Tag: Spirituality (Page 3 of 4)

Psychic Phenomenon and the Current Mass Spiritual Awakening

I share some thoughts on psychic phenomenon and how they relate to spirituality. I also discuss the New Age movement that commenced in the 1980’s, its pitfalls and its relationship to what is occurring now.

Please note: This was the 3rd episode that I published on YouTube. At that time I simply used my iPhone for recording. This was also recorded entirely ad-lib and spontaneously, and published without any editing. Therefore I apologize for the poor audio quality.

This episode was published on September 12, 2021.

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Episode transcript:

It is September 12th, 2021.

I want to… there’s a lot I want to talk about.

As I’m working, I have this constant stream of thoughts going through my head in great detail about what I would like to express.

And then, you know, sometimes I question myself or I will set it aside and come back to it later to make sure that it is what needs or would benefit from being said.

And one of the things that’s been up for me a lot lately is psychic phenomenon and spirituality.

There’s a real sort of burgeoning or growing community of people who are interested in and expressing psychic abilities on social media, including YouTube. And I got interested in that for a couple of reasons.

One is, as I said in my introduction, I published a New Age magazine back in the mid-1980s for several years in Atlantic Canada, covering three provinces or one, two, three, four provinces.

And at that time, I, you know, part of our community that was supportive of this publication about, you know, it was all about spirituality.

And by the way, that was inspired by the Harmonic Convergence, which was a fairly significant event at that time. I think it was 25 years before 2012.

And so the intent of that publication was to bring together people from across the region to connect them in reality. This is way before the internet as we know it. And that succeeded very well.

It was, you know, it was not an insignificant publication. It was 64 pages, full-size magazine. So it required a tremendous amount of work to put that together quarterly, four times a year. And it was run by myself and my partner at the time.

And of course, within that community, a subset of that community was the psychic community.

And so we became friends with quite a few psychics, and they would often hang out with us or we would visit them and socialize with them and so forth.

So I was exposed to a lot of those kinds of people back in the day. And a lot of them were really lovely people. One in particular who was a truly lovely person.

So this phenomenon is not necessarily new to me that we’re talking, what is that, 35 years ago? Am I right? Yeah, 35 years ago or so.

And myself, of course, I have had personally very powerful… sort of what could be described as psychic experiences, going back to my childhood. Many of them to my early childhood, and even through my teens and all along throughout my life. So you know, it’s interesting. So that’s one thing.

One is, see, there’s a connection between the New Age movement that occurred back then, which was kind of a big thing for a while. And then this new phase of awakening that’s going on now, which seems to be happening on a larger scale, but it has a lot of similarities to what occurred back in the 1980s and started then.

And that, of course, is all what happened then was also linked to what happened in the 1960s with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Where there was this whole countercultural movement that arose amongst young people who really questioned the status quo.

And I actually became friends with and hung out with a lot of those people locally in this part of the world who were very involved in that. I was a bit younger than them, but they became my friends.

And one of them in particular became my mentor for many years. He was actually a very accomplished academic, had multiple degrees, had been on the dean’s list and studied philosophy and a wide range of subjects. Very academically inclined, but also very sort of open and spiritual at the same time. So he introduced me to astrology back, this would have been probably ’83 or something. Yeah, probably.

I spent two years when I was in my early, early, early twenties, like just right around 21 or 22. I lived in the woods off grid with no electricity or running water in a little cabin, so more like a shack, but it was beautiful. And that was a really fantastic experience.

I lived in the woods off grid with no electricity or running water in a little cabin, so more like a shack, but it was beautiful. And that was a really fantastic experience.

It was on a co-op, which was communally owned land where they had 125 acres of pristine forest. And it was… that was an amazing experience for me to have.

So anyway, back to the thing about the psychic stuff.

So yeah, because of my association with the New Age movement back in the 1980’s and sort of again, witnessing this, what seems to be an awakening that’s occurring on a larger scale on the planet.

We now have social media and we have the internet and so we’re all kind of instantaneously connected and we have all these platforms for communicating and publishing and broadcasting as I’m doing right now. So I’m fascinated by it for historical reasons.

I’ve always kind of keep tabs on what’s going on. And I also have kind of an innate ability as has been demonstrated throughout my life to be a little bit ahead of the curve. So what I’m often interested in becomes mainstream five, six or seven years later than when I actually pick up and pay attention to it.

I was early adopter of desktop publishing, early adopter of computers, early, very early on the internet. I was on the internet when it was just bulletin boards, but pre-internet when you had to dial in through a modem and connect to a dedicated service and all that stuff.

And you know, bitcoins, all kinds of things that I have picked up on very early on. I mean, I took an interest in bitcoins when they were below $50 each, for example.

So yeah, so I see this phenomenon now and I think it’s really cool.

Also the other component to it was with the former president, 45, I saw as a very clear and present danger to planetary security and the biosphere. Because I felt that if that administration was re-elected, it would have been catastrophic for humanity for all kinds of obvious reasons that I’m not going to go into here right now. That’s a separate kind of conversation.

And so, you know, in sort of out of desperation and concern, somehow managed to find my way to a lot of the psychics and readers who were discussing this. And like many others, I was looking for some light at the end of the tunnel or some hope about what the heck was going on. Like, why was this happening?

Who would have thought that we would be on the brink of outright fascism in the United States, which is the most powerful economic and military country on the planet? And that’s what it was a very, very, very serious threat. And all of many… of my friends and colleagues who are similarly inclined, were extremely concerned about this situation.

I sort of saw it as kind of the dark side, getting increasingly desperate because more and more light was flowing down to the planet and illuminating the planet and lifting up the planet. And the dark side was basically freaking out, going like, you know, holy crap. So it got increasingly extreme.

And if we look at what’s going on right now, this polarization that we’re seeing politically and socially, you know, I think that’s self-evident. The dark side is terrified because if there is enough light and illumination here on this planet, then it can’t do what it does anymore.

The dark side is terrified because if there is enough light and illumination here on this planet, then it can’t do what it does anymore.

It just, there will be no place for it on Earth. And it will be in effect sort of banished in many ways. And that’s what we want. You know, anything that isn’t done with love, compassion and empathy is just not right.

And so, you know, that’s not fascism. Fascism is the opposite of that. Or a theocracy or whatever, or the combination of the two.

And so anyway, back again to the thing about the psychic phenomenon.

One of the things I wanted to share about this is that, first of all, I have met many, many, many psychics over the years.

And I’ve met psychics who are so incredibly gifted that they literally knew what you were thinking and would speak to what you were thinking without you even opening your mouth about it. And I’ve had that experience multiple times.

And sometimes these people are so wide open psychically that they literally have to kind of detach from society quite a bit. Because if you think about it a little bit, if you were that psychic, it would be very hard to function in the world because you know everything that somebody is thinking all the time. It would kind of drive you crazy. So a lot of them kind of would sort of isolate themselves socially.

And they’re out there and some of them you’ll never hear of. You don’t even know. I just for various reasons was able to cross paths with such types of people.

But what I wanted to say more importantly was that, and this is not to be… I’m not intending this to be harmful or critical towards anybody. But that just the statement I want to make is that just because you have psychic abilities does not mean you’re enlightened.

…just because you have psychic abilities does not mean you’re enlightened.

I’ve met many psychic people with powerful psychic gifts who were not particularly evolved from my perspective. And you know, having discussed it with others, I was not alone in my assessment.

And that’s not to be disparaging towards anyone because we’re all at somewhere on the continuum. But the two aren’t necessarily inextricably linked.

And now often as someone does spiritual practice, whether it’s meditation or whatever your spiritual practice is, you will increase your sensitivity. And you’ll open up your chakras more and your gifts, those kinds of gifts will emerge naturally because we actually have all of those abilities naturally. All of us have those abilities naturally. It’s just that often they are shut down in childhood because our culture and our society doesn’t value them or even disdains them or is frightened by them or doesn’t understand them.

Now I’ve also met people, I’ve, hmm… do I bring up another contentious issue? Maybe. I’m probably going to be saying a bunch of stuff that may piss people off, but I don’t really care. I don’t have a problem with being critical and I’m going to address that as well.

But then, you know, where, okay, so where I was going is… if people… the more spiritual practice that you do, the more evolved you are, you do tend to have more and more psychic and intuitive abilities because like I said, they are actually in fact natural.

And what you’re doing is you’re tapping into extrasensory perceptions or other dimensions of yourself because we are multi-dimensional. We are not just the physical, which is really the root of spirituality, is the knowledge and discovery and exploration of that. And so, yes, there are some people who are very evolved who have psychic abilities. I’m just saying that each person has to be sort of looked at individually.

Now why does this matter?

It matters to me because back in the New Age movement of the 1980s… and by the way, there was another spiritualism movement in the late 1800s that people may be interested in… and that was… the Theosophical Society was a large figure in that movement. And so these movements do come and go. You know, Alice Bailey and the Blue Books and all that stuff came out of that period of time. And it was often a blending of Eastern and Western sort of philosophies and traditions, spiritually or religiously even in some cases.

And but back to my point about the New Age movement was that what happened over time with the New Age movement is that it kind of got, it fell into glamour.

…what happened over time with the New Age movement is that it kind of… fell into glamour.

The reason I brought up the Theosophical Society is because, to my knowledge, they started to widely use this term “glamour,” and what glamour meant or represented was falling into the illusion or the maya of reality.

So that, you know, there is a concept of spiritual materialism where, you know, the ego is being satisfied, you know, through its association with, you know, sort of glamorous kind of phenomenon or stuff that’s like, “Whoa,” you know.

And what happens is that, and in the case of the New Age movement, it kind of got trivialized.

And then there’s all the sort of bottom feeders that come in and try and, they see a trend and they want to capitalize on it financially or materially. So you know, they start to produce all kinds of junk and products and everything.

And then over time what happens is that it becomes discredited. Because it becomes very materialistic and status, you know, you get these figures that arise and they’re not necessarily people who are really, you know, best representative of these movements. And it falls into disarray and loses its essence.

So the concept of glamour – which I’m not actually describing very well because it’s actually quite a complex subject – but it is sort of materialism applied to spirituality. To the point where the materialism becomes the spirituality, you know, to the adherent or to the person involved.

And what I’m trying to get at is that what happens is that this is a way of kind of discrediting an entire movement. And that’s what happened to the New Age movement.

…this is a way of kind of discrediting an entire movement. And that’s what happened to the New Age movement.

It became so materialistic. It became about products and it became about, you know, trivial things and material things and goods and services and people trying to make money from it in all the different kinds of ways. And hangers on and others who would ingratiate them, try and ingratiate themselves with prominent figures in the movement and so forth. And it just became the kind of thing that ultimately nobody with a lot of integrity wanted to be associated with.

Now, and honour, right, or dignity… people with honour and dignity and integrity. So they then distance themselves from it and poof, there goes an entire movement.

Now as far as I’m concerned, that’s actually how the dark side tries to undermine these movements is through things like materialism and glamour.

And so I’m not pinning that on the psychic community per se, but I am starting to see patterns that resemble what occurred after, you know, in the, after the New Age movement that emerged in the 1980s.

And this brings me to the role of critical thinking. And so like, for example, not too long ago, somebody published something and there was an error in, a critical error in this, in this presentation. It wasn’t malicious or deliberate, it was just, you know, we all screw up. I mean, I screw up all the time.

And then I noticed somebody, one of the listeners commented that “Oh, I don’t want to be negative, but…” Okay? And then they pointed out the error, which was in fact an error. And this is, this was not, this is not a matter of opinion. It was literally, you know, factual error.

“Oh, I don’t want to be negative, but…” And then they pointed out the error, which was in fact an error.

And I’m like, so, you know, we have to be careful of not being discriminating in a variety of ways.

And we have to not… because there’s also this kind of strain of anti-intellectualism that sort of seems to pervade the spiritual movement, because you’ve got a lot of empaths who, who function on very much on a feeling level.

And you also have people who are, you know, and then on the other end, you’d have sort of more of the people who approach it more intellectually. Where in fact, it probably should be a balance between the two, because God gave us brains and, you know, we should use them.

And so one of the other points of contention or concern that I have is how people sort of often will drop their guard intellectually about things, because they don’t want to rock the boat or be perceived as being negative.

…people sort of often will drop their guard intellectually about things, because they don’t want to rock the boat or be perceived as being negative.

Well, what that does over time is it literally undermines the credibility of the entire movement. Because you then become… there’s the risk of becoming associated with the lower elements of the movement. Or those that are just hangers on or opportunists trying to cash in and make money from it.

And then the whole thing just loses all, like nobody will want to be associated with it, because it’s just garbage and bullshit.

And I’m aware of time here, because I don’t want this to be too long, may already be, because these are big, big subjects, you know, that you could talk about each one of these sort of main points I’m bringing up. You could do like an hour on each one easily.

But I wanted to point out that basically in a lot of spiritual traditions, and traditions go way back, right? Like Eastern spirituality, you know, has been around for centuries and millennia, right? This is, you know, this quest for enlightenment is not new, right?

You know, do your reading, go read “Autobiography of a Yogi”, which probably should be, it’s something I would recommend everybody read.

Or “Sidhartha” by Herman Hess, you know, oh boy.

Or “The Convoluted Universe, Book One” by Dolores Cannon, which I have recommended to many people over the past couple of years.

I’m not so much interested in all the earth mysteries and stuff like that, because to me there just seems to be some sort of glamour around that, like I’m interested in sort of the hardcore spiritual components of things. You know, I’m just not doing this for entertainment, you know.

Where was I going with all that? Probably at the end. But just that, you know, standards.

I’m not saying that we attack other people when they say things that don’t make sense or that don’t sit right with us or that are even objectifiably wrong.

But I am saying that we need to maintain some critical thinking abilities and apply them so that people just don’t slip into a lot of bullshit all the time.

…we need to maintain some critical thinking abilities and apply them so that people just don’t slip into a lot of bullshit all the time.

I have actually heard many things from prominent figures in this sort of burgeoning community of people that were just flat out wrong, and in some cases actually really bad, like quite alarming.

And nobody calls them out on it, because they don’t want to be perceived as being negative or be ostracized or whatever.

Now, again, it’s not about attacking somebody, because we all make mistakes. And God knows I probably have made about a hundred already, and this would be my third sort of broadcast. And I will almost certainly make some more in the future. I mean, everything I’m saying could be wrong, and I’m open to that.

Like if somebody can show to me that I’m just off base, I welcome the criticism, assuming I will concede that it’s accurate and warranted, and I will retract statements if I make them and they turn out to be completely factually erroneous.

