Tag: Uranus

Why it’s been so hard for Sagittarius: 2008-2026

I discuss why the period commencing in 2008 has been particularly astrologically challenging for Sagittarians.

There has been some difficult astrology at play for Sagittarius which winds down beginning in 2025 through 2026.

This episode was published on October 15, 2024 at 1:11pm EDT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is October 15th, 2024.

Today I want to talk about something that has actually been on my to-do list for a few months and it again came to my mind over the past few days and I thought, “Well, I really should do this.”

It is going to be specifically geared towards Sagittarians and I don’t normally just focus on one sign, but I think in this case it’s warranted.

I’m a Sagittarian myself and what I want to talk about has had a profound effect on me and based on comments from people, it has for others as well, and I thought I would offer my perspective on this and the timeline involved in case that’s helpful to other Sagittarians.

First though, I want to mention that Sunday night, October 13th, I had another wide-ranging discussion with the wonderful Irish Granny Tarot. We talked about all kinds of things. You may find that interesting. It’s almost an hour and 45 minutes long, but if you have time, check it out.

I’ll put a link in the episode description to that. Or you can always find Helen’s channel simply by searching for “Irish Granny Tarot.” She does wonderful work and her content is very educational as well.

Back to the question of what Sagittarians have been going through, and this is not to suggest that other people haven’t been going through extended periods that have been really challenging, but like I said, as a Sagittarian, I can speak to this personally and a lot depends on your own personal natal chart.

That has a big effect as well, of course, but generally, what I will describe here is fairly significant in terms of challenging aspects. As usual, I’ll be putting dates on the screen. If you’re watching this on YouTube, you might want to pay attention to that.

Pluto transit Capricorn, Sagittarius 2nd Solar house, 2008-2024.

The first thing that really came into phase for Sagittarians, and I’m only looking at major multi-year transits here today, was the transit of Pluto through Capricorn, which effectively began in 2008 and is finished on November 19th.

Capricorn is the sign adjacent to Sagittarius, so technically there are no major aspects between the two signs. However, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, of course. Sagittarius is fire and Capricorn is earth. Well, you can probably see where this is going.

And Saturn is further out from Jupiter, so it has a more powerful role or seniority in the scheme of things, and the energies of these two planets are extremely different. So, Saturn kind of puts the kibosh on Jupiter. Jupiter is very expansive and considered to be lucky, and Saturn is very constraining and rigid.

And so, while Pluto was in Capricorn, it was emphasizing the energies of that sign, which in many ways kind of conflict with the core fundamental nature of Jupiter and Sagittarius. And again, that was from 2008 right up until November 19th, 2024.

I’ve talked a lot about this before, and I really disliked the energy of Pluto in Capricorn, just because there was a lot of expressions that I found fundamentally ingratiating.

And I knew this before it even happened, that this was going to be a difficult period, but I also knew that I would really enjoy the energies of Pluto in Aquarius, which is what now we’re going to be dealing with all the way through 2044.

So, that’s one thing, and that’s a big thing. I mean, look at what has been going on in the world during this time. It is just crazy and very disturbing in a lot of ways.

Crucially, Capricorn rules the solar second house for Sagittarius. The second house rules our assets and property, our material resources, money, and the things that we value. Pluto transiting the second house can of course wreak havoc on financial affairs, because a lot of things can be destroyed before they get rebuilt.

Generally, what is happening here is that our values, the things that we think are important, are going through a huge purge and transformation. And there’s a lot of destruction with Pluto when it moves through these areas.

Of course, the second house also opposes the eighth, which is another money house. The eighth is more the resources and interactions with other people or outside institutions or agencies, things like banks, people that we borrow money from or who invest in us, that kind of thing, at least on a financial level.

And the second house squares the eleventh and the fifth, social groups and networks, and our sense of creativity and things that deal with children and stuff like that. So clearly, Pluto transiting this part of our chart can manifest as a lot of financial challenges for some people.

Neptune transit Pisces, Sagittarius 4th Solar house, 2011-2026.

