Tag: Spiritual Practice

Judgement Is Upon Us

I describe how it feels like Judgement is Upon Us and what we need to let go of to ease this transition.
This episode was published on April 18, 2024 at 5:00pm EST.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 18th, 2024.

It feels like Judgment is Upon Us.

The spectrum between Darkness and Light is a continuum.

At one extreme are those consciously and deliberately aligned with the Darkness. They choose malevolence and self-gratification as a path, denying to themselves that their actions cause harm to others.

The other end of the dark side of the spectrum is characterized by acts or deeds made in ignorance. A part of us always knows we are doing this, though, and they add to our karmic burden of regrets. Neither the weight of Truth or lies can be easily dispelled.

Ultimately, we are all striving for Perfection and nothing less will satisfy us. The older our Soul is, the more we have come and gone, the more we honor this. Maintaining our integrity in all things and in all ways becomes increasingly imperative.

It is the Guiding Light that beckons us to our highest ambition, to reflect the Divine in all of its Purity, Perfection, and Compassion.

As we walk the Spiritual Path, we are constantly tested both by the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light.

The Darkness is easily identified. It is crudely self-evident. It is comically absurd, blatantly hypocritical, illogical, defies facts, reason, and evidence, employs lies, deception, manipulation, and even force or violence. It is parasitic. It takes at others’ expense.

It is self-aggrandizing and self-oriented. It shields itself from Truth by embracing willful ignorance, thus dispelling Light in a self-reinforcing feedback loop. It eats itself.

The Darkness is always tugging at us. It relentlessly seeks out our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It tests our resolve.

The more advanced or powerful we are, the more we are challenged. Will we compromise ourselves?

The Light, on the other hand, never coerces or imposes its will upon us. It allows us to choose our own path. It has no need to employ force. It never seeks to harm us or others. It always aims to uplift. We must call upon it of our own Free Will.

Contrary to what many believe, we are not judged; we judge ourselves. Our failures, flaws, and regrets are our own undoing.

We will tell ourselves that we could have done better, that we should have done better, that we can do better, and we will try again for as long as it takes, even if it takes eternity.

Perfection, to emulate the Divine is our only true ambition.

There may be a handful of humans presently walking this earth that have achieved Perfection Consciousness. Indeed, there may be none. There are many, though, that aspire to it, and I count myself as one.

There are many aspects of our current time that make our hearts heavy. Many are being tested by the Darkness that surrounds us, and many sadly succumb.

As devotees of Truth, this can be gut-wrenching to observe. Having been on the agonizing journey of peeling back layer after layer of ignorance, illusion, and self-deception, we understand the implications. We desire Perfection for All.

We feel empathy for those who lose their way. We know that the further down the path of Darkness one goes, the longer the journey home becomes.

At every turn these days, Darkness is increasingly self-evident. People we expect better from defend and endorse acts of sheer depravity. If not overtly, they do so tacitly.

What was largely suppressed or unspoken now confronts us more and more viscerally. It can’t be ignored. We feel it intensely. When we encounter or observe it, it feels like a gut-punch.

Belligerent ignorance is celebrated. Callousness is weaponized. Lust, greed, and superficiality are worshipped. Unbridled narcissism is a virtue. Injustice and oppression are cravenly rationalized and justified. Brazen and shameless lying has been normalized and is deployed on an industrial scale. Malevolent deception is commonplace. Our most vulnerable are under attack. We are constantly persuaded to deny or ignore what we see with our very own eyes.

People who express compassion are being persecuted. People who value truth and integrity are being prosecuted. People are afraid to question obvious injustices. Darkness and ignorance seems to be sweeping our world. Truth is inverted. Black is white and up is down.

Yet the Golden Rule remains paramount: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

One can’t help but think that Judgment must be upon us. That this is a collective test. That these polarizing times are cleaving us apart. Two separate realities. Two paths.

Hold on to your humanity, your decency, your self-respect, your higher values. Do not cave to the temptation or dismiss the Voice of your Heart, your Truth. Do not be overcome by grief, by the choices others make. The sides being taken, the lines being drawn.

This is the root of much of the grief we are currently experiencing. We have been on a long, almost timeless journey together, but now our paths must diverge. As we part ways, as we bid farewell, some sadness will be felt.

As one journey completes, another commences. We will explore vistas we have never yet seen before or even imagined. It’s there, just over the crest, which we cannot surmount with the burden of darkness that others cling to.

Our destiny softly calls, that voice within us that won’t go away. Being light and nimble is a prerequisite for this passage. To cross this threshold, this summit, we must lay down burdens that are not ours, even if we have carried them for lifetimes.

The time has come, we know this in our hearts. Many will choose to stay where they are, as they are. It is their prerogative, their Free Will. We must let them go their way while we go ours.

When we release ourselves from the grip of regret and sadness at this departure, our journey will quicken.

Do this consciously. Make it a part of your spiritual practice.

Lay down your burdens. They impede the Ascent you have long desired.

Do not judge yourself for this. Cry if you must. Just let it go.

We will all make our way in our own time, and only when we are ready. This is as it should be.

All will be One in the end.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 15% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Hold The Line Against The Darkness – Mar 28, 2024

The Die Has been Cast – June 3, 2023

Drawing Lines – Nov 19, 2023

The Never-Ending Tragedy of Spineless Complicity – Dec 12, 2023

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

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#Astrology #AgeOfAquarius #Spirituality


Nature Spirits in Distress

I discuss how the natural realms on Earth are in distress due to harmful and mostly unconscious human activity.

These realms include countless nature spirits and beings that typically do not present themselves to the vast majority of humans. That does not mean they do not exist or that they are not harmed by our actions.

These beings have been known as Fairies, Elementals and the like, and many plant species are represented be Devas.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on October 31, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging age of Aquarius.

I’m your host, John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all! It is October 31st, 2022.

In my opinion, this is a very important topic, but it’s not a light topic.

I recently published an episode titled “Our Toxic Legacy”. In there I was talking about how a lot of the chemical and environmental pollution we have caused will likely be a much bigger problem than most of us realize at this point in time.

And later I was reflecting on that and thinking about it. And as I was doing that, I connected with the natural realm. And it came through very clearly to me that the nature realm, and by that I mean like the nature spirits, are really in distress. And, to use a phrase I don’t like to use actually, but they are kind of freaked out.

Now I know that some people have a hard time dealing with more troubling or dark matters, but this came through very clearly to me.

What am I referring to? Well, in the natural realm there are many, many types of beings, from the ones that we can see readily, like plants and trees and nature, all of the aspects of nature itself, as well as many that we cannot typically see. In lore they would have been described as fairies or nature spirits, or elementals.

And these realms… wow, strong energy here… these realms are populated with many types of beings. Even the nature that we encounter on a regular basis, that we can perceive, like trees and plants and animals, have spirits. And some of these species have a single spirit, like a deva, which is where, like for example, each oak tree doesn’t necessarily have a soul, but the species as a whole does, and that’s called a Deva.