I don’t care, because I’m not egoically really attached to beliefs in the way that somebody who might be religious would be, where if you attack their religion, they perceive you as attacking them. I don’t really care.

So I’m just arguing for quality and consistency and integrity, most of all.

So what else did I want to say about the psychic stuff? I think I said everything I need to say.

Like I said, I feel like I could talk about this stuff for a very long time. There’s just so much to say about it, but I do realize or recognize that most people just can’t sit there and listen to something for hours.

I do. I listen to, for example, there’s a podcast called “The Astrology Podcast”, and I don’t always agree with their approach, but I will listen to it, and they’ve done episodes that are three hours long. That doesn’t bug me.

I listen to stuff while I’m working.

I very rarely actually watch anything on YouTube, by the way. I almost always just listen to it, because I can listen and do other things. It’s very rare that I could sit in front of my computer or my phone or whatever for an hour and stare at the screen. I mean, come on.

So that’s kind of one of the reasons I’m producing this more as a podcast, is for that reason.

As I said, I took an interest in the psychic community because they were kind of talking about what was going on politically in the United States and offering insights and reassurances about that. And the ones, most of the ones that I was listening to at the time were right.

So I was kind of glued to that for a long time, because like I said, I recognized that if that administration got reelected, it was kind of game over for the climate and probably game over for the planet and probably civilization. Big deal. But now, so Biden is now the president.

There’s still all kinds of crazy, crazy stuff going on in the US. Their Pluto return is going to be exact. I believe it’s next winter, this winter coming. So it’s just… it’s just nuts.

However, what I’ve been finding lately is I’m less and less interested in the characters and figures on the Republican side who a lot of the readers are reading on, because I really don’t want to be associated with that energy. And I kind of feel like even though the crazy hasn’t stopped, the Biden administration is doing a pretty good job under the circumstances of having a handle on things. And so I’m sort of starting to turn away from that.

There’s also in the psychic community, I find there’s an increasing amount of what I would consider, you know, idle sort of chit chat or, you know, talking about celebrities or whatever. That I have no interest in that personally.

There’s some that are sort of tuning in and bringing in trying to bring in channel messages from higher dimensions. That’s interesting.

There’s some that are asking questions of the higher from the higher dimensions, from Spirit that concern people. I find that still quite interesting.

But just generally, I’m noticing that like… I notice that when I listen to the discussions about figures, challenging figures on the Republican side of the equation, that it actually brings my energy down. And I don’t want to do that anymore. So I’m kind of sad because that provided me with a lot of entertainment in the past, like countless hours. And I probably listen to all the people that you or many of you may also listen to.

And so, you know, I think that one of the other main points about all the psychic stuff, I think that the reason it’s important to talk about it is because as more and more people awaken, they’re going to be starting to experiencing those, you know, the veils are thinning and very much so. This is, I mean, a lot of people have been saying this, but I’ve also experienced this myself and seen this myself.

…it could be quite shocking to somebody who’s comes from a very traditional worldview or paradigm to suddenly start having psychic experiences.

And a lot of these people are going, when they started experiencing these – what to them will be strange phenomenon – are going to be looking for guidance and reassurance that they’re not going crazy, and some understanding about what the hell all this means. What does this mean? Right.

I’ll do another discussion on paradigm shifts because that might be helpful to people. And… but I’m expressing all that because, one, I see the purpose of it.

I understand why a lot of these people have been coming forward and putting themselves out there and that, yes, that serves a purpose. Because it could be quite shocking to somebody who’s comes from a very traditional worldview or paradigm to suddenly start having psychic experiences. You know, that could make people go crazy.

And… but how they apply their knowledge and their experience, I think really the realm is the primary realm. I mean, if you’re not just trying to get eyeballs and high view counts and whatnot, is more on the helping people understand what those phenomenon are. How to manage them, how to work with them, how to refine them, how to do spiritual protection, energetic protection and so forth. Those are the kinds of things that would be constructive.

I guess if I’m a barometer of the public, like I said, I’m becoming increasingly less interested in the crazy people on the Republican side of the equation and what they’re doing because they really represent a lot of the darker aspects of humanity. And like I said, I find that when I’m tuning into that energy, it literally lowers my own energetic state.

So I’m looking, and interested in, content that is not just uplifting, but informative.

If any of that makes any sense or is applicable, I’m just sharing that with you because like I said, I tend to be a barometer of the, if not what’s happening now, of what’s coming.

It was brought to my attention that there was something I had omitted that I intended to include here today.

And that is, there’s a phenomenon kind of going on right now, which I’ve spent a lot of time listening to, which is “remote viewing”. And I’m expressing, I want to express that personally, I have some qualms about that, some concerns.

Like, for example, in all of the studying and practice that I’ve done, it was always emphasized emphatically that permission was required in order to do any kind of energetic work on somebody else.

…it was always emphasized emphatically that permission was required in order to do any kind of energetic work on somebody else.

Now, I also happen to have an 8th house Sun and Mercury, so in my own case, privacy and not being interfered with energetically is something of concern to me that I take very seriously. So any kind of energetic work I have had done on me or I have done with others has always been done with consent, explicit consent.

Now I think the, if I understand it correctly, and I haven’t studied this in detail, if I understand it correctly, the people doing remote viewing would argue that, or hold the position that they are gaining permission on a higher level.

However, I ask you, the listener, to ask yourself if you would want to be remote viewed by somebody else who didn’t necessarily understand your circumstances, your life story, or might lack the context that would inform about who you are and why you are the way you are and so forth.

Because often, you know, people are quick to judge other people based on superficial impressions or limited impressions or erroneous assumptions and so forth. So there’s always the concern that a casual observer may not actually reflect the full reality of a person or situation.

I don’t necessarily have qualms about doing remote viewing about situations, and perhaps less so with public figures, because they have opted to put themselves in this position where they would obviously be under a great deal of scrutiny. And there would be, well, not complete scrutiny, because of course there’s a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that we know nothing about.

I mean, it’s an interesting phenomenon, and I’m not saying yay or nay entirely to it, but I will, to be completely honest, I will say that I do have reservations about the concept.

Now, in my own case, I have stated to my Guides and to the Universe that I do not want to be remote viewed. And not to conflate the two, but I also do not want to be energetically interfered with or manipulated by external forces without my explicit consent.

So if that holds true and it applies… and let’s say somebody wanted to, you know, interfere with me energetically somehow or remote view me, and I’m not saying those are the same things. Remote viewing and interference are not the same thing, but then theoretically there would be karmic consequences for doing so.

And so that’s a concern as well, right? So I think that this is something that should be really considered and perhaps discussed.

I see that, you know, we all want to know what’s going on behind the curtains of various political organizations and administrations and so forth. And to some extent I would say that we actually do deserve to know these things, but there are rules in third dimensional reality governed primarily by Saturn, and Saturn also rules karma.

So it’s just something that has always kind of a little bit bugged me in the back of my mind, and I’m not expressing this to be critical or negative of anybody.

A lot of these people I very much respect, and I sense that they have… that their intentions are good, but I do think that every being – I’m getting chills, and I wish there was a better word for that, I’m getting somewhat chills here saying this – I do think that every being deserves a certain degree of respect and privacy.

…every being deserves a certain degree of respect and privacy.

You know, there’s a lot of figures here on the planet that are doing some stuff that we, you know, do I dare tread where angels would fear to? That are doing… I’m going to save that for another day.

Anyway, I’ll leave it there.

I’m not condemning anyone, I’m just… I just wonder, I suspect that there are others out there who don’t… where this doesn’t quite sit very perfectly with them either, right?

So I’m putting myself out there just to express my qualms or reservations.

And yeah, my higher self might be like, “Oh yeah, I don’t care, you know, this is just another incarnation of me.” But this part of me does.

I don’t, you know, there’s a lot of things that have happened in my life between me and other people that are nobody else’s business.

And yeah, so I’m tacking this on to the end of this broadcast, which is getting really long.

So hopefully somebody will listen to it.

All right, bye.

End episode transcript.

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#Psychic #NewAge #Ascension

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Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

I discuss why we need to more openly address our individual and collective wounding, and to do so courageously, in order to free us from cycles of trauma.

I present this through the lens of the astrology of Saturn, Chiron and Pisces or the 12th house, and dark psychic or occult experiences.

This episode was published on January 28, 2024 at 5:06pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is January 28th, 2024.

What I’m going to talk about here today may seem a little bit out of left field.

I actually have a long list of really interesting topics I want to publish. I’ve gotten a lot of downloads recently, many of which are really interesting.

Especially in the last half of 2023, I had a lot of challenging Saturn transits. A whole slew of them. And Saturn is transiting my 12th house, which in and of itself is rather challenging. So it’s been very hard and very interesting at the same time.

Now one of those transits that has been going on has been transiting Saturn conjuncting my natal Chiron. Natal Chiron in Pisces in the 12th. If you’re a student of astrology, you’ll have a sense of what that’s about.

This is an underrated transit in terms of its effects. This is very much a kind of “woe is me” period and it can be very emotionally debilitating. And it can feel like the world is against you.

This only happens every 28 or 29 years. So it’s not common.

Chiron represents our core wounding, whether we are aware of it or not. This wounding is often associated with traumas that occurred in our formative years, typically with family, who we also have a lot of karma with. But it also deals with past life traumas and wounding. It’s a wound that we can never get rid of, but that we can heal.

And as one matures and we have mastered that wounding, there’s the potential for us to help others who have suffered similar wounding, to become the wounded healer. That’s a real nutshell explanation.

One of the things about our core wounding is that we tend not to want to look at it because it is too provocative or triggering. Most of us prefer to have pleasant experiences. Of course. Why would we want to suffer?

And yet, if we don’t confront our wounding, it will victimize us and limit our potential. And it’ll keep getting triggered and showing up in all kinds of weird ways.

And the less conscious we are of our wounding, the less we have mastered it, the more vulnerable we are to it disrupting our life and our potential.

So ultimately, if we want to ascend, we have to confront our wounding or do our shadow work, however you want to phrase it. It’s absolutely critical.

I’ve had that experience many times where I have been cruising along thinking everything is great and then something will trigger me and it will throw me off course.

When Saturn makes aspects to Chiron, it demands that we approach our wounding in a very realistic, practical and mature way. Saturn does not let us off the hook.

Now I’m not young, so I have had this transit occur before.

When Saturn conjuncts your Chiron, it’s not pleasant because a lot of your wounding will be triggered and brought into your conscious awareness. And like I said, most of us don’t like to focus on these kinds of things.

It’s not fun. It’s difficult. It’s threatening. It’s disturbing. It’s uncomfortable. Who wants to be weak and vulnerable?

That’s the core of this experience, is recognizing your weakness and your vulnerability.

But then the question is, what do you do about it?

If you’re more mature, and I am at least by age, then you confront your wounding and your weaknesses and your vulnerabilities honestly and directly. The more confident and fearless you are about doing that, the more you will get done.

Now the 12th house, where this is occurring for me, can deal with a lot of the non-material aspects of reality.

So this can be like tapping into the collective trauma or wounding of society and reality. And there’s a lot of darkness there. There’s a lot of fear. There’s a lot of trauma.

Why am I explaining all this?

Because it’s drawn to my awareness how our society tends to avoid dealing with or confronting or even acknowledging these kinds of matters.

Take for example how we deal with things like homelessness. Right now there are people on the streets who at some point in the past had a family, a career, a three-bedroom home in the suburbs, and then they find themselves in circumstances where they lose everything and they have no choice but to live on the streets.

It could be because, for example, they couldn’t pay medical bills or they got bankrupted because of a health condition or something like that. Or maybe they had psychological problems or drug addiction or whatever it was.

And then our culture in many ways just kind of pretends that this isn’t actually happening, that that can’t happen to me, which is one of the ways that this gets perpetuated – this cycle – because nobody wants to think that that could happen to them.

Or we victim blame, which is a very low consciousness projection.

But my whole point is that at some point a lot of these people were just like us, and then they find themselves in these extremely challenging, difficult, and uncomfortable situations. And we as a society kind of sweep them under the rug, if not criminalize them.

And this is a very profound disservice and injustice to these people. It’s like kicking them when they’re down. It’s horrible.

These are the most vulnerable people in our society. And the true measure of our society is how we treat our most vulnerable people. If we do not treat them with respect and compassion, we are not an evolved society, regardless of what anyone says.

There are many seniors right now who retired thinking that they had enough money to survive through their retirement years. And because of inflation and higher interest rates, the skyrocketing cost of housing and health care, they’re finding that they’re not prepared in a way they thought they were. So these people, in fact, are now becoming vulnerable and marginalized as well. Many of them.

But this also occurs on the spiritual dimensions, where people who have experiences with dark psychic phenomenon are marginalized, rejected, or ostracized.

We portray these kinds of things a lot in film, think the horror genre. And people are fascinated by this, of course.

But in reality, people who experience these kinds of things can’t talk about it because they will be perceived as being crazy or threatened with being locked up in an institution.

Some people are mentally unstable. Let’s be clear about that. But not everyone.

And I myself have had many, many encounters with the darker aspects of reality for whatever reason going back to my childhood. And I have personally taken measures over the years to protect myself from those kinds of situations. I think it’s just simply because I’m psychically open or wired in a lot of ways that allows me to be able to perceive these kinds of things.

So what I’m saying is that sometimes these things are real.

I’m explaining all this because there needs to be a place for people who experience these kinds of things to be able to share those experiences and learn how to manage them without fear of being ostracized or stigmatized.

In fact, the worst thing that can happen here is that these people get increasingly isolated. You do not want to be in a state of fear when you are confronting these kinds of energies. It makes you more vulnerable.

My point is that people these days are more open about psychic phenomenon. This is something that we can’t explain scientifically or completely rationally. The majority of people are in complete denial about this kind of stuff.

Let’s face it, in the not too distant past, if not still to this day, people who experienced these kinds of things would have been thrown into mental institutions if not burned at the stake. That’s how bad it is.

People who are prone to these kinds of things need to learn ways of dealing with them that are constructive and positive. And that is possible. But it’s not likely to occur if our society just completely rejects the reality of this.

I am not in any way condoning darkness or the deliberate pursuit of it at all. I myself have made a solemn oath to be aligned with the path of light and truth. I am unwaveringly committed to that path, period.

However, we are not being of service to our brothers and our sisters if we deny their experiences and stigmatize them.

Now some people are having these kinds of experiences for karmic reasons, but even that can be addressed.

So I’m sharing this today, rather unexpectedly, because it came up for me very clearly and I had some insights into this that I wanted to share with you. It’s an uncomfortable topic, but it’s something that ultimately our society will need to confront in a constructive, compassionate way.