Next, Neptune started transiting Pisces in 2011, and that transit ends in 2026.

Now in my own personal experience, Neptune’s squares to the Sun can be extremely challenging. They can really zap your vitality and your energy. And Neptune has this kind of dissolving quality, and the squares, in my experience, can be the most frustrating aspects because there’s really no resolution to these energies.

So when Neptune squares your Sun, for example, it can completely kind of push you down where you have no vitality, very little energy, and many aspects of your identity and reality can kind of dissolve. At the same time, we can have many kind of psychic and intuitive experiences, but we can be very ungrounded and energetically porous.

I have talked a lot about Neptune on my channel, and if you just go to my channel page and search for Neptune, you’ll find those.

I’m not going to reiterate everything I’ve already said, but trust me, Neptune squares to your sun can be extremely difficult. There can be a lot of loss and losses involved during this time. Neptune has a very kind of dematerializing energy about it.

So Neptune in Pisces squared Sagittarius. If you’re early Sagittarius, you went through the hardest aspects of these early on, like back in 2011, 2012. If you’re a later Sagittarius, you’re probably just experiencing that right now or recently.

But this transit of Neptune square the Sun is probably grossly underestimated. For the most part, it’s my impression that people just underestimate how hard of a transit that actually is.

So now we’ve got Pluto in Capricorn, and weve got Neptune squaring Sagittarius, both for many years.

The solar fourth house of Sagittarius is ruled by Pisces. So Neptune transiting the fourth, which also opposes the tenth, which is career vocation status, how we fit into the world, the positions that we’re elevated into, where we have power and authority and are recognized for our contributions.

The fourth house is critically important because it’s foundational. If we don’t have a solid foundation, which is our home, our literal home and our home environment and the people that are in our immediate home environment, those who are really close to us, it also covers our family, either the one we grew up with or the one that we create.

So Neptune, with this kind of dissolving non-materialistic energy, this very spiritual energy, can really dissolve a lot of our foundations. If we don’t have a solid foundation in the world, it’s really hard to do a lot of things. If we don’t feel secure and safe, it’s very hard to go out, for example, and start a business or have a career or whatever. And again, like I said, Neptune in the fourth would be opposing the career house for Sagittarius.

So I already talked about Pluto transiting the second. That’s really hard. That’s a tough transit because in three-dimensional reality, we need material resources and financial security to feel comfortable and safe. And at the same time, we now have Neptune transiting our fourth, which is dissolving our foundations, our safe place, the place where we go at the end of the day and we close the door and we feel secure and safe.

Two very, very challenging things going on there at the same time. That’s a lot.

Saturn transit Pisces, Sagittarius Solar 4th house, 2023-2026.

More recently, Saturn entered Pisces in early 2023 through early 2026. Now there’s some breaks because of retrogrades, but generally 2023-2026.

Saturn square your Sun is also a very challenging aspect. This is where we can feel blocked as if forces outside of ourselves are constraining or limiting us that we can’t move forward or we’re stuck or we have to deal with very pragmatic mundane things that are constantly stopping us from doing what we want to do. It’s an extremely frustrating aspect.

So again, depending on what degree in Sagittarius your Sun is, will affect when these energies are most intense. You definitely will feel this within a two degree orb and probably even five degrees or more. However, to some extent, the whole time that Saturn is in Pisces, the energies are squaring the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn transiting the fourth can really bring a lot of attention and focus on to issues that deal with our home and home environment and our foundations as I talked about with Neptune transiting the fourth.

So the solar fourth of Sagittarius now has Neptune and Saturn in it and Saturn is extremely practical and pragmatic. You can think of it as tough love and it can represent as challenges or things that we have to get really real about and put a lot of effort into that pertain to our home or home environment.

And if they’re not on a solid foundation, Saturn will make us very clearly aware of that. And this isn’t necessarily pleasant because Saturn is not about fun. It’s usually about hard work and dedication and concentration and not getting rewards quickly or easily. It takes a lot of time and effort with Saturn and concentration and diligence and so forth. It can be exhausting because we have to keep our nose to the grindstone for a very long time and sometimes we don’t see results for a very long time either.