But the natural world is populated with all kinds of sentient beings, which most people are completely unaware of. And I have had many experiences over many years, directly interacting with and communicating with these kinds of beings or spirits.

And every day pretty much, in my Spiritual Practice, I connect with and I set positive intentions for the natural world, and I pray for the natural world, because I have always… very strong energy here… I’ve always had a very strong attachment or affinity to these realms.

I have had a vision of at least one past life where I was a Shaman, So I probably connected very consciously and deliberately with the natural realms in at least that one incarnation.

I have also had incarnations where I was living in the jungle, very primitively, or what we would consider to be primitively. I know I’ve had a lot of incarnations where I was very closely connected to nature. And so I feel a tremendous amount of empathy towards the natural world. And as I’ve said, I’ve actually connected consciously with those realms many times in many ways.

A lot of people think that the natural world is just physical, but it is sentient. It has consciousness. I have zero doubt about that. Zero.

And so when we, for example, are out destroying nature, we are destroying living beings with consciousness and sentience on some level. And because I think I care so much about those realms, they connect with me. They know that I have a pure heart and pure intention.

Most of these beings do not reveal themselves to average people. typically. So, as I said, I connected very powerfully with those natural realms, nature spirits, and this came up again in my Spiritual Practice last night, and they are very much in distress.

Now the planet has gone through many major shifts and calamities in deep history, but there was always pockets of life that survived. What’s happening now is happening globally. And what’s happening now is almost exclusively the result of human activity.

And a lot of these beings fear humans for very good reasons. I mean, it’s just common sense. We go about destroying habitats completely unconsciously. We do not even, for starters, recognize that these realms exist. And like I said, that they have consciousness. So in that regard we are profoundly ignorant as a whole, generally.

So what do these beings, what do these entities do when their habitats are under threat? And maybe even their survival? Strong chills here. What can they do?

They can reach out to people who are sensitive and compassionate and empathetic towards them, like me and maybe you. But I need to convey very strongly and very clearly that those realms are kind of in a state of panic right now.

And I don’t want to depress you or make you upset. But the truth is, for me, this is heartbreaking. We are so ignorant we don’t even know what we’re doing. Profound ignorance.

You know, I see people going out and just bulldozing forests with no consciousness or awareness of what they’re doing. There’s a great term for this called ecocide, which is like genocide but towards the natural world. And that’s what’s happening.

So I said that I would try and convey this, and I have talked a lot about climate change, which is the result of human activity, and this is another element of that story.

And the other thing about this is that, of course, humanity will suffer from all of this as well in ways that we do not even understand. Because the energy of this planet is made up of all of this consciousness and all of these life forms, which are all interdependent. And that’s another element of our ignorance.

So it’s not just about politics and elections and social causes and culture wars. There are things happening on all kinds of different levels that are really upsetting.

And the North Node right now is going through Taurus, and the ruler of Taurus is Venus, and Venus rules these realms. Strong energy here. And we’re about to have this eclipse involving Uranus, and I can’t help but think that there’s a shift going on too in the natural world.

We are so detached from these realms that our literal survival is inextricably linked with, that it is just insane.

If you’re a sensitive person, or empathic or intuitive, you can at the very least do prayers or intentions or whatever to protect these realms.

And what I do in my Spiritual Practice every day is I set intentions and do prayers to protect and preserve as many habitats and ecosystems and species as possible during these times.

And of course I pray and set intentions for uplifting the energies on Earth and humanity and to help us clear or resolve a lot of this darkness and ignorance. This is a very emotional topic for me. I get very… It’s just… It’s heartbreaking to me.

I, you know, used to do… I used to do Kundalini Yoga when I was living in the country at one point, and there was a patch where there was a circle of stones and I would sit in the middle of this circle and do my Kriyas. And I did that for quite some time every day. And these beings would just come around me because they liked… because they were fascinated by how I was shifting energy and they they loved to observe. And there would literally be dozens of beings around me. And some of them are really simple and very joyful little beings with no malintent whatsoever.

And that was just in one little place at one little time. There has to be billions and billions, if not trillions of these beings here.

That’s just one example. I can tell you also that trees are not just what people think they are. Trees have a lot more consciousness than people realize. But most people have no clue.

There was kind of a spiritual community formed in 1971 in Scotland called Findhorn, and they connected with and communicated with a lot of these nature beings and nature spirits very consciously and directly. And they were very active for decades. And there’s a lot of amazing stories about Findhorn, and I haven’t been there myself, but I know numerous people who have. and you can read more about their experience and the information that they brought forward, you know, 50 years ago.

David Spangler was one of the founders of Findorn, and he has published a number of books on the subject. There are a number of books about Findorn, if you are interested in reading about it.

So all this psychic stuff and everything that people are talking about, it’s not new. It’s been going on for millennia. The only difference is now that it’s more mainstream or more readily accessible or more widespread than it used to be because of platforms like this and the internet.

I don’t know what else to say about this other than it’s like the situation is critical or urgent and that we need to do something about that and I think the only real solution is to raise our consciousness so that people can start to understand and perceive what is actually happening here on Earth.

Most people are completely and utterly clueless about this stuff and it’s astonishing and it’s very disturbing, actually, how ignorant humanity is about these kinds of things. That we could have existed here for thousands of years and not know this? Well, you know, many of the indigenous cultures did, but our Western societies are completely, insanely, dumbfoundingly ignorant about these kinds of things. And that needs to change.

The Hopi people prophesized a time would come when large numbers of foreigners would descend upon the land. And the most peculiar and distressing thing about these people they saw coming was that they would think with their heads and not with their hearts. And to the Hopi this was almost inconceivable. They couldn’t even imagine it.

And at this time when this would occur, it would indicate a very perilous point in the history of the world, because of the destructiveness of these invaders, who would shatter the old space, where people lived in harmony with nature.

It demands a mind-boggling degree of willful ignorance, detachment from reality, or delusion, to not recognize that what is happening to our biosphere and our environments is calamitous.

And, of course, many people are deliberately lying to us about this situation, which to me is unfathomable and shockingly callous.

People who tell you that we can keep doing what we’re doing and that everything will be okay, are lying to you, and they need to be called out for it.

Humanity displays an incredible amount of hubris by acting as if we are not dependent on nature for our survival. This is truly mind-boggling.

And I would go further and say that applies as well to the notion that other forms of life are not sentient. Incredible ignorance.

In my opinion, what humanity should be doing is that we should be being stewards or custodians of Earth.

Living with Neptune – Transit and Natal

I discuss what it is like to experience significant Neptune astrological transits and how to manage them.

This may also apply if you have a powerfully placed Neptune in your natal astrology birth chart, such as Neptune on an angle, in the 12th house, or have a Pisces Sun. Or if you have had, or have, psychic or intuitive experiences.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 18, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary, I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 18th, 2023.

