Tag: Libra

USA Progressed New Moon – March 25, 2024

I discuss the imminent USA Secondary Progressed New Moon which will occur on March 25, 2024. This is a significant astrological event that occurs about every 29 years.

The sign, house and degree of Secondary Progressed lunation events can inform us a lot about what this coming cycle may hold for America.

In this case there is a Lunar Eclipse occurring on the same day followed by a major Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 that makes striking aspects to the USA natal chart, as well as the nations’ ongoing Chiron Return.

This episode was published on YouTube on March 16, 2024 at 10:46pm ADT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving.

It is March 16th, 2024.

There are two versions of this episode. One is short, it’s an executive summary. This is the long version where I go into a lot more detail.

If you don’t have a lot of time or aren’t interested in a lot of detail, you may prefer the shorter version. It has the word “Summary” in the title. And of course, I’ll link that in the episode description.

Today, I want to talk about something that I think is very interesting. I actually noticed this a couple months ago, believe it or not. But I had to make a whole episode explaining some of the basics of Progressions because I felt like some of my listeners may not have a full understanding of how they work.

And it takes quite a bit of effort to produce an episode like this because there’s a lot of graphics and a tremendous amount of calculations that I have to double and triple check. And even then, I’m not entirely sure that I don’t make a typographical error or something, but I try not to.

So in between my other episodes, I’ve been working on this. And I want to present that here to you today.

I strongly encourage you to watch that episode, by the way. It was published on March 7th of 2024 and it is titled “Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions.” That’s a good primer on how some of these secondary progressed lunation events unfold and occur.

As usual, I will be putting links in the episode description to related episodes. So you can find a link to it there.

Also, again, there will be quite a few important graphics in this episode. So if you happen to be listening to this by podcast, you probably want to watch this on YouTube instead. It’s hard to conceptualize this without visual aids.

The USA Secondary Progressed New Moon occurs on March 25, 2024 at 19° 26′ Pisces.

So what I noticed quite some time ago was that on March 25th of 2024, that’s about two weeks from now, the United States of America has a Secondary Progressed New Moon occurring in the fourth house at 19 degrees and 26 minutes of Pisces. This is a very important event, as I described in my primer on this topic.

Most New Moons mark the beginnings of new 28-29 year cycles and they occur in different signs and different houses through the zodiac. As far as I’m aware, I haven’t seen anybody talk about this, and I think it’s quite notable given the political and social environment in the United States right now. It’s something we should pay attention to.

As I mentioned in my previous episode, I may just refer to Secondary Progressions as “Progressions” for the sake of brevity.

Now I am using what is known as the Sibly chart for the United States of America based on a birth date of July 4th, 1776 at 5:10 pm LMT in Philadelphia. There are a few charts that people use for the United States, but this is the most commonly used one and it is used by many top astrologers.

We can make and study astrology charts for organizations, institutions, corporations, or any entity that we can define an inception date for.

A couple years ago, I did a whole episode on the USA Pluto return, and as far as I’m concerned, if we look at what’s been happening in the United States in recent years politically and socially, it’s pretty much irrefutable that that relates to the USA Pluto return, which is a very rare transit, and that to me makes a very compelling case for the accuracy or near-accuracy of the Sibly chart. If we’re objective about it, it’s very hard to dispute. The recent political tumult is completely unprecedented historically. There is no analog for it, not unless you go back to the Civil War itself.

Also, on the morning of 9/11, transiting Pluto was exact within 17 minutes – that’s minutes, not degrees – of the US natal Ascendant in the Sibly chart at 12° 21’ of Sagittarius. That is dramatically precise.

I don’t have time to cover how this might play out or not using the various birth times that are available. Not only would that be very time-consuming, it would be very confusing. So I’m setting that issue aside. Again, many of the leading astrologers use this chart. And the timing of the USA Pluto return validates it.

I also looked up the Sabian symbol for 19-20 degrees of Pisces, where this progressed New Moon is occurring, which reads “A Table Set for an Evening Meal.”

That’s very interesting because it plays into this theme of the fourth house and the people. It’s like a gathering, the family coming together. It’s a period of harmony. It’s a period of people setting aside their worries and cares and coming together to enjoy the fruit of their efforts. It’s the preparation and anticipation for a coming together that will occur very soon, where people set aside their differences. So it sets a very evocative image for this degree that I think is quite relevant.

In my previous episode, I discussed the Balsamic phase of this cycle and how that plays out, and I’m not going to explain all that here again.

The USA Secondary Progressed Balsamic Moon phase commenced on November 28, 2020.

In this case, I calculated that the Balsamic phase of this progressed lunation cycle began November 28th of 2020, and of course it will end at the New Moon on March 25th of this year. So it has spent 3 years, 3 months, and 26 days in the Balsamic phase.

I find this particularly interesting given all of the challenges that have come up in recent years in America, politically and socially. Because the Balsamic phase is really a phase of endings, where there’s kind of a turning inwards. The energy is cycling down in preparation for the New Moon, which will occur in a couple of weeks, and then the energy starts to cycle up. So we’re going from a period of retrenchment into the beginning of a period of growth.

It’s also interesting that this is occurring in the fourth house, because the fourth house in mundane astrology, or the astrology of nations or worldly affairs, which is a little different than it is for personal astrology charts, the fourth house represents the people and the mood of the people.

The USA Sibly Natal chart highlighting a prominent square between Mars and Neptune.

In the US Sibly chart, there’s a very prominent square between Mars and Neptune. Neptune rules the fourth house. This aspect can lead to acts of aggression, violence, or even war that is not based in reality, or that is based in delusion, or that is somehow misguided. That needs to be kept in mind when considering the US fourth house.

So there’s a lot of people on both the right and the left politically who are dissatisfied with the status quo. They’re unhappy with the way things are, the old ways are not working. Pretty much everybody is unhappy about something, and in some cases it’s quite extreme.

Even with the election that’s coming up, people are unhappy with all of the candidates or prospects for the presidency. Of course, there are some people who support the current candidates, but pretty much everyone agrees, they’re not perfect.

It’s also really interesting to note that the January 6th, 2021 insurrection in Washington DC occurred about 5 weeks after the progressed Balsamic moon phase commenced. I just find the timing of that so interesting. And there’s been a lot of focus on this whole question of the 2020 election and that’s still playing out now.

And of course, Joe Biden was elected on November 3rd of 2020, just before the Balsamic phase technically began, but we’re so close. We’re into that waning energy of that moon phase. So it’s no wonder people are upset and unhappy about the way things are.

