Tag: Neptune

Why it’s been so hard for Sagittarius: 2008-2026

I discuss why the period commencing in 2008 has been particularly astrologically challenging for Sagittarians.

There has been some difficult astrology at play for Sagittarius which winds down beginning in 2025 through 2026.

This episode was published on October 15, 2024 at 1:11pm EDT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is October 15th, 2024.

Today I want to talk about something that has actually been on my to-do list for a few months and it again came to my mind over the past few days and I thought, “Well, I really should do this.”

It is going to be specifically geared towards Sagittarians and I don’t normally just focus on one sign, but I think in this case it’s warranted.

I’m a Sagittarian myself and what I want to talk about has had a profound effect on me and based on comments from people, it has for others as well, and I thought I would offer my perspective on this and the timeline involved in case that’s helpful to other Sagittarians.

First though, I want to mention that Sunday night, October 13th, I had another wide-ranging discussion with the wonderful Irish Granny Tarot. We talked about all kinds of things. You may find that interesting. It’s almost an hour and 45 minutes long, but if you have time, check it out.

I’ll put a link in the episode description to that. Or you can always find Helen’s channel simply by searching for “Irish Granny Tarot.” She does wonderful work and her content is very educational as well.

Back to the question of what Sagittarians have been going through, and this is not to suggest that other people haven’t been going through extended periods that have been really challenging, but like I said, as a Sagittarian, I can speak to this personally and a lot depends on your own personal natal chart.

That has a big effect as well, of course, but generally, what I will describe here is fairly significant in terms of challenging aspects. As usual, I’ll be putting dates on the screen. If you’re watching this on YouTube, you might want to pay attention to that.

Pluto transit Capricorn, Sagittarius 2nd Solar house, 2008-2024.

The first thing that really came into phase for Sagittarians, and I’m only looking at major multi-year transits here today, was the transit of Pluto through Capricorn, which effectively began in 2008 and is finished on November 19th.

Capricorn is the sign adjacent to Sagittarius, so technically there are no major aspects between the two signs. However, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, of course. Sagittarius is fire and Capricorn is earth. Well, you can probably see where this is going.

And Saturn is further out from Jupiter, so it has a more powerful role or seniority in the scheme of things, and the energies of these two planets are extremely different. So, Saturn kind of puts the kibosh on Jupiter. Jupiter is very expansive and considered to be lucky, and Saturn is very constraining and rigid.

And so, while Pluto was in Capricorn, it was emphasizing the energies of that sign, which in many ways kind of conflict with the core fundamental nature of Jupiter and Sagittarius. And again, that was from 2008 right up until November 19th, 2024.

I’ve talked a lot about this before, and I really disliked the energy of Pluto in Capricorn, just because there was a lot of expressions that I found fundamentally ingratiating.

And I knew this before it even happened, that this was going to be a difficult period, but I also knew that I would really enjoy the energies of Pluto in Aquarius, which is what now we’re going to be dealing with all the way through 2044.

So, that’s one thing, and that’s a big thing. I mean, look at what has been going on in the world during this time. It is just crazy and very disturbing in a lot of ways.

Crucially, Capricorn rules the solar second house for Sagittarius. The second house rules our assets and property, our material resources, money, and the things that we value. Pluto transiting the second house can of course wreak havoc on financial affairs, because a lot of things can be destroyed before they get rebuilt.

Generally, what is happening here is that our values, the things that we think are important, are going through a huge purge and transformation. And there’s a lot of destruction with Pluto when it moves through these areas.

Of course, the second house also opposes the eighth, which is another money house. The eighth is more the resources and interactions with other people or outside institutions or agencies, things like banks, people that we borrow money from or who invest in us, that kind of thing, at least on a financial level.

And the second house squares the eleventh and the fifth, social groups and networks, and our sense of creativity and things that deal with children and stuff like that. So clearly, Pluto transiting this part of our chart can manifest as a lot of financial challenges for some people.

Neptune transit Pisces, Sagittarius 4th Solar house, 2011-2026.

Next, Neptune started transiting Pisces in 2011, and that transit ends in 2026.

Now in my own personal experience, Neptune’s squares to the Sun can be extremely challenging. They can really zap your vitality and your energy. And Neptune has this kind of dissolving quality, and the squares, in my experience, can be the most frustrating aspects because there’s really no resolution to these energies.

So when Neptune squares your Sun, for example, it can completely kind of push you down where you have no vitality, very little energy, and many aspects of your identity and reality can kind of dissolve. At the same time, we can have many kind of psychic and intuitive experiences, but we can be very ungrounded and energetically porous.

I have talked a lot about Neptune on my channel, and if you just go to my channel page and search for Neptune, you’ll find those.

I’m not going to reiterate everything I’ve already said, but trust me, Neptune squares to your sun can be extremely difficult. There can be a lot of loss and losses involved during this time. Neptune has a very kind of dematerializing energy about it.

So Neptune in Pisces squared Sagittarius. If you’re early Sagittarius, you went through the hardest aspects of these early on, like back in 2011, 2012. If you’re a later Sagittarius, you’re probably just experiencing that right now or recently.

But this transit of Neptune square the Sun is probably grossly underestimated. For the most part, it’s my impression that people just underestimate how hard of a transit that actually is.

So now we’ve got Pluto in Capricorn, and weve got Neptune squaring Sagittarius, both for many years.

The solar fourth house of Sagittarius is ruled by Pisces. So Neptune transiting the fourth, which also opposes the tenth, which is career vocation status, how we fit into the world, the positions that we’re elevated into, where we have power and authority and are recognized for our contributions.

The fourth house is critically important because it’s foundational. If we don’t have a solid foundation, which is our home, our literal home and our home environment and the people that are in our immediate home environment, those who are really close to us, it also covers our family, either the one we grew up with or the one that we create.

So Neptune, with this kind of dissolving non-materialistic energy, this very spiritual energy, can really dissolve a lot of our foundations. If we don’t have a solid foundation in the world, it’s really hard to do a lot of things. If we don’t feel secure and safe, it’s very hard to go out, for example, and start a business or have a career or whatever. And again, like I said, Neptune in the fourth would be opposing the career house for Sagittarius.