We are all members of the human family, and it behooves us, for all of us, to be uplifted and healed.

There is collective karma and trauma that humanity has to resolve or it will continue to occur, and the vast majority of us do not want to continue experiencing collective trauma, whether it’s through war or on the psychic levels.

Part of our collective upliftment in the Aquarian age will be for those who have the courage and the fortitude and the wisdom to help humanity to constructively move forward on these levels. So we have to help anyone in need, and I have made the point here before that we need to help our most vulnerable people.

Pretending that they don’t exist or that their reality is invalid is choosing ignorance and its folly.

In the episode description, I will link to some other episodes I have published that are related to this theme.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you are interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

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Related episodes:

Playlist: Introduction to Ritual Practice – Practical Suggestions

Dealing With Dark Energies and Energetic Attacks

Living with Neptune – Transit and Natal

Other people’s energies significantly affect us – how to manage that

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#Astrology #Saturn #Chiron


Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness: 2023 – 2044

I discuss the astrology of the transit of Pluto through Aquarius which will commence starting in 2023.

This major shift in energies will profoundly transform many aspects of society and our lives. As far as I am concerned it will be a very significant step in our journey into the dawning Age of Aquarius.

I also discuss Pluto transiting through Capricorn – which has been occurring since 2008 – and how that has shaped our world.

Personally, I have been anticipating Pluto entering Aquarius for well over a decade.

Find out why. Enjoy!

This is a transcript of an episode I published on my YouTube channel on February 14, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me!

Greetings all it is February 14, 2022.

I’ve been working on this for over a week, so please accept my apologies for theinconsist ent audio and recording which you will notice. It’s amazing how much your voice can change hour to hour, and day to day.

But this is a really fascinating subject I am very excited to be able to talk about and share with you. These times that we are in have to be one of the most interesting periods in all of human history. I sincerely hope you find the following interesting enlightening and worthwhile. I am looking forward to returning to more spiritually oriented topics after this episode but this transit of Pluto moving into Aquarius soon is one of the critical components of the extraordinary changes that are occurring at this point in the earth’s history.

Today I want to talk about something that to me is of great significance and importance this has been on my mind for well over 10 years. Anticipating this particular transit or ingress of Pluto into Aquarius which will commence in 2023. Coupled with the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero degrees of Aquarius in December of 2020, these transits herald the beginning of a new era. The magnitude and scope of the implications of these transits are extremely significant. To me trying to cover these topics in a condensed form is daunting.

Before I get started I need to make clear that I am not going to be covering every major astrological transit that has occurred in this time period – namely the time period that Pluto was in Capricorn. For example we had a very significant Uranus square Pluto transit, Saturn has been squaring Uranus, we had Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn, amongst others. It would be very time consuming to cover everything that’s occurred over the past decade or so. However, in the backdrop there’s always which sign Pluto was occupying at the time that shows what themes are up for major or significant transformation, and that is what I will be focusing on here today.

Also when I use terms such as “the powers that be” or “the status quo” they are really just placeholders for world views or paradigms and not necessarily a reference to any specific groups, organizations or individuals.

First of all we need to talk a little bit about the influence or role of Pluto in world affairs. Pluto in its rawest form is like pure power or energy and as it moves through an astrological sign it imbues the qualities of that sign amplifying them, and as far as the world is concerned, bringing those themes or areas to our attention in many profound ways.

Pluto by challenging transit will often bring about periods of metaphorical death rebirth and complete transformation of what it comes in contact with. These periods of crisis can be dramatic and very significant, if not life-altering or destiny altering. As aspects of ourselves, or of states or nations or entities, have to go through a period of significant dissolution before they can be regenerated into something more substantial, whole, meaningful and that is in integrity. It can be akin to a wrecking ball to what is outmoded or no longer valid. Under its influence these periods can be experienced as being very tumultuous and only really actually fully appreciated as being beneficial and transformative with hindsight from some future perspective.

For years I have advised people undergoing Pluto transits to try to not be in resistance to the flow of those energies as being in resistance will make the inevitable process of transformation more difficult and challenging. Pluto’s energies are far too powerful to resist. Unfortunately when I observe what is going on in the world these days I see a tremendous amount of resistance. Thus I expect that this current period will continue to be challenging and tumultuous and even more difficult than it needs to be.

People are desperately clinging to outmoded structures, paradigms and worldviews, and resisting the call to evolve. Those in positions of power and privilege are not readily inclined to release their grip and Saturn is very resistant to change as I will explain shortly.

When we understand Pluto and how it works we can see how it influenced periods of history in various ways. Like I said it can empower people, places and situations and give them a great deal of intensity, for better or for worse. For example many world leaders or very powerful figures in world history have had strongly placed Pluto’s in their natal charts. Although this grants them a lot of power, there is often a significant comeuppance or retribution eventually if they choose to abuse that power. This can lead to dramatic and sometimes very public and humiliating downfalls and the destruction of all that they have aspired to. Pluto can be utterly devastating to an inflated ego which naively and mistakenly believes that it is the source of true power. It has an intensely karmic aspect to it.

When Pluto was in Sagittarius between 1995 and 2008 we saw really the dawn of the internet and global communications. Sagittarius rules all things international as well as philosophy, religion higher education, broadcasting and the media. There were revolutions in publishing, broadcasting, the media and communications technologies, which profoundly changed the world. Without question the dawn of the internet has completely changed every aspect or sphere of human activity. We went from being disparately and periodically connected to being constantly connected and aware of what was going on around the world at any moment in time. The world also saw the darker expression of this energy through religious fanaticism, extremism and fundamentalism, including brutal acts of ideologically motivated terrorism, wars, subjugation and oppression. Also during this time president Bill Clinton brought China into the world trade organization. Some American business interests eagerly imagined a new marketplace of a billion plus consumers for their products. Although that never materialized it set the stage for profound changes in global trade and manufacturing which would mark a critical turning point in human history.

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and will be there roughly until 2024. Traditionally, in mundane astrology, the 10th house rules government, rulers, leaders of governments, kings queens, CEO’s, the seat of power… the top of hierarchical structures. It deals with the nation’s reputation status, credit… the state of the nation in terms of public employment. Saturn – the ruler of Capricorn and the tenth house – governs things like karma, responsibility, duty, obligations, long lasting structures and foundations. The tenth house is where we strive for achievement and status, often through concentrated and deliberate effort over time. It represents the culmination of our efforts to be recognized. To be at the top of the heap, or at least to try. Saturn a very masculine energy. When negatively expressed or aspected, or taken to extremes, can express itself very darkly by being cruel, dominating, repressive, controlling, authoritarian, punitive, rigid, inflexible, demanding, obstinate, restrictive, narrow-minded uncompromising, unforgiving, judgmental, harsh, patriarchal, intolerant, narrow-minded, excessively conservative, fearful, paranoid, defensive, oppressive, reactionary. And of course these attitudes can result in issues with repressed anger and resentment as well as fear of change, or threats to its status, dominance or any perceived threats to conformity or the status quo. To be clear this is not Saturn itself acting in this way it is the individual, entity, group or organization which is expressing the negative aspects of Saturnian energy.

We can see why the combination of the intense powerful and deep energies of Pluto combined with the rigid and controlling energies of Saturn have produced many of the trends we have been observing in recent social and political history. Saturn and Pluto conjuncted in Capricorn in January of 2020. The fact that this occurred in Saturn’s own sign lended great potency and emphasis to this alignment, and especially all themes Saturnian. Although Saturn and Pluto conjunct about every 33 to 38 years this was the first time it had occurred in Capricorn since the year 1518, over 500 years ago.

I made a list of some of the major issues that have come up during this period while Pluto has been transiting Capricorn. This is by no means exhaustive but they certainly fit within the themes one would expect to materialize during such a transit. I will put these items on the screen as well. It’s quite remarkable when you consider it, really.

  • At the very beginning one of the major events that occurred was the 2008 financial crisis and the bailout of the banks at taxpayer expense – without repercussions for the offenders. Followed by record low interest rates and quantitative easing to stimulate economic activity and avoid a global depression akin to what occurred in the 1930’s.
  • The election of Barack Obama, which triggered a reactionary and often racially motivated backlash.
  • The Fukushima nuclear disaster which was a gross regulatory failure.
  • The Panama Papers which disclosed how wealthy individuals were hiding their assets and wealth in offshore tax shelters.
  • The Edward Snowden revelations which exposed the absolute extent of government surveillance of all manner of communications.
  • The geopolitical ascendancy of China – a non-democratic autocratic nation.
  • The offshoring of manufacturing to countries with cheap labor, minimalist worker rights and environmental regulations.
  • A dramatic increase in social and political polarization.
  • The rise of right-wing, illiberal, autocratic and populist leaders.
  • The erosion of democratic and electoral norms and institutions.
  • The rise of misinformation and disinformation through social media and other platforms including some major news networks devoted to right-wing ideologies.
  • Rates of income and wealth disparity reached obscene levels during this period where a handful of billionaires own as much wealth as half of the world’s population.
  • The increasing consolidation of many key business sectors by a small number of corporate entities.
  • The specter of fascism, racism and right-wing extremism.
  • Brexit, which was a populist backlash largely based on misinformation and wishful thinking.
  • Foreign actors interfering with and undermining liberal democracies.
  • A significant lack of action to combat the climate change and global environmental crisis. It was for the most part business as usual despite growing alarm and consensus on the part of the world’s scientists and esteemed scientific bodies.
  • Displacement and disruption due to changing climatic patterns and severe weather events.
  • The adoption of the term anthropocene to define a new geologic epoch in earth’s planetary history in which human activity and its byproducts are the dominant factor or influence.
  • Increasingly extremist social and political movements with primarily caucasian right-wing domestic threats identified as a dominant concern.
  • An alarming erosion and undermining of democratic institutions protocols and safeguards by illiberal forces.
  • Significant efforts to suppress and interfere with voting access rights and privileges.
  • Insurrectionists attempted to overthrow democratically elected governments.
  • Scientists, academics, experts, journalists, public officials and even private citizens were harassed, attacked and intimidated in the so-called culture wars.
  • A global pandemic on a scale not seen in a hundred years affecting trade, supply chains, employment and living routines.
  • Social unrest due to pandemic protocols and medical misinformation. The rise of the anti-vaxxer movement.
  • Increasing tensions between the United States and China and the United States, Europe and Russia.
  • Growing concerns about significant bubbles in the stock market and real estate markets triggered by historically low interest rates.
  • Historic levels of inflation resulting in spiraling costs of living particularly for those with marginal incomes, which fueled resentment even further.
  • Legitimate concerns about social breakdowns and even civil war in leading democracies, particularly in America.
  • Increasing concerns about the state of the global economy due to the aforementioned issues.

And so while Pluto has been transiting through Capricorn we have become very aware of how these areas of life have been influencing us, how they’ve been abused – because again Pluto is power and power can be easily corrupted. Even if there are karmic consequences for that they may not be experienced immediately. So Pluto has been enhancing all of these areas of life. We’ve all been witnessing this play out through these years commencing in 2008 and we’ve all become very aware of the potential for these powers to be misused and then therefore how those areas of society and life need to be renewed, regenerated or reformed.

Now when Pluto goes into Aquarius this is in a completely different energy and area of life that will be emphasized. Aquarius rules the 11th house which is a very different energy. It is fixed air versus cardinal earth. Its modern ruler is Uranus, its traditional ruler is Saturn (which never made sense to me). Uranus is the planet of change revolution and innovation. It breaks up stagnant or outmoded or redundant structures or patterns and it can do so quite dramatically.

Aquarius is visionary, egalitarian, future-oriented, progressive, independent, individualistic, logical, rational, and intelligent. It disdains hypocrisy and injustice and is willing to make sacrifices for core beliefs or principles. Aquarians are rebellious and will not accept arbitrary power or authority at face value. Respect must be earned and maintained. They do not adhere to dogma for the sake of dogma, or tradition alone. This does not bode well for institutions such as organized religion or people wedded to archaic dogmatic ideologies, for example, which are legacies of the Piscean Age energies.

The 11th house, the house of Aquarius and Uranus, governs society at large, the people, community, community engagement, involvement and collaboration. Organizations that deal with humanitarian and egalitarian issues that deal with the transformation and evolution of society. So we can see that the energies of the 11th house are very different. The 10th house deals with power and power structures, and the attempt to consolidate and impose power. Whereas the 11th house seeks to revolutionize systems and is more concerned with distributing power and the welfare of society and the people. Very, very different energies.

Pluto’s orbit is elliptical – it will spend shorter or longer periods of time in each sign depending on where it is so it’s going to be in Aquarius for almost 20 years commencing in 2023 all the way through 2044. And we can think of what this transit will herald as the dawn of collective consciousness or global consciousness. Where we extend beyond the boundaries of our own limited reality and take into account brighter societal implications and the welfare of others. It is not prone to things like conspiracy theories or BS because that’s just not what Aquarius is all about. It’s very rational, very intelligent, scientifically oriented, forward-looking. It’s not about just immediate benefit or gain, or like I said the consolidation of power. It will make sacrifices for the betterment of society.

I briefly mentioned the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in December of 2020. Now that’s significant because those conjunctions occur roughly every 20 years. But since 1802 these Great Conjunctions have been occurring in earth signs and the Great Conjunction in December of 2020 was one of the first conjunctions in air signs. And that pattern will now continue uninterrupted in air signs for almost 200 years, the last one occurring in 2199. These conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn mark very significant periods of time. The previous cycle of Jupiter and Saturn in air signs ended in the year 1405, some 600 years ago. The collective energy is shifting more from earth to air, and air is a mental, intellectual or rational energy.

We have Pluto soon to move into Aquarius where it’ll transform society from a very different perspective than it has while it was in Capricorn. This will have very profound implications for humanity. I will put all of these dates in greater detail on the screen. The first ingress or the first time that Pluto will go into Aquarius will be on March 23, 2023 through June 11 of 2023. It will retrograde back into Capricorn and then it’ll move into Aquarius again in January of 2024 through September of 2024 and then it will move more permanently into Aquarius in November of 2024 all the way through 2043.

A couple notable historical events in history that occurred the last time that Pluto was in Aquarius were the French Revolution in 1789 and the American revolution of 1776. In the early 1780’s Massachusetts abolished slavery.

As I’ve said Aquarius is very revolutionary energy and it doesn’t put up with or abuses of power, authority or idiocy. Those who will be welcome energies indeed, from our perspective now. When Pluto goes into Aquarius in 2023 we will start to see people in a sense revolt against abusive power structures that put power into the hands of a few people versus the masses. That can also apply to any other tyrannical or abusive power structures, could be corporate could be in banking or finance or with industries that are abusive.