Again, for more detail about how these phases work, see my previous episode, which is a bit of a tutorial about the basic aspects of this.

So like I said, during the Balsamic phase, it’s not a period of growth, it’s a period of turning inwards and it can be very frustrating because it’s hard to express your energies during this cycle if you try and start or create or build new things during this phase. It’s a bit like swimming upstream because the energy is flowing the other way. But that should start to flip around come March 25th of this year.

I also calculate that after the progressed New Moon, the moon will progress to the first degree of Aries on December 5th of this year. So the fifth house is a lighter energy generally and more expressive and creative energy than the fourth. Although the US fifth house is fiery, it’s generally a more creative and expressive energy. So December 5th may represent a shift into a bit more of a fun or lighter side of self-expression.

One of the things that has been very prominent during this period in America has been this grievance and a desire to go back to some mythical past that never really existed. You know, that is kind of fourth house stuff for the people.

Also, there’s been many issues around housing and housing affordability, and a lot of people have moved. And we had all of the effects of what happened during the pandemic when a lot of people had to stay at home, which led to all kinds of unhappiness around, you know, social issues and social lives and loneliness and disruption in our communities and the way we lived and the way we worked and a lot of people started working from home. Again, all fourth house issues. Think about it.

And, you know, people have been experiencing insurance rates going through the roof, and being displaced by extreme weather events, and dealing with all of that kind of stuff. And dealing with inflation, which has really increased people’s expenses and they haven’t been able to entertain themselves or travel as much in the same ways that they used to, trapped at home in many respects. And people spent a lot more time connecting with people in their immediate family environment.

I could go on and on about how this has expressed itself and the grievances that it’s fueled. There’s kind of a rage at the economic and political systems just because people haven’t liked what they’ve been going through.

And I know what that’s like when you go through the Balsamic phase of the secondary progressed lunation cycle. It can feel like you’re swimming upstream, like I said, and you get exhausted.

The beginning of the ending of that should be occurring in a couple weeks. So again, good news.

Now I made many calculations, which I will display on the screen in graphic form for you.

And, of course, all of this is based on my astrology software, and I am presuming that the ephemeris within it and its calculations are accurate. I don’t have a reason to suspect they’re not, but I just want to offer that disclaimer. I have come across an awful lot of inaccurate figures on the “interweb”.

I thought it would be interesting to look at the time periods when the United States Secondary Progressed Sun ingressed into various signs. Because as I explained in my previous episode, those have an effect on us and what we experience and express.

It’s kind of like we’re swimming in this energy without even really fully being aware of it for the most part, and it has an effect on us by sign and by house, and these cycles last for 30 years. The Progressed Sun moves a degree per year.

The USA Secondary Progressed Sun ingresses by sign and house from 1886 through 2034.

So I went back all the way to 1886 when the Progressed Sun entered Scorpio.

In 1916, the Progressed Sun entered Sagittarius, which is the first house, very different energy from the 12th, and very different energy from Scorpio.

Of course, you’re probably wondering about the Great Depression, which occurred while the Progressed Sun was transiting Sagittarius and the first house. There were a few notable transits that occurred around this time that may relate. Transits, not Progressions.

One was that Saturn first ingressed into Capricorn, the second house, in March of 1929. It then retrograded back into Sagittarius. It then resumed a more permanent transit of the second house at the end of November of 1929.

From the second house, Saturn would oppose the natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury of the United States in the 8th house. It would square the natal Saturn in the 11th.

Meanwhile, Pluto was transiting Cancer and would hit all of those personal planets. And Neptune began a rather long stay in the 10th house of the Sibly chart.

Another interesting thing, and this is by no means an exhaustive study of this topic, it’s just for your brief entertainment.

The Solar Arc Moon at 27-28° Cancer opposed the natal Pluto in Capricorn exactly on October 6th, 1929. The infamous Wall Street Crash started in September of that year and ended in mid-November. So this solar arc was smack dab in the middle of that. Precisely exact within days or weeks.

Why is that special? Well, that solar arc can only occur once every 360 years. Yes, I said 360 years. That’s why. So do the odds on that.

One more comment on this. The next sign from the 2nd house of the United States Sibly chart is Aquarius where America’s Moon is positioned. Saturn transiting the Moon sign can be very challenging. So the whole time Saturn was in Capricorn, the 2nd house, and then the 3rd house, the Moon sign, and then the 4th house after the 3rd, that’s a difficult period for sure. The Great Depression would last until 1939.

I just took a really quick look at this. Like I said, it’s not exhaustive at all.

Another little interesting side note here. This 3rd house Moon in Aquarius, I think, can explain some of the peculiar contrarianism we see in American culture. This is like somebody who disagrees with the status quo or conventional wisdom just for the sake of being different. It’s like “I don’t care what anyone says, nobody’s going to tell me what to think or say” even if by doing so they reject logic or objective evidence. Hence, things like conspiracism or casual rejection of authorities or mainstream media. But I digress.

In 1945, the Progressed Sun moved into Capricorn and the 2nd house. And if you think about it, this is post-World War II and the United States went through a huge growth spurt economically because it wasn’t damaged nearly as much as most of Europe after the Second World War. And it had all of its infrastructure, factories, and everything else running full tilt. And you know, this is the period, effectively, of the baby boomers, when all the soldiers return and everybody started having kids. And it led to a huge period of prosperity and growth economically that would last for many years. This occurred, of course, while the Progressed Sun was in the 2nd house, which rules money and real estate and things like that. Very interesting to note that.

The next shift, 30 years later, was in 1975 when the Progressed Sun moved into Aquarius in the 3rd house up until 2004. And if we really think about it, this is when computing technology, pagers, cell phones, personal computers, and internet technology really took hold was during this period. And the United States was leading the charge in this technology.

Aquarius governs technology and the 3rd house deals with communications and information technology, in other words. So wow, right? Very, very interesting.

In late 2004, the Progressed Sun moved into Pisces. This is the area of the chart that deals with the people in mundane astrology and in personal astrology it deals with your literal home and home environment.

And I would not be surprised that if we looked back to this point in time, around 2004, that that wasn’t really the beginning of the shift of a lot of the social and political division in the United States. Because people have a lot of different ideas about what it means to be an American and to live an American life. Is it the urban people? Is it the rural people? And things like home ownership, the proverbial white picket fence America, is that dream alive or not?

And again, later on in this period, the Progressed Moon will enter its Balsamic phase. So this is a closing energy.