So I already talked about Pluto transiting the second. That’s really hard. That’s a tough transit because in three-dimensional reality, we need material resources and financial security to feel comfortable and safe. And at the same time, we now have Neptune transiting our fourth, which is dissolving our foundations, our safe place, the place where we go at the end of the day and we close the door and we feel secure and safe.

Two very, very challenging things going on there at the same time. That’s a lot.

Saturn transit Pisces, Sagittarius Solar 4th house, 2023-2026.

More recently, Saturn entered Pisces in early 2023 through early 2026. Now there’s some breaks because of retrogrades, but generally 2023-2026.

Saturn square your Sun is also a very challenging aspect. This is where we can feel blocked as if forces outside of ourselves are constraining or limiting us that we can’t move forward or we’re stuck or we have to deal with very pragmatic mundane things that are constantly stopping us from doing what we want to do. It’s an extremely frustrating aspect.

So again, depending on what degree in Sagittarius your Sun is, will affect when these energies are most intense. You definitely will feel this within a two degree orb and probably even five degrees or more. However, to some extent, the whole time that Saturn is in Pisces, the energies are squaring the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn transiting the fourth can really bring a lot of attention and focus on to issues that deal with our home and home environment and our foundations as I talked about with Neptune transiting the fourth.

So the solar fourth of Sagittarius now has Neptune and Saturn in it and Saturn is extremely practical and pragmatic. You can think of it as tough love and it can represent as challenges or things that we have to get really real about and put a lot of effort into that pertain to our home or home environment.

And if they’re not on a solid foundation, Saturn will make us very clearly aware of that. And this isn’t necessarily pleasant because Saturn is not about fun. It’s usually about hard work and dedication and concentration and not getting rewards quickly or easily. It takes a lot of time and effort with Saturn and concentration and diligence and so forth. It can be exhausting because we have to keep our nose to the grindstone for a very long time and sometimes we don’t see results for a very long time either.

Chiron transit Pisces, Sagittarius Solar 4th house, 2010-2019.

Also, Chiron transited Pisces from 2010 through 2019, give or take because of retrogrades. That also can be kind of a challenging aspect.

So Chiron would have squared Sagittarius Sun at some point during that period and those energies are square the whole time really to a degree between Pisces and Sag.

And this can force us to confront or deal with some of our wounding often that occurred in formative years or even past lives. And Chiron transits can be quite hard because often in my experience, reality or our daily experiences or interactions will either trigger or mirror our wounding to us. And we can feel helpless or victimized or sad or experience grief and things like that, often justifiably and also inadequacy. But still, it can be kind of a challenging emotional experience to go through. It’s never pleasant to muck around with our core wounding, but that’s what Chiron tends to do.

Chiron transiting the fourth can bring up issues relating to our wounding around our family. So a lot of family dynamics and issues and things that we’ve swept under the rug or glossed over or shadow work that we need to do around those kinds of themes can be brought to our attention in uncomfortable ways.

Chiron will, like I said, either trigger us or mirror things to us that reflect and make us aware of our wounding. And let’s face it, we’d rather probably not do that most of the time, even if it is beneficial and essential. It’s not necessarily pleasant and it’s not necessarily pleasant to feel like you’re a victim either, which is also kind of a hallmark of Chiron transits.

So you have to remember all of these things are going on simultaneously and they layer on top of each other. So there were certain times during this decade or more period where there was multiple challenges going on to the sign of Sagittarius.

So when we layer on all these things together, and I’m not touching on everything because this is a long period of time, I just want to give people a general sense of when this started and when it ends.

Pluto sextile, as well as Neptune and Saturn trine Sagittarius 2023-2039.

We can see that Pluto is moving into Aquarius, which will sextile Sagittarius. So that’s more of a positive energy for transformation and change in an easier way. We have to activate the sextile. We have to actually take action and do things to manifest those benefits, but that’s not a problem.

And then we can see that by early 2026, Neptune and Saturn have moved into Aries, which actually is a trine to the sign of Sagittarius. The trine is the easiest, most positive aspect. So we go from these very challenging squares to a very positive trine. So again, there’s retrogrades involved here.

So there’s periods where we get a break from this, but fundamentally, transformations should be in a much stronger, easier, more positive and beneficial energetic situation come early 2026.

You might have some other positive transits along the way that counteract some of these challenging ones. So it’s not all constant or steady. It fluctuates. And that again, depends on your own natal chart.

But I have a natural chart. I have an Aries ascendant. So these kinds of transits are kind of amplified for me and I can speak therefore in broad terms.

And I also pay a lot of attention to my own energetic state. So I’m quite aware and on top of these kinds of things, I can feel the shift of energies often from one sign to the next as planets transition and stuff. And I pay a lot of attention to it and I journal a lot. So I’m kind of on top of this.

So I want to give you that sense of why this period has been so challenging for a lot of Sagittarians, because we’re generally by nature, a very optimistic, expansive, kind of jubilant, hopeful people. But we have been being challenged now for many years by some of these transits. And I can get to the point where you just assume that that’s how things are. But what I’m suggesting is that this is a phase that will be winding down over the next year and a half or so.

I don’t happen to have a lot of Gemini’s that I’m closely involved with these days, but Saturn and Neptune in Pisces also squares Gemini. Gemini doesn’t have the same issue with Capricorn that Sagittarians do. So I can’t speak for Gemini, but some of what I’m saying may apply to them, although it may have commenced more in the 2011 timeframe.

And then of course, Pisces opposes Virgo. So Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will have presented challenges to Virgo as well. So basically all of the mutable signs, including Pisces have to some extent been challenged by some of these major transits.

Uranus transit Taurus, Sagittarius 6th Solar house, 2018-2026.

Now one final thing. Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and finishes transiting Taurus in April of 2026.