Aquarian energy would also be much more concerned about environmental issues, human rights issues and justice and fairness for all. So we can expect to see those who hold those kinds of energies or views to become much more prominent than the sort of patriarchal top-down power structures we have been confronted with so intensely over recent years. And let’s face it there are many aspects of society that are in profound need of those kinds of transformational energies. The status quo or the power structures that seem to be controlling us at this point in time are literally unsustainable for our planet.

Uranus can bring sharp and sudden and dramatic shifts in your life or in the course of your life if you have a strong Uranus transit affecting your natal chart. And they can be very surprising and dramatic, like I said. So I expect that when we see Pluto begin to move into Aquarius we will see very sharp and sudden and dramatic actions and reactions to outmoded forms of control and power. Aquarius is not about the me, it’s about the us.

There’s a lot of interesting things to consider here because Uranus can be very revolutionary and challenging to existing structures – those that are corrupt or defunct. Uranus is so different that is actually tilted on its side, it has a very different rotational axis from any other planet in our solar system.

And like I said it is evidence-based and generally rational. A lot of the issues that we see playing out in the world at the time of this recording are reactionary because I think these institutions and individuals recognize a looming period where they will lose control and their privilege with it. Now of course we have the technology so that we can all be connected and aware of everything that’s happening around the world, almost in real time. So there is no way to fully control or put that genie back in the bottle. There will be kind of a collective uprising against those forms of tyrannical control and power and dominance.

One of the truisms about Uranus is that because it can be so surprising is that we can never fully predict how it will play out. There always seems to be some kind of element of events that we didn’t anticipate, that are surprising to us. It can often deal with things that are outside of her beyond our experience or awareness and that are only appreciated in hindsight after events have transpired.

I would anticipate events to occur that are outside of our past experience. If there was a time where humanity was going to encounter other forms of intelligent life, for example, this would be when it would occur. That would be something that is radically outside of our past experience and these energies would be conducive to things like that. The 11th house governs society and Uranus can completely change the way we understand our role in society and how we are connected to other beings even possibly beyond our own earth. If humanity is going to go beyond the boundaries of our planetary limitations this would be the time where at the very least those seeds would be planted.

What follows is conjecture on my part, of course. However, if what I suggest do not fully materialize I do believe that many of these changes or concepts will at least begin to germinate during this period.

  • I would anticipate very significant revolutions in the area of science and technology.
  • Using my imagination some areas where we may see some significant or revolutionary advancements include:
  • New forms of non-polluting renewable energy.
  • New forms of energy which allow people to produce their own energy independent of centralized energy sources (off-grid so-to-speak).
  • Green energy and distributed, decentralized energy production and significant advancements in how we store energy – battery technology and the like.
  • The end of the fossil fuel era and the transition to electric vehicles and transportation.
  • Significantly more advanced forms of transportation which allow us to traverse the globe more efficiently and quickly.
  • Significant advancements in computing and quantum computing.
  • Decentralized communications, telecommunications and networking.
  • Significant advancements in all the sciences and engineering, including new materials.
  • Significant advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, emancipating people from the drudgery of routine labor so they can focus on more intellectual pursuits.
  • Significant advancements in gene therapy as a form of medicine and healing as well as a means of combating chronic and contagious diseases and illnesses.
  • The end of paper currency and the widespread use of some form of digital currency – probably sanctioned by government
  • The adoption and implementation of some form of universal basic income, socialized medicine and health care.
  • More readily accessible and affordable higher education.
  • Stricter laws and regulations concerning corporate rights versus individual or collective rights.
  • Stricter regulations on corporations versus the rights of the individual or society.
  • Systems to control or limit the damage caused by disinformation and misinformation including in broadcasting and the media.
  • Significant advancements with respect to electoral systems – the adoption and implementation of some form of proportional representation as an electoral system versus the archaic first-past-the-post electoral systems many countries still use. As proportional representation – or some form of it – as it yields a much more accurate representation of the will of the people. It is also likely we will see more multi-party systems.
  • Political campaign finance laws to limit or restrict the rights of corporations to have undue influence over electoral outcomes.
  • The new economy is likely to become increasingly more knowledge-based.
  • Greater decentralization of work habits – in other words more freedom to work remotely or from distant locations and probably a shorter work week and greater worker rights.
  • A general recognition and appreciation for those who are learned or who have high levels of expertise or that are well educated as opposed to the current emphasis on people who are of high status and wealth.
  • A clamp down on things like predatory lending.
  • Expanded social safety nets including greater support for child care and child rearing.
  • Greater recognition for teachers and the important role they play in society (strong chills there, I’ve always… I’ve known quite a few teachers – they really deserve our support).
  • Much stricter environmental regulations for carbon emissions, pollution, chemicals and the like.
  • Possible significant advancements with fusion as a form of grid-based energy which is renewable.
  • And, of course, an emphasis on education and learning which will be lifelong activities.
  • Overall I expect it to be akin to the Industrial Revolution in scope but this revolution will be a technological, scientific, intellectual and societal revolution. We can also expect to see tremendous political and social reform.
  • Aquarian energy is completely comfortable with people expressing their unique individuality. That would relate to gender identity through sexual expression and liberation or whether they are of different ethnicity or race or color or culture doesn’t matter. The Aquarius energy welcomes diversity, individuality and unique expression. it will not recognize artificial, dogmatic or irrational boundaries or borders between people be they racial, economic or socio-political. Like I said it has kind of a disdain for patriarchal top-down rules that only exist to serve a structure and not humanity itself.
  • I would not be surprised to see greater international and global communication and cooperation to address transnational issues such as the climate crisis and the environmental crisis, as well as humanitarian issues such as hunger, poverty, health care and lack of education.
  • Sustainable agriculture will almost certainly be addressed and probably we will see a shift to more vegetarian eating and less consumption of meat due to its exceptionally high carbon footprint and low yield of calories for energy invested, and its highly inefficient use of vast tracts of land.
  • Finally I almost certainly think we will see – with a very high degree of certainty – that the astonishing levels of income disparity inequality and unfair taxation will be finally addressed. Fairness will be the mantra. That you can pretty much bank on.

People who have significant points in their natal chart that are in air or fire will probably benefit most from this transit as the energies of Aquarius are more in tune with air and fire.

Leo’s will have Pluto oppose their Sun. Scorpios and Taurus will have Pluto square their Sun. And of course Aquarius will have Pluto conjunct their Sun at some point during this transit (which is a very long transit).

Pluto will be opposing Leo ruled by the Sun so this will present challenges for those who are overly self-oriented, egotistical or narcissistic. It may also affect the way we deal or have to deal with children.

It will be squaring Scorpio so there may be significant issues or changes that need to be made in the areas of psychology, sexuality, reproduction, child rearing, deep interpersonal relationships, mental health and well-being – dealing with trauma, grief and abuse, etc.

As well Pluto will be squaring Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, and relates to issues around property, real estate and money, and the harvest, so there could be issues with food production and availability during this time. And I would not be surprised if we saw major issues with the banking and finance sector at some point during this transit. There could be significant disruptions to our economy the stock market and real estate and things like that. Those areas are all up for very significant change and transformation during this 20-year long period.

I personally feel that this shift of Pluto into Aquarius, in close conjunction to the great Saturn and Jupiter conjunction at the very beginning of Aquarius – literally at zero degrees Aquarius, are hallmarks of the major shifting or stepping stones or turning points or gateways into the age of Aquarius.

Like I said I have been looking forward to this for well over a decade. It’s probably self-evident but if you’ve listened to my videos you can see that i’m very progressive. And I do not really understand or resonate with selfish, self-centered, acquisitive or very materialistic behaviors or patterns or paradigms. This shift of energies into Aquarius would certainly benefit someone with a perspective like mine. And I presume that many of the people who are listening to my channel would be similarly inclined.

We will get a first taste of this at the end of March of 2023 and it’ll take a year and a half for those energies to fully settle in. There’ll be a dance back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn through 2023 into the latter half of 2024 when the energies fully settle into Aquarius.

Again because Uranus can manifest quickly and dramatically I think we’re going to start to see how this is going to play out very quickly and so those of us who are very concerned about how we’re facing the threat of what appears to be fascism in many regards right now – populism which is based on a lot of lies and disinformation and misinformation – all that kind of crap will be laid to rest very quickly when Pluto moves into Aquarius. It will favor things like democratic socialism and progressivism. As opposed to the rule of the many by the few it’ll be the rule of the many for the many.

So this should really help us deal with, say for example, the environmental crisis, climate change and things like that because Aquarians do not put up with BS and they are very socially responsible and socially concerned and the environment will certainly play a role in that.

This energy will also help us develop technologies that can get us off fossil-fuel-based energy systems or energy systems that are detrimental to our health or welfare or well-being in the long run because it is so socially concerned and aware. It will take a long view of the impacts of industrial activity like that.

This will be tremendously exciting and inspiring and rational… thank God.

I’ve been wanting to produce this for a very long time now. The dramas that have been playing out as a result of Pluto transiting Capricorn will reach a crescendo in particular when Pluto reaches 29 degrees Capricorn – an Anoretic degree. The 29th degree of signs is considered to be a very intense degree because it’s the very last degree of that sign where all of those energies kind of reach a culmination just before a planet moves into the following sign.

Like I said the ingress or when Pluto first moves into Aquarius will be March 23rd of 2023. I’ll put the dates for this on the screen but Pluto will be generally at 29 degrees Capricorn from June until July of 2023, from December of 2023 to January of 2024 and September of 2024 to November of 2024. Again that’s when Pluto will be at 29 degrees Capricorn so we can anticipate some fairly dramatic events around those dates just because of the intensity of both Pluto and the 29th degree or the Anoretic degree.

In fact the last time Pluto will retrograde and then station direct at 29 degrees – again that’s September to November of 2024 – we can anticipate intense or dramatic developments in that time frame. It could even manifest as one last desperate grasp by the powers that be or the status quo to try and maintain or enforce or impose its worldview. Or maybe some very dark and unknown truths come to light at that time which function as the last or final straw or the last nail in the coffin of the status quo or the powers that be. Which then becomes the spark or the fuel which ignites the revolution which will occur when Pluto moves into Aquarius. We shall see.

Now one of the potential downsides of this transit is that Aquarius can be kind of an aloof and detached and sometimes a bit cold sign because they’re very rational and intellectual and they’re a little bit uncomfortable with their emotional side. It all depends on your natal chart and how it’s configured. so there is the potential for doctrines to kind of be imposed upon society in a technocratic kind of way. Most likely left-wing societal structures.

I think that because we will be facing a lot of very significant global challenges – that traditional aspects of society and our economies and so forth are not equipped to deal with – there is that potential of having some kind of a top-down kind of approach to doing things. There could be in that event controls or surveillance over the flow of communications, information and knowledge (which we already have, let’s face it, in the United States, as Snowden revealed to the world.) So I hope we don’t manifest the negative potential of this transit, but it’s something that we should be aware of as this transit approaches.

I will certainly be paying attention to what events transpire during those times when Pluto is at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Pluto will bring to our awareness all of the areas that it touches and put them in our faces so that we can see what is corrupt. So that we can address it and deal with it and then move on.

So often it looks like there are, for example, attempts to control or dominate or impose power or will upon others but this is occurring so that we can see what needs to be fixed essentially or reformed. And so this whole transit of Pluto through Capricorn has really been showing us how our systems of governance and power and leadership are being abused. So that we can reform them or correct them. This whole period from 2008 through 2024 that’s been a major theme globally and for pretty much every country in the world. When Pluto moves into Aquarius is when a lot of those reforms – those needed reforms – where old structures that are no longer actually serving the people will be either obliterated or reformed or new structures will be created that are more in line with the benefit of the masses.

Aquarius will literally fight for its beliefs and if we consider what occurred during the French Revolution and the American Revolution that is quite evident. They will not put up with BS basically and they are willing to lay their lives on the line to make whatever changes are needed. So I would not want to be somebody who is heavily invested in the status quo if that status quo is corrupted or exploitive.

On a spiritual level for those who are so engaged we can anticipate things like being very aware of the collective on an energetic level and this could include psychic phenomenon and telepathy. As we gain the ability to bridge what were formerly impenetrable borders, the boundaries and definitions and limitations of three-dimensional time and space will begin to be dissolved. And I also wouldn’t be surprised if we find that science starts to identify discernibly how some of these mechanisms work. How we are all connected on subtle energetic levels that we formerly did not perceive or understand. So you can expect that like I said what were borders or boundaries between us as individuals and us as collective beings – and even possibly us in relation to other forms of intelligent life in the universe – that those borders or boundaries will be overcome and we will have direct experience that transcend time space and three dimensions. Our understanding and definition of life itself and what is alive, or what is conscious, may also be significantly expanded. Although it’s possible the complete understanding of that may not occur until we are further into the age of Aquarius.

I’m not suggesting that all of humanity is going to experience those kinds of things profoundly but people in the vanguard I certainly think they will. That would be people who are at a more advanced level of spiritual development and consciousness.

All in all tremendously exciting and for those of us who are completely fed up with the paradigms that currently dominate our world. This will be a period of tremendous revolution and the endings of a lot of structures that have limited us in the past. We can anticipate very dramatic and rapid advancements during this time – things that we could not even or did not even predict.

It’s interesting that I am here commenting on this subject – one of the biggest subjects of all I think – I have had my progressed Sun in Aquarius for a few years and I have had Pluto enter my 11th house not too long ago for probably the rest of my life.

So stay tuned. This period that we’re going to be entering in the not too distant future is going to be incredibly powerful.

Again, we’ve got the Pluto moving to 29 degrees Capricorn in 2023 through early 2024 – until it fully settles in at the end of 2024 – until 2044. So this is kind of like the dawn of collective or global consciousness and the end of abusive and corrupted patriarchal power structures.

I’ll leave you with one other thought which I had as I was finishing up editing this and that’s this: I think that nations that resonate with this Aquarian energy with Pluto and Aquarius are the ones that will fare the best in the coming times. Think about that because it’s kind of like being in a group where you don’t fit in. You know you don’t just jive with the energy and you’re really awkward and out of place? That’s kind of what it’ll be like in the world as we move further into this Aquarian energy. Nations and peoples that jive with that energy will probably prosper the most. And the same for people too. I hope you’re one of them.

Thanks so much for spending time with me I look forward to doing it again soon.

Copyright © 2022 John Irving. All Rights Reserved.

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split

I provide a synopsis of the Great Timeline Split on Earth which was articulated through many of the people Dolores Cannon put into a deep state of somnambulistic trance.

