lot of these beings fear humans for very good reasons. I mean, it’s just common sense. We go about destroying habitats completely unconsciously. We do not even, for starters, recognize that these realms exist. And like I said, that they have consciousness. So in that regard we are profoundly ignorant as a whole, generally.

So what do these beings, what do these entities do when their habitats are under threat? And maybe even their survival? Strong chills here. What can they do?

They can reach out to people who are sensitive and compassionate and empathetic towards them, like me and maybe you. But I need to convey very strongly and very clearly that those realms are kind of in a state of panic right now.

And I don’t want to depress you or make you upset. But the truth is, for me, this is heartbreaking. We are so ignorant we don’t even know what we’re doing. Profound ignorance.

You know, I see people going out and just bulldozing forests with no consciousness or awareness of what they’re doing. There’s a great term for this called ecocide, which is like genocide but towards the natural world. And that’s what’s happening.

So I said that I would try and convey this, and I have talked a lot about climate change, which is the result of human activity, and this is another element of that story.

And the other thing about this is that, of course, humanity will suffer from all of this as well in ways that we do not even understand. Because the energy of this planet is made up of all of this consciousness and all of these life forms, which are all interdependent. And that’s another element of our ignorance.

So it’s not just about politics and elections and social causes and culture wars. There are things happening on all kinds of different levels that are really upsetting.

And the North Node right now is going through Taurus, and the ruler of Taurus is Venus, and Venus rules these realms. Strong energy here. And we’re about to have this eclipse involving Uranus, and I can’t help but think that there’s a shift going on too in the natural world.

We are so detached from these realms that our literal survival is inextricably linked with, that it is just insane.

If you’re a sensitive person, or empathic or intuitive, you can at the very least do prayers or intentions or whatever to protect these realms.

And what I do in my Spiritual Practice every day is I set intentions and do prayers to protect and preserve as many habitats and ecosystems and species as possible during these times.

And of course I pray and set intentions for uplifting the energies on Earth and humanity and to help us clear or resolve a lot of this darkness and ignorance. This is a very emotional topic for me. I get very… It’s just… It’s heartbreaking to me.

I, you know, used to do… I used to do Kundalini Yoga when I was living in the country at one point, and there was a patch where there was a circle of stones and I would sit in the middle of this circle and do my Kriyas. And I did that for quite some time every day. And these beings would just come around me because they liked… because they were fascinated by how I was shifting energy and they they loved to observe. And there would literally be dozens of beings around me. And some of them are really simple and very joyful little beings with no malintent whatsoever.

And that was just in one little place at one little time. There has to be billions and billions, if not trillions of these beings here.

That’s just one example. I can tell you also that trees are not just what people think they are. Trees have a lot more consciousness than people realize. But most people have no clue.

There was kind of a spiritual community formed in 1971 in Scotland called Findhorn, and they connected with and communicated with a lot of these nature beings and nature spirits very consciously and directly. And they were very active for decades. And there’s a lot of amazing stories about Findhorn, and I haven’t been there myself, but I know numerous people who have. and you can read more about their experience and the information that they brought forward, you know, 50 years ago.

David Spangler was one of the founders of Findorn, and he has published a number of books on the subject. There are a number of books about Findorn, if you are interested in reading about it.

So all this psychic stuff and everything that people are talking about, it’s not new. It’s been going on for millennia. The only difference is now that it’s more mainstream or more readily accessible or more widespread than it used to be because of platforms like this and the internet.

I don’t know what else to say about this other than it’s like the situation is critical or urgent and that we need to do something about that and I think the only real solution is to raise our consciousness so that people can start to understand and perceive what is actually happening here on Earth.

Most people are completely and utterly clueless about this stuff and it’s astonishing and it’s very disturbing, actually, how ignorant humanity is about these kinds of things. That we could have existed here for thousands of years and not know this? Well, you know, many of the indigenous cultures did, but our Western societies are completely, insanely, dumbfoundingly ignorant about these kinds of things. And that needs to change.

The Hopi people prophesized a time would come when large numbers of foreigners would descend upon the land. And the most peculiar and distressing thing about these people they saw coming was that they would think with their heads and not with their hearts. And to the Hopi this was almost inconceivable. They couldn’t even imagine it.

And at this time when this would occur, it would indicate a very perilous point in the history of the world, because of the destructiveness of these invaders, who would shatter the old space, where people lived in harmony with nature.

It demands a mind-boggling degree of willful ignorance, detachment from reality, or delusion, to not recognize that what is happening to our biosphere and our environments is calamitous.

And, of course, many people are deliberately lying to us about this situation, which to me is unfathomable and shockingly callous.

People who tell you that we can keep doing what we’re doing and that everything will be okay, are lying to you, and they need to be called out for it.

Humanity displays an incredible amount of hubris by acting as if we are not dependent on nature for our survival. This is truly mind-boggling.

And I would go further and say that applies as well to the notion that other forms of life are not sentient. Incredible ignorance.

In my opinion, what humanity should be doing is that we should be being stewards or custodians of Earth.

Critically important climate milestones – Jan 8, 2024

Regrettably, but unsurprisingly, it was reported today that 2023 smashed the record for world’s hottest year by huge margin.

Today The Guardian also published some extraordinary and very significant remarks made by Prof James Hansen which I encapsulated in the graphic displayed below. Hansen made these remarkable statements when he was questioned about his recent assertions that we will surpass the 1.5°C threshold of global warming in 2024.

For something like 20 years (at least) I have been making similar arguments about the IPCC – that its projections were too conservative, and thus misleading. Many people who have known me for a long time can attest to this. I have also made many statements to this effect publicly via social media. So, being vindicated is an important but bittersweet milestone for me personally.

Today, when sharing the graphic below, I included with the following preamble:

“These statements by Prof James Hansen finally vindicate what a few of us (myself included) have been adamantly proclaiming for many, many years. The significance of this cannot be overstated. The IPCC has been widely considered to be the definitive source for “credible” data and guidance on this urgently important topic of global concern.”

Text version of this graphic:

Prof James Hansen:

“the 1.5C global warming ceiling has been passed for all practical purposes… Passing through the 1.5C world is a significant milestone because it shows that the story being told by the United Nations, with the acquiescence of its scientific advisory body, the IPCC, is a load of bullshit”

– Prof James Hansen

Global heating will pass 1.5C threshold this year, top ex-Nasa scientist says (Jan 8, 2024)

Graphic: John Irving • AquarianDiary.com

A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker

This episode was published on July 2, 2023. A transcript may follow.

In a wide-ranging discussion Dr. Becker and I discuss topics including his involvement with noted psychologist James Hillman, the psychology of current trends in society and politics, the prospect of an apocalypse or societal collapse, and how to cope with the epic environmental crisis confronting humanity. 