Chiron transit Pisces, Sagittarius Solar 4th house, 2010-2019.

Also, Chiron transited Pisces from 2010 through 2019, give or take because of retrogrades. That also can be kind of a challenging aspect.

So Chiron would have squared Sagittarius Sun at some point during that period and those energies are square the whole time really to a degree between Pisces and Sag.

And this can force us to confront or deal with some of our wounding often that occurred in formative years or even past lives. And Chiron transits can be quite hard because often in my experience, reality or our daily experiences or interactions will either trigger or mirror our wounding to us. And we can feel helpless or victimized or sad or experience grief and things like that, often justifiably and also inadequacy. But still, it can be kind of a challenging emotional experience to go through. It’s never pleasant to muck around with our core wounding, but that’s what Chiron tends to do.

Chiron transiting the fourth can bring up issues relating to our wounding around our family. So a lot of family dynamics and issues and things that we’ve swept under the rug or glossed over or shadow work that we need to do around those kinds of themes can be brought to our attention in uncomfortable ways.

Chiron will, like I said, either trigger us or mirror things to us that reflect and make us aware of our wounding. And let’s face it, we’d rather probably not do that most of the time, even if it is beneficial and essential. It’s not necessarily pleasant and it’s not necessarily pleasant to feel like you’re a victim either, which is also kind of a hallmark of Chiron transits.

So you have to remember all of these things are going on simultaneously and they layer on top of each other. So there were certain times during this decade or more period where there was multiple challenges going on to the sign of Sagittarius.

So when we layer on all these things together, and I’m not touching on everything because this is a long period of time, I just want to give people a general sense of when this started and when it ends.

Pluto sextile, as well as Neptune and Saturn trine Sagittarius 2023-2039.

We can see that Pluto is moving into Aquarius, which will sextile Sagittarius. So that’s more of a positive energy for transformation and change in an easier way. We have to activate the sextile. We have to actually take action and do things to manifest those benefits, but that’s not a problem.

And then we can see that by early 2026, Neptune and Saturn have moved into Aries, which actually is a trine to the sign of Sagittarius. The trine is the easiest, most positive aspect. So we go from these very challenging squares to a very positive trine. So again, there’s retrogrades involved here.

So there’s periods where we get a break from this, but fundamentally, transformations should be in a much stronger, easier, more positive and beneficial energetic situation come early 2026.

You might have some other positive transits along the way that counteract some of these challenging ones. So it’s not all constant or steady. It fluctuates. And that again, depends on your own natal chart.

But I have a natural chart. I have an Aries ascendant. So these kinds of transits are kind of amplified for me and I can speak therefore in broad terms.

And I also pay a lot of attention to my own energetic state. So I’m quite aware and on top of these kinds of things, I can feel the shift of energies often from one sign to the next as planets transition and stuff. And I pay a lot of attention to it and I journal a lot. So I’m kind of on top of this.

So I want to give you that sense of why this period has been so challenging for a lot of Sagittarians, because we’re generally by nature, a very optimistic, expansive, kind of jubilant, hopeful people. But we have been being challenged now for many years by some of these transits. And I can get to the point where you just assume that that’s how things are. But what I’m suggesting is that this is a phase that will be winding down over the next year and a half or so.

I don’t happen to have a lot of Gemini’s that I’m closely involved with these days, but Saturn and Neptune in Pisces also squares Gemini. Gemini doesn’t have the same issue with Capricorn that Sagittarians do. So I can’t speak for Gemini, but some of what I’m saying may apply to them, although it may have commenced more in the 2011 timeframe.

And then of course, Pisces opposes Virgo. So Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will have presented challenges to Virgo as well. So basically all of the mutable signs, including Pisces have to some extent been challenged by some of these major transits.

Uranus transit Taurus, Sagittarius 6th Solar house, 2018-2026.

Now one final thing. Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and finishes transiting Taurus in April of 2026.