And more than just our home and home environment, the 4th house represents our roots. Like on a psychic or spiritual level, it can represent our lineage and our past and our ancestors. So there’s a lot of karmic stuff going on really deep down inside in that area that is just enormous in scope. That’s way too much for me to get into here now. But I find this very interesting, the timing of this.

The Progressed Sun itself will not move into the 5th house until late 2034. However, it’s important to note as well, which I’m going to get into in a minute, what’s going on with a lunar aspect of this cycle, which is again a 28-29 year cycle that’s overlapping these Progressed Sun cycles.

The 5th house is generally a very creative and fun house. It’s the most fun house of the zodiac. It deals with creativity, self-expression, children. It’s a heart-based energy.

Whereas the 4th house is ruled by the Moon. The Moon shifts very quickly in our daily lives. It goes through a cycle every 28 days. So people who have strongly placed Moons in their natal charts, for example – just to illustrate a point – can go through fairly rapid mood shifts. They can be quite moody.

So again, it’s not unsurprising to witness the kinds of trends we’ve been experiencing while the Progressed Sun has been going through the United States’ 4th house. It’s a feeling-based thing. This is why a lot of what we’ve been seeing appears to be irrational.

All the conspiracy theories, people pursuing paths politically, for example, that are actually nihilistic or undermining of their own interests because people are being motivated by their feelings around these kinds of things. It’s not entirely rational and we just have to accept that. That’s the way it is.

Everybody has emotions and feelings and they’re playing out for everyone to see. And we’ve been struggling to understand them from an intellectual or rational perspective and we can’t.

One of the things that people don’t realize is that if you don’t have a solid foundation, you know, like for example, there’s a huge homelessness problem, Balsamic phase in the 4th house, you can’t have a strong career, 10th house, the opposite sign, in the opposite house. Because you can’t hold down a good job if you’re living in a cardboard shack, right? Obviously.

So, the country has been experiencing a lot of social disruption, including things like the opioid and drug crisis that has been plaguing society and there have been homeless encampments all over the place. Very Neptunian. But America will be dealing with these kinds of issues probably all the way through 2034 to some degree.

Again, I’m a bit frustrated because there’s so much I could talk about here, but I don’t want to overwhelm people with data.

So, I also calculated the progressed New Moons and the progressed Full Moons going back to 1905.

The USA Secondary Progressed New Moons from 1905 through 2024.

The USA Secondary Progressed Full Moons from 1920 through 2038.

There was a progressed New Moon in December 1905 in Scorpio in the 12th house.

There was a Full Moon in February 1920 in Gemini in the 7th house.

The next New Moon was August of 1935 in Sagittarius in the 1st. An interesting note here is that Roosevelt’s New Deal with America was implemented between 1933 and 1938. Again, this progressed New Moon occurred in August of 1935, right in the middle of that and in the 1st house. So that’s like a new definition of who we are. We’re going to change our identity fundamentally. Very interesting.

The next Full Moon was in August of 1949 in the 8th house. Very interestingly, this one was conjunct the United States Venus and Jupiter. Harry Truman unveiled his Fair Deal program. The treaty creating NATO occurred. And the cornerstone of the United Nations headquarters was laid.

This was after World War II, of course. And this Full Moon conjunct the natal Venus and Jupiter of the United States in the 8th house, which also deals with things like banking and money. This was a period of huge prosperity and abundance and growth for America. This is the period that everyone wants to relive.

That may never happen again, but I think this very interesting Full Moon in August of 1949 illustrates that quite clearly.

The next New Moon occurred in 1965 in Capricorn in the 2nd house. 1965. This is during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. There was this huge counter-cultural movement that emerged around this time that asked a lot of fundamental questions about values.

And the second house can govern our values and our connection with our lives. You know, a lot of people rejected the modern ways of living and wanted to do things like live communally and live off the land and all that kind of stuff. Fascinating.

The events of the mid-1960s, I think, are still being played out socially. It was also a period of a lot of social justice issues coming to the fore as well. The war in Vietnam, voting rights, racial issues being addressed, feminism, all these kinds of things. Absolutely fascinating. The timing of this progressed New Moon of the United States in early 1965.

The next Full Moon occurred in April of 1979 in the 9th in Leo. This would have marked a culmination. And again, it was after this that we got Reaganism and all of that kind of political doctrine came to the fore in the 1980s, as well as religious groups becoming politically active during this time. The 9th house deals with international things and higher education and the law, as well as religion and philosophy.

The next New Moon was in October of 1994 in Aquarius in the 3rd house. And 1994 was when technology and the internet and stuff was really starting to take off and very soon afterwards would completely change the world. This is before the dot-com crash, when the stock market started to go crazy over technology stocks and the prospects of what this technology would do for society. And it was a very exciting period. And that was October 1994, a progressed New Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd house, which deals with technology and communications.

The next Full Moon occurred in Virgo in the 10th on December 24th, 2008, less than two months after President Obama was elected. We all know about this, right? This was the 2007-2008 financial crisis, which almost brought the world into a Great Depression. And the US government had to bail out the banks. There was a huge banking crisis.

Millions of people’s properties were affected tremendously. A lot of people lost their homes. And this was the culmination of that energy. The energy would begin to wane after that. So it’s like there was a huge bubble. This Full Moon represented a huge bubble. And of course, the opposing sun was in the 4th house, which represents the people and their living conditions.

The next progressed New Moon is the one that will occur in a couple weeks on March 25th in Pisces. And I’ve already kind of talked about how that’s going to play out.

This New Moon will culminate in a Full Moon in September of 2038 in Libra in the 11th house. This is the house that deals with society. And our hopes and dreams. This one is quite close to the US Midheaven. So it would be interesting to see how that plays out.

But the 11th house, which is the house of Aquarius by default, deals with groups and organizations, our hopes and dreams, social issues, social justice causes, activities and interests that seek or aim to improve the betterment of society, in which case society means everybody, not just the people at the top. And it can also refer to legislation or legislators that govern the country.

So I could have gone into a phenomenal amount of detail. You could actually do a whole episode on each one of these events. But I wanted this to be reasonably long, and I didn’t want to overwhelm people with information.

What you can do is you can look at the graphics on the screen, contemplate the timing of these events, the Progressed Sun shifting through the signs and houses, the Progressed New Moons, the progressed Full Moons, and draw any conclusions you may from that as it unfolds.

Another thing is that there are many aspects that occur at these events, which for the most part I am not getting into because you could literally talk about all this stuff for hours and hours. Anybody who has had a reading with me will know that I can talk about these kinds of things in a meaningful way for a very long time. There’s so much you can mine from these kinds of things. But this is already very long to begin with.