⁠Dr. Scott Becker, Psychologist⁠ (please also see Dr. Becker’s bibliography for this episode below).

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⁠Minister orders halt to Cambridgeshire council’s four-day week trial⁠

⁠Cory Doctorow: Platform capitalism and the curse of “enshittification”.⁠

⁠Does evil exist? (trigger warning) ⁠

⁠Trump Threatens to Appoint ‘Maybe Even Nine’ Supreme Court Justices if Elected⁠

⁠Merchants of Doubt – How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming ⁠

⁠Algospeak and Platphobia⁠

⁠The Dichotomy Paradox⁠

⁠Our Toxic Legacy⁠

⁠The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately⁠

⁠Polarization Is Intensifying⁠

Facing Monsters: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change, Globalization, and Digital Technology

Scott H. Becker, PhD


*mentioned in the podcast


Scott Becker, “The Matrix and the Minotaur,” in City and Soul, Conversations with James Hillman, published by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture

Nicholas G. Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

Nicholas G. Carr, The Glass Cage: How Our Computers are Changing Us

Richard King, Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity?

Robert Romanyshyn, Technology as Symptom and Dream

Robert D. Romanyshyn, Victor Frankenstein, the Monster, and the Shadows of Technology: The Frankenstein Prophecies

*Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

Sherry Turkle, The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir

Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age

Ecology and Climate Change:

Amy Brady and Tajja Isen, Editors, The World as We Knew It: Dispatches From a Changing Climate

Jack Hunter, Ecology and Spirituality: A Brief Introduction

Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future

Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy

*Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World

Consciousness studies:

James Bridle, Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

Shelli Renee Joye, Sub-Quantum Consciousness: A Geometry of Consciousness Based Upon the Work of Karl Pribram, David Bohm, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Ralph Metzner, Ecology of Consciousness: The Alchemy of Personal, Collective, and Planetary Transformation

Archetypal Psychology:

*James Hillman, Re-Visioning Psychology

James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World

James Hillman, “…And Huge is Ugly,” in Mythic Figures, Volume 6 of the Unform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Scott Becker, “Aegis: In Defense of Archetypal Psychology,” in Inhuman Relations, Volume 7 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Michael Ortiz Hill, Dreaming the End of the Word: Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage

*Dick Russell, psychological commentary by Scott Becker, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 1, The Making of a Psychologist

Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 2, Re-Visioning Psychology

Please ⁠see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

#Psychology #Spirituality #JamesHillman

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We Urgently Need New Definitions of Criminal Activity

I discuss why humanity urgently needs new laws that redefine what is considered criminal activity and new definitions of crime. 

This episode was published on July 31, 2023.

Please see my “⁠Conversations⁠” playlist for more discussions. 

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⁠Reveal podcast: The Great Arizona Water Grab⁠

⁠A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan • Part One⁠

⁠Part 2: A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan⁠

⁠How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona⁠

⁠Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s⁠

⁠Western megadrought is worst in 1,200 years, intensified by climate change, study finds⁠

⁠Skipped Showers, Paper Plates: An Arizona Suburb’s Water Is Cut Off⁠

⁠Colorado River losing vast amounts of water due to warming climate, study finds⁠

⁠Ecocide: Should killing nature be a crime?⁠

⁠Polly Higgins, lawyer who fought for recognition of ‘ecocide’, dies aged 50⁠

⁠Trillions of Dollars in Bank Bailouts: Socialism for the Rich?⁠

#Environment #Ecocide #Spirituality

⁠Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.⁠


Drama and Detachment During This Intensely Karmic Cycle

I discuss how I was shown we will benefit from practicing detachment in the near future – or very near future – due to lots of big drama which will be unfolding. 

I also discuss how this related to Pluto transiting around 29° Capricorn (the “Anaretic” degree) which I have talked about before, as well as the Timeline Split I have also covered.

See previous episodes linked under “References” (below).

This episode was recorded on August 16, 2023 and it was published on August 17, 2023 at 3:08pm EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 17, 2023.

This was recorded on August 16.

I will be showing some dates on the screen at various points. If that matters to you, you may want to view this on YouTube.

Something very interesting happened in my spiritual practice a few nights ago, and I felt like I should share it. What happened was that I was shown very clearly how to detach from my emotions or emotional responses to external stimuli. That may sound trivial or trite, but let me explain.

The concept of spiritual detachment is not unfamiliar to me. Anybody who studies or reads about spirituality will come across this idea, which is effectively remaining objective and detached from what is occurring in our lives. And I have experienced that many times in meditation and otherwise.

However, what occurred the other night in my spiritual practice was very unusual, because I felt like I was being shown this very deliberately and intentionally, and it was kind of mechanical.

As anyone who listens to me knows, I’ve stated that I do a lot of reading about current affairs because I’m fascinated with what is happening in the world, I want to know why it’s happening and I want to know what the implications are. So these trends are very important.

But increasingly I’ve been noticing that we’re seeing more and more expressions that are very extreme. Anyone who follows the news will understand what I’m talking about.

And it’s very easy to get into an emotional state when doing this because it can be very disturbing and upsetting. Polarization, as I have stated before, is actually increasing, and I did a whole episode on that. So the darkness in humanity is becoming more and more self-evident, and it can be quite shocking.

I can’t really describe this sort of technique I was shown, but I applied it in my spiritual practice and I found I was able to hold thoughts in my mind while remaining detached from them emotionally. So it wasn’t necessary for me to, for example, turn off my intellect to do that. And that’s the key.

We need to remain aware, but we also need to make sure that it does not take too much of a toll on us emotionally or otherwise.

The reason I’m sharing this is because this experience was very striking to me. Like I said before, these are not new concepts.

After my spiritual practice, I was contemplating why I had that experience, and the next thought I had was, it’s because we’re going to be going through a period where there is going to be a lot of drama. And that is self-evident as well.

So I sense that there’s going to be a lot of things happening that could be quite shocking, and that we need to be prepared for that, and that we need to know how to be aware without being disempowered. And that’s why I’m sharing it, because I suspect that a lot of my listeners are people like me.

And we’re going to need to practice some high-level detachment to get through whatever is going to be occurring in the coming weeks and months or even years.

So it’s a bit ominous because it implies that there may be a lot of rather shocking things that are going to be occurring in the near future.

It’s interesting, since I had that experience, I have been able to read and follow what’s going on and at the same time stay centered and balanced in the face of it.

I still have moments where I go like, “Holy crap, I can’t believe that happened.” This is disturbing. This is shocking. I can’t believe that people can be so dark. But then I can step away from it and detach.