Years ago I was guided to her book &auot;The Convoluted Universe: Book One&auot; which filled in a lot of missing pieces of the puzzle – so-to-speak – for me.

She suggested a Timeline Split would occur at this point in our history – the first time it has ever successfully occurred at this level on our Earth.

Many thanks to the memory of Dolores Cannon and her years of incredible dedication and ceaseless devotion to her fascinating work.

It seems it might be helpful to share this given all of the drama we are experiencing these days.

This is a transcript of an episode published on February 28, 2022.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all it is February 27, 2022.

The main thing I really felt compelled intuitively to come on here today and talk about is something I’ve been aware of for years. And some of my listeners may be aware of this probably, some may not. But as I was thinking about this last night… actually last night I was thinking like oh my God this sort of feels like the end times. And then this morning we find out that Putin has put his nuclear defensive arms on a high alert which is just insane. You know that he’s a madman. Like a lot of people I felt really ill for a few days before they invaded. And how is it possible that a single madman can hold the whole world hostage like this? It’s just… how is that even possible that one person could have so much power? It’s just obscene and you know it could only happen because on some level it’s part of our collective consciousness. It certainly doesn’t jive with mine but it has to with others and I say we have to deal with this. Like something has to happen about this It’s beyond ridiculous.

What I wanted to talk about is this whole notion of a timeline split. Now there have been a number of books that have been very important to me in my lifetime. Like Herman Hesse, SiddharthaAutobiography of a Yogi. At different times certain books have just kind of shown up in my life and stuck with me. They were sort of paradigm shifting for me personally. Now one of those was a book by Dolores Cannon called The Convoluted Universe book one specifically. Book one – I found the other books in that series were less coherent I think. This book was first given to me by someone I know who is an energy healer and a psychic, gifted, and he was guided to loan me this book – Dolores Cannon, The Convoluted Universe book one. Of course I accepted and I started to read it.

Now reading this book was paradigm shifting for me because it connected a lot of dots that I just couldn’t connect up until then. There were many times when I read that book where literally my jaw would drop and I would say to myself oh my God. I actually said that out loud quite a bit too because they were like missing pieces of the puzzle. So what Dolores Cannon did was she put people into a very very deep hypnotic state. And when people were in that deep state she was able to communicate with them and they would communicate more from their higher self level or their soul level. Or they would even sometimes channel other beings who are not in our “material” reality. And a lot of the things that came through all these thousands of people that she was able to to connect with on this level, over many years, all sort of resonated and had similar themes. There were some people of course in particular who were able to go into very deep states what they described was that the universe is actually very multi-dimensional.

I should actually state that all of this right now is coming from memory. My library is like 800 miles away from me right now. And because of Covid I’m not I’m not going there.

So if you want to I would suggest you actually buy the book, read it for yourself. There’s tons of excerpts and stuff on YouTube and elsewhere but they’re not the same thing because of course they will only take little segments that they find interesting and put them forward and sometimes they’re slightly out of context. So I would actually suggest if if you’re seriously interested in this you should read the whole book for yourself. I really kind of irks me sometimes when people just quote things without providing all of the context that is due.

Now one of the things that came out through her work and she published many books… what these people were saying – not her she’s just writing this down you know recording it – is is that the universe is extremely multi-dimensional. Like there are parallel universes and parallel realities and that periodically there are timeline splits where there can be two – for example there could be two earths that are in existence at the same time – where slightly different things are happening and then over time the differences become greater and greater and greater and the split will basically cause a divergence of these two realities or timelines. So there could be another version of you in another alternate or parallel universe that is married somebody different or made some decision at that certain point in life and you know your whole life ends up being different in that reality. And that on a higher level you know from a soul level our soul is aware of all of these different realities because it has the ability to perceive and understand this. It’s beyond the capability of the human mind to fully comprehend this because there are literally infinite numbers of parallel universes and realities and this is why she gave the example I believe of something like, you know, you you drive by a house one day and you go like I could swear that house was white and now it’s blue or whatever, you know. As an example because there can be junctures in time where sometimes we can sort of flip back and forth between different timelines and she used that as an example to explain how sometimes people experience these kinds of things. It’s not apparently extremely common but it can occur.

Now the other thing that came out in a lot of her work – and you know this is a huge subject because her bibliography is enormous – but of importance to you and to me and to the people listening to this I presume is, that when we started messing around with atomic bombs the universe took note because those kinds of reactions have implications that go way beyond just planet earth. That they can actually alter sort of the continuum of time and space beyond Earth itself. And at that point it becomes a matter of concern to the other intelligent life forms in the universe… boy I’m getting strong chills here… who at that point have no choice but to sort of intervene if things are going to get out of hand that go beyond the boundaries of Earth. Earth is a freewill zone but there’s a limit to how much free will… you know they’re not going to allow us to destroy the universe. In fact she was quite adamant that they would never allow us to create some kind of nuclear armageddon or something like. That that that was a hard line we could not cross. And maybe that’s why I was intuitively prompted to record this.

So at that point there was a call put out to souls recognizing that Earth to some degree needed to have an intervention and there was a call put out to souls who would volunteer to incarnate here to help lift up the consciousness and the vibration of planet Earth because we were going down a very dangerous path. And when we incarnate all of our memories and whatever awareness we have is wiped clean because it would be extremely challenging to exist in the third dimension and have all of this awareness of our other lifetimes and other realities simultaneously. We would kind of be a mess and it would defeat the purpose of incarnation because it would be like knowing the answers to a test before you take the test. It would defeat the purpose of incarnation in other words. And I have had experiences personally that confirmed that where I have had awareness that I do not normally have and that was very difficult for me to maintain.

And Earth is one of the darkest places in the universe in the sense that it has a very low vibrational energy. We are not very highly evolved you know we have violence and war in the kind of crap we’re dealing with now. This is really low vibrational stuff. There’s a lot of pain and suffering and things that occur here that are quite extreme now. for souls who incarnate here you know you can learn and grow tremendously in an incarnation because this experience is so intense. But it’s extremely challenging and a lot of souls run the risk of getting caught on the wheel of karma if they come here. And the law of karma is very strict in that if you commit acts that you have karma for you have to repay or undo that karma and that brings you into a cycle of reincarnating over and over and over again.

And you can basically lose your way and you could get stuck here for thousands of lifetimes even if you originally were a highly evolved being. So there are many of us who came and she described three waves of volunteers and the first would have been the generation that sort of came to prominence in the 1960s, born in the 50s and so forth, after the atomic weapons were used. So a lot of the beings that came to Earth and incarnated here came here to help uplift Earth but they’re not actually from Earth. They might have been much more highly evolved spiritual beings who volunteered to come here to help and also knowing that they were running a great risk of getting caught in the wheel of karma. And those would be things like so-called Wanderers and Starseeds and things like that.

Having a certain degree of spiritual awareness of consciousness is one of the primary indicators of that. Although it’s not exclusive, it’s quite common. so she also described… her work described… a period of time which she believed was going to start occurring in the early part of the 2020’s where Earth would be going through this very significant timeline shift. And it would split into parallel realities there was going to be one of those was going to be on a higher dimension of consciousness and the other was going to be on a lower dimension of consciousness. And basically on the lower side of the equation that reality would kind of carry on the way that it had been all along. Which is you know war and greed and hate and you know starvation and all the kind of crap that we’re familiar with. Whereas on the higher dimension you know the Earth would go on to experience this period of enlightenment, of much higher vibration. And that what differentiated whether a person went into the higher timeline or the lower timeline depended on their state of consciousness. So those who had not sufficiently evolved and moved away from a fear-based paradigm, a fear-based very materialistic kind of paradigm, and those who have not cleared or resolved a lot of karma – which is why a lot of people are having intensely karmic incarnations right now (if you have had a lot of intense karmic relationships that might be you) they would have to continue on incarnating in planets that resembled the Earth that we’re familiar with for thousands and thousands of years. I’ve heard as many as 72,000 years from other sources before there would be another opportunity for the Earth to make a similar leap forward. At which time the qualified would carry on and those who weren’t qualified wouldn’t. Generally it’s younger souls who are not as evolved and are still at the earlier stages of spiritual evolution.

She also made it clear that there were numerous other times in the history of Earth in other civilizations where humanity had come close to making this timeline shift into a higher dimension but had failed. One of those was like for example Atlantis which destroyed itself and that this time it was basically guaranteed that this was going to occur for the first time in Earth’s history. That there was a serious commitment and that there was enough people – a critical mass – in order to virtually ensure that this would occur… this timeline split.

Part of what we’re witnessing with this incredible levels of polarization and so forth in the world these days is a manifestation of that. On one level the Earth’s vibration is increasing significantly and for those on a lower level vibrationally these energies don’t mix well. And they’re finding this whole experience very disturbing and unsettling and it’s very uncomfortable to them. It’s kind of like if you shine the light on the darkness the darkness freaks out. I’ve had that experience directly in many, many ways. The darkness does not like the light. It makes them feel very self-aware and self-conscious in a way that is upsetting. And those of us who are more sort of spiritually evolved or conscious are observing what’s going on in astonishment because this light that’s coming into the planet is literally causing this reactionary response from all of these dark elements within society.

We see it with you know white supremacism and fascism and all of these movements to try and contain and control. You know… banning books and lies. Like lies. Lies are dark. I mean it’s one thing to spin things – to kind of misrepresent them but to blatantly tell lies that you know are lies that’s evil. If you want a simple way of determining who’s good and who’s bad the people who lie deliberately and try and manipulate and mislead people and especially in ways they know that would be harmful to them that’s effing evil. There’s no other way about it. It’s black and white, let’s just be clear about that.

She sort of insinuated, if I recall correctly, that this period of… this timeline split would occur over a number of years. It didn’t sound like decades it sounded more like… I got the impression it was like three to five years or so. But one critical thing she said is that there would come a time in this split… in the early stages of the split people could kind of flip back and forth between the two timelines because they hadn’t diverged very much. But that the more these timelines diverged that there would come a time where it would no longer be possible to go from timeline A to B. That it would be fully committed. And I had the impression that it was going to be, like I said, over the span of five or six years or something like that. And then you’re you’re baked in. Like there’s no… you’re committed, you know, you’re fully committed to either the higher path or the lower path.

And some people have said – not her, not Dolores Cannon – other people have said that what’s going to happen is that the people in the lower timeline will just not be able to reincarnate here. They’ll have to reincarnate somewhere else after they pass away. That’s not exactly how Dolores Cannon described it. She made it seem like there was a literal timeline split. If you’re on the higher timeline what happens to other people in the lower timeline I don’t really know, and vice versa. I don’t know. But one of the interesting things about all of this is that it’s beyond question the levels of polarization are just astonishing in recent years and increasingly so. Now maybe this is also connected to Pluto moving into Aquarius which I talked about, which is coming up like really soon. Like in 2023-2024. To me that energy of Aquarius aligns very much with this Age of Aquarius, you know, the prophesized Age of Aquarius.

And I’m expressing all this like I said many of you may already be aware of it some of you may not. This whole thing that’s going on like with Ukraine and even it started kind of even more with the convoy thing in Canada which was really disturbing to me, just jaw dropping. That kind of stuff just is so foreign to me and to my being that I can’t even kind of grok – it to use a science fiction term. I just can’t wrap my head around it. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. Like this whole thing with Putin and everything like like I said how is that even possible?

And so it seems like that timeline of the you know the stuff from the past, the wars and the fighting, and the geopolitics, and the you know everything being about profit and pride and ego, and it seems like that stuff is just becoming incredibly extreme. And I would imagine that my listeners are like me find that incredibly repulsive. Just… strong chills… uh very disturbing you know it’s just alien to us. and and if we are say for example a wanderer, if we volunteered to come here from elsewhere, this whole reality this whole paradigm of Earth is extremely foreign to us. It doesn’t make sense. In fact I had many experiences even as a young child… and I’m talking probably five years old is when I started to become aware of how foreign all of this felt to me. And strange and disturbing. And I literally at that even at an extremely young age I said I was always asking myself what am I doing here? Why why am I here? I had that awareness as I had dreams… and dreams… recurring dreams and dreams and dreams my whole childhood about this how I was I didn’t belong here what… why what why am I here? And some of you may feel the same way.

I wanted to bring up the thing about the timeline split because we may be witnessing this. Now like I said what is the cut off point and how does that fully materialize? I don’t… to my knowledge that at least from Dolores Cannon’s perspective… and her she passed away years ago right so this… her work was done years and years ago before there was everybody talking about this stuff on YouTube. Like she was way ahead of the curve on this stuff.

And because that book resonated so much with me I give it a fair amount of consideration. More so than other sources basically. Her body of work is huge. She initially started out being interested in UFO stuff which I don’t really care too much about. Like I just take it for granted that there’s intelligent life out there. But then as more and more stuff started coming out of on a spiritual dimension – talking about multi-dimensional reality and reincarnation and things like that that stuff to me was much more interesting. Actually I think there’s even an audio book of The Convoluted Universe book one for those who are really busy but might have time to listen to it. Can’t recommend it enough.

Now it was years ago that I read this but I just wanted to put that out there for your consideration. Somehow I feel like maybe it’s helpful or useful to people because when we look at what’s happening in the world right now it’s extremely disturbing. And I don’t think it’s over. I think it’s gonna get worse.

And again yeah I think it’s related to the USA Pluto return [episode link]. Boy you know who’s responsible really for this I mean in my video about Ukraine I said the world allowed Putin to be in this position. We enabled him to be able to do things like this. So we’re all kind of collectively responsible for this. But the events of the past few days have literally changed the world at least as far ahead into the future as we can imagine. So this is big stuff, like incredible. And like I said the timing with the USA Pluto return is just mind-blowing.

So there you go. I really welcome your feedback and I love… you know I get a lot of great comments and I really appreciate that.

An enlightened teacher of mine once said that some of the most advanced people on the planet were living on the streets. So please don’t automatically discount anyone.

Oh by the way I just started my Twitter handle getting that active. That’s Aquarian underscore Diary and I also sometimes post articles that are connected to some of my episodes. So I will – when I come across interesting articles that really connect to some of the episodes I’ve produced – I will put them in the comments beneath the video until I get my community tab activated.

Anyway I hope this is helpful somehow to you, and we’ll talk again soon. Bye.

Copyright © 2022 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

How We Will Heal The Earth

I discuss a vision I have had about how we will energetically heal the Earth in the Age of Aquarius, and why we will do this.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary published on October 5, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary, where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all. It is October 2nd 2022. At least that’s when I’m recording this. It looks like it’ll be published October 5th or 6th.