I recently published an episode titled “The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039” and then someone with Neptune squaring their Sun commented and described what they were experiencing. Of course, I felt a lot of empathy for that having gone through that transit myself. And I thought, “Oh, well, I should do an episode on this, because I can share my experience and maybe help others.” And it is one of my sincerest heart’s desires to be of meaningful service to others.

What I described in the Neptune transit Ares episode may have sounded a bit scary, and I didn’t want to go too far down that rabbit hole in terms of my own personal experience because it would be time consuming. I did not intend on leaving an overly negative impression of Neptune transits, so I want to delve into that more deeply.

What I’m going to discuss here today will also apply if someone has a powerfully placed Neptune, or for example sun in Pisces, or 12th house. Strong moon aspects, likewise. Pisces moon, moon in 12th. Strong aspects between the moon and Neptune. Powerfully placed moons, etc. The moon is very sensitive and receptive.

Many, many people with strong psychic abilities have powerfully placed Neptunes. Neptune on the Midheaven, for example, is associated with people who can channel. Neptune is a gateway to the non-material realms of consciousness and other non-physical or non-material dimensions. There are too many possible combinations to mention here and keep this brief at the same time.

Most of the significant spiritual periods or experiences I have had personally have coincided with Neptune transits. Absolutely without doubt, no question. But there are some caveats. There always seems to be caveats with Neptune transits.

In evolutionary astrology, there is a fascinating concept which, briefly, states that astrology and astrological transits will play out and be experienced differently depending on the evolutionary state of the person in question. So somebody who is more highly evolved may experience things differently than someone who isn’t. The following may resonate with some people and to others not at all.

These are very spiritualizing influences. They’re not about material reality. On the spiritual dimensions, there is no time, there is no money, there is no job or career, there are no limitations, as far as we would commonly understand them here anyway. Physicality is optional, it’s not about tangible material things.

Of course pragmatically we have to deal with such constraints while we are incarnate on Earth, and Earth does not actually reflect the higher dimensions accurately, in very many ways at all. That is why these kinds of influences can be so inscrutable, confusing, and challenging, because we are dealing with radically different dimensions. And that is why a lot of people under these influences can seek out forms of escapism. It’s entirely understandable.

So here’s a few pragmatic suggestions if you’re going through a challenging Neptune transit. Like a square conjunction or opposition, like a square to your sun or a square to one of your personal planets, or even a trine or a sextile.

Number one, recognize that you will likely be much more psychically open than normal. You may be much more sensitive energetically to influences around you. That includes people, places, and things. Because of that, you can also be more vulnerable. I honestly think that we experience these kinds of things all the time. It’s just that under a Neptune transit you can be much more sensitive to it because you’re aware of it on some level. So it behooves you to avoid negative people and negative places and negative situations if you can.

There’s also a tendency to be more gullible because you are more open. So you want to be careful about being around people who will abuse your trust, mislead you, lie to you, deceive you, and so on. It’s a good idea if possible, say you have to – I don’t know, sign a contract – get someone who’s in a more grounded state, someone like a Capricorn, to look it over for you. Because on the spiritual dimensions there is no theft or lies or deceit. But in practical reality that happens all the time.

Spiritual practice can really be elevated under these kinds of influences. So if you meditate or do some form of yoga or have some kind of spiritual discipline, it’s an excellent time to engage in those kinds of activities.

Your psychic and intuitive powers will also be amplified, most likely. So you can do things like keep a dream journal, you might practice divination, tarot card readings, something like that.

Again, you have to be careful not to over-idealize certain types of people, like spiritual figures or leaders. You want to be careful not to give away your power too much and later on find out that you went too far down some rabbit hole with something like an ideology.

Being grounded is extremely helpful. Being in nature, walking on the earth, being in the water, taking salt baths, taking showers to help cleanse your energy field. Very helpful.

You may want to get some grounding crystals like tourmaline or some protective crystals like various forms of quartz that you can wear or carry in your pocket.

Again, you want to try and make sure that the people who you are around are sincere and caring, honest and kind, good-hearted people as much as possible.

It is a very dematerializing kind of energy, so if possible don’t worry too much about excessively materialistic things like career and wealth generation, I’m not saying to stop pursuing your career, I’m just saying that this energy is not about the material realms. So ideally you’re living a simple life where you have your essentials, you can focus on your spiritual practice, your inner work, and your own spiritual evolution.

Because another aspect of this is that it’s not particularly supportive of physical drive, ambition, and energy. You may find that you need to sleep a lot more than you normally do, and dream time can be amazing, so you need lots of rest and rejuvenation and to, if possible, minimize the stress and physical demands as much as possible.

If you do creative work, say you’re an artist of some kind, or a creator, this can be a very inspired influence. You can channel ideas and expressions that may go beyond what you normally could do. So it’s an excellent influence for any kind of creative endeavors.

It is an excellent time to be doing any kind of selfless service. Because on the spiritual dimensions, that’s a core principle. Selfless love, volunteering, or working with people who are struggling in some way, charitable activities and those kinds of things, it can be extremely rewarding. And good karma.

I found personally that I used a lot of techniques with Kundalini Yoga and many other forms of energetic hygiene, reinforcement and protection that I employed on a daily basis during that time, and still do often. Ages ago I did an episode on this, it’s not very polished, but you can find that early on in my channel. There are tons of techniques and methods out there for doing energetic clearing and protection, and I highly recommend that. Because you’re kind of energetically porous when you’re open like this, and you can collect psychic impressions and influences from your environment and from other people that you need to be constantly clearing from your energy field.

You can actually kind of get confused at times about which energies are yours. Are they yours or someone else’s? Did you absorb them from your environment? So clearing your energy field and clearing the energy field of your immediate environment like your apartment or your house is highly advised as far as I’m concerned.

You may find it difficult to be in environments where there’s too much energy like busy streetscapes or crowded places or concerts or something like that or even things like shopping malls because you will just pick up way too much energy that can be difficult to manage. That is one of the reasons the 12th house, which Neptune rules, is associated with seclusion, because often people who pursue a spiritual path find it too difficult to deal with all of the energies of the world, so they go off and try and seek a place where that energy and external influences are minimized. I’m not saying you need to become a monk or a hermit, but just think about that in the context of your own experience.

I personally found that even excessive noise was very irritating to me, and of course there’s a lot of that in the city. For example, you may find it easier to live in a more rural area. When I was going through this experience, I remember leaving the city and coming back, and I could feel the energy of the city from about 40 miles away. And as I approached the city the energy intensified. And the inverse was true. I could feel that when I got about 30 or 40 miles outside the city the energy was much calmer. Again, I’m not saying go move to the country, but you will be feeling whatever energies are around you.

I would also recommend keeping as clean and healthy a diet as you possibly can. I’m not suggesting everyone needs to become vegetarian, but you are more sensitive than normal to any kind of substances. So things like sugar and caffeine or even things like meat or fish or poultry may affect you more than normal because you absorb the energy of anything you consume.

