Author: john (Page 5 of 9)

Drama and Detachment During This Intensely Karmic Cycle

I discuss how I was shown we will benefit from practicing detachment in the near future – or very near future – due to lots of big drama which will be unfolding. 

I also discuss how this related to Pluto transiting around 29° Capricorn (the “Anaretic” degree) which I have talked about before, as well as the Timeline Split I have also covered.

See previous episodes linked under “References” (below).

This episode was recorded on August 16, 2023 and it was published on August 17, 2023 at 3:08pm EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 17, 2023.

This was recorded on August 16.

I will be showing some dates on the screen at various points. If that matters to you, you may want to view this on YouTube.

Something very interesting happened in my spiritual practice a few nights ago, and I felt like I should share it. What happened was that I was shown very clearly how to detach from my emotions or emotional responses to external stimuli. That may sound trivial or trite, but let me explain.

The concept of spiritual detachment is not unfamiliar to me. Anybody who studies or reads about spirituality will come across this idea, which is effectively remaining objective and detached from what is occurring in our lives. And I have experienced that many times in meditation and otherwise.

However, what occurred the other night in my spiritual practice was very unusual, because I felt like I was being shown this very deliberately and intentionally, and it was kind of mechanical.

As anyone who listens to me knows, I’ve stated that I do a lot of reading about current affairs because I’m fascinated with what is happening in the world, I want to know why it’s happening and I want to know what the implications are. So these trends are very important.

But increasingly I’ve been noticing that we’re seeing more and more expressions that are very extreme. Anyone who follows the news will understand what I’m talking about.

And it’s very easy to get into an emotional state when doing this because it can be very disturbing and upsetting. Polarization, as I have stated before, is actually increasing, and I did a whole episode on that. So the darkness in humanity is becoming more and more self-evident, and it can be quite shocking.

I can’t really describe this sort of technique I was shown, but I applied it in my spiritual practice and I found I was able to hold thoughts in my mind while remaining detached from them emotionally. So it wasn’t necessary for me to, for example, turn off my intellect to do that. And that’s the key.

We need to remain aware, but we also need to make sure that it does not take too much of a toll on us emotionally or otherwise.

The reason I’m sharing this is because this experience was very striking to me. Like I said before, these are not new concepts.

After my spiritual practice, I was contemplating why I had that experience, and the next thought I had was, it’s because we’re going to be going through a period where there is going to be a lot of drama. And that is self-evident as well.

So I sense that there’s going to be a lot of things happening that could be quite shocking, and that we need to be prepared for that, and that we need to know how to be aware without being disempowered. And that’s why I’m sharing it, because I suspect that a lot of my listeners are people like me.

And we’re going to need to practice some high-level detachment to get through whatever is going to be occurring in the coming weeks and months or even years.

So it’s a bit ominous because it implies that there may be a lot of rather shocking things that are going to be occurring in the near future.

It’s interesting, since I had that experience, I have been able to read and follow what’s going on and at the same time stay centered and balanced in the face of it.

I still have moments where I go like, “Holy crap, I can’t believe that happened.” This is disturbing. This is shocking. I can’t believe that people can be so dark. But then I can step away from it and detach.

I also think that what’s happening is that this contrast between the light and the dark is becoming increasingly stark, and I feel like there’s a separation occurring, that what this process is doing, and it may very well be related to Pluto’s retrograde back into Capricorn through January 20th of 2024, but that people are kind of choosing their path. People are being divided into two camps, and the current energies are forcing that to occur.

So we are seeing the best and the worst in people, and also situations, governments, leaders, politicians, and so forth. The contrast is so stark and dramatic now that there is no doubt about who is on which side.

How that actually resolves in three-dimensional reality I do not know. There are notions like the timeline split that I have talked about and did a whole episode about, but it’s still a bit of a mystery about how this split actually forms in reality.
What I see is that we are so polarized that we’re not actually going to come back together, because there is no middle ground.

There is right and there is wrong. And if you are allied with the darkness, or even tacitly endorsing it, you have made a decision.

But for now, I think what we need to do, like I said, is be prepared for a lot of drama and ideally have the ability to remain emotionally detached so that we don’t get harmed by that.

We can’t just turn our back on this because the forces of darkness will take advantage of that, but we also have to recognize that things are going to play out the way that they do and that people have picked their sides.

Right and wrong, ethical, unethical, moral, immoral, egocentric, egalitarian, truth versus lies, reality versus illusion, light and darkness.

A lot of people seem to think that people are unwittingly ignorant, that they are merely victims, but I believe now that the contrast is so dramatic that on some level people have consciously chosen their path, that they are culpable for their state of being and their actions. And I think I can make a pretty strong case for that.

This is a major fork in the road. It is an inflection point, so the chips will fall where they may. It’s done.

So that’s what I wanted to share. If anyone is feeling anything similar, please let me know.

I personally felt a huge shift in energy almost the moment that Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn. I was like, “Oh my god, I don’t want to go back into that energy! Here we go again!”

And like I said, Pluto will be back in Capricorn through January 20th. So we have another five more months while Pluto is dancing around the Anaretic 29th degree of Capricorn, which is a very potent degree, and there’s a lot of karma being sorted out there.

I felt much more liberated when Pluto was in Aquarius briefly early this year, and I look forward to that occurring more permanently early next year, but I think this next period of time is going to be particularly intense.

I also want to mention that earlier today I had a regression session with Dr. Nadine Sullivan, who I featured a conversation with on my channel recently, and it was really interesting.

It was not what I was expecting. She has some kind of super power.

We didn’t have a lot of time to debrief after the session because I had another appointment, so I’d like to do that before I comment on it further, but I would highly recommend that you check out her services.

