Category: Episodes (Page 6 of 8)

Resistance to Spiritual Growth

I discuss how and why people frequently experience many forms of resistance – if not interference – to doing their Spiritual work or Spiritual Practice. I also describe how to effectively manage and overcome such obstacles.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on April 27, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 27, 2023.

For the past while now, I’ve had the honor of speaking with many people from around the world. And I say honor because in just about every exchange, there is some information or knowledge, or perspective, that is conveyed to me, which turns out to be meaningful. It’s been a surprising aspect of my work.

There’s something else that has come up a lot in my conversations and work with other people. I have been working with some people on dealing with techniques to shift their energy in positive ways. I’ve been doing classes on energy management. I’ll put a link to that in the description.

And a recurring theme in that work is that many people experience what looks like interference or resistance to actually doing the work. It seems like at least half of the people that I discuss this with experience this phenomenon.

Now I’m able to recognize this just because I’ve seen it happen so many times. It kind of goes like this.

There will be both a push and a pull to actually doing the work.

Part of someone will recognize clearly that they should do it, and the thought of doing it feels good, and another part of them will be manifesting all of this obstructional kind of resistance.

For example, life circumstances will emerge that just get in the way, or that prevent them from doing the practices.

It’s almost like there’ll be an avalanche of activity trying to prevent them from doing the exercises that I will prescribe. And the person will often be aware of this and asking themselves, if not me, what is going on?

For example, they will say, “I want to do this. I know I should, but there’s part of me that just doesn’t want me to do it.”

I’ve seen this happen over and over again.

This can be coming from many sources. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions about where it originates from.

It could be an expression of our own dark side, because we all have one. And there’s a relationship between the strength of your dark side and how much shadow work you have done in the past. And let’s face it, a lot of people don’t like to do shadow work because it’s not typically easy.

It can also be other beings, whether they’re people incarnate or not, or otherwise, who do not want us to change because they are attached to the status quo.

It can even be people who are like “frenemies”, people that we think have our best interests at heart, but are actually jealous or resentful of us in some way.

For example, let’s take being A. They want to evolve. Being B may fear that if person A evolves, they won’t love them in the same way that they did before. There is a lot of fear around change. That’s just common sense.

So even though people may not communicate these kinds of things to us verbally, they may feel things energetically, they may feel a threat to the status quo energetically without even being aware of it.

Then what happens is they then proceed to help facilitate or create obstacles to person A evolving. And they can be very real. They can show up as events that occur, like little emergencies or things that need to happen at certain times and things like that. A lot of this can occur unconsciously, is what I’m saying.

There can also be non-material beings who are energetically attached to people who fear them changing or evolving for similar reasons.

What I’m getting at is that there can be a tremendous amount of resistance or inertia to people evolving, and this can play out sometimes for weeks or months or even years, if not many lifetimes.

The person who wants to evolve can also have subconscious resistance. There may be a part of their unconscious that also fears change. Because even sometimes when people have difficult lives or challenging experiences, the familiar may be more comfortable than the unfamiliar.

Now a lot of that can be seen in the astrology chart. There are certain signs and planetary energies that are more resistant to change.

Nonetheless, when the individual who wants to evolve makes that decision and dedicates themselves – in the form of discipline and being diligent about doing their spiritual practice – nothing can stand in their way because they are exercising their free will and agency. And that is a divine right.

This is why I am always emphasizing being disciplined. It’s not like in the army in boot camp kind of discipline. The discipline is necessary often to overcome all of this unconscious and non-material and material resistance and inertia.

So I can’t emphasize this enough.

If, for example, you are listening to this and you’ve been saying to yourself for a long time “I really should do my spiritual practice and I should really take it more seriously,” and then you always find excuses and reasons why you can’t.

“Oh, I’m tired,” or “Something happened today that threw me off emotionally,” or “My boyfriend just called and wants to go to dinner.” Well, you can put off your boyfriend for 30 minutes. You know, like, really.

It’s not that we have to stop our lives, but we do have to make a commitment to doing this work.

At some point, the person who wants to evolve simply has to decide that they’re going to do it no matter what. And then they put their foot down and they just become disciplined and diligent about doing their work or their spiritual practice regardless of what happens.

Another thing is that there is part of us that knows that when we engage in our spiritual work things will change. It starts on the energetic or psychic levels, and then it ripples out and manifests in the third dimension. And I think most people know that, if not intellectually, intuitively. So there are consequences to it.

However, I can virtually assure you that whatever changes take place will be for the better. Our higher selves and spirit or the universe do not want us to suffer unnecessarily. They want us to grow and evolve and for our lives to be meaningful.

There have even been many cases where I myself have suffered energetic blowback when working with other people on these kinds of practices. Not necessarily from them, but from energies that are attached to them in some way.

And I don’t always necessarily mean literally attached. I mean attached to the status quo, of them and their energy. Because I become a threat to their perceived interests. That is just a fact.

So I have to manage my energy very carefully when I’m doing this kind of work, because as it can really take a toll on me at times. However, when people do follow through and change, it is profoundly rewarding and uplifting for me to observe and for me to be able to participate in that kind of outcome.

Another point is that because this experience is so prevalent, it points to how effective these techniques are. If the discipline was not effective, there would be no resistance, because it wouldn’t be threatening to the status quo.

Most people comment that they really enjoy the work and that it feels great. There’s nothing negative about the work.

So to summarize, what I’m saying is that it is very common, if not more often than not, for people contemplating engaging in spiritual practice to have to overcome a lot of inertia and resistance to doing the work in the first place.

And that it is necessary, especially in the beginning, to be disciplined about it in order to overcome that initial inertia.

And that resistance will also manifest in the third dimension as frustrating delays, challenges, obstacles, and distractions.

And that we have to overcome the fear of change and evolution, and recognize that it is not a threat to us, nor will it cause us harm.

On the contrary, it is much more likely that staying the same is the least desirable option.

I cannot overstate this enough. Like I said, I’ve seen this over and over and over again.

So if you’re interested in learning these techniques, I have a series of classes. It’s very time consuming on my part to do this. But I get a lot of feedback from Spirit and from the people I’m working with that it’s good.

A lot of people need to break old ways of being and old habits. Sometimes ways of being that have existed for many lifetimes.

Because there’s a real opportunity right now – and I’m getting strong chills saying this – there’s a real opportunity right now for people to evolve tremendously at speeds they could not do in past incarnations.

Once you reset your energy you can go off and do whatever you want. This is not a religion.

So I thought I’d share that. I’ll put a link in the episode description to these classes.

But this is just more of a public service because I sense a lot of people have been going through this experience or debate in their heads, contemplating doing the work.

I published one episode titled “Energetic Hygiene” and I’ve also published some short little practices for people to do, but those are somewhat limited. I can’t really put all of the details that I actually use in my own practice on this channel or my website or whatever. There’s a lot of context that needs to be conveyed and there needs to be some discussion about what’s going on and why.

Also, it seems like people aren’t getting updates about my videos, so please check my channel directly, periodically, to see if I have uploaded any new episodes.

If you’re interested in an astrology reading, I’ll also put a link to that in the episode description.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.


Energetic Protection Classes

Energetic Hygiene – A “How To” with Practical Suggestions (YouTube)

Introduction to Ritual Practice – Practical Suggestions (YouTube)

Astrology Readings

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

I discuss the astrology of the upcoming transit of the Lunar Nodes through the astrological signs of Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) commencing in July of 2023.

The Lunar Nodes have been transiting Taurus and Scorpio since January of 2022.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on May 10, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all. Welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is May 10, 2023.

There will be graphics on the screen if you’re watching this on YouTube.

We are in a period of a lot of change. Pluto made its first ingress since the 1700s into Aquarius this year in March. Saturn entered Pisces for three years, also commencing in March.

In the near term, Mercury goes direct in Taurus on May 14th, Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th, Mars enters Leo on May 20th, and Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th through January 20th of 2024.

There’s another major shift coming up in 2023, and that is the North Node will be moving from Taurus into Aries, and that starts on July 17th of 2023.

The North Node always moves in a retrograde fashion, that is, it goes backwards relative to the orbit of the planets. So it’ll move backwards from Taurus into Aries.

There’s actually two components to the nodal axis. There is the North Node and the South Node, which is polar opposite, or 180 degrees apart.

The nodes will spend 18.6 months in each sign and will orbit all 12 signs in 18.6 years.

The North Node began its transit of Taurus on January 18th of 2022 and will complete that transit on July 17th of 2023, at which point it will commence transiting Aries all the way through January 11th of 2025.

Very briefly, the North Node has an expansive or highly energetic nature. It is highly charged, and it has almost a compulsive quality about it, whereas the South Node, its polar opposite, has a diminishing or deflating energy about it.

So while the North Node was transiting Taurus, the South Node was transiting Scorpio. Again, from January of 2022 through July of 2023.

Interestingly, I had actually recorded an episode just before the North Node began its transit of Taurus, and I worked on it multiple times, and at that time there were all of these circumstances that kept getting in the way or blocking me from completing this. It was extremely frustrating.

I talked a lot about what was going to happen with the North Node transiting Taurus. After multiple attempts, because of work and all kinds of other issues, I just gave up out of sheer frustration. It’s funny, as I record this right now, the street cleaner has driven by two or three times, and the neighbors pulled out some loud machine they never use. Here we go again.

But in that recording from early January of 2022, I stated that one of the possibilities was that we would see land grabs. And, of course, on February 24th of 2022, just over a month after the North Node entered Taurus, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Here’s an exact clip of me saying that back in early January 2022:

“So I would think that land grabs and territorial disputes could be amplified during this period. There’s a few situations in the world that are prominent at the time of this recording, like for example China and Taiwan and Russia and the Ukraine. And so there could be possibly conflicts around matters of territory.”

That was an unedited clip.

My previous episode discussed Jupiter transiting Taurus and Jupiter’s more recent transit of Aries. I encourage you to listen to that to familiarize yourself a little bit with the energies of Taurus versus Aries. I don’t want to repeat all of that here because it would be redundant.

But very briefly, what we saw when the North Node was transiting Taurus was there were many crises dealing with banking and finance. Banks collapsed. Rents skyrocketed, as did real estate across the board, creating a housing crisis. Many people relocated to different homes, sometimes in far-flung locations. There was a lot of relocation. People moved from the cities to the country. Millions of people began working from their homes. The cost of food went through the roof. There were supply shortages, and so on and so on. All of these are themes or areas that are covered by Taurus.

So going back to my description of the North Node, there’s like this vortex of energy surrounding all those Taurean areas of life.

The previous time that the North Node was in Taurus was between April of 2003 and December of 2004.

So now, what can we expect with the North Node moving into Aries?

The last time that happened was the end of December of 2004 through almost the end of June of 2006. And again, this will commence July 17th of 2023 through January 11th of 2025.

As I described in my episode about Jupiter transiting Taurus and Jupiter transiting Aries, Aries is a very fiery, masculine, cardinal energy. It is very bold and decisive. It can be brave, courageous, and athletic. In lower expressions, it can act spontaneously without thinking a lot about the consequences or other people.

Ares is ruled by Mars. Mars is known as the god of war. So it deals with combat and conflict and aggression in lower expression. It is hot and dry.

As I explained in my previous episode, people with a strong Mars influence can be very opinionated, combative, and they don’t hold back from expressing their opinions or views, whether anyone else likes them or not.

So I expect that on the global stage, we will see a lot of this very aggressive, assertive, masculine-style energy expressed in global affairs, or in politics.

It can be very rash. Shoot first, ask questions later.

On the positive side, this energy is very useful for people who need to stand up for themselves and to have some backbone, because there are times when we need to stand up for ourselves and not let other people walk all over us.

But because this energy is going to be affecting the whole planet for this 18 and a half month period, I expect there’s going to be a lot of contentious actions and activities and events that we will have to endure. It could even result or manifest as an abnormally active period or conflict. And yes, Mars rules the military. So there is the potential for that.

A lot of butting heads. Where the South Node is going to be is in Libra, the opposite sign of Aries. And as I explained, the South Node has kind of a diminishing effect. Libra rules things like diplomacy. Libra likes people to get along, seeks peace and harmony between people. With that energy being diminished and the Aries energy being amplified, we will probably see that diplomacy and settling disputes amicably is more challenged. Again, Libra seeks balance and Aries is extremely independent and focused more on itself and doing whatever it wants to do whenever it feels like it.

Mars energy tends to express in short, intense bursts. Think a boxer or a sprinter as opposed to a marathon runner. Under a Mars influence you can have tons of energy and then it just dissipates and you need to recharge. It doesn’t have extraordinary amounts of stamina, so we may see a lot of things that blow up that everyone is paying attention to, and then it just suddenly fizzles out.

Nonetheless, if countries or individuals take very strong and decisive action, it will almost certainly provoke a response from whoever the offended party is, so it can trigger undesirable or escalating outcomes.

As I also said, Mars is hot and dry, so I would expect that we might see a trend towards drought, or lack of rain or excessive heat. Such conditions, of course, increase the likelihood of wildfires. Aries is, after all, a fire sign. Destructive fires may be a notable theme during this period.

As it turns out, we are on the cusp right now of moving into an El Niño state globally, which is where temperatures tend to rise for a few years, above norms. And in a La Niña, which is what we’re leaving, temperatures tend to be suppressed a bit.

