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Living with Neptune – Transit and Natal

I discuss what it is like to experience significant Neptune astrological transits and how to manage them.

This may also apply if you have a powerfully placed Neptune in your natal astrology birth chart, such as Neptune on an angle, in the 12th house, or have a Pisces Sun. Or if you have had, or have, psychic or intuitive experiences.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 18, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary, I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 18th, 2023.

I recently published an episode titled “The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039” and then someone with Neptune squaring their Sun commented and described what they were experiencing. Of course, I felt a lot of empathy for that having gone through that transit myself. And I thought, “Oh, well, I should do an episode on this, because I can share my experience and maybe help others.” And it is one of my sincerest heart’s desires to be of meaningful service to others.

What I described in the Neptune transit Ares episode may have sounded a bit scary, and I didn’t want to go too far down that rabbit hole in terms of my own personal experience because it would be time consuming. I did not intend on leaving an overly negative impression of Neptune transits, so I want to delve into that more deeply.

What I’m going to discuss here today will also apply if someone has a powerfully placed Neptune, or for example sun in Pisces, or 12th house. Strong moon aspects, likewise. Pisces moon, moon in 12th. Strong aspects between the moon and Neptune. Powerfully placed moons, etc. The moon is very sensitive and receptive.

Many, many people with strong psychic abilities have powerfully placed Neptunes. Neptune on the Midheaven, for example, is associated with people who can channel. Neptune is a gateway to the non-material realms of consciousness and other non-physical or non-material dimensions. There are too many possible combinations to mention here and keep this brief at the same time.

Most of the significant spiritual periods or experiences I have had personally have coincided with Neptune transits. Absolutely without doubt, no question. But there are some caveats. There always seems to be caveats with Neptune transits.

In evolutionary astrology, there is a fascinating concept which, briefly, states that astrology and astrological transits will play out and be experienced differently depending on the evolutionary state of the person in question. So somebody who is more highly evolved may experience things differently than someone who isn’t. The following may resonate with some people and to others not at all.

These are very spiritualizing influences. They’re not about material reality. On the spiritual dimensions, there is no time, there is no money, there is no job or career, there are no limitations, as far as we would commonly understand them here anyway. Physicality is optional, it’s not about tangible material things.

Of course pragmatically we have to deal with such constraints while we are incarnate on Earth, and Earth does not actually reflect the higher dimensions accurately, in very many ways at all. That is why these kinds of influences can be so inscrutable, confusing, and challenging, because we are dealing with radically different dimensions. And that is why a lot of people under these influences can seek out forms of escapism. It’s entirely understandable.

So here’s a few pragmatic suggestions if you’re going through a challenging Neptune transit. Like a square conjunction or opposition, like a square to your sun or a square to one of your personal planets, or even a trine or a sextile.

Number one, recognize that you will likely be much more psychically open than normal. You may be much more sensitive energetically to influences around you. That includes people, places, and things. Because of that, you can also be more vulnerable. I honestly think that we experience these kinds of things all the time. It’s just that under a Neptune transit you can be much more sensitive to it because you’re aware of it on some level. So it behooves you to avoid negative people and negative places and negative situations if you can.

There’s also a tendency to be more gullible because you are more open. So you want to be careful about being around people who will abuse your trust, mislead you, lie to you, deceive you, and so on. It’s a good idea if possible, say you have to – I don’t know, sign a contract – get someone who’s in a more grounded state, someone like a Capricorn, to look it over for you. Because on the spiritual dimensions there is no theft or lies or deceit. But in practical reality that happens all the time.

Spiritual practice can really be elevated under these kinds of influences. So if you meditate or do some form of yoga or have some kind of spiritual discipline, it’s an excellent time to engage in those kinds of activities.

Your psychic and intuitive powers will also be amplified, most likely. So you can do things like keep a dream journal, you might practice divination, tarot card readings, something like that.

Again, you have to be careful not to over-idealize certain types of people, like spiritual figures or leaders. You want to be careful not to give away your power too much and later on find out that you went too far down some rabbit hole with something like an ideology.

Being grounded is extremely helpful. Being in nature, walking on the earth, being in the water, taking salt baths, taking showers to help cleanse your energy field. Very helpful.

You may want to get some grounding crystals like tourmaline or some protective crystals like various forms of quartz that you can wear or carry in your pocket.

Again, you want to try and make sure that the people who you are around are sincere and caring, honest and kind, good-hearted people as much as possible.

It is a very dematerializing kind of energy, so if possible don’t worry too much about excessively materialistic things like career and wealth generation, I’m not saying to stop pursuing your career, I’m just saying that this energy is not about the material realms. So ideally you’re living a simple life where you have your essentials, you can focus on your spiritual practice, your inner work, and your own spiritual evolution.

Because another aspect of this is that it’s not particularly supportive of physical drive, ambition, and energy. You may find that you need to sleep a lot more than you normally do, and dream time can be amazing, so you need lots of rest and rejuvenation and to, if possible, minimize the stress and physical demands as much as possible.

If you do creative work, say you’re an artist of some kind, or a creator, this can be a very inspired influence. You can channel ideas and expressions that may go beyond what you normally could do. So it’s an excellent influence for any kind of creative endeavors.

It is an excellent time to be doing any kind of selfless service. Because on the spiritual dimensions, that’s a core principle. Selfless love, volunteering, or working with people who are struggling in some way, charitable activities and those kinds of things, it can be extremely rewarding. And good karma.

I found personally that I used a lot of techniques with Kundalini Yoga and many other forms of energetic hygiene, reinforcement and protection that I employed on a daily basis during that time, and still do often. Ages ago I did an episode on this, it’s not very polished, but you can find that early on in my channel. There are tons of techniques and methods out there for doing energetic clearing and protection, and I highly recommend that. Because you’re kind of energetically porous when you’re open like this, and you can collect psychic impressions and influences from your environment and from other people that you need to be constantly clearing from your energy field.

You can actually kind of get confused at times about which energies are yours. Are they yours or someone else’s? Did you absorb them from your environment? So clearing your energy field and clearing the energy field of your immediate environment like your apartment or your house is highly advised as far as I’m concerned.

You may find it difficult to be in environments where there’s too much energy like busy streetscapes or crowded places or concerts or something like that or even things like shopping malls because you will just pick up way too much energy that can be difficult to manage. That is one of the reasons the 12th house, which Neptune rules, is associated with seclusion, because often people who pursue a spiritual path find it too difficult to deal with all of the energies of the world, so they go off and try and seek a place where that energy and external influences are minimized. I’m not saying you need to become a monk or a hermit, but just think about that in the context of your own experience.

I personally found that even excessive noise was very irritating to me, and of course there’s a lot of that in the city. For example, you may find it easier to live in a more rural area. When I was going through this experience, I remember leaving the city and coming back, and I could feel the energy of the city from about 40 miles away. And as I approached the city the energy intensified. And the inverse was true. I could feel that when I got about 30 or 40 miles outside the city the energy was much calmer. Again, I’m not saying go move to the country, but you will be feeling whatever energies are around you.

I would also recommend keeping as clean and healthy a diet as you possibly can. I’m not suggesting everyone needs to become vegetarian, but you are more sensitive than normal to any kind of substances. So things like sugar and caffeine or even things like meat or fish or poultry may affect you more than normal because you absorb the energy of anything you consume.

Also I found personally that I was more sensitive to chemicals, you know, chemical perfumes, cleaning chemicals, anything harsh or strong, I found quite repulsive.

Also, I think it’s very important to be aware of what your mind is focused on, because you are operating in more subtle realms. Your thoughts tend to have more power or influence over your experience. So if you focus on something dark or negative, it’s amplified. And we have the capacity to draw things to us based on our energetic state or consciousness. And that could be something as simple as what you’re reading, a movie that you’re watching, or whatever. Again, your mind is operating on a much bigger level. There are no borders or boundaries on the spiritual dimensions. Time and space do not exist.

I would be misleading you and it wouldn’t be honest if I did not state that the challenging aspects can be challenging for money. I think based on everything I’ve said that should be fairly self-evident. However, this is a dematerializing, anti-egoic, spiritual influence. I’m not suggesting you’re going to go broke.