I want to share a vision that I had with you, and I actually had this vision months ago but I haven’t shared it. It’s one of a long list of things that has that has come up for me, or that I just had an awareness about, or download about, however you want to describe it. And this deals with how we will heal the Earth in the future. I had a vision and it was very clear and very vivid.

A little background or a little explanation of why this is relevant. Because human beings are powerful creative beings we have a very significant influence on the environment around us and energetically. That energy can kind of stick or persist in objects and places. So down the road in the future sometime – and I’m not exactly sure how far into the future this will be – but humanity more broadly will have this awareness that we are energetic beings. This is really the 4D or 5D stuff that people talk about. We’re not just physical beings, we’re not just biochemistry, we are more than that.

And so in the future we will have more of an understanding of how all that stuff works and why it matters. And we will have groups of people who will be dedicated to healing areas of the Earth that have incurred things like violence and great grief, or trauma, or torment, or things like that. So there are spots on the Earth where there has been very emotionally charged and often painful experiences. An example might be a war zone, or a battlefield, or a place where people were enslaved, abused, or tortured, or something like that, etc. So these areas exist on the planet now and they have for a very long time, depending on where you go.

So we will have this sensitivity or an awareness about this and we will recognize that part of cleaning up the Earth isn’t just cleaning up the environmental pollution and contamination we have generated, it will also involve clearing up the energetic pollution we have created. And this will be deemed to be very important because, in order to lift up the vibration of the planet, we will need to help purify it and we will need to do that deliberately. There’s also a component of reconciliation where we will recognize… wow, strong energy here… we will recognize really strong… wow, really strong energy here…

In astrology if you have a significant Pluto transit, a challenging Pluto transit, you can go through this period of purging and processing trauma and grief, and sometimes that can even be stuff that you’re not fully aware of say, for example, past life stuff. And we will do that with the Earth. And so part of this reconciliation will be people devoting their time and energy to healing these parts of the Earth.

And now these people who will be charged with doing this will be people who are advanced spiritually, have powerful psychic abilities and, most importantly, will have very pure hearts and pure intentions. And these groups of people will go to these… wow this is so cool, amazing, just more energy um… and so people will go to these places, these areas. And we will support them in doing this. And they will spend as much time as needed to heal these areas to free any attached or lingering souls, to help them cross over, and to basically clear that region of the wounding and pain and suffering energies.

And we will go and do this in person at the places to show our respect and sincerity and to do so with dignity and honour. We can’t armchair quarterback this. That’s why we will make dedicated efforts tangibly to rebalance and restore these areas. And it may take days, or weeks, or months, or even years, and even many years in some cases. But we will be devoted to doing this for as long as it takes. To make restitution and to heal and to make peace with the souls and the people who were involved in these kinds of incidents, and the land. Now this could be a very big undertaking, it could take decades. It could take… it could take generations, it could take centuries. I don’t really know. I don’t feel like actually it’s probably going to take centuries, but it will take years for sure, maybe even a few decades.

It may be when Pluto transits Pisces starting in 2044, that wouldn’t surprise me. But we will go around and we will identify parts of the Earth that need healing and we will very soulfully and very sincerely dedicate ourselves to healing this planet.

And we know we will be doing this for our own good. For the good of future generations, for the good of Gaia, the planet. And it’ll help bring humanity back into balance with nature and this three-dimensional reality. And you know there are some areas of the world that have been in conflict for centuries, if not thousands of years.

So this will be part of this Awakening this this Great Awakening… oh my God I can’t use that word because that’s used by the MAGA’s… So this will be part of this acceleration or leap in evolution, and this is really what 4D or 5D reality is. It’s us becoming aware of these other dimensions of ourselves and of reality and actually interfacing with that. And actually I would argue that that is already occurring. I think the phenomenon of all of the psychic activity that we are aware of is an expression of that. That’s us starting to recognize that we do not just exist within the boundaries of physical time and space or physical reality but that we can transcend that. It’s very evident if you know anything about psychic phenomenon.

So this will be part of the Age of Aquarius. You know, like for example the way that we treated the indigenous people when we came to North America. I mean there’s areas where it was basically genocide. And we need to make peace with those people and those Souls and the places that they lived. And it has to be extremely sincere. Like you can’t just go when you’re trying to do forgiveness with yourself, or with others, it has to be extremely sincere and heartfelt. And you have to be committed to it. And you have to go through it and not just deny facts or reality, and brush it off, or treat it lightly or something. You have to take it very seriously and your intent has to be very intact and sincere.

So that’s what we will do with the planet. I wish we could be doing that now. I mean I would like to see that and participate in it. And I’ve done forgiveness work in my own spiritual practice, and I know how powerful it can be, and how liberating it can be. People don’t understand karma. And they don’t understand – most people, most people don’t understand – how important this is. Because we carry the weight of that on our shoulders until we resolve it, until we clear it. And many people do not even know that they carry that weight, it’s very sad actually. But like I said it has to be extremely heartfelt and sincere, and it can’t be superficial.

So we will do that with peoples and places for as long as it takes. And that is how we will clear a lot of karma from the planet. And this planet will be a much more beautiful, and a much more brighter, and a much more spiritual place when humanity has dedicated itself to this. It’ll be very emotional, and it’ll be very powerful and transformative.

Actually now that I’ve started talking about this I recall this first crossing my mind probably five or six years ago maybe even more. I think it first came to me when I drove through some indigenous territory in Canada. Trying to remember…

But anyway it has come up for me, and it’s been kind of at the forefront of my mind for a while now. And I thought I should just record this and put it out there. I’ve got tons of stuff like this I want to talk about. It all fits in the realm of the Aquarian Age it’s very poignant.

It is very powerful, and it’s clear to me that we absolutely need to do this. You know, we need to probably seek forgiveness for all the damage we have caused to the biosphere as well. How we’ve polluted the waters, and the land, and the oceans, and the seas, and skies. And it’s not just, you know, going out and picking up our garbage. Because nature and all beings are sentient on some level, contrary to what most people conveniently think. Because we’ve caused harm to nature and we’ve caused harm to the planet. It’s harming us obviously too because you know it’s going to affect us and future generations who are going to have to live with the consequences of that pollution.

But there’s karma, karma that’s caused by this too. But people just don’t understand. It can linger for millennia. We need to address karma head on. I do this in my own spiritual work, like every freaking day. And it’s not easy but it’s really important it’s… it’s just about taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. You know we’re not adolescents. We don’t just go like “Oh, you know, the dog ate my homework.” No. That’s… that’s just… that’s juvenile. We have to own our karma. And we learn from that, and we grow from that. And we realize, if we’re intelligent and mature, that it’s in our highest good to do that. To not just ignore, it or even pretend that it doesn’t exist. We have to own, and take responsibility, and be accountable for what we have done. This is a fundamental component of spiritual growth and spiritual awareness. It’s… it’s an immutable spiritual law.

And you know, when when you look at the things that are going on in the world right now you can just see that there is so much Karma being created… like every day. And most people just don’t have a clue. They’re completely oblivious to how that is going to affect them possibly for many lifetimes. If people understood this they would think twice before doing anything. Some of the indigenous people had a principle of considering everything from seven generations back and seven generations forward when they considered what they should or shouldn’t do. And that seems very apt.

On the other side of the veil when we have crossed over we sense, and perceive, and viscerally feel what we have done to other people and other beings because there are no filters at that point. We’re not blocked from anything. So it’s my belief that karma is self-inflicted. We will choose to come back and reincarnate with various people, in various situations, so that we can feel and restore and balance our karma. It’s not entirely like there is someone on the other side with a big stick going “You’re going to go suffer!”. Now there may be situations that we don’t want to face because we know they’re going to be difficult. But I believe we all consciously choose the experiences that we will have in our incarnation. It’s about how we judge ourselves.

Anyway, I wanted to share that vision with you. That is part of how we’re going to restore and heal Earth and make it a much brighter, much more lighter, much more joyful, much more spiritual place. I would love to be here when we are doing that. And I’m not talking about a fringe group of people. I’m talking about collectively we’re going to recognize this. It’s not going to be just a small group of people who organize on social media or something and go somewhere to do it do a ritual or something. It’s going to be something that we will do collectively.

Deep in our hearts we know these things. Deep in our hearts we know when we have done things that are wrong. And deep in our hearts we know what is right. This is about being adults. This is about being mature and responsible. Not taking responsibility is by definition irresponsible, and immature. I get this very clearly. That all of this is, on some level, it’s about avoidance and choosing to be ignorant so that we don’t have to be responsible. But that isn’t going to cut it in the Age of Aquarius. This… getting really strong energy again… this is about… this is about us taking responsibility.

We will never fully access our power until we are fully capable and mature enough to use our power responsibly. And the first step of owning our power is to admit our mistakes and take sincere efforts to correct them. Whatever it takes, even if it takes lifetimes. We have to be devoted to the truth and nothing less. No cop-outs, no compromises, no laziness, no deflection, no coercion, no empty platitudes, no indifference, no willful ignorance, no excuses.

This is when Humanity will realize its full potential. Because power can be weaponized and you do not give powerful weapons to immature and irresponsible beings. Period. This is a mandatory test.

Anyway, hope you find that useful and interesting.

Thank you for all your support. Again I post content on my community tab, fairly frequently, that I find interesting. I’ll put an image of that on the screen so you can figure out how to find it if you don’t know how already. I also have a contact list at my website you can join in case this platform doesn’t function the way we expect it to at some point in the future. Thanks to all of those who have already used it. I have received quite a few.

And I look forward to speaking with you again soon. Bye for now.

The End of Secrets and Lies

I discuss how increasingly widespread psychic phenomenon and abilities may be one of the most significant developments in recorded human history, and why. The implications for society are truly stunning and dramatic.

This is, of course, very much linked with the so-called “Ascension”, “4D” and the shift into the Age of Aquarius which I have spoken about here at length.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on October 3, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian diary where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host, John Irving, thank you for joining me.

Greetings all. It is October 3rd 2022.

All of this psychic phenomenon that we are witnessing… I know that many of you who are listening to me also listen to readers and psychics and intuitives on this platform and elsewhere… I just want to point out that that is a manifestation of this Ascension that many people have been talking about, predicting, speculating about. And so on we are moving from an Age the Pisces where the boundaries… where physical and three-dimensional height, width, depth, three dimensions, and the fourth dimension or the fifth dimension. To be honest with you, I’m not exactly sure what the fifth dimension is. I can conceive of the fourth dimension but I’m not sure what the fifth dimension would be.

But anyway let’s say say that this is a manifestation of the fourth dimension. And what these psychic phenomena do is they demonstrate that we are not limited to the boundaries of three-dimensional time and space. Somebody can speak with somebody who’s disincarnate. Some people can connect with beings who aren’t even in our galaxy, you know, transcending time and space. Some people can communicate with beings in other times and places. All of these phenomenon, if they’re valid, demonstrate that we are not limited to three dimensions.

Now I myself have had experiences of a psychic nature since I was a child and I have encountered others who discussed openly such things – not with everybody but at least with people like me – when I was a young adult. And throughout my life at various times I have had quite a few friends and people in my social circle who were psychic and would discuss things openly but often they wouldn’t do it in public. They would only discuss these kinds of things with people that they knew were of like mind because otherwise they would be perceived as being crazy, right? If you go back far enough these people were literally persecuted or believed to be possessed because, you know, what do you need the church for if you can connect the spirit directly? So they might kill or torture you to death… very nice. And so you know one had to be careful about who you talked about these kinds of things with.

But now as many of you know there are people going on YouTube all the time and some of them have thousands of followers, and this is an entirely new phenomenon. I was very involved in the whole New Age movement back in the 1980’s because I was publishing a regional magazine in Atlantic Canada on the topic. And so I interacted with many people in the region who were interested in those kinds of things. From holistic health to you know meditation, to psychic phenomenon, and whatnot. And so it started to come out more popularly back then. And then it kind of took a hiatus again for a while. And then it started to come back out again… geez… I guess after the turn of the century.

But what we’re experiencing now is completely unprecedented, I would suggest, in modern history. We’re not talking about select groups of people who are really into esoteric things. We’re talking about this starting to reach out on a mass level. For example astrology has has taken off in recent years, it’s kind of a big phenomenon. But that was an exclusive and small group of people who were into that years ago, and decades ago, it was not very commonplace. So I’m just trying to make the point that because many of us wonder “Well, when is this shift going to occur?”” and I’m arguing that it is already occurring.

As I talked about in an episode a long time ago – when I was talking about the Aquarian Age – I’m arguing that it’s already happening. We’re at the early stages but it’s actually already occurring. And I think if we just objectively look at what is taking place it’s hard to dispute that – just like I argue that it’s hard to dispute that the U.S is going through its Pluto return. Because if you look at what’s happening in the United States right now it is completely off the walls, bonkers, batshit crazy, relative to many years of history. The country and the viability of democracy is literally at stake, almost by a razor’s edge. I mean you couldn’t make this kind of stuff up, right?

So same thing with all the psychic phenomenon. This is symptomatic of the early stages of this shift into the Age of Aquarius, and this shift into 4D. We can at least state that that is factually accurate, like I said, because we are more widely experiencing phenomenon that defy the laws of physics as we understand them. How is it possible, if it’s indeed valid, how is it possible that someone can communicate with a being in a distant Galaxy, in real time? Or with someone from another time and place, in real time, etc., etc. And it’s not just the fact that that’s occurring. It’s the fact that that’s occurring on a much broader scale than has ever occurred before, at least in modern recorded history.

So that’s it. I just want to make the point that what’s occurring now is very extraordinary, and actually incredible.

There are phenomenally significant implications of all of this. Like, for example, if people can actually read what other people are thinking, and planning, and doing, bypassing all the normal channels, like what they’ve actually said, or expressed, or posted on social media, or said in public, or told to other people, or whatever. That defies all kinds of laws that have been in – quote unquote – in place for decades, if not centuries. And what does that mean for society if, for example, we can say “Oh the president’s actually a crook.”, you know. Or this person in power is actually engaged in criminal activity.

This has insanely significant implications for even National Security, I mean if you think it through. And you know you could stop that, I guess. You could go and wipe out all of those people. But I don’t think that’s practical because there’s just too many people now who are expressing those kinds of gifts and abilities. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

If you’re a liar, or a cheat, or a criminal, or a fraud… you’re screwed. Well, too bad. You’re a liar and a cheat anyway.

Now you and I… and if you’re listening to this you you probably accept that this is valid because you’ve had personal experiences yourself that validate this, or you just have some deep kind of knowing about these sorts of things, but there are still many people in the general public who at least haven’t publicly admitted to the reality of these phenomenon.

