Category: Commentary

Darkness is the Absence of Light

I discuss the importance of being informed, aware and engaged socially and politically. 

This episode was published on February 22, 2024 at 2:54pm EST.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 22nd, 2024.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines darkness as being the “total or near absence of light”, evil, and “a lack of knowledge or enlightenment”.

Many people have stated that humanity is currently engaged in an epic battle against the forces of darkness, the outcome of which will determine our collective future. This is on the public record in the spiritual and psychic community. Many scholars, academics, leading thinkers, historians, and commentators have also asserted this in recent years.

I myself have drawn astrological parallels to events that transpired in the 1930s and 40s.

After the devastation of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh austerity and reparation measures on Germany. This led to a deep-seated resentment and anger amongst the German population.

In the 1930s, Germany embarked on a mission to restore its power by rapidly expanding its military capabilities as well as its territory. To “make Germany great again”, ironically.

At the time, Germany’s increasingly aggressive, hostile, and expansionist posture was alarming. However, many countries were still reeling from the horrors of World War I, and the prospect of rearming and engaging in another widespread conflict was unwelcome. Thus, the strategy of appeasement emerged, which is commonly associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

It would take until 1939, after Germany seized Czechoslovakia, for Europe to finally admit that appeasement had been a dismal failure and that they had no choice but to forcibly respond to German aggression. By then, Germany had developed and deployed formidable military forces.

By the time World War II ended, an estimated 70-85 million people, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion people that comprised the global population in 1940, would perish. Much of Europe lay in ruins.

That many found the prospect of yet another war in Europe unthinkable is understandable given the circumstances back then. But the denial of reality of German aggression and repeated breaches of its treaty obligations was plainly self-evident.

Hindsight is 20/20, as the saying goes, and we can only speculate about what might have happened if European leaders had responded differently.

Today, the world faces many challenges related to a resurgence of know-nothing populism and far-right extremism.

The most powerful country in human history faces an existentially critical election in less than nine months’ time.

The Republican agenda, should they win, is nothing short of alarming. This openly illiberal agenda is now on the public record. It is no longer a matter of speculation or conjecture.

It is not alarmist to categorize it as Christo-fascist-theocratic-authoritarianism, as many prominent thinkers, academics, scholars and commentators have effectively stated in their own words.

Such an outcome would have profoundly dangerous consequences, geopolitically, militarily and economically, and this is of grave concern as well.

For example, Vladimir Putin has ambitions to regain control over former Soviet-Bloc countries and many on the political right are blithely indifferent to his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, China has been adopting an increasingly aggressive posture and advanced space-based weaponry threatens nuclear deterrence mechanisms that have kept large-scale conflict in check since the 1960s.

It is vitally important for people to understand what is happening and why, to be informed, and to identify and rely on trustworthy and credible sources of information.

As many of us are aware, there is a great deal of propaganda, disinformation and misinformation being widely disseminated through social media and elsewhere.

While all this is happening, we simultaneously face daunting and unprecedented global environmental challenges that have not yet been addressed in any remotely adequate or meaningful way. This status quo is a direct result of disinformation and regulatory capture by financially vested interests.

Compounding this is a public that is extremely poorly informed about the severe consequences and implications of inaction which are already manifesting and will continue to play out for millennia.

I articulate this not to disempower you, however, I have made a compelling case that being ill-informed, misinformed, disengaged, or apathetic can have catastrophic implications.

If we accept the premise that the standard definition of darkness is ”a lack of knowledge or enlightenment”, and that we are, in fact, engaged in a battle against darkness, then it logically follows that the antidote is knowledge and awareness.

The dark side would like nothing better than for us to be disengaged, uninformed, unaware, indifferent and apathetic. For them, that would be the best case scenario, as they would face no resistance to implementing their agenda.

Thus, it is well known that a large part of their playbook promotes distrust in institutions and undermines or discredits truth, knowledge, and reality itself. A disoriented, uninformed, and confused public is a malleable and easily manipulated public.

If, for example, people don’t get out and vote in the next American election, the outcome will be nothing short of frightening for the whole world. This is not hyperbole. Numerous European leaders have expressed dismay and alarm at the prospect of undesirable election results in November.