However, in my own case, I had a very strong impression for months before Neptune squared my sun that I should change my lifestyle and I should go zen, get a small little apartment somewhere, very simple, very clean, all white, everything clean, simple. And to do that I would have had to downsize and get rid of a lot of stuff. And at the time my intellect was arguing with me going like, “Well, you’re really successful, why would you need to do that?” “What difference does it make?” “It doesn’t make sense.” And I even had discussions with friends where I told them what I was feeling. I said repeatedly, “I’m getting this impression I should just really go Zen.” Ugh, I, being an idiot, I didn’t trust or listen to my intuition. And it was a disaster. But it all worked out in the end.

And I want to say on that subject that because this is a spiritualizing influence, my experience, and I’m getting chills here, my experience is that you get what you need. Like the universe is not going to abandon you and let you starve to death or something like that. So you have to have trust. You know, you knew before you incarnated that you were going to have this transit at this time.

And a lot of it has to do with breaking down your ego so that you can become more spiritually evolved and so that you can operate on higher levels. To do that, we have to let go of all of our attachments, all of our egoic crap that binds us to the lower dimensions. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with the lower dimensions. As long as we’re not attached to it and that we don’t identify with them, that’s the problem. The problem is not the material stuff itself, it’s our egoic attachment to them and that our identity is fixed to those objects, states of being, possessions, or whatever they… or status, or whatever the case may be. On a higher level we know that we need to transcend that, but our ego clings desperately to these things because it’s safety, security, identity. Again, on the higher dimensions we don’t need any material objects whatsoever. We are infinite and timeless. So I thought I should explain that. Don’t panic. The universe is going to take care of you if you trust in it.

Another thing is that because this can kind of zap our physical energy, there is the potential for people to have sort of weird health problems where it’s not really clear what’s causing it. Like maybe, you know, you go to the doctor and you say, “I’m tired all the time,” and they can’t figure out what’s wrong with you. And then suddenly it goes away at some point down the road, and it would often be around when the transit is coming out of orb. But that’s just a physical vitality thing. That’s again why it’s so important to eat well, get lots of rest, don’t stress yourself out too much, don’t over-exert yourself physically, stuff like that.

These transits typically tend to take a couple years, depending on your chart and retrogrades. So let’s say you have a sun in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sag. The whole time that Neptune is in Pisces, in challenging aspect, you will be under this influence. That can be many years, although the transit is most intense when it is within a tighter orb like 2 degrees. The house that this aspect is occurring in, let’s say your son is in the ninth house, will influence what areas of life this is going to show up the most in.

But also pay attention to if Neptune is transiting one of the angles. Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC. Trust me, those are potent transits, and each point has different meaning. The Ascendant is about you, how you initially and superficially present to the world. The IC is more about home and family and your immediate personal environment and the people you’re associated with. The Descendant is more about relationships and significant others. The Midheaven is how you express yourself in the world. It includes things like career, your status, the transits over the angles, especially with the major outer planets, are very significant. In fact, we can use those to help us rectify birth times. That is how potent they are.

So to summarize:

• Be more aware of your immediate environment, the people that you’re associated with, the places that you’re in, what you ingest physically into your body,

• Put more attention or energy or effort into staying grounded,

• Deploy and maintain a routine for good energetic hygiene and protection. Learn those skills if you do not already have them.

• Engage in spiritual practice if possible.

• Be willing to let go of attachments to material things and material reality.

• Simplify your life.

• Express your creative potential if you have that.

• Beware of self-delusion and being deluded by others. And that includes things like illusions fantasies. I mean that can be fun, but just don’t get too attached to it.

• Be careful with drugs and stimulants.

• You may find that psychic experiences are amplified during this time.

• Avoid negative people, places, and things.

• Study metaphysical subjects.

• Trust that the universe will give you everything you need, and that anything you don’t have you don’t need.

• Engage in selfless service, like volunteering and charities, or helping those in need,

• and this is an excellent time to expand your consciousness,

• and to find out where your egoic attachments are, and how to release them.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I hope this is helpful to someone.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to put them in the comments section, and I try and keep up with that, although it can be a bit challenging sometimes.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Copyright © 2023 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

The Spiritual Seeker

I describe the characteristics of a Spiritual Seeker and the challenges they often face.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on April 12, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings All,

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 12th, 2023.

Many people who are fairly far along the Spiritual path experience quite a bit of confusion and challenges around integrating into collective consciousness or society. This is quite a common phenomenon and today I will address this.

I have published episodes on collective conscio usness and Spiritual glamour, amongst others, which may be helpful in understanding what I will be discussing here today. I always link to references in the episode description.

The fact is, from a Spiritual or higher dimensional perspective, the experience of three dimensional reality is staged. It is an astonishingly complex theatrical performance in which the “actors” or cast, as-it-were, do not remember volunteering to play their parts. Parts that were clearly defined and very consciously agreed to before incarnation.

People are unable to recall the fact they are playing roles, because the process of life would not be as real if they knew it was an act. It would not be as intense, and therefore not as instructive. Life here is effectively an illusion, but one with potent meaning and purpose.

After countless lifetimes we begin to seek out more substantive and meaningful experiences. We have been through much drama and contrasting circumstances. The allure of the glamour of the third dimension begins to lose its lustre. We have realized that it cannot satisfy our deep inner yearning. That there must be more to life.

Through many lifetimes we have probably explored various spiritual disciplines and paths and had insights into, or touched, higher dimensional consciousness. Part of us knows that there is more to being than what the material realms can offer. Our quest for deeper Truth and meaning has begun and it will never be fully satisfied until we find the Source of it all. We are a Seeker.

One can be a Spiritual Seeker for many, many lifetimes. Just because we have identified that material or superficial reality does n ot satiate our deep desire for higher Truth and meaning, it doesn’t mean we have fully and wholly discarded our attachments to it. By definition if you are seeking you are dissatisfied – there is something you are looking for that you believe you do not have or that you need. There is a glass half empty quality to this state of being, in other words.

Let’s be clear, however. I would rather be a Seeker than not. The vast majority of humanity is still playing with material reality as if it is real and substantial. They are unable to differentiate between illusion and their True Nature. They are convinced the illusion is real and are very attached to it. They have a lot of learning and work yet to do, in other words.

The Seeker walks between two worlds – dipping back and forth between one and another. There are still attachments and Karma yet to be released.

This is a challenging position to be in. We won’t ultimately find what we are looking for in the material realm yet we are not fully convinced. We will search for meaning and connections in the lower dimensions but will always be disappointed. We may be betrayed, repeatedly find that love is conditional, ceaselessly and uncover flaws in all manner of human temporal expression, or be let down when purity or perfection is impossible to materialize – despite all of our incessant efforts to do just that.

The system is actually designed this way intentionally. It’s set up so that we have only one way out, one escape hatch. Of course we can take as long as we want to realize this. It could take a great many lifetimes until we let go of our beliefs and attachments that bind us to the lower dimensions. We are, and have been, exercising our free will all along, whether we are consciously aware of this or not.

That freedom of agency will never be taken from us. It is, in fact, the highest possible honour that could ever be bestowed on any being. The freedom to define our reality. It is a profound privilege. It speaks to the trust and faith our Creator has in us. To set us free with no expectations, completely, absolutely unconditionally and with no deadline. Contemplate this.

Ignorance is bliss, as the saying goes, but the Seeker is not completely ignorant. Thus they assume partial, but not absolute, authority for their being. They will experience moments of bliss and higher consciousness one moment, then fall back into the denser realms the next. Yet there is no real refuge or comfort in the lower dimensions and this back-and-forth is exhausting.

Often the life of a Seeker will be rather lonely as there are very few people that can really relate to, or even understand, their perspective. Most people naively think that achieving material success and social acceptance will solve their problems. They will advise the Seeker to be pragmatic. Get a good job, get married, have a family and so on. The Seeker knows, though, that this will never totally satisfy them. They will always feel compelled to pursue their sincere inner ambition.

It is not uncommon for Seekers to experience animosity from others. Their very being, their identity, their nature, calls into question cherished, if illusory, ideals. People can be extremely vested in their beliefs and strongly identify with them. Threatening their often fragile beliefs can be very disturbing to those who desperately cling to them.

Seekers may even manifest times of great success or pleasure but it almost certainly won’t last. This is not because the Universe is fundamentally opposed to them. Rather, it is a consequence of such temporal ambitions not being in alignment with their true heart’s desire. We cannot maintain complex structures in the physical realm without absolute conviction. If our beliefs are not being expressed with total integrity what we create is effectively just a house of cards, yet another illusion. In their Heart the Seeker knows this as well.

So they will wander – seemingly aimlessly at times – and often to the dismay of their relatives or loved ones, who may even think they are mentally ill or defective. To them, after all, the solution seems so obvious and self evident. Just get a job!