Also I found personally that I was more sensitive to chemicals, you know, chemical perfumes, cleaning chemicals, anything harsh or strong, I found quite repulsive.

Also, I think it’s very important to be aware of what your mind is focused on, because you are operating in more subtle realms. Your thoughts tend to have more power or influence over your experience. So if you focus on something dark or negative, it’s amplified. And we have the capacity to draw things to us based on our energetic state or consciousness. And that could be something as simple as what you’re reading, a movie that you’re watching, or whatever. Again, your mind is operating on a much bigger level. There are no borders or boundaries on the spiritual dimensions. Time and space do not exist.

I would be misleading you and it wouldn’t be honest if I did not state that the challenging aspects can be challenging for money. I think based on everything I’ve said that should be fairly self-evident. However, this is a dematerializing, anti-egoic, spiritual influence. I’m not suggesting you’re going to go broke.

However, in my own case, I had a very strong impression for months before Neptune squared my sun that I should change my lifestyle and I should go zen, get a small little apartment somewhere, very simple, very clean, all white, everything clean, simple. And to do that I would have had to downsize and get rid of a lot of stuff. And at the time my intellect was arguing with me going like, “Well, you’re really successful, why would you need to do that?” “What difference does it make?” “It doesn’t make sense.” And I even had discussions with friends where I told them what I was feeling. I said repeatedly, “I’m getting this impression I should just really go Zen.” Ugh, I, being an idiot, I didn’t trust or listen to my intuition. And it was a disaster. But it all worked out in the end.

And I want to say on that subject that because this is a spiritualizing influence, my experience, and I’m getting chills here, my experience is that you get what you need. Like the universe is not going to abandon you and let you starve to death or something like that. So you have to have trust. You know, you knew before you incarnated that you were going to have this transit at this time.

And a lot of it has to do with breaking down your ego so that you can become more spiritually evolved and so that you can operate on higher levels. To do that, we have to let go of all of our attachments, all of our egoic crap that binds us to the lower dimensions. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with the lower dimensions. As long as we’re not attached to it and that we don’t identify with them, that’s the problem. The problem is not the material stuff itself, it’s our egoic attachment to them and that our identity is fixed to those objects, states of being, possessions, or whatever they… or status, or whatever the case may be. On a higher level we know that we need to transcend that, but our ego clings desperately to these things because it’s safety, security, identity. Again, on the higher dimensions we don’t need any material objects whatsoever. We are infinite and timeless. So I thought I should explain that. Don’t panic. The universe is going to take care of you if you trust in it.

Another thing is that because this can kind of zap our physical energy, there is the potential for people to have sort of weird health problems where it’s not really clear what’s causing it. Like maybe, you know, you go to the doctor and you say, “I’m tired all the time,” and they can’t figure out what’s wrong with you. And then suddenly it goes away at some point down the road, and it would often be around when the transit is coming out of orb. But that’s just a physical vitality thing. That’s again why it’s so important to eat well, get lots of rest, don’t stress yourself out too much, don’t over-exert yourself physically, stuff like that.

These transits typically tend to take a couple years, depending on your chart and retrogrades. So let’s say you have a sun in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sag. The whole time that Neptune is in Pisces, in challenging aspect, you will be under this influence. That can be many years, although the transit is most intense when it is within a tighter orb like 2 degrees. The house that this aspect is occurring in, let’s say your son is in the ninth house, will influence what areas of life this is going to show up the most in.

But also pay attention to if Neptune is transiting one of the angles. Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC. Trust me, those are potent transits, and each point has different meaning. The Ascendant is about you, how you initially and superficially present to the world. The IC is more about home and family and your immediate personal environment and the people you’re associated with. The Descendant is more about relationships and significant others. The Midheaven is how you express yourself in the world. It includes things like career, your status, the transits over the angles, especially with the major outer planets, are very significant. In fact, we can use those to help us rectify birth times. That is how potent they are.

So to summarize:

• Be more aware of your immediate environment, the people that you’re associated with, the places that you’re in, what you ingest physically into your body,

• Put more attention or energy or effort into staying grounded,

• Deploy and maintain a routine for good energetic hygiene and protection. Learn those skills if you do not already have them.

• Engage in spiritual practice if possible.

• Be willing to let go of attachments to material things and material reality.

• Simplify your life.

• Express your creative potential if you have that.

• Beware of self-delusion and being deluded by others. And that includes things like illusions fantasies. I mean that can be fun, but just don’t get too attached to it.

• Be careful with drugs and stimulants.

• You may find that psychic experiences are amplified during this time.

• Avoid negative people, places, and things.

• Study metaphysical subjects.

• Trust that the universe will give you everything you need, and that anything you don’t have you don’t need.

• Engage in selfless service, like volunteering and charities, or helping those in need,

• and this is an excellent time to expand your consciousness,

• and to find out where your egoic attachments are, and how to release them.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I hope this is helpful to someone.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to put them in the comments section, and I try and keep up with that, although it can be a bit challenging sometimes.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Copyright © 2023 • AquarianDiary.com • All Rights Reserved

Dealing With Dark Energies and Energetic Attacks

I discuss how we can minimize and manage negative or dark energies or influences. I also address energetic or psychic attacks and entity attachments, and I provide practical suggestions for preventing and dealing with such challenges.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on March 31, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is March 31, 2023.

The last two episodes that I have published here I had written scripts for. Right now I am speaking spontaneously. This is not scripted.

By the way, I will never use artificial intelligence or anything like that to create a script. All of the words that I have put on my channel to date are wholly my own, unless explicitly stated otherwise. I think that’s very important. It will never be able to, for example, include things like intuition. Never.

What I want to talk about today is another topic that has long been on my mind, and I think I can now put it out there because I have addressed many of the fundamental aspects surrounding some of these ideas in the last two episodes. Again, Spiritual Glamour and Psychic Reading and Ethics.

And that is this. It is having to do with dealing with negative energetic influences.

Please do not listen to only segments of this episode. Please listen to it in its entirety.

I have a fair amount of knowledge about this because I have had many dramatic experiences with dark energies that go back to when I was quite young. I have had incidents that were completely unexpected and that I did not understand, which caused me to put quite a bit of time and energy into learning how to deal with those kinds of situations. The point being that it’s just something I know a fair amount about.

One of the reasons I have hesitated to address this here is because it is a bit of a contentious issue. There are some who think that there is no such thing as darkness which might oppose us, or challenge us, or try and undermine us, and that anything negative that happens to us is a product of our own consciousness and maybe even karma.

But the truth is that I have had experiences along these lines so many times and some of them have even been shared with other people who were kind of neutral observers and some of them have been pointed out and confirmed to me by other people who were psychic.

So I’ve had shared experiences of this that were not discussed until after events occurred, so I knew, in other words, that it wasn’t just affecting me, and that it wasn’t just a product of my own imagination, and I have very clearly felt the repercussions of such negative influences, like I said, on countless occasions.