This is the solar sixth house for Sagittarius and the sixth deals with our work and routines and daily habits, but it also deals with health and being of service. And sometimes being of service means that we put others needs ahead of our own and we don’t necessarily get any immediate personal gratification from it. It’s more like a selfless service energy where we have to sacrifice our own ego and desires to serve or to play a role for others.

So Uranus transiting this house can raise all kinds of issues around our work habits and routine and change them and introduce elements that are uncomfortable or unfamiliar to us can also raise health issues. And we can find ourselves in weird situations where we feel like we’re just sacrificing ourselves all the time.

The sixth house has a quality of breaking down the ego, which is not too bad in small quantities, but if it goes on for a very long time, it can feel exhausting. Anybody who works in healthcare, for example, is very much aware of this.

Uranus transit Gemini, Sagittarius 7th Solar house, 2025-2033.

Uranus is then going to transit Gemini from 2025 until 2033 and Gemini opposes Sagittarius.

So during this time, 2025 to 2023, Sagittarians are going to be opposed by Uranus and that can manifest as very sudden and dramatic shifts or changes in your life or your life experience or your life circumstances that are virtually unpredictable. We can never foresee precisely what changes Uranus is going to bring about.

But the benefit to this is that if you’ve been in a situation where you feel stuck or things have become stagnant for a long time, which a lot of people experience, Uranus can really shake things up and break them, which results in you gaining more freedom. Even though these events can sometimes be quite dramatic and even sometimes a bit traumatic, the benefit is that you get liberated.

Or maybe you’ve been repressing certain feelings or desires or needs and you won’t be able to repress those energies any longer when Uranus opposes your Sun, for example. You will need to express your own unique identity and liberate yourself from anything that is confining, restricting, habitual, but not beneficial, that kind of thing.

So again, it depends on the degree of your Sun. Obviously, early Sag Suns are going to be opposed by Uranus in the early stages of this transit and later Sagittarians later on. That has to be calculated. That’s why people consult astrologers like me and you can book an appointment if you wish.

But I can assure you that that whole time period will bring about very major changes for Sagittarians. They don’t always have to be negative. They can be positive, but one thing is for sure, change will be in the cards.

When Uranus transits Gemini, that is Sagittarius’ seventh solar house. The seventh deals with our important significant relationships. Typically, it is those that we are partnered with romantically. So it would be like your wife or a girlfriend or boyfriend or husband, somebody that you are committed to usually. It’s usually an exclusive kind of energy and it’s usually a serious relationship as opposed to one that is more lighthearted.

And when Uranus goes through the seventh, it can really shake things up in the relationship department. You can sometimes end up with people who are very different from you that you wouldn’t normally be attracted to or involved with, or it can completely shake things up with committed relationships and end those that no longer serve you or that are holding you back or that have become stagnant or pointless or meaningless.

And for those who are familiar or comfortable with having really stable, predictable relationships, this can be a hard transit. If somebody is in a relationship that has dragged on for a long time, that has lost meaning and reward, often when Uranus transits the seventh, that relationship will end.

And the other side of the coin, like I said, is that we can enter into situations or kinds of relationships that are very different or unusual from what we’re familiar with. Like it could be somebody that’s just very different from you, or it could even be the nature of the relationship is very weird. Or it could just be somebody who’s very culturally different from you and what you’re familiar with.

Uranus likes to have a lot of freedom. It doesn’t like to be constrained or limited. So sometimes even when Uranus goes through the seventh, people can explore things like polyamory or something like that, or open relationships where they have multiple different people that they’re connected to. I’m not saying that’s typical. I’m just using that as an example.

Don’t necessarily expect that, but Sag is going to go through an extended period where the relationship part of their life, if they have one, is going to probably be unusual or different from what they’re familiar with.

And of course, like I’ve already said, the seventh opposes the first. So Uranus is opposing the Sun of Sagittarius and squaring the 10th and the fourth.

So by this point, we’ve got away from Pluto in the second, Neptune and Saturn in the fourth, and Chiron in the fourth. And now the emphasis in terms of a lot of fairly radical change is going to shift to the seventh, as I have just described.

But at the same time, we will be having Saturn and Neptune trining our Suns. And Saturn can strengthen and solidify things, and Neptune can be extremely inspiring and enlightening. And if you’re a spiritual person, Neptune trine Sun can be phenomenal. So I’m actually very much looking forward to that.

I’m an early Sag. Even when Neptune is at the late degrees of Pisces, it will still be forming a trine to my Sun within a reasonably tight orb. Actually, I already felt it a bit in 2024, and it was wonderful.

Plus, like I said, Pluto in Aquarius is sextiling Sagittarius, and Aquarius is an air sign, Sag is fire, so these energies are compatible. And the sextile is a very supportive aspect, and this speaks to positive regeneration and empowerment and upliftment, positive expression of power, if used wisely.

I know this is a lot to try and absorb all at once, especially if you’re a novice or casually interested in astrology. And this is one of the reasons why, for me, to take on producing an episode like this is not a trivial thing, because it’s very multi-dimensional and there’s a lot of moving parts. Often if you follow astrology, people will tend to focus on one thing at a time, whereas in reality it’s very holistic.

Plus, as I’ve said, a lot depends on your own natal chart, which introduces a whole bunch of other dimensions to this as well. So it’s not as clear-cut or simple as is often presented. It’s way deeper.

So again, if you want to look at this from a more detailed perspective, consider booking an appointment and I can go through some of these things for you with more precision, taking into account your Ascendant, your Midheaven, your other planetary positions, and so forth. I’m speaking here, of course, in very general terms.

But there you go, that’s just kind of like a quick overview of why, if you’re a Sag and you’ve felt challenged for a long time, this might explain some of it. And again, there’s a lot more detail in the dates, in the graphics that you’ll see on this screen. So you might want to watch this again, make notes, that kind of thing.

