Tag: Post-Truth

Algospeak and Platphobia

I describe some concerns I have about content and social media platforms and the vulnerabilities they pose to both creators and their followers.

This episode was published on April 18, 2023 at 12:55am EDT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 18th, 2023.

There’s a few things that have been on my mind a lot lately. And a lot of it has to do with getting reach or exposure for all this content I produce, which I put a lot of time into.

And it has been a wonderful experience in many ways. I have connected with some truly fantastic people and am forming relationships with them, which I am very grateful for.

But there have also been a lot of practical challenges. Lately I’ve been having to spend a lot of time on more administrative type things and to try and understand how to, for example, get exposure.

And as you know, I am quite critical of the status quo and my position is quite progressive, which I feel very strongly about.

I comment on social and political issues all the time that are of concern to me. And I know from speaking with many of you that you share a lot of my concerns.

However, that does create some challenges.

Because for example, on this platform, YouTube, there are a whole bunch of algorithms that determine whether you succeed or fail. And except for probably a few people who work on the coding for YouTube or programming of it, nobody really knows what those algorithms are.

We know vaguely that certain terms will trigger the algorithms and presumably penalize you for doing that. Many people have commented on this.

And so it’s kind of a bit of a crapshoot. You can discuss something and then get penalized and not even know why.

There are other problems as well, including the commenting system. I often see comments that I respond to, but that do not actually appear under the videos when other people look at them.

Furthermore, based on my channel activity, it looks like I have kind of been put in YouTube jail or shadow banned because the level of activity or the precipitous drop in it recently just doesn’t make sense.

Or the amount of subscribers I have and the amount of views some of my videos have received versus others.

So therefore I have no choice but to assume that, like I said, I’m being penalized somehow.

Of course, the content I’m producing is not mainstream. I understand that. I have zero interest in producing fluffy or superficial content. Nonetheless, there are still a significant number of people interested in the types of topics I address.

I don’t own YouTube, so it’s not my product. But these kinds of things are concerning. Because effectively what’s happening is that your exposure is governed by criteria that you have no control over, that you’re not even aware of, and therefore can’t do anything about.

Why does this matter? Well, in my case, I don’t think I have ever posted anything here on my channel that I don’t stand by. In other words, I’ve never published anything that I feel isn’t true from my perspective.

Whereas there are plenty of other channels that produce all kinds of stuff, and in many cases some of the content is demonstrably false or misleading. So there isn’t a level playing field.

And as I said, this applies to comments as well, so what’s happening is that the engagement or discussion is being undermined. And as I said, I see comments that are perfectly fine and not objectionable that literally do not appear. There’s no logic to it. So that’s problematic because I think the actual discussion and engagement between viewers or listeners and content creators is absolutely critical.

Like for example, in China, the Chinese government, an authoritarian government, has extremely strict rules around what people can search for, what words they can use, and so on. It’s very Orwellian and it’s reached totally absurd proportions where the population has to make up new terms to describe things that the Chinese government doesn’t want them talking about to get around the censors.

Well, to some degree, maybe it’s not as severe, but that is what’s happening here. These platforms are using algorithms and the algorithms don’t even actually work properly in many cases. Some of the content they are blocking is completely legitimate.

I find this quite disturbing because there’s a social component to this.

Facebook, for example, used to be a huge thing years ago and it’s lost a lot of popularity recently. But back in the day, I made many friends through Facebook, through social and political groups, that became friends of mine for many, many years. So it served a purpose back then anyway.

Another example, in Canada we have the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the CBC, which is a federally funded news organization, effectively. If you go on and comment on some of those articles, they will immediately block your comments simply because you use certain words or phrases that are often totally legitimate. It’s just that the algorithms block them automatically without considering the context.

It all has that kind of vibe of what’s happening in China. And as someone who started a social media platform before Facebook, I had a company that did this, I find this trend very disturbing. It is indiscriminate censorship in many cases.

The platforms are afraid of blowback and so they are overly cautious and it’s totally unregulated and social discourse suffers as a result.

I actually recorded the vast majority of this a few days ago and today, by chance, I actually happened to come across an article on the Conversation which addressed this very phenomenon. And there’s a term for it which is “algospeak”, language designed to get around algorithms.

So clearly there are others concerned about this as well. I’ll put a link to that in the description. Again, very Orwellian.

There’s another factor where this platform or others in the future could simply determine that they don’t want to promote or push content from a certain group of people or from people who focus on particular topics. With a few lines of code, they could completely block all those people and they would lose all of their followers, all of the engagement, all of those connections that they had established would be gone instantly.

Look at what happened to Twitter. Musk single-handedly destroyed it within less than a year. What I’m saying is this situation leaves us very vulnerable.

And I have considered other platforms but they all have challenges or difficulties. Some are really geared towards people who are highly technical, some are more obscure and not very commonly used, and so forth.

For example, there’s a Twitter alternative called Tribal but it looks like something that was designed in the 1990’s. The interface is terrible. It’s so bad that you think that it’s deliberately bad.

But my larger concern is just about how these platforms are shaping our ability to communicate, what we can communicate, and with whom. And more importantly, because content creators are trying to dodge or not trigger these mysterious algorithms that they do not fully understand, it’s forcing them to deliver their content differently than they would under ideal circumstances. So the content itself is kind of skewed or distorted because people have to play this kind of cat and mouse game for fear of censorship.

Now clearly some content should be screened but what’s happening is that content that shouldn’t is.

Again, I seem to be being penalized because presumably I have been critical of something socially or politically that may be entirely legitimate but it might have triggered some algorithm out of context. It has nothing to do with the quality of my content or the value of it.

I know how algorithms work. They are simply rules. If this, then that. If this word appears, then do that. It’s not nearly as complicated as most people think, although algorithms can be quite sophisticated.

The concept is actually quite simple. It’s all automated. It runs in the background and then your account probably gets flagged if it finds a certain word.

Like, for example, a while ago I posted on my community tab about the whole Clarence Thomas thing that was blowing up. And I linked to an entirely legitimate article talking about the billionaire that he has been associated with who is a collector of certain types of paraphernalia and in the title was a word that probably triggered the algorithm. Even though the article is accurate and factual and from a reputable source, that word is probably blacklisted.

This whole issue I find really concerning. That these platforms can shape society effectively based on their own criteria.

Now I understand that there is a lot of content out there that should be screened. The problem is the algorithms are unable to effectively discriminate between what is a legitimate abuse and what isn’t. These words are all in the dictionary. They’re completely legitimate words, so the context matters.

I was speaking with someone recently who said that under these circumstances what you should do is you should get your subscribers to unsubscribe from your channel, type your channel name into the search bar on YouTube, then resubscribe, and then just like five videos. They don’t even have to listen to the whole video, just get them to like it. And that will reset the algorithms for your channel. Because apparently this has happened to other channels.

If you want to do that, fine. I don’t want to lose any of my viewers, but if you want to try that, fine. But I do seem to be in jail.

But like I said, this points to a larger concern. That we are very dependent on these companies who at any time could make any one of us completely redundant regardless of how much we have invested into our equipment, our production, the hundreds if not thousands of hours we have put into building up our channels. And that disturbs me. It’s almost like we need a plan B so that if that happens or when that happens we have a backup plan.

Montana, I believe it’s Montana, just this week completely banned TikTok and they want to fine companies for distributing the app.

I am not a fan of TikTok. I actually loathe things like shorts where like what can you actually convey in 60 seconds that has any real value. Nothing. It’s all a part of the dumbing down of society. I think short attention spans is a huge cultural problem.

And there are concerns about the Chinese government gaining access to user data.

But the point is, is that at any time some state could ban a platform that they don’t like. And again, this has kind of an Orwellian vibe about it.

I’m just putting this out there because I think it’s something that people need to think about.

I have a website. I have a podcast. I actually encourage everyone to also subscribe to my podcast because I’m mostly just doing audio and a lot of the content I listen to is podcasts. I like podcasts.

But we should have redundancies. You could have a whole social movement completely wiped out.

I mean, yes, there are some people on the right who do not like my content and they’ve complained about it, if not trolled me at times, because they want me to shut up, basically. But I don’t care. I know who I am and where I stand and I expect that.

Who knows, maybe there’s somebody with a political bias who works for one of these platforms, and they decide they don’t like you or your content, and the next thing you know, you’re completely obscure.

I also think we’re going to see more and more governments trying to interfere with tech platforms. And that really concerns me because a lot of these politicians actually know nothing about technology. A lot of them are older and they have a very simplistic understanding of how the internet actually works.

But they don’t know that. They think they know how it works, but they don’t. And so they are prone to make really stupid decisions.

Like we have something going on in Canada now where the government wants to control what content is being delivered to people and how. And I find the whole thing completely idiotic.

There was nothing wrong with the way things are. And in fact, the way they’re handling it is going to benefit large established media organizations mostly. It’s not actually going to benefit people. It’ll protect the status quo and those big corporations who own significant media companies.

So anyway, stuff for you to think about.

This could be one of the negative expressions of Pluto transiting Aquarius, that you get a bunch of technocrats determining how we communicate and collaborate. And their own biases and prejudices may dictate how we can do that. And or it could be motivated by financial interests.

We really need some kind of open source platform that doesn’t suck, that is not tied to any particular company.

Like I actually have very significant concerns about the conglomeration of power within certain companies and organizations as it stands already. We have what are effectively a lot of monopolies and I find that very disturbing. There are a lot of powerful people who are very vested in the status quo and the status quo is literally not sustainable.

So that’s that.

If you want to experiment and unsubscribe, you got to do it in this order apparently. You unsubscribe from my channel, you type in my name Aquarian Diary into the search function on YouTube, you find my channel, you resubscribe, and then you just have to like four or five videos. You don’t have to watch them all, you just have to like them. Apparently that is one of the magic tricks to resolve these issues.

If you want to support my channel, you can book an astrology reading with me. I’ll put a link to that in the description.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

What is ‘algospeak’? Inside the newest version of linguistic subterfuge

Addendum July 2, 2023:
This episode of the Future Tense podcast (via ABC Australia) was published some 2 1/2 months after I published this episode of Aquarian Diary. It describes the phenomenon I articulated here in more technical, broad — and even more concerning — terms. Link: Cory Doctorow: Platform capitalism and the curse of “enshittification”

#AgeofAquarius #Algospeak #Platphobia

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


The End of Secrets and Lies

I discuss how increasingly widespread psychic phenomenon and abilities may be one of the most significant developments in recorded human history, and why. The implications for society are truly stunning and dramatic.

This is, of course, very much linked with the so-called “Ascension”, “4D” and the shift into the Age of Aquarius which I have spoken about here at length.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on October 3, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian diary where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host, John Irving, thank you for joining me.

Greetings all. It is October 3rd 2022.

All of this psychic phenomenon that we are witnessing… I know that many of you who are listening to me also listen to readers and psychics and intuitives on this platform and elsewhere… I just want to point out that that is a manifestation of this Ascension that many people have been talking about, predicting, speculating about. And so on we are moving from an Age the Pisces where the boundaries… where physical and three-dimensional height, width, depth, three dimensions, and the fourth dimension or the fifth dimension. To be honest with you, I’m not exactly sure what the fifth dimension is. I can conceive of the fourth dimension but I’m not sure what the fifth dimension would be.

But anyway let’s say say that this is a manifestation of the fourth dimension. And what these psychic phenomena do is they demonstrate that we are not limited to the boundaries of three-dimensional time and space. Somebody can speak with somebody who’s disincarnate. Some people can connect with beings who aren’t even in our galaxy, you know, transcending time and space. Some people can communicate with beings in other times and places. All of these phenomenon, if they’re valid, demonstrate that we are not limited to three dimensions.

Now I myself have had experiences of a psychic nature since I was a child and I have encountered others who discussed openly such things – not with everybody but at least with people like me – when I was a young adult. And throughout my life at various times I have had quite a few friends and people in my social circle who were psychic and would discuss things openly but often they wouldn’t do it in public. They would only discuss these kinds of things with people that they knew were of like mind because otherwise they would be perceived as being crazy, right? If you go back far enough these people were literally persecuted or believed to be possessed because, you know, what do you need the church for if you can connect the spirit directly? So they might kill or torture you to death… very nice. And so you know one had to be careful about who you talked about these kinds of things with.

But now as many of you know there are people going on YouTube all the time and some of them have thousands of followers, and this is an entirely new phenomenon. I was very involved in the whole New Age movement back in the 1980’s because I was publishing a regional magazine in Atlantic Canada on the topic. And so I interacted with many people in the region who were interested in those kinds of things. From holistic health to you know meditation, to psychic phenomenon, and whatnot. And so it started to come out more popularly back then. And then it kind of took a hiatus again for a while. And then it started to come back out again… geez… I guess after the turn of the century.