What happens during an El Niño is that we tend to get more storms and intense winds because more energy is being released into the global climate from the oceans. It’s cyclical. Warmer oceans, of course, can contribute to stronger hurricanes or typhoons.

I just find it interesting that just as the North Node is about to move into Aries, we
are on the cusp of an El Niño period. It’s a bit concerning because the La Niña period we’re leaving was actually hotter than what people were expecting. So the concern is the El Niño event will be even hotter still.

So if we do enter a period where it is hot and dry, that is going to have an effect on
agriculture. There may be water shortages. We could see things like rapid glacial melt and things like that, again during this 18 and a half month period.

So those who live in already water-stressed or storm-prone areas will probably want to pay attention to this, and prepare accordingly.

Political and social disputes are likely to be more intense and less likely to be easily resolved through diplomacy, as I said. Compromise will be less likely.

I’m an Aries rising, I understand this energy quite well. I handle it quite well now, but when I was young I a very hot temper. So I’m familiar with this energy. Mars is great for getting things done.

Another point just to consider is, like I said, that this is a very masculine energy. So in kind of the cultural areas, things like movies and entertainment and things like that, I would anticipate that we will see more overt masculine themes kind of dominate, and that there will be a general appeal to strong, determined, masculine-type personalities or figures.

When I think of like a physical Aries, I think someone like Bruce Lee, they’re not necessarily huge, they tend to be very lean and sinewy, but very determined and very focused and concentrated.

Of course, the color we associate with Mars is red. That’s the color of anger and that intense energy, fire. Also, in the world of fashion and styles, we might see this reflected there as well, where the fashions become more masculine or military-like in their cut, and you might see women wearing clothing that was more traditionally male or things like that.

I think, like, back to the 1980s with the broad shoulders. I’m not saying that’s exactly what’s going to happen, but just watch for more masculine themes in the fashion world and in style and decor.

In mundane astrology, traditionally the first house, which Aries rules by default, reflects the country and its inhabitants themselves as a whole, their general condition of prosperity and health or the reverse. So we can infer that there’s going to be a lot of emphasis or focus on the people and the state of the country and whether or not people are prosperous and healthy or happy or pissed off.

Of course the chart of every nation will be unique, and Aries may occur in a different house. However, this will apply overall.

Another very important thing about the Nodes is that eclipses always fall within a few degrees of either the South Node or the North Node. That’s another reason why the movement of the nodes is so important, because where these eclipses occur, it tends to pinpoint very decisive, intense, substantial and meaningful events. So over the next 18 and a half months, most of the eclipses will be occurring in Aries or Libra. So if you have significant planets or points in Aries or Libra, you’ll be wanting to pay attention to this.

For Libra, it’s kind of like a period of being in the background a bit. It’s a good time to review and let go of the past, and that can even mean doing past life work or something like that. It’s not generally going to be a great time for Libra to be pushing ahead. This is more like house cleaning. It’s a bit more of an introverted energy. I’m not saying that you can’t get things done if you’re a Libra, I’m just saying it is less favorable than normal.

This will be transiting my first house, personally, and I kind of know what to expect a bit. I might be coming across a bit larger than life, my energy might be intense, there might be more of a focus on myself personally and my own personal needs and ambitions. I might be a little less concerned about other people and what’s on their agenda versus mine, that kind of thing.

There will of course be eclipses in my first house and in my seventh, which is the house of relationships. I’m not in a relationship right now, so that’s not necessarily concerning, but if I was, I might be concerned about that.

Following through on that line of thought, Aries is a very independent energy, and the South Node will be transiting the seventh house of close personal relationships. So we could see a trend during this period of people preferring to be single, and the eclipses that occur in Libra may result in some relationships ending. Something to bear in mind.

The only notable conjunction that will occur during this time with the North Node is that it will conjunct Chiron, and Chiron deals with wounding. It’s known as the Wounded Healer. Again, I’ll put dates on the screen. That will occur on February 19th of 2024 at 16° 45′ Aries. Of course, I can’t predict exactly what will happen then, but the theme of wounding will be up.

Now Chiron tends to deal with wounding that occurs in our formative years generally, but issues of wounding and healing, reconciliation and things like that, may be highlighted during that period.

So I didn’t want this to be too long, so I’ll leave it there. I’ll of course put a link in the episode description to my episode on Jupiter transiting Taurus, which discusses Aries and Taurus quite a bit if you want more detail about those energies, and you can basically take what I’ve said about Chiron and blend it with that information and arrive at your own conclusions.

Again, the main themes are hot and dry, aggressiveness, assertiveness, raw masculinity, people being outspoken and inconsiderate at times, being more self-oriented, and of course combative, argumentative, if not actual warfare, or lots of skirmishes as a means of settling disputes, as opposed to diplomacy.

Please see my sets of intentions that you can incorporate into your spiritual practice. I encourage everyone to use those. They seem to be working.

If you’ve had a reading with me and you want an update, I can provide an update based on some of these transits or something else that you’re dealing with that’s very specific.

Some of you may be interested in my energetic protection and clearing classes that also addresses karmic issues.

I’ll put links to all of this in the episode description, including if you’re interested in a reading from me. You can support me by liking my videos, sharing commenting helps as well.

I look forward to your comments. Thanks for everything, take care, all the best, and I’m looking forward to talking with you again soon.

IMPORTANT: The Die Has Been Cast

I describe a recent very important message I received during my Spiritual Practice. It suggests that outcomes are now largely fated based on peoples’ recent state of consciousness and their actions. This may be related to the Timeline Split I have spoken about here before.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 6:40pm on June 3, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is June 3rd, 2023.

Today, I want to share something with you that I think is potentially extremely significant. This may be one of the most important episodes I have yet published.

A few days ago, on May 29th exactly, during my spiritual practice, what came up for me was quite striking and dramatic. The following is what I wrote in my journal after I completed my practice.

“After spiritual practice I had the impression that I only now need to speak to those who who are onside, that the time when the door is closing is upon us, the ascension door, that is.”

Now that has incredibly profound implications. It suggests that the die has been cast.

Now to put a little bit more perspective on that, I have talked about this notion of a timeline split on my channel before. I’ll put links in the episode description, of course, as usual. And I have also talked about how polarization is actually increasing.

And I have speculated that there is no way that certain types of people with certain types of energies or attitudes can possibly make the shift into higher states of consciousness. The energies are simply incompatible, like belligerent narcissism, for example.

So it seems like there are two broad swaths of humanity that are heading in different directions. There’s no way that someone who is misogynistic, bigoted, racist, and so forth can move into higher dimensions consciousness.

The theory goes, in short, that one must not be in a fear-based negative paradigm, and one must have cleared their karma in order to make this shift into the higher dimensions, and that this shift began to occur in the early to mid-2020s, which is where we are now.

Another part of the theory goes that the two timelines would diverge and that for a period of time we could go back and forth between the two timelines, but as they increasingly diverged or separated there would come a time when it would be impossible to go back and forth anymore, that we would be locked into one or other of the timelines, that there was a point of no return.

And that is what I believe is now occurring. That the two timelines are becoming so different that they are completely incompatible.

So this download that I got, that the die has been cast, suggests that people have made their choices and that, for the most part, the door is now starting to close. That people have made their bed and made their decisions, and it will play out accordingly.

It’s not like these people are lost forever, they have just chosen a different path until the next opportunity to advance to the next level occurs, which could take many incarnations.

Nonetheless, like I said, the way I perceive it is that there is a large segment of society that is stuck in a very negative and dense paradigm and unwilling to change.

But the rest of us are finding that paradigm increasingly distasteful and insufferable. We do not want to live in or experience that reality.

Like for example, last night I shared a story about what happened in Uganda recently, which to me is incredibly barbaric and horrific, and the fact that that was largely influenced by evangelical fundamentalists is unconscionable.

As far as I’m concerned, promoting those kinds of beliefs that can lead to the deaths of innocent people, well, these are hate crimes, and these people should be prosecuted for that. In my world, it would not be allowed. These are extremely vulnerable people who do not deserve this kind of treatment.

That’s just one example.

Anyway, my revelation or the download that I got that was very clear is that the door is closing, people have made their bed, that the work that I’m doing here now on this channel should be more dedicated to the people who are going to be on the higher timeline and I’m getting strong chills as I say this right now.

Because I love and I care for those people, the people that I reach, that I communicate that I can help, and so on, and that we need to let go of the burden of trying to carry forward people who are obstinate and reactionary, or unwilling to shift or change. We need to start letting them go and not worrying about them and not focusing on them as much as we have been. They have decided to take a different path.

As you can imagine, that has very big implications for me, and it possibly has very big implications for you, too.

That’s what I wanted to share. It came through for me very clearly, and very strongly.

I’m not saying the door has fully closed. What I’m saying is that the door is closing, and it’s closing fast.

This occurred just when Jupiter was about to conjunct the north node in Taurus, which took place June 1st. So the experience I am describing happened three days before that. And I have learned to trust what comes through to me very clearly and powerfully during my spiritual practice.

I’m going out on a bit of a limb here, I don’t really listen to other readers very much these days because I don’t want to be influenced by what they’re saying, so I have no idea if anyone else has said something similar or not, but I’m putting myself out there on the record with what I have said.

So I would urge you who are like me and who are aligned with my worldview to consider the implications of what I’m saying, they may be profound for you.

That’s it.

Also, the phrase “the past is not prologue” has been in my mind a lot lately. I think these changes are so big that we cannot take the past and project it onto the future. The future could look very different from anything we have expected or imagined.

Very interestingly, as I was editing this episode, someone I’ve known for a long time messaged me and said they had a dream in which I gave them a mantra. And the mantra was:

“You have everything you need. You have done everything you were supposed to.”

I think that’s very fitting for this episode.

As usual, I will put links in the episode description if you’re interested in a reading with me.

Thank you very much to those who are monthly members of my YouTube channel.

I really appreciate your support. It’s very helpful and greatly appreciated.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk with you again soon.

Bye for now.

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

Here I discuss the astrology of right-wing extremism and the role of the astrology of the Uranus square Pluto cycle in recent history.

Such astrological transits have been associated with the rise of radical right-wing extremism, populism, fascism and authoritarianism.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 9:11am on June 15, 2023

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is June 15th, 2023.

This topic has been on my to-do list for a very long time.

I’ll be displaying many dates on the screen, so if you’re interested in those kinds of things, you may want to watch this on YouTube.

It took me many hours to calculate and verify all these states. You can’t just go copy them off the internet somewhere, because often there will be mistakes. That’s not to say that I haven’t made any, but I tried not to. With so many numbers, it’s quite possible to make a typo or something like that, or to omit something.

There’s a few reasons why what I want to talk about today is very important.

One, it helps explain recent trends, namely the rise of fascism and far-right extremism, which threatens liberal democracies around the world currently, including the United States, the most powerful country on the planet. Who’d have thought that would ever happen?

And it also of course explains the rise of populist demagogues, people who are typically extremely unqualified to be in the positions they’re in, and not just because of their blatant lack of expertise, but their abhorrently poor moral and ethical character as well.

At the very least, recent history has been shocking and disturbing.

Let’s not forget that a few generations ago, millions of people around the world rallied to defend democracy against the threat of tyranny and fascist dictators. Our ancestors made tremendous sacrifices to protect our cherished way of life and our freedoms. Anyone with even a superficial understanding of history knows that nobody benefits ultimately from those sorts of tyrannies except a very small handful of people. Anyone who thinks that that form of governance will provide them with some form of safe harbor is profoundly mistaken.

The other main reason that prompted me to talk about this now is that it’s just been stuck in my mind for a few weeks. And I have, very gradually, learned that when things stick in my mind, I need to talk about them, that they’re important. And I have a feeling that if I explain what is going on astrologically, it might help some people wrap their heads around this and give them another perspective that might be helpful.

Have you ever had the experience where a song is stuck in your head, an earworm, sometimes for days, until suddenly you stop and you think about the lyrics and it makes perfect sense. It’s that kind of thing.

What I want to demonstrate here today is the role of the Pluto-Uranus cycle in recent history.

As I worked on this, I realized that you could easily do a full documentary on this one topic. I’m going to keep it fairly simple because I would like people who are not highly skilled at astrology to understand the important role that these two outer planets play and how the timing might be affecting us.

The Uranus-Pluto cycle varies a lot because Pluto’s orbit is very elliptical, so it will appear to spend a lot more time in some signs than others.

When Pluto and Uranus conjunct, or when these two planets meet at the same degree, it tends to mark very important points in world history. To give you a sense of scale, Pluto and Uranus conjuncted around 1850, 1966, and the next one will occur in 2104.

Pluto represents deep and powerful transformation, metaphorical death and rebirth, the energy of raw power, which can be used for both good and bad, bringing to the conscious what is subconscious. Pluto rules the underworld.

And Uranus represents sudden insights, dramatic events, changes in perspective or circumstances, and it has a very revolutionary energy about it.

So when these two planets meet, depending on the sign, it can mark very potent and significant periods of change and transformation that can be very dramatic.

Just after the conjunction in Aries in 1850 and 1851, within a few years, the first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania in the United States. Now when we look back to the effects of the industrial revolution on atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, 1850 is often used as a starting point, and prior to then is effectively a baseline for the effects of human activity.