This is the solar sixth house for Sagittarius and the sixth deals with our work and routines and daily habits, but it also deals with health and being of service. And sometimes being of service means that we put others needs ahead of our own and we don’t necessarily get any immediate personal gratification from it. It’s more like a selfless service energy where we have to sacrifice our own ego and desires to serve or to play a role for others.

So Uranus transiting this house can raise all kinds of issues around our work habits and routine and change them and introduce elements that are uncomfortable or unfamiliar to us can also raise health issues. And we can find ourselves in weird situations where we feel like we’re just sacrificing ourselves all the time.

The sixth house has a quality of breaking down the ego, which is not too bad in small quantities, but if it goes on for a very long time, it can feel exhausting. Anybody who works in healthcare, for example, is very much aware of this.

Uranus transit Gemini, Sagittarius 7th Solar house, 2025-2033.

Uranus is then going to transit Gemini from 2025 until 2033 and Gemini opposes Sagittarius.

So during this time, 2025 to 2023, Sagittarians are going to be opposed by Uranus and that can manifest as very sudden and dramatic shifts or changes in your life or your life experience or your life circumstances that are virtually unpredictable. We can never foresee precisely what changes Uranus is going to bring about.

But the benefit to this is that if you’ve been in a situation where you feel stuck or things have become stagnant for a long time, which a lot of people experience, Uranus can really shake things up and break them, which results in you gaining more freedom. Even though these events can sometimes be quite dramatic and even sometimes a bit traumatic, the benefit is that you get liberated.

Or maybe you’ve been repressing certain feelings or desires or needs and you won’t be able to repress those energies any longer when Uranus opposes your Sun, for example. You will need to express your own unique identity and liberate yourself from anything that is confining, restricting, habitual, but not beneficial, that kind of thing.

So again, it depends on the degree of your Sun. Obviously, early Sag Suns are going to be opposed by Uranus in the early stages of this transit and later Sagittarians later on. That has to be calculated. That’s why people consult astrologers like me and you can book an appointment if you wish.

But I can assure you that that whole time period will bring about very major changes for Sagittarians. They don’t always have to be negative. They can be positive, but one thing is for sure, change will be in the cards.

When Uranus transits Gemini, that is Sagittarius’ seventh solar house. The seventh deals with our important significant relationships. Typically, it is those that we are partnered with romantically. So it would be like your wife or a girlfriend or boyfriend or husband, somebody that you are committed to usually. It’s usually an exclusive kind of energy and it’s usually a serious relationship as opposed to one that is more lighthearted.

And when Uranus goes through the seventh, it can really shake things up in the relationship department. You can sometimes end up with people who are very different from you that you wouldn’t normally be attracted to or involved with, or it can completely shake things up with committed relationships and end those that no longer serve you or that are holding you back or that have become stagnant or pointless or meaningless.

And for those who are familiar or comfortable with having really stable, predictable relationships, this can be a hard transit. If somebody is in a relationship that has dragged on for a long time, that has lost meaning and reward, often when Uranus transits the seventh, that relationship will end.

And the other side of the coin, like I said, is that we can enter into situations or kinds of relationships that are very different or unusual from what we’re familiar with. Like it could be somebody that’s just very different from you, or it could even be the nature of the relationship is very weird. Or it could just be somebody who’s very culturally different from you and what you’re familiar with.

Uranus likes to have a lot of freedom. It doesn’t like to be constrained or limited. So sometimes even when Uranus goes through the seventh, people can explore things like polyamory or something like that, or open relationships where they have multiple different people that they’re connected to. I’m not saying that’s typical. I’m just using that as an example.

Don’t necessarily expect that, but Sag is going to go through an extended period where the relationship part of their life, if they have one, is going to probably be unusual or different from what they’re familiar with.

And of course, like I’ve already said, the seventh opposes the first. So Uranus is opposing the Sun of Sagittarius and squaring the 10th and the fourth.

So by this point, we’ve got away from Pluto in the second, Neptune and Saturn in the fourth, and Chiron in the fourth. And now the emphasis in terms of a lot of fairly radical change is going to shift to the seventh, as I have just described.