I’ll put a link to her website in the episode description.

It was really amazing.

Someone tried to do this with me years ago and it was very difficult for me to get into a regressed state, but with Nadine it was almost so easy I was a bit shocked.

Definitely check it out. Very interesting.

So thank you very much for that Nadine.

Also just a heads up, Mercury will be retrograding in Virgo in just under a week, August 23rd through September 15th, padding on both ends to allow for stations. I’m sure most people who listen to me know the drill.

I look forward to your comments, feedback, input, and thank you very much for all your support as usual.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End Transcript.

To receive alerts about new episodes please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.

⁠Dr. Nadine Sullivan – Chestnut Hill Spiritual Counseling & Hypnotherapy⁠


⁠Polarization is Intensifying⁠

⁠‘National disgrace’: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

⁠IMPORTANT: The Die has been Cast⁠

⁠A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan • Part One⁠

⁠Part 2: A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan⁠

#Pluto #Spirituality #AgeOfAquarius

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Our Paradigm is Literally Untenable and Hardly Anyone will Admit it

I discuss how humanity must make profound systemic changes in order to avoid systemic collapse, if that’s even still possible. 

This episode was recorded on the afternoon of August 13, 2023 and it was published on August 14, 2023 at 2:53pm EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 14, 2023.

This was recorded on the afternoon of August 13, 2023.

As I’ve mentioned here many times before, I do a lot of reading about current affairs locally and globally.

The main thing that’s been on my mind and that I feel like I want to convey here today is something that I have addressed before, but perhaps not as succinctly as I could. It is critically important for every human being on the planet.

As many of you know, I have followed closely the environmental crisis for many, many years. In fact, I recently wondered if I should start an entirely different platform to focus on that topic. But what I quickly realized is that it is moving so fast and that there are events occurring all around the world on a daily basis, that it would be a full-time job just to cover that topic.

It is absolutely stunning and astonishing both how quickly things are happening and how extreme these events are. Maui in Hawaii, which I’m sure everyone is familiar with, is one example.

But the Western media doesn’t do a very good job of covering events that are happening in other parts of the world, like Europe, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, Asia, Antarctica, the Arctic, and so on. It really would be a full-time job just to stay abreast of that on a daily basis.

The real point that I want to convey, though, is that all of these developments are symptomatic of the fact that our perpetual growth paradigm is dead. It’s over. It’s done.

Our governments, our economies, our societies are still premised on the basis of perpetual growth in order to sustain living standards, financial systems, employment, healthcare, everything else.

However, contradicting that is that in recent decades, humanity—and I’m getting strong chills saying this—humanity has exceeded the carrying capacity of planet Earth.

We can no longer live and consume in the ways that we have. If we choose to do that, it will almost certainly result in a very disorderly collapse of civilization, at least as we currently understand it.

There is no way that our economy will be able to sustain the perpetual body blows, so-to-speak, that we will be experiencing in coming years and decades. None.

The infrastructure and services that we rely upon on a daily basis are already in a very degraded state of repair. The costs of unrelenting extreme weather events and highly irregular climatic changes cannot be absorbed in our current paradigm without some form of systemic social, economic or political collapse. Mark my words, this is not hyperbole.

Our current civilization arose in a period of relative climatic stability and predictability. That stability is now out the window, and it won’t be coming back in any remotely foreseeable timeframe.

One of the most shocking things about this from my perspective is that although extreme weather events are getting quite a bit of coverage because they’re dramatic, hardly anyone is talking about how this is going to affect our societies and the way we live.

Many will argue that the root of the problem is that there are too many people on planet Earth. But that is extremely misleading. The problem does not come from those in the so-called developing world. The people in the developed world consume vastly more energy and resources and have vastly higher carbon footprints than those in the developing world.

So unless you’re willing to make the unethical and immoral argument that some people should be allowed to have dramatically higher footprints than others, the onus must then fall on those of us in the developed world. And that means that we will have to dramatically curtail our consumption. Period.

We have two choices. We carry on with business as usual and end up with completely catastrophic outcomes, or we change our ways.

It’s hard to think of any politician who would have the courage to say that, for obvious reasons, even though it is absolutely true.

Now I personally am not willing to say that someone in Bangladesh, for example, shouldn’t have the same quality of life as someone in America, or Canada, or the UK, or Germany. It would be ethically indefensible for me to make a statement like that.

So as I said, it’s alarming that hardly anyone is saying this, even though it is true, and even though it is the most important thing that we need to deal with urgently right now.

So we have this epic dilemma, which is what are we going to do? Like I said, politicians won’t say this, but if we carry on with our current course, I can guarantee you that we will be facing complete calamity down the road.

It will get to the point if we cross certain tipping points, and some people are even arguing that we have already crossed some of those tipping points, or that we’re very close to crossing some of them.

We can’t put the genie back in the bottle if we do cross some of those thresholds. It will be out of our control for a very long time.

This is a really complicated subject because the whole premise of capitalism, which is the system that our governments and societies have been promoting for generations, is not just in question, it’s defunct. Meaning that it is no longer rational or defensible or sustainable.

So what will humanity do?

This is one of the biggest questions and most significant points in time in the history of civilization, if not the biggest by far.

The status quo is literally defunct. It cannot be sustained no matter what anybody tells you. We can’t have 8 billion people driving around in EVs. The biosphere will not support that. That’s fantasy. Don’t believe it for a minute.

Hardly anyone is willing to say this or discuss it, so we haven’t even gotten to the point where we’re talking about the root cause of the problem. In effect, a vast number of people are completely deluded.