Once again, you’ll find the link to the discussion I had with Irish Granny in the episode description, and I hope you found this helpful.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned. And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 15% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members and astrology clients. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Pluto on the Cusp of Aquarius – Late 2024 – Sept 17, 2024

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠– Feb 14, 2022

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning – Jan 26, 2023

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Living with Neptune – Transit and Natal – Feb 18, 2023

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Don’t Look Down (too much) – Jun 4, 2024

The Myth of Consensus Reality – Jul 2, 2024

It’s Happening – The Wheel Turns – Apr 21, 2024

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split – Feb 28, 2022

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

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Astrology #Sagittarius #Sag


Living with Neptune – Transit and Natal

I discuss what it is like to experience significant Neptune astrological transits and how to manage them.

This may also apply if you have a powerfully placed Neptune in your natal astrology birth chart, such as Neptune on an angle, in the 12th house, or have a Pisces Sun. Or if you have had, or have, psychic or intuitive experiences.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 18, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary, I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 18th, 2023.

I recently published an episode titled “The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039” and then someone with Neptune squaring their Sun commented and described what they were experiencing. Of course, I felt a lot of empathy for that having gone through that transit myself. And I thought, “Oh, well, I should do an episode on this, because I can share my experience and maybe help others.” And it is one of my sincerest heart’s desires to be of meaningful service to others.

What I described in the Neptune transit Ares episode may have sounded a bit scary, and I didn’t want to go too far down that rabbit hole in terms of my own personal experience because it would be time consuming. I did not intend on leaving an overly negative impression of Neptune transits, so I want to delve into that more deeply.

What I’m going to discuss here today will also apply if someone has a powerfully placed Neptune, or for example sun in Pisces, or 12th house. Strong moon aspects, likewise. Pisces moon, moon in 12th. Strong aspects between the moon and Neptune. Powerfully placed moons, etc. The moon is very sensitive and receptive.

Many, many people with strong psychic abilities have powerfully placed Neptunes. Neptune on the Midheaven, for example, is associated with people who can channel. Neptune is a gateway to the non-material realms of consciousness and other non-physical or non-material dimensions. There are too many possible combinations to mention here and keep this brief at the same time.

Most of the significant spiritual periods or experiences I have had personally have coincided with Neptune transits. Absolutely without doubt, no question. But there are some caveats. There always seems to be caveats with Neptune transits.

In evolutionary astrology, there is a fascinating concept which, briefly, states that astrology and astrological transits will play out and be experienced differently depending on the evolutionary state of the person in question. So somebody who is more highly evolved may experience things differently than someone who isn’t. The following may resonate with some people and to others not at all.

These are very spiritualizing influences. They’re not about material reality. On the spiritual dimensions, there is no time, there is no money, there is no job or career, there are no limitations, as far as we would commonly understand them here anyway. Physicality is optional, it’s not about tangible material things.

Of course pragmatically we have to deal with such constraints while we are incarnate on Earth, and Earth does not actually reflect the higher dimensions accurately, in very many ways at all. That is why these kinds of influences can be so inscrutable, confusing, and challenging, because we are dealing with radically different dimensions. And that is why a lot of people under these influences can seek out forms of escapism. It’s entirely understandable.

So here’s a few pragmatic suggestions if you’re going through a challenging Neptune transit. Like a square conjunction or opposition, like a square to your sun or a square to one of your personal planets, or even a trine or a sextile.

Number one, recognize that you will likely be much more psychically open than normal. You may be much more sensitive energetically to influences around you. That includes people, places, and things. Because of that, you can also be more vulnerable. I honestly think that we experience these kinds of things all the time. It’s just that under a Neptune transit you can be much more sensitive to it because you’re aware of it on some level. So it behooves you to avoid negative people and negative places and negative situations if you can.

There’s also a tendency to be more gullible because you are more open. So you want to be careful about being around people who will abuse your trust, mislead you, lie to you, deceive you, and so on. It’s a good idea if possible, say you have to – I don’t know, sign a contract – get someone who’s in a more grounded state, someone like a Capricorn, to look it over for you. Because on the spiritual dimensions there is no theft or lies or deceit. But in practical reality that happens all the time.

Spiritual practice can really be elevated under these kinds of influences. So if you meditate or do some form of yoga or have some kind of spiritual discipline, it’s an excellent time to engage in those kinds of activities.

Your psychic and intuitive powers will also be amplified, most likely. So you can do things like keep a dream journal, you might practice divination, tarot card readings, something like that.

Again, you have to be careful not to over-idealize certain types of people, like spiritual figures or leaders. You want to be careful not to give away your power too much and later on find out that you went too far down some rabbit hole with something like an ideology.

Being grounded is extremely helpful. Being in nature, walking on the earth, being in the water, taking salt baths, taking showers to help cleanse your energy field. Very helpful.

You may want to get some grounding crystals like tourmaline or some protective crystals like various forms of quartz that you can wear or carry in your pocket.

Again, you want to try and make sure that the people who you are around are sincere and caring, honest and kind, good-hearted people as much as possible.

It is a very dematerializing kind of energy, so if possible don’t worry too much about excessively materialistic things like career and wealth generation, I’m not saying to stop pursuing your career, I’m just saying that this energy is not about the material realms. So ideally you’re living a simple life where you have your essentials, you can focus on your spiritual practice, your inner work, and your own spiritual evolution.

Because another aspect of this is that it’s not particularly supportive of physical drive, ambition, and energy. You may find that you need to sleep a lot more than you normally do, and dream time can be amazing, so you need lots of rest and rejuvenation and to, if possible, minimize the stress and physical demands as much as possible.

If you do creative work, say you’re an artist of some kind, or a creator, this can be a very inspired influence. You can channel ideas and expressions that may go beyond what you normally could do. So it’s an excellent influence for any kind of creative endeavors.

It is an excellent time to be doing any kind of selfless service. Because on the spiritual dimensions, that’s a core principle. Selfless love, volunteering, or working with people who are struggling in some way, charitable activities and those kinds of things, it can be extremely rewarding. And good karma.