But at the same time, we will be having Saturn and Neptune trining our Suns. And Saturn can strengthen and solidify things, and Neptune can be extremely inspiring and enlightening. And if you’re a spiritual person, Neptune trine Sun can be phenomenal. So I’m actually very much looking forward to that.

I’m an early Sag. Even when Neptune is at the late degrees of Pisces, it will still be forming a trine to my Sun within a reasonably tight orb. Actually, I already felt it a bit in 2024, and it was wonderful.

Plus, like I said, Pluto in Aquarius is sextiling Sagittarius, and Aquarius is an air sign, Sag is fire, so these energies are compatible. And the sextile is a very supportive aspect, and this speaks to positive regeneration and empowerment and upliftment, positive expression of power, if used wisely.

I know this is a lot to try and absorb all at once, especially if you’re a novice or casually interested in astrology. And this is one of the reasons why, for me, to take on producing an episode like this is not a trivial thing, because it’s very multi-dimensional and there’s a lot of moving parts. Often if you follow astrology, people will tend to focus on one thing at a time, whereas in reality it’s very holistic.

Plus, as I’ve said, a lot depends on your own natal chart, which introduces a whole bunch of other dimensions to this as well. So it’s not as clear-cut or simple as is often presented. It’s way deeper.

So again, if you want to look at this from a more detailed perspective, consider booking an appointment and I can go through some of these things for you with more precision, taking into account your Ascendant, your Midheaven, your other planetary positions, and so forth. I’m speaking here, of course, in very general terms.

But there you go, that’s just kind of like a quick overview of why, if you’re a Sag and you’ve felt challenged for a long time, this might explain some of it. And again, there’s a lot more detail in the dates, in the graphics that you’ll see on this screen. So you might want to watch this again, make notes, that kind of thing.

Once again, you’ll find the link to the discussion I had with Irish Granny in the episode description, and I hope you found this helpful.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned. And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 15% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members and astrology clients. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Pluto on the Cusp of Aquarius – Late 2024 – Sept 17, 2024

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠– Feb 14, 2022

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning – Jan 26, 2023

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Living with Neptune – Transit and Natal – Feb 18, 2023

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Don’t Look Down (too much) – Jun 4, 2024

The Myth of Consensus Reality – Jul 2, 2024

It’s Happening – The Wheel Turns – Apr 21, 2024

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split – Feb 28, 2022

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

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Astrology #Sagittarius #Sag


Swords vs Torches – Nov 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in Taurus

I discuss the remarkable astrology of the total lunar eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus on November 8, 2022 – the very same day as the surely historic US midterm elections take place. The fate of democracy and the world appears to be at stake.

This eclipse is tightly conjunct Uranus and squares Saturn.

I received a psychic download about a major shift occurring in November BEFORE I looked closely at the astrology of this and was stunned by the details, timing and implications of this eclipse, hence this episode. I discuss that as well.

The download I received suggests that this event is related to a major and extremely significant Timeline Split that Dolores Cannon brought to our attention years ago.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published on September 17, 2022.

Episode transcript:

Welcome to Aquarian Diary where we discuss issues around the emerging Age of Aquarius. I’m your host John Irving. Thank you for joining me.

Greetings all it is Saturday September 17th, 2022.

This is incredibly fascinating and interesting and dramatic, what I want to talk about here.

So Wednesday night – late Wednesday night – which was the 14th of September – after spiritual practice I just had this sudden very short but dramatic download. And it went like this. I got that there was a big shift coming soon, a major shift. I asked when. The answer was November. And then I got to try and keep myself in a positive state, between now and then as much as possible, because I want to make this shift that’s going to occur. Implying that there is a split – two courses, two paths, and I want to take the higher path. I always have been working towards that for many years.

So I was like whoa – this is intense. And I thought I should post something about this, and then I hesitated because of course my ego, my intellect, was saying well what if you’re wrong? So then Friday September 16th late at night I post on my community tab about what happened and explaining this big shift. Just because I, in the past, have hesitated to do these kinds of things and then later on they proved to be right and I regret not commenting about it or sharing it.