The internal combustion engine changed every aspect of life on Earth for humanity. Imagine if we still lived in a world where it took weeks or months to traverse the globe.

The era of industrialization officially began in the year 1850 through 1938. Charles Darwin would soon publish The Origin of Species, and The Science of Epidemiology would soon be born.

All of these completely reshaped history, as well as the entire biosphere of Earth.

No aspect of human experience was left untouched.

To illustrate the potency of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in more contemporary terms, let’s consider the 1960s.

Like I said, Pluto and Uranus conjuncted in Virgo around 1965-66. Now those are the dates when the conjunction was exact, but these two planets would have been within a few degrees of each other for some time before then and for some time after then.

So that period of the 1960s is considered to be an extremely important point in modern history. And if we look at the kinds of events that occurred in the United States as a case in point, it represented a very radical shift in many, many ways.

There was the entire counter-cultural movement, feminism, many people rejected the dogmatic cultural approach from the preceding years in the 1950s. There was a very active student movement, protests against the war in Vietnam, clashes over civil rights, the moon landing, widespread concerns about nuclear annihilation – Pluto was discovered in 1930 and the first atomic bomb was used in the second world war. There were powerful movements on the part of minorities and to address segregation. The Voting Rights Act was implemented, the assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X. There were revolutionary changes in areas like fashion, music, art, popular culture, relationships, and sexuality. People explored different kinds of lifestyles and Eastern spirituality.

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury. Many people even explored doing things like going back to the land, rejecting modern society. Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was published, which many attribute to the birth of the environmental movement. And of course there was a whole movement of people who were, like I said, exploring things like eating and living naturally, exploring alternative forms of medicine. They rejected many aspects of modern society.

I mean, it goes on and on and on. It was enormously powerful and transformative.

And society was quite polarized, much like today in some ways. The effects of that period lasted for decades if they’re not still playing out. Huge changes which also sparked a lot of resistance from the status quo. The powers that be went to great lengths to try and discredit all of this because, of course, it threatened them and their privilege and they’ve been trying to put that genie back in the bottle ever since.

In fact, I have argued here before that that explains why education is so astronomically expensive now because young people are much less likely to rebel if they are in inescapable debt up to their eyeballs.

The next significant milestone in this story is the period around 2012 to 2015 when Uranus in Aries squared Pluto in Capricorn.

So think of the conjunction that occurred in the mid-1960s as the beginning and the first square, some 40 or 50 years later, is a test of the energies or consciousness that were being born in the conjunction back in the mid-1960s.

Even today there are still reactionary and conservative forces who are very much opposed to all of that progress.

The period between 2012 and 2015, give or take a few years on either side, was extremely dynamic.

Again, this was the period when Uranus and Aries was squaring Pluto and Capricorn, during which time we had the Arab Spring, ISIS, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo and the LGBTQ rights movement. Barack Obama was president during this time. Social media, mobile phones and the internet were in their heyday. There was Hurricane Sandy, the Paris Climate Accord was signed, the BRIC nations including China and India began a rapid ascent, the negative impact of dark money really started to become clear, Edward Snowden revealed details of a vast and unprecedented surveillance network, WikiLeaks was active, the news and publishing industries were radically changing. Everything was going online, including entertainment platforms, the anti-austerity movements, there was a lot of tumult and rebellious activity that occurred during this time.

The square is like a testy, challenging aspect where the two forces are kind of at odds with each other and there’s no real clear or easy resolution. And the energies, like I said, that are unleashed from these events can take quite some time to play out.

Donald Trump began to rise to prominence around this time and was first elected in 2016. That was an extremely radical outcome.

We have also seen the rise of a lot of far-right extremism, populists and demagogues, the rising threat of fascism, liberal democracy under attack, in ways that are entirely unprecedented in modern history, concerns about civil unrest, and even the possibility of civil war. We saw Brexit, the post-truth era, rampant conspiracy theories and conspiracy-theorism, extreme forms of fundamentalism, Christian nationalism, and all of these kinds of things.

To put that in a bit of historical context, as I mentioned earlier, Uranus and Pluto conjuncted in 1850-1851, they squared each other in 1932-1934, again with some give and take on either side.

At that time, in the 1930s, Pluto was in Cancer and Uranus was in Aries. Again, that very fiery Mars ruled energy. Cancer can be very protective of home and family, or on a mundane level, the nation.

During that time, of course, we saw the rise of Hitler, which led to World War II, in following years. But it wasn’t just Germany, there were fascistic movements in other countries as well, such as Spain and Italy. Very intense and dark stuff.

Of course, the world was in the midst of a great depression, and programs such as the New Deal under Roosevelt were initiated to try and address that.

The failure of the investment, banking and finance industries created the conditions which led to the rise of far-right extremism and ultimately the Second World War.

The period of the early 2010s, of course, followed closely on the heels of the great housing market and bank failures of 2007 and 2008. The parallels between the early 1930s and the 2010s are eerie.

So we went through another square between Pluto and Uranus, like I said, around the period of 2012 to 2015, and at that time as well, I recall things like Golden Dawn in Greece, which was very fascistic, and these kinds of trends started to show up around that time. And polarization really started to take off then as well. And we saw the spread of propaganda and disinformation.

Many have said that if the US government hadn’t bailed out the banks, there would have certainly been another global depression. There’s many parallels to what happened in the 1930s.

Astrology never repeats exactly twice, because all of the other planets are moving at different speeds. So, for example, in the 1930s Neptune was in Virgo, up until the early to mid-1940s, and in the 2010s Neptune was in Pisces. And of course, Pluto has been in Capricorn more recently, whereas in the 1930s it was in Cancer.

So these are different energies and things played out differently, but there’s a lot of parallels and similarities between these periods and these events and the timing of them,

And that is what I want to make people understand. Because I have heard people make reference to, “Oh, astrology explains this, what’s going on.” And a lot of it can be explained by this cycle.

So to some degree, and again I’ll be putting dates on the screen – I’m not going to state them all here because there’s just too many of them and it’ll bore people – but the whole time that Pluto and Uranus are in squaring signs, they are kind of at each other in a somewhat antagonistic relationship.

So, for example, when Pluto was in Capricorn and Uranus was in Aries, there was that tension there.

As of now, at the time of this recording, Uranus is in Taurus, Pluto just retrograded back into Capricorn until early 2024, then it will resume its journey through Aquarius through the mid-2040s.

So Uranus and Pluto aren’t actually squaring each other anymore, in effect, is what I’m getting at.

So there was a period when Pluto was in Capricorn and Uranus was in Aries. These are both cardinal signs. And Aries is very fiery and can be assertive and aggressive and even violent in its lower expression.

And Capricorn represents the institutions and power structures of our society, everything from corporate to the law and government and so forth.

So we’ve seen tremendous amount of activity in those areas where there’s been people fighting for their freedom and independence against what they perceive as tyranny, or trying to, conversely, impose tyranny on others.

The energy can go either way. It’s kind of up to us how we express it.

But the bigger point of all of this is that we’re out of that square energy. Uranus left Aries on March 6th of 2019.

So there will be some spillover of these energies into subsequent years. But the really intense phase of that, or the triggering phase, is over. It may not look like it because things are still playing out.

Like for example, in the United States, a lot of people who abused their power or broke the law are starting to be held accountable for actions that they committed years ago. Hopefully as they are prosecuted and held accountable and brought to justice, that will put a damper on things.

Another example is it looks like Putin’s days are numbered because of his failures in Ukraine. Reality is coming to bear on all of these people and all of their actions.

Saturn is currently transiting Pisces through 2026. Pisces rules the 12th house.

One of the things the 12th house was traditionally associated with was imprisonment. Both Saturn and the 12th house are karmic. It is where we are held accountable for our karma.

During part of this cycle there was a conjunction of Pluto and Saturn on January 12th of 2020, which was significant as well because Pluto was conjuncting Saturn in its own domain. And the Saturn-Pluto cycle is a whole other subject, but that is considered to be an important development that is also often linked to the rise of the far right. Authoritarianism, fascism, and those kinds of things.

So it’ll take some time for these things to play out, but overall my point is that we are through the worst of it.

The next major aspect between these two planets will occur between 2046 and 2048, which will be the opposition, with Pluto in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo. That is a very polarizing energy as well, and that should be a very dynamic and important milestone. That’s over 20 years from now. But those of you who are younger, take note. There will be a lot of major developments at that time.

I know there’s a lot of dates and terminology. Just to summarize, the main point I wanted to make was that we can look at the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto as the beginning of major new cycles or developments, and often they move us forward to a new level.

Then there’s the squares, which challenge whatever occurred during the conjunction. It tests it. In the case of 2010s, it was questioning how far have we come with respect to what was brought forward in the 1960s, those new ways of being, there was kind of a battle between the two opposing forces.

That gets settled out, the next one will be the opposition in the 2040s when Pluto has essentially begun its transit of Pisces, which that in and of itself should be huge, because Pisces can on a higher level represent spirituality, the non-material realms, and things like psychic phenomenon, but it can also represent major endings and letting go, to create space for the new.

Pisces rules the 12th house. It’s not about ego or materialism.

So we went through a lot of tumultuous times in the 2010s and we’re still dealing with that now. But like I said, those energies aren’t really directly square to each other anymore. We have other issues going on.

Pluto in Aquarius I have talked a lot about here on my channel. I’ll put links to some of those episodes here as well, which I would encourage you to listen to. A lot of the things I predicted actually came to pass within fairly short order of Pluto moving into Aquarius. It’s just at the very beginning though, so it will take some time for that to really fully manifest.

And now we are also starting to become aware – and I think this occurred just after Pluto went into Aquarius – he masses are starting to realize the implications of the climate and environmental crisis. It’s now in everyone’s faces. And people are having direct experience with it.

Aquarius is very global in scope. It’s about all of us. And the only way to solve those problems is for countries to cooperate. Otherwise, we’re in deep trouble, if we’re not already.

So, humanity is becoming aware of global consciousness, just as I predicted.

Pluto moving into Aquarius, when it settles in there, is really about the people. It’s not about the people at the top of the pyramid. So that’s the really important thing to know.

And Aquarius is very egalitarian, and also very rational and intellectual. Whereas a lot of the far-right stuff seems to be driven based on emotion and grievance and things. That is not an Aquarian energy, typically. I don’t see that stuff persisting.

I think we’ll experience that kind of stuff probably from now until early 2024. It’ll make a bit of a comeback. But after that, and Pluto really starts moving into Aquarius, it’s like, forget it, people aren’t going to do that crap.

Aquarius is very progressive, rational, intelligent, and independent. It doesn’t bode well for dogmatic belief systems, trust me on that.

So I hope this is helpful. It’s a huge topic to try and cover in a short period of time, but I wanted to just paint a broad brush, big picture view of this for people so that they could understand what’s going on, why, and what the timing is essentially.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

I discuss the astrological influences which are contributing to the current and disturbing levels of mass delusion and extremism which humanity has not experienced since the 1930’s.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 5:02am on June 21, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is June 21, 2023.

Today I want to give people a general sense of when the insanity and all of the extreme and unhinged behavior we have been witnessing, socially and politically, will draw to a close, or at least begin winding down, as it often takes time for these forces to dissipate.

I’ll be displaying quite a few dates on the screen, you may want to watch this on YouTube if that matters to you.

On June 15th, I published an episode on the Uranus-Pluto square and the rise of far-right extremism, where I focused just on that one aspect and its parallels to the 1930s.

There’s another parallel which I didn’t specifically talk about in that episode, which is the transit of Uranus through Taurus.

Uranus transited Taurus from roughly 1934 until 1942, and is currently transiting Taurus again right now from 2018 through 2026.

The previous transit of Taurus occurred during the Great Depression, which ran from 1929 through 1939, it was ended by the war effort, and World War II, which commenced in 1939 through 1945.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, or the 11th house.

Aquarius is fixed air. Taurus is ruled by Venus and is fixed earth.

These signs are in a square or antagonistic relationship to each other. Uranus is in its fall in Taurus. It’s a challenging sign for Uranus to be in. So these energies do not mix well. Uranus is all about change and revolution, and Taurus is all about security and predictability. So Uranus transiting Taurus is challenging.

All signs and planets have positive and negative expressions, and Taurus can be very conservative because it desires security, stability and predictability, and Uranus is anything but predictable.

Like I said, more recently, Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and will continue to do so through the end of April of 2026.

So we have seen a tremendous amount of change, revolution and instability around Taurian themes like real estate, property, money, investments, where people live, we went through lockdowns, where people were confined to their homes. Many people relocated, they moved from the city to the country or suburbs or even to other countries. People en masse began working from home… Taurus.

There were unprecedented supply chain disruptions, we’ve now been dealing with rapid inflation and greedflation, income disparity and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is even more extreme, and so on.

Taurus also rules what we value, so we have seen a tremendous amount of changes occurring around people’s values and a lot of conflicts around values like the culture wars.

Uranus can be quite radical, so we have seen the rise of reactionary conservatism to alarming degrees, such as far-right extremism, authoritarian and fascistic movements who want to impose radically conservative, patriarchal, and hierarchical structures on other people in many of the same ways we saw through 1934 and 1942. In that case, we had an actual World War. Extremely radical behavior and very polarizing social movements.

