Tag: Nature Spirits

How We Will Heal The Earth

I discuss a vision I have had about how we will energetically heal the Earth in the Age of Aquarius, and why we will do this.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary published on October 5, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary, where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all. It is October 2nd 2022. At least that’s when I’m recording this. It looks like it’ll be published October 5th or 6th.

I want to share a vision that I had with you, and I actually had this vision months ago but I haven’t shared it. It’s one of a long list of things that has that has come up for me, or that I just had an awareness about, or download about, however you want to describe it. And this deals with how we will heal the Earth in the future. I had a vision and it was very clear and very vivid.

A little background or a little explanation of why this is relevant. Because human beings are powerful creative beings we have a very significant influence on the environment around us and energetically. That energy can kind of stick or persist in objects and places. So down the road in the future sometime – and I’m not exactly sure how far into the future this will be – but humanity more broadly will have this awareness that we are energetic beings. This is really the 4D or 5D stuff that people talk about. We’re not just physical beings, we’re not just biochemistry, we are more than that.

And so in the future we will have more of an understanding of how all that stuff works and why it matters. And we will have groups of people who will be dedicated to healing areas of the Earth that have incurred things like violence and great grief, or trauma, or torment, or things like that. So there are spots on the Earth where there has been very emotionally charged and often painful experiences. An example might be a war zone, or a battlefield, or a place where people were enslaved, abused, or tortured, or something like that, etc. So these areas exist on the planet now and they have for a very long time, depending on where you go.

So we will have this sensitivity or an awareness about this and we will recognize that part of cleaning up the Earth isn’t just cleaning up the environmental pollution and contamination we have generated, it will also involve clearing up the energetic pollution we have created. And this will be deemed to be very important because, in order to lift up the vibration of the planet, we will need to help purify it and we will need to do that deliberately. There’s also a component of reconciliation where we will recognize… wow, strong energy here… we will recognize really strong… wow, really strong energy here…

In astrology if you have a significant Pluto transit, a challenging Pluto transit, you can go through this period of purging and processing trauma and grief, and sometimes that can even be stuff that you’re not fully aware of say, for example, past life stuff. And we will do that with the Earth. And so part of this reconciliation will be people devoting their time and energy to healing these parts of the Earth.

And now these people who will be charged with doing this will be people who are advanced spiritually, have powerful psychic abilities and, most importantly, will have very pure hearts and pure intentions. And these groups of people will go to these… wow this is so cool, amazing, just more energy um… and so people will go to these places, these areas. And we will support them in doing this. And they will spend as much time as needed to heal these areas to free any attached or lingering souls, to help them cross over, and to basically clear that region of the wounding and pain and suffering energies.

And we will go and do this in person at the places to show our respect and sincerity and to do so with dignity and honour. We can’t armchair quarterback this. That’s why we will make dedicated efforts tangibly to rebalance and restore these areas. And it may take days, or weeks, or months, or even years, and even many years in some cases. But we will be devoted to doing this for as long as it takes. To make restitution and to heal and to make peace with the souls and the people who were involved in these kinds of incidents, and the land. Now this could be a very big undertaking, it could take decades. It could take… it could take generations, it could take centuries. I don’t really know. I don’t feel like actually it’s probably going to take centuries, but it will take years for sure, maybe even a few decades.

It may be when Pluto transits Pisces starting in 2044, that wouldn’t surprise me. But we will go around and we will identify parts of the Earth that need healing and we will very soulfully and very sincerely dedicate ourselves to healing this planet.

And we know we will be doing this for our own good. For the good of future generations, for the good of Gaia, the planet. And it’ll help bring humanity back into balance with nature and this three-dimensional reality. And you know there are some areas of the world that have been in conflict for centuries, if not thousands of years.

So this will be part of this Awakening this this Great Awakening… oh my God I can’t use that word because that’s used by the MAGA’s… So this will be part of this acceleration or leap in evolution, and this is really what 4D or 5D reality is. It’s us becoming aware of these other dimensions of ourselves and of reality and actually interfacing with that. And actually I would argue that that is already occurring. I think the phenomenon of all of the psychic activity that we are aware of is an expression of that. That’s us starting to recognize that we do not just exist within the boundaries of physical time and space or physical reality but that we can transcend that. It’s very evident if you know anything about psychic phenomenon.