So I was in the mood and I was just kind of like what the hell, I’m putting it out there. And I asked people to let me know if they had come across any other sources who were saying something similar because this is quite dramatic. And of course, I have also done a whole episode titled The Great 2020’s Timeline Split which kind of talked about what Dolores Cannon spoke about through her work, where there would be this split, this timeline split, that would occur in the early 2020’s.

Now I haven’t really been paying much attention to the mundane astrology, or the astrology that’s going on for the world right now, just because I’ve been really busy. And there’s been so much coming up in my own spiritual work that it has kept me more than preoccupied. The amount of stuff that’s been coming up for me that I’ve been dealing with lately has just been like it’s incredible. Day to day. So yeah I posted on my community tab about this event that I foresee or was told about occurring in November.

And then this morning, September 17th, Saturday early morning, I wake up early and I look more closely at the astrology. And oh my God there’s this eclipse coming up, this full lunar eclipse in Taurus, that is occurring on November 8th, which happens to be the exact same day as the US midterm elections. Now I knew about this but it was kind of in the back of my mind. So this morning I look more closely at this eclipse and I’m like oh my God this is a really powerful eclipse.

The way eclipses work is that we kind of experience them or start to feel them up to three months in advance and then it takes up to six months for for all these energies to be integrated. A full lunar eclipse is basically a full Moon on steroids because what’s happening is that the Sun and the Moon are in close proximity to the lunar nodes that are transiting, and that’s what makes an eclipse. So like I said, a full Moon on steroids.

The full Moon is closely aligned with the North Node in this case, in Taurus. And the South Node and Sun are in Scorpio. Now in this case in Scorpio or aligned with the Sun and the South Node is Mercury and Venus. And very closely conjunct with the North Node and the Moon in Taurus is Uranus which is squaring Saturn in Aquarius.

I could do a whole hour-long episode just on this eclipse. That’s not really my intent. I’ll give you the summary of it like this… We have like a super moon, super full moon, in Taurus. And Taurus rules things like our values and it is often related to possessions and things that we own. And property and money and real estate. Because that’s how we materially express our values is through our property. That’s why it’s related to values. It’s ruled by Venus (Taurus).

In Scorpio where all this South Node stuff is going on, with the Sun and Mercury and Venus. Scorpio is the most intense, by far, of the zodiac signs because it deals with a lot of, often, a lot of drama that is interpersonally related. Because relationships are like the stage on which we confront other people and other people confront us, about our psychology, and ultimately how we perceive the world. So there can be a lot of drama in Scorpio around interpersonal relationships. Scorpio follows the sign of Libra and Libra is where we form close intimate relationships with people. So Scorpio is kind of the battleground for relationships. And a lot of our relationship behavior is governed by past lives and traumas and things that have happened to us that we have to process, or the shadow work that we have to do, and it’s a dramatic energy.

So Uranus is within a degree of this full Moon lunar eclipse. And Uranus can break up, if not shatter, existing structures and ways of being, and ways of thinking and paradigms and realities and relationships. If people go through a major hard Uranus transit often there can be a sudden and dramatic break with the past and it seems to be coming from the outside like there are forces that cause our whole reality to shift suddenly and dramatically. And it can happen very quickly. Like on a specific date something will happen and you weren’t expecting it. It’s almost always never fully expected or appreciated until it happens. It can come out of the blue.

And so this energy is being hugely amplified by this full Moon lunar eclipse. So something dramatic and major is going to shift and it’s going to be big, and it will forever change… it’ll be like a course-changing event. A pinpoint in time where suddenly everything is different. And it’ll be something that nobody really fully expected or anticipated, or even possibly imagined.