I would argue that this is probably one of the biggest things that has occurred… I don’t know… in a couple thousand years? And that at some point this is going to be taken seriously or looked at very seriously. And the implications, like I said, are incredibly shocking. Now our Spirit guides aren’t idiots, so they’re probably not doing this unless they feel it would be in our highest good. They certainly probably wouldn’t put us at risk or at jeopardy of harm knowingly. And so on some level there is a degree of potential or opportunity or lack of risk inherent in this. Otherwise they wouldn’t be engaged the way they are. And that is really cool. That’s really amazing actually that we can get on here and talk about these kinds of things publicly without being locked up, or killed.

But, like I said think through the implications of all of this. Could be corporate, could be political, could be intelligence agencies, could be the press, the legal system, law enforcement, polluters, dark money, political candidates. I mean the implications are completely mind-boggling.

Like, this is the kind of stuff I think about. I haven’t heard anybody talk about this before, so here I am. But I think about this stuff constantly. I mean this is why I spend so much time reading, and thinking, and meditating. I do my spiritual practice every day and stuff just comes to me as well on that level which is really cool, and I’m very grateful for that.

But have you actually thought through the implications of all of this?

I have touched in the past on the ethics of this and that’s a whole separate question, and that’s for each person to address for themselves. Personally I feel there are certain things where informed consent should be granted. I just have my own code of ethics, and it may be different for other people.

But nonetheless, nothing is hidden anymore, potentially nothing! Everything is available and accessible on some level. The truth can be and will be known and it doesn’t matter… all of those stupid protocols, and all of those methods that people used to have in the past for keeping secrets are completely blown out of the water, and irrelevant, and defunct. That has absolutely astonishing implications for society, for history, for the world. We can even now go back into the past and find out things that were unavailable to us at the time, or inaccessible to us at the time. History itself could be, and probably will, be rewritten.

I would argue, like I said, that this is probably one of the most significant developments in modern human history and possibly even for thousands of years. You know, we all kind of have a sense, or speculate that, there were elite groups of people who were involved in these kinds of things centuries if not millennia ago. But they weren’t readily accessible to the general public necessarily, and that’s what’s different now. Because we have social media, and we have the internet, which again I’ve argued is part of the Age of Aquarius, this Global connectivity.

So anyway, I’m just putting this out there for you to think about. The absolutely mind-boggling and mind-blowing implications of what is occurring here. How long will it take for this to become more broadly and generally recognized by the greater public? I would suggest that it’ll probably occur while Pluto is in Aquarius between March of 2023 and 2044. Like honestly this is one of the most significant and important periods in all of human history. I wish I could be here for a couple hundred more years. That would be really cool.

But I’ll leave it at that. It’s really mind-blowing.

Thanks for all your support. I will show on a screen here how you can access my community tab where I post links that I find really interesting. I also suggest that people subscribe to me in your podcasting app… just kind of as a backup. You don’t have to listen to it. I’ll try and link to that in my episode description, but if you search for Aquarian Diary in your podcasting app you should be able to find me. If you can’t let me know please. And I will also show an image of how you can join my contact list in case we get disconnected from this platform somehow, someway, sometime, someday.

All the best. Take care, and we’ll talk to you again soon.

You can find a full list of my episodes here.

Copyright © 2022 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

Nature Spirits in Distress

I discuss how the natural realms on Earth are in distress due to harmful and mostly unconscious human activity.

These realms include countless nature spirits and beings that typically do not present themselves to the vast majority of humans. That does not mean they do not exist or that they are not harmed by our actions.

These beings have been known as Fairies, Elementals and the like, and many plant species are represented be Devas.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on October 31, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging age of Aquarius.

I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all! It is October 31st, 2022.

In my opinion, this is a very important topic, but it’s not a light topic.

I recently published an episode titled “Our Toxic Legacy”. In there I was talking about how a lot of the chemical and environmental pollution we have caused will likely be a much bigger problem than most of us realize at this point in time.

And later I was reflecting on that and thinking about it. And as I was doing that, I connected with the natural realm. And it came through very clearly to me that the nature realm, and by that I mean like the nature spirits, are really in distress. And, to use a phrase I don’t like to use actually, but they are kind of freaked out.

Now I know that some people have a hard time dealing with more troubling or dark matters, but this came through very clearly to me.

What am I referring to? Well, in the natural realm there are many, many types of beings, from the ones that we can see readily, like plants and trees and nature, all of the aspects of nature itself, as well as many that we cannot typically see. In lore they would have been described as fairies or nature spirits, or elementals.

And these realms… wow, strong energy here… these realms are populated with many types of beings. Even the nature that we encounter on a regular basis, that we can perceive, like trees and plants and animals, have spirits. And some of these species have a single spirit, like a deva, which is where, like for example, each oak tree doesn’t necessarily have a soul, but the species as a whole does, and that’s called a Deva.

But the natural world is populated with all kinds of sentient beings, which most people are completely unaware of. And I have had many experiences over many years, directly interacting with and communicating with these kinds of beings or spirits.

And every day pretty much, in my Spiritual Practice, I connect with and I set positive intentions for the natural world, and I pray for the natural world, because I have always… very strong energy here… I’ve always had a very strong attachment or affinity to these realms.

I have had a vision of at least one past life where I was a Shaman, So I probably connected very consciously and deliberately with the natural realms in at least that one incarnation.

I have also had incarnations where I was living in the jungle, very primitively, or what we would consider to be primitively. I know I’ve had a lot of incarnations where I was very closely connected to nature. And so I feel a tremendous amount of empathy towards the natural world. And as I’ve said, I’ve actually connected consciously with those realms many times in many ways.

A lot of people think that the natural world is just physical, but it is sentient. It has consciousness. I have zero doubt about that. Zero.

And so when we, for example, are out destroying nature, we are destroying living beings with consciousness and sentience on some level. And because I think I care so much about those realms, they connect with me. They know that I have a pure heart and pure intention.

Most of these beings do not reveal themselves to average people. typically. So, as I said, I connected very powerfully with those natural realms, nature spirits, and this came up again in my Spiritual Practice last night, and they are very much in distress.

Now the planet has gone through many major shifts and calamities in deep history, but there was always pockets of life that survived. What’s happening now is happening globally. And what’s happening now is almost exclusively the result of human activity.

And a lot of these beings fear humans for very good reasons. I mean, it’s just common sense. We go about destroying habitats completely unconsciously. We do not even, for starters, recognize that these realms exist. And like I said, that they have consciousness. So in that regard we are profoundly ignorant as a whole, generally.

So what do these beings, what do these entities do when their habitats are under threat? And maybe even their survival? Strong chills here. What can they do?

They can reach out to people who are sensitive and compassionate and empathetic towards them, like me and maybe you. But I need to convey very strongly and very clearly that those realms are kind of in a state of panic right now.

And I don’t want to depress you or make you upset. But the truth is, for me, this is heartbreaking. We are so ignorant we don’t even know what we’re doing. Profound ignorance.

You know, I see people going out and just bulldozing forests with no consciousness or awareness of what they’re doing. There’s a great term for this called ecocide, which is like genocide but towards the natural world. And that’s what’s happening.

So I said that I would try and convey this, and I have talked a lot about climate change, which is the result of human activity, and this is another element of that story.

And the other thing about this is that, of course, humanity will suffer from all of this as well in ways that we do not even understand. Because the energy of this planet is made up of all of this consciousness and all of these life forms, which are all interdependent. And that’s another element of our ignorance.

So it’s not just about politics and elections and social causes and culture wars. There are things happening on all kinds of different levels that are really upsetting.

And the North Node right now is going through Taurus, and the ruler of Taurus is Venus, and Venus rules these realms. Strong energy here. And we’re about to have this eclipse involving Uranus, and I can’t help but think that there’s a shift going on too in the natural world.

We are so detached from these realms that our literal survival is inextricably linked with, that it is just insane.

If you’re a sensitive person, or empathic or intuitive, you can at the very least do prayers or intentions or whatever to protect these realms.

And what I do in my Spiritual Practice every day is I set intentions and do prayers to protect and preserve as many habitats and ecosystems and species as possible during these times.

And of course I pray and set intentions for uplifting the energies on Earth and humanity and to help us clear or resolve a lot of this darkness and ignorance. This is a very emotional topic for me. I get very… It’s just… It’s heartbreaking to me.

I, you know, used to do… I used to do Kundalini Yoga when I was living in the country at one point, and there was a patch where there was a circle of stones and I would sit in the middle of this circle and do my Kriyas. And I did that for quite some time every day. And these beings would just come around me because they liked… because they were fascinated by how I was shifting energy and they they loved to observe. And there would literally be dozens of beings around me. And some of them are really simple and very joyful little beings with no malintent whatsoever.

And that was just in one little place at one little time. There has to be billions and billions, if not trillions of these beings here.

That’s just one example. I can tell you also that trees are not just what people think they are. Trees have a lot more consciousness than people realize. But most people have no clue.

There was kind of a spiritual community formed in 1971 in Scotland called Findhorn, and they connected with and communicated with a lot of these nature beings and nature spirits very consciously and directly. And they were very active for decades. And there’s a lot of amazing stories about Findhorn, and I haven’t been there myself, but I know numerous people who have. and you can read more about their experience and the information that they brought forward, you know, 50 years ago.

David Spangler was one of the founders of Findorn, and he has published a number of books on the subject. There are a number of books about Findorn, if you are interested in reading about it.

So all this psychic stuff and everything that people are talking about, it’s not new. It’s been going on for millennia. The only difference is now that it’s more mainstream or more readily accessible or more widespread than it used to be because of platforms like this and the internet.

I don’t know what else to say about this other than it’s like the situation is critical or urgent and that we need to do something about that and I think the only real solution is to raise our consciousness so that people can start to understand and perceive what is actually happening here on Earth.

Most people are completely and utterly clueless about this stuff and it’s astonishing and it’s very disturbing, actually, how ignorant humanity is about these kinds of things. That we could have existed here for thousands of years and not know this? Well, you know, many of the indigenous cultures did, but our Western societies are completely, insanely, dumbfoundingly ignorant about these kinds of things. And that needs to change.

The Hopi people prophesized a time would come when large numbers of foreigners would descend upon the land. And the most peculiar and distressing thing about these people they saw coming was that they would think with their heads and not with their hearts. And to the Hopi this was almost inconceivable. They couldn’t even imagine it.

And at this time when this would occur, it would indicate a very perilous point in the history of the world, because of the destructiveness of these invaders, who would shatter the old space, where people lived in harmony with nature.

It demands a mind-boggling degree of willful ignorance, detachment from reality, or delusion, to not recognize that what is happening to our biosphere and our environments is calamitous.

And, of course, many people are deliberately lying to us about this situation, which to me is unfathomable and shockingly callous.

People who tell you that we can keep doing what we’re doing and that everything will be okay, are lying to you, and they need to be called out for it.

Humanity displays an incredible amount of hubris by acting as if we are not dependent on nature for our survival. This is truly mind-boggling.

And I would go further and say that applies as well to the notion that other forms of life are not sentient. Incredible ignorance.

In my opinion, what humanity should be doing is that we should be being stewards or custodians of Earth.

My Experience With Crystals

I discuss my deep dive into the incredible world of crystals, which lasted for several years, commencing around 2014.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 5, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, it’s February 5th, 2023.

I’m speaking quietly here today because it’s very early. And I also have a bit of a cold, so pardon my voice.

I woke today thinking about sharing my experience on a topic I haven’t talked about here before. And that is crystals.

I went through a period of a number of years, commencing somewhere around 2014, I believe, where I was absolutely fascinated with crystals. And I spent a lot of time studying crystals, their characteristics and qualities, their applications. In other words, what they could be used for.

And as usual with me, I went into it very deeply. I ended up even ordering from suppliers in far flung parts of the world, like Brazil and Asia and things like that. And I also ended up getting my hands on a lot of fairly exotic crystals, some of which, if I recall correctly, aren’t even covered in the main books about crystals.

And I really admired these stones, and I took very good care of them and treated them as if they were precious, because to me they were.

I also made bracelets and necklaces for various purposes, and I often would set my intentions with different crystals, where you program the crystals with your intentions so that they will embody and hold those energies. It could be anything from abundance to protection.

I actually had a particular interest in stones that were good for grounding and energetic protection. There are still a few that I carry with me every day. That would be over ten years.

And it was an absolutely fascinating journey and experience. I also did crystal grids and set my intentions with them, which is where you make arrangements of crystals and leave them set up in your residence typically to hold certain energies or intentions.

Back then, pretty much every day, I would meditate with various crystals. I would often lie down and place crystals on one of my chakras. It could be my third eye chakra, my heart chakra, and I would try and get into a state where I would be able to commune or communicate with the crystal in question. I wanted to connect with them and find out what their purpose was, what their nature was, and to see what, if anything, I could learn from them. And I had many intense experiences when doing this.

There weren’t really any other people in my circle at the time who were into it to the same degree I was, so it was kind of a solitary journey for me.

I also took advantage of full moons and sunlight to cleanse crystals and recharge them, and because my collection was quite large that was not a trivial undertaking. Some crystals cannot be exposed to sunlight or they will fade, others it doesn’t matter so you kind of have to know what you’re doing.

I would also take crystals and put them through a cleansing process often before I would work with them. Sometimes it would take weeks to cleanse energies from crystals, to purify them, and I would do that based on my guidance or intuition.

There were a number of cases where I had to literally get rid of certain crystals, often ones that came from a particular store in the city where I lived. They did not have good energies, and they were too difficult for me to reckon with easily, and I was concerned about them contaminating me or my environment or my other crystals. And so in some cases I would actually dispose of them in a way that wouldn’t harm the crystal, but that would keep it out of reach of other people for a very long period of time. I actually came to think that some of the people at that particular store were engaged in black magic.

I got very sensitive to crystals and there was one shop that was absolutely fabulous. The owner was very skilled and actually taught courses on the subject and very intuitive in a kind of shamanistic way. And she had a fabulous store, and I would just go there and sometimes, you know, I would pick up certain stones that I was attracted to and then she would say to me, “Oh, you’re very sensitive because I know that stone.” And we would talk about it. She had some stunningly beautiful examples that were very carefully picked. And you could spend a fortune there, in very short order. So I only went there occasionally, as my budget permitted.

A dramatic example was the first time I held Moldavite, which is a stone that is considered to be extraterrestrial from a meteorite impact in the Czech Republic. And you know, there’s a lot of fake Moldavite out there, a lot. Most of it, in fact, probably is fake. But if you’re sensitive, you can tell the real stuff from the fake stuff by its energy.