If people think that political outcomes don’t affect them personally, they are very ill-informed or deeply misguided at best.

To get people out to vote, they must be motivated.

To be motivated, they must know what’s at stake.

To know what’s at stake, they must be informed.

To be informed, they must follow the news and be aware of political developments.

Let us hope that this is not another Neville Chamberlain moment for humanity. The stakes are even higher now.

Please encourage your friends and loved ones to be responsibly informed, aware, and actively engaged, if at all possible. This is a small burden considering that the future of humanity and all precious life on earth rests in the balance.

Ignorance and apathy is bliss until suddenly it is not, as history has very clearly demonstrated. Over and over.

I know that many of you who are empathic or intuitive have sensed for years that we are rapidly approaching a critically important juncture, as have I.

I urge you to trust your inner knowing and wisdom. Do not turn your back on your inner light, your inner truth, your inner voice.

This is a test we simply cannot fail.

This is not a drill.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation?

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Purging and Decompression

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Links referenced herein:

Biden: Nine heads of state have said I’ve ‘got to win’ in November

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #PlutoInAquarius #PlutoInCapricorn


Solar Activity Clickbait BS

I discuss and debunk some common and widely disseminated misconceptions about Solar Cycles, Solar Flares and Solar activity, as they relate to esoteric matters. 

This episode was published on February 26, 2024 at 1:11pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 26th, 2024.

You’ll want to look at your screen in order to follow this episode, so if you’re listening to this by podcast, you may want to watch my video on YouTube.

Sigh… Why am I sighing?

Well, it’s because I have to play the role of party pooper, or Debbie Downer. And party poopers are never popular.

People don’t want to hear that they’re wrong or that they’ve been misled, or that they’ve been engaging in motivated reasoning.

But a topic that I’ve touched on previously has come up again. The last time I did this, I kinda just tacked it on to the end of an episode on a different topic. But I’m approaching it here directly.

And that has to do with solar cycles and solar activity.

First of all, we need to understand the way that the internet works, especially platforms like this one.

The way they work is that the more views you get, the more money you earn from advertisements that get placed in your videos. I don’t know what the exact number is, but I dunno, say you get 100,000 views on a video and you earn a thousand bucks. Whatever that figure is, I just made that up.

So people are incentivized to create videos that will get a lot of views, because that’s how they make money. And if you’re unscrupulous, you don’t care what you put out there. All you care about is getting as many views as possible.

And one of those kind of clickbait type topics that always seems to make the rounds is the subject of solar activity.

Yes, solar cycles exist. Solar cycles generally run an 11-year cycle.

The magnetic poles of our sun flip about every 11 years. The beginning of the solar cycle is when sunspot activity is at a minimum. The middle of the solar cycle, or the solar maximum, is when there is a peak amount of sunspot activity. Like I said, it’s about an 11-year cycle.

Now people will proclaim that this heralds significant events on earth. And yes, there are some implications to solar maximums, like geomagnetic activity on earth that may affect satellites and communications, or even power grids in some extreme cases. We may see increases in the aurora borealis in the northern hemisphere, and things like that.

But it’s important to put this in context, and it’s actually quite simple to do. We can track sunspot activity quite easily simply by observing the sun, which we can do with telescopes, satellites, and so forth. And we’ve been doing this for quite a long time, because of the implications to our communications systems and so forth. I’m not going to get into a highly technical explanation of that.

The point I want to make is that we need to look at what’s happening now, relative to what’s happened in the past, so that we have some context.

The NOAA, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, posts fairly real-time data on their website. You can go and look at this yourself.

If you look at your screen, the graph that I’m showing illustrates the current level of solar activity. As you can see, the solar minimum occurred in about 2020, and the sun is projected to reach a maximum in 2025.

Fair enough. We are in a period of heightened solar sunspot activity.

Now let’s zoom out a little bit and look at a longer time span.

The next graph shows activity going back to 1980.

As we can see, the solar maximums around 2000-2002 were significantly more active than the current cycle. If we go back to 1990, that period was even more active.

Now let’s go back to 1900.

Wow! Look at the level of activity in the late 1950s. There was dramatically more solar activity at that time. In fact, the level of solar activity right now is relatively low compared to past cycles over the last 120 years.