There are currently ultra-right and openly fascistic movements occurring in countries around the world. These forces are often anti-intellectual, they reject evidence and science, try and rewrite history, they attack and undermine the media, education systems and all manner of institutions, they are frequently misogynistic, racist, bigoted and xenophobic.

They define themselves based on their enemies and create them if they don’t exist. Fascists always need scapegoats, usually the most vulnerable members of society, such as trans children. What could possibly be more cowardly and despicable than picking on vulnerable children?

Propaganda and disinformation are frequently deployed, as are threats, bullying and intimidation.

As we can clearly see, there are many parallels between when Uranus transited Taurus in the late 1930s and early 1940s and recent years.

We have also had Neptune transiting Pisces from April 2011 which will continue through 2025 and 2026. Neptune is extra potent while transiting its own sign.

The lower expression of Neptune can be delusion/illusion/fantasy being detached from reality, escapism, alternative realities.

We have seen cult-like behavior where people have fallen under the spell of demagogues, con men, grifters, while being completely unable to perceive all of their flaws and there’s a lot of projection and illusion going on.

But that also will be wrapping up around 2025/2026, roughly around the same time that Uranus leaves Taurus.

So those are two really important things right there.

Again, check the screen for dates.

So Neptune, transiting Pisces, all of the mass delusion, rampant and observed conspiracy theories, the inability to distinguish truth from lies, willful, if not belligerent, ignorance, denial of facts, evidence, and reality, falling for lies and propaganda and shameless con man grifter criminals. Extreme expressions of victimhood, think Donald Trump or the incel movement, or people constantly whining about the crisis of privileged white male masculinity, being completely detached from objectifiable truth or reality, the post-truth era, all of that.

Uranus transiting Taurus, radical conservatism, radical traditional cultural values – so distorted that it’s almost grotesque, extreme resistance to progress or evolution, the rejection of historical facts pertaining to the oppression of minorities, various racial and ethnic groups, deference to authoritarian and strongman leaders, despite their highly flawed moral character and complete lack of credentials.

Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus at the same time?

The United States has been the focal point of a lot of the absolute batshit crazy stuff because it has been going through its Pluto return – which I have also done episodes on – from February 2021 and will continue through January of 2024, which is when it was within a tight two degree orb.

Pluto transits are actually in effect for a wider orb than that. That is just the most intense phase. But the most intense phase will be winding down by early next year.

There has been a lot of crazy stuff going on, but there’s no question that the United States has been the focal point globally for the insanity. Just look at how radical and extreme and crazy the Republican Party and the former president and his hapless sycophants have been acting, many of whom may end up incarcerated.

In 2025-2026, Saturn will move into Aries, beginning a whole new 28-29 year cycle. This all points to 2025-2026 as being the end of the post-truth, batshit crazy era.

As much as the reactionary conservative forces are trying to put the genie back in the bottle, you cannot resist these major transits of, like, Pluto shifting into Aquarius, Neptune moving out Pisces, Uranus moving out of Taurus.

If you are in resistance to these outer planetary energies, the transits manifest as being extremely challenging and disruptive. You cannot be in resistance to these energies, they are much more powerful than you are as an individual. So the more liberal or more progressive forces are in a much better position to deal with these changing and shifting energies because they are more comfortable with change and evolution, they are more adaptable and open-minded.

When Uranus moves into Gemini in 2025-2026, it will be in a trine aspect to the sign of Aquarius, where Pluto is beginning its major 20-year long transit. This is power, Pluto, in very harmonious, easy-flowing aspect to Uranus in Gemini.

Again, Aquarius, which Uranus rules, is fixed air, Gemini is mutable air. So that relationship, when Uranus enters Gemini, commencing in 2025 and 2026, speaks of very rapid change and evolution in an air sign. Air signs are intellectual and rational. They are very fast moving energies. These are not slow energies. And like I said, that is a trine aspect that will occur for about seven years.

Again, it all points to 2025, 2026 being the end of the post-truth, bat-shit-crazy, reactionary conservative period with this insane polarization. All of the complete detachment from reality on the political right drawing to a close. So that’s the time frame. We have another two to three years of craziness to go through.

Although, as I’ve said in other episodes, Saturn transiting Pisces is a reality check and Pluto transiting Aquarius is also a reality check in many ways.

So the tide has started to turn, but we should be completely out of all of this craziness in 2025 and 2026. At least the kind of craziness we’re dealing with now.

I have been focusing here on all of the negative expressions of these energies. It goes without saying that the opposite is true as well. In fact, the majority of the people have not been expressing the negative aspects of these things. There are still many people who are very grounded in reality and who are able to differentiate between BS and reality.

So without question, it is clear that these energies are experienced differently depending on the person. Now why some people are predisposed to the negative expressions and others are not probably relates a lot to their own particular astrological natal chart.

And there are many people in the middle who aren’t quite sure where they stand. But for the purposes of this episode, I am just trying to explain why so many people are going crazy and how long it will last, and when it will mercifully end.

Finally, let’s be clear about one important thing. The dark side lies, manipulates, deceives, and engages in criminal activity. The light does not lie, cheat, or steal, just to be clear.

And yes, I am proudly biased in favor of truth and reality.

I understand that much of what’s happening is fueled by grievance, but the answer is not to burn the place down.

It’s funny, when I’m editing this audio, I often stop and think “Oh, I’m being hyperbolic.” and I’ll reflect for a moment, and only a moment, before I realize that I can provide credible examples of what I’m describing, things that have actually happened or are happening right now. I’m not being hyperbolic, this is all actually happening just as I’m describing it. In other words, it really is this bad, currently.

For a fuller and more detailed analysis, I will link multiple other episodes that are related in the episode description, which I encourage you to review.

I’m going to share a few podcasts simply as a public service.

The first is my favorite, and I’ve mentioned it here before. It is Background Briefing with Ian Masters.

I listen to this podcast every day. As far as I’m concerned, this is the best podcast. One of the most amazing things about it is that there’s nothing else like it, and I find that hard to believe. God knows what we’ll do when Ian Masters retires.

The second is a new podcast by the BBC. It is called Mariana in Conspiracyland.

One of the most disturbing things about this podcast is she documents how many people who would have been traditionally progressive are falling into the right wing rabbit hole as a result of conspiracy theories. Anyway, it’s new, check it out.

I personally find it very interesting. It makes me think about the phenomenon of the RFK campaign in the United States. He is being promoted by many libertarian right-wing nut jobs and has the potential to siphon off absolutely critical votes that could help prevent the Republicans from winning the next election. The Republicans winning would be one of the worst possible things that could happen.

Even people in the progressive community are falling under the spell of propaganda, lies and disinformation, and even overtly and transparently racist ones.

It has eerie parallels with the whole MAGA movement and QAnon and things like that. Which to me seems to be a psyop campaign, like something the Russians would do.

I find that quite disturbing. It’s like some kind of weird mind virus, like a mental illness that is being spread around. It’s very creepy and dark.

Many of us have lost people or even loved ones to conspiracy theories. It can be heartbreaking.

The dark side can be very subtle and devious. We need to be constantly vigilant to inoculate us against its poison.

Conspirituality is another podcast in the same vein. It’s intellectually rigorous and does not pull any punches. So set your ego aside.

Another podcast I have been listening to now for quite some time is The Bulwark with Charlie Sykes.

This is coming from a never Trump perspective. So it’s quite unusual for me to listen to something like this, but the quality of the analysis around what’s going on with Republicans and the former guy is very good and very intelligent. So it gives a different perspective than what I normally would listen to.

I subscribe to many, many podcasts, but those are a few that I thought would be relevant to this episode.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

I discuss the astrology and possible implications of the transit of Neptune through Aries which spans 2025 through 2039. This includes a stunning astrological conjunction of Saturn and Neptune near 0 degrees Aries.

I also draw attention to the signs that may be challenged by this transit which are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 16, 2023.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, it is February 16th, 2023.

I have a bit of a cold right now, which is affecting my voice, so apologies for that.

The following is for entertainment purposes only.

Today I will talk about the current transit of Neptune through Pisces and how it may manifest very differently when it enters Aries in early 2025.

Neptune’s orbit is about 165 years, so it spends many years in each of the 12 signs.

Thanks to more advanced telescopes, Neptune was first observed in 1846, just before it entered Pisces the last time.

Traditionally, Jupiter was considered the ruler of Pisces.

Many believe that when a planet is “discovered,” it signifies that humanity is ready to begin to manifest the consciousness represented by that planet. Think about the many social and spiritual advancements that have occurred since Neptune was discovered. We are completing our first collective conscious Neptune cycle and about to begin a new one. I find the timing and implications of that fascinating.

The last time Neptune was in Pisces was between 1847 and 1862. The last time it was in Aries was 1861 through 1875.

You may have noted that the American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865 when Neptune was in Aries. The American Civil War started on April 12, 1861. Remarkably, Neptune entered Aries the very following day on April 13 of 1861.

Neptune In Pisces / Aries 1847-1865

We should in no way jump to conclusions about one astrological event alone, as there are a myriad of ever-changing variables to consider. But this correlation is nonetheless dramatic. More on that later.

More recently, Neptune first entered Pisces in April of 2011, and will complete that transit in January of 2026. Neptune will then transit Aries roughly from March of 2025 all the way through March of 2039.

There are transitional phases at the beginning and ending of these transits due to retrogrades, so the cycles often overlap somewhat. We should probably be grateful for this, otherwise it could be quite jarring for these shifts to occur instantaneously. I’m not sure we could cope with that.

Neptune is the modern ruling planet of Pisces and the 12th house in astrology. Mars rules Aries in the first house. Pisces is Mutable water, and Aries is Cardinal fire. These are very different energies. Neptune is very at home in Pisces, where it is now, but it will be much less so in fiery Aries.

The first degree of Aries is a very important point, as it marks significant new beginnings. Therefore, a new 165-year cycle for Neptune will commence during 2025 and 2026, and this is definitely worth paying attention to.

Now let’s consider what these astrological symbols represent. I have discussed some of these previously, so I will just provide a synopsis here. Check my astrology playlist on YouTube to find other episodes where I discuss some of these topics in greater detail.

Note that I am speaking in general terms here. Each person or entity has its own very unique chart which will affect how these energies and archetypes are expressed. Planets, signs and houses are not exactly the same thing even though they can be closely related. Also, I have made many calculations here, and I would not be surprised to later find that my math was off a bit somewhere. If so, I will note it on my errata page.

Neptune’s sign, Pisces, and the 12th house, are associated with the late winter months in the northern hemisphere, time of rest going inwards, rejuvenation, and contemplation. Aries is linked to the spring equinox when night and day are equal lengths. This marks the beginning of a new annual cycle, a period of vigorous growth, rebirth, increasing light and dramatically elevated activity.

All planets and signs have both positive and negative expressions.

Very briefly, positive expressions of Neptune and Pisces are higher or cosmic consciousness and tapping into the spiritual dimensions. Being watery, yin and non-material, it is often associated with esoteric matters such as psychic and intuitive phenomenon, divination and channeling, as well as being empathic, charitable, compassionate and selfless.

It is also connected to the Church or religion as it is where we try and connect to the divine or non-material aspects of human experience. and philosophy are also strongly connected to the ninth house or Sagittarius, as is much of the dogma that is associated with them. Many creative people, such as artists, composers, writers, entertainers, and performers, can channel Piscean or Neptunian energies into creative works. Dreams and dream time can be inspired.

Lower expressions can be being very ungrounded, detached from reality, being prone to deception, self-deception, illusion, delusion, or being overly idealistic and not pragmatic. There can also be a tendency for escapism from harsh reality, which may involve drugs and addictions or even mental illness.

In traditional astrology, the 12th house was associated with imprisonment, seclusion, confinement, undoing, secrets, hidden enemies and foreign lands. In the past people were very fearful of the unknown, and that would include foreign lands. Modern astrology is much less fatalistic, we now often have much more control over our destiny and self-expression than when the lives of the vast majority of the population were severely faded and fixed at birth.

In contrast, the positive expression of Mars, the ruler of Aries, can be taking bold action and initiative, being daring, courageous, being strong, independent, athletic, not shying from competition, and being decisive. This is the kind of energy that gets people up and doing things. Negative expressions of Mars can be being pushy, impulsive, combative, rash, self-centered and inconsiderate, if not rude at times. You do not want to get in the way of the ram’s horns.

Mars, the god of war and warfare, is a very masculine, yang, and fiery energy. Mars often expresses itself in short, intense bursts and is not typically known for stamina. Think sprinter rather than long-distance marathoner. The number of projects started often exceeds the number completed.

Now let’s consider what happens when we put the energies of transiting Neptune into these two signs. Again, for the sake of brevity, this is merely a synopsis. Hefty volumes have been dedicated to these topics.

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is very much at home in its own sign. It essentially emphasizes, or amplifies, the characteristics I have already described, both positive and negative.

In recent years we have seen a very significant rise of interest in esoteric and metaphysical subjects such as astrology, tarot, and spirituality. Many people are expressing psychic and intuitive abilities in a wide variety of ways. There is also a great deal of discussion about a spiritual ascension occurring on earth now which is lifting us collectively to higher dimensions of consciousness.