Seekers are often unusually intelligent, insightful, curious and open minded. They have degrees of wisdom that often belies their age, upbringing or education. They do, after all, have many, many incarnations under their belt. They have lived in many cultures and conditions all over this world and others. They have been both powerful and wealthy as well as poor and enslaved. As a result they are compassionate. They carry much of this in them innately whether they are consciously aware of the root of it, or not.

Fundamentally the Seeker knows it’s all facade. They are, though, not entirely, not 100%, convinced. Yet.

As long as we believe the illusion is real, even if we just have an iota of doubt about whether or not it is, we are bound to it. We are bound to Karma.

We do not realize how powerful we and our beliefs are. We are, in fact, Creator beings, constantly creating our reality with every breath. It’s probably a good thing most lack the full awareness of their powers. In immature hands that power could easily be abused.

Thus Self Mastery is elusive and much more rare than most people think. The Seeker will eventually realize the goal. It’s just a question of when.

You won’t typically hear this described in this manner. The vast majority of people are still working on more fundamental lessons. That’s fine. We all started somewhere. That is as it should be. It is important, however, for the Seeker to know their place too, that they are different for good reasons.

Everything I have articulated in this episode was shown to me very vividly and in great detail when I was in my early 20’s. I often recall it. It has not lost any clarity even after all these years. Yet I record this as a humble Seeker myself, still wandering between worlds. I am a walking, talking, living and breathing testament to choosing to not know what I know. Life is full of paradoxes.

I share this because I see Seekers in dismay. They struggle to find their place in this world and are often misunderstood by their families and loved ones. They condemn themselves for what looks like failure but is not.

To them I say: Honour your path, honour your being. You have travelled far. It was not in vain. What you have earned can never be taken from you. It is priceless. You have covered much ground. Rest if you must, there is no shame in that.

Be true to yourself and your inner voice – you will never regret it. The most important thing you will ever do is also the easiest. And that is, to remember who you are.

Copyright © 2023 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

Resistance to Spiritual Growth

I discuss how and why people frequently experience many forms of resistance – if not interference – to doing their Spiritual work or Spiritual Practice. I also describe how to effectively manage and overcome such obstacles.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on April 27, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 27, 2023.

For the past while now, I’ve had the honor of speaking with many people from around the world. And I say honor because in just about every exchange, there is some information or knowledge, or perspective, that is conveyed to me, which turns out to be meaningful. It’s been a surprising aspect of my work.

There’s something else that has come up a lot in my conversations and work with other people. I have been working with some people on dealing with techniques to shift their energy in positive ways. I’ve been doing classes on energy management. I’ll put a link to that in the description.

And a recurring theme in that work is that many people experience what looks like interference or resistance to actually doing the work. It seems like at least half of the people that I discuss this with experience this phenomenon.

Now I’m able to recognize this just because I’ve seen it happen so many times. It kind of goes like this.

There will be both a push and a pull to actually doing the work.

Part of someone will recognize clearly that they should do it, and the thought of doing it feels good, and another part of them will be manifesting all of this obstructional kind of resistance.

For example, life circumstances will emerge that just get in the way, or that prevent them from doing the practices.

It’s almost like there’ll be an avalanche of activity trying to prevent them from doing the exercises that I will prescribe. And the person will often be aware of this and asking themselves, if not me, what is going on?

For example, they will say, “I want to do this. I know I should, but there’s part of me that just doesn’t want me to do it.”

I’ve seen this happen over and over again.

This can be coming from many sources. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions about where it originates from.

It could be an expression of our own dark side, because we all have one. And there’s a relationship between the strength of your dark side and how much shadow work you have done in the past. And let’s face it, a lot of people don’t like to do shadow work because it’s not typically easy.

It can also be other beings, whether they’re people incarnate or not, or otherwise, who do not want us to change because they are attached to the status quo.

It can even be people who are like “frenemies”, people that we think have our best interests at heart, but are actually jealous or resentful of us in some way.

For example, let’s take being A. They want to evolve. Being B may fear that if person A evolves, they won’t love them in the same way that they did before. There is a lot of fear around change. That’s just common sense.

So even though people may not communicate these kinds of things to us verbally, they may feel things energetically, they may feel a threat to the status quo energetically without even being aware of it.

Then what happens is they then proceed to help facilitate or create obstacles to person A evolving. And they can be very real. They can show up as events that occur, like little emergencies or things that need to happen at certain times and things like that. A lot of this can occur unconsciously, is what I’m saying.

There can also be non-material beings who are energetically attached to people who fear them changing or evolving for similar reasons.

What I’m getting at is that there can be a tremendous amount of resistance or inertia to people evolving, and this can play out sometimes for weeks or months or even years, if not many lifetimes.

The person who wants to evolve can also have subconscious resistance. There may be a part of their unconscious that also fears change. Because even sometimes when people have difficult lives or challenging experiences, the familiar may be more comfortable than the unfamiliar.

Now a lot of that can be seen in the astrology chart. There are certain signs and planetary energies that are more resistant to change.

Nonetheless, when the individual who wants to evolve makes that decision and dedicates themselves – in the form of discipline and being diligent about doing their spiritual practice – nothing can stand in their way because they are exercising their free will and agency. And that is a divine right.

This is why I am always emphasizing being disciplined. It’s not like in the army in boot camp kind of discipline. The discipline is necessary often to overcome all of this unconscious and non-material and material resistance and inertia.

So I can’t emphasize this enough.

If, for example, you are listening to this and you’ve been saying to yourself for a long time “I really should do my spiritual practice and I should really take it more seriously,” and then you always find excuses and reasons why you can’t.

“Oh, I’m tired,” or “Something happened today that threw me off emotionally,” or “My boyfriend just called and wants to go to dinner.” Well, you can put off your boyfriend for 30 minutes. You know, like, really.

It’s not that we have to stop our lives, but we do have to make a commitment to doing this work.

At some point, the person who wants to evolve simply has to decide that they’re going to do it no matter what. And then they put their foot down and they just become disciplined and diligent about doing their work or their spiritual practice regardless of what happens.

Another thing is that there is part of us that knows that when we engage in our spiritual work things will change. It starts on the energetic or psychic levels, and then it ripples out and manifests in the third dimension. And I think most people know that, if not intellectually, intuitively. So there are consequences to it.

However, I can virtually assure you that whatever changes take place will be for the better. Our higher selves and spirit or the universe do not want us to suffer unnecessarily. They want us to grow and evolve and for our lives to be meaningful.

There have even been many cases where I myself have suffered energetic blowback when working with other people on these kinds of practices. Not necessarily from them, but from energies that are attached to them in some way.

And I don’t always necessarily mean literally attached. I mean attached to the status quo, of them and their energy. Because I become a threat to their perceived interests. That is just a fact.

So I have to manage my energy very carefully when I’m doing this kind of work, because as it can really take a toll on me at times. However, when people do follow through and change, it is profoundly rewarding and uplifting for me to observe and for me to be able to participate in that kind of outcome.

Another point is that because this experience is so prevalent, it points to how effective these techniques are. If the discipline was not effective, there would be no resistance, because it wouldn’t be threatening to the status quo.

Most people comment that they really enjoy the work and that it feels great. There’s nothing negative about the work.

So to summarize, what I’m saying is that it is very common, if not more often than not, for people contemplating engaging in spiritual practice to have to overcome a lot of inertia and resistance to doing the work in the first place.

And that it is necessary, especially in the beginning, to be disciplined about it in order to overcome that initial inertia.

And that resistance will also manifest in the third dimension as frustrating delays, challenges, obstacles, and distractions.

And that we have to overcome the fear of change and evolution, and recognize that it is not a threat to us, nor will it cause us harm.

On the contrary, it is much more likely that staying the same is the least desirable option.

I cannot overstate this enough. Like I said, I’ve seen this over and over and over again.

So if you’re interested in learning these techniques, I have a series of classes. It’s very time consuming on my part to do this. But I get a lot of feedback from Spirit and from the people I’m working with that it’s good.

A lot of people need to break old ways of being and old habits. Sometimes ways of being that have existed for many lifetimes.

Because there’s a real opportunity right now – and I’m getting strong chills saying this – there’s a real opportunity right now for people to evolve tremendously at speeds they could not do in past incarnations.

Once you reset your energy you can go off and do whatever you want. This is not a religion.

So I thought I’d share that. I’ll put a link in the episode description to these classes.