We have a mass delusion on our hands because we can’t even see reality when it’s staring us directly in the face, if not taunting us, and we can’t even look at it or see it. So we have to overcome that before we can even start talking about what we need to do. That’s the truly shocking and alarming part of all this, is that there’s a tiny fraction of humanity that actually sees what’s happening.

We need a paradigm shift, and I’m not sure what can possibly trigger that other than something very dramatic and probably catastrophic, unfortunately. Again, I just don’t see how we get from here to there otherwise.

I’m not aware of any political parties that are openly acknowledging this with sufficient support or representation to affect the kinds of changes we need anywhere on the planet. In fact, we seem to be going in the opposite direction. It looks like we are choosing a path of collapse, and maybe that’s the only option given humanity’s current state of consciousness, or lack thereof.

As I record this, there are already regions of the world that are on the brink of becoming uninhabitable due to extreme temperatures. And those regions will expand in the coming years or decades. Those people are not just going to sit there and fry, and nobody in good conscience can blame them if they leave and seek safer territory. You’d do the same thing for yourself and your family if it came down to it. And the situation will worsen for years and decades to come.

Humanity must make truly epic and stunning changes, and it needs to do so very quickly. Meanwhile, we have unprecedented levels of polarization, disinformation abounds, a huge chunk of the population is completely out of touch with reality.

People are angry because there’s no stability in their worlds. But none of that will be resolved until we resolve the larger issue. And I struggle to see how we will navigate this without going over the edge.

That’s just an honest assessment of where I’m at and what my thinking is. As I’ve said before, I would prefer that we went into some kind of zero-growth-stasis position until the situation stabilized. The likelihood of that is almost nil, so it looks like we will be going through a disorderly collapse.

There are no silver bullets for this, short of shutting down industrial civilization, which has zero chance of occurring intentionally. I don’t care what anybody says, and I could post evidence all day long to back up my assertions.

So that’s the lay of the land here in the middle of August, 2023. We will have to see how this plays out.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End Transcript

Please see my “⁠Environment⁠” playlist for more on such topics. 

Te receive alerts about new episodes ⁠please add yourself to my contact list here⁠.


⁠Uh-Oh. Now What? – James Hansen, Aug 14, 2023 (PDF)⁠

⁠The world’s top 1% of emitters produce over 1000 times more CO2 than the bottom 1%⁠

⁠Who is really to blame for climate change?⁠

⁠A Climate Warning from the Cradle of Civilization⁠ [a must read IMO]

⁠Hot-tub-like Persian Gulf fuels 158-degree heat index in Iran⁠ [a must read IMO]

⁠Far-right outsider takes shock lead in Argentina primary election⁠

#Environment #ClimateCrisis #Spirituality

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


We Urgently Need New Definitions of Criminal Activity

I discuss why humanity urgently needs new laws that redefine what is considered criminal activity and new definitions of crime. 

This episode was published on July 31, 2023.

Please see my “⁠Conversations⁠” playlist for more discussions. 

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Te receive alerts about new episodes please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.


⁠Reveal podcast: The Great Arizona Water Grab⁠

⁠A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan • Part One⁠

⁠Part 2: A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan⁠

⁠How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona⁠

⁠Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s⁠

⁠Western megadrought is worst in 1,200 years, intensified by climate change, study finds⁠

⁠Skipped Showers, Paper Plates: An Arizona Suburb’s Water Is Cut Off⁠

⁠Colorado River losing vast amounts of water due to warming climate, study finds⁠

⁠Ecocide: Should killing nature be a crime?⁠

⁠Polly Higgins, lawyer who fought for recognition of ‘ecocide’, dies aged 50⁠

⁠Trillions of Dollars in Bank Bailouts: Socialism for the Rich?⁠

#Environment #Ecocide #Spirituality

⁠Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.⁠


A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan

Special guest Dr. Nadine Sullivan and I engage in a wide-ranging discussion about her practice and experiences as a licensed hypnotherapist. 

We discuss how past lives and past life traumas influence our current incarnation (such as experiencing seemingly irrational phobias) and how such conditions can be resolved, alleviated or healed using hypnotherapy and past-life regression.

Part one was published on July 25, 2023.

Part two was published on July 26, 2023.

Please see my “⁠Conversations⁠” playlist for more discussions. 

You can support my work and this channel by ⁠booking an astrology reading⁠.

You can contact Nadine or book a hypnotherapy session with her at the following link:

⁠Chestnut Hill Spiritual Counseling & Hypnotherapy⁠


Nadine Rosechild Sullivan. 2012. Turn Your Life Around!: Expand Your Use of ‘The Secret’ & Manifest Intentionally in Every Area of Your Life.‎ Lifting Consciousness Press (October 25, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0984822607. 

⁠Amazon link.⁠

On influencing the future: 

Lynne McTaggart. (2018). The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World.‎ Atria (reprint edition). ISBN-13: 978-1501115554. 

⁠Amazon link.⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

Our generation was told liberal economics would make us free. Look at us now. We were misled.⁠

On U.S. Empire: 

Juan Gonzalez. (2002). Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America (Second Revised and Updated Edition).‎ Penguin Books; Revised edition (June 14, 2022). ISBN-13:‎ 978-0143137436. 

⁠Amazon link⁠

⁠Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s⁠

⁠How decades of disinformation about fossil fuels halted U.S. climate policy⁠

⁠Big Oil’s trade group allies outspent clean energy groups by a whopping 27x, with billions in ads and lobbying to keep fossil fuels flowing⁠

⁠Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation⁠

⁠Exxon: The Road Not Taken⁠

⁠World’s 26 richest people own as much as poorest 50%, says Oxfam⁠

⁠New Florida standards teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills⁠

⁠Avian flu may have killed millions of birds globally as outbreak ravages South America⁠

⁠Georgia, the Peach State, is out of peaches. Here’s why, and how locals are coping⁠

⁠‘Biblical proportions’: 3 months’ worth of rainfall floods Nova Scotia, forcing evacuations as crews search for missing people⁠

#Hypnotherapy #PastLives #PastLifeRegression

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please add yourself to ⁠my contact list⁠.