So the first time I held Moldavite, my legs literally got weak and almost buckled. It was so powerful, the energy of the stone. And so I ended up with a few nice pieces of Moldavite. And it is extremely potent and powerful. Some people can’t handle it, it’s too intense.

That wasn’t necessarily the most powerful experience I’ve had with crystals, it was just the one that my physical body reacted to very intensely. I actually have quite a few tektites and meteorites and things like that, which are of extraterrestrial origin, and I was always fascinated by those kinds of things. And some of my most beloved would be like Lemurian record keepers, beautiful clear points that are a good size.

There were countless times when I would just be out perusing what was new in the shops, and I would come across something that really struck me. And I didn’t always purchase it on the spot because sometimes they’re a bit expensive. And then I would go home and that stone or crystal, and I’m using those words interchangeably, that stone or crystal would just stick in my head like I couldn’t get it out of my head. And then within a day or two I would have to go back and get it because I knew, and – getting chills saying this right now – I knew it was calling me and that I had to have it. Like… you can’t make that up. That happened many times. It’s, it’s funny how that works. You know, you need that energy or that stone could be helpful to you or it just wants to be with you. It’s amazing. I’m still getting strong energy saying that.

So I had a great reverence for crystals. Like I really love them and I was kind of surprised that other people didn’t appreciate them as much as I did. I had several – and still do – very large pieces of Selenite which is a very cleansing and purifying stone. It’s got such a high vibrational energy, it’s absolutely lovely. I’m actually getting chills talking about it. But these pieces are two or three feet long and big chunky pieces and I have them around the perimeter of my apartment.

Actually a lot of my resources on this topic are still in Ontario and that’s one of the reasons I haven’t really worked with them very much is when I came out here prior to the pandemic, you know, it’s not something that you can travel with.

The conclusion I came to after working with crystals so intensely for so long was that crystals have Devas in the same way that Devas exist in the natural kingdom, where a species of trees has kind of an over-soul. Humans have an individual soul, but plant species have one soul for the whole species, so all oaks are members of that soul. And the term for that is DEVA. D-E-V-A. And my conclusion with crystals was that it’s the same thing, crystals definitely have consciousness, but they have a Deva for each crystal or species of crystal, as it were.

Also a conclusion I came to, which I haven’t heard expressed much elsewhere, if anywhere at all actually, is that crystals have consciousness, but they live in a different time span than we do. Some of them may literally be millions of years old, and so their frequency is very different from humans because we’re very much in this moment, but their time span of life can literally be millions of years. So that is one of the reasons we can’t necessarily communicate with them in the same way that I can communicate with you, it’s because their lifespan is vastly different from ours.

As I said, I have a tremendous amount of reverence and respect for them. I had many beautiful experiences and enlightening experiences working with them, and healing as well of course.

I was also really fascinated by that whole trend, and it was a trend, about the timing of it, like why suddenly so many people were really interested in crystals. It’s not quite as much of a trend as it used to be, there’s still people really into it. But I think the fact that this occurred around that time, you know, 2012 and everything, I think that in itself is kind of telling and a part of this major shift in consciousness that we’re going through.

And again, I still carry certain crystals with me every day, and once in a while I will wear other ones, depending on my mood.

What kind of brought that phase to a close for me, though, is this. And it’s something you don’t hear people talk about much. I was talking to a supplier in a country I won’t name, and we were doing a video call, and he was surrounded by a lot of large crystals in kind of like a warehouse. And I was shocked by the way they were handling the crystals. Without respect. Or care. I was really shocked, because to me, you know, if I was going to spend a lot of money on a crystal I wanted it to be in pristine condition. But they were handling them very roughly and disrespectfully. And that really bothered me.

And then I started to think further about how many of these crystals were actually acquired in the wild, or mined, and a lot of the people who are collecting them and distributing them are doing it just for the money. I mean collecting them in the field. And that was kind of a heartbreaking realization for me. I don’t know why, I just hadn’t thought about it much before.

Because I think that they’re precious, and they’re real gifts, and they should be treated with reverence and respect. But clearly that was not happening. And so it took a little bit of time for me to ultimately kind of wind down my obsession. But I did, unfortunately, because I didn’t want to support that kind of activity.

For a lot of the people who are collecting these in the field, it’s just a commercial enterprise, and they don’t even really understand what they’re doing. And I presume a lot of crystals are damaged when they are being mined. And they’re just treated as if they’re any other commodity, but they’re not. They’re actual life forms. And so I couldn’t reconcile that with my own interest in the subject and I basically stopped collecting not long after.

So that’s my crystal story. If you’re going to get into it, there are some really good books on the topic. There’s a lot of bad books on the topic. Feel the energy of them before you buy them. Be sensitive to that. Don’t just go based on looks because often a lot of the most powerful crystals are not necessarily the prettiest ones.

A lot of the rolled and polished stones that you see are just mass-produced, or tumbled to polish them, in machines. I always favored natural crystals in natural formations, ones that had not been cut, polished, or modified. To me they had the most life energy in them. But they tend to be more expensive. You can spend a lot of money on really high quality crystals. Yeah, for bracelets and jewelry and things like that, you know, polished stones and stuff are fine. And they definitely still have the energy of the stone. You know, it takes a lot more energy to find specimens that are in their natural state that are really beautiful without damaging them.

If you go to the shows, the crystal shows where people set up booths, you can find some really amazing specimens. Because the collectors, the real collectors, know what they’re doing. You just want to make sure also that their means of mining aren’t unethical. So it can get a bit tricky. So just be aware, there’s a lot of fraud. Like for example, most citrine isn’t citrine, heated amethyst. Real citrine is expensive and hard to find.

I wouldn’t put photos of my crystals on the internet for obvious reasons, because I’m very protective of them.

Anyway, I thought I’d share that with you.

Have a great day and I’ll talk to you soon.

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Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

I discuss the astrology of the transit of the planet Saturn through the sign of Pisces, which occurs between March of 2023 and early 2026.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 10, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, it is February 10, 2023.

Saturn has been transiting Aquarius roughly from 2020 through 2023. On March 7 of 2023, Saturn will commence transiting Pisces through early 2026.

If you’re watching this on YouTube, you can find dates on the screen.

This is a significant shift of energies for a variety of reasons, and this shift will occur roughly around the timeframe of Pluto beginning its transit of Aquarius, which I have talked a lot about in other episodes.

Let’s concentrate here on how Saturn transiting Pisces might affect us and the world.

Saturn deals with reality, responsibility, and karma. It is the opposite of rose-colored glasses. Often under hard or challenging Saturn transits we are forced to confront reality as it is versus how we would prefer or like it to be.

So, for example, if we have overextended ourselves financially, we may find ourselves in situations where we have to deal with that reality very pragmatically.

Saturn does not let us off the hook easily. It does not let us escape our responsibilities or duties or obligations based on wishful thinking or avoidance, and it holds us and others accountable for their actions, and that is why Saturn is considered to be very karmic.

Someone engaged in dishonorable or unethical activities may not find this influence pleasant. Think of Saturn like a judge. But it can reward those who have accepted their duties and responsibilities and acted admirably and with integrity. It can give them more power, influence or authority.

Pisces, where Saturn will be commencing its transit, is a very non-material energy. The negative expression of that energy can be illusion, delusion, fantasy, escapism, using things like drugs and alcohol to escape reality, avoiding responsibility.

Traditionally the 12th house, which Pisces rules, was considered the house of self-undoing. In Pisces there can be issues with boundaries, because Pisces doesn’t really have boundaries. And that lack of boundaries can create conditions where webs of lies and deceit can occur, even on a grand scale. Mass deception, mass delusion, mass fantasy.

I don’t mean to suggest that Pisces is inherently dark, it is not, quite the opposite. It is just very ethereal, and if not grounded, can result in the kind of things I’ve been talking about. So being grounded is a challenge for Pisces. And there are many people who have no qualms about taking advantage of that kind of influence to manipulate other people for their own benefit.

The positive expression of it can be tapping into the non-material dimensions of realities, spirituality, and those kinds of experiences. And it can also be a very creative energy because we can channel higher dimensional energy into the material realm. Many notable performers and entertainers, for example, have Piscean influences because they are able to tap into the collective unconscious and express and reflect that back to humanity. Thus their work can resonate with many people simultaneously, on a mass level. Whether what they reflect is real or not is a different question.

Pisces also has kind of a dissolving quality, where arbitrary and outmoded structures can simply collapse due to the influx of all this non-material energy. People think that reality is very hard and fixed, when in fact viewed from higher dimensions, it is rather a physical manifestation of non-material consciousness.

Pisces can also be very compassionate and empathic, and it is very frequently associated with things like psychic, intuitive and spiritual phenomenon.

Pisces is also the last sign of the Zodiac, so it’s the sign of endings. Aries, the following sign, is the sign of new beginnings. So everything ends in Pisces, inevitably.

So Saturn, the task master, is going to be entering Pisces. So how will this manifest? What will we experience and what will we witness?

I think this is something we should very much welcome in many ways because it can ground our idealism and our spirituality, make them very tangible and help us sort the wheat from the chaff, what’s real from what isn’t. And I would say the world desperately needs a dose of that. Pisces because it covers things like delusion and insanity, where people are extremely ungrounded and not dealing with reality, in the case of the lower expression of these energies. Saturn should bring a reality check to a lot of things like mass delusion, propaganda, unhinged conspiracy theories, lies and deception, which we have been plagued with, especially for the past decade or so.

I would argue that misinformation, disinformation, and mass delusion are probably one of the most significant features of recent history, and one of the most dangerous, because humanity has to make a lot of very important decisions that will significantly influence us and future generations as well as the planet. we can’t do that on the basis of BS.

If you’ve listened to me before, you will know that I detest lies. And Saturn will help us deal with that.

So I would expect to see commencing in March, which, like I said, also happens to be when Pluto begins its epic transit of Aquarius, that we will see the beginning of a period of reality check.

And that will include, by the way, institutions like the Church or religious organizations because these pursuits fall under the umbrella of Pisces in many ways, as we seek to connect to and understand the divine aspects of our experience.

As Saturn transits Pisces, it will form a challenging square to Sagittarius and Gemini, Sagittarius specifically ruling things like religion and philosophy, and Gemini ruling communication. So it will be challenging in many regards to those kinds of institutions.

The symbol for Pisces is the two fishes. And Pisces has long been associated with Christianity, which has played a very prominent role during the age of Pisces, which is at its final stages now. But Pisces in many ways rules all large religious organizations. And historically when Saturn has transited Pisces, it has represented a challenging period for those institutions. There can be a crisis of faith. As I myself have talked about here before, recent history has raised many questions about what types of movements and people religious groups have aligned themselves with that are often hypocritical based on spiritual values.

Also during this period, Saturn will be opposing Virgo. One of the areas that Virgo covers, or the sixth house which it rules, includes nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers. And we have had many challenges in those areas due to burnout, lack of staffing, chronic underfunding, and so forth. and I would expect that to be a significant issue in the next two or three years.

I think also in the spiritual community and with things like psychics and readers and prominent spiritual leaders or figures, people should be holding themselves to a very high standard to ensure that the quality of the information they’re conveying is accurate and based on truth as much as possible, because Saturn is ruthlessly honest and will hold anyone or anything to account that is not reflecting truth or reality accurately. So I would expect to see a lot of scandals emerge and truth begin to emerge about how institutions and organizations or prominent figures in our cultures have been misleading people, probably deliberately, a lot of secrets will be brought into the open, and we will go through this period of reality check cleansing and karmic reckoning for those who have abused spiritual laws or who have engaged in mass deception, propaganda, disinformation and misinformation. That, to me, is going to be a very good thing. In fact, traditionally, the 12th house, which Pisces rules, was associated with imprisonment and prisons.

You know, Saturn is a very discipline-oriented planet. Personally, I do not have a problem with spiritual discipline. I have engaged in many spiritual activities that require discipline, and I actually enjoy that and find it very rewarding. So this does not concern me at all.

There’s going to be a big reality check, scrutinizing and cross-examination of a lot of our beliefs and whether they are based on truth and reality or not. So Saturn is there to keep us in check and from going off the deep end, which we seem to have done in an epic way in recent years, with the proliferation of BS which I despise, and it will help us deal with that, thankfully. Especially, like I said, coupled with the extremely important transit of Pluto through Aquarius, commencing in just over a month. Very exciting times.

Now let’s take a quick look at how this transit will affect other signs. You’ll need to know where your planets and points are positioned in order to do this, meaning you’ll have to have access to your astrology chart. You may also want to look at the ruler of the 12th house as well as where Neptune and Saturn occur in your chart.

In terms of challenging aspects, Saturn will be squaring the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, and squares can be quite frustrating, and it will be opposing Virgo, and the opposition can also be very challenging. Obviously, Saturn will conjunct any points in Pisces during this time. For more positive effects, Saturn will be trining Scorpio and Cancer, that is a strengthening aspect, and it will sextile Capricorn and Taurus. That is also a strengthening aspect, although it may require a little bit more effort to materialize than the trine, which comes with more ease.

These are just the major or Ptolemaic aspects I am discussing here. Generally, if you have abided by Saturn’s terms, which are integrity and duty, and not cutting corners, it should be easier for you than if you you haven’t, regardless of the transit.

There are far too many factors and variables in a personal astrology chart than I could possibly ever cover here, so it depends entirely on your personal natal chart configuration and what other transits happen to be occurring at the same time. Most of what you will read about or hear online deals with sun sign astrology alone, which is only a small fraction of the actual circumstances that need to be considered. There’s generally some truth to it, of course, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

We can say fairly confidently that those people affected by the conjunction, opposition, or squares may face some challenges. Again, that would be Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Between March of this year and February 2026.

Finally, Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, governs the collective, unseen forces, and the immune system. It also governs international and foreign affairs, including things like travel. With Saturn transiting and challenging this area, I would not be surprised if the challenges related to global health on a mass scale persist and linger. Saturn demands strict discipline, and many people have been resistant to disciplining themselves out of frustration, ignorance, laziness, gullibility to misinformation, or narcissism.

I want to add here that I find this sort of exercise very challenging and frustrating. And that is because I really dislike things that are superficial, and our world seems to be exceedingly superficial these days. To do this topic justice would require days of work, and I simply do not have that amount of time that I can afford to devote to this at my disposal, unfortunately. There is a lot more that I could have included here and would have liked to.

Be that as it may, I do want to, at the same time, draw people’s attention to this because I think some of the implications are definitely worth being aware of.

Take care, I look forward to your amazing comments as usual, and will talk to you again soon.

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