Anyone who is remotely sensitive to energies will no doubt understand what I’m talking about. Even something as simple as going to a particular place or being around certain people can affect you. So clearly we are influenced by energies in our environment. People who are not sensitive to energies may still feel that, it may manifest in some way,
but they just might not be conscious that it’s happening on an energetic level.

I have had experiences, for example, where someone was angry at me and it affected me physiologically. Even if their anger was not justified or if it was misplaced due to something like a misunderstanding, it nonetheless has a very real impact. So I have absolutely no doubt that energies in our environment or from other people or other beings even affect us. I have zero doubt about that.

The next logical question, of course, is can other people or beings intentionally direct negative energies at us? Is that possible? I would say yes, because I’ve also had experiences where that has been verified.

When people intentionally direct negative energies at others, it can be considered black magic, which has very significant karmic implications. But some people are consciously aligned with darkness. They choose to work with or express dark energies. so they know what they are doing on some level. To what degree they know what they’re doing is another question. There are degrees of intentionality and therefore culpability or guilt.

As I stated in my last episode on Spiritual Glamour, I think it’s quite clear that the vast majority of people are in a neutral state, that is, they are kind of in a state of acquiescence. They are sitting on the fence. That probably is the large bulk of humanity. There is a much smaller segment of society who have consciously aligned themselves with the path of light, and there is another probably even smaller segment of society that has aligned themselves with the darkness.

There are two paths. There is the path of light and the path of darkness. To suggest that those people do not exist, people who are aligned with darkness, in my opinion, because we live in a very polarizing world, strikes me as being very naive and possibly even delusional.

Again, as I have said, I have experienced energies being directed at me that I know were being deliberately directed at me, and I’ve had that validated by other very qualified people at times. So I know that that occurs, and I know that it exists, and I have also had many encounters with beings who were definitely aligned with the darkness. I know this because of how they present.

So I’m not sharing all of this for people to become paranoid. We do not want to be in a state of fear. Fear is a very compromising state. It makes us very vulnerable to negative influences. So please don’t do that.

Pragmatically, what you want to be doing is, as I explained in my recent episode on Spiritual Glamour, you want to be in a state of consciousness or awareness all the time, paying attention to how you feel and what you are experiencing, ideally from a detached perspective as observer.

If you are under the influence of, for example, negative energies that do not originate with you, you should be able to be aware of that and then you can take the appropriate action. And I have also done a whole episode on Energetic Hygiene which will address the vast majority of those kinds of situations. It’s quite simple. It requires a small degree of discipline. That’s it.

So I suggest that people pay attention to how they’re feeling and what they’re experiencing and ask themselves if it is a product of their own state of mind or, on the other hand, if it is the result of some external influence.

Again, to suggest that humans are not influenced by external energies is almost laughable.

So we have to consider that and have that knowledge and awareness so that we can then act accordingly.

I’ll give you some examples.

I was once in a situation where someone was angry at me about something and from my perspective it was completely undeserved. Nonetheless, this person from their perspective felt they were justified in being angry towards me and there were occasions where I literally could not work. I had to take the day off because I felt ill. It can be quite intense.

So of course what I did is I resumed my spiritual practice and I did some Kundalini yoga and things like that to manage those energies.

It is not my intent to cause harm to others and we have to be very careful about that. We do not want to fight fire with fire, as it were, but we do need to protect ourselves when we are being harmed.

What I just described is a scenario where someone was angry about something and they’re directing anger at me and then it affects me. Their intent was to not harm me, it was just they were angry.

I have also had an experience in my spiritual practice that demonstrated to me very clearly what happens when we direct anger at others. I was shown clearly how that works, what it looks like, what it feels like, and so forth. So, I am very cautious about directing anger at other people, because it can harm them.

If we are dealing with a negative force or energy, which is more sophisticated and intentional, we’re talking about something on a different level, where there is intent to harm. That typically requires more diligence and a bit more sophistication to handle. That is where practices like Kundalini Yoga, which has some kriyas that create protective shields around us, are helpful.

When we are under energetic attack from a more intentional source, you may, for example, start having weird dreams, almost nightmares. You may start to feel fear or unexplained anxiety or self-doubt or depression and you may have problems thinking clearly. It may manifest as low vitality and a lack of physical energy. You may feel like you need to hide on some level. This may not be fully conscious; it just may manifest that way.

I am not a doctor, of course, and I am in no way qualified to comment on medical or mental health issues, so you should always do your due diligence and make sure that any of these kinds of symptoms are not medically related. I am only speaking here about addressing issues that occur on an energetic level. Caveat emptor.

If it is coming from a dark source, it can be very insidious. If dark energies really want to affect you, because they’re smart, they may, for example, try and get at you through other people. So they may affect people in your life or in your world and cause them to lose faith in you or act in ways that undermine you. Because they can’t get at you directly, in some cases, they will try and get at you through other people. So your relationships, your job, your friends, your associates may be exploited to undermine you.

Now that typically only happens to people who pose some kind of a threat to the dark side. They don’t spend a lot of time and energy going after people who do not threaten them. Why would they? It doesn’t make sense. I’m talking about the more sophisticated dark beings, not your run-of-the-mill, disincarnate spirits and things like that. Mere ghosts and so on.

Also, if you are doing a lot of spiritual work and you are advancing, you will begin to stand out from the crowd because you are holding or manifesting more light, which will attract the darkness. This is a bit counterintuitive. The light is a threat to the darkness. If you’re not expressing a lot of light, you don’t stand out in the crowd. So that is one of the reasons it is important for people who are doing spiritual work to maintain a good defensive and energetic hygiene regimen. Again, do not get into a state of fear or paranoia.

What I’m describing, if you think about it, just makes common sense. The darkness as a whole does not want humanity to evolve out of this state that we’re in, where we can easily be victimized and controlled. If humanity evolves too much, the darkness will no longer be able to be a force of consequence here on Earth. Therefore, they do not want that to happen. It is just common sense.

And anybody who says that the darkness is not real, I offer you the clear-cut example of what is happening in Ukraine. Millions of people who are innocent are being attacked existentially, for no justifiable or reasonable reason whatsoever. There is no justification to take the lives of so many innocent civilians and destroy an entire country in the process, and all of its buildings and infrastructure, its totally unique and precious heritage and history, which is irreplaceable. It makes no sense whatsoever. Clearly, this is an act of darkness. That is just one out of millions of potential examples.

Let’s get real. When I hear people say things like “there is no evil” it defies logic and common sense and it almost sounds to me like basically you’re asking us to ignore what is staring us in the face. Again, it defies logic and insults our intelligence. See my episode on Spiritual Glamour.

So if you’re going through a prolonged period where you just don’t feel well or you don’t feel right, and you can’t explain why things are going the way they’re going, you may want to, and I’m getting strong energy here, you may want to engage in a spiritual practice that involves grounding, clearing, energetic protection, and even some form of more advanced, energetic protection and reinforcement routine.