But this is just more of a public service because I sense a lot of people have been going through this experience or debate in their heads, contemplating doing the work.

I published one episode titled “Energetic Hygiene” and I’ve also published some short little practices for people to do, but those are somewhat limited. I can’t really put all of the details that I actually use in my own practice on this channel or my website or whatever. There’s a lot of context that needs to be conveyed and there needs to be some discussion about what’s going on and why.

Also, it seems like people aren’t getting updates about my videos, so please check my channel directly, periodically, to see if I have uploaded any new episodes.

If you’re interested in an astrology reading, I’ll also put a link to that in the episode description.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.


Energetic Protection Classes

Energetic Hygiene – A “How To” with Practical Suggestions (YouTube)

Introduction to Ritual Practice – Practical Suggestions (YouTube)

Astrology Readings

Conversation #2 with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker

This episode was published on July 9, 2023. A transcript may follow.

Please view the first conversation with Dr. Scott Becker at the following link if you have not already:

⁠A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker⁠ (July 2, 2023)

In a wide-ranging discussion Dr. Becker and I discuss topics including his involvement with noted psychologist James Hillman, the psychology of current trends in society and politics, astrology and the astrology of the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. 

⁠Dr. Scott Becker, Psychologist ⁠(please also see Dr. Becker’s bibliography for this episode below).

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.


⁠Irish Granny Tarot YouTube Channel⁠.

⁠The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately⁠

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation?⁠

Facing Monsters: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change, Globalization, and Digital Technology 

Scott H. Becker, PhD 

Episode Bibliography

James Hillman and Michael Ventura, We’ve Had 100 Years of Psychotherapy – And the World’s Getting Worse 

James Hillman, The Dream and the Underworld 

James Hillman, “Peaks and Vales: The Soul/Spirit Distinction as Basis for the Differences between Psychotherapy and Spiritual Discipline” in Senex and Puer, Volume 3 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman 

Donald Kalsched, The Inner World of Trauma

Please see my ⁠sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

This episode was published on July 9, 2023.

#Psychology #Spirituality #JamesHillman

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.


A Conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Becker

This episode was published on July 2, 2023. A transcript may follow.

In a wide-ranging discussion Dr. Becker and I discuss topics including his involvement with noted psychologist James Hillman, the psychology of current trends in society and politics, the prospect of an apocalypse or societal collapse, and how to cope with the epic environmental crisis confronting humanity. 

⁠Dr. Scott Becker, Psychologist⁠ (please also see Dr. Becker’s bibliography for this episode below).

You can support my work and this channel by ⁠booking an astrology reading⁠.

⁠Join my YouTube channel⁠ to get access to perks. Please try using a computer if you have problems joining on your smartphone.


⁠Minister orders halt to Cambridgeshire council’s four-day week trial⁠

⁠Cory Doctorow: Platform capitalism and the curse of “enshittification”.⁠

⁠Does evil exist? (trigger warning) ⁠

⁠Trump Threatens to Appoint ‘Maybe Even Nine’ Supreme Court Justices if Elected⁠

⁠Merchants of Doubt – How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming ⁠

⁠Algospeak and Platphobia⁠

⁠The Dichotomy Paradox⁠

⁠Our Toxic Legacy⁠

⁠The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately⁠

⁠Polarization Is Intensifying⁠

Facing Monsters: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change, Globalization, and Digital Technology

Scott H. Becker, PhD


*mentioned in the podcast


Scott Becker, “The Matrix and the Minotaur,” in City and Soul, Conversations with James Hillman, published by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture

Nicholas G. Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

Nicholas G. Carr, The Glass Cage: How Our Computers are Changing Us

Richard King, Here Be Monsters: Is Technology Reducing Our Humanity?

Robert Romanyshyn, Technology as Symptom and Dream

Robert D. Romanyshyn, Victor Frankenstein, the Monster, and the Shadows of Technology: The Frankenstein Prophecies

*Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

Sherry Turkle, The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir

Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age

Ecology and Climate Change:

Amy Brady and Tajja Isen, Editors, The World as We Knew It: Dispatches From a Changing Climate

Jack Hunter, Ecology and Spirituality: A Brief Introduction

Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future

Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy

*Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World

Consciousness studies:

James Bridle, Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

Shelli Renee Joye, Sub-Quantum Consciousness: A Geometry of Consciousness Based Upon the Work of Karl Pribram, David Bohm, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Ralph Metzner, Ecology of Consciousness: The Alchemy of Personal, Collective, and Planetary Transformation

Archetypal Psychology:

*James Hillman, Re-Visioning Psychology

James Hillman, The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World

James Hillman, “…And Huge is Ugly,” in Mythic Figures, Volume 6 of the Unform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Scott Becker, “Aegis: In Defense of Archetypal Psychology,” in Inhuman Relations, Volume 7 of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman

*Michael Ortiz Hill, Dreaming the End of the Word: Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage

*Dick Russell, psychological commentary by Scott Becker, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 1, The Making of a Psychologist

Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Volume 2, Re-Visioning Psychology

Please ⁠see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice⁠.

#Psychology #Spirituality #JamesHillman

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.


A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan

Special guest Dr. Nadine Sullivan and I engage in a wide-ranging discussion about her practice and experiences as a licensed hypnotherapist. 

We discuss how past lives and past life traumas influence our current incarnation (such as experiencing seemingly irrational phobias) and how such conditions can be resolved, alleviated or healed using hypnotherapy and past-life regression.

Part one was published on July 25, 2023.

Part two was published on July 26, 2023.

Please see my “⁠Conversations⁠” playlist for more discussions. 

You can support my work and this channel by ⁠booking an astrology reading⁠.

You can contact Nadine or book a hypnotherapy session with her at the following link:

⁠Chestnut Hill Spiritual Counseling & Hypnotherapy⁠


Nadine Rosechild Sullivan. 2012. Turn Your Life Around!: Expand Your Use of ‘The Secret’ & Manifest Intentionally in Every Area of Your Life.‎ Lifting Consciousness Press (October 25, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0984822607. 

⁠Amazon link.⁠

On influencing the future: 

Lynne McTaggart. (2018). The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World.‎ Atria (reprint edition). ISBN-13: 978-1501115554. 

⁠Amazon link.⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

Our generation was told liberal economics would make us free. Look at us now. We were misled.⁠

On U.S. Empire: 

Juan Gonzalez. (2002). Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America (Second Revised and Updated Edition).‎ Penguin Books; Revised edition (June 14, 2022). ISBN-13:‎ 978-0143137436. 

⁠Amazon link⁠

⁠Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s⁠

⁠How decades of disinformation about fossil fuels halted U.S. climate policy⁠

⁠Big Oil’s trade group allies outspent clean energy groups by a whopping 27x, with billions in ads and lobbying to keep fossil fuels flowing⁠

⁠Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation⁠

⁠Exxon: The Road Not Taken⁠

⁠World’s 26 richest people own as much as poorest 50%, says Oxfam⁠

⁠New Florida standards teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills⁠

⁠Avian flu may have killed millions of birds globally as outbreak ravages South America⁠

⁠Georgia, the Peach State, is out of peaches. Here’s why, and how locals are coping⁠

⁠‘Biblical proportions’: 3 months’ worth of rainfall floods Nova Scotia, forcing evacuations as crews search for missing people⁠

#Hypnotherapy #PastLives #PastLifeRegression

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

Please add yourself to ⁠my contact list⁠.


Drama and Detachment During This Intensely Karmic Cycle

I discuss how I was shown we will benefit from practicing detachment in the near future – or very near future – due to lots of big drama which will be unfolding. 

I also discuss how this related to Pluto transiting around 29° Capricorn (the “Anaretic” degree) which I have talked about before, as well as the Timeline Split I have also covered.

See previous episodes linked under “References” (below).

This episode was recorded on August 16, 2023 and it was published on August 17, 2023 at 3:08pm EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is August 17, 2023.

This was recorded on August 16.

I will be showing some dates on the screen at various points. If that matters to you, you may want to view this on YouTube.

Something very interesting happened in my spiritual practice a few nights ago, and I felt like I should share it. What happened was that I was shown very clearly how to detach from my emotions or emotional responses to external stimuli. That may sound trivial or trite, but let me explain.

The concept of spiritual detachment is not unfamiliar to me. Anybody who studies or reads about spirituality will come across this idea, which is effectively remaining objective and detached from what is occurring in our lives. And I have experienced that many times in meditation and otherwise.