But what we’re experiencing now is completely unprecedented, I would suggest, in modern history. We’re not talking about select groups of people who are really into esoteric things. We’re talking about this starting to reach out on a mass level. For example astrology has has taken off in recent years, it’s kind of a big phenomenon. But that was an exclusive and small group of people who were into that years ago, and decades ago, it was not very commonplace. So I’m just trying to make the point that because many of us wonder “Well, when is this shift going to occur?”” and I’m arguing that it is already occurring.

As I talked about in an episode a long time ago – when I was talking about the Aquarian Age – I’m arguing that it’s already happening. We’re at the early stages but it’s actually already occurring. And I think if we just objectively look at what is taking place it’s hard to dispute that – just like I argue that it’s hard to dispute that the U.S is going through its Pluto return. Because if you look at what’s happening in the United States right now it is completely off the walls, bonkers, batshit crazy, relative to many years of history. The country and the viability of democracy is literally at stake, almost by a razor’s edge. I mean you couldn’t make this kind of stuff up, right?

So same thing with all the psychic phenomenon. This is symptomatic of the early stages of this shift into the Age of Aquarius, and this shift into 4D. We can at least state that that is factually accurate, like I said, because we are more widely experiencing phenomenon that defy the laws of physics as we understand them. How is it possible, if it’s indeed valid, how is it possible that someone can communicate with a being in a distant Galaxy, in real time? Or with someone from another time and place, in real time, etc., etc. And it’s not just the fact that that’s occurring. It’s the fact that that’s occurring on a much broader scale than has ever occurred before, at least in modern recorded history.

So that’s it. I just want to make the point that what’s occurring now is very extraordinary, and actually incredible.

There are phenomenally significant implications of all of this. Like, for example, if people can actually read what other people are thinking, and planning, and doing, bypassing all the normal channels, like what they’ve actually said, or expressed, or posted on social media, or said in public, or told to other people, or whatever. That defies all kinds of laws that have been in – quote unquote – in place for decades, if not centuries. And what does that mean for society if, for example, we can say “Oh the president’s actually a crook.”, you know. Or this person in power is actually engaged in criminal activity.

This has insanely significant implications for even National Security, I mean if you think it through. And you know you could stop that, I guess. You could go and wipe out all of those people. But I don’t think that’s practical because there’s just too many people now who are expressing those kinds of gifts and abilities. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

If you’re a liar, or a cheat, or a criminal, or a fraud… you’re screwed. Well, too bad. You’re a liar and a cheat anyway.

Now you and I… and if you’re listening to this you you probably accept that this is valid because you’ve had personal experiences yourself that validate this, or you just have some deep kind of knowing about these sorts of things, but there are still many people in the general public who at least haven’t publicly admitted to the reality of these phenomenon.

I would argue that this is probably one of the biggest things that has occurred… I don’t know… in a couple thousand years? And that at some point this is going to be taken seriously or looked at very seriously. And the implications, like I said, are incredibly shocking. Now our Spirit guides aren’t idiots, so they’re probably not doing this unless they feel it would be in our highest good. They certainly probably wouldn’t put us at risk or at jeopardy of harm knowingly. And so on some level there is a degree of potential or opportunity or lack of risk inherent in this. Otherwise they wouldn’t be engaged the way they are. And that is really cool. That’s really amazing actually that we can get on here and talk about these kinds of things publicly without being locked up, or killed.

But, like I said think through the implications of all of this. Could be corporate, could be political, could be intelligence agencies, could be the press, the legal system, law enforcement, polluters, dark money, political candidates. I mean the implications are completely mind-boggling.

Like, this is the kind of stuff I think about. I haven’t heard anybody talk about this before, so here I am. But I think about this stuff constantly. I mean this is why I spend so much time reading, and thinking, and meditating. I do my spiritual practice every day and stuff just comes to me as well on that level which is really cool, and I’m very grateful for that.

But have you actually thought through the implications of all of this?

I have touched in the past on the ethics of this and that’s a whole separate question, and that’s for each person to address for themselves. Personally I feel there are certain things where informed consent should be granted. I just have my own code of ethics, and it may be different for other people.

But nonetheless, nothing is hidden anymore, potentially nothing! Everything is available and accessible on some level. The truth can be and will be known and it doesn’t matter… all of those stupid protocols, and all of those methods that people used to have in the past for keeping secrets are completely blown out of the water, and irrelevant, and defunct. That has absolutely astonishing implications for society, for history, for the world. We can even now go back into the past and find out things that were unavailable to us at the time, or inaccessible to us at the time. History itself could be, and probably will, be rewritten.

I would argue, like I said, that this is probably one of the most significant developments in modern human history and possibly even for thousands of years. You know, we all kind of have a sense, or speculate that, there were elite groups of people who were involved in these kinds of things centuries if not millennia ago. But they weren’t readily accessible to the general public necessarily, and that’s what’s different now. Because we have social media, and we have the internet, which again I’ve argued is part of the Age of Aquarius, this Global connectivity.

So anyway, I’m just putting this out there for you to think about. The absolutely mind-boggling and mind-blowing implications of what is occurring here. How long will it take for this to become more broadly and generally recognized by the greater public? I would suggest that it’ll probably occur while Pluto is in Aquarius between March of 2023 and 2044. Like honestly this is one of the most significant and important periods in all of human history. I wish I could be here for a couple hundred more years. That would be really cool.

But I’ll leave it at that. It’s really mind-blowing.

Thanks for all your support. I will show on a screen here how you can access my community tab where I post links that I find really interesting. I also suggest that people subscribe to me in your podcasting app… just kind of as a backup. You don’t have to listen to it. I’ll try and link to that in my episode description, but if you search for Aquarian Diary in your podcasting app you should be able to find me. If you can’t let me know please. And I will also show an image of how you can join my contact list in case we get disconnected from this platform somehow, someway, sometime, someday.

All the best. Take care, and we’ll talk to you again soon.

You can find a full list of my episodes here.

Copyright © 2022 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

I discuss the astrology of the transit of the planet Saturn through the sign of Pisces, which occurs between March of 2023 and early 2026.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 10, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, it is February 10, 2023.

Saturn has been transiting Aquarius roughly from 2020 through 2023. On March 7 of 2023, Saturn will commence transiting Pisces through early 2026.

If you’re watching this on YouTube, you can find dates on the screen.

This is a significant shift of energies for a variety of reasons, and this shift will occur roughly around the timeframe of Pluto beginning its transit of Aquarius, which I have talked a lot about in other episodes.

Let’s concentrate here on how Saturn transiting Pisces might affect us and the world.

Saturn deals with reality, responsibility, and karma. It is the opposite of rose-colored glasses. Often under hard or challenging Saturn transits we are forced to confront reality as it is versus how we would prefer or like it to be.

So, for example, if we have overextended ourselves financially, we may find ourselves in situations where we have to deal with that reality very pragmatically.

Saturn does not let us off the hook easily. It does not let us escape our responsibilities or duties or obligations based on wishful thinking or avoidance, and it holds us and others accountable for their actions, and that is why Saturn is considered to be very karmic.

Someone engaged in dishonorable or unethical activities may not find this influence pleasant. Think of Saturn like a judge. But it can reward those who have accepted their duties and responsibilities and acted admirably and with integrity. It can give them more power, influence or authority.

Pisces, where Saturn will be commencing its transit, is a very non-material energy. The negative expression of that energy can be illusion, delusion, fantasy, escapism, using things like drugs and alcohol to escape reality, avoiding responsibility.

Traditionally the 12th house, which Pisces rules, was considered the house of self-undoing. In Pisces there can be issues with boundaries, because Pisces doesn’t really have boundaries. And that lack of boundaries can create conditions where webs of lies and deceit can occur, even on a grand scale. Mass deception, mass delusion, mass fantasy.

I don’t mean to suggest that Pisces is inherently dark, it is not, quite the opposite. It is just very ethereal, and if not grounded, can result in the kind of things I’ve been talking about. So being grounded is a challenge for Pisces. And there are many people who have no qualms about taking advantage of that kind of influence to manipulate other people for their own benefit.

The positive expression of it can be tapping into the non-material dimensions of realities, spirituality, and those kinds of experiences. And it can also be a very creative energy because we can channel higher dimensional energy into the material realm. Many notable performers and entertainers, for example, have Piscean influences because they are able to tap into the collective unconscious and express and reflect that back to humanity. Thus their work can resonate with many people simultaneously, on a mass level. Whether what they reflect is real or not is a different question.

Pisces also has kind of a dissolving quality, where arbitrary and outmoded structures can simply collapse due to the influx of all this non-material energy. People think that reality is very hard and fixed, when in fact viewed from higher dimensions, it is rather a physical manifestation of non-material consciousness.

Pisces can also be very compassionate and empathic, and it is very frequently associated with things like psychic, intuitive and spiritual phenomenon.

Pisces is also the last sign of the Zodiac, so it’s the sign of endings. Aries, the following sign, is the sign of new beginnings. So everything ends in Pisces, inevitably.

So Saturn, the task master, is going to be entering Pisces. So how will this manifest? What will we experience and what will we witness?

I think this is something we should very much welcome in many ways because it can ground our idealism and our spirituality, make them very tangible and help us sort the wheat from the chaff, what’s real from what isn’t. And I would say the world desperately needs a dose of that. Pisces because it covers things like delusion and insanity, where people are extremely ungrounded and not dealing with reality, in the case of the lower expression of these energies. Saturn should bring a reality check to a lot of things like mass delusion, propaganda, unhinged conspiracy theories, lies and deception, which we have been plagued with, especially for the past decade or so.

I would argue that misinformation, disinformation, and mass delusion are probably one of the most significant features of recent history, and one of the most dangerous, because humanity has to make a lot of very important decisions that will significantly influence us and future generations as well as the planet. we can’t do that on the basis of BS.

If you’ve listened to me before, you will know that I detest lies. And Saturn will help us deal with that.

So I would expect to see commencing in March, which, like I said, also happens to be when Pluto begins its epic transit of Aquarius, that we will see the beginning of a period of reality check.

And that will include, by the way, institutions like the Church or religious organizations because these pursuits fall under the umbrella of Pisces in many ways, as we seek to connect to and understand the divine aspects of our experience.

As Saturn transits Pisces, it will form a challenging square to Sagittarius and Gemini, Sagittarius specifically ruling things like religion and philosophy, and Gemini ruling communication. So it will be challenging in many regards to those kinds of institutions.

The symbol for Pisces is the two fishes. And Pisces has long been associated with Christianity, which has played a very prominent role during the age of Pisces, which is at its final stages now. But Pisces in many ways rules all large religious organizations. And historically when Saturn has transited Pisces, it has represented a challenging period for those institutions. There can be a crisis of faith. As I myself have talked about here before, recent history has raised many questions about what types of movements and people religious groups have aligned themselves with that are often hypocritical based on spiritual values.

Also during this period, Saturn will be opposing Virgo. One of the areas that Virgo covers, or the sixth house which it rules, includes nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers. And we have had many challenges in those areas due to burnout, lack of staffing, chronic underfunding, and so forth. and I would expect that to be a significant issue in the next two or three years.

I think also in the spiritual community and with things like psychics and readers and prominent spiritual leaders or figures, people should be holding themselves to a very high standard to ensure that the quality of the information they’re conveying is accurate and based on truth as much as possible, because Saturn is ruthlessly honest and will hold anyone or anything to account that is not reflecting truth or reality accurately. So I would expect to see a lot of scandals emerge and truth begin to emerge about how institutions and organizations or prominent figures in our cultures have been misleading people, probably deliberately, a lot of secrets will be brought into the open, and we will go through this period of reality check cleansing and karmic reckoning for those who have abused spiritual laws or who have engaged in mass deception, propaganda, disinformation and misinformation. That, to me, is going to be a very good thing. In fact, traditionally, the 12th house, which Pisces rules, was associated with imprisonment and prisons.

You know, Saturn is a very discipline-oriented planet. Personally, I do not have a problem with spiritual discipline. I have engaged in many spiritual activities that require discipline, and I actually enjoy that and find it very rewarding. So this does not concern me at all.

There’s going to be a big reality check, scrutinizing and cross-examination of a lot of our beliefs and whether they are based on truth and reality or not. So Saturn is there to keep us in check and from going off the deep end, which we seem to have done in an epic way in recent years, with the proliferation of BS which I despise, and it will help us deal with that, thankfully. Especially, like I said, coupled with the extremely important transit of Pluto through Aquarius, commencing in just over a month. Very exciting times.

Now let’s take a quick look at how this transit will affect other signs. You’ll need to know where your planets and points are positioned in order to do this, meaning you’ll have to have access to your astrology chart. You may also want to look at the ruler of the 12th house as well as where Neptune and Saturn occur in your chart.

In terms of challenging aspects, Saturn will be squaring the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, and squares can be quite frustrating, and it will be opposing Virgo, and the opposition can also be very challenging. Obviously, Saturn will conjunct any points in Pisces during this time. For more positive effects, Saturn will be trining Scorpio and Cancer, that is a strengthening aspect, and it will sextile Capricorn and Taurus. That is also a strengthening aspect, although it may require a little bit more effort to materialize than the trine, which comes with more ease.