I found personally that I used a lot of techniques with Kundalini Yoga and many other forms of energetic hygiene, reinforcement and protection that I employed on a daily basis during that time, and still do often. Ages ago I did an episode on this, it’s not very polished, but you can find that early on in my channel. There are tons of techniques and methods out there for doing energetic clearing and protection, and I highly recommend that. Because you’re kind of energetically porous when you’re open like this, and you can collect psychic impressions and influences from your environment and from other people that you need to be constantly clearing from your energy field.

You can actually kind of get confused at times about which energies are yours. Are they yours or someone else’s? Did you absorb them from your environment? So clearing your energy field and clearing the energy field of your immediate environment like your apartment or your house is highly advised as far as I’m concerned.

You may find it difficult to be in environments where there’s too much energy like busy streetscapes or crowded places or concerts or something like that or even things like shopping malls because you will just pick up way too much energy that can be difficult to manage. That is one of the reasons the 12th house, which Neptune rules, is associated with seclusion, because often people who pursue a spiritual path find it too difficult to deal with all of the energies of the world, so they go off and try and seek a place where that energy and external influences are minimized. I’m not saying you need to become a monk or a hermit, but just think about that in the context of your own experience.

I personally found that even excessive noise was very irritating to me, and of course there’s a lot of that in the city. For example, you may find it easier to live in a more rural area. When I was going through this experience, I remember leaving the city and coming back, and I could feel the energy of the city from about 40 miles away. And as I approached the city the energy intensified. And the inverse was true. I could feel that when I got about 30 or 40 miles outside the city the energy was much calmer. Again, I’m not saying go move to the country, but you will be feeling whatever energies are around you.

I would also recommend keeping as clean and healthy a diet as you possibly can. I’m not suggesting everyone needs to become vegetarian, but you are more sensitive than normal to any kind of substances. So things like sugar and caffeine or even things like meat or fish or poultry may affect you more than normal because you absorb the energy of anything you consume.

Also I found personally that I was more sensitive to chemicals, you know, chemical perfumes, cleaning chemicals, anything harsh or strong, I found quite repulsive.

Also, I think it’s very important to be aware of what your mind is focused on, because you are operating in more subtle realms. Your thoughts tend to have more power or influence over your experience. So if you focus on something dark or negative, it’s amplified. And we have the capacity to draw things to us based on our energetic state or consciousness. And that could be something as simple as what you’re reading, a movie that you’re watching, or whatever. Again, your mind is operating on a much bigger level. There are no borders or boundaries on the spiritual dimensions. Time and space do not exist.

I would be misleading you and it wouldn’t be honest if I did not state that the challenging aspects can be challenging for money. I think based on everything I’ve said that should be fairly self-evident. However, this is a dematerializing, anti-egoic, spiritual influence. I’m not suggesting you’re going to go broke.

However, in my own case, I had a very strong impression for months before Neptune squared my sun that I should change my lifestyle and I should go zen, get a small little apartment somewhere, very simple, very clean, all white, everything clean, simple. And to do that I would have had to downsize and get rid of a lot of stuff. And at the time my intellect was arguing with me going like, “Well, you’re really successful, why would you need to do that?” “What difference does it make?” “It doesn’t make sense.” And I even had discussions with friends where I told them what I was feeling. I said repeatedly, “I’m getting this impression I should just really go Zen.” Ugh, I, being an idiot, I didn’t trust or listen to my intuition. And it was a disaster. But it all worked out in the end.

And I want to say on that subject that because this is a spiritualizing influence, my experience, and I’m getting chills here, my experience is that you get what you need. Like the universe is not going to abandon you and let you starve to death or something like that. So you have to have trust. You know, you knew before you incarnated that you were going to have this transit at this time.

And a lot of it has to do with breaking down your ego so that you can become more spiritually evolved and so that you can operate on higher levels. To do that, we have to let go of all of our attachments, all of our egoic crap that binds us to the lower dimensions. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with the lower dimensions. As long as we’re not attached to it and that we don’t identify with them, that’s the problem. The problem is not the material stuff itself, it’s our egoic attachment to them and that our identity is fixed to those objects, states of being, possessions, or whatever they… or status, or whatever the case may be. On a higher level we know that we need to transcend that, but our ego clings desperately to these things because it’s safety, security, identity. Again, on the higher dimensions we don’t need any material objects whatsoever. We are infinite and timeless. So I thought I should explain that. Don’t panic. The universe is going to take care of you if you trust in it.

Another thing is that because this can kind of zap our physical energy, there is the potential for people to have sort of weird health problems where it’s not really clear what’s causing it. Like maybe, you know, you go to the doctor and you say, “I’m tired all the time,” and they can’t figure out what’s wrong with you. And then suddenly it goes away at some point down the road, and it would often be around when the transit is coming out of orb. But that’s just a physical vitality thing. That’s again why it’s so important to eat well, get lots of rest, don’t stress yourself out too much, don’t over-exert yourself physically, stuff like that.

These transits typically tend to take a couple years, depending on your chart and retrogrades. So let’s say you have a sun in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sag. The whole time that Neptune is in Pisces, in challenging aspect, you will be under this influence. That can be many years, although the transit is most intense when it is within a tighter orb like 2 degrees. The house that this aspect is occurring in, let’s say your son is in the ninth house, will influence what areas of life this is going to show up the most in.

But also pay attention to if Neptune is transiting one of the angles. Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC. Trust me, those are potent transits, and each point has different meaning. The Ascendant is about you, how you initially and superficially present to the world. The IC is more about home and family and your immediate personal environment and the people you’re associated with. The Descendant is more about relationships and significant others. The Midheaven is how you express yourself in the world. It includes things like career, your status, the transits over the angles, especially with the major outer planets, are very significant. In fact, we can use those to help us rectify birth times. That is how potent they are.

So to summarize:

• Be more aware of your immediate environment, the people that you’re associated with, the places that you’re in, what you ingest physically into your body,

• Put more attention or energy or effort into staying grounded,

• Deploy and maintain a routine for good energetic hygiene and protection. Learn those skills if you do not already have them.