I also think that what’s happening is that this contrast between the light and the dark is becoming increasingly stark, and I feel like there’s a separation occurring, that what this process is doing, and it may very well be related to Pluto’s retrograde back into Capricorn through January 20th of 2024, but that people are kind of choosing their path. People are being divided into two camps, and the current energies are forcing that to occur.

So we are seeing the best and the worst in people, and also situations, governments, leaders, politicians, and so forth. The contrast is so stark and dramatic now that there is no doubt about who is on which side.

How that actually resolves in three-dimensional reality I do not know. There are notions like the timeline split that I have talked about and did a whole episode about, but it’s still a bit of a mystery about how this split actually forms in reality.
What I see is that we are so polarized that we’re not actually going to come back together, because there is no middle ground.

There is right and there is wrong. And if you are allied with the darkness, or even tacitly endorsing it, you have made a decision.

But for now, I think what we need to do, like I said, is be prepared for a lot of drama and ideally have the ability to remain emotionally detached so that we don’t get harmed by that.

We can’t just turn our back on this because the forces of darkness will take advantage of that, but we also have to recognize that things are going to play out the way that they do and that people have picked their sides.

Right and wrong, ethical, unethical, moral, immoral, egocentric, egalitarian, truth versus lies, reality versus illusion, light and darkness.

A lot of people seem to think that people are unwittingly ignorant, that they are merely victims, but I believe now that the contrast is so dramatic that on some level people have consciously chosen their path, that they are culpable for their state of being and their actions. And I think I can make a pretty strong case for that.

This is a major fork in the road. It is an inflection point, so the chips will fall where they may. It’s done.

So that’s what I wanted to share. If anyone is feeling anything similar, please let me know.

I personally felt a huge shift in energy almost the moment that Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn. I was like, “Oh my god, I don’t want to go back into that energy! Here we go again!”

And like I said, Pluto will be back in Capricorn through January 20th. So we have another five more months while Pluto is dancing around the Anaretic 29th degree of Capricorn, which is a very potent degree, and there’s a lot of karma being sorted out there.

I felt much more liberated when Pluto was in Aquarius briefly early this year, and I look forward to that occurring more permanently early next year, but I think this next period of time is going to be particularly intense.

I also want to mention that earlier today I had a regression session with Dr. Nadine Sullivan, who I featured a conversation with on my channel recently, and it was really interesting.

It was not what I was expecting. She has some kind of super power.

We didn’t have a lot of time to debrief after the session because I had another appointment, so I’d like to do that before I comment on it further, but I would highly recommend that you check out her services.

I’ll put a link to her website in the episode description.

It was really amazing.

Someone tried to do this with me years ago and it was very difficult for me to get into a regressed state, but with Nadine it was almost so easy I was a bit shocked.

Definitely check it out. Very interesting.

So thank you very much for that Nadine.

Also just a heads up, Mercury will be retrograding in Virgo in just under a week, August 23rd through September 15th, padding on both ends to allow for stations. I’m sure most people who listen to me know the drill.

I look forward to your comments, feedback, input, and thank you very much for all your support as usual.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End Transcript.

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⁠Dr. Nadine Sullivan – Chestnut Hill Spiritual Counseling & Hypnotherapy⁠


⁠Polarization is Intensifying⁠

⁠‘National disgrace’: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

⁠IMPORTANT: The Die has been Cast⁠

⁠A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan • Part One⁠

⁠Part 2: A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan⁠

#Pluto #Spirituality #AgeOfAquarius

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Prepare for Major Systemic Changes

I discuss how we need to think about. and prepare for, major systemic-level changes that are beginning to manifest on Earth due to the escalating global environmental crisis. 

This episode was recorded on August 28, 2023 and it was published on August 30, 2023 at 1:46am EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

Please see my “⁠⁠Environment⁠⁠” playlist for other episodes on this topic.

To receive alerts about new episodes please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠ here.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 30, 2023. I am recording this on August 28.

Many people I know right now are really struggling with inflationary pressures.
From now through September 20th, I am offering a 20% discount on any astrology readings that are 60 minutes or longer. Readings have to be booked and paid for by September 20th, 2023. Please check my website at AquarianDiary.com for details.

I’ll be displaying some graphics and screenshots throughout this episode. If that matters to you, you may prefer to watch this on YouTube.

If you’ve been listening to my recent episodes, you will have noticed that I have been quite heavily focused on the global environmental crisis. As I have stated before, I do an awful lot of reading on this. I only share via social media a very small portion of what I read. It’s a subject I have followed very closely for many, many years.

Today I want to address that from a slightly different perspective, and that is, how should we be personally thinking about the implications of this situation in our own lives?

Because of my very lengthy exposure to this subject, I am able to parse through the information that’s coming out and infer from that significant implications.

Based on my many years of engaging with other people on the topic, for whatever reason, it seems to me there are not that many people who are able to actually connect all the dots realize what all those implications mean or imply.

Recent events have been indicating very strongly that the situation is accelerating and that it has very broad, profound, and significant implications for society and humanity.

This morning I was debating whether or not to record this, and then, around 12:15 p.m. Eastern time, there was a report by Bloomberg that Exxon, the fossil fuel company, was projecting that we would exceed the 2C limit due to rapidly industrializing and developing countries, that their growth would offset efficiencies gained elsewhere.

Now you may be thinking, who cares what Exxon thinks? They’re biased. However, their climate projections have been eerily accurate going back to 1977, and especially one they produced in 1985, which was much later found to be 99% accurate. That is an incredibly remarkable feat, technically and scientifically. They have scientists that work for them that are very skilled. These are separate divisions from management and public relations and that kind of thing.

So when I read that article, and it’s not very long, I said to myself, well, that’s basically what I wanted to say in this recording, so here I am.

What the vast majority of people don’t understand is that these systems, whether we’re talking about our economy or the environment are extremely complex, and every time there is a major event or change in one area, it can trigger a cascading effect that ripples through the whole system.

So whether it’s wildfires on an unprecedented scale or scope, or extreme weather events, whatever the case may be, it affects all aspects of society and the economy. And our economy, as I have argued before, is much more fragile than people think.

An easy way to think about this might be to think of a house of cards. If you pull out too many cards, the whole thing collapses. That’s how I view the current status quo.

So what I want to convey here today is that I think people need to start thinking about how they prepare for these cascading effects as they start to unfold, and I believe they already are.

To be clear, if we go above the 2C threshold, that is considered to be extremely dangerous because it will trigger positive feedbacks that will then run on their own outside of our control, whether or not we make any adjustments or changes, won’t matter, or it won’t matter as much. So that’s the demarcation line we are not supposed to cross, because the situation will spiral out of control.

Could be things like methane release from melting permafrost, or the desertification of the Amazon rainforest, or rapid melting of ice sheets such as Greenland or Antarctica, or record low sea ice extent.