There has also been vocal support for the rights of marginalized groups, such as those who do not express traditional or stereotypical gender archetypes, as well as others who face systemic discrimination, and this has been widely expressed in popular culture. There have been many calls for more fair, just, and idealistic economic, political, and social justice systems.

There has also been a growing movement, particularly amongst the young, for environmental protection and justice which often conflicts with entrenched and unsustainable, if not archaic, financial and corporate agendas.

On the negative side, we have seen a deluge of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, lies, mass deception, and absurd conspiracy theories. There have been reactionary forces who overtly reject evidence, facts, experts, expertise, science, history and electoral outcomes, and have engaged in things like widespread book banning, and they seem to revel in belligerent ignorance. Social media platforms and some so-called news outlets and networks, particularly on the right of the political spectrum, have contributed to the spread of blatant misinformation on an unprecedented scale.

Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and the completely unjustifiable and pointless invasion of Ukraine are notable examples of consequences. There have been one crisis after another of deadly substance abuse and addiction to which many have succumbed. We have had a global pandemic, think confinement, lockdowns, and hidden enemies, and we have become aware of a relentless onslaught of psy-op disinformation campaigns clandestinely sponsored by adversarial countries. Think foreign lands, secrets, and again, hidden enemies, surreptitiously messing with our minds and undermining liberal democracies.

There have also been epic and almost biblical floods around the world, along with unprecedented and widespread severe weather events, too numerous to recount. Mass migration has been a theme with millions of people being displaced from their traditional homelands and seeking shelter in foreign lands. I could go on and on, but consider how these themes relate to Neptune, the 12th house, and Pisces.

Of course, there has also been the shocking and deeply disturbing rise of far-right nationalism, authoritarianism, fascism, racism, xenophobia, and misogyny, as well as extreme wealth disparity and the rise of plutocrats, but I think that more related to Pluto’s transit of Capricorn. See my other episodes on that. There has also been the ongoing USA-Pluto return, which I have discussed as well.

So what might we expect when ethereal Neptune transits Aries commencing in 2025 through 2039? Here’s where things get even more complicated.

As I have previously stated, the beginning of Aries is a very potent and important point in the zodiac, as it marks the beginning. Zero degrees of Aries is arguably the most important of all 360 degrees. However, Neptune and Mars represent energies that are about as different as we can get in astrology. Pisces is the end, and Aries is the beginning. Neptune is introspective, or yin, Mars is extroverted, or yang. Neptune is water, Mars is fire. If this sounds polarizing, if not confusing, it is because it is.

During the period of 2025 through 2039, Neptune transiting Aries will be in a challenging aspect to all of the other cardinal signs. It will be in square to Capricorn and Cancer while opposing Libra. Briefly, Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, represents leaders, authorities, and authoritative institutions. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, represents feminine nurturing and the literal home environment. In mundane astrology, it represents the state of nations with respect to the populace. In other words, are people happy or not? Libra, ruled by Venus, represents diplomacy, balance, relationships, open enemies, mostly long-term relationships such as marriage, but also business partnerships.

I can tell you very sincerely that the period of when Neptune squared my own sun was one of the most difficult transits I have ever experienced. I was shocked even though I was expecting it. Neptune, being non-material, has a way of dissolving things. I slept my way through that period and struggled to survive as things just seemed to slip through my fingers. It was like I was in a fog and I could not seem to materialize anything during that roughly two-year period. On the contrary, it was all about loss and letting go. That period profoundly altered my life.

In fact, at times I was absolutely convinced that I was the victim of powerful psychic and energetic attacks by dark forces, and even had that confirmed by multiple highly qualified individuals. I experienced many vivid, dark and frightening nightmares. I was psychically wide open and almost defenseless. I eventually began practicing Kundalini yoga, I studied with a mystery school, and I took a deep dive into crystals. Much of this effort was aimed at defending myself and reinforcing myself energetically, which I was intensely determined to do, but it also elevated me.

All of what I just described is very archetypically 12th house, is it not?

But back to the main topic. What follows is very important. I hope you are paying attention.

While studying this transit of Neptune, I noticed the following aspect that, to me, seems truly remarkable and must be exceedingly rare. On February 20th of 2026, Saturn, the Lord of Karma, will exactly conjunct Neptune at 0 degrees, 45 minutes and 10 seconds of Aries. Yes, these two major planets will meet at the very first degree of Aries. Incredible.

Neptune Saturn conjunction
Neptune in Aries Challenging Aspects

These two planets normally conjoin around every 36 years or so, but the odds of this happening at the very first degree of Aries must be miniscule. Due to retrogrades, they will perform an extraordinary dance around the very beginning of Aries from May of 2025 through March of 2026. I’m getting strong chills here.

That will truly be something to behold, no doubt. If we consider a wider 15 degree orb of highly activated contact for such alignments, based on my calculations the active period for the beginning of this new and historically potent Saturn-Neptune cycle would span March of 2024 through April of 2027. Again, that is the three-year period in which these two planets will be within 15 degrees apart, to reiterate March of 2024 through April of 2027, with an exact conjunction on February 20th of 2026.

Anyone with planets or points on the cardinal axis at Late Pisces, Early Aries, Late Gemini, Early Cancer, Late Virgo, Early Libra, Late Sagittarius, Early Capricorn will want to be paying attention to this.

Now, let’s recall the timing of the American Civil War I mentioned earlier, which erupted exactly as Neptune entered Aries in April of 1861. It was a war over slavery, one of the most egregious, vile, and dark practices known to humanity. It was a war for what is virtuous, just, and ethical, that all should be treated equally, Neptune combined with the force and conviction of Mars, the ruler of Aries.

Had the outcome of that Civil War differed, the world could be dramatically different than it is now. We have not attained perfection by any means, we are still very much collectively a work in progress, but that was a very significant turning point in human history. The many who saved the world from the utter horrors of fascism in World War II also come to mind. Many people sacrificed their lives for a truly just and noble cause, and we should be profoundly grateful for their courage of conviction. If spiritual warriors exist, that term would certainly apply to them.

I will now list some of the expressions of Neptune in Aries, again 2025 through 2039, that come to mind. Some of this is based on study, some is extrapolation, some is intuitive, some of this is predictable based on current trends, some is not. Always trust your own intuition and judgment before making any significant decisions. I am factoring in the influence of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction I have previously described. Apply the following at your own discretion.

So here goes:

  1. A crisis of masculinity and masculine expression. Clashes, perhaps actual violent conflicts or incidents, between progressive and reactionary conservative, fascistic or authoritarian forces. Increasing polarization between rational and possibly excessively reductionist world views and theological, religious or ideological world views. A clash of world views.
  2. The collapse or severe undermining of institutions that have existed for many generations. Think banking, finance, other governing bodies and authorities.
  3. A crisis of housing and home. Housing may be impermanent and unreliable, likely due to climate and environmental problems. Geographic areas affected include those that were historically considered reliable and predictable. Cost of housing may continue to be a major problem. Formerly safe areas threatened by sea level rise or repeated flooding causing migration and housing supply shortages in other, safer regions. Refugee camps.
  4. Issues pertaining to the family structure and nurturing. Long held norms change. Much confusion in this area. Fewer women willing to mother.
  5. Failures of diplomacy and international relations. Old conventions no longer apply.
  6. Political polarization, left moving left, right moving right, becoming further entrenched.
  7. Conflicts that turn out not to be based on anything tangible, real or even rational, when viewed in hindsight, motivated by illusions, fabricated evidence, distortions, illegitimate narratives, clashing paradigms, ideologies or confused communications that cannot be bridged easily.
  8. A crisis involving male fertility or infertility, declining birth rates for reasons that may not be clearly understood, perhaps related to environmental contamination or contagions.
  9. Androgynous styles, fashions and aesthetics, think David Bowie and boy George, glam, romanticized and idealized masculinity.
  10. A crisis of faith for the Church and religions, being forced to address past misdeeds, scandals and blatant hypocrisy, tax-free status threatened due to excessive partisan political activism. Increasingly polarized climatic swings and weather events.
  11. Severe drought and wildfires, fire, followed by intermittent deluges of historic floods and rain, water. Weakened crops, crop failures due to extreme or unusual weather patterns.
  12. Significant challenges with pollination and seeding, perhaps due to reduced insect populations. invasive species and/or contagions harming natural ecosystems and wildlife.
  13. Traditional male roles dissolving, as were typically expressed in many trades. Traditional employment being displaced by technology, artificial intelligence, automation, roboticization, etc. Another aspect of the crisis for masculinity. a lot of those traditional jobs may become obsolete. We will also be moving into a more intellectual framework, especially with Pluto transiting Aquarius.
  14. Implications for military and warfare, troops displaced by technology such as robotics, AI, and automation, many soldiers could become redundant or obsolete.
  15. A surprising collapse of hegemonies or monopolies in many areas, including nations and large corporations that may have dominated for many generations previously.
  16. Unrest amongst the populace who struggle to deal with dissolving traditional ways of living in socio-economic conditions, especially for those who are rigid, inflexible or overly attached to dying, dogmatic and materialistic paradigms.
  17. A widespread aggressive contagion or disease which produces high fever and spreads quickly.
  18. Virtual reality being widely deployed and accessible, resulting in more people being detached from reality and increasingly isolated from human interaction.
  19. Traditional roles between males and females stressed and undermined. More fluidity results.
  20. Water supplies continue depleting, drying up and becoming unreliable. Mechanizations, such as desalinization, deployed to produce potable water in some regions.
  21. Mountain glaciers that previously supplied water to many regions disappear.
  22. Accelerated sea level rise and land-based glacial ice mass reduction, exceeding even some of our worst projections.

The positive side of all this, from my perspective, is that humanity is indeed ascending. We are at the cusp of the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This is a dramatic change.

As I have expressed on my channel before, we are going through a significant paradigm shift and the old collective paradigm is collapsing. This and other potent astrological events, such as the imminent transit of Pluto through Aquarius through 2044, seem to be clearly aligned with that narrative. Absolutely.

In order to make this transition we must let go of all of the abstract, arbitrary, and defunct structures and belief systems that have at once defined and sheltered, but at the same time severely limited, humanity and our potential.

We are now like the proverbial snake shedding its skin. We can no longer fit within the rigid confines and constructs that have restricted us for over two thousand years.

I know this process can be challenging and uncomfortable. I know it can be difficult. I know it can even be scary at times. But on the other side is freedom and expanse. A lighter, higher vibrational and more rewarding way of being. A way of being that more accurately reflects our true higher and innate inner nature.

The easiest way to get through this transition is to not be in resistance to it. Resistance is exhausting to maintain, especially when the forces at play are so cosmic.

Over time, extreme resistance may wear people down so much that they simply opt to leave. in other words, escape. Instead, rather, I encourage you to be a vehicle for change and evolution.

This is a rare point in human history. You chose to incarnate here now, and it is a privilege many souls desired, but only a select few have been granted. Embrace and unfold your inner truth, limitless power and light.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes or episodes mentioned herein:

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness: 2023 – 2044. (Feb 16, 2022)

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation? Part 1

USA Pluto Return 2022 Part 2 – Neptune, Mars and Saturn

Other episodes of Aquarian Diary on YouTube that feature Pluto.

My astrology playlist on YouTube

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The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

I discuss some very dramatic astrological transits which occur in 2028 which were drawn to my attention intuitively or psychically back on January 17, 2023.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

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This episode was published on July 6, 2023 at 12pm EDT.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all!

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving. It is July 6th, 2023.

On January 17th of 2023, yes, almost six months ago, it’s hard to believe that’s how things roll around here, but on January 17th I got this very strange download. It just came to me extremely clearly.

Now, don’t jump to conclusions, but the download was 2028, 40 percent, and I stopped, and I’m like, 2028, 40 percent what? That was all I got. I’m not like some of the psychics who can have conversations with their guides.

So I believe that was in the evening, and then the next day I started looking at the astrology, and I saw something in 2028 that really jumped out at me, as I hadn’t looked at it before. Sure enough, there is a truly remarkable alignment in June of 2028, and I was kind of like, wow, this is big.

One of the reasons I didn’t do an episode on this is because I intended to fully look into this in a great deal of detail. That’s one of my problems.

I’m a bit of a perfectionist, and I can go down rabbit holes when I start looking into things. And it becomes like a huge task because, you know, you could, for example, look at all the natal charts for the various big players out there, the big countries and things, and see what’s happening, and analyze it. And you know, like that’s like an insane amount of work, which I just don’t have that kind of time, or haven’t.

And of course, there’s also a lot of other things going on all the time, every day almost, that are really big, that need to be talked about as well. So it’s overwhelming.

And then I just recently did a big long episode with Scott Becker, and I did a conversation with Irish Granny Tarot (links in the description) and I did another little episode that I haven’t published yet, and blah, blah, blah.

Around that time, not long after I first got the download, I did discuss it with one person though, and I sent them the chart. She knows who she is.

But then this whole 2028 thing has been on my mind again, at the forefront of my mind for a few weeks, and I’ve just been kind of like, I got to get that done, I got to get that done.

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to give you the charts and the dates, and I will briefly describe what’s going on astrologically.

One of the things about astrology that irks me, not so much astrology, but astrologers, is if you go back in time and you actually listen to other people’s forecasts, where they state that specific things are going to happen in such and such a time frame, there’s a very low success rate from my perspective.