• Engage in spiritual practice if possible.

• Be willing to let go of attachments to material things and material reality.

• Simplify your life.

• Express your creative potential if you have that.

• Beware of self-delusion and being deluded by others. And that includes things like illusions fantasies. I mean that can be fun, but just don’t get too attached to it.

• Be careful with drugs and stimulants.

• You may find that psychic experiences are amplified during this time.

• Avoid negative people, places, and things.

• Study metaphysical subjects.

• Trust that the universe will give you everything you need, and that anything you don’t have you don’t need.

• Engage in selfless service, like volunteering and charities, or helping those in need,

• and this is an excellent time to expand your consciousness,

• and to find out where your egoic attachments are, and how to release them.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I hope this is helpful to someone.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to put them in the comments section, and I try and keep up with that, although it can be a bit challenging sometimes.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

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The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

I discuss the astrology and possible implications of the transit of Neptune through Aries which spans 2025 through 2039. This includes a stunning astrological conjunction of Saturn and Neptune near 0 degrees Aries.

I also draw attention to the signs that may be challenged by this transit which are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on February 16, 2023.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, it is February 16th, 2023.

I have a bit of a cold right now, which is affecting my voice, so apologies for that.

The following is for entertainment purposes only.

Today I will talk about the current transit of Neptune through Pisces and how it may manifest very differently when it enters Aries in early 2025.

Neptune’s orbit is about 165 years, so it spends many years in each of the 12 signs.

Thanks to more advanced telescopes, Neptune was first observed in 1846, just before it entered Pisces the last time.

Traditionally, Jupiter was considered the ruler of Pisces.

Many believe that when a planet is “discovered,” it signifies that humanity is ready to begin to manifest the consciousness represented by that planet. Think about the many social and spiritual advancements that have occurred since Neptune was discovered. We are completing our first collective conscious Neptune cycle and about to begin a new one. I find the timing and implications of that fascinating.

The last time Neptune was in Pisces was between 1847 and 1862. The last time it was in Aries was 1861 through 1875.

You may have noted that the American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865 when Neptune was in Aries. The American Civil War started on April 12, 1861. Remarkably, Neptune entered Aries the very following day on April 13 of 1861.

Neptune In Pisces / Aries 1847-1865

We should in no way jump to conclusions about one astrological event alone, as there are a myriad of ever-changing variables to consider. But this correlation is nonetheless dramatic. More on that later.

More recently, Neptune first entered Pisces in April of 2011, and will complete that transit in January of 2026. Neptune will then transit Aries roughly from March of 2025 all the way through March of 2039.

There are transitional phases at the beginning and ending of these transits due to retrogrades, so the cycles often overlap somewhat. We should probably be grateful for this, otherwise it could be quite jarring for these shifts to occur instantaneously. I’m not sure we could cope with that.

Neptune is the modern ruling planet of Pisces and the 12th house in astrology. Mars rules Aries in the first house. Pisces is Mutable water, and Aries is Cardinal fire. These are very different energies. Neptune is very at home in Pisces, where it is now, but it will be much less so in fiery Aries.

The first degree of Aries is a very important point, as it marks significant new beginnings. Therefore, a new 165-year cycle for Neptune will commence during 2025 and 2026, and this is definitely worth paying attention to.

Now let’s consider what these astrological symbols represent. I have discussed some of these previously, so I will just provide a synopsis here. Check my astrology playlist on YouTube to find other episodes where I discuss some of these topics in greater detail.

Note that I am speaking in general terms here. Each person or entity has its own very unique chart which will affect how these energies and archetypes are expressed. Planets, signs and houses are not exactly the same thing even though they can be closely related. Also, I have made many calculations here, and I would not be surprised to later find that my math was off a bit somewhere. If so, I will note it on my errata page.

Neptune’s sign, Pisces, and the 12th house, are associated with the late winter months in the northern hemisphere, time of rest going inwards, rejuvenation, and contemplation. Aries is linked to the spring equinox when night and day are equal lengths. This marks the beginning of a new annual cycle, a period of vigorous growth, rebirth, increasing light and dramatically elevated activity.

All planets and signs have both positive and negative expressions.

Very briefly, positive expressions of Neptune and Pisces are higher or cosmic consciousness and tapping into the spiritual dimensions. Being watery, yin and non-material, it is often associated with esoteric matters such as psychic and intuitive phenomenon, divination and channeling, as well as being empathic, charitable, compassionate and selfless.

It is also connected to the Church or religion as it is where we try and connect to the divine or non-material aspects of human experience. and philosophy are also strongly connected to the ninth house or Sagittarius, as is much of the dogma that is associated with them. Many creative people, such as artists, composers, writers, entertainers, and performers, can channel Piscean or Neptunian energies into creative works. Dreams and dream time can be inspired.

Lower expressions can be being very ungrounded, detached from reality, being prone to deception, self-deception, illusion, delusion, or being overly idealistic and not pragmatic. There can also be a tendency for escapism from harsh reality, which may involve drugs and addictions or even mental illness.

In traditional astrology, the 12th house was associated with imprisonment, seclusion, confinement, undoing, secrets, hidden enemies and foreign lands. In the past people were very fearful of the unknown, and that would include foreign lands. Modern astrology is much less fatalistic, we now often have much more control over our destiny and self-expression than when the lives of the vast majority of the population were severely faded and fixed at birth.

In contrast, the positive expression of Mars, the ruler of Aries, can be taking bold action and initiative, being daring, courageous, being strong, independent, athletic, not shying from competition, and being decisive. This is the kind of energy that gets people up and doing things. Negative expressions of Mars can be being pushy, impulsive, combative, rash, self-centered and inconsiderate, if not rude at times. You do not want to get in the way of the ram’s horns.

Mars, the god of war and warfare, is a very masculine, yang, and fiery energy. Mars often expresses itself in short, intense bursts and is not typically known for stamina. Think sprinter rather than long-distance marathoner. The number of projects started often exceeds the number completed.