The USA Sibly astrology chart featuring the March 25, 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 5° 07′ Libra.

Remarkably, on the very same day as the Secondary Progressed New Moon, there is also an eclipse occurring at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra. That eclipse is within 4 degrees of the US Midheaven.

It is trining the South Node and sextiling the North Node. That’s pretty cool. It suggests a fated component to this.

It is also squaring the United States Jupiter and Venus in the 8th house in Cancer. Jupiter represents growth and optimism, good luck and good fortune, good foreign trade relations and treaties, as well as the clergy and religion.

And of course, Venus often represents money, nice things, and prosperity as well in many ways. And pleasure and the arts and love and diplomacy.

So around March 25th, this eclipse could represent some kind of sudden challenge to those aspects of the country.

With all that energy in the 8th house and its proximity to the Midheaven, it wouldn’t be surprising if this manifests financially, like in terms of banking. Like there could be some kind of a crisis in the banking system or some of the smaller banks or something like that, or investment funds, hedge funds. I mean, there’s certain people who are speculating that there’s commercial real estate bubbles, that there’s residential real estate bubbles, or it could be insurance companies, or something financially related.

I would not be surprised if around this time, especially because the New Moon is just about to occur, this is the very end of the Balsamic phase, in the 4th house, which deals with home and people, that there is something fairly significant that occurs that is a concern for the general population.

The USA Sibly astrology chart featuring the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse at 19° 24′ Aries.

On April 8th of 2024, there is a solar eclipse at 19° 24’ Aries.

This one is even more notable because at that time, Chiron is at 19° 24’ of Aries as well. Like this is stunning.

So just to be clear, transiting Sun, Moon, and Chiron at exactly the same degree, Sun and Moon forming an eclipse because they’re very close to the North Node.

This eclipse is also passing right over America. You get that?

Transiting Chiron, transiting Sun, transiting Moon, all in an alignment, or conjuncting.

But it gets even crazier because the eclipse and Chiron are within less than a degree of the United States’ natal Chiron. That is crazy.

Chiron, as I have talked about here before, deals with our wounding, wounding that is often unconscious, but it operates in a way that it affects our experience and our reality. And it usually relates to things that occurred in our early childhood.

You know, like your father shot your pony, or one of your parents passed away at a young age, or you were rejected at school, or bullied, or things like that. You didn’t feel accepted, or that you were safe, or that you fit in.

The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse path of totality over Eastern North America.

So this Chiron, natally at 20 degrees of Aries, is the Chiron for the country of the United States. And it is going to be basically body slammed by this eclipse and the Chiron return which are happening at the same time.

The USA Chiron return is within a very tight orb from about May of 2023 through April of 2025.

If all that wasn’t bad enough, at the time of this eclipse, Mars and Saturn are conjunct within just over a degree, at 13-14 degrees of Pisces.

This is one of the most frustrating transits. It can really provoke anger and even rage. Mars feels stymied and blocked, typically by some outside force, agency, or authority that Mars cannot escape or control. Mars likes to do its own thing whenever it wants, and when it can’t, it can seethe and lash out in frustration and resentment. This transit usually only lasts a few days, but the fact that it’s occurring on the day of the eclipse is not a good omen.

By the way, if you personally have any significant points or planets around 19 degrees of Aries, you’ll want to pay attention to this eclipse, what aspects it’s making, and what house it’s occurring in.

Generally, it’s believed that countries or areas where this eclipse is visible are most affected by this, and this one definitely is affecting the United States.

So Aries is the masculine energy where this is occurring, right? It’s the thing that gets you going, it’s what moves you. Aries likes to start things, it doesn’t like to sit still, it likes to act, it can sometimes suffer from foot-in-mouth disease where it speaks before thinking. So in other words, it acts before it thinks.

And the lower expressions can also be things like combativeness, overly assertive, overly aggressive, and even in extreme cases, hostility and war, because it’s ruled by Mars, the god of war. So there’s positive and negative expressions to this, but those would be some of the more negative ones.

With Chiron and Aries, there is woundedness around those kinds of energies. So one is afraid to act because maybe they were criticized for acting that way when they were young, or penalized for expressing their Mars or Aries-type energy. In other words, they feel inhibited about expressing their true self, or their unique creativity, like maybe they felt judged for something they made and other people rejected it.

So sometimes people can withhold the expression of themselves, or they can overcompensate by trying too hard to get people to recognize and acknowledge their unique self or creativity. So it might be like someone who just tries too hard to make an impression, which is a turn-off in and of itself, but it’s motivated by this core weakness, or wounding, or insecurity about just being themselves. I hope that makes sense.

There’s a component to that in the United States as a country. Every country would have Chiron somewhere.

And if people don’t proactively address this by doing things like shadow work, it’ll come out in all kinds of really weird ways. Like someone will be like really inappropriately assertive or aggressive. In ways that actually undermine them, because they don’t know how to work with the wounding.

Or they’ll just get triggered a lot. Either they shut themselves down, or they, like I said, try and overcompensate. And in either case, it’s not a healthy outcome. So that kind of wounding is going to be really brought to the fore. Or there could be a new wounding event that occurs that triggers a Chironic response. Chiron feels rejected and not accepted for who they are. That’s the mentality that’s present here.

The USA Sibly chart Chiron Return, within a 2° orb, spans May 2023 through March 2025.

And the Chiron return itself is a general fairly long period when the wounding of the nation comes to the fore and is put in your face. And there’s nothing you can do about this.

When you go through your Chiron return, you’re just going to have all this stuff from your subconscious that relates to your own personal wounding come to the surface, either emotionally or psychologically, or in your experience, the outer world will trigger or mirror your wounding. Things will happen to you that make you feel worthless or insecure or lacking in confidence.

It’s the “woe is me” kind of thing, where everyone is beating you up or bullying you. It feels like that kind of energy where you’re just being rejected, not accepted, not loved, not appreciated. You can’t just be yourself. And you go into this cycle of just feeling like there’s nothing that you can do.

Again, this is all psychology and wounding. And in a chart for a country like this, we’re talking about stuff that could go back generations, if not to the founding of the country.

And we all know what the US was founded on. It was founded just before the Civil War, effectively, in many ways. So that is the kind of stuff that is probably going to be coming to the surface in a big way.

And it still is if we look at social and political things that are occurring presently in the United States. It’s like all that stuff that was never really fully resolved after the Civil War is still lingering out there in people’s consciousness and is playing out in political battles right now in front of our eyes.