In the episode description, I will put a link to this chart. You can go look at it for yourself.

If you mouse over the chart and use your scroll wheel, you can extend the x-axis or the time span that you want to look at.

My point here is that generally, there’s nothing particularly unusual about the current level of solar activity. The levels of activity currently are not even close to levels of sunspot activity in the past.

So, the lesson here is that what’s going on right now is not abnormal in any way, that some people will promote things without even doing basic fact-checking, and that many people are motivated to produce clickbait that will generate a lot of traffic.

It bothers me when people are being deceived or misled. Everyone makes mistakes. We all do. I make mistakes. Anybody incarnate makes mistakes.

Myself, I have an Errata page where if I make a mistake in an episode, I will document it and publish it. There’s not a lot on there, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be. But at least I try and be straightforward and honest with people. And if I do make a mistake, I’ll admit it.

It doesn’t benefit me to play this role of fact-checking or being a party pooper. In fact, probably the opposite, because I contradict popular or trending narratives. But like I said, I don’t like to see people being misled.

It’s great that people are curious about these kinds of things, or wonder about them, but we have to question the motivations of people who make extraordinary claims without even doing a few minutes of research.

One other point I mentioned in a previous episode that I’m seeing activations showing up in people’s astrology charts over the next year or two, and that trend has continued. It’s quite something. It’s pretty cool. I think the next couple years are going to be very interesting. So stay tuned.

Also, we are in eclipse season. There are eclipses in March and April.

On March 25th, there is a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra.

On April 8th, there is a solar eclipse at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries.

Eclipses occur several times every year, so they’re not earth-shattering, typically, unless they fall in close aspect to a significant point in your natal chart, in which case they can have very significant influences.

The conventional wisdom is that we feel these up to 3 months in advance, and then they play out up to 6 months afterwards.

I usually look at near-term eclipses in my readings for people, so that’s something you might want to consider.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.


Solar Cycle Progression (NOAA interactive chart)

What Is the Solar Cycle?

Some other episodes:

No, You are NOT Responsible for Every Aspect of Your Reality – Redux

Darkness is the Absence of Light

The original version of this episode can be found here.

Blowback for Abuses of Power – Pluto transit Aquarius

Purging and Decompression

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology – Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#SolarCycles #SolarMaximum #SolarActivity


AI and the Death of the Internet

I discuss how AI (Artificial Intelligence) poses a clear and present danger to the way the Internet has worked for decades. The implications are profound and disturbing.

This may be related to the transit of Pluto in Aquarius (2023-2044). Pluto, death and rebirth, and power. Aquarius – or the 11th house – signifying society, broader social aims and causes, technology and dramatic or radical technological developments.

This episode was published on February 1, 2024 at 4:34pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 1st, 2024.

I have a bit of a throat cold thing going on, so I apologize for that. There’s a lot of weird things going around right now.

What I want to talk about today is really heartbreaking for me personally.

Just to give a bit of background, back in the late 90’s, I co-founded a technology company that was effectively a social media platform geared towards K-12 education, which is kindergarten through grade 12. So elementary, middle, high school.

This was when Pluto was in Sagittarius, and I’m a Sag, so you can see the connections to education. And in fact, what I’m doing here right now is educational, very 9th house kind of stuff.

And I loved that. It was fantastic. It was very early.

I actually got online before the Internet. I bought my first computer in 1986. This was very early days of personal computing.

And then bulletin boards came along where you dialed in with a modem and you could connect to a local community, and I was involved in that.

And then the Internet came along and supplanted bulletin boards.

And then, like I said, in the 1990’s, I started a tech company, which operationally was headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. And Ottawa was a high-tech center. There was a lot of high-tech companies based there. And that was a fantastic experience.

And then the dot-com crash happened, and that took out 90%, nine-zero percent of the tech companies in Ottawa.

Our company survived, but it was brutal. To get through that was just unbelievable, and it practically killed me.

But the company never fully recovered from that, because for years after the dot-com crash, it was extremely hard to get any kind of investment or support to keep your company going.

Now, of course, we all know that the Internet went on to become huge, like Google, Facebook, all of these companies became enormous. We now have YouTube, and so on.