We recently entered 4D – A conversation with Debbra Lupien

This two-part discussion with Debbra Lupien of Voice of the Akashic Records was recorded on July 21st, 2023. Part one was published on July 22, 2023.

Part two was published on July 23, 2023.

You can support my work and this channel by booking an astrology reading.

Join my YouTube channel to get access to perks. Please try using a computer if you have problems joining on your smartphone.

Please see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice.

This episode was published on July 22, 2023.

Spirituality #AgeOfAquarius #Psychic

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting:

Please add yourself to my contact list.

A Conversation with Cyndy from Soulprint Intuitive Tarot

This episode is derived from a discussion I had with Cyndy from Soulprint Intuitive Tarot on July 4, 2023. We didn’t intend on publishing this conversation but I thought this was worth sharing part of our discussion with my audience.

Please check out Cyndy’s “Soulprint Intuitive Tarot” YouTube channel.

The “Bird’s Eye view” video Cyndy mentioned.

References (my episodes on the 2025-26 time frame Cyndy mentioned):

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

You can support my work and this channel by booking an astrology reading.

Join my YouTube channel to get access to perks. Please try using a computer if you have problems joining on your smartphone.

Please see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice.

This episode was published on July 11, 2023.

Spirituality #AgeOfAquarius #Psychic

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting:

Please add yourself to my contact list.


Conversation #2 with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker

This episode was published on July 9, 2023. A transcript may follow.

Please view the first conversation with Dr. Scott Becker at the following link if you have not already:

⁠A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker⁠ (July 2, 2023)

In a wide-ranging discussion Dr. Becker and I discuss topics including his involvement with noted psychologist James Hillman, the psychology of current trends in society and politics, astrology and the astrology of the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. 

⁠Dr. Scott Becker, Psychologist ⁠(please also see Dr. Becker’s bibliography for this episode below).

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.


⁠Irish Granny Tarot YouTube Channel⁠.

⁠The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately⁠

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation?⁠

Facing Monsters: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change, Globalization, and Digital Technology 

Scott H. Becker, PhD 

Episode Bibliography

James Hillman and Michael Ventura, We’ve Had 100 Years of Psychotherapy – And the World’s Getting Worse 

James Hillman, The Dream and the Underworld 

James Hillman, “Peaks and Vales: The Soul/Spirit Distinction as Basis for the Differences between Psychotherapy and Spiritual Discipline” in Senex and Puer, Volume 3 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman 

Donald Kalsched, The Inner World of Trauma

Please see my ⁠sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

This episode was published on July 9, 2023.

#Psychology #Spirituality #JamesHillman

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.


The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

I discuss some very dramatic astrological transits which occur in 2028 which were drawn to my attention intuitively or psychically back on January 17, 2023.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

⁠Join my YouTube channel⁠ to get access to perks. Please try using a computer if you have problems joining on your smartphone.

This episode was published on July 6, 2023 at 12pm EDT.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all!

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving. It is July 6th, 2023.

On January 17th of 2023, yes, almost six months ago, it’s hard to believe that’s how things roll around here, but on January 17th I got this very strange download. It just came to me extremely clearly.

Now, don’t jump to conclusions, but the download was 2028, 40 percent, and I stopped, and I’m like, 2028, 40 percent what? That was all I got. I’m not like some of the psychics who can have conversations with their guides.

So I believe that was in the evening, and then the next day I started looking at the astrology, and I saw something in 2028 that really jumped out at me, as I hadn’t looked at it before. Sure enough, there is a truly remarkable alignment in June of 2028, and I was kind of like, wow, this is big.

One of the reasons I didn’t do an episode on this is because I intended to fully look into this in a great deal of detail. That’s one of my problems.

I’m a bit of a perfectionist, and I can go down rabbit holes when I start looking into things. And it becomes like a huge task because, you know, you could, for example, look at all the natal charts for the various big players out there, the big countries and things, and see what’s happening, and analyze it. And you know, like that’s like an insane amount of work, which I just don’t have that kind of time, or haven’t.

And of course, there’s also a lot of other things going on all the time, every day almost, that are really big, that need to be talked about as well. So it’s overwhelming.

And then I just recently did a big long episode with Scott Becker, and I did a conversation with Irish Granny Tarot (links in the description) and I did another little episode that I haven’t published yet, and blah, blah, blah.

Around that time, not long after I first got the download, I did discuss it with one person though, and I sent them the chart. She knows who she is.

But then this whole 2028 thing has been on my mind again, at the forefront of my mind for a few weeks, and I’ve just been kind of like, I got to get that done, I got to get that done.

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to give you the charts and the dates, and I will briefly describe what’s going on astrologically.

One of the things about astrology that irks me, not so much astrology, but astrologers, is if you go back in time and you actually listen to other people’s forecasts, where they state that specific things are going to happen in such and such a time frame, there’s a very low success rate from my perspective.

Astrology can indicate themes, for sure, like it’s incredibly useful and important, but it’s very hard to predict specific events in the future. And so I kind of refrain from doing that. I will describe themes and situations and general conditions, but how it’s going to play out specifically is very, very difficult to predict.

And like I said, that’s borne out by the evidence if you go back and listen to other people’s predictions. So I just refrain from doing that.

And another thing is when people talk about astrology, when they’re looking back at history, is they will often cherry pick certain things like, “Okay, this is an example of that aspect at that time.”