So with major Chiron transits like a Chiron return, you can go through a period where there’s a lot of sadness and grief because you have to process and feel that wounding. It’s like a time when you can’t really repress it or just ignore it.

So this is kind of like the shadow of the United States on a very deep subconscious, unconscious lineage kind of historical level. And again, with the eclipse occurring on that Chiron, wow, this could be really intense. Like something major could come up or shocking could occur that triggers that.

Also in Aries, there’s the potential for violent action. So be aware of that.

Mercury is retrograde at this point and it’s within five degrees of this eclipse as well. So this brings in the mental and communication aspects of these kinds of things. And retrogrades are generally about looking backwards. So that has to be considered as well.

So I’ll leave it there for now.

Astrology nerds right now are probably pulling their hair out. But you didn’t mention this? What about that aspect? Or this historical event? Well again, I’ve covered over a hundred years of history here and obviously I can’t cover everything in a few minutes, much less a few hours. Whole books could be written on some of these developments.

My main point was just to give a very high level overview of how Progressions can play out for a country like the United States and also of course point out the significance of this Progressed New Moon on March 25th, 2024.

I will document any corrections or errors that emerge on my errata page at AquarianDiary.com as usual.

It takes a lot of time to create this kind of content and I would appreciate it if you share this with others who you think may find this interesting.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 10% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #Eclipse2024 #USANewMoon


North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

I discuss the astrology of the upcoming transit of the Lunar Nodes through the astrological signs of Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) commencing in July of 2023.

The Lunar Nodes have been transiting Taurus and Scorpio since January of 2022.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on May 10, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all. Welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is May 10, 2023.

There will be graphics on the screen if you’re watching this on YouTube.

We are in a period of a lot of change. Pluto made its first ingress since the 1700s into Aquarius this year in March. Saturn entered Pisces for three years, also commencing in March.

In the near term, Mercury goes direct in Taurus on May 14th, Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th, Mars enters Leo on May 20th, and Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th through January 20th of 2024.

There’s another major shift coming up in 2023, and that is the North Node will be moving from Taurus into Aries, and that starts on July 17th of 2023.

The North Node always moves in a retrograde fashion, that is, it goes backwards relative to the orbit of the planets. So it’ll move backwards from Taurus into Aries.

There’s actually two components to the nodal axis. There is the North Node and the South Node, which is polar opposite, or 180 degrees apart.

The nodes will spend 18.6 months in each sign and will orbit all 12 signs in 18.6 years.

The North Node began its transit of Taurus on January 18th of 2022 and will complete that transit on July 17th of 2023, at which point it will commence transiting Aries all the way through January 11th of 2025.

Very briefly, the North Node has an expansive or highly energetic nature. It is highly charged, and it has almost a compulsive quality about it, whereas the South Node, its polar opposite, has a diminishing or deflating energy about it.

So while the North Node was transiting Taurus, the South Node was transiting Scorpio. Again, from January of 2022 through July of 2023.

Interestingly, I had actually recorded an episode just before the North Node began its transit of Taurus, and I worked on it multiple times, and at that time there were all of these circumstances that kept getting in the way or blocking me from completing this. It was extremely frustrating.

I talked a lot about what was going to happen with the North Node transiting Taurus. After multiple attempts, because of work and all kinds of other issues, I just gave up out of sheer frustration. It’s funny, as I record this right now, the street cleaner has driven by two or three times, and the neighbors pulled out some loud machine they never use. Here we go again.

But in that recording from early January of 2022, I stated that one of the possibilities was that we would see land grabs. And, of course, on February 24th of 2022, just over a month after the North Node entered Taurus, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Here’s an exact clip of me saying that back in early January 2022:

“So I would think that land grabs and territorial disputes could be amplified during this period. There’s a few situations in the world that are prominent at the time of this recording, like for example China and Taiwan and Russia and the Ukraine. And so there could be possibly conflicts around matters of territory.”

That was an unedited clip.

My previous episode discussed Jupiter transiting Taurus and Jupiter’s more recent transit of Aries. I encourage you to listen to that to familiarize yourself a little bit with the energies of Taurus versus Aries. I don’t want to repeat all of that here because it would be redundant.

But very briefly, what we saw when the North Node was transiting Taurus was there were many crises dealing with banking and finance. Banks collapsed. Rents skyrocketed, as did real estate across the board, creating a housing crisis. Many people relocated to different homes, sometimes in far-flung locations. There was a lot of relocation. People moved from the cities to the country. Millions of people began working from their homes. The cost of food went through the roof. There were supply shortages, and so on and so on. All of these are themes or areas that are covered by Taurus.

So going back to my description of the North Node, there’s like this vortex of energy surrounding all those Taurean areas of life.

The previous time that the North Node was in Taurus was between April of 2003 and December of 2004.

So now, what can we expect with the North Node moving into Aries?

The last time that happened was the end of December of 2004 through almost the end of June of 2006. And again, this will commence July 17th of 2023 through January 11th of 2025.

As I described in my episode about Jupiter transiting Taurus and Jupiter transiting Aries, Aries is a very fiery, masculine, cardinal energy. It is very bold and decisive. It can be brave, courageous, and athletic. In lower expressions, it can act spontaneously without thinking a lot about the consequences or other people.

Ares is ruled by Mars. Mars is known as the god of war. So it deals with combat and conflict and aggression in lower expression. It is hot and dry.

As I explained in my previous episode, people with a strong Mars influence can be very opinionated, combative, and they don’t hold back from expressing their opinions or views, whether anyone else likes them or not.

So I expect that on the global stage, we will see a lot of this very aggressive, assertive, masculine-style energy expressed in global affairs, or in politics.

It can be very rash. Shoot first, ask questions later.

On the positive side, this energy is very useful for people who need to stand up for themselves and to have some backbone, because there are times when we need to stand up for ourselves and not let other people walk all over us.

But because this energy is going to be affecting the whole planet for this 18 and a half month period, I expect there’s going to be a lot of contentious actions and activities and events that we will have to endure. It could even result or manifest as an abnormally active period or conflict. And yes, Mars rules the military. So there is the potential for that.

A lot of butting heads. Where the South Node is going to be is in Libra, the opposite sign of Aries. And as I explained, the South Node has kind of a diminishing effect. Libra rules things like diplomacy. Libra likes people to get along, seeks peace and harmony between people. With that energy being diminished and the Aries energy being amplified, we will probably see that diplomacy and settling disputes amicably is more challenged. Again, Libra seeks balance and Aries is extremely independent and focused more on itself and doing whatever it wants to do whenever it feels like it.