So the long-term vision from the 1990’s was right. It just took longer to play out than people realized it was going to.

And that brings me to today, which, like I said, is heartbreaking for me.

Now, there’s a lot of things about the Internet currently that have really bothered me, and I have wanted to talk about this for a long time.

Primarily it has to do with how all of the major tech companies have consolidated so much power and influence that they basically are controlling the Internet. And I always thought that was a bad thing.

…the major tech companies have consolidated so much power and influence that they basically are controlling the Internet.

I had one of the first [of] 1,100 websites on the Internet, and I kind of longed for those days where people could create things, put them up, and stuff would happen.

You didn’t need to rely on any platforms to do this. You didn’t need Substack. You didn’t need Patreon. You didn’t need YouTube or Spotify. You didn’t need Shopify. No third parties. Anybody could create a website independently.

Now Google doesn’t work as well as it used to. It’s littered with all kinds of junk.

It’s very hard for people to find new websites or to connect with people independently.

You have to have almost a computer science degree to code websites now. It’s gotten extremely complicated. That’s a huge barrier for entry for a lot of people. If people can’t find your content, you don’t exist.

And these huge companies have basically bought up all these smaller players and consolidated that technology, the rights to that technology, and so forth.

So I’ve been battling that myself. In fact, there’s a huge thing going on now where a lot of people on YouTube, for example, are leaving the platform or they’re reducing their content creation, because YouTube has made pretty dramatic changes to the way the system works. And they can just do that arbitrarily at any time with no justification to the creators.

And so content creators these days are having huge issues with all of the changes that are occurring that they have no control over. It’s like they don’t really control their own destiny.

This is what happens when too much power gets concentrated in the hands of a few players. It’s bad.

Again, I long for the days of the Internet when it was much more simple and it was a much more level playing field. But those days are gone.

But the really heartbreaking part of all this right now is something else that I have been wanting to talk about for a long time, which is artificial intelligence. I did mention this in a discussion I had with Irish Granny Tarot back in December.

But it’s this.

The way these AI models work is they basically go out and they scoop up everything that’s on the Internet. They take all of this content, all of this information, all of this data. They conglomerate it and they will regurgitate it.

And when people use artificial intelligence to create things, the models will actually go through all this data they’ve compiled and regurgitate information to the user. The problem with this is that the people who created the content don’t get any credit for it.

So right now if you go onto Google and you search for something, you will get a list of links that you will click on and go to the source and read that information. With the new AI search engines, you completely bypass that.

Why is this such a dramatic problem?

It’s because the content creators don’t get any credit for the content they produced that the AI engines are using to feed people information.

So it used to be that people would search for something on Google, they would click on a link, they would go to your website where you would present the information. So Google is like a middleman.

And the content creators could generate money from advertising or from subscriptions or some other way of monetizing their content. But with AI that’s gone. It’s like the content creators don’t even exist.

So it’s kind of like a parasitic relationship where the AI engines are gobbling up everything on the Internet and then feeding it back to people on demand.

…it’s kind of like a parasitic relationship where the AI engines are gobbling up everything on the Internet and then feeding it back to people on demand.

If content creators aren’t going to get any credit for their work and all the time they put into creating it – and I know because like for example I have a website that I have put countless hours into creating, not to mention the content and the transcripts of them – and basically what I’m doing is I’m feeding these AI engines without getting any credit for it whatsoever.

In fact it’s so bad now that these AI models can take a YouTube video, extract all the information from it, produce a concise summary, and provide people with that information without them even having to watch the video.

So there is no longer any incentive for people to create content. And if you take into account everything from the press, the media, blogs on all kinds of different topics and subjects, all kinds of platforms that host content and information, billions and billions of documents and pages and content that are now effectively completely redundant. They are not redundant for the models, but they are redundant in the sense that there is no more incentive for people to create this content.

And that is what made the Internet so incredible and so amazing, and for me personally, gave me so much joy, entertainment, and education for decades.

So we now are on the cusp of a crisis because why would anybody create content if it can just be sucked up or vacuumed up by some AI search engine such that no one will ever go look at your content directly?