Now let’s consider what happens when we put the energies of transiting Neptune into these two signs. Again, for the sake of brevity, this is merely a synopsis. Hefty volumes have been dedicated to these topics.

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is very much at home in its own sign. It essentially emphasizes, or amplifies, the characteristics I have already described, both positive and negative.

In recent years we have seen a very significant rise of interest in esoteric and metaphysical subjects such as astrology, tarot, and spirituality. Many people are expressing psychic and intuitive abilities in a wide variety of ways. There is also a great deal of discussion about a spiritual ascension occurring on earth now which is lifting us collectively to higher dimensions of consciousness.

There has also been vocal support for the rights of marginalized groups, such as those who do not express traditional or stereotypical gender archetypes, as well as others who face systemic discrimination, and this has been widely expressed in popular culture. There have been many calls for more fair, just, and idealistic economic, political, and social justice systems.

There has also been a growing movement, particularly amongst the young, for environmental protection and justice which often conflicts with entrenched and unsustainable, if not archaic, financial and corporate agendas.

On the negative side, we have seen a deluge of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, lies, mass deception, and absurd conspiracy theories. There have been reactionary forces who overtly reject evidence, facts, experts, expertise, science, history and electoral outcomes, and have engaged in things like widespread book banning, and they seem to revel in belligerent ignorance. Social media platforms and some so-called news outlets and networks, particularly on the right of the political spectrum, have contributed to the spread of blatant misinformation on an unprecedented scale.

Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and the completely unjustifiable and pointless invasion of Ukraine are notable examples of consequences. There have been one crisis after another of deadly substance abuse and addiction to which many have succumbed. We have had a global pandemic, think confinement, lockdowns, and hidden enemies, and we have become aware of a relentless onslaught of psy-op disinformation campaigns clandestinely sponsored by adversarial countries. Think foreign lands, secrets, and again, hidden enemies, surreptitiously messing with our minds and undermining liberal democracies.

There have also been epic and almost biblical floods around the world, along with unprecedented and widespread severe weather events, too numerous to recount. Mass migration has been a theme with millions of people being displaced from their traditional homelands and seeking shelter in foreign lands. I could go on and on, but consider how these themes relate to Neptune, the 12th house, and Pisces.

Of course, there has also been the shocking and deeply disturbing rise of far-right nationalism, authoritarianism, fascism, racism, xenophobia, and misogyny, as well as extreme wealth disparity and the rise of plutocrats, but I think that more related to Pluto’s transit of Capricorn. See my other episodes on that. There has also been the ongoing USA-Pluto return, which I have discussed as well.

So what might we expect when ethereal Neptune transits Aries commencing in 2025 through 2039? Here’s where things get even more complicated.

As I have previously stated, the beginning of Aries is a very potent and important point in the zodiac, as it marks the beginning. Zero degrees of Aries is arguably the most important of all 360 degrees. However, Neptune and Mars represent energies that are about as different as we can get in astrology. Pisces is the end, and Aries is the beginning. Neptune is introspective, or yin, Mars is extroverted, or yang. Neptune is water, Mars is fire. If this sounds polarizing, if not confusing, it is because it is.

During the period of 2025 through 2039, Neptune transiting Aries will be in a challenging aspect to all of the other cardinal signs. It will be in square to Capricorn and Cancer while opposing Libra. Briefly, Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, represents leaders, authorities, and authoritative institutions. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, represents feminine nurturing and the literal home environment. In mundane astrology, it represents the state of nations with respect to the populace. In other words, are people happy or not? Libra, ruled by Venus, represents diplomacy, balance, relationships, open enemies, mostly long-term relationships such as marriage, but also business partnerships.

I can tell you very sincerely that the period of when Neptune squared my own sun was one of the most difficult transits I have ever experienced. I was shocked even though I was expecting it. Neptune, being non-material, has a way of dissolving things. I slept my way through that period and struggled to survive as things just seemed to slip through my fingers. It was like I was in a fog and I could not seem to materialize anything during that roughly two-year period. On the contrary, it was all about loss and letting go. That period profoundly altered my life.

In fact, at times I was absolutely convinced that I was the victim of powerful psychic and energetic attacks by dark forces, and even had that confirmed by multiple highly qualified individuals. I experienced many vivid, dark and frightening nightmares. I was psychically wide open and almost defenseless. I eventually began practicing Kundalini yoga, I studied with a mystery school, and I took a deep dive into crystals. Much of this effort was aimed at defending myself and reinforcing myself energetically, which I was intensely determined to do, but it also elevated me.

All of what I just described is very archetypically 12th house, is it not?

But back to the main topic. What follows is very important. I hope you are paying attention.

While studying this transit of Neptune, I noticed the following aspect that, to me, seems truly remarkable and must be exceedingly rare. On February 20th of 2026, Saturn, the Lord of Karma, will exactly conjunct Neptune at 0 degrees, 45 minutes and 10 seconds of Aries. Yes, these two major planets will meet at the very first degree of Aries. Incredible.

Neptune Saturn conjunction
Neptune in Aries Challenging Aspects

These two planets normally conjoin around every 36 years or so, but the odds of this happening at the very first degree of Aries must be miniscule. Due to retrogrades, they will perform an extraordinary dance around the very beginning of Aries from May of 2025 through March of 2026. I’m getting strong chills here.

That will truly be something to behold, no doubt. If we consider a wider 15 degree orb of highly activated contact for such alignments, based on my calculations the active period for the beginning of this new and historically potent Saturn-Neptune cycle would span March of 2024 through April of 2027. Again, that is the three-year period in which these two planets will be within 15 degrees apart, to reiterate March of 2024 through April of 2027, with an exact conjunction on February 20th of 2026.

Anyone with planets or points on the cardinal axis at Late Pisces, Early Aries, Late Gemini, Early Cancer, Late Virgo, Early Libra, Late Sagittarius, Early Capricorn will want to be paying attention to this.