Mars energy tends to express in short, intense bursts. Think a boxer or a sprinter as opposed to a marathon runner. Under a Mars influence you can have tons of energy and then it just dissipates and you need to recharge. It doesn’t have extraordinary amounts of stamina, so we may see a lot of things that blow up that everyone is paying attention to, and then it just suddenly fizzles out.

Nonetheless, if countries or individuals take very strong and decisive action, it will almost certainly provoke a response from whoever the offended party is, so it can trigger undesirable or escalating outcomes.

As I also said, Mars is hot and dry, so I would expect that we might see a trend towards drought, or lack of rain or excessive heat. Such conditions, of course, increase the likelihood of wildfires. Aries is, after all, a fire sign. Destructive fires may be a notable theme during this period.

As it turns out, we are on the cusp right now of moving into an El Niño state globally, which is where temperatures tend to rise for a few years, above norms. And in a La Niña, which is what we’re leaving, temperatures tend to be suppressed a bit.

What happens during an El Niño is that we tend to get more storms and intense winds because more energy is being released into the global climate from the oceans. It’s cyclical. Warmer oceans, of course, can contribute to stronger hurricanes or typhoons.

I just find it interesting that just as the North Node is about to move into Aries, we
are on the cusp of an El Niño period. It’s a bit concerning because the La Niña period we’re leaving was actually hotter than what people were expecting. So the concern is the El Niño event will be even hotter still.

So if we do enter a period where it is hot and dry, that is going to have an effect on
agriculture. There may be water shortages. We could see things like rapid glacial melt and things like that, again during this 18 and a half month period.

So those who live in already water-stressed or storm-prone areas will probably want to pay attention to this, and prepare accordingly.

Political and social disputes are likely to be more intense and less likely to be easily resolved through diplomacy, as I said. Compromise will be less likely.

I’m an Aries rising, I understand this energy quite well. I handle it quite well now, but when I was young I a very hot temper. So I’m familiar with this energy. Mars is great for getting things done.

Another point just to consider is, like I said, that this is a very masculine energy. So in kind of the cultural areas, things like movies and entertainment and things like that, I would anticipate that we will see more overt masculine themes kind of dominate, and that there will be a general appeal to strong, determined, masculine-type personalities or figures.

When I think of like a physical Aries, I think someone like Bruce Lee, they’re not necessarily huge, they tend to be very lean and sinewy, but very determined and very focused and concentrated.

Of course, the color we associate with Mars is red. That’s the color of anger and that intense energy, fire. Also, in the world of fashion and styles, we might see this reflected there as well, where the fashions become more masculine or military-like in their cut, and you might see women wearing clothing that was more traditionally male or things like that.

I think, like, back to the 1980s with the broad shoulders. I’m not saying that’s exactly what’s going to happen, but just watch for more masculine themes in the fashion world and in style and decor.

In mundane astrology, traditionally the first house, which Aries rules by default, reflects the country and its inhabitants themselves as a whole, their general condition of prosperity and health or the reverse. So we can infer that there’s going to be a lot of emphasis or focus on the people and the state of the country and whether or not people are prosperous and healthy or happy or pissed off.

Of course the chart of every nation will be unique, and Aries may occur in a different house. However, this will apply overall.

Another very important thing about the Nodes is that eclipses always fall within a few degrees of either the South Node or the North Node. That’s another reason why the movement of the nodes is so important, because where these eclipses occur, it tends to pinpoint very decisive, intense, substantial and meaningful events. So over the next 18 and a half months, most of the eclipses will be occurring in Aries or Libra. So if you have significant planets or points in Aries or Libra, you’ll be wanting to pay attention to this.

For Libra, it’s kind of like a period of being in the background a bit. It’s a good time to review and let go of the past, and that can even mean doing past life work or something like that. It’s not generally going to be a great time for Libra to be pushing ahead. This is more like house cleaning. It’s a bit more of an introverted energy. I’m not saying that you can’t get things done if you’re a Libra, I’m just saying it is less favorable than normal.

This will be transiting my first house, personally, and I kind of know what to expect a bit. I might be coming across a bit larger than life, my energy might be intense, there might be more of a focus on myself personally and my own personal needs and ambitions. I might be a little less concerned about other people and what’s on their agenda versus mine, that kind of thing.

There will of course be eclipses in my first house and in my seventh, which is the house of relationships. I’m not in a relationship right now, so that’s not necessarily concerning, but if I was, I might be concerned about that.

Following through on that line of thought, Aries is a very independent energy, and the South Node will be transiting the seventh house of close personal relationships. So we could see a trend during this period of people preferring to be single, and the eclipses that occur in Libra may result in some relationships ending. Something to bear in mind.

The only notable conjunction that will occur during this time with the North Node is that it will conjunct Chiron, and Chiron deals with wounding. It’s known as the Wounded Healer. Again, I’ll put dates on the screen. That will occur on February 19th of 2024 at 16° 45′ Aries. Of course, I can’t predict exactly what will happen then, but the theme of wounding will be up.

Now Chiron tends to deal with wounding that occurs in our formative years generally, but issues of wounding and healing, reconciliation and things like that, may be highlighted during that period.

So I didn’t want this to be too long, so I’ll leave it there. I’ll of course put a link in the episode description to my episode on Jupiter transiting Taurus, which discusses Aries and Taurus quite a bit if you want more detail about those energies, and you can basically take what I’ve said about Chiron and blend it with that information and arrive at your own conclusions.

Again, the main themes are hot and dry, aggressiveness, assertiveness, raw masculinity, people being outspoken and inconsiderate at times, being more self-oriented, and of course combative, argumentative, if not actual warfare, or lots of skirmishes as a means of settling disputes, as opposed to diplomacy.

Please see my sets of intentions that you can incorporate into your spiritual practice. I encourage everyone to use those. They seem to be working.

If you’ve had a reading with me and you want an update, I can provide an update based on some of these transits or something else that you’re dealing with that’s very specific.

Some of you may be interested in my energetic protection and clearing classes that also addresses karmic issues.

I’ll put links to all of this in the episode description, including if you’re interested in a reading from me. You can support me by liking my videos, sharing commenting helps as well.

I look forward to your comments. Thanks for everything, take care, all the best, and I’m looking forward to talking with you again soon.

My Dream about North Node transit Aries

I describe a recent prophetic dream in which I witnessed how the energies of the North Node transiting Aries (2023-2025) and perhaps Neptune transiting Aries (2025-2039) were expressed in direct personal terms.