But the truth is that the world is very big and there are events of all kinds happening everywhere all the time. So it’s really easy to go back in time and say, “Oh, that event is linked with this transit.” They’re not talking about the events that contradict that. That’s to me kind of cherry picking.

Yes, there are certain historical events that affect the whole world, like world wars and things like that, or a depression, or the invention of some technology that completely changes the future. Those are really big deals. But we have to be careful, like I said, that we’re not cherry picking.

This aspect will be in tight orb for some time. But around June 24th of 2028, Pluto in Aquarius, and I’ve done episodes on that topic alone, it’s a big deal, squares Saturn and Chiron in Taurus, around seven or eight degrees of Taurus.

And at the same time, there is a triple conjunction in Gemini in very close orb, Uranus, Mercury, and Mars.

And there’s one other point here, which is that the North Node is at 23 degrees of Capricorn. And the very significant Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which occurred on January 12th of 2020, was at just under 23 degrees of Capricorn.

So the North Node, which is this faded kind of karmic point, is basically conjunct where the Pluto and Saturn conjunction occurred in 2020.

So we have Pluto squaring a conjunction of Saturn and Chiron in Taurus, a triple conjunction of Uranus, Mercury, and Mars in Gemini at 11 and a half degrees. And the North Node is at the same point as the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020.

That is an awful lot of major synchronicity. The odds of all of these things occurring at the same time must be minuscule.

The June 24, 2028 Saturn square Pluto, and Gemini stellium, North Node at 23 degrees Capricorn, astrology chart.

Above graphic: The June 24, 2028 Saturn square Pluto, and Gemini stellium, North Node at 23 degrees Capricorn, astrology chart.

In astrology, really significant events tend to occur when we have multiple outer planet activity, typically in heavy aspect, occurring at the same time. And here we have a whole slew of things happening simultaneously, any one of which would be challenging.

Saturn and Chiron transiting Taurus on a mundane level, Taurus rules finances, money, property, investments, and banking.

Typically when Saturn transits Taurus, because Saturn is restricting and limiting and karmic, that period of time tends to mark challenging economic or financial circumstances for humanity, because the energy of Taurus is being restricted.

But there’s also that energy of Chiron there and Chiron deals with wounding, usually in our formative years and often dealing with past lives. So there’s wounding and restriction and limitation occurring in the financial sector.

Now Pluto square Saturn is a really challenging aspect. These are very heavy hitting, powerful and intense energies at cross purposes with each other. Squares are no joke, especially when they involve heavy hitters like this.

And the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, which occurred in 2020, was the beginning of this kind of dark cycle. You know, Pluto deals with power, power which can go either way, it can be abused, power control, domination, and things like that.

The Jan 12, 2020 Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Mercury conjunction in Capricorn and Capricorn stellium astrology chart.

Above graphic: The Jan 12, 2020 Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Mercury conjunction in Capricorn and Capricorn stellium astrology chart.

And because of the involvement of Chiron, it’s an especially challenging aspect.

Now we’re dealing with Pluto and Saturn and in that equation, Pluto is more of the heavy hitter because it’s the more distant planet, its orbit is much slower than Saturn’s. If there’s an argument, Pluto tends to have its way.

But nonetheless, there will be consequences for humanity. It’s like there’s a conflict between our social needs collectively, this very egalitarian energy of Aquarius and pragmatic reality having to do with the economic system and finances. You know, that alone is a big deal.

And the square of Pluto and Saturn relates to what occurred in 2020 when the cycle began. This is the first real challenge.

Whatever came up at that time, and let’s face it, a lot has occurred since 2020, and we know the kinds of topics. This square brings all of that stuff back into our awareness and we need to look at how we have handled things between then and 2028.

And then we have this extremely unpredictable energy of Uranus, which, you know, in times can actually create trauma because it can be so shocking. It can completely destabilize things and introduce things into the mix that are, like I said, completely unpredictable and surprising. It breaks up structures and we have that kind of energy, which is, Uranus is incredibly intense and very sharp and focused in time, combined with Mars and Mercury. Mars, we know, the god of war, and Mercury, the mind and communication, the intellect, the messenger.

So, that triple conjunction right there is like, you know, you think Gemini, you think words and communication, or at the very least, some very shocking and dramatic news or information that maybe pertains to conflict or the military or accidents or acts of violence, Mars. And I mean really shocking, really surprising and even traumatic.

Another thing I thought about was Taiwan, because I believe China even stated that they want reunification by 2028.

But it’s happening at the same time as this Pluto-Saturn square, with the North Node being conjunct, the Pluto-Saturn conjunction point from 2020.

The major incident that changed the world, I have to be very careful what words I use so as not to trigger the platform to penalize me or censor me. But let’s just say, a lot of people had to stay home for a significant amount of time and, you know, wear something on their face and stuff like that. And no, I’m not recording this from Beijing or Moscow or Florida.

Anyway, that disease that started in China really started coming to our attention in very early 2020. The Pluto-Saturn conjunction was in January of 2020. So that seems to be a clue, because the square is linked to that.

Like I said, we can’t predict exactly what’s going to happen, but I can fairly safely say that it will involve economics and finances, and maybe even the Earth, because Taurus is an Earth sign. And Taurus also governs a lot of aspects of nature and the harvest and agriculture.

So I don’t know if it’s environmental. I don’t know if it’s economic. I don’t know if it represents conflict, like war or something, or a widespread contagious disease.

Neptune is in Aries at this point. Aries is a fire sign, and Neptune in the past has been associated with diseases, large-scale ones. But it’s been in Aries for a few years by this point.

The chart I’m using here, I just set the Ascendant to be Aries, so it would have a natural house system, just to make it easier to look at. So you can kind of ignore the Midheaven and the Ascendant, because they will vary depending on where you are.