Technically, right now, we’re only at about 1.2 C of average global warming, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you look at what’s happening in the world, as I’ve stated before, we have regions that are on the precipice of being too hot for humans to survive in already.

We have unprecedented wildfires, we have unprecedented droughts, and so forth. So going from 1.2 to 2 is a massive change.

As I have already stated, I do not see how it is possible for the status quo to persist, with respect to things like the economy.

All sectors are going to be hammered by this, whether it’s agriculture, tourism, the loss of coastal properties to sea level rise, and extreme weather events, utility grids that fail because they can’t meet the supply of energy needed for people to cool their homes, people unable to work outside, I could go on and on for hours.

So what I want to get across to you as my listeners is that you have an advantage because you’re aware of this.

The vast majority of people may be starting to get very concerned about all of these extreme weather events, but I can assure you they haven’t thought through all of the implications of these, like I said, cascading feedbacks.

Right now we have thousands of people, for example, who had to abandon areas in Canada’s Northwest Territories, or Hawaii, or Greece, and they’re not living in their homes, they’re living in hotel rooms, or wherever, and, you know, people just aren’t prepared for that.

The government support that has been offered to these people is not sufficient. If someone loses a home due to extreme weather or fire or whatever, and they don’t have insurance, they lose all of the equity in that house that may represent their life savings. They may be responsible for removing what’s left of the home from the property. They may have to rebuild, and they’re still on the hook for the mortgage. I mean, you know, think this through.

And then there’s agriculture and our food supply and our water supplies. There are water use restrictions right now in Texas and California, for example, and that is going to be a recurring issue going forward.

So you’ll hear some people say that we’re going to get through this somehow and that everything’s going to be okay, but the empirical evidence is diametrically opposed to that position. If you hear opposing opinions on this topic, both can’t be true simultaneously. They are mutually exclusive. I personally favor objectifiable facts and reality.

There’s no way that eight billion people are going to get through this situation unscathed. And, like I said, I fail to see how the economy can survive all of these unrelenting hits. It just, to me, seems impossible.

Now the irony of all this is that we should really be downsizing our lives, our consumption, our expenditure of energy to the greatest extent possible. The people in the developed world, by far, use vastly more energy than people in the the rest of the world.

And cumulatively, going back to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, America, for example, has still generated more greenhouse gas emissions than any other country on the planet. Even though countries like China are catching up, they still have not produced as much pollution as America has over the past couple hundred years. And China’s population is three or four times bigger than America’s. So on a per capita basis, it’s not even remotely in the same ballpark. Also, many of the goods they produce are consumed by people in the developed world, so in a sense we are offshoring our emissions.

Personally, I have had periods of my life that were very simple in terms of my energy consumption and lifestyle. I did that out of choice because I wanted to keep my life really simple so I could do things like focus on my spirituality. And those were some of the best periods of my life. My footprint is really small compared to the average person, I can assure you, relative to this part of the world at least. But my life has been very rich, so that doesn’t intimidate me at all.

What I would advocate that people do is they do that to the greatest extent possible. If you’re still relying on income from a job, for example, or from other sources, I would minimize your expenses and your overhead as much as possible, because like I said, I don’t see how we’re not going to start to see systems around us collapse in the economy and in finances.

The irony of all this is that that’s exactly what we need to do to deal with this situation. The problem is that we’re not doing it by choice. Nature is going to force us to do that because we’re just not being responsible about our environmental impacts.

Just for an example, if everyone lived like an American, it would take four Earths to support them in a sustainable manner. I don’t mean to pick on America. It’s just a statistic that’s readily available.

So because we’re not doing this willingly, like I said, we’re not going to have a choice. We’re going to be forced into this situation. Humanity is going to have to dramatically downsize its environmental footprint, probably by force. Even Exxon is basically saying that in their forecast that was just reported on today.

If you think things are crazy right now with respect to the environment, you haven’t seen anything yet. It’s going to get way, way worse. And it’ll be relentless.

So those of us who are informed and aware can make decisions now that will make it easier. For example, you know, people who live in like McMansions, you know, five, eight, ten thousand, fifteen thousand square foot homes, that’s like the worst possible scenario. So get rid of stuff you don’t need, simplify your life, reduce your overhead and expenses.

And also I would suggest that most of us be in a position where we can mobilize really quickly if we need to leave or move, that we don’t have a lot of stuff that we have to drag with us. Like things that you have in storage, for example, that kind of stuff has very little value under these kinds of circumstances.

Because there’s going to be different kinds of things happening in different places that are likely going to force many, many people to have to relocate, if not permanently, they will have to do that temporarily. This is already happening, it’s just at the beginning stages, and it’s mostly affected people in the developing world so far.

So I see what’s happening as a precursor to what will be happening later, but on a much larger scale as we go through this. If you don’t have a lot of stuff and a lot of financial pressures, we’re still going to have to go through a lot of difficult things. But you won’t be as stressed out as other people are.

Like someone who loses their home and all of their equity, for example, in a fire or something, or a flood or something like that. Or someone who lives in southern Florida, which is only three feet above sea level, and who doesn’t have insurance. These people are going to be in a state of shock, plus they’re going to be financially ruined.

So I’m suggesting that you position yourself to be as flexible and mobile as possible, to also have as low a carbon footprint as possible, and it will make it easier to get through these periods.

Also, if you can, you probably want to get out of areas that are prone to dangerous heat, for example. There are certain areas that are just going to get much hotter than they already are.

You know, the whole Mediterranean has been going through extreme heat and drought and wildfires like Greece. It’s been horrible. That whole region, including the Persian Gulf, is getting extremely hot and dry. So for example, all of the olive crops have failed and some of these orchards are centuries old. You know, so you have to think these kinds of things through.

But if you’re light on your feet, generally, it’ll be easier for you to get through this because this is going to be unfolding for decades and beyond.

For example, even if we stopped all emissions today, sea level rise is going to continue for a very long time because there’s so much energy built up in the oceans. These are vast.

The oceans absorb 90% of the excess heat that is generated as a result of human activity. It takes a long time for something on the scale of the oceans to warm up, and it also takes a long time for it to cool down.

So even if by some miracle humanity gets its act together, and it hasn’t for decades, and emissions are continuing to grow every Well, like I said, we’re going to see things worsen for a long time to come yet. And again, Exxon’s predictions have been extremely accurate.

You can’t really compare this situation to something like a recession or a depression, because those only last a few years, typically. But these circumstances will unfold for decades, if not indefinitely. And we don’t even have a plan for this unwinding. We are way off the mark.

So barring some kind of miracle, and I mean a global scale miracle, there’s no way out of this situation that I am aware of at this point in time, realistically, not even close.