Now, let’s recall the timing of the American Civil War I mentioned earlier, which erupted exactly as Neptune entered Aries in April of 1861. It was a war over slavery, one of the most egregious, vile, and dark practices known to humanity. It was a war for what is virtuous, just, and ethical, that all should be treated equally, Neptune combined with the force and conviction of Mars, the ruler of Aries.

Had the outcome of that Civil War differed, the world could be dramatically different than it is now. We have not attained perfection by any means, we are still very much collectively a work in progress, but that was a very significant turning point in human history. The many who saved the world from the utter horrors of fascism in World War II also come to mind. Many people sacrificed their lives for a truly just and noble cause, and we should be profoundly grateful for their courage of conviction. If spiritual warriors exist, that term would certainly apply to them.

I will now list some of the expressions of Neptune in Aries, again 2025 through 2039, that come to mind. Some of this is based on study, some is extrapolation, some is intuitive, some of this is predictable based on current trends, some is not. Always trust your own intuition and judgment before making any significant decisions. I am factoring in the influence of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction I have previously described. Apply the following at your own discretion.

So here goes:

  1. A crisis of masculinity and masculine expression. Clashes, perhaps actual violent conflicts or incidents, between progressive and reactionary conservative, fascistic or authoritarian forces. Increasing polarization between rational and possibly excessively reductionist world views and theological, religious or ideological world views. A clash of world views.
  2. The collapse or severe undermining of institutions that have existed for many generations. Think banking, finance, other governing bodies and authorities.
  3. A crisis of housing and home. Housing may be impermanent and unreliable, likely due to climate and environmental problems. Geographic areas affected include those that were historically considered reliable and predictable. Cost of housing may continue to be a major problem. Formerly safe areas threatened by sea level rise or repeated flooding causing migration and housing supply shortages in other, safer regions. Refugee camps.
  4. Issues pertaining to the family structure and nurturing. Long held norms change. Much confusion in this area. Fewer women willing to mother.
  5. Failures of diplomacy and international relations. Old conventions no longer apply.
  6. Political polarization, left moving left, right moving right, becoming further entrenched.
  7. Conflicts that turn out not to be based on anything tangible, real or even rational, when viewed in hindsight, motivated by illusions, fabricated evidence, distortions, illegitimate narratives, clashing paradigms, ideologies or confused communications that cannot be bridged easily.
  8. A crisis involving male fertility or infertility, declining birth rates for reasons that may not be clearly understood, perhaps related to environmental contamination or contagions.
  9. Androgynous styles, fashions and aesthetics, think David Bowie and boy George, glam, romanticized and idealized masculinity.
  10. A crisis of faith for the Church and religions, being forced to address past misdeeds, scandals and blatant hypocrisy, tax-free status threatened due to excessive partisan political activism. Increasingly polarized climatic swings and weather events.
  11. Severe drought and wildfires, fire, followed by intermittent deluges of historic floods and rain, water. Weakened crops, crop failures due to extreme or unusual weather patterns.
  12. Significant challenges with pollination and seeding, perhaps due to reduced insect populations. invasive species and/or contagions harming natural ecosystems and wildlife.
  13. Traditional male roles dissolving, as were typically expressed in many trades. Traditional employment being displaced by technology, artificial intelligence, automation, roboticization, etc. Another aspect of the crisis for masculinity. a lot of those traditional jobs may become obsolete. We will also be moving into a more intellectual framework, especially with Pluto transiting Aquarius.
  14. Implications for military and warfare, troops displaced by technology such as robotics, AI, and automation, many soldiers could become redundant or obsolete.
  15. A surprising collapse of hegemonies or monopolies in many areas, including nations and large corporations that may have dominated for many generations previously.
  16. Unrest amongst the populace who struggle to deal with dissolving traditional ways of living in socio-economic conditions, especially for those who are rigid, inflexible or overly attached to dying, dogmatic and materialistic paradigms.
  17. A widespread aggressive contagion or disease which produces high fever and spreads quickly.
  18. Virtual reality being widely deployed and accessible, resulting in more people being detached from reality and increasingly isolated from human interaction.
  19. Traditional roles between males and females stressed and undermined. More fluidity results.
  20. Water supplies continue depleting, drying up and becoming unreliable. Mechanizations, such as desalinization, deployed to produce potable water in some regions.
  21. Mountain glaciers that previously supplied water to many regions disappear.
  22. Accelerated sea level rise and land-based glacial ice mass reduction, exceeding even some of our worst projections.

The positive side of all this, from my perspective, is that humanity is indeed ascending. We are at the cusp of the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This is a dramatic change.

As I have expressed on my channel before, we are going through a significant paradigm shift and the old collective paradigm is collapsing. This and other potent astrological events, such as the imminent transit of Pluto through Aquarius through 2044, seem to be clearly aligned with that narrative. Absolutely.

In order to make this transition we must let go of all of the abstract, arbitrary, and defunct structures and belief systems that have at once defined and sheltered, but at the same time severely limited, humanity and our potential.

We are now like the proverbial snake shedding its skin. We can no longer fit within the rigid confines and constructs that have restricted us for over two thousand years.

I know this process can be challenging and uncomfortable. I know it can be difficult. I know it can even be scary at times. But on the other side is freedom and expanse. A lighter, higher vibrational and more rewarding way of being. A way of being that more accurately reflects our true higher and innate inner nature.

The easiest way to get through this transition is to not be in resistance to it. Resistance is exhausting to maintain, especially when the forces at play are so cosmic.

Over time, extreme resistance may wear people down so much that they simply opt to leave. in other words, escape. Instead, rather, I encourage you to be a vehicle for change and evolution.

This is a rare point in human history. You chose to incarnate here now, and it is a privilege many souls desired, but only a select few have been granted. Embrace and unfold your inner truth, limitless power and light.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes or episodes mentioned herein:

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness: 2023 – 2044. (Feb 16, 2022)

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation? Part 1

USA Pluto Return 2022 Part 2 – Neptune, Mars and Saturn

Other episodes of Aquarian Diary on YouTube that feature Pluto.

My astrology playlist on YouTube

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