These are just the major or Ptolemaic aspects I am discussing here. Generally, if you have abided by Saturn’s terms, which are integrity and duty, and not cutting corners, it should be easier for you than if you you haven’t, regardless of the transit.

There are far too many factors and variables in a personal astrology chart than I could possibly ever cover here, so it depends entirely on your personal natal chart configuration and what other transits happen to be occurring at the same time. Most of what you will read about or hear online deals with sun sign astrology alone, which is only a small fraction of the actual circumstances that need to be considered. There’s generally some truth to it, of course, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

We can say fairly confidently that those people affected by the conjunction, opposition, or squares may face some challenges. Again, that would be Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Between March of this year and February 2026.

Finally, Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, governs the collective, unseen forces, and the immune system. It also governs international and foreign affairs, including things like travel. With Saturn transiting and challenging this area, I would not be surprised if the challenges related to global health on a mass scale persist and linger. Saturn demands strict discipline, and many people have been resistant to disciplining themselves out of frustration, ignorance, laziness, gullibility to misinformation, or narcissism.

I want to add here that I find this sort of exercise very challenging and frustrating. And that is because I really dislike things that are superficial, and our world seems to be exceedingly superficial these days. To do this topic justice would require days of work, and I simply do not have that amount of time that I can afford to devote to this at my disposal, unfortunately. There is a lot more that I could have included here and would have liked to.

Be that as it may, I do want to, at the same time, draw people’s attention to this because I think some of the implications are definitely worth being aware of.

Take care, I look forward to your amazing comments as usual, and will talk to you again soon.

Copyright © 2023 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

How Democracy Dies

I discuss the dire current threat against democracy, how it works, why it’s happening, and what it implies.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on April 2, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings All,

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 2nd, 2023.

Anyone following the news, even remotely, is aware that we are now confronted by a barrage of outrageous and ridiculous drama on a daily basis. From patently absurd conspiracy theories, to rhetoric that flies in the face of core democratic principles, the onslaught is relentless. In recent years this has reached such alarming proportions that we can’t help but sometimes wonder if the world has gone utterly mad.

Events that would have been completely shocking years ago now occur with such regularity that they are virtually pedestrian. So much so that many of us have become numbed or inured to them. The “new normal’ is batshit crazy. In other words not normal at all.

This phenomenon is dramatic and stark and thus is easily and readily identifiable. It is obvious and self-evident. It immediately and naturally captivates us. However, I believe there is another more insidious and sinister force at play amidst the melee that, in fact, may be substantially more consequential.

I ask you to consider the possibility that the chaos we observe is being deliberately engineered to mask or obfuscate a much more significant and systemic threat which lurks in the shadows. To my knowledge – and I am an avid reader – this hypothesis is rarely, if ever, articulated in the context I will present here.

The far-right extremist and professional provocateur Steve Bannon infamously stated that he aimed to “Flood the zone with shit.” From this very telling statement we can infer that his strategy is to promote disinformation such that it would confuse and distract the public.

Deliberately promulgating misinformation, or lies, is clearly unethical as it can cause great harm. For example, countless people died unnecessarily during the recent pandemic due to rampant disinformation. This conclusion is supported by a substantial body of statistical evidence.

What is the point of flooding the zone with shit? Why bother doing this in the first place? Dark money groups would not be funnelling untold millions of dollars into such campaigns simply for their own perverse pleasure. They may be dark but they are almost certainly not stupid.

The only logical conclusion is that the aim is to distract people from an even more nefarious agenda. To keep the population in a frenzied state so they do not notice developments that they would otherwise disapprove of. To capitalize on the distraction to implement policies that would be highly unpopular.

Not everyone is easily manipulated, however, it is not necessary to deceive everyone. They only need to mislead some critical mass to achieve their objectives.

Contrary to conventional thinking I posit that their strategy is just as effective on both the left and the right sides of the political spectrum, but for different reasons.

Many on the right are true believers – they actually believe the absurd lies.

On the left, on the other hand, people are perpetually in a state of reaction. They respond with outrage, disbelief and protest to every provocation and insult to their intelligence and ethics. Noted affronts to reality and common sense go viral, consuming a great deal of time and attention. The media predictably devotes innumerable hours to analysis. The cycle repeats every day.

One side is consumed and distracted by believing the ridiculous lies and the other is fixated on combatting their existence. It’s as if the left is trapped in a never-ending game of Whac-A-Mole. Both sides, right and left, are being deliberately manipulated.

As I previously alluded to, there is a deeper and more nefarious agenda behind all of this. Assume, for a moment, that what I have already articulated here is true.

These artificial circumstances create an intensely polarized social environment. Under such conditions politics takes on qualities akin to trench warfare and hand-to-hand combat.

Constant bickering over absurd culture war issues dominates. Political candidates who are highly unqualified and of shockingly poor moral and intellectual character are elected based on their ability to engage in the dirtiest forms of political theatre. Representatives must only have big mouths and a propensity for enraging the opposing team. It is no longer about policy or good governance, it’s about winning the culture wars. It’s a zero sum game.

Consequently legislative agendas grind to a halt. Gridlock ensues. Any policies that do get implemented are gravely insufficient, watered down and wholly inadequate. After years or decades of this the population becomes increasingly disenfranchised. Government itself is perceived as being ineffectual at best and diabolical at worst. Apathy, despair, and cynicism – if not nihilism – metastasizes like a cancer.

The constant matestrom and distractions enable dark money groups to push through nakedly partisan legislation – such as tax policies – that favour only their particular interests. Their ever expanding war chests justify and finance further interference and the attacks escalate.

It is also worth bearing in mind that people who are financially stressed are far less likely to be politically or socially engaged or to exercise their agency. They are much more easily controlled or manipulated, in other words. For instance, I have often thought that this is why young people and many parents are currently so burdened by student debt. This was not the case in the 1960’s when there occurred a significant countercultural movement which threatened the establishment. See my episode on the Powell Memo, which I published in September of 2021.

Over time circumstances have deteriorated to the point where they have become so egregious and intolerable that many embrace authoritarianism and even fascism. Surely, the adherents think, a heavy hand could finally return order to our world. Superficially, there is some reasonable justification in seeking radical solutions. However, this perspective has not considered that the current state of affairs was intentionally fabricated, nor for what end.

Many have speculated that a handful of deeply entrenched dark money interests – billionaires or plutocrats – secretly aspire to return humanity to a state of feudalism. The theory goes that they believe they are superior and deserving of privilege due to the power they wield and that have amassed. They subscribe to a very Darwinian perspective of their place in society. Them at the top and the rest of us beneath them.

In this scenario they would have control over the masses who would serve their every whim. The population would be given just enough scraps to sustain themselves but not enough to threaten the ruling class. We would effectively be living in indentured servitude. Those who contributed to their prosperity and security would be valued. The rest could be casually discarded in much the same way we dispense with worn out appliances.

I personally speculate that these select few individuals are actually well informed about the state of the global environmental crisis and its grave implications. I suspect they fear the looming breakdown of society, if not civilization itself, which will quite probably ensue.

It is epically twisted irony that much of the wealth and power they have disproportionately accumulated is directly proportional to their obstinance in preventing this crisis in the first place. Even worse, for decades they have brazenly promulgated disinformation and lobbied against regulations which would have mitigated or avoided the crisis.

Metaphorically there are vastly more people than lifeboats in many future scenarios. Many know this to be true, but few will admit it publicly. Presumably the plutocrats think that a rigid social hierarchy, with them firmly planted at the top, would be the best possible scenario in a world facing anarchy and chaos. Furthermore, they likely fear retaliation for their past obstructionism and profiteering from the root causes of the forthcoming calamity.

To be clear, I am speculating here, but what I have described is rationally plausible.

In summary the intense social polarization and disenfranchisement that we are experiencing was deliberately engineered as a means of distraction.

It’s purpose is twofold.

First, it serves to keep people preoccupied so that other more nefarious plans can be executed with minimal awareness, scrutiny or backlash.

Second, it creates the impression that good governance is ineffectual, if not impossible – that democracy simply does not work.

This then leads many people to conclude that alternatives to democracy, such as authoritarianism or fascism, may be more viable or desirable.

Absent democracy those who have the greatest influence, control or power would be the ones who are very wealthy and are politically organized. This has always been the case historically.

These interests are likely keenly aware of the clear and present danger which the global environmental crisis represents to society, if not civilization itself. This may account for the timing of their agenda, the execution of which, has apparently ramped up at an alarming pace in recent years.

If this theory is accurate clearly many people would find it deeply troubling. Therefore it would never be deliberately expressed publicly.

There is a massive paradox inherent in this grand dilemma. Our very own habits of overconsumption and our materialistic orientation have financed and therefore enabled the twin threats we now confront. The breakdown of the biosphere which has sustained us for millennia; and an epic battle to preserve democracy and the many cherished and hard-won freedoms it affords us.

Thanks to everyone for all your support.

I will put any references in the episode description.

I will also include a link if you are interested in booking an astrology reading with me.

Take care. All the best. And I look forward to talking with you again soon.

Copyright © 2023 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

Here I discuss the astrology of right-wing extremism and the role of the astrology of the Uranus square Pluto cycle in recent history.

Such astrological transits have been associated with the rise of radical right-wing extremism, populism, fascism and authoritarianism.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 9:11am on June 15, 2023

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is June 15th, 2023.

This topic has been on my to-do list for a very long time.

I’ll be displaying many dates on the screen, so if you’re interested in those kinds of things, you may want to watch this on YouTube.

It took me many hours to calculate and verify all these states. You can’t just go copy them off the internet somewhere, because often there will be mistakes. That’s not to say that I haven’t made any, but I tried not to. With so many numbers, it’s quite possible to make a typo or something like that, or to omit something.

There’s a few reasons why what I want to talk about today is very important.

One, it helps explain recent trends, namely the rise of fascism and far-right extremism, which threatens liberal democracies around the world currently, including the United States, the most powerful country on the planet. Who’d have thought that would ever happen?

And it also of course explains the rise of populist demagogues, people who are typically extremely unqualified to be in the positions they’re in, and not just because of their blatant lack of expertise, but their abhorrently poor moral and ethical character as well.

At the very least, recent history has been shocking and disturbing.

Let’s not forget that a few generations ago, millions of people around the world rallied to defend democracy against the threat of tyranny and fascist dictators. Our ancestors made tremendous sacrifices to protect our cherished way of life and our freedoms. Anyone with even a superficial understanding of history knows that nobody benefits ultimately from those sorts of tyrannies except a very small handful of people. Anyone who thinks that that form of governance will provide them with some form of safe harbor is profoundly mistaken.

The other main reason that prompted me to talk about this now is that it’s just been stuck in my mind for a few weeks. And I have, very gradually, learned that when things stick in my mind, I need to talk about them, that they’re important. And I have a feeling that if I explain what is going on astrologically, it might help some people wrap their heads around this and give them another perspective that might be helpful.

Have you ever had the experience where a song is stuck in your head, an earworm, sometimes for days, until suddenly you stop and you think about the lyrics and it makes perfect sense. It’s that kind of thing.

What I want to demonstrate here today is the role of the Pluto-Uranus cycle in recent history.

As I worked on this, I realized that you could easily do a full documentary on this one topic. I’m going to keep it fairly simple because I would like people who are not highly skilled at astrology to understand the important role that these two outer planets play and how the timing might be affecting us.

The Uranus-Pluto cycle varies a lot because Pluto’s orbit is very elliptical, so it will appear to spend a lot more time in some signs than others.

When Pluto and Uranus conjunct, or when these two planets meet at the same degree, it tends to mark very important points in world history. To give you a sense of scale, Pluto and Uranus conjuncted around 1850, 1966, and the next one will occur in 2104.

Pluto represents deep and powerful transformation, metaphorical death and rebirth, the energy of raw power, which can be used for both good and bad, bringing to the conscious what is subconscious. Pluto rules the underworld.

And Uranus represents sudden insights, dramatic events, changes in perspective or circumstances, and it has a very revolutionary energy about it.

So when these two planets meet, depending on the sign, it can mark very potent and significant periods of change and transformation that can be very dramatic.

Just after the conjunction in Aries in 1850 and 1851, within a few years, the first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania in the United States. Now when we look back to the effects of the industrial revolution on atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, 1850 is often used as a starting point, and prior to then is effectively a baseline for the effects of human activity.

The internal combustion engine changed every aspect of life on Earth for humanity. Imagine if we still lived in a world where it took weeks or months to traverse the globe.

The era of industrialization officially began in the year 1850 through 1938. Charles Darwin would soon publish The Origin of Species, and The Science of Epidemiology would soon be born.

All of these completely reshaped history, as well as the entire biosphere of Earth.

No aspect of human experience was left untouched.