Astrology can indicate themes, for sure, like it’s incredibly useful and important, but it’s very hard to predict specific events in the future. And so I kind of refrain from doing that. I will describe themes and situations and general conditions, but how it’s going to play out specifically is very, very difficult to predict.

And like I said, that’s borne out by the evidence if you go back and listen to other people’s predictions. So I just refrain from doing that.

And another thing is when people talk about astrology, when they’re looking back at history, is they will often cherry pick certain things like, “Okay, this is an example of that aspect at that time.”

But the truth is that the world is very big and there are events of all kinds happening everywhere all the time. So it’s really easy to go back in time and say, “Oh, that event is linked with this transit.” They’re not talking about the events that contradict that. That’s to me kind of cherry picking.

Yes, there are certain historical events that affect the whole world, like world wars and things like that, or a depression, or the invention of some technology that completely changes the future. Those are really big deals. But we have to be careful, like I said, that we’re not cherry picking.

This aspect will be in tight orb for some time. But around June 24th of 2028, Pluto in Aquarius, and I’ve done episodes on that topic alone, it’s a big deal, squares Saturn and Chiron in Taurus, around seven or eight degrees of Taurus.

And at the same time, there is a triple conjunction in Gemini in very close orb, Uranus, Mercury, and Mars.

And there’s one other point here, which is that the North Node is at 23 degrees of Capricorn. And the very significant Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which occurred on January 12th of 2020, was at just under 23 degrees of Capricorn.

So the North Node, which is this faded kind of karmic point, is basically conjunct where the Pluto and Saturn conjunction occurred in 2020.

So we have Pluto squaring a conjunction of Saturn and Chiron in Taurus, a triple conjunction of Uranus, Mercury, and Mars in Gemini at 11 and a half degrees. And the North Node is at the same point as the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020.

That is an awful lot of major synchronicity. The odds of all of these things occurring at the same time must be minuscule.

The June 24, 2028 Saturn square Pluto, and Gemini stellium, North Node at 23 degrees Capricorn, astrology chart.

Above graphic: The June 24, 2028 Saturn square Pluto, and Gemini stellium, North Node at 23 degrees Capricorn, astrology chart.

In astrology, really significant events tend to occur when we have multiple outer planet activity, typically in heavy aspect, occurring at the same time. And here we have a whole slew of things happening simultaneously, any one of which would be challenging.

Saturn and Chiron transiting Taurus on a mundane level, Taurus rules finances, money, property, investments, and banking.

Typically when Saturn transits Taurus, because Saturn is restricting and limiting and karmic, that period of time tends to mark challenging economic or financial circumstances for humanity, because the energy of Taurus is being restricted.

But there’s also that energy of Chiron there and Chiron deals with wounding, usually in our formative years and often dealing with past lives. So there’s wounding and restriction and limitation occurring in the financial sector.

Now Pluto square Saturn is a really challenging aspect. These are very heavy hitting, powerful and intense energies at cross purposes with each other. Squares are no joke, especially when they involve heavy hitters like this.

And the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, which occurred in 2020, was the beginning of this kind of dark cycle. You know, Pluto deals with power, power which can go either way, it can be abused, power control, domination, and things like that.

The Jan 12, 2020 Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Mercury conjunction in Capricorn and Capricorn stellium astrology chart.

Above graphic: The Jan 12, 2020 Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Mercury conjunction in Capricorn and Capricorn stellium astrology chart.

And because of the involvement of Chiron, it’s an especially challenging aspect.

Now we’re dealing with Pluto and Saturn and in that equation, Pluto is more of the heavy hitter because it’s the more distant planet, its orbit is much slower than Saturn’s. If there’s an argument, Pluto tends to have its way.

But nonetheless, there will be consequences for humanity. It’s like there’s a conflict between our social needs collectively, this very egalitarian energy of Aquarius and pragmatic reality having to do with the economic system and finances. You know, that alone is a big deal.

And the square of Pluto and Saturn relates to what occurred in 2020 when the cycle began. This is the first real challenge.

Whatever came up at that time, and let’s face it, a lot has occurred since 2020, and we know the kinds of topics. This square brings all of that stuff back into our awareness and we need to look at how we have handled things between then and 2028.

And then we have this extremely unpredictable energy of Uranus, which, you know, in times can actually create trauma because it can be so shocking. It can completely destabilize things and introduce things into the mix that are, like I said, completely unpredictable and surprising. It breaks up structures and we have that kind of energy, which is, Uranus is incredibly intense and very sharp and focused in time, combined with Mars and Mercury. Mars, we know, the god of war, and Mercury, the mind and communication, the intellect, the messenger.

So, that triple conjunction right there is like, you know, you think Gemini, you think words and communication, or at the very least, some very shocking and dramatic news or information that maybe pertains to conflict or the military or accidents or acts of violence, Mars. And I mean really shocking, really surprising and even traumatic.

Another thing I thought about was Taiwan, because I believe China even stated that they want reunification by 2028.

But it’s happening at the same time as this Pluto-Saturn square, with the North Node being conjunct, the Pluto-Saturn conjunction point from 2020.

The major incident that changed the world, I have to be very careful what words I use so as not to trigger the platform to penalize me or censor me. But let’s just say, a lot of people had to stay home for a significant amount of time and, you know, wear something on their face and stuff like that. And no, I’m not recording this from Beijing or Moscow or Florida.

Anyway, that disease that started in China really started coming to our attention in very early 2020. The Pluto-Saturn conjunction was in January of 2020. So that seems to be a clue, because the square is linked to that.

Like I said, we can’t predict exactly what’s going to happen, but I can fairly safely say that it will involve economics and finances, and maybe even the Earth, because Taurus is an Earth sign. And Taurus also governs a lot of aspects of nature and the harvest and agriculture.

So I don’t know if it’s environmental. I don’t know if it’s economic. I don’t know if it represents conflict, like war or something, or a widespread contagious disease.

Neptune is in Aries at this point. Aries is a fire sign, and Neptune in the past has been associated with diseases, large-scale ones. But it’s been in Aries for a few years by this point.

The chart I’m using here, I just set the Ascendant to be Aries, so it would have a natural house system, just to make it easier to look at. So you can kind of ignore the Midheaven and the Ascendant, because they will vary depending on where you are.

And I wouldn’t give too much attention to the other more personal planets, because they move and change signs very quickly. It’s more the outer planets and their involvement with the inner planets that I think we should focus on here.

Like I said, I’m not going to speculate on exactly how this manifests, because I just know from years of experience that that is probably a fool’s errand. But you know, the big major issue we had in recent years where people had to stay home, a lot of them, 2020, where Pluto and Saturn conjuncted in Capricorn, the square could relate to those kinds of events.

And the 40% figure I mentioned that came to me in my download, I don’t know what that pertains to. It could be economic, it could have something to do with the population, and I could just be completely wrong about that. But I have to be honest, it literally came through that figure, 40%.

We do and are facing extremely challenging environmental issues. And by then, I think by 2028, they will probably be much worse.

So, you know, one of the ways that civilization might get through that is to lessen its footprint. I’m not saying that’s going to happen, but it would help us cope with those kinds of things.

I don’t want that to happen at all, by any means. I don’t think we need a disorderly situation. I would prefer that we do things orderly.

There’s also the timeline split, which I have talked about here before. And according to Dolores Cannon, that process was to occur in the early to mid-2020s. 2028 would probably be at the end of that cycle.

And finally, one other point which has been on my mind now for a few weeks, which is that if there was a very major event that was going to occur on Earth, that was outside of our control, as individuals at least, would Spirit tell us about that?

I suspect not, because what purpose would that serve? It would only create a lot of stress and anxiety for no reason. And I know for a fact that they don’t tell us everything. I know that from personal experience. Some things are on a need-to-know basis only. So, I’m not convinced that we would have a lot of warning about certain things.

Some people might, just before an event, like I had some experiences at the very beginning of 2020 that only made sense to me after things unfolded more, that I was actually in a lot of resistance to. But nonetheless, in hindsight, I’m glad it worked out that way. But I wasn’t told explicitly what was going to happen, if you understand what I’m getting at.

So, as we get closer to that time, some more information might start to come out. But I don’t think the general public is going to be given a lot of details about something like this, if it proves to be something significant. And I think that’s just something we have to accept, that we’re not supposed to know everything, especially if it doesn’t serve a beneficial purpose.

Needless to say, if you have significant points or planets at, say, 7, 8, 9 degrees of Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, or Taurus, or, say, 10, 11, 12 of Gemini, Virgo, Sag, or Pisces, you’ll want to pay attention to this. Obviously, it’s not for 5 years, but these are pretty intense energies.

And if you’re Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, or Taurus, you’re going to be getting this square of Pluto and Saturn hitting those points at the same time.

Or, like I said, if you have planets or points at 10, 11, 12 Gemini, Virgo, Sag, or Pisces, you’re going to get that triple conjunction.

It’s probably more the square that I’d be most concerned about.

But Uranus-Mars, you have to be careful with, because Mars can manifest as accidents, injuries, acts of violence, those kinds of things. And Mars moves pretty fast, so it would only be for a few days, typically.

But Pluto and Saturn are going to be in square for a while.

That’s just a quick look at it, without me having to spend days and days and days working on this, producing graphics and charts, and getting into all the minutiae of all the aspects and details.

Anybody who studies astrology can look at this in more depth, compare it to natal charts of countries, and so forth.

But it’s been on my to-do list for 6 months. So there you go, I’ll leave it there. I’ll leave it for you to speculate about, and think about, and ponder.

On July 3rd, I had a very nice and interesting, long conversation with the fabulous Irish Granny Tarot. I’ll put a link in the description to that as well, in case you haven’t already listened to that.

Thank you very much, Helen, for having me on your excellent channel, and for all of the wonderful work you have done, on behalf of our community. Very important.

If you find this episode of interest, or it inspires some work of your own, credit is warranted, appreciated, and the responsible thing to do. It is the Aquarian Age thing to do.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.


⁠A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker⁠

⁠A Conversation with John of Aquarian Diary⁠ (via Irish Granny Tarot)

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

Please see my ⁠sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

#Astrology #Pluto #Saturn

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My Dream about North Node transit Aries

I describe a recent prophetic dream in which I witnessed how the energies of the North Node transiting Aries (2023-2025) and perhaps Neptune transiting Aries (2025-2039) were expressed in direct personal terms.

This episode was published on June 1, 2023 at 4:34pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all! Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving. It is June 1st, 2023.

I’m going to present something here today that I have not done before, and that is to share a significant dream that I had very recently. In fact, it was yesterday from the day I’m recording this.

Dreams and dreaming are my thing. I’ve mentioned that here before, but in case that’s not familiar to someone, I have very vivid and profound dreams that are often precognitive. That’s my psychic gift. I’ve had them since I was a very young child. They can be quite prophetic.

They are extremely vivid and lifelike, like I said, and I am often very lucid, meaning that I kind of know that I’m having a dream, and I will be paying attention to what’s going on, knowing that I will want to remember it when I wake up, that it may be important. And the really important dreams will literally wake me up, and then I will make notes and write things down.

Now, I haven’t shared those here previously, because often they’re very personal, but once in a while I have ones that are bigger picture, like the one I had yesterday.

In fact, the spiritual name I was given pertains to dreaming, so it’s a big deal for me.

I should also explain that there’s nothing I can do to precipitate these kinds of dreams. They just happen spontaneously.

So, this is new for me, sharing dreams publicly, and I’ll just try and describe the dream, and we can see how you interpret it. I have had other important dreams that I have thought about sharing here, so we’ll see how this is received.

So, in this dream, I was in a fairly large room, not a huge room. It seemed like an old community hall that you would find in a rural setting. I just had the vibe or feeling that it was out in the country.

So, the room was maybe like 40 feet long by 25 feet wide kind of thing. Hardwood floors, paned windows, white walls.

The sun was high. It wasn’t cold, so it definitely felt like at least spring, if not early summer or summer.

And I had set up all my computer monitors horizontally, one to the next, all the way along the top of one of the walls. I spend a lot of time on my computer, so I have like, currently I have a 32 inch monitor, so I use pretty big monitors. And you can get ones these days that are even 42 inches.

So, I had like maybe 8 or 10 large monitors all horizontally fixed to the wall, going across one of the walls. And it felt kind of like that this was my command center. This was going to be me observing what’s going on in the world.

And there was someone there, and I was kind of joking with them saying, “Hey, what do you think of my monitor setup?” And we were laughing about it because I had so many monitors. Most people don’t have that many monitors.

What do monitors do? They’re like a lens onto the world when you’re connected to the internet and you’re reading things, right?

So, there I was, and I was kind of proud of myself, and chuckling, thinking about this setup.

And there was nobody there that I knew personally, like there was no people from my past or anything. There was just this guy I was talking to.

And then some other guys come along, and they’re kind of like, they’re all white, they’re all Caucasian, and they’re kind of alpha kind of guys, or pretending to be, younger than me. But you know, it was casual, so it wasn’t like I was intimidated or anything.

And then one of the guys turns out to be kind of like the leader or real alpha for this group of guys. And there’s another fellow who is very muscular and very macho, you know, with tattoos and everything. And they’re kind of joking around, and they get into kind of a wrestling sort of competition sort of match, and you know, to see who’s the strongest. And it turns out that the leader guy is much more skilled than the guy who challenged him, the brawny muscular guy. So he was kind of put in his place in the pecking order.