So this will be part of the Age of Aquarius. You know, like for example the way that we treated the indigenous people when we came to North America. I mean there’s areas where it was basically genocide. And we need to make peace with those people and those Souls and the places that they lived. And it has to be extremely sincere. Like you can’t just go when you’re trying to do forgiveness with yourself, or with others, it has to be extremely sincere and heartfelt. And you have to be committed to it. And you have to go through it and not just deny facts or reality, and brush it off, or treat it lightly or something. You have to take it very seriously and your intent has to be very intact and sincere.

So that’s what we will do with the planet. I wish we could be doing that now. I mean I would like to see that and participate in it. And I’ve done forgiveness work in my own spiritual practice, and I know how powerful it can be, and how liberating it can be. People don’t understand karma. And they don’t understand – most people, most people don’t understand – how important this is. Because we carry the weight of that on our shoulders until we resolve it, until we clear it. And many people do not even know that they carry that weight, it’s very sad actually. But like I said it has to be extremely heartfelt and sincere, and it can’t be superficial.

So we will do that with peoples and places for as long as it takes. And that is how we will clear a lot of karma from the planet. And this planet will be a much more beautiful, and a much more brighter, and a much more spiritual place when humanity has dedicated itself to this. It’ll be very emotional, and it’ll be very powerful and transformative.

Actually now that I’ve started talking about this I recall this first crossing my mind probably five or six years ago maybe even more. I think it first came to me when I drove through some indigenous territory in Canada. Trying to remember…

But anyway it has come up for me, and it’s been kind of at the forefront of my mind for a while now. And I thought I should just record this and put it out there. I’ve got tons of stuff like this I want to talk about. It all fits in the realm of the Aquarian Age it’s very poignant.

It is very powerful, and it’s clear to me that we absolutely need to do this. You know, we need to probably seek forgiveness for all the damage we have caused to the biosphere as well. How we’ve polluted the waters, and the land, and the oceans, and the seas, and skies. And it’s not just, you know, going out and picking up our garbage. Because nature and all beings are sentient on some level, contrary to what most people conveniently think. Because we’ve caused harm to nature and we’ve caused harm to the planet. It’s harming us obviously too because you know it’s going to affect us and future generations who are going to have to live with the consequences of that pollution.

But there’s karma, karma that’s caused by this too. But people just don’t understand. It can linger for millennia. We need to address karma head on. I do this in my own spiritual work, like every freaking day. And it’s not easy but it’s really important it’s… it’s just about taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. You know we’re not adolescents. We don’t just go like “Oh, you know, the dog ate my homework.” No. That’s… that’s just… that’s juvenile. We have to own our karma. And we learn from that, and we grow from that. And we realize, if we’re intelligent and mature, that it’s in our highest good to do that. To not just ignore, it or even pretend that it doesn’t exist. We have to own, and take responsibility, and be accountable for what we have done. This is a fundamental component of spiritual growth and spiritual awareness. It’s… it’s an immutable spiritual law.

And you know, when when you look at the things that are going on in the world right now you can just see that there is so much Karma being created… like every day. And most people just don’t have a clue. They’re completely oblivious to how that is going to affect them possibly for many lifetimes. If people understood this they would think twice before doing anything. Some of the indigenous people had a principle of considering everything from seven generations back and seven generations forward when they considered what they should or shouldn’t do. And that seems very apt.

On the other side of the veil when we have crossed over we sense, and perceive, and viscerally feel what we have done to other people and other beings because there are no filters at that point. We’re not blocked from anything. So it’s my belief that karma is self-inflicted. We will choose to come back and reincarnate with various people, in various situations, so that we can feel and restore and balance our karma. It’s not entirely like there is someone on the other side with a big stick going “You’re going to go suffer!”. Now there may be situations that we don’t want to face because we know they’re going to be difficult. But I believe we all consciously choose the experiences that we will have in our incarnation. It’s about how we judge ourselves.

Anyway, I wanted to share that vision with you. That is part of how we’re going to restore and heal Earth and make it a much brighter, much more lighter, much more joyful, much more spiritual place. I would love to be here when we are doing that. And I’m not talking about a fringe group of people. I’m talking about collectively we’re going to recognize this. It’s not going to be just a small group of people who organize on social media or something and go somewhere to do it do a ritual or something. It’s going to be something that we will do collectively.

Deep in our hearts we know these things. Deep in our hearts we know when we have done things that are wrong. And deep in our hearts we know what is right. This is about being adults. This is about being mature and responsible. Not taking responsibility is by definition irresponsible, and immature. I get this very clearly. That all of this is, on some level, it’s about avoidance and choosing to be ignorant so that we don’t have to be responsible. But that isn’t going to cut it in the Age of Aquarius. This… getting really strong energy again… this is about… this is about us taking responsibility.