To illustrate the potency of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in more contemporary terms, let’s consider the 1960s.

Like I said, Pluto and Uranus conjuncted in Virgo around 1965-66. Now those are the dates when the conjunction was exact, but these two planets would have been within a few degrees of each other for some time before then and for some time after then.

So that period of the 1960s is considered to be an extremely important point in modern history. And if we look at the kinds of events that occurred in the United States as a case in point, it represented a very radical shift in many, many ways.

There was the entire counter-cultural movement, feminism, many people rejected the dogmatic cultural approach from the preceding years in the 1950s. There was a very active student movement, protests against the war in Vietnam, clashes over civil rights, the moon landing, widespread concerns about nuclear annihilation – Pluto was discovered in 1930 and the first atomic bomb was used in the second world war. There were powerful movements on the part of minorities and to address segregation. The Voting Rights Act was implemented, the assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X. There were revolutionary changes in areas like fashion, music, art, popular culture, relationships, and sexuality. People explored different kinds of lifestyles and Eastern spirituality.

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury. Many people even explored doing things like going back to the land, rejecting modern society. Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was published, which many attribute to the birth of the environmental movement. And of course there was a whole movement of people who were, like I said, exploring things like eating and living naturally, exploring alternative forms of medicine. They rejected many aspects of modern society.

I mean, it goes on and on and on. It was enormously powerful and transformative.

And society was quite polarized, much like today in some ways. The effects of that period lasted for decades if they’re not still playing out. Huge changes which also sparked a lot of resistance from the status quo. The powers that be went to great lengths to try and discredit all of this because, of course, it threatened them and their privilege and they’ve been trying to put that genie back in the bottle ever since.

In fact, I have argued here before that that explains why education is so astronomically expensive now because young people are much less likely to rebel if they are in inescapable debt up to their eyeballs.

The next significant milestone in this story is the period around 2012 to 2015 when Uranus in Aries squared Pluto in Capricorn.

So think of the conjunction that occurred in the mid-1960s as the beginning and the first square, some 40 or 50 years later, is a test of the energies or consciousness that were being born in the conjunction back in the mid-1960s.

Even today there are still reactionary and conservative forces who are very much opposed to all of that progress.

The period between 2012 and 2015, give or take a few years on either side, was extremely dynamic.

Again, this was the period when Uranus and Aries was squaring Pluto and Capricorn, during which time we had the Arab Spring, ISIS, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo and the LGBTQ rights movement. Barack Obama was president during this time. Social media, mobile phones and the internet were in their heyday. There was Hurricane Sandy, the Paris Climate Accord was signed, the BRIC nations including China and India began a rapid ascent, the negative impact of dark money really started to become clear, Edward Snowden revealed details of a vast and unprecedented surveillance network, WikiLeaks was active, the news and publishing industries were radically changing. Everything was going online, including entertainment platforms, the anti-austerity movements, there was a lot of tumult and rebellious activity that occurred during this time.

The square is like a testy, challenging aspect where the two forces are kind of at odds with each other and there’s no real clear or easy resolution. And the energies, like I said, that are unleashed from these events can take quite some time to play out.

Donald Trump began to rise to prominence around this time and was first elected in 2016. That was an extremely radical outcome.

We have also seen the rise of a lot of far-right extremism, populists and demagogues, the rising threat of fascism, liberal democracy under attack, in ways that are entirely unprecedented in modern history, concerns about civil unrest, and even the possibility of civil war. We saw Brexit, the post-truth era, rampant conspiracy theories and conspiracy-theorism, extreme forms of fundamentalism, Christian nationalism, and all of these kinds of things.

To put that in a bit of historical context, as I mentioned earlier, Uranus and Pluto conjuncted in 1850-1851, they squared each other in 1932-1934, again with some give and take on either side.

At that time, in the 1930s, Pluto was in Cancer and Uranus was in Aries. Again, that very fiery Mars ruled energy. Cancer can be very protective of home and family, or on a mundane level, the nation.

During that time, of course, we saw the rise of Hitler, which led to World War II, in following years. But it wasn’t just Germany, there were fascistic movements in other countries as well, such as Spain and Italy. Very intense and dark stuff.

Of course, the world was in the midst of a great depression, and programs such as the New Deal under Roosevelt were initiated to try and address that.

The failure of the investment, banking and finance industries created the conditions which led to the rise of far-right extremism and ultimately the Second World War.

The period of the early 2010s, of course, followed closely on the heels of the great housing market and bank failures of 2007 and 2008. The parallels between the early 1930s and the 2010s are eerie.

So we went through another square between Pluto and Uranus, like I said, around the period of 2012 to 2015, and at that time as well, I recall things like Golden Dawn in Greece, which was very fascistic, and these kinds of trends started to show up around that time. And polarization really started to take off then as well. And we saw the spread of propaganda and disinformation.

Many have said that if the US government hadn’t bailed out the banks, there would have certainly been another global depression. There’s many parallels to what happened in the 1930s.

Astrology never repeats exactly twice, because all of the other planets are moving at different speeds. So, for example, in the 1930s Neptune was in Virgo, up until the early to mid-1940s, and in the 2010s Neptune was in Pisces. And of course, Pluto has been in Capricorn more recently, whereas in the 1930s it was in Cancer.

So these are different energies and things played out differently, but there’s a lot of parallels and similarities between these periods and these events and the timing of them,

And that is what I want to make people understand. Because I have heard people make reference to, “Oh, astrology explains this, what’s going on.” And a lot of it can be explained by this cycle.

So to some degree, and again I’ll be putting dates on the screen – I’m not going to state them all here because there’s just too many of them and it’ll bore people – but the whole time that Pluto and Uranus are in squaring signs, they are kind of at each other in a somewhat antagonistic relationship.

So, for example, when Pluto was in Capricorn and Uranus was in Aries, there was that tension there.

As of now, at the time of this recording, Uranus is in Taurus, Pluto just retrograded back into Capricorn until early 2024, then it will resume its journey through Aquarius through the mid-2040s.

So Uranus and Pluto aren’t actually squaring each other anymore, in effect, is what I’m getting at.

So there was a period when Pluto was in Capricorn and Uranus was in Aries. These are both cardinal signs. And Aries is very fiery and can be assertive and aggressive and even violent in its lower expression.

And Capricorn represents the institutions and power structures of our society, everything from corporate to the law and government and so forth.

So we’ve seen tremendous amount of activity in those areas where there’s been people fighting for their freedom and independence against what they perceive as tyranny, or trying to, conversely, impose tyranny on others.

The energy can go either way. It’s kind of up to us how we express it.

But the bigger point of all of this is that we’re out of that square energy. Uranus left Aries on March 6th of 2019.

So there will be some spillover of these energies into subsequent years. But the really intense phase of that, or the triggering phase, is over. It may not look like it because things are still playing out.

Like for example, in the United States, a lot of people who abused their power or broke the law are starting to be held accountable for actions that they committed years ago. Hopefully as they are prosecuted and held accountable and brought to justice, that will put a damper on things.

Another example is it looks like Putin’s days are numbered because of his failures in Ukraine. Reality is coming to bear on all of these people and all of their actions.

Saturn is currently transiting Pisces through 2026. Pisces rules the 12th house.

One of the things the 12th house was traditionally associated with was imprisonment. Both Saturn and the 12th house are karmic. It is where we are held accountable for our karma.

During part of this cycle there was a conjunction of Pluto and Saturn on January 12th of 2020, which was significant as well because Pluto was conjuncting Saturn in its own domain. And the Saturn-Pluto cycle is a whole other subject, but that is considered to be an important development that is also often linked to the rise of the far right. Authoritarianism, fascism, and those kinds of things.

So it’ll take some time for these things to play out, but overall my point is that we are through the worst of it.

The next major aspect between these two planets will occur between 2046 and 2048, which will be the opposition, with Pluto in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo. That is a very polarizing energy as well, and that should be a very dynamic and important milestone. That’s over 20 years from now. But those of you who are younger, take note. There will be a lot of major developments at that time.

I know there’s a lot of dates and terminology. Just to summarize, the main point I wanted to make was that we can look at the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto as the beginning of major new cycles or developments, and often they move us forward to a new level.

Then there’s the squares, which challenge whatever occurred during the conjunction. It tests it. In the case of 2010s, it was questioning how far have we come with respect to what was brought forward in the 1960s, those new ways of being, there was kind of a battle between the two opposing forces.

That gets settled out, the next one will be the opposition in the 2040s when Pluto has essentially begun its transit of Pisces, which that in and of itself should be huge, because Pisces can on a higher level represent spirituality, the non-material realms, and things like psychic phenomenon, but it can also represent major endings and letting go, to create space for the new.

Pisces rules the 12th house. It’s not about ego or materialism.

So we went through a lot of tumultuous times in the 2010s and we’re still dealing with that now. But like I said, those energies aren’t really directly square to each other anymore. We have other issues going on.

Pluto in Aquarius I have talked a lot about here on my channel. I’ll put links to some of those episodes here as well, which I would encourage you to listen to. A lot of the things I predicted actually came to pass within fairly short order of Pluto moving into Aquarius. It’s just at the very beginning though, so it will take some time for that to really fully manifest.

And now we are also starting to become aware – and I think this occurred just after Pluto went into Aquarius – he masses are starting to realize the implications of the climate and environmental crisis. It’s now in everyone’s faces. And people are having direct experience with it.

Aquarius is very global in scope. It’s about all of us. And the only way to solve those problems is for countries to cooperate. Otherwise, we’re in deep trouble, if we’re not already.

So, humanity is becoming aware of global consciousness, just as I predicted.

Pluto moving into Aquarius, when it settles in there, is really about the people. It’s not about the people at the top of the pyramid. So that’s the really important thing to know.

And Aquarius is very egalitarian, and also very rational and intellectual. Whereas a lot of the far-right stuff seems to be driven based on emotion and grievance and things. That is not an Aquarian energy, typically. I don’t see that stuff persisting.

I think we’ll experience that kind of stuff probably from now until early 2024. It’ll make a bit of a comeback. But after that, and Pluto really starts moving into Aquarius, it’s like, forget it, people aren’t going to do that crap.

Aquarius is very progressive, rational, intelligent, and independent. It doesn’t bode well for dogmatic belief systems, trust me on that.

So I hope this is helpful. It’s a huge topic to try and cover in a short period of time, but I wanted to just paint a broad brush, big picture view of this for people so that they could understand what’s going on, why, and what the timing is essentially.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

I discuss the astrological influences which are contributing to the current and disturbing levels of mass delusion and extremism which humanity has not experienced since the 1930’s.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 5:02am on June 21, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is June 21, 2023.

Today I want to give people a general sense of when the insanity and all of the extreme and unhinged behavior we have been witnessing, socially and politically, will draw to a close, or at least begin winding down, as it often takes time for these forces to dissipate.

I’ll be displaying quite a few dates on the screen, you may want to watch this on YouTube if that matters to you.

On June 15th, I published an episode on the Uranus-Pluto square and the rise of far-right extremism, where I focused just on that one aspect and its parallels to the 1930s.

There’s another parallel which I didn’t specifically talk about in that episode, which is the transit of Uranus through Taurus.

Uranus transited Taurus from roughly 1934 until 1942, and is currently transiting Taurus again right now from 2018 through 2026.

The previous transit of Taurus occurred during the Great Depression, which ran from 1929 through 1939, it was ended by the war effort, and World War II, which commenced in 1939 through 1945.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, or the 11th house.

Aquarius is fixed air. Taurus is ruled by Venus and is fixed earth.

These signs are in a square or antagonistic relationship to each other. Uranus is in its fall in Taurus. It’s a challenging sign for Uranus to be in. So these energies do not mix well. Uranus is all about change and revolution, and Taurus is all about security and predictability. So Uranus transiting Taurus is challenging.

All signs and planets have positive and negative expressions, and Taurus can be very conservative because it desires security, stability and predictability, and Uranus is anything but predictable.

Like I said, more recently, Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and will continue to do so through the end of April of 2026.

So we have seen a tremendous amount of change, revolution and instability around Taurian themes like real estate, property, money, investments, where people live, we went through lockdowns, where people were confined to their homes. Many people relocated, they moved from the city to the country or suburbs or even to other countries. People en masse began working from home… Taurus.

There were unprecedented supply chain disruptions, we’ve now been dealing with rapid inflation and greedflation, income disparity and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is even more extreme, and so on.

Taurus also rules what we value, so we have seen a tremendous amount of changes occurring around people’s values and a lot of conflicts around values like the culture wars.

Uranus can be quite radical, so we have seen the rise of reactionary conservatism to alarming degrees, such as far-right extremism, authoritarian and fascistic movements who want to impose radically conservative, patriarchal, and hierarchical structures on other people in many of the same ways we saw through 1934 and 1942. In that case, we had an actual World War. Extremely radical behavior and very polarizing social movements.