Now you could be thinking that “Well you could paywall this, you know, you could charge people for access to information.” But one of the things that made the Internet great was that you could access free information 24/7 and you could stumble upon things that you never knew existed. You could find communities, you could educate yourself, you could entertain yourself, you could learn and learn and learn, which is what I did for many, many years, and why I love the Internet.

I can go and read the news in Israel or Tokyo or Germany or Italy or Australia or wherever, whenever I want. But there will be no more incentive for people to publish content, unless they have a paywall, and there’s only a small percentage of people that are willing to subscribe to get content or to pay for it.

Not only that, but most people in the world can’t afford these kinds of things, they don’t even have credit cards.

So how will these content creators survive? I just don’t see how it’s possible.

Obviously there’s already been huge layoffs in the media. Places like the LA Times have laid off huge amounts of staff. The Washington Post not too long ago laid off a lot of staff.

This should be very, very concerning to us because the fourth estate, the media, journalism, is a critical component of democracy and keeping power in check.

But if they can’t survive, and even if independent content creators can’t make a living creating content, then this represents a huge problem for humanity, as far as I’m concerned. It’s terrible.

It’s possible that this will get resolved somehow in a way that is equitable and beneficial, but at this point in time I don’t see how that happens.

Like I said, it’s just not realistic to expect that all of these publishers and content creators can survive without being able to monetize their content somehow.

And we’re talking about probably millions of people, whether they’re writers, programmers, website creators, graphic designers, film and video producers and creators, or whatever. Millions of jobs. Good creative people. Intelligent inspired people, in many cases.

…we’re talking about probably millions of people, whether they’re writers, programmers, website creators, graphic designers, film and video producers and creators, or whatever. Millions of jobs.

So like I said, I find this turn of events heartbreaking because to me it’s a major blow to what began in the 1980s and 1990s.

I’ve talked a lot about Pluto transiting Aquarius on my channel. I first published on that topic two years ago, way before most people were talking about this.

Very fundamentally, the 11th house or Aquarius is society at large, technology. Pluto is death and rebirth.

And I see this collapse of these ways of us connecting socially as a global community to be devastating.

Like I said, these AI search engines are parasitic.

There are efforts to try and control this, but I don’t see how they will succeed practically. Because you could set up a search engine in Hungary or Croatia or South Africa or China. How do you apply laws to prevent this from happening around the world?

I personally have made friends as a result of the Internet that I have had for decades. People of like mind, like outlook, like perspective, and so on. People that I would not have met casually in my own local environment because there just weren’t a lot of people who had similar views or interests.

But you can or used to be able to connect with them through social media platforms. Now social media platforms, as I said, have degraded enormously in recent years, but that potential is still there, or at least it was.

So in summary, I think AI represents the death of the Internet as we know it, which, like I said, for me is very sad.

I have to say also that I had a dream about a year ago which alluded to this, but it didn’t make sense to me until now. I had that dream on February 28th of 2023.

And without telling you the dream, my take on it was that the Internet was kind of like barren or just like dead vines, dry, like there was no life in it anymore.

And I took it personally because, like I said, I’ve had such a close and important relationship with the Internet for decades, but it’s only now that I understand what that dream actually represented. Very sad for me.

To give myself as an example, I could create a whole episode on a topic about astrology and then my content could be sucked up by one of these AI search engines and presented to millions of people who would never actually see me as being the source of that.

They’re benefiting. I’m getting nothing out of it.

There’s very little incentive for me to do that as a volunteer effort so that some Silicon Valley financed company can basically profit off my content without even attributing it to me. They might have a tiny little link to me there, but who’s going to read it because they don’t need to. The AI will summarize all of my content and feed it to other people. Gawd…

Another point I want to raise is that right now there’s a huge backlash going on from governments towards social media companies and search engines and the like.

Now my gut instinct on this is that it’s not what it seems.

A lot of people have a lot of valid concerns about disinformation, foreign covert electoral interference, which let’s face it, the US has been doing for generations. Stuff that’s inappropriate for children and the like. Fair enough, we should do something about that. However, I do not trust the government to regulate the Internet.

And this is happening here in Canada and I think it’s going to be happening in the States.

The reason we should be concerned is, is that these politicians are heavily influenced by lobby groups and special interests who have hidden agendas. They want to control the flow of information.