A couple years ago, when a lot of people had to stay at home, and there was a lot less human activity in coastal waterways and things like that. A lot of people misunderstand that and they think that suddenly the Earth’s environment changed almost overnight. But that is not the same thing as dramatically curtailing our emissions on a global scale, which is what we need to do.

There’s a lot of misunderstanding about that, probably due to social media. Yes, there were cases where humans weren’t stirring up waterways, and wildlife came back into certain areas because it was quiet.

Emissions have been going up every year. There was a slight dip during that time, a 1% change, that’s it, 1%, but it was not on the level that is required. I’ll put some links in the episode description that prove my point. And there’s also a graph on the screen right now that demonstrates this.

But back to what I was discussing, the irony is that that’s what we should have been doing decades ago, is dramatically downsizing our ecological footprint. But we didn’t. So humanity made a collective decision to carry on with business as usual, despite all of the risks and warnings.

On the right, it’s very clear that they don’t want to even acknowledge this problem, but the left is responsible as well because they basically didn’t do anything about it, not even remotely close to what needed to be done. So there’s blame to go around everywhere.

And that’s important to realize too, is that we haven’t done anything that is close to adequate given the implications. This represents a systemic failure of truly historic proportions. No amount of tinkering around the edges will solve this problem.

As I’ve said before, we have chosen a disorderly retreat. And that means that there’s going to be quite a bit of chaos and unrest.

There is no way that eight billion people are going to be living like we do right now. It’s technically not possible without absolutely catastrophic outcomes.

And the rest of the world is not going to sit there and let us continue doing what we’re doing and living the way we’re living while their societies are being destroyed. Why should they?

In fact, there was a recent paper that was published that was talking about the imminent collapse of civilization due to what I’m describing here, and this is a peer-reviewed paper.

I shared it on my community tab. I share a lot of things there, but not many people pay attention to that. Thank you to those that do. Since Threads opened up their web-based interface, I have started to post there more frequently. I don’t want to post too much on my YouTube community tab, it just doesn’t seem to be designed for that. So I will be posting more of what I read that I find really important on Threads under AquarianAgeDiary. I couldn’t get Aquarian Diary, so my Threads account is AquarianAgeDiary.

So that’s my advice. Be light on your feet. Reduce your overhead. Think about your economic situation. Is your source of income sustainable under these kinds of scenarios?

It sounds rather grim, but I think what I’m suggesting is just realistic. I can assure you most people are not even thinking like this yet. So, like I said, you have an advantage.

Pluto transiting Aquarius, and I’ve talked a lot about that here before, and I also did an episode about Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, where it has been and will be transiting again soon, as being a very karmic cycle, and if you look at what’s happening recently, that’s very clear.

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, in mundane astrology, represents the foundations of our civilization or country, and those in position of authority or power. As we can clearly see, these foundations have been rocked during the transit which commenced in 2008.

As Pluto finishes its transit of Capricorn, developments accelerate very quickly.

Pluto in Aquarius, on the other hand, is going to show us how our world is profoundly unequal and unjust. And that is going to be a twenty-year period where there is going to be a reckoning.

Justifiably so, there are going to be many countries that are going to look to those who are primarily responsible for this crisis, and they’re going to be seeking social justice.

Now the way Pluto tends to work is that you can’t really win if you try and fight it. So I expect that this whole theme that I’m discussing here now and that I’ve talked a lot about before is going to be a major, major issue.

What right does the developed world have to trash the planetary biosphere, reap all the benefits or so-called benefits of that, and then leave it up to the rest of the world to deal with the consequences. It is morally and ethically irresponsible.

Aquarius is all about social justice. Think about it.

Pluto will resume its transit of Aquarius on January 20th of 2024 for a much longer period of time. So while we’re all focused on politics and our crazy politicians, the rest of the world is going to be worrying about their survival. We need to come back to reality, and there’s going to be a tremendous amount of karma to deal with during this period.

When Pluto moves into Pisces in 2044, we’re going to be dealing with all of this on a much higher, much more spiritual level. But between now and then social justice will be the main theme. And there will be difficult lessons if we try and avoid taking accountability for our actions over the last 200 years. That’s a lot of karma.

And there will be a lot of people who will lie and try and shirk and evade responsibility. But that will be a losing game. You can’t run from Pluto. If you try and hide, you will get whacked really hard.

We know exactly what we need to do, or what we should have done already. We have refused to do what we needed to, no amount of magical thinking is going to get us out of this problem. It requires tangible action and change, period.

It’s as if in your life you have some kind of problem or issue you refuse to deal with or change or correct and you think you can pray your way out of being responsible, But that’s not how the universe works, right?

The universe doesn’t reward you for, say, for example, continuing with some addiction. The solution is to change. The universe isn’t going to enable you in your self-destructive behavior.

So people need to knock it off with the spiritual bypassing and magical or wishful thinking and get real. That’s what Pluto is going to do to humanity in the next 20 years.

The United States of America is unquestionably the current world superpower, and many assert that it is an empire.

It has not escaped my attention that this incredibly important and historic inflection point is occurring just after the Pluto return of the United States of America passed its zenith. I have done episodes on that topic as well.

Is this possibly just coincidental? In many respects, events that occurred in America were a significant contributing factor to these circumstances. And the country is wracked by incredible levels of polarization and political dysfunction.

If it’s a coincidence, it is a remarkable one that will be noted in history books.

I want to say one other thing too, and I have said this before as well. I tend to be prescient, but I tend to be quite a bit ahead of my time. What’s happening now I saw coming probably starting in the 1990s, so it’s possible that that is true here too, although things are accelerating dramatically right now, so the timeline of this could be shorter than that. Caveat emptor.

On another note, I recently did a reading for someone looking at their transits because they they had to make a major decision.

And it’s another one of those examples where it just proved the usefulness of being able to access this information because the person in question didn’t realize that they had certain transits coming up in the next year or so that might alter their situation quite a bit.

And it was very useful to be able to provide that person with those kinds of insights. So think about that if you’re in some kind of situation and you want to get a lay of the land in terms of the conditions of the future for yourself.

It felt really good to be able to help this person, and I think it materially altered their decision-making in a positive way.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End of episode transcript.