There are currently ultra-right and openly fascistic movements occurring in countries around the world. These forces are often anti-intellectual, they reject evidence and science, try and rewrite history, they attack and undermine the media, education systems and all manner of institutions, they are frequently misogynistic, racist, bigoted and xenophobic.

They define themselves based on their enemies and create them if they don’t exist. Fascists always need scapegoats, usually the most vulnerable members of society, such as trans children. What could possibly be more cowardly and despicable than picking on vulnerable children?

Propaganda and disinformation are frequently deployed, as are threats, bullying and intimidation.

As we can clearly see, there are many parallels between when Uranus transited Taurus in the late 1930s and early 1940s and recent years.

We have also had Neptune transiting Pisces from April 2011 which will continue through 2025 and 2026. Neptune is extra potent while transiting its own sign.

The lower expression of Neptune can be delusion/illusion/fantasy being detached from reality, escapism, alternative realities.

We have seen cult-like behavior where people have fallen under the spell of demagogues, con men, grifters, while being completely unable to perceive all of their flaws and there’s a lot of projection and illusion going on.

But that also will be wrapping up around 2025/2026, roughly around the same time that Uranus leaves Taurus.

So those are two really important things right there.

Again, check the screen for dates.

So Neptune, transiting Pisces, all of the mass delusion, rampant and observed conspiracy theories, the inability to distinguish truth from lies, willful, if not belligerent, ignorance, denial of facts, evidence, and reality, falling for lies and propaganda and shameless con man grifter criminals. Extreme expressions of victimhood, think Donald Trump or the incel movement, or people constantly whining about the crisis of privileged white male masculinity, being completely detached from objectifiable truth or reality, the post-truth era, all of that.

Uranus transiting Taurus, radical conservatism, radical traditional cultural values – so distorted that it’s almost grotesque, extreme resistance to progress or evolution, the rejection of historical facts pertaining to the oppression of minorities, various racial and ethnic groups, deference to authoritarian and strongman leaders, despite their highly flawed moral character and complete lack of credentials.

Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus at the same time?

The United States has been the focal point of a lot of the absolute batshit crazy stuff because it has been going through its Pluto return – which I have also done episodes on – from February 2021 and will continue through January of 2024, which is when it was within a tight two degree orb.

Pluto transits are actually in effect for a wider orb than that. That is just the most intense phase. But the most intense phase will be winding down by early next year.

There has been a lot of crazy stuff going on, but there’s no question that the United States has been the focal point globally for the insanity. Just look at how radical and extreme and crazy the Republican Party and the former president and his hapless sycophants have been acting, many of whom may end up incarcerated.

In 2025-2026, Saturn will move into Aries, beginning a whole new 28-29 year cycle. This all points to 2025-2026 as being the end of the post-truth, batshit crazy era.

As much as the reactionary conservative forces are trying to put the genie back in the bottle, you cannot resist these major transits of, like, Pluto shifting into Aquarius, Neptune moving out Pisces, Uranus moving out of Taurus.

If you are in resistance to these outer planetary energies, the transits manifest as being extremely challenging and disruptive. You cannot be in resistance to these energies, they are much more powerful than you are as an individual. So the more liberal or more progressive forces are in a much better position to deal with these changing and shifting energies because they are more comfortable with change and evolution, they are more adaptable and open-minded.

When Uranus moves into Gemini in 2025-2026, it will be in a trine aspect to the sign of Aquarius, where Pluto is beginning its major 20-year long transit. This is power, Pluto, in very harmonious, easy-flowing aspect to Uranus in Gemini.

Again, Aquarius, which Uranus rules, is fixed air, Gemini is mutable air. So that relationship, when Uranus enters Gemini, commencing in 2025 and 2026, speaks of very rapid change and evolution in an air sign. Air signs are intellectual and rational. They are very fast moving energies. These are not slow energies. And like I said, that is a trine aspect that will occur for about seven years.

Again, it all points to 2025, 2026 being the end of the post-truth, bat-shit-crazy, reactionary conservative period with this insane polarization. All of the complete detachment from reality on the political right drawing to a close. So that’s the time frame. We have another two to three years of craziness to go through.

Although, as I’ve said in other episodes, Saturn transiting Pisces is a reality check and Pluto transiting Aquarius is also a reality check in many ways.

So the tide has started to turn, but we should be completely out of all of this craziness in 2025 and 2026. At least the kind of craziness we’re dealing with now.

I have been focusing here on all of the negative expressions of these energies. It goes without saying that the opposite is true as well. In fact, the majority of the people have not been expressing the negative aspects of these things. There are still many people who are very grounded in reality and who are able to differentiate between BS and reality.

So without question, it is clear that these energies are experienced differently depending on the person. Now why some people are predisposed to the negative expressions and others are not probably relates a lot to their own particular astrological natal chart.

And there are many people in the middle who aren’t quite sure where they stand. But for the purposes of this episode, I am just trying to explain why so many people are going crazy and how long it will last, and when it will mercifully end.

Finally, let’s be clear about one important thing. The dark side lies, manipulates, deceives, and engages in criminal activity. The light does not lie, cheat, or steal, just to be clear.

And yes, I am proudly biased in favor of truth and reality.

I understand that much of what’s happening is fueled by grievance, but the answer is not to burn the place down.

It’s funny, when I’m editing this audio, I often stop and think “Oh, I’m being hyperbolic.” and I’ll reflect for a moment, and only a moment, before I realize that I can provide credible examples of what I’m describing, things that have actually happened or are happening right now. I’m not being hyperbolic, this is all actually happening just as I’m describing it. In other words, it really is this bad, currently.

For a fuller and more detailed analysis, I will link multiple other episodes that are related in the episode description, which I encourage you to review.

I’m going to share a few podcasts simply as a public service.

The first is my favorite, and I’ve mentioned it here before. It is Background Briefing with Ian Masters.

I listen to this podcast every day. As far as I’m concerned, this is the best podcast. One of the most amazing things about it is that there’s nothing else like it, and I find that hard to believe. God knows what we’ll do when Ian Masters retires.

The second is a new podcast by the BBC. It is called Mariana in Conspiracyland.

One of the most disturbing things about this podcast is she documents how many people who would have been traditionally progressive are falling into the right wing rabbit hole as a result of conspiracy theories. Anyway, it’s new, check it out.

I personally find it very interesting. It makes me think about the phenomenon of the RFK campaign in the United States. He is being promoted by many libertarian right-wing nut jobs and has the potential to siphon off absolutely critical votes that could help prevent the Republicans from winning the next election. The Republicans winning would be one of the worst possible things that could happen.

Even people in the progressive community are falling under the spell of propaganda, lies and disinformation, and even overtly and transparently racist ones.

It has eerie parallels with the whole MAGA movement and QAnon and things like that. Which to me seems to be a psyop campaign, like something the Russians would do.

I find that quite disturbing. It’s like some kind of weird mind virus, like a mental illness that is being spread around. It’s very creepy and dark.

Many of us have lost people or even loved ones to conspiracy theories. It can be heartbreaking.

The dark side can be very subtle and devious. We need to be constantly vigilant to inoculate us against its poison.

Conspirituality is another podcast in the same vein. It’s intellectually rigorous and does not pull any punches. So set your ego aside.

Another podcast I have been listening to now for quite some time is The Bulwark with Charlie Sykes.

This is coming from a never Trump perspective. So it’s quite unusual for me to listen to something like this, but the quality of the analysis around what’s going on with Republicans and the former guy is very good and very intelligent. So it gives a different perspective than what I normally would listen to.

I subscribe to many, many podcasts, but those are a few that I thought would be relevant to this episode.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

Drawing Lines

I discuss some significant current affairs and some prominent ethical dilemmas (namely the conflict in the Middle East) and some astrological influences that are at play.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.

This episode was recorded on November 18, 2023. It was published on November 19, 2023 at 5:51pm EDT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving.

It is November 19th, 2023. The bulk of this was recorded on November 18th.

As I often do, I will be displaying some graphics or articles on the screen that will only be visible in the video version of this episode, in case that matters to you.

It’s been a while since I’ve recorded anything, and my absence may seem a little odd. I’ve certainly thought a lot about recording at various times.

But this period has been very weird and peculiar. It started with an eclipse in October that was right on one of my key points in my astrology chart. This is a life-altering event.

On top of that, my ruling planet Jupiter has been retrograde, and Saturn has been squaring my sun. Not only that, but it retrograded and then basically stationed direct right as it was squaring my sun, which really extended that aspect in terms of time. One of the things about a transit like this with Saturn is that your physical energy and vitality can be quite low, and that’s probably coming through in my presentation right now. Another reason to lay low.

I’ll probably do an episode on that Saturn aspect once it’s complete, because I have a lot of observations that may help other people who are grappling with that transit. I’ve been paying a lot of attention to what has been coming up, both internally and externally, during this time. And I have a lot to say about that, which, like I said, I’ll get to at a later date. I don’t like to talk about things too much when I’m in the midst of it, because, based on my experience, you need to be able to see it in hindsight to fully appreciate it, or articulate it.

Of course, there’s an awful lot going on in the world these days, much of which I would like to comment on.

I still have been doing an awful lot of reading, and I listen to podcasts from around the world, so I have a lot of opinions about things, quite strong ones actually. But I still have this sense, which I have articulated here before, that this is kind of a time to lay low and not stick your head above the trenches too much.

I think as is clear, we can see that there’s a lot of people who have been getting into a lot of trouble lately by expressing their opinions in ways which might have been avoided if they had taken a little bit of time to think about what they were saying.

Also, a lot of what is occurring is exactly what I was describing in the episode that I did titled Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, a karmic reckoning. We are seeing things very clearly. Much of it is not pleasant, but that’s not unexpected.

It’s just that world events are forcing people into positions, and they can be very stark and dramatic. Whether we agree with them or not.

So it’s like the light is shining on everyone and everything, and it is causing people to question their beliefs and their assumptions and their allegiances. And to me, from that perspective, it’s a good thing because we’re seeing things as they are. It’s like we’re cutting through the fog.

Like I said, that may not be pleasant, and we may not like it, but at least we are seeing the truth about who people are, where they stand, what their intentions are, and so forth.

There’s a lot of criticism about people in various camps right now, especially about what’s happening in the Middle East. And young people in particular are taking a lot of heat for their perspectives.

I am in no way advocating disinformation, conspiracy theories, propaganda, or such. If you’ve listened to me before, you know how much I disdain that.

However, I do think that it is good that people are strongly expressing their views, because that is what we need. Strong chills here. That is what we need for society and democracy to function properly. We need people to be engaged and vocal.

And so I think the fact that young people are taking stands, even if they’re not necessarily fully informed or accurately informed, is a good thing. Yay! I’ve been for years saying that the key to our future lies in getting young people engaged. I think that’s fantastic.

So I had a bit of time where it’s quiet here, relatively, and there’s not a lot of stuff I can do because we’re in the midst of a big rainstorm here today. And I was thinking, how do I get on and talk about what I want to talk about or say what I need to say, which is a lot of things that have been on my mind lately, without alienating a lot of people or becoming a target myself.

And as I was contemplating this, something that happened in my youth came to my mind, a memory. And as I reflected on this, I realized that that is perfect. So I don’t know where this came from. It’s not something I think about very often, but it was a striking experience in my younger years.

And it goes like this:

Back in 1980, I was still a teenager. My very first job.

I used to do all kinds of things to make money when I was a teenager, like everything from painting people’s houses to doing yard maintenance to whatever, you know, short term things. But this was my first legitimate job with a paycheck and so on.

And I was an usher at a movie theater, briefly, as it would turn out. Remember, this is 1980, so it’s well before the days of the internet.

And the movie at this time was The Elephant Man. Fantastic movie, if you’ve never seen it. It’s slow and it’s black and white, but it was groundbreaking at the time.

So the movie was playing and I was in the lobby sweeping up popcorn from the floor or whatever in my really ill-fitting, cheap suit that they gave me, which was really ugly. This is an absolutely true story. And a couple comes into the lobby. They’re very upset.

They explain that there’s been a car accident, that there’s someone in the theater that they need to get ahold of because they need to go to the hospital to approve an emergency surgery on someone who has been severely injured in this accident.

And I’m a teenager, remember, at this time. And my first reaction was like, holy shit.

So I go to the manager and I say, we need to stop the movie and make an announcement. There’s a serious life-threatening situation. And I explained to him what’s going on.

And he refuses to do this. He says, we can’t interrupt the movie. They’ll have to wait.

And I was dumbfounded.

I didn’t know what to do, but I thought about it very quickly. And I’m like, someone could die if we don’t do this. This is crazy. You’re putting one screening of this movie ahead of this life-threatening situation.

And I’m sure everybody in the audience will understand why we’re doing this if we do it. So I go back to the manager and I say, we have to do something about this. Then the people were very upset and understandably so.

So he still refuses to do it.

And I look at the people and I think to myself, oh my God, what do I do?

So right there on the spot, I made a decision.