This episode was published on June 1, 2023 at 4:34pm EST.

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You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all! Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving. It is June 1st, 2023.

I’m going to present something here today that I have not done before, and that is to share a significant dream that I had very recently. In fact, it was yesterday from the day I’m recording this.

Dreams and dreaming are my thing. I’ve mentioned that here before, but in case that’s not familiar to someone, I have very vivid and profound dreams that are often precognitive. That’s my psychic gift. I’ve had them since I was a very young child. They can be quite prophetic.

They are extremely vivid and lifelike, like I said, and I am often very lucid, meaning that I kind of know that I’m having a dream, and I will be paying attention to what’s going on, knowing that I will want to remember it when I wake up, that it may be important. And the really important dreams will literally wake me up, and then I will make notes and write things down.

Now, I haven’t shared those here previously, because often they’re very personal, but once in a while I have ones that are bigger picture, like the one I had yesterday.

In fact, the spiritual name I was given pertains to dreaming, so it’s a big deal for me.

I should also explain that there’s nothing I can do to precipitate these kinds of dreams. They just happen spontaneously.

So, this is new for me, sharing dreams publicly, and I’ll just try and describe the dream, and we can see how you interpret it. I have had other important dreams that I have thought about sharing here, so we’ll see how this is received.

So, in this dream, I was in a fairly large room, not a huge room. It seemed like an old community hall that you would find in a rural setting. I just had the vibe or feeling that it was out in the country.

So, the room was maybe like 40 feet long by 25 feet wide kind of thing. Hardwood floors, paned windows, white walls.

The sun was high. It wasn’t cold, so it definitely felt like at least spring, if not early summer or summer.

And I had set up all my computer monitors horizontally, one to the next, all the way along the top of one of the walls. I spend a lot of time on my computer, so I have like, currently I have a 32 inch monitor, so I use pretty big monitors. And you can get ones these days that are even 42 inches.

So, I had like maybe 8 or 10 large monitors all horizontally fixed to the wall, going across one of the walls. And it felt kind of like that this was my command center. This was going to be me observing what’s going on in the world.

And there was someone there, and I was kind of joking with them saying, “Hey, what do you think of my monitor setup?” And we were laughing about it because I had so many monitors. Most people don’t have that many monitors.

What do monitors do? They’re like a lens onto the world when you’re connected to the internet and you’re reading things, right?

So, there I was, and I was kind of proud of myself, and chuckling, thinking about this setup.

And there was nobody there that I knew personally, like there was no people from my past or anything. There was just this guy I was talking to.

And then some other guys come along, and they’re kind of like, they’re all white, they’re all Caucasian, and they’re kind of alpha kind of guys, or pretending to be, younger than me. But you know, it was casual, so it wasn’t like I was intimidated or anything.

And then one of the guys turns out to be kind of like the leader or real alpha for this group of guys. And there’s another fellow who is very muscular and very macho, you know, with tattoos and everything. And they’re kind of joking around, and they get into kind of a wrestling sort of competition sort of match, and you know, to see who’s the strongest. And it turns out that the leader guy is much more skilled than the guy who challenged him, the brawny muscular guy. So he was kind of put in his place in the pecking order.

And the guy who won that competition, I had the vibe that he had had military training. He had that air about him, very confident and self-assured.

And so, it was announced that they were forming a committee, a group of men who were going to make sure that the community was safe and secure, and that they were going to start doing things like patrols, and that he was organizing training classes for the other guys.

And again, it’s all just males. They’re all Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian males.

In the beginning, I’m kind of like, “Okay, what’s the threat? You know, like we’re out in the country, what are we worried about?” And it seemed that they just were concerned that, you know, there might be like an influx of people from the cities or from outside that they needed to protect themselves from.

And so, it started to feel more like a kind of paramilitary thing. Like, it wasn’t the government, it wasn’t the military, it wasn’t the police, it was just local people taking on this role that, you know, normally the authorities would do. It had a vigilante sort of vibe to it.

And I’m kind of like, “Okay, huh.”

And then it was announced that the first training session was imminent, and that we were all expected to attend and participate. And you know, this was going to involve physical training and all that stuff.

And I’m kind of going like, “Okay, what? Where is this going?” Because it started to feel like you didn’t really have a choice, like that you were going to be expected to participate in this. So, I started to get very uncomfortable with this.

I’m kind of like, “I don’t really want to be involved in some kind of weird paramilitary thing.” It’s starting to feel kind of fascistic or authoritarian, very militaristic.

So then after this was announced, I was chatting with one of the other fellows, and I said, “You know, I don’t really like where this is going. Like, I can just see where this is heading. This is kind of like fascistic. It’s got a fascistic vibe about it.

I can just see where this is going to go. It’s going to start out with just, “Oh, you know, we’re doing some basic training, and you know, you’ll be expected to participate, and then it’ll get more rigid and more structured, and then over time, people are going to get indoctrinated, and then they’re going to get more and more sort of paramilitary.”

And I could just sense where this was going. So I said to the guy, I was explaining this, and I said, “I think I got to get the hell out of here. I don’t really want to be here, because what’ll happen is you’ll get stuck in that. It’ll go down this path, and then you won’t be able to get out, because you’ll be expected to follow the group. You know, it’s very tribalistic.”

And it was all men. It was all just men, masculine, and very white. So by the end of the dream, I was like, “I have to get the hell out of here, fast.”

And I said to the other fellow I was talking to, “You got to get out of here, too. If I were you…” Because he was questioning the same kinds of things I was questioning, and I’m like, “You don’t want to stick around. You want to get out of here.” So it started to get concerning, in other words, and I felt like it was time-sensitive.

So then I have to go get my stuff, and I go to the door at the end of the room to go upstairs, and there’s no stairs. I have to climb up to the next level by grabbing the doorjamb and sort of shimmying myself up, you know, which I can do.

But the other guy, who had challenged the leader, comes along, and just, you know, he’s really brawny, and he just grabs the floor and just jumps up like it’s no big deal, and I’m kind of like, “Huh.”

And then I have to do it again to get to the second level, so there was like no stairs. It required a lot of physical strength and agility just to get up to the next level. Huh. I’ll explain that in a minute.

So then I woke up thinking like, “Holy shit, this is weird.” It had the vibe of starting out under the guise of one thing and then going down this road towards authoritarianism and fascism, and it made me think about what happened, you know, in Germany a century ago, or Spain under Franco.