What do you have to lose? Almost nothing. All you need to do is apply yourself and use a small amount of discipline, and if it works, you will be very grateful for what I’ve just recommended. If it doesn’t, you have nothing to lose.

We are almost always challenged as we go down the spiritual path. The more evolved we become, the harder the challenges tend to be. This may simply be a matter of refining and purifying ourselves. In fact, it may simply be part of our spiritual evolution to overcome such challenges because they filter out the vestiges of darkness within us.

Regardless, nobody wants to be victimized by negative energies that do not originate within them.

There are certain people who are more prone to these kinds of things and they tend to be people who have strong Plutonian aspects in their charts or strongly placed Neptunes, that kind of thing. Regardless of the astrology, what I’m talking about is definitely worth being aware of and doing something about.

It is also helpful to counter negative energies by consciously practicing things like gratitude, selfless service, acts of humanitarianism, being kind and generous and supportive of others, that is all good karma, that brings us into alignment with the light.

Being of service is a fundamental component of the truth. On the higher dimensions all of those beings are engaged in service of some kind. And so when we align with that energy and that way of being, we reinforce our aura with positive energy.

You can, for example, even if you are having difficulty with somebody, you can effectively send them positive energy, which to some degree may neutralize whatever drama is occurring with that individual.

The stronger our energy field is, the more protected we are. So leading a healthy lifestyle contributes to that as well. If you are prone to feeling energies, I advise that you avoid drugs and stimulants that effectively, in some cases, result in dropping your energetic or psychic shields, because under those circumstances you can become very vulnerable.

There are practices like cord cuttings and removing energetic attachments and so forth that can be employed and which you can read up on.

I would caution you, however, to not let anyone work on you energetically unless you trust them completely and unless they are someone of very high integrity, because you are basically giving them permission to modify your energy. Again, this is just common sense.

There are also cases, more common than most people think, where disincarnate beings can attach themselves to the energy field of incarnate people. This is commonly referred to as having an entity attachment. Effectively, what happens is that these disincarnate people who have not crossed over try and live vicariously through another human being, and they subtly manipulate and influence the human being to act in ways that are aligned with their own agenda and own desires.

This is most prevalent, but not limited to, people who have experienced addiction – extended periods where their defense shields are very down and they are easily manipulated. These entities do not want to leave the host for obvious reasons and sometimes intervention is required to get them to move on and/or cross over. This requires a degree of expertise that is beyond ordinary experience. It is something to be aware of if you are experiencing or have been experiencing things that cannot be easily explained by logic or common sense. It’s just something to consider.

Regular spiritual practice and energetic hygiene goes a long way to preventing these kinds of things from occurring. We do not want to be carrying other people’s energies. They do not belong to us.

People can also experience astral level entity attachments. Think of them more like pests or parasites. They are not human in origin. They view our energy as a food source where we are the host. People who have experienced a lot of trauma or grief can attract these kinds of little entities which will attach themselves to them, and they have the effect of draining or altering our energy. Nobody wants this either, and similar techniques can be employed to rid ourselves from them. I have personally experienced this and I was not made aware of it until I resumed my spiritual practice.

As I stated in my episode on Spiritual Glamour, there can be a lot of people who present as being aligned with the light who are in fact not. So we always have to practice discernment. And if you are doing a spiritual practice, it’s very helpful because you will become more sensitive to the still, small voice within, which will never lead you astray. So if you’re faced with any kind of a dilemma and you don’t know what to do, the first thing to do is to connect to that and pay attention to signs and guidance that you receive, which will help you verify what to do, who to trust, and so on.

This is why maintaining a spiritual practice is so useful because it keeps us in a state of heightened awareness. In fact, I would argue that when we are going through very significant challenges, that is the time when spiritual practice is actually the most important.

Another thing that people need to take into account, which I also talked about in the Spiritual Glamour episode, is that as you evolve, or as your consciousness expands, you may find that some of the people who’ve been in your world, so to speak, for a long time, fall by the wayside because they are no longer in resonance with your new energy. I’m not suggesting that you indiscriminately cut off relationships, but we can go through periods where old friendships dissipate and then new ones will come in who are in greater resonance with your new state of being. That is not unusual at all.

If you have been dealing with somebody who is problematic, who makes you feel depleted (because there are energy vampires). If someone makes you feel depleted or negative when you’re with them, you may want to consider that relationship and whether you want to continue pursuing it. That is also a matter of being aware and sensitive of your energy so that you can know how people and situations are influencing you. You do not want to be brought down simply by interacting with someone on a repeated basis.

Now we all have good days and bad days. Fair enough. I’m not talking about a one-off situation or a rare occurrence. I’m talking about repeated situations that you find depleting. You should probably do something about that. That is, to some degree, just a matter of, again, common sense and being responsible for yourself.

Often, when we are stuck in situations with people like that, there is a karmic component to it. One of the most potent and easy way of correcting situations like that is to use a method called Ho’oponopono, which is a forgiveness ritual. It is remarkably powerful and simple. I’ll put links to all this stuff in the description.

Another point which I am quite adamant about. As far as I’m concerned, we should never inject ourselves into another person’s energy or attempt to influence them or manipulate them energetically, without their explicit informed consent. To me, this is a breach of the law of free will. And it would have karmic consequences. There is a very fine line between white magic and black magic. Black magic is where we seek to influence people without their awareness. It is manipulative. I don’t care what anyone else says. If you think about it, it’s just, again, common sense.

How would you feel if someone did that to you? You almost certainly would not appreciate it. I definitely wouldn’t. Case closed. Don’t do it. And personally, I don’t think it matters whether the target is incarnate or not.

Personally, I never look for the dark side. Just like there is a continuum of good and bad within people and people fit somewhere within that continuum, the same thing applies on the dark side. There are beings who are very powerful, and we do not want to just randomly put ourselves in situations where we have to confront those kinds of beings. So don’t look for it if you don’t want it.

Avoid compromising situations, in other words. And temptation is a part of it. You may be tempted to do something that you might derive great benefit from initially, but pay a heavy price for it later. Like doing something unethical, or some situation that might make you a lot of money, but that you know is wrong.

Or having an extra-marital affair or something that just mysteriously presents itself to you. That would disrupt your life so much, if it became known, that it would throw you into a state of chaos for two or three years or something like that. This is about being in integrity. If you’re in a relationship that you don’t want to be in, You should be responsible and work yourself out of it in the most graceful way possible.

Nobody is saying that you should be in situations that you don’t want to be in. It’s just about how we approach it and how we handle it, and how we put things right. We need to avoid doing things in a way that is irresponsible or harmful to others. That creates karma that we will then have to work through.

So a lot of this comes down to just avoiding situations and people that we know conflict with our ethics or that compromise us.