I walked into the theater. It was dark. I go in front of the screen and the movie’s still playing.

And I say very loudly, there’s an emergency.

Would so-and-so please come to the lobby if you’re here?

Please everyone pay attention.

If so-and-so is here, please come to the lobby. It’s urgent.

And then I go back to the lobby.

I take off my jacket. I hang it up and I walk out of the theater and I never go back.

That was my first job.

I was put in this incredibly important ethical and moral dilemma where I had to make a really snap decision.

And I basically walked away from my first job because I had to do the right thing.

So the moral of this story is that sometimes we have to make sacrifices to do the right thing.

And when situations are very clear cut and we weigh the pros and the cons, in that scenario, yes, that whole audience was inconvenienced by my interruption and some of them might have even been upset.

And I lost my job by defying the manager, but I had to do the right thing.

And so in this situation that’s occurring in the world right now, there is no justification for harming or endangering the lives of innocent civilians. Every possible measure and step should be taken to avoid doing that. Period.

Yes, we have the right to protect ourselves, but we do not have the right to harm innocent bystanders.

If something really terrible happened in the United States and the police had to go after an individual or even a group of individuals to bring them to justice, and in the course of doing that, they killed many innocent people to get their hands on a few guilty ones, the moral outrage, which would be entirely justified, would be of epic proportions.

Even if somebody has done something heinous, you cannot harm tens, hundreds, thousands of innocent people in seeking justice, because that is not justice. You are creating more injustice by doing that. And there is karma associated with that. It’s a very fine line.

Sometimes in conflicts innocent people get harmed. That happens. But every possible measure to avoid that occurring has to be taken.

It is simply not ethical to intentionally harm innocent people or bystanders. It’s black and white. It’s really simple. I challenge anyone to question that fundamental premise.

For example, how can a child or an infant be guilty of heinous crimes?

So, people who are calling for a ceasefire or a humanitarian pause are justified. It doesn’t mean that the guilty cannot be found and prosecuted or rooted out. It’s a question of how you do it.

And there is no moral justification for engaging in activity that harms thousands of innocent men, women, and children, that is disproportionate to the crimes that instigated the conflict in the first place. We have to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the criminals.

That’s why we have very complex legal and judicial systems. We go to great lengths to protect the innocent and to ensure that the guilty are actually guilty before they are charged.

It’s not a perfect system, but just think about the legal system, for example, in the United States, how complex it is. How many hoops you have to go through.

And we really go out of our way to make sure that justice is applied fairly accurately and reasonably, the thought of, for example, executing somebody who is innocent is horrific, and everyone agrees that we want to avoid that.

Now, I know a bit about the history here, and I know that there are grievances on all sides, and I’m not going to get into the history of it because that is a Pandora’s box. That’s not my point.

My point is that morally and ethically we have to hold ourselves to the highest possible standards, period.

One of the things I’ve been witnessing is that there’s a tremendous amount of tribalism at play. And to me, tribalism is very low consciousness. It is old paradigm.

There really is only one tribe. There isn’t many. We have different cultures and religious groups and so forth. Fair enough. That’s what makes life on earth interesting.

But fundamentally, we are all human beings, and we all have the same rights and privileges. It doesn’t matter about our ethnicity, culture, religion, country of origin, and so forth. Those are completely secondary to that.

So we should never unequivocally support any group, organization, or cause if what they’re doing is wrong.

And that is the moral of my story about the theater, is that what the manager was asking me to do was unethical and immoral, and I had to make a sacrifice to put my foot down and make a decision on the spot, without a lot of time to think about it, to do the right thing.

It’s black and white when you simplify it to its basic moral dilemma, as far as I’m concerned.

I also want to add that from my perspective, there is a fair amount of bias in politics and in the media, where we’re often not really hearing a lot of balance.

It seems to me that more people are speaking out about the disproportionate response and the consequences of that, but often you will also hear that a lot of people who express those kinds of concerns pay significant prices for doing so.

It is entirely legitimate to criticize military action that appears to be inappropriate. That is completely legitimate.

And I often see a lot of cases where, for example, criticism is conflated with anti-semitism, and they’re not necessarily the same thing.

I’m not talking about supporting the group that initiated the attack on October 7th.

But people being censured or losing their jobs, or being persecuted or blocked from advocating for a humanitarian pause or a ceasefire, is completely unconscionable if you actually think about it.

These are peace protesters. Not all of them, but the majority of them.

This is not the same situation as Ukraine, where one country tried to illegally steal another country. This is a totally different situation.

I will put in the description several links that describe how aides and people who work on foreign policy are critical of the Biden administration for not promoting a ceasefire.

And the reason I’m sharing that is because it validates that there are reasonable people within the administration itself who are dissenting voices, who are speaking out about this.

These are well-informed, intelligent people who are questioning these policies and the unquestioning support for what is occurring now. That simply validates my point or my perspective. The people who are questioning this are not just fringe, far-left people. These are advisors to the current administration. These are trusted advisors.

So yes, we should be debating this and its merits, or lack thereof, and that is completely 100% legitimate, and we should always do that. Whenever there’s war or conflict, we need a very balanced approach and perspective.

And one of the things that really concerns me about this the most is that it seems to me that, like I said, there is a bias, and that people who are questioning what’s happening are being targeted and even attacked. Just because you don’t support the tactics that are currently being employed doesn’t mean you’re anti-semitic.

I really encourage people, especially Americans, to read the news from other countries. Canada, the UK, Europe, Germany, Australia, wherever.

I remember very vividly during the Gulf War, I was traveling in Europe, and I would watch CNN at night just to catch up on what was happening. And I was shocked, it was jaw-dropping, how different the European CNN broadcasts were compared to what was broadcast in the United States.

It may be different now, but back then, they had their own reporters and hosts who were based in Europe. It was really something to behold.

I was so struck by this that I couldn’t stop talking about it. It’s like two different universes from the same network.

So American news has a particular style and presentation that is very different from what you get, for example, in Europe. Places like The Guardian, which is one of the top news publications in the world by traffic, has a very different style and presentation than, say, The Washington Post or The New York Times.

So again, I just really encourage people to check out different perspectives to make sure that you’re not stuck in an information bubble.

I also want to take this opportunity to express one more point of concern. Clearly, there is an awful lot of darkness being expressed in the world right now. A lot of us, I think, feel like we are being yanked back into some old paradigm that is very ugly in many ways. And this can be quite disturbing.

I myself have not read many of the details about what’s happening on the ground in the Middle East since October 7th. I follow it at a high level, but I find it very difficult to focus on the trauma that is being experienced on the ground. It’s very dark.

And there are many other things going on politically and environmentally that are also very disconcerting.

I’m a realist when it comes to what’s happening in the world. And I have been very critical of things like conspiracy theories, the rise of authoritarianism and populism, the move by those on the right into increasingly extreme positions, Christian nationalism, etc.

Now, clearly, there are people who disagree with my perspective, and I don’t typically shy away from expressing my honest opinion about these kinds of things.

One of the tactics that is commonly employed by people who are offended by those kinds of statements or observations is to use ad hominem attacks.

They will say, for example, that you are being dark or excessively negative, even if you’re simply stating facts. And people who use ad hominems do so because they can’t refute your statements with facts or evidence or logic, so they attack the person or their character. It is not a tactic that I respect.

But as truth-tellers, we need to be aware that there are people who are going to be offended by what we state or observe or point out, and that these people will try and undermine us.

To me, it is quite self-evident when this is occurring, and I assume that most reasonable people are capable of identifying when that’s happening. But that may not always be the case, and we need to be vigilant to not allow such attacks to undermine us or cause us to shut up, because that is exactly what the intent is.

The intent is for us to go away, stop speaking our truth, to shut us down, so that the people we are offending can just carry on with whatever it is they’re doing, unchallenged.

Because of everything that’s happening in the world right now, a lot of us can feel like we’re under attack, like our beliefs, our perspectives, our worldviews are being questioned and we’re under attack, and we may even feel hopeless at times.

But I’m urging you to not do that, to maintain your strength, to know yourself, and not allow what’s happening to beat you down, because that is exactly what the dark side wants to happen.

There is a push and a pull going on right now between an old paradigm and a new paradigm, and the new paradigm I have described a lot on my channel, especially in my episodes about Pluto transiting Aquarius, and Pluto will re-enter Aquarius again on January 20th of next year. That’s only about two months from now.

So between now and then, Pluto is going to be hitting 29 degrees of Capricorn. I’ll put the dates on the screen. And this is one of the final battles between these two paradigms.

The energy should shift back more into where we would like it to be probably come January 20th of 2024, the last time Pluto shifted into Aquarius, I felt the shift almost immediately.

So hang in there, and don’t let all of the screams and the agonies of the death throes of this old paradigm cause you to question your core beliefs, values, or positions.

It really is kind of like a spiritual battle that’s going on. The truth will always win in the end, it just may take a bit of time.

I’m not suggesting that on January 20th everything is going to suddenly be resolved, but the tide will have turned, and the momentum will again start moving towards this more egalitarian future that is our destiny.

Pluto will dip back into Capricorn one more time next year, and that is between September 1st and November 19th of 2024. That should be especially interesting because it’s just going to retrograde into 29 degrees of Capricorn and then station direct at 29 degrees just for that 6 or 7 week period. That should be absolutely fascinating to witness.

A quick update on some near-term transits.

I posted on my community tab last night about Mars and the Sun being conjunct most of this week all the way through next weekend really. So watch your temper and think twice before you speak anything contentious or challenging, and watch out for that coming at you the other way, because people can be acting quite aggressively right now without thinking about what they’re saying, and then they may end up regretting it later. Also watch out for rash and impulsive behavior that you may also regret later. You can use this energy to get out and do some physical stuff, like whether it’s chores or exercise, it’s really good for that.

The Sun and Mars are currently in Scorpio. Scorpio is a very intense sign, so that adds to what I’ve been describing.

For example, what’s happening with Elon Musk right now is a classic example of that. Just look at how much his tweet cost him and X, formerly Twitter.

Neptune goes direct on December 6th in Pisces.

Jupiter goes direct on December 30th.

Saturn went direct on November 4th. That’s a good thing.

And the effect of the eclipses back in October are still playing out, as we can clearly see.

Jupiter is continuing its transit of Taurus until May 25th of 2024. I mention this because in terms of the incredible inflation that we’ve been experiencing, and the cost of living crisis that is being felt around the world, things like greedflation and price gouging, financially it’s been crazy lately. The stock market is still doing surprisingly well.

When Jupiter leaves Taurus after May 25th, I believe we should see things start to settle down in those regards. In terms of everything being insanely expensive, paying more for smaller items, reduced packaging size, increased prices, insidious junk fees, corporate profiteering, naked greed, the housing market going berserk, rent prices, all that stuff. Inflationary.

Jupiter is very expansive, and in the money sign of Taurus it tends to exaggerate everything. Taurus also governs things like property and real estate, of course. So like I said, after May 25th, I expect that we should see things start to simmer or calm down a bit in those regards. That will be welcome.

I apologize for my absence, but I’ve really just been following my guidance on that, and I think I’m doing the right thing. I’ve just been keeping busy doing a lot of stuff I’ve been putting off, and that’s been going well. Laying low. Until now.

After this Saturn-square-my-sun transit is over, I’ll probably be back and getting into some other interesting things that have been on my mind.

So I think I’ll just leave it there for now.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off Black Friday special on currently. A natal or transit reading makes a great gift, by the way. It’s something people won’t forget.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript.

Other episodes referenced herein:

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Jupiter transit Taurus: 2023-2024

Drama and Detachment During This Intensely Karmic Cycle

Articles and resources referenced or displayed in this episode:

The Elephant Man (movie, 1980)

State Department employees send Blinken ‘dissent’ cables over Gaza policy

More Than 500 U.S. Officials Sign Letter Protesting Biden’s Israel Policy

Democratic Aides in Congress Break With Their Bosses on Israel-Hamas War

“Let It Go to Voicemail”: Democrats Reportedly Ignoring Calls for Cease-Fire

Voters Agree the U.S. Should Call for a Ceasefire and De-Escalation of Violence in Gaza to Prevent Civilian Deaths

Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024

#Astrology #War #Peace

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting


A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker

This episode was published on July 2, 2023. A transcript may follow.

In a wide-ranging discussion Dr. Becker and I discuss topics including his involvement with noted psychologist James Hillman, the psychology of current trends in society and politics, the prospect of an apocalypse or societal collapse, and how to cope with the epic environmental crisis confronting humanity. 

⁠Dr. Scott Becker, Psychologist⁠ (please also see Dr. Becker’s bibliography for this episode below).