When I woke, I started to think about this, and I was like, “Yeah, it was all just masculine, hierarchical, and the hierarchy was all about the strongest. Who could fight and dominate the others? Very base.”

To me, this kind of behavior is blatant overcompensation. It’s rooted in insecurity and demonstrates immaturity. It’s ironically obvious to a lot of people, except the ones engaged in that kind of behavior.

It was interesting too because it was set in a rural setting, and I have been considering, “Oh, should I live in the country or should I live in an urban area?” Because I can do both.

I like the country because it’s quiet and peaceful, and you’re surrounded by nature, but urban areas have a lot of conveniences, and you don’t have to drive everywhere and stuff like that.

So I’m always having this debate. But there’s another factor, which is that a lot of the right-wing stuff is going on in more rural areas. Like in the States, it’s the red states, and places like that. Whereas people in more urban areas tend to be more liberal and progressive. That’s just a trend, and the same thing is happening here in Canada.

So I had had some concerns about living in the country where you tend to have people who are more radically right-wing. And of course, my own personal worldview is very progressive, so I would clash with that. So that has been a bit of a concern. And in this case, the whole dream was set in a very nice rural setting. So there’s that part of it.

And then the other part of it, all of this really brash and brazen hypermasculinity made me think about the shift of the North Node into Aries.

On July 17th of 2023, the North Node will shift into Aries from Taurus through January 11th of 2025. 18.6 months.

And when I had this dream and I woke, I realized that it pertains to that, because it fits perfectly into the narrative that I explained in the episode that I devoted to this topic. I did a whole 21 or 22 minute long video on this topic, which I published on May 10th of this year. North Node transit Aries. South Node transit Libra.

The ruler of Libra is Venus. That’s a feminine energy.

The ruler of Aries is Mars. Very masculine energy. And all about competition and even combat in its more base expression.

Think of the gladiator during the heyday of the Roman Empire. That image or mythology epitomizes many aspects of the Aries or Mars nature.

And of course, a lot of that occurred during the age of Aries, which preceded the age of Pisces, which we are just finishing now.

It may not manifest so brutally now, but there’s still that notion of the lone warrior in combat against all odds, where there’s only one sole champion. It’s a solitary pursuit. It’s not a team based thing, really, in its purest form.

So like the part of the dream where we have to go upstairs and there’s no stairs and you have to be strong and physical, like somebody older or somebody with any kind of injury or whatever, just literally wouldn’t be able to get upstairs. It was only somebody who was really strong and fit that could do it. So that symbolizes moving up the levels of the hierarchy, that it’s going to be very physical.

So the more I thought about it, the more I’m like, this is a metaphor for the North Node about to transit Aries. It’s effectively what I described in my episode on this, which I encourage you to listen to.

I found the whole thing quite shocking because it was so in your face. It wasn’t subtle at all. There was no women in the scene at all. None, not one. There were no senior citizens. There were no children. It was 20s, 30s, 40 year old men, which is kind of the Mars energy.

And so it validates my episode on the North Node in Aries. And it also informed me personally a little bit about where maybe I should live and maybe where I shouldn’t. As much as I love nature in the country, I don’t want to be surrounded by that kind of energy or wrapped up in it.

Now, the way astrology works is that for most people, this stuff is entirely unconscious. They do not even know that they’re being influenced by these kinds of energies or that it’s affecting their worldview or experience. It just occurs.

And lately I’ve been reading a lot also about the rise of these kinds of movements, the far right, and so on. It’s a trend that I think will only increase in some ways when the North Node moves into Aries.

It’s also possible that what this dream is describing is the transit of Neptune through Aries, which I have also talked about. That transit commences in early 2025 all the way through early 2039.

I’m mentioning this because when I was a young child, I mean 5, 6, 7, I started having visions about these biblical, epic, environmental issues that we would be facing in the future. So I was decades ahead of what is now coming to pass. I didn’t really start to understand the full causes of that until probably the 1990s, many, many years later.

So it’s possible that this vision of this very sort of militaristic masculine future is further out than just the North Node transiting Aries. Although when the North Node finishes transiting Aries, we’ll be just before Neptune goes into Aries. So the two, almost within a few weeks, almost overlap.

So yeah, another thing I want to say is that I think I’m sharing this with people because those of us who are more liberal or progressively oriented may be thinking about, you know, should I move? Where should I live? And this is a factor that maybe people are not considering as much as they should, which is the cultural norms and proclivities of the communities that they are going to be integrating with. That is something that I think should be considered, and that is why I think I’m sharing this.

There are a lot of misinformed people out there. Worse than that, there are a lot of willfully ignorant people out there. And even worse still, there are a lot of belligerently ignorant people out there who take pride in their ignorance. You do not want to be affiliated with these people. They are going to be in for a very rough ride because reality conflicts with their beliefs and attitudes. This is simply a fact. So ideally you are in the vicinity of people who are not like that, who are instead grounded in reality and not delusional.

So I wanted to share that with you for what it’s worth.

Finally, I am presently in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and the province is having record-setting wildfires. I am personally not too far from that, but I am in a safe area, although it is devastating.

It’s never been so dry here at this time of year before. It’s quite alarming.

This year, sea surface temperatures off the east coast of North America have been as high as 14 degrees Celsius off the charts, hotter than the 1981 to 2011 average, which is just absolutely astonishing. So the upcoming hurricane season poses looming threats as well.

This is the kind of thing I have personally talked about on my channel a lot before. Hopefully this is a bit of a wake-up call and people will start putting our safety and security ahead of profits, and we can get on with how to mitigate these kinds of things from happening in the future.

If you are interested in a reading or mini-reading, I’ll put a link to that in the description as well. Obviously a mini-reading is very focused and short and not interactive, whereas a full reading is typically much longer and broader in scope and involves a lot of discussion, which is often very helpful and important.

The June mini-reading will be on the theme of the North Node beginning to transit Aries in July, with discounts for monthly YouTube members. I’ll be announcing that soon.

You can also support this channel by becoming a monthly member on YouTube.

I look forward to your thoughts about my dream, another experiment for me. I am also going to be starting a new “Dreams” playlist on YouTube.

Thanks for everything, all the best, and I look forward to speaking with you again soon, as always.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Other related episodes or referenced herein:

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

Smoke from Nova Scotia fires wafts into U.S. as Canada bakes and burns

More Than 16,000 Evacuated as Wildfire Rages Outside Halifax

Recent, rapid ocean warming ahead of El Niño alarms scientists

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Please see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice.

#Astrology #Aries #PropheticDream

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