However, what occurred the other night in my spiritual practice was very unusual, because I felt like I was being shown this very deliberately and intentionally, and it was kind of mechanical.

As anyone who listens to me knows, I’ve stated that I do a lot of reading about current affairs because I’m fascinated with what is happening in the world, I want to know why it’s happening and I want to know what the implications are. So these trends are very important.

But increasingly I’ve been noticing that we’re seeing more and more expressions that are very extreme. Anyone who follows the news will understand what I’m talking about.

And it’s very easy to get into an emotional state when doing this because it can be very disturbing and upsetting. Polarization, as I have stated before, is actually increasing, and I did a whole episode on that. So the darkness in humanity is becoming more and more self-evident, and it can be quite shocking.

I can’t really describe this sort of technique I was shown, but I applied it in my spiritual practice and I found I was able to hold thoughts in my mind while remaining detached from them emotionally. So it wasn’t necessary for me to, for example, turn off my intellect to do that. And that’s the key.

We need to remain aware, but we also need to make sure that it does not take too much of a toll on us emotionally or otherwise.

The reason I’m sharing this is because this experience was very striking to me. Like I said before, these are not new concepts.

After my spiritual practice, I was contemplating why I had that experience, and the next thought I had was, it’s because we’re going to be going through a period where there is going to be a lot of drama. And that is self-evident as well.

So I sense that there’s going to be a lot of things happening that could be quite shocking, and that we need to be prepared for that, and that we need to know how to be aware without being disempowered. And that’s why I’m sharing it, because I suspect that a lot of my listeners are people like me.

And we’re going to need to practice some high-level detachment to get through whatever is going to be occurring in the coming weeks and months or even years.

So it’s a bit ominous because it implies that there may be a lot of rather shocking things that are going to be occurring in the near future.

It’s interesting, since I had that experience, I have been able to read and follow what’s going on and at the same time stay centered and balanced in the face of it.

I still have moments where I go like, “Holy crap, I can’t believe that happened.” This is disturbing. This is shocking. I can’t believe that people can be so dark. But then I can step away from it and detach.

I also think that what’s happening is that this contrast between the light and the dark is becoming increasingly stark, and I feel like there’s a separation occurring, that what this process is doing, and it may very well be related to Pluto’s retrograde back into Capricorn through January 20th of 2024, but that people are kind of choosing their path. People are being divided into two camps, and the current energies are forcing that to occur.

So we are seeing the best and the worst in people, and also situations, governments, leaders, politicians, and so forth. The contrast is so stark and dramatic now that there is no doubt about who is on which side.

How that actually resolves in three-dimensional reality I do not know. There are notions like the timeline split that I have talked about and did a whole episode about, but it’s still a bit of a mystery about how this split actually forms in reality.
What I see is that we are so polarized that we’re not actually going to come back together, because there is no middle ground.

There is right and there is wrong. And if you are allied with the darkness, or even tacitly endorsing it, you have made a decision.

But for now, I think what we need to do, like I said, is be prepared for a lot of drama and ideally have the ability to remain emotionally detached so that we don’t get harmed by that.

We can’t just turn our back on this because the forces of darkness will take advantage of that, but we also have to recognize that things are going to play out the way that they do and that people have picked their sides.

Right and wrong, ethical, unethical, moral, immoral, egocentric, egalitarian, truth versus lies, reality versus illusion, light and darkness.

A lot of people seem to think that people are unwittingly ignorant, that they are merely victims, but I believe now that the contrast is so dramatic that on some level people have consciously chosen their path, that they are culpable for their state of being and their actions. And I think I can make a pretty strong case for that.

This is a major fork in the road. It is an inflection point, so the chips will fall where they may. It’s done.

So that’s what I wanted to share. If anyone is feeling anything similar, please let me know.

I personally felt a huge shift in energy almost the moment that Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn. I was like, “Oh my god, I don’t want to go back into that energy! Here we go again!”

And like I said, Pluto will be back in Capricorn through January 20th. So we have another five more months while Pluto is dancing around the Anaretic 29th degree of Capricorn, which is a very potent degree, and there’s a lot of karma being sorted out there.

I felt much more liberated when Pluto was in Aquarius briefly early this year, and I look forward to that occurring more permanently early next year, but I think this next period of time is going to be particularly intense.

I also want to mention that earlier today I had a regression session with Dr. Nadine Sullivan, who I featured a conversation with on my channel recently, and it was really interesting.

It was not what I was expecting. She has some kind of super power.

We didn’t have a lot of time to debrief after the session because I had another appointment, so I’d like to do that before I comment on it further, but I would highly recommend that you check out her services.

I’ll put a link to her website in the episode description.

It was really amazing.

Someone tried to do this with me years ago and it was very difficult for me to get into a regressed state, but with Nadine it was almost so easy I was a bit shocked.

Definitely check it out. Very interesting.

So thank you very much for that Nadine.

Also just a heads up, Mercury will be retrograding in Virgo in just under a week, August 23rd through September 15th, padding on both ends to allow for stations. I’m sure most people who listen to me know the drill.

I look forward to your comments, feedback, input, and thank you very much for all your support as usual.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End Transcript.

To receive alerts about new episodes please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠.

⁠Dr. Nadine Sullivan – Chestnut Hill Spiritual Counseling & Hypnotherapy⁠


⁠Polarization is Intensifying⁠

⁠‘National disgrace’: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania⁠

⁠Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

⁠The Great 2020’s Timeline Split⁠

⁠IMPORTANT: The Die has been Cast⁠

⁠A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan • Part One⁠

⁠Part 2: A conversation with Dr. Nadine Sullivan⁠

#Pluto #Spirituality #AgeOfAquarius

Check my “⁠Community Tab⁠” where I comment and share links I find interesting.


Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

I discuss the current retrograde dates (many retrogrades are ending soon), the solar and lunar eclipse dates in October 2023 and the Mercury retrograde over the holiday season this year.

I then discuss the societal level lessons for humanity that Pluto – which is finishing its transit of Capricorn (for the most part) – has been teaching us.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.

This episode was recorded on September 30, 2023 and it was published on October 1, 2023 at 9:20am EDT.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠.

You can also support this channel with a monthly membership.

Please see my “⁠Environment⁠” playlist for other episodes on this topic.

Follow me on Threads where I share articles I feel are important. 

To receive alerts about new episodes please ⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠ here.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is October 1, 2023.

The first 10 minutes or so of this episode are dedicated to near-term astrology, for the most part. After that I get more into the meaning or purpose of the transit of Pluto through Capricorn, which we are at the final stages of as I record this.

If you’re listening to this at a much later date, you may want to skip ahead to about the 10 minute 30 second mark.

I haven’t posted anything since September 6th. This last period of time has been very weird. And for a long time I thought it was just me. But then I did a few transit readings, or updates for people, recently. And in speaking to them, they shared that their experiences have been very similar lately. I’ve been kind of laying low waiting for things to shift.

We’ve had an awful lot of planets retrograde, including Saturn, transiting Pisces, and of course Pluto, which has been retrograde since May 1st, and is now back in Capricorn until January 20th of next year.

As I have commented on before, this period with Pluto around 29 degrees of Capricorn is a very karmic cycle. I did a whole episode on that which I would encourage you to check out.

If we look at what’s been happening in the world lately, for me it shows up so clearly.

Saturn retrograding in Pisces is also a karmic signature. A lot of people are dealing with the consequences of actions that have been occurring in recent history.

There’s a daily barrage of news and developments that are often really striking, and that I think will be a major theme, especially right up through January 20th.

So that explains why some of us really don’t want to stick our heads above the trenches. The sense is that we just have to get through this period as best we can, and in many ways, the skies will start to clear come January.

If you’re interested in specific details, I’ll be putting some dates on the screen.

We have a solar new moon eclipse at 21 degrees of Libra on October 14th and a lunar full moon eclipse at 5 degrees of Taurus on October 28th.

Eclipse energies show up, say, 3 months prior to the event and play out up to 6 months after.

If you have significant planets or points at 21 degrees of Libra or 5 degrees of Taurus, give or take a few degrees or in strong aspect to those degrees, these may be especially important for you.

Now many of those major retrogrades are going to be ending over the next few months.

Pluto goes direct on October 10th in Capricorn. It will enter Aquarius on January 20th.

Saturn turns direct on November 4th.

Neptune goes direct on December 6th.

Jupiter goes direct on December 30th.

Uranus won’t go direct until January 27th of next year.