Other episodes of mine referenced herein:

⁠Our Paradigm is Literally Untenable and Hardly Anyone will Admit it⁠

⁠Humanity is losing its War on Nature. Are we too Dumb to Stop it?⁠

⁠The Era of Mass Migration Has Begun⁠

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation?⁠

Other articles and resources referenced (in order of appearance):

⁠Exxon Sees CO2 Emissions in 2050 More Than Twice Paris Goal⁠

⁠The tropics could get so hot that all leaves on rainforest trees die⁠

⁠Scripps CO2 Program – Mauna Loa Observatory⁠

⁠Hot-tub-like Persian Gulf fuels 158-degree heat index in Iran⁠

⁠Greece wildfire declared largest ever recorded in EU⁠

⁠’Crisis situation’: N.W.T. declares territorial state of emergency over wildfires (note title has changed)⁠

⁠America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow⁠

⁠Various charts⁠

⁠Various charts⁠

⁠How many Earths do we need?⁠

⁠Americans Are Bailing on Their Home Insurance⁠

⁠Olive oil prices soar as climate-related catastrophes shrink Mediterranean harvests⁠

⁠10,000 Years of Carbon Dioxide⁠

⁠Global Temperature Report for 2022⁠

⁠Chart: IPCC climate report: Profound changes are underway in Earth’s oceans and ice – a lead author explains what the warnings mean⁠

⁠Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2⁠

⁠Emissions rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic⁠

⁠‘Off-the-charts records’: has humanity finally broken the climate?⁠

⁠Dramatic climate action needed to curtail ‘crazy’ extreme weather⁠

⁠The Indian economy’s burning question⁠

⁠The Human Ecology of Overshoot: Why a Major ‘Population Correction’ Is Inevitable⁠

⁠We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization’s Collapse⁠

⁠Humans Face Major Population ‘Correction’ This Century, Scientist Warns⁠

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

#Environment #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeather

Check my “⁠⁠Community Tab⁠⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Humanity is losing its War on Nature. Are we too Dumb to Stop it?

I discuss how humanity is being forced to adopt an unprecedented defensive posture with respect to nature. 

How will this play out? Can our communities and the way we exist be sustained? Is nature at war with us?

Based on increasingly erratic and dangerous climatic events, which are now threatening entire communities on a regular basis, our current prospects are not encouraging.

This episode was recorded on August 20, 2023 and it was published on August 21, 2023 at 3:33pm EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Please also see this related episode (Aug 14, 2023): Our Paradigm is Literally Untenable and Hardly Anyone will Admit it

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all. Welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 21, 2023. I recorded this on August 20.

I’ll be displaying some graphics and screenshots throughout this episode. If that matters to you, you may prefer to watch this on YouTube.

Of course I have been following many of the alarming environmental crises that are occurring around the world. In my own country of Canada we have the Northwest Territories and the entire province of British Colombia under states of emergency due to unprecedented and out-of-control wildfires.

The city of Kelowna in B.C. and Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories are under evacuation orders.

This year our environmental agency, Environment Canada, issued three times the normal amount of air quality alerts than it normally would in the course of a year, and the year is not even finished. And the amount of area that has been burned this year is off the charts as well.

Anyone who follows the news will have heard about this.

Throughout their lifespan, forests have extracted and captured a lot of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which they store in their form. When they burn, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere all at once, and it can take many decades for those forests to regenerate.

Another thing that came to light is that in the aftermath of the fires in Hawaii there are very significant concerns about the toxic legacy of all of the materials that were burned, that they will leach into the waters and poison the land.

Of course human beings use a lot of toxic products in construction and in day-to-day life and many of those now pose a threat to the local ecosystems. This is something that makes perfect sense when you think about it, but it’s not something that people had really thought about before. What happens when residential or commercial areas are raised in fire?

It introduces another feedback that we have to think about and that hasn’t really been fully considered before, because in many ways this is also unprecedented.

But what I really want to focus on here today is something that was triggered by an article I read yesterday, August 19th, in a Canadian publication called The Globe and Mail. Unfortunately it’s paywalled, but the concepts it articulates are pretty straightforward (and of course I’ll put links as usual in the episode description).

What this article describes is how some Canadian cities are starting to plan for how they will need buildings and spaces that are equipped to provide people with clean and safe air during such conditions. In other words, there would be places where people can go in these kinds of events when there’s very poor air quality. Not everyone lives in a residence with good air filtration and those kinds of things.

But when I read this, I thought about how more and more people would need to be hunkering down in spaces or shelters that are safe under these kinds of extreme conditions, that are going to be becoming more normal and commonplace. And to me, this is a very telling development.

When I was younger, growing up, nature was a refuge. We were encouraged to go out into nature to rejuvenate, to restore our mental health and well-being. We thought about going to the country to get away from it all. But now it seems like that is being completely reversed.

To me personally, this is one of the most upsetting elements of current trends. It really bothers me that, for example, my son, who is in his 20s, will not be able to experience the same kinds of things I experienced when I was young. To be in pristine natural environments, it wasn’t all that hard to find places where there were no people or very few signs of human activity.

There were also a couple reports in the past few days about additional invasive species that have made their way into the area where I am currently that are threatening, for example, hemlock and spruce trees. Spruce are the dominant tree in many parts of Canada and the United States. They are critically important.

These are just further indicators of how our ecosystems are facing all of these threats simultaneously that just keep multiplying.

So this notion of having protected spaces for the public, like I said, I feel is very telling. I am concerned, and at the same time fairly highly convinced, that these trends portend our future, a dystopic science fiction-like future.

The script is effectively flipping where it appears that nature is turning against us and that we will be going from having kind of an offensive posture towards nature, where we perceived ourselves as the dominant force on the planet, to being in a defensive posture where we have to protect ourselves from all of these feedbacks that are the result of generations of unrelenting attempts by human beings to dominate nature, to force it to submit to our will.

Again, the script seems to be flipping, and I predict that we will be seeing this occur more and more going forward, because all of the data and much that we are observing empirically supports this trend continuing.

People have no idea how hard it is to evacuate a place like Yellowknife. It is extremely isolated and remote. So it’s not just a matter of getting in your car and driving for 30 minutes. It takes many hours to get to the nearest community.

For example, it is a fourteen or fifteen hour drive from Yellowknife, NWT to Edmonton, Alberta, and the population of Yellowknife is, or was, some twenty thousand people, all of whom had to evacuate, and many people had to be airlifted out of that area. It’s not trivial, and this has occurred many times recently in various places.

So these remote or distant areas that are surrounded by a lot of forests in particular are turning out to be dangerous and very costly. Again, this is not trivial at all.

We have to consider how it affects people’s lives, businesses, local hospitals, industry, infrastructure, airports, roads, everything. What will happen if that occurs on a regular basis? It’s already extremely expensive just to live in these remote areas.

Can we extrapolate from this that human beings are going to have to live in more centralized locations that can be protected from these spiraling out-of-control events? That’s what I was thinking when I was reading this article about these cities needing to create safe spaces that are climate-controlled.