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⁠Minister orders halt to Cambridgeshire council’s four-day week trial⁠

⁠Cory Doctorow: Platform capitalism and the curse of “enshittification”.⁠

⁠Does evil exist? (trigger warning) ⁠

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⁠Merchants of Doubt – How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming ⁠

⁠Algospeak and Platphobia⁠

⁠The Dichotomy Paradox⁠

⁠Our Toxic Legacy⁠

⁠The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately⁠

⁠Polarization Is Intensifying⁠

Facing Monsters: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change, Globalization, and Digital Technology

Scott H. Becker, PhD


*mentioned in the podcast


Scott Becker, “The Matrix and the Minotaur,” in City and Soul, Conversations with James Hillman, published by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture

Nicholas G. Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

Nicholas G. Carr, The Glass Cage: How Our Computers are Changing Us

Richard King, Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity?

Robert Romanyshyn, Technology as Symptom and Dream

Robert D. Romanyshyn, Victor Frankenstein, the Monster, and the Shadows of Technology: The Frankenstein Prophecies

*Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

Sherry Turkle, The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir

Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age

Ecology and Climate Change:

Amy Brady and Tajja Isen, Editors, The World as We Knew It: Dispatches From a Changing Climate

Jack Hunter, Ecology and Spirituality: A Brief Introduction

Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future

Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy

*Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World

Consciousness studies:

James Bridle, Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

Shelli Renee Joye, Sub-Quantum Consciousness: A Geometry of Consciousness Based Upon the Work of Karl Pribram, David Bohm, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Ralph Metzner, Ecology of Consciousness: The Alchemy of Personal, Collective, and Planetary Transformation

Archetypal Psychology:

*James Hillman, Re-Visioning Psychology

James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World

James Hillman, “…And Huge is Ugly,” in Mythic Figures, Volume 6 of the Unform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Scott Becker, “Aegis: In Defense of Archetypal Psychology,” in Inhuman Relations, Volume 7 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Michael Ortiz Hill, Dreaming the End of the Word: Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage

*Dick Russell, psychological commentary by Scott Becker, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 1, The Making of a Psychologist

Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 2, Re-Visioning Psychology

Please ⁠see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

#Psychology #Spirituality #JamesHillman

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

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Theocracy or Bust – The clash between Piscean and Aquarian Age values

I discuss the epic cultural clash between Piscean Age and Aquarian Age values and how it is manifesting in the current militant movements that aim to forcibly impose theocracy on societies, particularly the USA. I also demonstrate how such movements are fundamentally illiberal and undemocratic as well as untenable.

This episode was published on December 22, 2023 at 3:21pm EDT.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.  

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

Follow me on Threads⁠ where I share articles I feel are important.  

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all! Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is December 22nd, 2023. This was recorded on December 21st.

As I frequently do, I will be displaying some graphics on the screen. If the visuals matter to you, and you’re listening to this by podcast, you may prefer to watch this on YouTube.

Today is the solstice. [Correction: It is the Equinox, of course! I know this. I credit this to the current Mercury retrograde!]

The day and night will be of equal length. The light will gradually start getting longer, and the reverse in the southern hemisphere.

So this is great. Although we’re entering winter, having that extra light for longer periods of time really makes a difference. So happy solstice everyone!

It kind of feels like this is a big one for some reason. I think it’s probably because Pluto will soon re-enter Aquarius. See my last episode and others about that. I’m really looking forward to that.

But today, I want to touch on something that has been on my mind for about a week. I actually recorded a little bit about it in a longer segment, and then I decided, no, I’ll do a separate little segment on this. So I’m re-recording it here now.

And it’s something that really struck me, because it’s not something I’ve seen necessarily discussed. It’s implied frequently, but not considered directly, and I think it’s a really important question that people might just want to think about.

And it goes like this.

Especially in the United States, there are millions of Americans right now, Christian nationalists, etc., who have been in the news quite a bit, especially because of people like the new speaker, Mike Johnson, and the whole agenda of the Trump campaign.

And I’ve posted a few articles on this topic on my community tab, which I don’t know how many people actually see. Some people interact, but who knows. So I’ll include some of those links in the episode description as well.

But generally, there is a significant movement that openly wants the United States to become a theocracy. And not only that, they have aligned themselves with many of the groups, organizations, and figures on the political right, generally those who are more extreme. And that alone has startling implications, which a lot of people have been talking about.

The whole notion, which Trump himself put forward, about being a dictator.

And the recent references to a very potent political figure from the 1930s that originated in Germany, which led to the Second World War, whose name I don’t want to mention here because it will probably trigger the algorithms. Algorithms which are incapable of differentiating between the use of a term in a constructive context versus a harmful one. But that’s a whole separate beef of mine. Really, honestly, the algorithms and their application leave a lot to be desired.

Now this term, or the name of that individual I’m referencing in the 1930s, is being used in a lot of headlines even in places like the New York Times. So are the algorithms blocking posts from prominent, well-respected sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, CNN? Who knows? Probably.

But anyway, this whole concept of a theocracy and America becoming a theocracy, which is a distinct possibility if the former president gets re-elected.

I was contemplating that because, like I said, there’s been a lot of articles about it lately. Thoughtful articles and good articles.

And like I’ve said before, I think a lot of this relates to this transit of Pluto through Capricorn, Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. I’ve done a couple episodes linking the astrology of the 1930s to the astrology of today and the 2010s. So it’s something I’ve talked a lot about myself.

But there’s a fundamental question or assumption made about this whole notion of the United States becoming a theocracy.

So like I said, the agenda is out there. Everybody knows that that’s what they want to do. That the evangelical community believes and wants America to be a distinctly Christian state and to embrace their particular worldview in many respects and regards.

I would go so far as to say that they would probably, ideally, want to get rid of anyone in the public service or any politicians who are not overtly aligned with them. In other words, they’re not overtly Christian.

Which, you know, which kind of brings us back to the dark ages and religious wars and ironically, what the Taliban wanted or ISIL. We’re talking about basically, this would be like the Christian Taliban.

They’re already book banning and trying to stamp out any kind of cultural related rhetoric that conflicts with their paradigm or worldview or beliefs or which threatens systemic white privilege.

And let’s be clear, these are beliefs. These are just a bunch of arbitrary beliefs based on a book that was published 2000 years ago and then edited and re-edited so that it reflected or advanced the power of the church versus other churches and other religions. And, you know, millions of people have died fighting religious wars for centuries.

And at the same time, you know, for those of us who are being objective, there is a phenomenal amount of hypocrisy involved in this as well because they will say that, you know, the state should agree with our values, but at the same time, reject the values of other groups or religions that they disagree with. So they want rules that benefit them and discriminate against others and to reject values that conflict with theirs.

In other words, it’s not democratic, right? This is a really big question or point because the whole premise of the United States is that it is the world’s leading democracy.

Not only that, but it has promulgated that narrative to the whole world for decades, if not generations.

During the Cold War, the United States was promoting the fact that we’re a democracy, we’re better than the communists, etc., etc., etc.

There was almost a world war over this, you know, think the Bay of Pigs. And trillions of dollars have been spent to defend that narrative in military spending, and foreign policy, and foreign aid, and investments, and so forth.

So this whole question of “are we a democracy or are we an illiberal state” like some form of autocracy, or dictatorship, or fascism.

And let’s face it, there’s lots of cases in the past where religious organizations have aligned themselves with fascist movements. Poland recently just flipped where they had a very Christo-fascist kind of state, and now they just recently elected Donald Tusk, who is much more liberal and democratically oriented. But I digress.

The question is, and I would like you to reflect on this, is the notion of America being a theocracy even possible?

Think about that.

Is it conceivable that America could become a theocracy?

My immediate response is “Hell no, it will never happen.” Here’s why.

If a group of radical militant Christian nationalists tried to take over the United States and impose their theocratic worldview and political order on the rest of America, it would probably lead to civil war.

If there’s even a fraction of people who feel the way that I do, there is absolutely no way, period, that people will allow religious values to be strictly and forcibly imposed upon them by the state for all of the reasons I’ve just articulated, which is that it is illiberal and non-democratic. And there would probably be clashes over this.

In other words, as far as I’m concerned, it is simply not possible.

Religiosity has been declining in the United States for many years, and the hypocrisy of religious groups and organizations who have aligned themselves with some of the worst possible people and criminals politically in American history – the former president literally tried to foment an insurrection – is a serial liar, to put it politely, faces in the vicinity of a hundred criminal charges, the only president in American history to be criminally indicted, plus all of the issues around reproductive rights, and people like Bridget Ziegler, one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty, who was recently exposed for having tried to engage in a three-way sexual encounter which involved lesbian sex.

You know, it’s like we need a new word for hypocrisy because we’ve used it too much, and we need another term that’s more powerful because these kinds of situations, you know, someone who has been rabidly and militantly attacking the education system for anything that veers slightly from strict orthodoxy in these respects, I mean, it’s just jaw-dropping. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Really, I just wanted people to think about that because as I thought about this a number of days ago, I was just like, “Yeah, these people are completely delusional, clinically delusional, if they think that they can impose a theocratic system of government on the United States of America and actually get away with it.

I mean, don’t you think, I mean, isn’t that what you think? Like, it’s just completely bizarre and crazy?

While religiosity is declining precipitously and people are leaving these fundamentalist religious organizations in droves, and even the Pope now is pushing the Catholic Church, which moves extremely slowly, but he’s gradually pushing the Church in more and more progressive directions, we’re dealing with millions of people who are completely detached from reality.

But like I said, if they try, let’s say they get down the road to a certain degree, let’s say Trump gets re-elected, are Americans just going to sit there and take it? I can’t see that happening. There’s no way.

Like, I know in my country, if that was to happen, there would be an uprising. In Canada, you can’t even talk about this stuff if you’re a politician, because you will just get run out of office. So they have to take a much more low-key approach, you know, the social conservatives.

So I thought I’d just put that out there, because that is literally their agenda. There’s a huge swath of the evangelical community and Republican politicians who are aligned with this vision, and hardly anyone has asked about this fundamental premise of like, is what they want even literally possible or conceivable? So, I mean, it’s a really huge question.

The other thing is that this really underscores this transition from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius, because the age of Pisces was characterized by this kind of stuff.

There were the religious wars, the religious organizations, the subservience to dogma and doctrine, and patriarchal authority, might is right, that whole thing.

And the Aquarian age is very, very different.

So the fact that this is coming to a head, it’s happening in Poland and Hungary and Italy, and you know, this stuff is happening everywhere.

But the United States, of course, given its stature in many regards, is where we’re all focused. And it’s very overt now.

So the point I’m trying to make is that this is like the last dying gasps of the age of Pisces.

And there are people who are reactionary, who don’t want this shift to occur or are not comfortable with it, because it threatens their privileged status, their hegemony, their fragile egos, their need to feel superior to someone else, which is fundamentally anti-Christian and hypocritical.

Again, the combination of religion and power inevitably becomes toxic and abusive. The whole paradigm is based on lies. Lies that increasing numbers of people are no longer afraid of questioning, because we’re shifting into a whole new age.

And interestingly, of course, the beginning of the Piscean age was really the appearance of Christ. And I’m not criticizing Christ, it’s just that his message has been so bastardized over the years and altered to bolster the interests of large and powerful, centralized organizations that were often very cult-like.

And here we are, having this huge battle for the fate of the world’s major superpower and most influential country on the planet between these Piscean age ideals and the Aquarian age ideals.

Thankfully, I am aligned with the Aquarian side of the equation. That’s the future, regardless of what these other people think. And you are too, or you most likely wouldn’t be listening to me.

So I find that very fascinating.

And as I have long articulated, and even in my most recent episode, I view this shift of Pluto into Aquarius as one of the major trigger points for this shift from the Piscean age into the Aquarian age.

And there’s still people out there who say that, “Oh, the Aquarian age isn’t going to happen for 500 years.” And I’m like, “How can you be so dense?” Just look at the evidence, look around you.

We went from horse and buggy 100 years ago to now I can carry around a device and speak with anyone on the planet at any time of the day. And just technologically, the advancements in so many respects are just mind-blowing.

The rate of evolution that’s occurred in the past couple generations is completely unprecedented. We hardly changed for 2000 years. People were still growing food and living to be 40 years old and being serfs and all that stuff.

Just look at how much change has occurred and is occurring right now. It’s accelerating. The technological advancements are accelerating exponentially. Now we’re into AI.

This stuff was inconceivable, even in my youth. So come on, take off your blinders.

I made that argument here on my channel months ago. I did a whole episode on this. But I think if we just look at the objective evidence, it’s happening.

We’re in the midst of this transition. I’m not saying we’re through, but there’s zero question that we are moving very quickly into the age of Aquarius.

And this whole debate about theocracy versus democracy, which is really the root of a lot of this backlash that’s going on with right-wing extremism and everything, they believe that white Christians are somehow superior and should be in positions of leadership and authority over everybody else, which is just so ridiculous. It’s absurd.

I mean, you have a whole country like China with 1.4 billion people, which is the second biggest global economic force on the planet now. And India is not far behind.

I mean, how can you sit there and say that we are, by virtue of our skin color, superior? It’s just so dumb.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that.