Mercury will go retrograde again on December 13th and turns direct on January 1st. That’s a bit unfortunate because Mercury will be retrograde throughout the holiday season in many parts of the world.

Not only that, but Mercury will square Neptune in Pisces and conjunct Mars in Sagittarius on December 27th while retrograde, if not almost station retrograde, in other words, it’s going to sit there.

Avoid getting into heated arguments or debates, especially with religiously oriented people. One strategy could just be avoidance, but you’ll probably take heat for that anyway.

Make sure you have receipts. Things could get very confused and heated at the same time.

It’s quite something, especially because of the time of year, with traveling and family and all that stuff.

I don’t really mean to get into exhaustive detail here, but that’s one thing that really jumped out at me. It looks messy.

It’s funny, Apple just released its new iPhone, the iPhone 15, during Mercury retrograde. And they’re having quite a few technical problems with the phone. When it was announced, I thought, “Oh, this isn’t good.” Bad timing.

So if you want to avoid issues with holiday gift giving, for example, you might want to do your shopping before, say, November 25th. A bit of a stretch for a lot of people I know, but especially when it comes to tech items and gifts and travel, Mercury retrograde can introduce some issues. This retrograde will be occurring in the early degrees of Capricorn and late degrees of Sagittarius.

Something else that’s come up lately has been in doing transit readings for people which is really helpful because I can help people become aware of how upcoming transits that they may not be aware of may affect them.

A lot of people are trying to make decisions and planning things now and it’s very helpful to know what kind of influences are going to be at play in the coming year or even further out.

And so when you do a transit reading for somebody it’s quite a bit different than a natal reading. The natal reading focuses more on your basic persona and wiring, you know, who you are, what you came here to do, what your basic strengths and weaknesses are. And a transit reading focuses more on what influences are at play in your world or life now or in the near future.

And it can be extremely helpful to have those insights. There have been occasions where people are considering making major changes or initiating new projects and things like that. And I can help offer a lot of insights into the timing of that. So that can be very valuable.

I’ve also been working with people who do spiritual practice and we’ve been combining their astrology with their spiritual practice because I have over many, many years of practice developed a lot of techniques that can help us clear certain types of blockages or focus in on how we can release things like karma and karmic relationships, karmic contracts, and overcome obstacles that are demonstrated in the natal chart.

I can basically tailor techniques that will work in collaboration with the astrology to help people really move forward, and there have been some examples that are highly effective, and that’s something I find very rewarding.

I often get guidance too for how to help people, what things to focus on. There was a really strong example of that just this week, actually. That requires some discipline and effort for people to take advantage of, but it can be extremely powerful. To bring to people’s awareness where some of their blockages or where shadow work needs to be done.

And that’s something I would like to focus on more, because it’s simply so beneficial and transformative.

The astrology is fantastic for giving us kind of a roadmap, and I’m getting really strong chills saying this, but the spiritual work itself is like the actual trip. The astrology gives us clues about where to go and then we need to do the work to get there. It’s absolutely fantastic. I can’t promote that highly enough.

And these techniques actually work. There’s someone I was working with this week who had almost instant results, the first stages of them at least, from just doing a practice once. It’s phenomenal.

And right now we’re in this very intense, karmic clearing cycle, so doing the shadow work is extremely potent and powerful right now. It has to happen so that we can move forward when the energies start shifting.

We’re sort of like in a new moon phase. Yes, the new moon is a great time to be setting intentions. But what you’re actually doing is planting seeds. It takes the seeds a while to germinate and to grow and develop into tangible results. It’s a process. We plant in the spring, but we don’t see the harvest until the summer usually.

So my sense is that we are going to be moving into a much more potent energy around going forward, really beginning early next year.

Again, see my videos on Pluto and Aquarius, because a lot of the stuff I have said in that episode, which I published over a year and a half ago, are being validated in reality.

And that leads me to the main point I really wanted to make today.

And that is this, that all of this craziness, all of the insanity, the breakdown of all of the social structures, political structures, economic systems, our relationship with nature, all of those things are really indicative of the systemic and endemic failures in our paradigm.

I have made this point countless times in past episodes, but it’s really evident right now, that even if we consider the really radical movements in the world that are frightening a lot of us, and justifiably so, and even if we consider the breakdown of the environment, which I have also talked a lot about here before, which is very scary actually right now, these are all telling us that our paradigm is flawed and that it needs systemic changes.

By systemic, I mean, from the ground up. We’re not talking about changes that are just like band-aid solutions. We need really deep and profound changes from the top to the bottom.

So all of the rage and resentment that we witness particularly on the political right, a lot of the irrational and destructive and nihilistic kind of behavior is symptomatic of how these people have been let down by our political and social and economic systems.

I’m not justifying their anger or rage, but I have stated this here before, that our economic system is severely flawed, and we’re not going to correct that until we fix the social and economic injustice that is inherent in our social and political systems. Period.

And when we look at it from that perspective, even people on the left are guilty for the current circumstances.

Those of us who are in positions of comfort, wealth, better education, better living situations, better childhood experiences, those of us who are more aware politically and socially, we have a duty to protect the most vulnerable people in our society, strong chills here. I have said that before as well.

But those of us who are privileged, and that even includes on the global stage, those of us who are privileged, there is more of an onus on us to be responsible for not only ourselves, but for our brothers and sisters and for the planet and its biosphere.

And so because there’s more of an onus on us, we have to step up and defend the rights of all people, regardless of their education level, their social status, their economic status, or whatever.

And until we do that, we are going to continue to see the breakdown of social and political structures.

Yes, there are some people who try and capitalize on these kinds of social inequalities or economic inequalities, or who try and amplify division for their own gain. They are a crass opportunists. That’s to be expected, but we need fundamental changes.

Using the United States, for example, the manufacturing and industrial heartland was basically hollowed out by corporate interests wanted to offshore manufacturing to foreign jurisdictions where labor was dramatically less expensive and workers didn’t have protection or rights. And that was just opportunism.

But the consequences were you ended up with millions of people who were disenfranchised and who felt like they had been let down abandoned or thrown to the wolves by the political, elite, and in many ways they were.

So it’s not surprising that these people are upset. And this applies in countries around the world. This doesn’t just apply to the United States.

As I have said before, when I was a child, my father worked nine to five Monday to Friday, didn’t work evenings, didn’t work weekends, there were four children and a stay-at-home mother and we lived very well on one income. That isn’t even remotely conceivable anymore, unless you’re rich.

People need to feel that their children’s lives have a chance of being better than theirs, and that is not true for millions and millions of people. Young people today can’t even afford to start families. They’re putting it off. Not only that, they are very concerned about the future environmentally and what prospects the future holds for their potential children.

This is a complete failure on the part of older generations. We have let these people down, and we need to own that and take responsibility for it and do something really traumatic about it. This is the most important thing really socially.

We have been sitting here in awe watching all the craziness and all the insanity since the former guy got elected and going like how can people be so irrational. Well, it’s because they’re angry. They’ve been let down. They’ve been abandoned. That is why. It is really, really simple.

The vast wealth disparity, the plutocrats, the oligarchs, the billionaires, our economic system is fundamentally broken. And the consequence is going to be authoritarianism, if not fascism, if we don’t address this.

And that includes the cost of living, the cost of housing, people are getting increasingly stressed, an unprecedented amount of people are living on the streets, and relying on food banks, this is a travesty.

It’s not just the people in those circumstances now, it’s the people who are afraid that they They may be one paycheck away from being in those circumstances. Millions and millions of people. And if we want to avoid the worst case outcomes, we have to address that period.

I came across something back in early September. Actually, it was September 9th.

Typically I start my day by checking the news media for all the major stories, and there’s a whole slew of publications I read or scan every day. And this day, for some reason, I checked USA Today. It’s not a publication I check all that often. However, just by chance, I check USA Today.

And here’s an article which I’ll link in the description and show on the screen. This completely blew my mind. It’s one of the most shocking things I’ve read in a very long time. And I was also really surprised that I didn’t already know this.

It is this that 130 million Americans read below a sixth grade level. That represents more than half the US adult population, according to the Department of Education. I believe I had to read this three times to make sure I was reading it accurately because it was so shocking.

In fact, and I’m not making this up, I was basically ready to publish this episode and I thought I better check to make sure that that USA Today article is actually accurate. I did, and I found that the statistics were fact-checked by Snopes affirmatively. They verify the statistics.

Now I’m a Canadian and I couldn’t find a direct comparison, but I did find a statistic that 93% of Canadians have completed high school. So obviously, they have a much higher literacy rate than this percentage of Americans who only have a grade 6 reading level.