And I wouldn’t give too much attention to the other more personal planets, because they move and change signs very quickly. It’s more the outer planets and their involvement with the inner planets that I think we should focus on here.

Like I said, I’m not going to speculate on exactly how this manifests, because I just know from years of experience that that is probably a fool’s errand. But you know, the big major issue we had in recent years where people had to stay home, a lot of them, 2020, where Pluto and Saturn conjuncted in Capricorn, the square could relate to those kinds of events.

And the 40% figure I mentioned that came to me in my download, I don’t know what that pertains to. It could be economic, it could have something to do with the population, and I could just be completely wrong about that. But I have to be honest, it literally came through that figure, 40%.

We do and are facing extremely challenging environmental issues. And by then, I think by 2028, they will probably be much worse.

So, you know, one of the ways that civilization might get through that is to lessen its footprint. I’m not saying that’s going to happen, but it would help us cope with those kinds of things.

I don’t want that to happen at all, by any means. I don’t think we need a disorderly situation. I would prefer that we do things orderly.

There’s also the timeline split, which I have talked about here before. And according to Dolores Cannon, that process was to occur in the early to mid-2020s. 2028 would probably be at the end of that cycle.

And finally, one other point which has been on my mind now for a few weeks, which is that if there was a very major event that was going to occur on Earth, that was outside of our control, as individuals at least, would Spirit tell us about that?

I suspect not, because what purpose would that serve? It would only create a lot of stress and anxiety for no reason. And I know for a fact that they don’t tell us everything. I know that from personal experience. Some things are on a need-to-know basis only. So, I’m not convinced that we would have a lot of warning about certain things.

Some people might, just before an event, like I had some experiences at the very beginning of 2020 that only made sense to me after things unfolded more, that I was actually in a lot of resistance to. But nonetheless, in hindsight, I’m glad it worked out that way. But I wasn’t told explicitly what was going to happen, if you understand what I’m getting at.

So, as we get closer to that time, some more information might start to come out. But I don’t think the general public is going to be given a lot of details about something like this, if it proves to be something significant. And I think that’s just something we have to accept, that we’re not supposed to know everything, especially if it doesn’t serve a beneficial purpose.

Needless to say, if you have significant points or planets at, say, 7, 8, 9 degrees of Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, or Taurus, or, say, 10, 11, 12 of Gemini, Virgo, Sag, or Pisces, you’ll want to pay attention to this. Obviously, it’s not for 5 years, but these are pretty intense energies.

And if you’re Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, or Taurus, you’re going to be getting this square of Pluto and Saturn hitting those points at the same time.

Or, like I said, if you have planets or points at 10, 11, 12 Gemini, Virgo, Sag, or Pisces, you’re going to get that triple conjunction.

It’s probably more the square that I’d be most concerned about.

But Uranus-Mars, you have to be careful with, because Mars can manifest as accidents, injuries, acts of violence, those kinds of things. And Mars moves pretty fast, so it would only be for a few days, typically.

But Pluto and Saturn are going to be in square for a while.

That’s just a quick look at it, without me having to spend days and days and days working on this, producing graphics and charts, and getting into all the minutiae of all the aspects and details.

Anybody who studies astrology can look at this in more depth, compare it to natal charts of countries, and so forth.

But it’s been on my to-do list for 6 months. So there you go, I’ll leave it there. I’ll leave it for you to speculate about, and think about, and ponder.

On July 3rd, I had a very nice and interesting, long conversation with the fabulous Irish Granny Tarot. I’ll put a link in the description to that as well, in case you haven’t already listened to that.

Thank you very much, Helen, for having me on your excellent channel, and for all of the wonderful work you have done, on behalf of our community. Very important.

If you find this episode of interest, or it inspires some work of your own, credit is warranted, appreciated, and the responsible thing to do. It is the Aquarian Age thing to do.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.


⁠A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker⁠

⁠A Conversation with John of Aquarian Diary⁠ (via Irish Granny Tarot)

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

Please see my ⁠sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

#Astrology #Pluto #Saturn

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.


A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker

This episode was published on July 2, 2023. A transcript may follow.

In a wide-ranging discussion Dr. Becker and I discuss topics including his involvement with noted psychologist James Hillman, the psychology of current trends in society and politics, the prospect of an apocalypse or societal collapse, and how to cope with the epic environmental crisis confronting humanity. 

⁠Dr. Scott Becker, Psychologist⁠ (please also see Dr. Becker’s bibliography for this episode below).

You can support my work and this channel by ⁠booking an astrology reading⁠.

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⁠Minister orders halt to Cambridgeshire council’s four-day week trial⁠

⁠Cory Doctorow: Platform capitalism and the curse of “enshittification”.⁠

⁠Does evil exist? (trigger warning) ⁠

⁠Trump Threatens to Appoint ‘Maybe Even Nine’ Supreme Court Justices if Elected⁠

⁠Merchants of Doubt – How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming ⁠

⁠Algospeak and Platphobia⁠

⁠The Dichotomy Paradox⁠

⁠Our Toxic Legacy⁠

⁠The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately⁠

⁠Polarization Is Intensifying⁠

Facing Monsters: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change, Globalization, and Digital Technology

Scott H. Becker, PhD


*mentioned in the podcast


Scott Becker, “The Matrix and the Minotaur,” in City and Soul, Conversations with James Hillman, published by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture

Nicholas G. Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

Nicholas G. Carr, The Glass Cage: How Our Computers are Changing Us

Richard King, Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity?