I still get affected by negative energies a lot. I think partially because of what I’m publishing. Some people don’t like it, even though it’s true.

And so I maintain a regular spiritual practice to deal with that, and I can often feel an immediate and dramatic shift in my energy when I do my practice, and therefore I know that whatever energies were affecting me have been addressed.

Even very highly advanced spiritual teachers and figures have to deal with forces that try and interfere with them. This has been talked about in esoteric literature for centuries, if not millennia. So part of our path, part of our journey, is simply learning how to manage our energy and defend ourselves.

Again, I would start with the energetic hygiene ritual I published, and consider some of the points I brought up in the Spiritual Glamour episode, and I would also strive to maintain the highest degree of ethics possible.

We do not live in a perfect world. We might strive for perfection, but do not kid yourself that trying to realize it in a very imperfect world is unlikely to happen.

We have to earn a living. We have to pay bills. We have to go to the grocery store. We have to rely on others for some aspects of healthcare and so forth. What our governments decide to do can affect our fate and destiny. We are not wholly in control of our experience.

That is the way it works here in the third dimension. But what we can do is we can try and maintain as much clarity, focus, and take responsibility for our energy so that at least we are not victimized to as great an extent as possible.

Also life will involve drama. That is why we came here, we came here to learn. So there are many experiences that we need to have that help educate us and inform us. So it’s highly unlikely that you are going to achieve some blissful state of stasis. expect that.

We learn through all of these intense experiences, and some people are more wired for that than others, you know, like for example the 8th house or Scorpio can be very intense, and so don’t be alarmed or frightened or disappointed if you have intense experiences that might be part of your path. But self-mastery is something that everyone can achieve, and it is different for everyone depending on how they are created.

So even if your life is full of drama, you can still go through that experience in a state of Self-Mastery, which would be wonderful. In fact, people, for example with strong eighth house placements, can learn a lot, even though it can manifest, like I said, as a lot of drama. There’s a lot of potential in that, and when the soul incarnated it knew it would have those configurations and that it desired to work with that material as a learning process.

To my knowledge and awareness there are only a handful of people on the planet that are qualified or capable of directly confronting the more powerful elements of the dark side. Therefore, it is virtually stupid and foolish to seek it out yourself. If you are doing so out of curiosity or boredom, you are being a fool. So do not do this unless you are extremely well trained and qualified to do so. And if you are not sure you are qualified, I can assure you that you are not. So please don’t be idiotic.

If you dabble in dark arts, you are almost certainly going to regret it. It may not be in this lifetime, but it most certainly will be in another, because these energies tend to come back at us, akin to the boomerang effect. Again, only someone incredibly naive and foolish would embark on something like this. People who abuse power always get their comeuppance.

Furthermore, certain people are specifically designed to handle these kinds of matters, and they are extremely rare. They are specifically engineered or created for those kinds of roles. And again, there are very few of them.

People who have the capability of dealing with the most powerful negative forces have to be virtually completely free of ego, not even the tiniest traces of ego can exist or they would be in great danger.

I have had experiences with people who have studied these subjects for many years and even they hesitate in certain circumstances. They know what they are capable of and what they are not capable of.

Shamans deal with these kinds of issues and for some of them their training begins when they are children, and they devote their whole, often very solitary, lives to these matters. These are not skills you can acquire lightly or by watching a few videos on the internet, reading a couple books, or so on. I cannot overstate how important this is. Most people are better off just carrying on with their lives and fulfilling their mission, whatever that is.

In fact, much of the knowledge to deal with these kinds of matters was kept secret and not made available to the general public for very good reason. Because it could be abused or lead to great harm. And again, these techniques were learned over millennia and should be respected. If you ignore this, you do so at your peril. And I don’t care what anyone says. I would not state this if I did not believe it was true, and it is always better to err on the side of caution.

You cannot go take a couple weekend courses and become a shaman. I don’t care what anyone says. If you consult people who are real shamans, they will make this abundantly clear to you. It is not trivial. There are a lot of pseudo-shamens and weekend warriors who are not the real thing.

That is one of the problems with the internet is that a lot of knowledge and information that is out there is not fully intact and not fully in integrity and I am again getting strong energy as I say this. Very strong energy. Real wisdom is in very short supply. Do not dabble in these matters casually or naively. And, as far as I am personally concerned, the credibility of anyone who states otherwise is in very serious question.

If you have dabbled in darkness, there are ways and means of addressing that. A lot depends on how far down that path you went, and it is not territory I can really get into here. A lot of it has to do with the sincerity in your heart. We have all made mistakes, and I can virtually guarantee you that anyone who is down the spiritual path has had experiences in past lives where they have dabbled in darkness. Virtually guaranteed.

To be abundantly clear, the dire sounding warnings I am issuing pertain to more powerful forces on the dark side of the equation, not the garden variety kinds of things we experience on a day-to-day basis in our normal lives. Many people will never encounter these kinds of things, at least consciously. So if that is not part of your experience, don’t worry about it. But it is encompassed in this territory, and I have no choice but to address it if I am going to discuss this topic.

A small footnote to add here is that I find personally that it is helpful to eat at least some live food, things like apples or fruit or oranges or whatever. I always find that I get a bit of a boost from foods that are alive, not processed or cooked. I don’t mean that exclusively, it’s just that if your energy is low, try eating some fresh fruit or vegetables.

Something else that popped into my mind while I was working on this is that I have found that sometimes it is very helpful to get out of the house and go and be in other situations where you’re not thinking about things. What I’ve experienced is that often I will get insights or things will just become clear to me in those situations where I’m just not thinking about things or anything. It could be just doing errands or whatever. and that has proved to be very helpful to me at times when I was trying to solve issues that I just couldn’t rationally sort out on their own otherwise.

As I stated at the beginning of this episode, I have hesitated to discuss this topic. However, many of the people who are truly amazing people that I have been talking to recently have had some experiences that this knowledge may help explain. It disturbs me to see people needlessly suffering, hence I am publishing this episode in case it is helpful. That is what is motivating me to do this. And I happen to know enough about this to potentially be able to share some things that will be useful and alleviate some otherwise undesirable experiences.

So this has been a bit of a stream of consciousness. I hope it’s helpful. It’s not scripted. It didn’t feel right for me to script this one. It felt like I needed to just talk about it naturally. So pardon me if I’ve glossed over any important points, but I’ll leave it there for now.

Thanks to everyone who supports me.

If you’d like to book an astrology reading with me, I will put a link in the episode

[I also conduct classes on energy management and energetic protection you may be interested in.]

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Resistance to Spiritual Growth

I discuss how and why people frequently experience many forms of resistance – if not interference – to doing their Spiritual work or Spiritual Practice. I also describe how to effectively manage and overcome such obstacles.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on April 27, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 27, 2023.

For the past while now, I’ve had the honor of speaking with many people from around the world. And I say honor because in just about every exchange, there is some information or knowledge, or perspective, that is conveyed to me, which turns out to be meaningful. It’s been a surprising aspect of my work.