We will never fully access our power until we are fully capable and mature enough to use our power responsibly. And the first step of owning our power is to admit our mistakes and take sincere efforts to correct them. Whatever it takes, even if it takes lifetimes. We have to be devoted to the truth and nothing less. No cop-outs, no compromises, no laziness, no deflection, no coercion, no empty platitudes, no indifference, no willful ignorance, no excuses.

This is when Humanity will realize its full potential. Because power can be weaponized and you do not give powerful weapons to immature and irresponsible beings. Period. This is a mandatory test.

Anyway, hope you find that useful and interesting.

Thank you for all your support. Again I post content on my community tab, fairly frequently, that I find interesting. I’ll put an image of that on the screen so you can figure out how to find it if you don’t know how already. I also have a contact list at my website you can join in case this platform doesn’t function the way we expect it to at some point in the future. Thanks to all of those who have already used it. I have received quite a few.

And I look forward to speaking with you again soon. Bye for now.

Nature Spirits in Distress

I discuss how the natural realms on Earth are in distress due to harmful and mostly unconscious human activity.

These realms include countless nature spirits and beings that typically do not present themselves to the vast majority of humans. That does not mean they do not exist or that they are not harmed by our actions.

These beings have been known as Fairies, Elementals and the like, and many plant species are represented be Devas.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on October 31, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging age of Aquarius.

I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all! It is October 31st, 2022.

In my opinion, this is a very important topic, but it’s not a light topic.

I recently published an episode titled “Our Toxic Legacy”. In there I was talking about how a lot of the chemical and environmental pollution we have caused will likely be a much bigger problem than most of us realize at this point in time.

And later I was reflecting on that and thinking about it. And as I was doing that, I connected with the natural realm. And it came through very clearly to me that the nature realm, and by that I mean like the nature spirits, are really in distress. And, to use a phrase I don’t like to use actually, but they are kind of freaked out.

Now I know that some people have a hard time dealing with more troubling or dark matters, but this came through very clearly to me.

What am I referring to? Well, in the natural realm there are many, many types of beings, from the ones that we can see readily, like plants and trees and nature, all of the aspects of nature itself, as well as many that we cannot typically see. In lore they would have been described as fairies or nature spirits, or elementals.

And these realms… wow, strong energy here… these realms are populated with many types of beings. Even the nature that we encounter on a regular basis, that we can perceive, like trees and plants and animals, have spirits. And some of these species have a single spirit, like a deva, which is where, like for example, each oak tree doesn’t necessarily have a soul, but the species as a whole does, and that’s called a Deva.

But the natural world is populated with all kinds of sentient beings, which most people are completely unaware of. And I have had many experiences over many years, directly interacting with and communicating with these kinds of beings or spirits.

And every day pretty much, in my Spiritual Practice, I connect with and I set positive intentions for the natural world, and I pray for the natural world, because I have always… very strong energy here… I’ve always had a very strong attachment or affinity to these realms.

I have had a vision of at least one past life where I was a Shaman, So I probably connected very consciously and deliberately with the natural realms in at least that one incarnation.

I have also had incarnations where I was living in the jungle, very primitively, or what we would consider to be primitively. I know I’ve had a lot of incarnations where I was very closely connected to nature. And so I feel a tremendous amount of empathy towards the natural world. And as I’ve said, I’ve actually connected consciously with those realms many times in many ways.

A lot of people think that the natural world is just physical, but it is sentient. It has consciousness. I have zero doubt about that. Zero.

And so when we, for example, are out destroying nature, we are destroying living beings with consciousness and sentience on some level. And because I think I care so much about those realms, they connect with me. They know that I have a pure heart and pure intention.

Most of these beings do not reveal themselves to average people. typically. So, as I said, I connected very powerfully with those natural realms, nature spirits, and this came up again in my Spiritual Practice last night, and they are very much in distress.

Now the planet has gone through many major shifts and calamities in deep history, but there was always pockets of life that survived. What’s happening now is happening globally. And what’s happening now is almost exclusively the result of human activity.

And a lot of these beings fear humans for very good reasons. I mean, it’s just common sense. We go about destroying habitats completely unconsciously. We do not even, for starters, recognize that these realms exist. And like I said, that they have consciousness. So in that regard we are profoundly ignorant as a whole, generally.

So what do these beings, what do these entities do when their habitats are under threat? And maybe even their survival? Strong chills here. What can they do?

They can reach out to people who are sensitive and compassionate and empathetic towards them, like me and maybe you. But I need to convey very strongly and very clearly that those realms are kind of in a state of panic right now.