And it’s not just the smoke, it’s the heat. The province that I’m in right now, hardly anyone had air conditioning when I was growing up here. It wasn’t even needed in vehicles, it was very uncommon. Now it’s pretty much essential because it gets much hotter than it used to. And this area is relatively cool compared to many other areas like Ontario in the summer, the vast majority of Canadians live.

And of course, the more air conditioning that’s running all the time, the more energy we’re consuming, and in many cases, the more emissions that are generated. So it’s a self-reinforcing feedback loop.

But my larger point really is this shift from nature sustaining us in so many ways. I mean, think about the lumber industry, think about farming, think about the fisheries.

Whereas now we’re moving into an era where nature is going to be dangerous, whether that means extreme weather events, forest fires, floods, droughts, wildfire smoke, hurricanes, sea level rise, ecosystems that are completely unpredictable compared to what they were like in the past, and I think this marks a critical shift in global history.

Of course this isn’t just occurring in Canada, it’s occurring all over the world. Look at the Mediterranean, look at the Persian Gulf, look at India, China, Europe, America, America. South America just had its incredibly hot winter temperatures off the charts where it should be cold.

Humanity needs to completely restructure civilization because it was built on almost a diametrically opposed premise where we controlled nature and now nature is becoming a threat to us in ways that it never was before.

Yes, there have been extreme events in the past, but not nearly on this level. Not constant, unrelenting, extreme events that are occurring around the world almost on a daily basis.

It affects everything from our air quality, and wildfire smoke is toxic, to our food and water supplies. All of these things are essential for our survival.

It may turn out that it is no longer possible for people to live in remote areas or enclaves outside of major urban centers simply because the conditions are going to become too extreme. I’m not saying that’s going to happen in the next few years, but that’s possible in the coming decades.

And that is the point I wanted to make here today, that this shift into what has been termed the Anthropocene, or a new scientifically designated epoch on the planet where the biosphere has been dramatically affected by human activity on a global scale for the first time in recorded history.

So are these early discussions about creating shelters for the public to cope with extreme events? Is that portending, like I said, the future? And I believe it very well could be.

When an entire province the size of British Columbia, and it is huge, some 365,000 square miles, or just under a million square kilometers. Huge! Or the Northwest Territories, which is also huge, about 30% bigger than British Columbia, or even California with Hurricane Hillary.

These are unprecedented, especially because they’re all occurring simultaneously.

Is this the beginning of an epoch where humanity and civilization will be in retreat in a defensive posture, where in effect we are at war with nature, or nature is at war with us? Is this truly the beginning of the Anthropocene, or as some are asserting, the Pyrocene, or the age of fire? If so, that is a major, major change from the status quo that has prevailed for centuries, if not millennia.

And there is a significant percentage of the population that do not even acknowledge that this is a human-caused phenomenon, despite vast and overwhelming amounts of highly credible and at this point virtually irrefutable evidence.

It appears as if it will require very dramatic events to break an almost incomprehensible level of human hubris or arrogance, if not stupidity, which they say you can’t fix.

So that’s what I want to put out there mostly to have on the record.

I know that a lot of what I talk about here is rather gloomy, and I debate that all the time. But this is actually happening in real time, and we’re witnessing it. So we can ignore it, but it isn’t going to go away just because we ignore it.

Given the profound gravity of this situation, it should be at the forefront of our minds and actions, and we should be calling out those who are attempting to thwart us from doing everything we possibly can to mitigate these circumstances, as well as their enablers and sycophants.

I’m going to add a little clarification on a couple technical points that frequently come to my mind to share.

In simplified terms, the Earth’s atmosphere is only 60 miles thick. That’s about 95 kilometers. If your car could drive vertically and you started a journey on the surface of Earth, It would take you one hour to get to the edge of the atmosphere. That’s it. That’s all we have on planet Earth is 60 miles of atmosphere.

So remember that when people say that human beings can’t alter the atmosphere. We have been producing vast amounts of pollution, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, for the past 200 years or so.

On a related matter, I often see people speculate that they feel like there must be more solar activity than normal. That’s not true.

On your screen is a graph from NOAA, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a very highly regarded American scientific body.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly abnormal about current solar activity.

We measure solar cycles based on the level of sunspot activity and we can measure those quite accurately.

Geomagnetic activity has significant implications for many arenas of human activity from power grids to aviation, so it’s important for us to measure that accurately, which we do.

During its 11-year solar cycle, the Sun’s solar radiation only varies by 0.15%.

Such small short-term changes in solar irradiance are not strong enough to have a long-term influence on the Earth’s climate. So no, it’s not the Sun.

I’ll include a link in the episode description to an FAQ from NASA that addresses this topic in more detail.

Obvious questions like these were long ago considered by scientists and analyzed and evaluated many years ago.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

END of Transcript.


Please see my “⁠Environment⁠” playlist for other episodes on this topic.

To receive alerts about new episodes please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠ here.

Episode references:

⁠Cities pondering how to protect against wildfire smoke (paywalled, sorry)⁠

⁠’Crisis situation’: N.W.T. declares territorial state of emergency over wildfires (note title has changed)⁠

⁠’It was 100 years’ worth of firefighting in one night’: West Kelowna chief on wildfire⁠

⁠A state of emergency has been declared in B.C. due to wildfires. Here’s what that means⁠

⁠Hurricane Hilary triggers Southern California’s first tropical storm warning ever, with heavy rain and flash flooding forecast⁠

⁠The toxic aftermath of the Maui fires could last for years⁠

⁠Our Toxic Legacy⁠

⁠Nature Spirits in Distress⁠

⁠Destructive insect makes its way to Halifax area, attacking hemlock trees⁠

⁠Worms that secrete a dangerous paralyzing toxin spreading in Montreal⁠

⁠The climate crisis will make entire cities uninhabitable. It’s time to head underground.⁠

⁠The only way is down: subterranean survival warning⁠

⁠Wildfires’ mounting damage will cloud the economic view for months⁠

⁠Mid-winter temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius in South America leave climatologists in disbelief⁠

⁠Welcome to the ‘Pyrocene,’ an Epoch of Runaway Fire⁠

⁠Solar Cycle Progression – NOAA⁠

⁠FAQ: How Does the Solar Cycle Affect Earth’s Climate?⁠

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

#Environment #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeather

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Our Paradigm is Literally Untenable and Hardly Anyone will Admit it

I discuss how humanity must make profound systemic changes in order to avoid systemic collapse, if that’s even still possible. 

This episode was recorded on the afternoon of August 13, 2023 and it was published on August 14, 2023 at 2:53pm EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 14, 2023.

This was recorded on the afternoon of August 13, 2023.

As I’ve mentioned here many times before, I do a lot of reading about current affairs locally and globally.

The main thing that’s been on my mind and that I feel like I want to convey here today is something that I have addressed before, but perhaps not as succinctly as I could. It is critically important for every human being on the planet.