I just wanted to put that out there because I think it’s provocative. And really, that’s what we should be questioning.

Are we going to have…

Maybe the Democrats should be running on… No, they’re probably too chicken shit to do that. They probably don’t have the balls to come out and go head to head against religious groups.

And I’m not crapping on… There’s a lot of good religious people out there, but there’s some, and many of them, who are literally a threat to democracy and sanity.

Because at the same time as all this other stuff is happening, we have a global environmental crisis that could literally bring down civilization. And these people, because they believe in all this dominionism nonsense, completely negate that. They’re delusional, as I’ve described. So, it would be catastrophic if they have their wish. And like I said, I don’t even think it’s conceivable or possible without something like civil war or mass civil unrest and conflict.

My whole point with all of this is just to point out how ridiculous, absurd, and futile the whole proposition is. Because like I said, it seems to me that nobody ever questions this fundamental assumption that underlies this whole movement.

What do you think?

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently, a natal or transit reading makes a great gift, by the way. It’s something people won’t forget.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – Will brute force stop progress?

The Aquarian Age has Already Begun (Sept 16, 2021)

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation? Part 1

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Other episodes featuring Pluto.

Articles or podcasts referenced herein:

Please note: I am not linking some articles – even though published by credible sources – for reasons described in this episode. Please google them if desired.

This conservative ‘mandate’ is a terrifying preview of Christianized government

Republican voters know Trump isn’t joking with his “dictator” remarks — it’s why they love him

The Background Briefing episode I mentioned (audio date Dec 19, 2023)

How Republicans convinced themselves America was meant to be a “Christian nation”

‘I Am Your Retribution.’ Trump Knows What He Wants to Do With a Second Term.

Fascism and Catholicism

There’s plenty of hypocrisy with Moms for Liberty, other pious GOP frauds

In U.S., roughly three-in-ten adults now religiously unaffiliated

Pope Francis says priests can bless same-sex couples, under certain conditions

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

#Pluto #Capricorn #Aquarius

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Disinformation is a WMD

Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruction.

I discuss why we urgently need to clamp down on, if not criminalize, mass disinformation and prosecute those that promote it or profit from it.

This episode was published on January 10, 2024 at 9:49pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

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Follow me on Threads⁠ where I share articles I feel are important.  

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all! Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is January 10th, 2024. The bulk of this was recorded on January 8th.

You know, this period we’re going through is just so intense and disturbing and alarming. And I can’t stop thinking about it because there’s aspects of what we’re experiencing right now collectively that are just so dark.

Having said that, I have done several episodes talking about Pluto transiting 29 degrees of Capricorn, this anaretic degree, which is where we are now. And I even did ones that were kind of intuitive, where I talked about how we would be going through this challenging period and that it would be hard for us to kind of maintain perspective.

Pluto will begin its second transit in recent history of Aquarius on January 20th. That’s only 10 days from now. So hopefully that brings about the kind of breath of fresh air that we probably really need.

And as usual, I’ll put links in the episode description to those other episodes as well. Some of them I published quite a while ago.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, of course, we’re in kind of the darkest days of winter. So that kind of adds to this heaviness of energy as well. And I’ve found lately that my energy can fluctuate a lot. Like one day I feel great and the next day I don’t feel great at all. And I’m tired and, you know, just feel like I have no mojo, you know.

But what I really wanted to talk about here today was how this period of time we’ve gone through, especially in the last eight or nine years or so, has been really shocking in the sense that we’re seeing the darkest aspects of humanity and it can be quite agonizing, as I just described.

And one of the fundamental components of this, I think, is how there seems to be no appreciation of the value of truth itself. And being someone who’s older, I can actually attest, at least in my own experience, that things have been very different in recent history than they were when I was growing up.

To put this in perspective, think about it this way. If you had a good friend or a partner or a wife or husband or something like that, and they lied to you about something significant or important, and then you found out about it, that would fundamentally alter your perception of them and probably the way you dealt with them going forward.

Because typically if somebody lies to you or misrepresents something in a significant way, it increases the likelihood that they will do it again or they’ve done it in other ways that you just don’t know about yet. So we then end up kind of putting barriers around us with respect to our involvement or engagement with these kinds of people.

And it can take a toll on both of us going forward, whether they realize it or not. They’re being penalized for their behavior because they’ve broken trust with you and you because you’re disappointed because somebody important let you down.

I don’t think there’s anybody who wouldn’t feel some remorse or regret in a situation like that. It can literally lead to the breakup of a relationship and even a divorce. So these are really significant implications.

Another example, somebody that you hire or pay for some services or goods performs poorly, you’re much less likely to go back there or to refer other people to them because again, they’ve broken your trust and they’ve let you down.  These are just fundamental examples of human interaction. It makes perfect sense. If somebody lies or cheats or steals, it marks them.

But what we’ve seen happen on a broader scale in recent years is that lying, cheating and stealing on a large scale has been normalized to become much more socially acceptable, or at least more commonplace, than it used to be.  And again, based on my age, I can say that with a high degree of certainty. It’s not a bias of mine. I think most people would agree with that assessment.

And this has really profound implications because what we have seen is that this can result in really significant harm or adverse effects on millions, if not billions of people. Because we don’t have the same kinds of checks and balances around what’s socially acceptable that we used to.

So if you’re like me, you’ve been wondering, why is this? What is going on? What is in the air that has allowed this to reach these new levels?

We have degrees of hypocrisy, especially, for example, with the religious right, that seem to be completely off the charts. And if you’re somebody who places a high value on truth and integrity and honor, this can be really unsettling and disturbing.

This kind of behavior has really profound implications. We have massive numbers of people, for example, in the United States, that believe flat out falsehoods and conspiracy theories that are totally detached from the facts and objective reality. And nonetheless, they are convinced that what they believe is true. And there’s not a lot of hope to change their opinion.

And the widespread use of disinformation and misinformation has caused a lot of people to lose faith in institutions and the media because so much of it is complete BS. And they know this.

That is not to say that there aren’t many credible and trustworthy news organizations and reporters and journalists out there. There are, but they operate in a polluted and toxic ecosystem of misinformation. So the broad public perception of that whole industry is tainted by the conditions of the overall environment, which, like I said, is completely polluted.

And as far as I’m concerned, the fact that things are that way in itself is deliberate. Because if you want to promote or push forward policies or a policy agenda that average people, just based on common sense, would reject, and that experts and qualified people reject – in other words, reality opposes you – then what do you do?  You attempt to undermine reality itself. You discredit the media. You discredit the experts. You discredit the institutions. And you do this subversively and intentionally. And we have tons of evidence that that’s exactly what happens.

On the environmental front, Professor Naomi Oreskes wrote a really important book called Merchants of Doubt. In it, she describes how the tobacco industry came up with a public relations playbook that ended up keeping tobacco more readily available and without all the health warnings and so forth. For years and years and years, they managed to stall legislation, which would have negatively affected their profits, through all kinds of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, and deceit.

She then makes an extremely compelling case that the fossil fuel industry adopted the same playbook to prevent or limit regulations on the use of fossil fuels, which are necessary to combat the global environmental crisis. And again, the tactics – the playbook – are all about deceit, sowing doubt and confusion in the minds of the public, subversively undermining experts, expertise, and institutions, primarily scientists and scientific research. And they literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to accomplish this, and regrettably, they have been phenomenally successful.

I would take that a step further and say those same techniques that the fossil fuel industry used have been deployed in the political sphere, resulting in the kinds of consequences most of us are dealing with on a daily basis.

My whole point about this is that vested interests have deliberately undermined our faith and trust in institutions, from the media, to politics, to science, higher education, and academia, and of course the government, who might regulate them, and so on. As a means of sowing doubt and confusion and polarization, which then allows them to get away with things that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to because you can’t achieve consensus on any topic anymore.

And then this culture of lying and deceit, aided by prominent news networks, who benefit financially from being aligned with these special interest groups, basically are responsible for this state of societal chaos that we are in the midst of right now. And I can’t emphasize enough how dangerous and significant this is.

You could take any topic, say for example the environment, we have done hardly anything about this, even though we’ve known for decades that it was urgent. Think about the implications and costs of that inaction. Think about the polarization and gridlock in the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world.

It could be any topic, like health care. People go bankrupt because they can’t get health care. Meanwhile most advanced countries in the world, like in Europe or here in Canada, have socialized medicine. Those kinds of things just don’t happen. You’re not going to have to sell your house if you get cancer. Why does this persist? It persists because people are completely misinformed as a result of all the lies and propaganda and the deployment of things like social media campaigns that are specifically engineered to confuse people.

So again I’m making the argument that this is extremely dangerous and costly. We are far too sophisticated technologically to have huge chunks of our population completely misinformed about really important topics. We have military capabilities that could end life on this earth. And we need to recognize that truth does matter, that it’s not as subjective as many people think it is, and that we need to clamp down on those people, groups, and organizations that are deliberately promoting misinformation and disinformation.

One of the greatest threats to humanity is actually disinformation, for those very reasons. If we didn’t have massive numbers of people who were deliberately misinformed about the global environmental emergency, we probably would have started doing something about it decades ago. We’re talking about trillions and trillions of dollars of costs that will result from a lack of timely and adequate response to that existential threat.

Or it could result in something like military conflict on a large scale.

To me, this is the biggest lesson of recent history, is that we need to value and honor truth and integrity and safeguard it. Because the lack of it is literally a direct threat to our survival, and our safety, and our health, and our well-being, and the health and well-being and prosperity of current and future generations, as well as the biosphere, which are literally critical for our survival.

All the lying and deception have brought us to a point of peril environmentally, politically, and socially. And if we don’t recognize that and do something about it, we could go right off the deep end.

So just like in my previous episode, titled “Stop Enabling Nihilistic Culture Warriors,” I’m saying that we have to stand up for and go after those who are promoting mass amounts of disinformation and misinformation. We need new laws, they need to be held accountable. We have to recognize that propaganda, disinformation, and misinformation are weapons of mass destruction. Period.

Think about it. Just think about everything that’s happened that has resulted from all of the high-level lying and deception, misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda that has occurred in recent years. I wouldn’t challenge anyone to argue that the implications of that are not profound and very dangerous.

Of course, we need to have a place for free speech, but misinformation and disinformation is like an infectious disease and it spreads if you do not hold it in check. And that is the lesson of this recent period of human history.

Now hopefully, come January 20th, when we get the energy of Pluto in Aquarius, that’s exactly what will start to happen.

It’s like now we have a significant portion of the population that needs to be deprogrammed, like they’ve fallen under the spell of a cult of lies. And some of it is self-deception, but a lot of it has its roots in these completely immoral and unethical organizations that profit from deceit. It is completely shameful and in many ways these people should be ostracized, but also held accountable.

We just have to decide that we will no longer tolerate that anymore because it is extremely harmful. It’s like the opioid crisis, but even worse, because it’s so widespread.

And that’s just a matter of us setting standards, holding ourselves to high standards, and holding others to similar standards too.

Going back to the beginning, if somebody that you trusted broke your trust by deceiving you about something important, there’s a consequence for that to them. You’re going to feel bad, you’re going to feel hurt, but they’re going to actually suffer more because they’re going to lose opportunities, or your friendship, or your relationship, or whatever the case may be.

Extrapolating from that to the bigger picture, it should be the same process. And if we need to update our laws and our judicial systems, then we should, because the stakes are literally existential.

Did anyone ever think that in the early part of the 21st century, that America’s democracy would literally be in peril? I never thought I would see that. And that’s not just my opinion. There are scores, countless, thinkers, academics, scholars, commentators, journalists, and politicians who are saying the same thing. It’s not hyperbole.

My argument is that this is a cultural problem, and it has to do with our complacency and carelessness about not holding people accountable for their behavior. If someone is spreading lies, or disinformation, or misinformation, at the very least, they should be called out on it and taken to task.

And if it’s a business doing this, they should be held accountable in the courts for any damages that their actions have caused. You can’t run into a theater and yell “fire” if there’s no fire actually occurring. It’s completely irresponsible, and it’s dangerous.

And we have to hold the media and these other organizations that have been doing that for years to the same standard. It’s really that simple. We have to make it socially unacceptable to lie about things that can cause significant harm to society. We do not allow companies to grossly misrepresent their products in ways that can cause harm to people, the public commons, or property.

I’m essentially arguing that we need to criminalize disinformation. Literally, we don’t have a choice. We prosecute people for vastly less consequential crimes on a daily basis.

We need to protect ourselves and society from ruthless and unscrupulous criminals, as well as their accomplices and enablers.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript.

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Drama and Detachment During This Intensely Karmic Cycle

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – Will brute force stop progress?

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Stop Enabling Nihilistic Culture Warriors

The Great Infant Rebellion

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Articles referenced herein:

Merchants of Doubt – Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway
First published May 25, 2010

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

A quarter of Americans believe FBI instigated Jan. 6, Post-UMD poll finds

#Media #PostTruth #Propaganda

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


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