And what we’ll see is that buried in a lot of this legislation will be loopholes and unintended consequences that we can’t foresee yet.

And let’s face it, most of these politicians know absolutely nothing about how the Internet actually works. They tend to be very, very poorly informed.

This has been playing out in Canada, where we have members of Parliament and Senators who are typically old and they don’t really understand how things work. So they misinterpret things and they approach it in completely the wrong way. In counterproductive ways.

Once you give control over this to the Government, watch out. Even if they’re well-intentioned, they don’t know what they’re doing. So we should be very careful.

I also think that the right wing wants to be able to control the flow of information for very obvious reasons.

And they will use social hot button issues to allow this to happen. And then the next thing you know, when you have a Republican president, they will go after left-leaning media. They will go after the left, or people who are critical of their policies or policy agendas.

It is an extremely slippery slope and we should be extremely concerned about this.

It is an extremely slippery slope and we should be extremely concerned about this.

So if you think that shutting down or controlling the Internet is a good idea, you are probably sorely mistaken. And this is not where we want to go.

There have been some utterly ridiculous policies put forward here in Canada, that have fairly broad public support, because the public doesn’t really understand all this technical stuff or the implications of it either.

But I can see the dangers in it. We have to be extremely careful with this.

And I have raised this before in talking about Pluto and Aquarius, which is power abusing the flow of technology and information to the public.

Yes, nobody likes disinformation, especially me. I’ve talked a lot about that here.

We can’t be naive. When you grant extraordinary powers, you have to think what happens when the bad guys get their hands on it. What do they do? How do they abuse it?

We have to think this through very carefully. And I wouldn’t take anything that the right wing says at face value. If they are endorsing it, it probably benefits the plutocrats more than it does us. And that is to control or limit the flow of information. The implications should be terrifying.

So I thought I would share that with you because I’ve been seeing this coming for quite a long time. Talking about AI and the consolidation of power within the tech sector has been on my list of things to talk about for at least a year and a half. But I didn’t really have a context for it before. And now I do.

So I don’t know how it’s all going to shake out.

The most important thing about doing things like what I’m doing right now is the opportunity or ability to connect with other people of like mind.

But how will that happen in the future? Facebook sucks. How are we going to be connected socially?

And that has huge implications politically as well. There are social movements, social justice movements, causes, things like environmental issues and so forth.

How are we going to collaborate and connect, coordinate, organize, strategize? How will that occur in the future? I don’t know.

Twitter is gone. These tech billionaires have so much money they can just buy up any technology or any platform, and if they’re in a bad mood they can just destroy it and nobody can do anything about it.

Now Pluto just re-entered Aquarius on January 20th, less than two weeks ago. So this could be one of the darker expressions of Pluto in Aquarius, is how we are going to deal with this new world of technology and the concentration of power, the monopolies, the plutocrats. The oligarchs who are undermining our means of communicating, collaborating and organizing and becoming active.

The only way around this that I can see would be some kind of open source technology that cannot be bought, influenced or purchased, no matter how much money somebody has. But I have yet to see that happen.

The only way around this that I can see would be some kind of open source technology that cannot be bought, influenced or purchased, no matter how much money somebody has.

There’s too much money at stake. It’s kind of like if somebody came up with a way to generate your own power independently and cleanly. There’s a huge incentive for the status quo players to block or limit that from becoming readily available because it would destroy their business.

So I don’t know what the answer is, but I thought I’d put that out there. Because I do understand all of these implications in ways that maybe some people don’t, because I’ve been using communications and Internet technology since the mid-1980s.

I have been working hard on my website to add quite a few episode transcripts there.

I also encourage you to add yourself to my contact list, which you can do at my website, which is If you do that, you will receive an email that you need to use to confirm your subscription to my contact list. You won’t be added unless you confirm.

We’re probably going to need to find ways to stay connected, and I’ve talked about that before too, a long time ago.

Please check the episode description as I always put links in there that I think are related or important.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End transcript.

Related episodes:

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Algospeak and Platphobia

The Great Infant Rebellion

Stop Enabling Nihilistic Culture Warriors

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – Will brute force stop progress?

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation?

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

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