And the guy who won that competition, I had the vibe that he had had military training. He had that air about him, very confident and self-assured.

And so, it was announced that they were forming a committee, a group of men who were going to make sure that the community was safe and secure, and that they were going to start doing things like patrols, and that he was organizing training classes for the other guys.

And again, it’s all just males. They’re all Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian males.

In the beginning, I’m kind of like, “Okay, what’s the threat? You know, like we’re out in the country, what are we worried about?” And it seemed that they just were concerned that, you know, there might be like an influx of people from the cities or from outside that they needed to protect themselves from.

And so, it started to feel more like a kind of paramilitary thing. Like, it wasn’t the government, it wasn’t the military, it wasn’t the police, it was just local people taking on this role that, you know, normally the authorities would do. It had a vigilante sort of vibe to it.

And I’m kind of like, “Okay, huh.”

And then it was announced that the first training session was imminent, and that we were all expected to attend and participate. And you know, this was going to involve physical training and all that stuff.

And I’m kind of going like, “Okay, what? Where is this going?” Because it started to feel like you didn’t really have a choice, like that you were going to be expected to participate in this. So, I started to get very uncomfortable with this.

I’m kind of like, “I don’t really want to be involved in some kind of weird paramilitary thing.” It’s starting to feel kind of fascistic or authoritarian, very militaristic.

So then after this was announced, I was chatting with one of the other fellows, and I said, “You know, I don’t really like where this is going. Like, I can just see where this is heading. This is kind of like fascistic. It’s got a fascistic vibe about it.

I can just see where this is going to go. It’s going to start out with just, “Oh, you know, we’re doing some basic training, and you know, you’ll be expected to participate, and then it’ll get more rigid and more structured, and then over time, people are going to get indoctrinated, and then they’re going to get more and more sort of paramilitary.”

And I could just sense where this was going. So I said to the guy, I was explaining this, and I said, “I think I got to get the hell out of here. I don’t really want to be here, because what’ll happen is you’ll get stuck in that. It’ll go down this path, and then you won’t be able to get out, because you’ll be expected to follow the group. You know, it’s very tribalistic.”

And it was all men. It was all just men, masculine, and very white. So by the end of the dream, I was like, “I have to get the hell out of here, fast.”

And I said to the other fellow I was talking to, “You got to get out of here, too. If I were you…” Because he was questioning the same kinds of things I was questioning, and I’m like, “You don’t want to stick around. You want to get out of here.” So it started to get concerning, in other words, and I felt like it was time-sensitive.

So then I have to go get my stuff, and I go to the door at the end of the room to go upstairs, and there’s no stairs. I have to climb up to the next level by grabbing the doorjamb and sort of shimmying myself up, you know, which I can do.

But the other guy, who had challenged the leader, comes along, and just, you know, he’s really brawny, and he just grabs the floor and just jumps up like it’s no big deal, and I’m kind of like, “Huh.”

And then I have to do it again to get to the second level, so there was like no stairs. It required a lot of physical strength and agility just to get up to the next level. Huh. I’ll explain that in a minute.

So then I woke up thinking like, “Holy shit, this is weird.” It had the vibe of starting out under the guise of one thing and then going down this road towards authoritarianism and fascism, and it made me think about what happened, you know, in Germany a century ago, or Spain under Franco.

When I woke, I started to think about this, and I was like, “Yeah, it was all just masculine, hierarchical, and the hierarchy was all about the strongest. Who could fight and dominate the others? Very base.”

To me, this kind of behavior is blatant overcompensation. It’s rooted in insecurity and demonstrates immaturity. It’s ironically obvious to a lot of people, except the ones engaged in that kind of behavior.

It was interesting too because it was set in a rural setting, and I have been considering, “Oh, should I live in the country or should I live in an urban area?” Because I can do both.

I like the country because it’s quiet and peaceful, and you’re surrounded by nature, but urban areas have a lot of conveniences, and you don’t have to drive everywhere and stuff like that.

So I’m always having this debate. But there’s another factor, which is that a lot of the right-wing stuff is going on in more rural areas. Like in the States, it’s the red states, and places like that. Whereas people in more urban areas tend to be more liberal and progressive. That’s just a trend, and the same thing is happening here in Canada.

So I had had some concerns about living in the country where you tend to have people who are more radically right-wing. And of course, my own personal worldview is very progressive, so I would clash with that. So that has been a bit of a concern. And in this case, the whole dream was set in a very nice rural setting. So there’s that part of it.

And then the other part of it, all of this really brash and brazen hypermasculinity made me think about the shift of the North Node into Aries.

On July 17th of 2023, the North Node will shift into Aries from Taurus through January 11th of 2025. 18.6 months.

And when I had this dream and I woke, I realized that it pertains to that, because it fits perfectly into the narrative that I explained in the episode that I devoted to this topic. I did a whole 21 or 22 minute long video on this topic, which I published on May 10th of this year. North Node transit Aries. South Node transit Libra.

The ruler of Libra is Venus. That’s a feminine energy.

The ruler of Aries is Mars. Very masculine energy. And all about competition and even combat in its more base expression.

Think of the gladiator during the heyday of the Roman Empire. That image or mythology epitomizes many aspects of the Aries or Mars nature.

And of course, a lot of that occurred during the age of Aries, which preceded the age of Pisces, which we are just finishing now.

It may not manifest so brutally now, but there’s still that notion of the lone warrior in combat against all odds, where there’s only one sole champion. It’s a solitary pursuit. It’s not a team based thing, really, in its purest form.

So like the part of the dream where we have to go upstairs and there’s no stairs and you have to be strong and physical, like somebody older or somebody with any kind of injury or whatever, just literally wouldn’t be able to get upstairs. It was only somebody who was really strong and fit that could do it. So that symbolizes moving up the levels of the hierarchy, that it’s going to be very physical.

So the more I thought about it, the more I’m like, this is a metaphor for the North Node about to transit Aries. It’s effectively what I described in my episode on this, which I encourage you to listen to.

I found the whole thing quite shocking because it was so in your face. It wasn’t subtle at all. There was no women in the scene at all. None, not one. There were no senior citizens. There were no children. It was 20s, 30s, 40 year old men, which is kind of the Mars energy.

And so it validates my episode on the North Node in Aries. And it also informed me personally a little bit about where maybe I should live and maybe where I shouldn’t. As much as I love nature in the country, I don’t want to be surrounded by that kind of energy or wrapped up in it.

Now, the way astrology works is that for most people, this stuff is entirely unconscious. They do not even know that they’re being influenced by these kinds of energies or that it’s affecting their worldview or experience. It just occurs.

And lately I’ve been reading a lot also about the rise of these kinds of movements, the far right, and so on. It’s a trend that I think will only increase in some ways when the North Node moves into Aries.

It’s also possible that what this dream is describing is the transit of Neptune through Aries, which I have also talked about. That transit commences in early 2025 all the way through early 2039.

I’m mentioning this because when I was a young child, I mean 5, 6, 7, I started having visions about these biblical, epic, environmental issues that we would be facing in the future. So I was decades ahead of what is now coming to pass. I didn’t really start to understand the full causes of that until probably the 1990s, many, many years later.

So it’s possible that this vision of this very sort of militaristic masculine future is further out than just the North Node transiting Aries. Although when the North Node finishes transiting Aries, we’ll be just before Neptune goes into Aries. So the two, almost within a few weeks, almost overlap.

So yeah, another thing I want to say is that I think I’m sharing this with people because those of us who are more liberal or progressively oriented may be thinking about, you know, should I move? Where should I live? And this is a factor that maybe people are not considering as much as they should, which is the cultural norms and proclivities of the communities that they are going to be integrating with. That is something that I think should be considered, and that is why I think I’m sharing this.

There are a lot of misinformed people out there. Worse than that, there are a lot of willfully ignorant people out there. And even worse still, there are a lot of belligerently ignorant people out there who take pride in their ignorance. You do not want to be affiliated with these people. They are going to be in for a very rough ride because reality conflicts with their beliefs and attitudes. This is simply a fact. So ideally you are in the vicinity of people who are not like that, who are instead grounded in reality and not delusional.

So I wanted to share that with you for what it’s worth.

Finally, I am presently in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and the province is having record-setting wildfires. I am personally not too far from that, but I am in a safe area, although it is devastating.

It’s never been so dry here at this time of year before. It’s quite alarming.

This year, sea surface temperatures off the east coast of North America have been as high as 14 degrees Celsius off the charts, hotter than the 1981 to 2011 average, which is just absolutely astonishing. So the upcoming hurricane season poses looming threats as well.

This is the kind of thing I have personally talked about on my channel a lot before. Hopefully this is a bit of a wake-up call and people will start putting our safety and security ahead of profits, and we can get on with how to mitigate these kinds of things from happening in the future.

If you are interested in a reading or mini-reading, I’ll put a link to that in the description as well. Obviously a mini-reading is very focused and short and not interactive, whereas a full reading is typically much longer and broader in scope and involves a lot of discussion, which is often very helpful and important.

The June mini-reading will be on the theme of the North Node beginning to transit Aries in July, with discounts for monthly YouTube members. I’ll be announcing that soon.

You can also support this channel by becoming a monthly member on YouTube.

I look forward to your thoughts about my dream, another experiment for me. I am also going to be starting a new “Dreams” playlist on YouTube.

Thanks for everything, all the best, and I look forward to speaking with you again soon, as always.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

Smoke from Nova Scotia fires wafts into U.S. as Canada bakes and burns

More Than 16,000 Evacuated as Wildfire Rages Outside Halifax

Recent, rapid ocean warming ahead of El Niño alarms scientists

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Please see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice.

#Astrology #Aries #PropheticDream

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please add yourself to my contact list.



Astrological Influences Are Becoming Stronger

I propose a hypothesis that describes how and why astrological influences are becoming increasing potent. Amplified astrological transits would have significant implications for humanity on a mundane level, the planet and each of us as individuals.

This episode was published on Nov 3, 2022 at 11:42pm EDT.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary, where we discuss issues around the emerging age of Aquarius.

I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings, all. It is November 3, 2022.

Another topic I have been wanting to discuss here for quite some time – months, actually – is that I have this hypothesis that goes like this:

It seems to me that the intensity of astrological aspects, when they occur, are amplified compared to the past.

Now, I have experienced this on many occasions. Like, sometimes I’m just very busy, and I don’t check my astrology or transits a lot or regularly. And then I’ll feel a shift, or something will be highlighted or amplified. And then I’ll check my transits. And sure enough, there’s something going on that corresponds to whatever was being amplified or that I was experiencing more intensely than normal.

Now, this has been the case for me for many years. But what I’ve noticed is that in the past few years, this seems to be increasingly noticeable or intense.

I am so sensitive towards it now that I can actually feel when the moon is shifting through the houses of my astrology chart. It’s particularly notable when the moon transits the 12th house, in my case.

It takes the moon about a bit less than 2 and 1/2 days to transit a house, on average. So these are fairly fast-moving transits.

Recently, like about a week ago, for example, I had a particular transit that occurred. And I was extremely productive in a way that is a little bit abnormal for me for a few days.

This wasn’t a major transit. This was what we would consider a minor transit. But the effects were really noticeable and significant.

And I really took advantage of that transit to get a whole bunch of things done. It was striking how powerful or intense it was.

Let me try and explain what I think is happening here.

We know that the energies here on Earth are lifting, that the vibration is increasing, that the level of consciousness here is raising.

To use another metaphor, as a child, I spent a lot of time on the ocean near the shore. And once in a while, we would have these days where the water would be crystal clear. You could see to great depths– I’m talking 60 feet, 20 meters kind of thing – you could see the bottom on a calm, sunny day. And it was really remarkable. Often, you could only see 20 or 30 feet because the water was slightly cloudy.

And I think that’s kind of what’s going on here. As the energies are becoming clearer on Earth, we are more sensitive to these subtle vibrational energies that are coming from the planets and planetary configurations.

So I had long assumed that that was a function of my own sensitivity, my own consciousness. But over time, I started to wonder if that is happening on a mundane level.

And again, when we use the term “mundane” in astrology, we are referring to how astrological transits affect the entire planet.

And so like I said, I started to wonder if the whole planet is feeling these kinds of transits and aspects more significantly or more intensely than in the past. And as time goes on, I believe that is true.

This is another one of those things that if what I’m saying is accurate, has very significant implications. And if it’s also true that the energy here is reaching a higher, finer vibrational level, this theory would make sense.

It’s like if we think about the metaphor of the ocean. If the energies here are clearer, then we are much more sensitive to energetic influences, even beyond the boundaries of Earth. That would make a lot of sense.

So I want to be on the record about that, because I think if it’s true, it’s something that has very profound implications for humanity and for us as individuals going forward.

And that this may be a function of the Aquarian age energies as they manifest here on Earth. We will be much more sensitive to stimuli from other sources, not just in our immediate environment, but from the solar system and the whole universe. Fascinating stuff.

So in summary, I’m saying that as the vibrational energies here are lifting, we are becoming more sensitive and more affected by astrological influences, as well as other cosmic influences of energies that are affecting us and that we are feeling and experiencing here on Earth.