As many of you know, I have followed closely the environmental crisis for many, many years. In fact, I recently wondered if I should start an entirely different platform to focus on that topic. But what I quickly realized is that it is moving so fast and that there are events occurring all around the world on a daily basis, that it would be a full-time job just to cover that topic.

It is absolutely stunning and astonishing both how quickly things are happening and how extreme these events are. Maui in Hawaii, which I’m sure everyone is familiar with, is one example.

But the Western media doesn’t do a very good job of covering events that are happening in other parts of the world, like Europe, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, Asia, Antarctica, the Arctic, and so on. It really would be a full-time job just to stay abreast of that on a daily basis.

The real point that I want to convey, though, is that all of these developments are symptomatic of the fact that our perpetual growth paradigm is dead. It’s over. It’s done.

Our governments, our economies, our societies are still premised on the basis of perpetual growth in order to sustain living standards, financial systems, employment, healthcare, everything else.

However, contradicting that is that in recent decades, humanity—and I’m getting strong chills saying this—humanity has exceeded the carrying capacity of planet Earth.

We can no longer live and consume in the ways that we have. If we choose to do that, it will almost certainly result in a very disorderly collapse of civilization, at least as we currently understand it.

There is no way that our economy will be able to sustain the perpetual body blows, so-to-speak, that we will be experiencing in coming years and decades. None.

The infrastructure and services that we rely upon on a daily basis are already in a very degraded state of repair. The costs of unrelenting extreme weather events and highly irregular climatic changes cannot be absorbed in our current paradigm without some form of systemic social, economic or political collapse. Mark my words, this is not hyperbole.

Our current civilization arose in a period of relative climatic stability and predictability. That stability is now out the window, and it won’t be coming back in any remotely foreseeable timeframe.

One of the most shocking things about this from my perspective is that although extreme weather events are getting quite a bit of coverage because they’re dramatic, hardly anyone is talking about how this is going to affect our societies and the way we live.

Many will argue that the root of the problem is that there are too many people on planet Earth. But that is extremely misleading. The problem does not come from those in the so-called developing world. The people in the developed world consume vastly more energy and resources and have vastly higher carbon footprints than those in the developing world.

So unless you’re willing to make the unethical and immoral argument that some people should be allowed to have dramatically higher footprints than others, the onus must then fall on those of us in the developed world. And that means that we will have to dramatically curtail our consumption. Period.

We have two choices. We carry on with business as usual and end up with completely catastrophic outcomes, or we change our ways.

It’s hard to think of any politician who would have the courage to say that, for obvious reasons, even though it is absolutely true.

Now I personally am not willing to say that someone in Bangladesh, for example, shouldn’t have the same quality of life as someone in America, or Canada, or the UK, or Germany. It would be ethically indefensible for me to make a statement like that.

So as I said, it’s alarming that hardly anyone is saying this, even though it is true, and even though it is the most important thing that we need to deal with urgently right now.

So we have this epic dilemma, which is what are we going to do? Like I said, politicians won’t say this, but if we carry on with our current course, I can guarantee you that we will be facing complete calamity down the road.

It will get to the point if we cross certain tipping points, and some people are even arguing that we have already crossed some of those tipping points, or that we’re very close to crossing some of them.

We can’t put the genie back in the bottle if we do cross some of those thresholds. It will be out of our control for a very long time.

This is a really complicated subject because the whole premise of capitalism, which is the system that our governments and societies have been promoting for generations, is not just in question, it’s defunct. Meaning that it is no longer rational or defensible or sustainable.

So what will humanity do?

This is one of the biggest questions and most significant points in time in the history of civilization, if not the biggest by far.

The status quo is literally defunct. It cannot be sustained no matter what anybody tells you. We can’t have 8 billion people driving around in EVs. The biosphere will not support that. That’s fantasy. Don’t believe it for a minute.

Hardly anyone is willing to say this or discuss it, so we haven’t even gotten to the point where we’re talking about the root cause of the problem. In effect, a vast number of people are completely deluded.

We have a mass delusion on our hands because we can’t even see reality when it’s staring us directly in the face, if not taunting us, and we can’t even look at it or see it. So we have to overcome that before we can even start talking about what we need to do. That’s the truly shocking and alarming part of all this, is that there’s a tiny fraction of humanity that actually sees what’s happening.

We need a paradigm shift, and I’m not sure what can possibly trigger that other than something very dramatic and probably catastrophic, unfortunately. Again, I just don’t see how we get from here to there otherwise.

I’m not aware of any political parties that are openly acknowledging this with sufficient support or representation to affect the kinds of changes we need anywhere on the planet. In fact, we seem to be going in the opposite direction. It looks like we are choosing a path of collapse, and maybe that’s the only option given humanity’s current state of consciousness, or lack thereof.

As I record this, there are already regions of the world that are on the brink of becoming uninhabitable due to extreme temperatures. And those regions will expand in the coming years or decades. Those people are not just going to sit there and fry, and nobody in good conscience can blame them if they leave and seek safer territory. You’d do the same thing for yourself and your family if it came down to it. And the situation will worsen for years and decades to come.

Humanity must make truly epic and stunning changes, and it needs to do so very quickly. Meanwhile, we have unprecedented levels of polarization, disinformation abounds, a huge chunk of the population is completely out of touch with reality.

People are angry because there’s no stability in their worlds. But none of that will be resolved until we resolve the larger issue. And I struggle to see how we will navigate this without going over the edge.

That’s just an honest assessment of where I’m at and what my thinking is. As I’ve said before, I would prefer that we went into some kind of zero-growth-stasis position until the situation stabilized. The likelihood of that is almost nil, so it looks like we will be going through a disorderly collapse.

There are no silver bullets for this, short of shutting down industrial civilization, which has zero chance of occurring intentionally. I don’t care what anybody says, and I could post evidence all day long to back up my assertions.

So that’s the lay of the land here in the middle of August, 2023. We will have to see how this plays out.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End Transcript

Please see my “⁠Environment⁠” playlist for more on such topics. 

Te receive alerts about new episodes ⁠please add yourself to my contact list here⁠.


⁠Uh-Oh. Now What? – James Hansen, Aug 14, 2023 (PDF)⁠

⁠The world’s top 1% of emitters produce over 1000 times more CO2 than the bottom 1%⁠

⁠Who is really to blame for climate change?⁠

⁠A Climate Warning from the Cradle of Civilization⁠ [a must read IMO]

⁠Hot-tub-like Persian Gulf fuels 158-degree heat index in Iran⁠ [a must read IMO]

⁠Far-right outsider takes shock lead in Argentina primary election⁠

#Environment #ClimateCrisis #Spirituality

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


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