Robert Romanyshyn, Technology as Symptom and Dream

Robert D. Romanyshyn, Victor Frankenstein, the Monster, and the Shadows of Technology: The Frankenstein Prophecies

*Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

Sherry Turkle, The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir

Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age

Ecology and Climate Change:

Amy Brady and Tajja Isen, Editors, The World as We Knew It: Dispatches From a Changing Climate

Jack Hunter, Ecology and Spirituality: A Brief Introduction

Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future

Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy

*Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World

Consciousness studies:

James Bridle, Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

Shelli Renee Joye, Sub-Quantum Consciousness: A Geometry of Consciousness Based Upon the Work of Karl Pribram, David Bohm, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Ralph Metzner, Ecology of Consciousness: The Alchemy of Personal, Collective, and Planetary Transformation

Archetypal Psychology:

*James Hillman, Re-Visioning Psychology

James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World

James Hillman, “…And Huge is Ugly,” in Mythic Figures, Volume 6 of the Unform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Scott Becker, “Aegis: In Defense of Archetypal Psychology,” in Inhuman Relations, Volume 7 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Michael Ortiz Hill, Dreaming the End of the Word: Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage

*Dick Russell, psychological commentary by Scott Becker, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 1, The Making of a Psychologist

Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 2, Re-Visioning Psychology

Please ⁠see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

#Psychology #Spirituality #JamesHillman

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.


The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

I discuss the astrological influences which are contributing to the current and disturbing levels of mass delusion and extremism which humanity has not experienced since the 1930’s.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 5:02am on June 21, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is June 21, 2023.

Today I want to give people a general sense of when the insanity and all of the extreme and unhinged behavior we have been witnessing, socially and politically, will draw to a close, or at least begin winding down, as it often takes time for these forces to dissipate.

I’ll be displaying quite a few dates on the screen, you may want to watch this on YouTube if that matters to you.

On June 15th, I published an episode on the Uranus-Pluto square and the rise of far-right extremism, where I focused just on that one aspect and its parallels to the 1930s.

There’s another parallel which I didn’t specifically talk about in that episode, which is the transit of Uranus through Taurus.

Uranus transited Taurus from roughly 1934 until 1942, and is currently transiting Taurus again right now from 2018 through 2026.

The previous transit of Taurus occurred during the Great Depression, which ran from 1929 through 1939, it was ended by the war effort, and World War II, which commenced in 1939 through 1945.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, or the 11th house.

Aquarius is fixed air. Taurus is ruled by Venus and is fixed earth.

These signs are in a square or antagonistic relationship to each other. Uranus is in its fall in Taurus. It’s a challenging sign for Uranus to be in. So these energies do not mix well. Uranus is all about change and revolution, and Taurus is all about security and predictability. So Uranus transiting Taurus is challenging.

All signs and planets have positive and negative expressions, and Taurus can be very conservative because it desires security, stability and predictability, and Uranus is anything but predictable.

Like I said, more recently, Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and will continue to do so through the end of April of 2026.

So we have seen a tremendous amount of change, revolution and instability around Taurian themes like real estate, property, money, investments, where people live, we went through lockdowns, where people were confined to their homes. Many people relocated, they moved from the city to the country or suburbs or even to other countries. People en masse began working from home… Taurus.

There were unprecedented supply chain disruptions, we’ve now been dealing with rapid inflation and greedflation, income disparity and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is even more extreme, and so on.

Taurus also rules what we value, so we have seen a tremendous amount of changes occurring around people’s values and a lot of conflicts around values like the culture wars.

Uranus can be quite radical, so we have seen the rise of reactionary conservatism to alarming degrees, such as far-right extremism, authoritarian and fascistic movements who want to impose radically conservative, patriarchal, and hierarchical structures on other people in many of the same ways we saw through 1934 and 1942. In that case, we had an actual World War. Extremely radical behavior and very polarizing social movements.

There are currently ultra-right and openly fascistic movements occurring in countries around the world. These forces are often anti-intellectual, they reject evidence and science, try and rewrite history, they attack and undermine the media, education systems and all manner of institutions, they are frequently misogynistic, racist, bigoted and xenophobic.

They define themselves based on their enemies and create them if they don’t exist. Fascists always need scapegoats, usually the most vulnerable members of society, such as trans children. What could possibly be more cowardly and despicable than picking on vulnerable children?

Propaganda and disinformation are frequently deployed, as are threats, bullying and intimidation.

As we can clearly see, there are many parallels between when Uranus transited Taurus in the late 1930s and early 1940s and recent years.

We have also had Neptune transiting Pisces from April 2011 which will continue through 2025 and 2026. Neptune is extra potent while transiting its own sign.

The lower expression of Neptune can be delusion/illusion/fantasy being detached from reality, escapism, alternative realities.

We have seen cult-like behavior where people have fallen under the spell of demagogues, con men, grifters, while being completely unable to perceive all of their flaws and there’s a lot of projection and illusion going on.

But that also will be wrapping up around 2025/2026, roughly around the same time that Uranus leaves Taurus.

So those are two really important things right there.

Again, check the screen for dates.

So Neptune, transiting Pisces, all of the mass delusion, rampant and observed conspiracy theories, the inability to distinguish truth from lies, willful, if not belligerent, ignorance, denial of facts, evidence, and reality, falling for lies and propaganda and shameless con man grifter criminals. Extreme expressions of victimhood, think Donald Trump or the incel movement, or people constantly whining about the crisis of privileged white male masculinity, being completely detached from objectifiable truth or reality, the post-truth era, all of that.

Uranus transiting Taurus, radical conservatism, radical traditional cultural values – so distorted that it’s almost grotesque, extreme resistance to progress or evolution, the rejection of historical facts pertaining to the oppression of minorities, various racial and ethnic groups, deference to authoritarian and strongman leaders, despite their highly flawed moral character and complete lack of credentials.

Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus at the same time?

The United States has been the focal point of a lot of the absolute batshit crazy stuff because it has been going through its Pluto return – which I have also done episodes on – from February 2021 and will continue through January of 2024, which is when it was within a tight two degree orb.

Pluto transits are actually in effect for a wider orb than that. That is just the most intense phase. But the most intense phase will be winding down by early next year.

There has been a lot of crazy stuff going on, but there’s no question that the United States has been the focal point globally for the insanity. Just look at how radical and extreme and crazy the Republican Party and the former president and his hapless sycophants have been acting, many of whom may end up incarcerated.

In 2025-2026, Saturn will move into Aries, beginning a whole new 28-29 year cycle. This all points to 2025-2026 as being the end of the post-truth, batshit crazy era.

As much as the reactionary conservative forces are trying to put the genie back in the bottle, you cannot resist these major transits of, like, Pluto shifting into Aquarius, Neptune moving out Pisces, Uranus moving out of Taurus.

If you are in resistance to these outer planetary energies, the transits manifest as being extremely challenging and disruptive. You cannot be in resistance to these energies, they are much more powerful than you are as an individual. So the more liberal or more progressive forces are in a much better position to deal with these changing and shifting energies because they are more comfortable with change and evolution, they are more adaptable and open-minded.

When Uranus moves into Gemini in 2025-2026, it will be in a trine aspect to the sign of Aquarius, where Pluto is beginning its major 20-year long transit. This is power, Pluto, in very harmonious, easy-flowing aspect to Uranus in Gemini.

Again, Aquarius, which Uranus rules, is fixed air, Gemini is mutable air. So that relationship, when Uranus enters Gemini, commencing in 2025 and 2026, speaks of very rapid change and evolution in an air sign. Air signs are intellectual and rational. They are very fast moving energies. These are not slow energies. And like I said, that is a trine aspect that will occur for about seven years.

Again, it all points to 2025, 2026 being the end of the post-truth, bat-shit-crazy, reactionary conservative period with this insane polarization. All of the complete detachment from reality on the political right drawing to a close. So that’s the time frame. We have another two to three years of craziness to go through.

Although, as I’ve said in other episodes, Saturn transiting Pisces is a reality check and Pluto transiting Aquarius is also a reality check in many ways.

So the tide has started to turn, but we should be completely out of all of this craziness in 2025 and 2026. At least the kind of craziness we’re dealing with now.

I have been focusing here on all of the negative expressions of these energies. It goes without saying that the opposite is true as well. In fact, the majority of the people have not been expressing the negative aspects of these things. There are still many people who are very grounded in reality and who are able to differentiate between BS and reality.

So without question, it is clear that these energies are experienced differently depending on the person. Now why some people are predisposed to the negative expressions and others are not probably relates a lot to their own particular astrological natal chart.

And there are many people in the middle who aren’t quite sure where they stand. But for the purposes of this episode, I am just trying to explain why so many people are going crazy and how long it will last, and when it will mercifully end.

Finally, let’s be clear about one important thing. The dark side lies, manipulates, deceives, and engages in criminal activity. The light does not lie, cheat, or steal, just to be clear.

And yes, I am proudly biased in favor of truth and reality.

I understand that much of what’s happening is fueled by grievance, but the answer is not to burn the place down.

It’s funny, when I’m editing this audio, I often stop and think “Oh, I’m being hyperbolic.” and I’ll reflect for a moment, and only a moment, before I realize that I can provide credible examples of what I’m describing, things that have actually happened or are happening right now. I’m not being hyperbolic, this is all actually happening just as I’m describing it. In other words, it really is this bad, currently.

For a fuller and more detailed analysis, I will link multiple other episodes that are related in the episode description, which I encourage you to review.

I’m going to share a few podcasts simply as a public service.

The first is my favorite, and I’ve mentioned it here before. It is Background Briefing with Ian Masters.

I listen to this podcast every day. As far as I’m concerned, this is the best podcast. One of the most amazing things about it is that there’s nothing else like it, and I find that hard to believe. God knows what we’ll do when Ian Masters retires.

The second is a new podcast by the BBC. It is called Mariana in Conspiracyland.

One of the most disturbing things about this podcast is she documents how many people who would have been traditionally progressive are falling into the right wing rabbit hole as a result of conspiracy theories. Anyway, it’s new, check it out.

I personally find it very interesting. It makes me think about the phenomenon of the RFK campaign in the United States. He is being promoted by many libertarian right-wing nut jobs and has the potential to siphon off absolutely critical votes that could help prevent the Republicans from winning the next election. The Republicans winning would be one of the worst possible things that could happen.

Even people in the progressive community are falling under the spell of propaganda, lies and disinformation, and even overtly and transparently racist ones.

It has eerie parallels with the whole MAGA movement and QAnon and things like that. Which to me seems to be a psyop campaign, like something the Russians would do.

I find that quite disturbing. It’s like some kind of weird mind virus, like a mental illness that is being spread around. It’s very creepy and dark.

Many of us have lost people or even loved ones to conspiracy theories. It can be heartbreaking.

The dark side can be very subtle and devious. We need to be constantly vigilant to inoculate us against its poison.

Conspirituality is another podcast in the same vein. It’s intellectually rigorous and does not pull any punches. So set your ego aside.

Another podcast I have been listening to now for quite some time is The Bulwark with Charlie Sykes.

This is coming from a never Trump perspective. So it’s quite unusual for me to listen to something like this, but the quality of the analysis around what’s going on with Republicans and the former guy is very good and very intelligent. So it gives a different perspective than what I normally would listen to.

I subscribe to many, many podcasts, but those are a few that I thought would be relevant to this episode.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

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