There’s something else that has come up a lot in my conversations and work with other people. I have been working with some people on dealing with techniques to shift their energy in positive ways. I’ve been doing classes on energy management. I’ll put a link to that in the description.

And a recurring theme in that work is that many people experience what looks like interference or resistance to actually doing the work. It seems like at least half of the people that I discuss this with experience this phenomenon.

Now I’m able to recognize this just because I’ve seen it happen so many times. It kind of goes like this.

There will be both a push and a pull to actually doing the work.

Part of someone will recognize clearly that they should do it, and the thought of doing it feels good, and another part of them will be manifesting all of this obstructional kind of resistance.

For example, life circumstances will emerge that just get in the way, or that prevent them from doing the practices.

It’s almost like there’ll be an avalanche of activity trying to prevent them from doing the exercises that I will prescribe. And the person will often be aware of this and asking themselves, if not me, what is going on?

For example, they will say, “I want to do this. I know I should, but there’s part of me that just doesn’t want me to do it.”

I’ve seen this happen over and over again.

This can be coming from many sources. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions about where it originates from.

It could be an expression of our own dark side, because we all have one. And there’s a relationship between the strength of your dark side and how much shadow work you have done in the past. And let’s face it, a lot of people don’t like to do shadow work because it’s not typically easy.

It can also be other beings, whether they’re people incarnate or not, or otherwise, who do not want us to change because they are attached to the status quo.

It can even be people who are like “frenemies”, people that we think have our best interests at heart, but are actually jealous or resentful of us in some way.

For example, let’s take being A. They want to evolve. Being B may fear that if person A evolves, they won’t love them in the same way that they did before. There is a lot of fear around change. That’s just common sense.

So even though people may not communicate these kinds of things to us verbally, they may feel things energetically, they may feel a threat to the status quo energetically without even being aware of it.

Then what happens is they then proceed to help facilitate or create obstacles to person A evolving. And they can be very real. They can show up as events that occur, like little emergencies or things that need to happen at certain times and things like that. A lot of this can occur unconsciously, is what I’m saying.

There can also be non-material beings who are energetically attached to people who fear them changing or evolving for similar reasons.

What I’m getting at is that there can be a tremendous amount of resistance or inertia to people evolving, and this can play out sometimes for weeks or months or even years, if not many lifetimes.

The person who wants to evolve can also have subconscious resistance. There may be a part of their unconscious that also fears change. Because even sometimes when people have difficult lives or challenging experiences, the familiar may be more comfortable than the unfamiliar.

Now a lot of that can be seen in the astrology chart. There are certain signs and planetary energies that are more resistant to change.

Nonetheless, when the individual who wants to evolve makes that decision and dedicates themselves – in the form of discipline and being diligent about doing their spiritual practice – nothing can stand in their way because they are exercising their free will and agency. And that is a divine right.

This is why I am always emphasizing being disciplined. It’s not like in the army in boot camp kind of discipline. The discipline is necessary often to overcome all of this unconscious and non-material and material resistance and inertia.

So I can’t emphasize this enough.

If, for example, you are listening to this and you’ve been saying to yourself for a long time “I really should do my spiritual practice and I should really take it more seriously,” and then you always find excuses and reasons why you can’t.

“Oh, I’m tired,” or “Something happened today that threw me off emotionally,” or “My boyfriend just called and wants to go to dinner.” Well, you can put off your boyfriend for 30 minutes. You know, like, really.

It’s not that we have to stop our lives, but we do have to make a commitment to doing this work.

At some point, the person who wants to evolve simply has to decide that they’re going to do it no matter what. And then they put their foot down and they just become disciplined and diligent about doing their work or their spiritual practice regardless of what happens.

Another thing is that there is part of us that knows that when we engage in our spiritual work things will change. It starts on the energetic or psychic levels, and then it ripples out and manifests in the third dimension. And I think most people know that, if not intellectually, intuitively. So there are consequences to it.

However, I can virtually assure you that whatever changes take place will be for the better. Our higher selves and spirit or the universe do not want us to suffer unnecessarily. They want us to grow and evolve and for our lives to be meaningful.

There have even been many cases where I myself have suffered energetic blowback when working with other people on these kinds of practices. Not necessarily from them, but from energies that are attached to them in some way.

And I don’t always necessarily mean literally attached. I mean attached to the status quo, of them and their energy. Because I become a threat to their perceived interests. That is just a fact.

So I have to manage my energy very carefully when I’m doing this kind of work, because as it can really take a toll on me at times. However, when people do follow through and change, it is profoundly rewarding and uplifting for me to observe and for me to be able to participate in that kind of outcome.

Another point is that because this experience is so prevalent, it points to how effective these techniques are. If the discipline was not effective, there would be no resistance, because it wouldn’t be threatening to the status quo.

Most people comment that they really enjoy the work and that it feels great. There’s nothing negative about the work.

So to summarize, what I’m saying is that it is very common, if not more often than not, for people contemplating engaging in spiritual practice to have to overcome a lot of inertia and resistance to doing the work in the first place.

And that it is necessary, especially in the beginning, to be disciplined about it in order to overcome that initial inertia.

And that resistance will also manifest in the third dimension as frustrating delays, challenges, obstacles, and distractions.

And that we have to overcome the fear of change and evolution, and recognize that it is not a threat to us, nor will it cause us harm.

On the contrary, it is much more likely that staying the same is the least desirable option.

I cannot overstate this enough. Like I said, I’ve seen this over and over and over again.

So if you’re interested in learning these techniques, I have a series of classes. It’s very time consuming on my part to do this. But I get a lot of feedback from Spirit and from the people I’m working with that it’s good.

A lot of people need to break old ways of being and old habits. Sometimes ways of being that have existed for many lifetimes.

Because there’s a real opportunity right now – and I’m getting strong chills saying this – there’s a real opportunity right now for people to evolve tremendously at speeds they could not do in past incarnations.

Once you reset your energy you can go off and do whatever you want. This is not a religion.

So I thought I’d share that. I’ll put a link in the episode description to these classes.

But this is just more of a public service because I sense a lot of people have been going through this experience or debate in their heads, contemplating doing the work.

I published one episode titled “Energetic Hygiene” and I’ve also published some short little practices for people to do, but those are somewhat limited. I can’t really put all of the details that I actually use in my own practice on this channel or my website or whatever. There’s a lot of context that needs to be conveyed and there needs to be some discussion about what’s going on and why.

Also, it seems like people aren’t getting updates about my videos, so please check my channel directly, periodically, to see if I have uploaded any new episodes.

If you’re interested in an astrology reading, I’ll also put a link to that in the episode description.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.


Energetic Protection Classes

Energetic Hygiene – A “How To” with Practical Suggestions (YouTube)

Introduction to Ritual Practice – Practical Suggestions (YouTube)

Astrology Readings

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