And I don’t want to depress you or make you upset. But the truth is, for me, this is heartbreaking. We are so ignorant we don’t even know what we’re doing. Profound ignorance.

You know, I see people going out and just bulldozing forests with no consciousness or awareness of what they’re doing. There’s a great term for this called ecocide, which is like genocide but towards the natural world. And that’s what’s happening.

So I said that I would try and convey this, and I have talked a lot about climate change, which is the result of human activity, and this is another element of that story.

And the other thing about this is that, of course, humanity will suffer from all of this as well in ways that we do not even understand. Because the energy of this planet is made up of all of this consciousness and all of these life forms, which are all interdependent. And that’s another element of our ignorance.

So it’s not just about politics and elections and social causes and culture wars. There are things happening on all kinds of different levels that are really upsetting.

And the North Node right now is going through Taurus, and the ruler of Taurus is Venus, and Venus rules these realms. Strong energy here. And we’re about to have this eclipse involving Uranus, and I can’t help but think that there’s a shift going on too in the natural world.

We are so detached from these realms that our literal survival is inextricably linked with, that it is just insane.

If you’re a sensitive person, or empathic or intuitive, you can at the very least do prayers or intentions or whatever to protect these realms.

And what I do in my Spiritual Practice every day is I set intentions and do prayers to protect and preserve as many habitats and ecosystems and species as possible during these times.

And of course I pray and set intentions for uplifting the energies on Earth and humanity and to help us clear or resolve a lot of this darkness and ignorance. This is a very emotional topic for me. I get very… It’s just… It’s heartbreaking to me.

I, you know, used to do… I used to do Kundalini Yoga when I was living in the country at one point, and there was a patch where there was a circle of stones and I would sit in the middle of this circle and do my Kriyas. And I did that for quite some time every day. And these beings would just come around me because they liked… because they were fascinated by how I was shifting energy and they they loved to observe. And there would literally be dozens of beings around me. And some of them are really simple and very joyful little beings with no malintent whatsoever.

And that was just in one little place at one little time. There has to be billions and billions, if not trillions of these beings here.

That’s just one example. I can tell you also that trees are not just what people think they are. Trees have a lot more consciousness than people realize. But most people have no clue.

There was kind of a spiritual community formed in 1971 in Scotland called Findhorn, and they connected with and communicated with a lot of these nature beings and nature spirits very consciously and directly. And they were very active for decades. And there’s a lot of amazing stories about Findhorn, and I haven’t been there myself, but I know numerous people who have. and you can read more about their experience and the information that they brought forward, you know, 50 years ago.

David Spangler was one of the founders of Findorn, and he has published a number of books on the subject. There are a number of books about Findorn, if you are interested in reading about it.

So all this psychic stuff and everything that people are talking about, it’s not new. It’s been going on for millennia. The only difference is now that it’s more mainstream or more readily accessible or more widespread than it used to be because of platforms like this and the internet.

I don’t know what else to say about this other than it’s like the situation is critical or urgent and that we need to do something about that and I think the only real solution is to raise our consciousness so that people can start to understand and perceive what is actually happening here on Earth.

Most people are completely and utterly clueless about this stuff and it’s astonishing and it’s very disturbing, actually, how ignorant humanity is about these kinds of things. That we could have existed here for thousands of years and not know this? Well, you know, many of the indigenous cultures did, but our Western societies are completely, insanely, dumbfoundingly ignorant about these kinds of things. And that needs to change.

The Hopi people prophesized a time would come when large numbers of foreigners would descend upon the land. And the most peculiar and distressing thing about these people they saw coming was that they would think with their heads and not with their hearts. And to the Hopi this was almost inconceivable. They couldn’t even imagine it.

And at this time when this would occur, it would indicate a very perilous point in the history of the world, because of the destructiveness of these invaders, who would shatter the old space, where people lived in harmony with nature.

It demands a mind-boggling degree of willful ignorance, detachment from reality, or delusion, to not recognize that what is happening to our biosphere and our environments is calamitous.

And, of course, many people are deliberately lying to us about this situation, which to me is unfathomable and shockingly callous.

People who tell you that we can keep doing what we’re doing and that everything will be okay, are lying to you, and they need to be called out for it.

Humanity displays an incredible amount of hubris by acting as if we are not dependent on nature for our survival. This is truly mind-boggling.

And I would go further and say that applies as well to the notion that other forms of life are not sentient. Incredible ignorance.

In my opinion, what humanity should be doing is that we should be being stewards or custodians of Earth.

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