So I read this and I’m like, “Well, it’s no wonder so many Americans fall for disinformation, conspiracy theories are completely out of touch with reality in a lot of ways because As they lack the knowledge, the critical thinking skills, or ability to do research, etc. That explains something I’ve been trying to understand for years.

How can a country as powerful and rich as the United States have half its population with this level of education? It’s almost incomprehensible.

Half the population is functionally illiterate. It doesn’t mean they’re stupid. It just means they’re uneducated.

You can’t have a functioning democracy with millions of people who are basically illiterate.

The first thing that America should be doing is educating its populace. Not only would that help preserve, for example, democracy, it would benefit the country economically in ways that would be incalculable.

It is just baffling how this situation can even exist. But this illustrates my point about how we have not taken care of and let down people who are the basis of our society, of our economies. It affects our healthcare system. It affects everything.

This is a systemic failure of epic proportions. It’s completely baffling to me. But that makes my point.

Countless hours have gone into trying to understand why America has been experiencing what it’s been experiencing since and before the former guy was elected. And the answer is right there. It’s that simple.

My main point was simply that what we have been experiencing, all the tumult, all the craziness that trends towards extremism and autocracy and fascism can all be explained by how we have failed our people.

And it’s true with the environment as well. It’s the same situation, basically.

So we need to get real. And that means making changes and changing our priorities.

We are to be our brothers keeper. Those of us who are privileged, whether it’s intellectually, financially, economically, by virtue of where you grew up, your power, your influence, your authority, whatever it is.

We need to get real and stop being narcissistic. And I’m not saying that the people who are listening to this are like that. You probably aren’t. That’s probably why you’re listening to me because you’re not like that.

But this is the message we need to get to our leaders, those in positions of power and authority that we need to make radical reforms that benefit everyone in our society and everyone on the planet.

And we need to start with the most vulnerable people. That would be the people on the streets, the people who are homeless, the people with mental health issues, the people that need health care.

We triage. We start with the most vulnerable, the most at risk, and we work our way up.

That is my major insight from this period of time that has been so crazy. The world will continue to get more and more crazy until we fix this.

This fits in perfectly with the themes of Pluto transiting Capricorn, which I have talked about a lot. Pluto is showing us how the structures of our societies, our institutions, banking, finance, political systems are failing people. It’s so clear.

But to distill it down to its essence, it is what I have just been talking about. It’s about how we abuse the most vulnerable members of our society and the price now that we’re paying for that gross negligence. The relationship is very, very clear.

Our security, our stability, democracy itself is in peril because these systems are fundamentally flawed and corrupt and they need to be transformed… Pluto.

See my episode on Pluto transiting Aquarius or Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn.

Also, I will add that I personally feel that if people aren’t complaining about this, they are tacitly endorsing it.

This clarity that I have, these insights, are a result of all of the recent retrogrades we’ve been experiencing. So we see the benefit of this perspective from something that many people fear. Retrogrades in their natal chart, retrogrades by transit.

This is how we gain wisdom and insights. And I’m grateful for that.

I have a tremendous amount of clarity on things that had puzzled me for a very long time and I hope that’s That’s true in your case as well.

So that’s what I wanted to share.

I still have a 20% discount on readings going on for a while longer, I’m extending that a little bit. I had some technical problems with my website which wasn’t working for a few days so people couldn’t get through to me.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content and if you’re interested in a reading with me I’ll put a link to that as well.

Any sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care all the best and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript.

Other episodes of mine referenced herein:

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Prepare for Major Systemic Changes

Our Paradigm is Literally Untenable and Hardly Anyone will Admit it

Other articles and resources referenced (in order of appearance):

1 in 5 Americans have low-literacy skills: These charts explain reading levels in the US

Do More Than Half of Americans Read Below 6th-Grade Level?

Education in Canada

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

#Astrology #Pluto #Capricorn

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Theocracy or Bust – The clash between Piscean and Aquarian Age values

I discuss the epic cultural clash between Piscean Age and Aquarian Age values and how it is manifesting in the current militant movements that aim to forcibly impose theocracy on societies, particularly the USA. I also demonstrate how such movements are fundamentally illiberal and undemocratic as well as untenable.

This episode was published on December 22, 2023 at 3:21pm EDT.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.  

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all! Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is December 22nd, 2023. This was recorded on December 21st.

As I frequently do, I will be displaying some graphics on the screen. If the visuals matter to you, and you’re listening to this by podcast, you may prefer to watch this on YouTube.

Today is the solstice. [Correction: It is the Equinox, of course! I know this. I credit this to the current Mercury retrograde!]

The day and night will be of equal length. The light will gradually start getting longer, and the reverse in the southern hemisphere.

So this is great. Although we’re entering winter, having that extra light for longer periods of time really makes a difference. So happy solstice everyone!

It kind of feels like this is a big one for some reason. I think it’s probably because Pluto will soon re-enter Aquarius. See my last episode and others about that. I’m really looking forward to that.

But today, I want to touch on something that has been on my mind for about a week. I actually recorded a little bit about it in a longer segment, and then I decided, no, I’ll do a separate little segment on this. So I’m re-recording it here now.

And it’s something that really struck me, because it’s not something I’ve seen necessarily discussed. It’s implied frequently, but not considered directly, and I think it’s a really important question that people might just want to think about.

And it goes like this.

Especially in the United States, there are millions of Americans right now, Christian nationalists, etc., who have been in the news quite a bit, especially because of people like the new speaker, Mike Johnson, and the whole agenda of the Trump campaign.

And I’ve posted a few articles on this topic on my community tab, which I don’t know how many people actually see. Some people interact, but who knows. So I’ll include some of those links in the episode description as well.

But generally, there is a significant movement that openly wants the United States to become a theocracy. And not only that, they have aligned themselves with many of the groups, organizations, and figures on the political right, generally those who are more extreme. And that alone has startling implications, which a lot of people have been talking about.

The whole notion, which Trump himself put forward, about being a dictator.

And the recent references to a very potent political figure from the 1930s that originated in Germany, which led to the Second World War, whose name I don’t want to mention here because it will probably trigger the algorithms. Algorithms which are incapable of differentiating between the use of a term in a constructive context versus a harmful one. But that’s a whole separate beef of mine. Really, honestly, the algorithms and their application leave a lot to be desired.

Now this term, or the name of that individual I’m referencing in the 1930s, is being used in a lot of headlines even in places like the New York Times. So are the algorithms blocking posts from prominent, well-respected sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, CNN? Who knows? Probably.

But anyway, this whole concept of a theocracy and America becoming a theocracy, which is a distinct possibility if the former president gets re-elected.

I was contemplating that because, like I said, there’s been a lot of articles about it lately. Thoughtful articles and good articles.

And like I’ve said before, I think a lot of this relates to this transit of Pluto through Capricorn, Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. I’ve done a couple episodes linking the astrology of the 1930s to the astrology of today and the 2010s. So it’s something I’ve talked a lot about myself.

But there’s a fundamental question or assumption made about this whole notion of the United States becoming a theocracy.

So like I said, the agenda is out there. Everybody knows that that’s what they want to do. That the evangelical community believes and wants America to be a distinctly Christian state and to embrace their particular worldview in many respects and regards.

I would go so far as to say that they would probably, ideally, want to get rid of anyone in the public service or any politicians who are not overtly aligned with them. In other words, they’re not overtly Christian.

Which, you know, which kind of brings us back to the dark ages and religious wars and ironically, what the Taliban wanted or ISIL. We’re talking about basically, this would be like the Christian Taliban.

They’re already book banning and trying to stamp out any kind of cultural related rhetoric that conflicts with their paradigm or worldview or beliefs or which threatens systemic white privilege.

And let’s be clear, these are beliefs. These are just a bunch of arbitrary beliefs based on a book that was published 2000 years ago and then edited and re-edited so that it reflected or advanced the power of the church versus other churches and other religions. And, you know, millions of people have died fighting religious wars for centuries.

And at the same time, you know, for those of us who are being objective, there is a phenomenal amount of hypocrisy involved in this as well because they will say that, you know, the state should agree with our values, but at the same time, reject the values of other groups or religions that they disagree with. So they want rules that benefit them and discriminate against others and to reject values that conflict with theirs.

In other words, it’s not democratic, right? This is a really big question or point because the whole premise of the United States is that it is the world’s leading democracy.