Because the energies are less dense here, they are more easily penetrated by subtle forces. And thus, we ourselves experience these influences more directly and potently. And that includes you.

So that’s my hypothesis.

I have talked about heightened energetic sensitivity here on Earth before in previous episodes. I talked about it in the Pluto in Aquarius episode. And I also talked about it in another episode titled “Timeline Waves,” which I published on August 27 of this year. And another episode that might be relevant is the one I did on the timeline split.

I’ll put links to those in the episode description [see below].

And so this definitely fits within that theme. But I haven’t talked specifically about how that might play out with astrology.

Around October 25, I had an opportunity to record. So I recorded a whole bunch of stuff. At that time, I have this cold. And I’ve only just been getting around to processing that audio now. And this is one of those topics. So apologies for my gravely voice.

Thanks for everything. Thanks for your amazing comments.

All the best. Take care. We’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript.

I have talked about related themes in other episodes including the following which I mention in this episode:

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Timeline Waves – Extraterrestrial, Extradimensional Reality and Aliens

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split

#Astrology #Ascension #Spirituality

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please add yourself to my contact list.

Please like my Facebook page.


Your Birth Time is Probably WRONG

I explain why the birth time most people think is correct – and are using for their astrology chart and astrological forecasts – almost certainly is NOT precisely correct.

I also briefly discuss how astrologers use a process called “rectification” to refine the birth time more accurately, and why an accurate birth time is important (and it absolutely is!).

As well I briefly cover some basic ethical issues relating to handling the birth details of other people.

This episode was published on July 9, 2022 at 12:17am EDT.

Episode transcript:

I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all, it is July 8, 2022.

In this hopefully short episode, I’m going to talk about why your birth time, the birth time that you’re given or that you use or that you’re aware of, is almost certainly inaccurate.

Unless you have done or gone through a process called rectification, which is a fairly advanced astrological technique to reverse engineer a birth time your birth time is probably wrong.

And this was prompted by a long thread on my YouTube channel under the video titled, “Navigating Difficult Times and Challenging Astrological Aspects.”

I was having a long conversation there. I’m not going to put out the name here, because I don’t have permission to do that. But if you want, you can probably figure it out just by looking at the comments section there.

And then it occurred to me that this is one of those things – and there’s many things like this that I really would like to get to here – that I just have taken for granted. Because I’ve been aware of it for many years but I realize not a lot of other people are. And you really don’t see this discussed enough or very often at all.

So first of all, let’s talk about briefly why an accurate birth time matters. If you want to do accurate, predictive work, that is, to look at upcoming events or current events and understand when they are going to impact you the most, or the most intensely, with a lot of precision, you really need an accurate birth time, a reasonably accurate birth time. And by that, I mean within a few minutes, and the closer, the better.

And that is because, depending on your own chart, you could be born near the cusp of a sign, or the moon might be in a different house, depending on whether you’re 10 minutes earlier or 10 minutes later, that kind of thing.

Planets can shift positions in the chart fairly quickly, because the Ascendant or the angles of the charts go through all of the degrees of the zodiac every 24 hours. That is two hours per sign, roughly.

So let’s say you think your Ascendant’s at the end of Cancer, but five minutes later, it would be in Leo. Those are incredibly different Ascendants. And like I said, planets may shift houses as well, too, during that time period.

Now, generally, the outer planets are going to be in the same signs, most likely. They’re not going to change signs, but the house position in your chart may change, and that can change things dramatically.

So I’ve done readings for people who’ve given me birth times, and then they’ve said, well, this doesn’t fit me or doesn’t make sense. And I’m like, well, it’s probably not me. It’s probably your birth time is way off. That’s only happened a couple times, mind you – literally, just a couple times – because I’ve done other readings that were extremely accurate, and people were blown away.

Now, I can’t control what somebody gives me as their birth time, but I always tell people whenever I do any reading for them that this is going to depend on the accuracy of your birth time.

And why would the birth time be inaccurate? Well, pause and think about this for a second.

I’ll just pause.

What is the moment of life? When does life begin? Think about it.

Well, people would say, well, when you’re born. And I’m like, well, is that when you leave your mother’s body? Is that when they cut the umbilical cord? Is that when you start crying?

Well, technically, the answer is it’s when you take your first breath. That is the beginning of your incarnation. And your last breath is the end of your incarnation. Strong chills here. And so a lot of people don’t understand that.

Now, here’s another thing, especially if we go further back in time, you know, older people, a lot of times, they would round off the time because they didn’t think it mattered all that much.

You know, 2.30, what’s the difference? 2.30, 2.10, 2.45 p.m., you know?

Sometimes they might’ve forgotten to write it down and they just throw something down there to fill out the paper so that they don’t have a blank form. It could be off by hours even.

And sometimes people just went on memory. I think it was like three o’clock, but you know, your mother’s in labor. Like, how does she really know what’s going on?

Was the clock in the delivery room accurate or not? Maybe it was off by 10 or 15 minutes.

There’s so many variables here.

So people didn’t know when life begins. There’s a lot of misunderstandings about that.

Very few people realize that life begins at the first breath.

So someone would have to literally be sitting there with a stopwatch almost. Or looking at the clock at an accurate clock, which is the whole other thing, because cell phones really only came into prominence, you know, in the past 20 years or so.

But they would have to be sitting there looking at it and looking at the baby, and then when the baby goes… gasps… that is the moment. That’s the moment where life begins.

So that is why most people’s birth times are off easily by five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, more.

You could be a completely, your Ascendant could be completely different, you know, Pluto could be in your 10th house rather than your 9th house, whatever.

There’s so many variables here, I’m not gonna get into all of them.

But that’s why it’s really important to have an accurate birth time.

Progressions and Solar Arcs are a fascinating tool of astrology, and when we look at Solar Arcs, they move a degree per year.

So a quarter of a degree is three months. And when Solar Arcs aspect the angles, we can see major events occur.

So this is where this accuracy gets really important when we’re looking at Solar Arcs, the house positions, the planets in the houses, the progressed sun, things like that.

So you may not realize it, but it can make a really big difference when we get into some of the more detailed analysis of the astrology chart.

Now, I did not have an accurate birth, I didn’t have a birth time at all, in fact, because I was adopted.

So I had to, many, many, many years ago, go through this process, it’s an astrological technique called rectification, rectification, one word.

And what you do is you reverse engineer the birth time, looking at when certain transits and events happened throughout your life over a long period of time. Where you can say, oh, something dramatic happened here at this time, and then five years later, something dramatic happened here, and so on.

And then eventually you can move the chart around until everything just clicks. And when it clicks, it’s like a huge eureka moment, because you’re just like, oh my God, everything makes sense. Bam, bam, bam, everything just lines up. It’s astonishing how it works. It’s effectively triangulation, taking known points to determine another point.

And it validates astrology, because you can see how these major transits, and usually we’re talking about transits to the angles, the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC, because they structure the chart and they give us the placement of the signs in your houses.

You can use Solar Arcs.

When I did it, many, many years ago, it literally took me like two weeks of working on this, not 24 hours a day, but I’d work at it every day for hours, each day for a couple weeks. I can do it much faster now, but back then, my knowledge wasn’t as deep as it is now. So it can be a quite lengthy process.

Now, some astrologers will actually offer this service, and some specialize in it, because it’s a branch of astrology, it requires quite a bit of skill, because you have to identify what those trigger points are so that you can realize the birth time.

Somebody’s birth time, they might actually, if you go back far enough in time, you can find people whose birth time isn’t even on the day they think it is.

Now, here’s why this matters. Again, like I said, it’s because it’s necessary for doing accurate predictive work, really accurate predictive work, timing.

And then the other thing is, is that a lot of people go around with these birth times they were given without validating them, and they will go pay people to do readings for them, or pay for online readings, or have their chart done, or something like that. And they’re using invalid information.

Now, if it’s only off by a few minutes, it might not make that much of a difference. But the more off it is, the more of a difference there will be. And especially if you’re born, if your Ascendant or something is, say, near the cusp of signs at the beginning of one sign and the end of another, it can change signs, that makes a huge difference.

So I’m just pointing this out because I think that there’s probably been hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of cases where people have paid for astrological services using erroneous information and therefore received erroneous interpretations and forecasts. It’s kind of scandalous, actually.

So I think people need to be aware of that. I’m not going to right here detail the process of rectification because it would be way too long. That’s an in-depth topic. And it requires a fair amount of knowledge.

Yes, you can do it as a beginner. It’s just probably going to take you quite a bit of time.

You also need to have significant key events that have occurred in your life, deaths, births, marriages, divorces, honors, big moves, promotions, career highlights, graduations, very fortunate events like winning the lottery or something like that, or dramatic events like accidents or things like that. Things that will really stand out in your life that can be dramatic. That is also necessary.

Another thing that came up in that thread, which I think is extremely important, and I can’t recall if I’ve actually said this here before or not, but it’s this:

Astrology is a vast, vast subject. It is a lifelong art.

And it is not possible to become an expert or at least somebody who should be discussing this publicly in any kind of teaching capacity. You can simply not do that from a few months or even a few years of study. The subject is simply too large and too vast and too deep.

And anybody who studies astrology will know that the more you study it, the more you realize how big of a topic it is.

I was first introduced to astrology in the 1980s, and I didn’t take it up seriously as a study really until probably the 1990s, because it was so daunting to me. The scope of it, the knowledge, it is incredible.

So I don’t think people should be putting themselves out there as astrologers unless they have studied for years at least.

And on a related matter, it is a sacred art. It should never be used to harm or undermine other people. That is black magic. And that has serious karmic consequences.

You should always have permission to discuss somebody’s chart with other people, if you look at it.

Personally, I never share birth details with anyone without permission. In fact, I’ve never done it because there would never be a reason to. But if I wanted to, I would most certainly gain permission before I spoke about somebody’s astrological configuration without their permission.

Yeah, I just would never do that. Because as more advanced students of life, we have greater responsibility, and the birth details of people is sacred.

It’s a spirit, I’m getting huge chills here. It really reflects their soul’s desire in this incarnation, and it should never be abused.

I would never take somebody’s astrological chart and use it to tear them down in any way or attack them. I would never even consider it.

Just bear that in mind, that you should treat it as a sacred art.

It’s kind of like the tarot cards. I’m not a tarot reader myself, but I know many tarot readers personally. And they’ve told me that if they don’t follow the guidance the cards give them, they will lose their power to read for others. It’s a similar kind of thing.

In fact, I’m not aware of any spiritual art that is as deep and as complex as astrology. One great spiritual teacher said it accounted for roughly 20 or 25% of a person’s experience because there is free will, and we can alter our destiny through our actions or inactions, but that it plays a very serious role in defining someone’s life experience.

On the other hand, it goes without saying that the path of liberation, self-realization, self-mastery, and enlightenment is the ultimate of all challenges, often taking thousands of lifetimes to accomplish. And I state that just to keep things in perspective.

Back on point. Yes, I was able to get my birth time down to within a minute or two of accuracy. And I know that because I’ve been observing my transits over many years.

So I went from no birth time to within a minute or so. There’s 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in each hour. So that’s quite remarkable. And you can do that too.

You can even just get it fairly close and then over time observe transits and things and you’ll be able to refine it and tweak it. Trying to get perfection in one shot is probably not realistic. So just bear that in mind.

The person who introduced me to astrology pointed out that the scars on my forehead and my red hair were a good indication that I was probably an Aries rising or Aries Ascendant. And that narrows it down to two hours once you figure out your Ascendant.

So I would recommend that you start with that if you have no idea what your birth time is.

And I’m not trying to dissuade anybody from studying astrology by saying that it is a profoundly deep lifelong study. I’m just giving you a heads up that if you really seriously want to study astrology, just be aware of the scope and scale of the subject.

And if you’re gonna do rectification, make sure the dates and times of these events, and they need to be fairly precisely timed events. Like I graduated on a Friday night at nine o’clock at such and such a college.

Make sure that you get the dates and times accurately or you’ll just send yourself on a wild goose chase and you’ll end up wasting a lot of time.

Prior to the advent of computers, people would do this kind of work manually, which is definitely possible, but it can be extremely time consuming. So good astrology software is probably a prerequisite if you’re gonna be doing this kind of work.

And you can get software that is decent and can do the job, but really good astrology software with all the add-ons can get fairly expensive.

If you’re really into astrology, you will buy the basic package and then you’ll keep upgrading and upgrading as time goes on because you’ll want all the additional features and tools that the add-ons can provide. And in the end, you can spend quite a bit of money.

Now, if you don’t really wanna study astrology and say money is an issue, maybe you can find a friend who is studying astrology who would help you to do this. And for them, it’s a great learning experience. And if they’re patient, you can go back and forth and try and figure this out. It’s kind of like solving a mystery or a puzzle.

Or maybe you can find an astrologer locally who you can barter with or something who will do some rectification work for you in exchange for some service that you provide.

Finally, if you know a really good psychic or channel, you can ask them to try and provide you with your exact birth time. However, I would still verify that using some of the techniques I have described here.

Again, this recording is unscripted and impromptu, so I apologize for any lack of coherence or structure in the information I’m conveying.

Anyway, I just wanted to put this out there to save people a lot of grief and time.

And thanks to the listener for bringing up this topic and having that conversation with me. It inspired me to do this.

Take care, and we’ll talk to you again soon.

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