Not only that, but it has promulgated that narrative to the whole world for decades, if not generations.

During the Cold War, the United States was promoting the fact that we’re a democracy, we’re better than the communists, etc., etc., etc.

There was almost a world war over this, you know, think the Bay of Pigs. And trillions of dollars have been spent to defend that narrative in military spending, and foreign policy, and foreign aid, and investments, and so forth.

So this whole question of “are we a democracy or are we an illiberal state” like some form of autocracy, or dictatorship, or fascism.

And let’s face it, there’s lots of cases in the past where religious organizations have aligned themselves with fascist movements. Poland recently just flipped where they had a very Christo-fascist kind of state, and now they just recently elected Donald Tusk, who is much more liberal and democratically oriented. But I digress.

The question is, and I would like you to reflect on this, is the notion of America being a theocracy even possible?

Think about that.

Is it conceivable that America could become a theocracy?

My immediate response is “Hell no, it will never happen.” Here’s why.

If a group of radical militant Christian nationalists tried to take over the United States and impose their theocratic worldview and political order on the rest of America, it would probably lead to civil war.

If there’s even a fraction of people who feel the way that I do, there is absolutely no way, period, that people will allow religious values to be strictly and forcibly imposed upon them by the state for all of the reasons I’ve just articulated, which is that it is illiberal and non-democratic. And there would probably be clashes over this.

In other words, as far as I’m concerned, it is simply not possible.

Religiosity has been declining in the United States for many years, and the hypocrisy of religious groups and organizations who have aligned themselves with some of the worst possible people and criminals politically in American history – the former president literally tried to foment an insurrection – is a serial liar, to put it politely, faces in the vicinity of a hundred criminal charges, the only president in American history to be criminally indicted, plus all of the issues around reproductive rights, and people like Bridget Ziegler, one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty, who was recently exposed for having tried to engage in a three-way sexual encounter which involved lesbian sex.

You know, it’s like we need a new word for hypocrisy because we’ve used it too much, and we need another term that’s more powerful because these kinds of situations, you know, someone who has been rabidly and militantly attacking the education system for anything that veers slightly from strict orthodoxy in these respects, I mean, it’s just jaw-dropping. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Really, I just wanted people to think about that because as I thought about this a number of days ago, I was just like, “Yeah, these people are completely delusional, clinically delusional, if they think that they can impose a theocratic system of government on the United States of America and actually get away with it.

I mean, don’t you think, I mean, isn’t that what you think? Like, it’s just completely bizarre and crazy?

While religiosity is declining precipitously and people are leaving these fundamentalist religious organizations in droves, and even the Pope now is pushing the Catholic Church, which moves extremely slowly, but he’s gradually pushing the Church in more and more progressive directions, we’re dealing with millions of people who are completely detached from reality.

But like I said, if they try, let’s say they get down the road to a certain degree, let’s say Trump gets re-elected, are Americans just going to sit there and take it? I can’t see that happening. There’s no way.

Like, I know in my country, if that was to happen, there would be an uprising. In Canada, you can’t even talk about this stuff if you’re a politician, because you will just get run out of office. So they have to take a much more low-key approach, you know, the social conservatives.

So I thought I’d just put that out there, because that is literally their agenda. There’s a huge swath of the evangelical community and Republican politicians who are aligned with this vision, and hardly anyone has asked about this fundamental premise of like, is what they want even literally possible or conceivable? So, I mean, it’s a really huge question.

The other thing is that this really underscores this transition from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius, because the age of Pisces was characterized by this kind of stuff.

There were the religious wars, the religious organizations, the subservience to dogma and doctrine, and patriarchal authority, might is right, that whole thing.

And the Aquarian age is very, very different.

So the fact that this is coming to a head, it’s happening in Poland and Hungary and Italy, and you know, this stuff is happening everywhere.

But the United States, of course, given its stature in many regards, is where we’re all focused. And it’s very overt now.

So the point I’m trying to make is that this is like the last dying gasps of the age of Pisces.

And there are people who are reactionary, who don’t want this shift to occur or are not comfortable with it, because it threatens their privileged status, their hegemony, their fragile egos, their need to feel superior to someone else, which is fundamentally anti-Christian and hypocritical.

Again, the combination of religion and power inevitably becomes toxic and abusive. The whole paradigm is based on lies. Lies that increasing numbers of people are no longer afraid of questioning, because we’re shifting into a whole new age.

And interestingly, of course, the beginning of the Piscean age was really the appearance of Christ. And I’m not criticizing Christ, it’s just that his message has been so bastardized over the years and altered to bolster the interests of large and powerful, centralized organizations that were often very cult-like.

And here we are, having this huge battle for the fate of the world’s major superpower and most influential country on the planet between these Piscean age ideals and the Aquarian age ideals.

Thankfully, I am aligned with the Aquarian side of the equation. That’s the future, regardless of what these other people think. And you are too, or you most likely wouldn’t be listening to me.

So I find that very fascinating.

And as I have long articulated, and even in my most recent episode, I view this shift of Pluto into Aquarius as one of the major trigger points for this shift from the Piscean age into the Aquarian age.

And there’s still people out there who say that, “Oh, the Aquarian age isn’t going to happen for 500 years.” And I’m like, “How can you be so dense?” Just look at the evidence, look around you.

We went from horse and buggy 100 years ago to now I can carry around a device and speak with anyone on the planet at any time of the day. And just technologically, the advancements in so many respects are just mind-blowing.

The rate of evolution that’s occurred in the past couple generations is completely unprecedented. We hardly changed for 2000 years. People were still growing food and living to be 40 years old and being serfs and all that stuff.

Just look at how much change has occurred and is occurring right now. It’s accelerating. The technological advancements are accelerating exponentially. Now we’re into AI.

This stuff was inconceivable, even in my youth. So come on, take off your blinders.

I made that argument here on my channel months ago. I did a whole episode on this. But I think if we just look at the objective evidence, it’s happening.

We’re in the midst of this transition. I’m not saying we’re through, but there’s zero question that we are moving very quickly into the age of Aquarius.

And this whole debate about theocracy versus democracy, which is really the root of a lot of this backlash that’s going on with right-wing extremism and everything, they believe that white Christians are somehow superior and should be in positions of leadership and authority over everybody else, which is just so ridiculous. It’s absurd.

I mean, you have a whole country like China with 1.4 billion people, which is the second biggest global economic force on the planet now. And India is not far behind.

I mean, how can you sit there and say that we are, by virtue of our skin color, superior? It’s just so dumb.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that.

I just wanted to put that out there because I think it’s provocative. And really, that’s what we should be questioning.

Are we going to have…

Maybe the Democrats should be running on… No, they’re probably too chicken shit to do that. They probably don’t have the balls to come out and go head to head against religious groups.

And I’m not crapping on… There’s a lot of good religious people out there, but there’s some, and many of them, who are literally a threat to democracy and sanity.

Because at the same time as all this other stuff is happening, we have a global environmental crisis that could literally bring down civilization. And these people, because they believe in all this dominionism nonsense, completely negate that. They’re delusional, as I’ve described. So, it would be catastrophic if they have their wish. And like I said, I don’t even think it’s conceivable or possible without something like civil war or mass civil unrest and conflict.

My whole point with all of this is just to point out how ridiculous, absurd, and futile the whole proposition is. Because like I said, it seems to me that nobody ever questions this fundamental assumption that underlies this whole movement.

What do you think?

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently, a natal or transit reading makes a great gift, by the way. It’s something people won’t forget.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End transcript

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – Will brute force stop progress?

The Aquarian Age has Already Begun (Sept 16, 2021)

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation? Part 1

⁠Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning⁠

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Other episodes featuring Pluto.

Articles or podcasts referenced herein:

Please note: I am not linking some articles – even though published by credible sources – for reasons described in this episode. Please google them if desired.

This conservative ‘mandate’ is a terrifying preview of Christianized government

Republican voters know Trump isn’t joking with his “dictator” remarks — it’s why they love him

The Background Briefing episode I mentioned (audio date Dec 19, 2023)

How Republicans convinced themselves America was meant to be a “Christian nation”

‘I Am Your Retribution.’ Trump Knows What He Wants to Do With a Second Term.

Fascism and Catholicism

There’s plenty of hypocrisy with Moms for Liberty, other pious GOP frauds

In U.S., roughly three-in-ten adults now religiously unaffiliated

Pope Francis says priests can bless same-sex couples, under certain conditions

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#Pluto #Capricorn #Aquarius

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