That full lunar eclipse that’s conjunct Uranus and Taurus is squaring Saturn in Aquarius. And Saturn – and especially because it’s in Aquarius – Aquarius governs society and societal level stuff. And Saturn represents the institutions and structures that we have created, and the leadership… you know things like government, governmental leaders, politicians, banks, large significant institutions that affect society, that tend to be rigid and structured. Because they need to persist over many years, if not even generations, because they have to be reliable. But in this case Uranus is coming in and delivering a sharp square to those structures and institutions and rigid sets of beliefs that have served us because it’s time for them to really be changed. And they need almost like a lightning bolt level blast to break them up to change those structures. Because on some level they are no longer serving us or they’ve become obsolete or redundant or they need to be dramatically changed or revolutionized.

Now Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and Uranus is going to be playing a huge… this kind of energy is going to be playing a huge role in the Aquarian Age. And I’ve done a whole video on that which I really get into in the one called Pluto in Aquarius, Dawn of Global Consciousness, so I’m not going to go into that in a great level of detail here. The main thing is is that what we can expect is this deals with our values. It may manifest as shifts in reality that alter our understanding of what we value and literally the physical material reflection of that in banking and finance and institutions and real estate and property. And on the other side of the equation is all of the psychology and the trauma and the intense experiences that kind of shape our reality. The South Node, Mercury the Sun and Venus are all in opposition to this full Moon.

Again I could spend an hour at least talking about this. But the main point is just that there is going to be… this is extremely dramatic. It’s occurring on the same day as the US midterm elections which will define whether or not America becomes a fascist autocracy, if not theocracy, a criminally organized government which would totally change the history of planet earth, or not. And this connects to the download that I got on Wednesday night about this huge shift coming because Uranus represents dramatic and sudden shifts and departures, if not splits. Splits! Think of timeline splits. And these highly amplified energies of this full Moon lunar eclipse are challenging the status quo that governs society. It’s a direct challenge.

Amazingly the Sabian symbol for 16 degrees of Taurus, where this lunar eclipse is occurring, this powerful lunar eclipse, reads “A symbolic battle between swords and torches.” To me swords represent truth (strong energy) and torches is fire which wants to burn things down. It’s a nihilism basically. And this image of swords versus torches perfectly describes what’s going on in the world. Reason and truth versus passion and anger and fire and destruction. You couldn’t make this up. It’s just incredible.

Now the Sabian symbols are very subject to interpretation. You will find a lot of various interpretations for these symbols and they can vary a lot. So that’s my interpretation based on the context politically and socially right now, and the major struggles that we are involved in and encountering. From my perspective we really are at a critical juncture in a fight between light and dark, good and evil, right and wrong, what’s best for everyone and what’s best for some people, etc. So again this is my interpretation. You may interpret it differently.

Now a few months later Pluto will move into Aquarius. Again see my episode on Pluto in Aquarius. I’ll link some of this in the description. But incredibly I have this download. I haven’t been paying attention to the astrology, I look at the astrology and go like holy crap it’s right there. It’s November 8th. And I said last night on my community tab that this was going to occur in November and I haven’t been paying attention to the astrology but it’s all right there.

Now the next solar eclipse [after November]… the next eclipse will be a solar eclipse and that is going to be occurring on April 20th of 2023. This is just after Pluto has moved into Aquarius. Pluto is at zero degrees Aquarius at this point, for the first time in like 250 years. This eclipse on April 20th is going to be at 29° 50′ of Aries. That is an Anaretic degree, an extremely potent and powerful degree of Aries. And Aries is a powerful sign to begin with, it’s Cardinal. And it is the sign of new beginnings. So the next solar eclipse is at literally the very, very, very end of Aries. That’s going to be extremely powerful too. That’s new beginnings.

But also see my episode that I did on the 2020’s timeline split. Again I’ll link that in the description. This to me is just all astonishing because like I said I had this download but I didn’t connect it to the astrology because I hadn’t really looked at this November eclipse. I don’t know why I’ve just been really busy and preoccupied and I haven’t had a lot of time to record lately. It’s astonishing.

I was shown about a week ago – this is before I had the download about November – I was shown very clearly how when I concentrate on all this negative stuff that’s happening in the world how it shifts my consciousness and my energetic state. I’m insatiably curious about what’s happening in the world so you know I do read. And I want to know what’s happening and why. But it was kind of a warning just to manage that carefully. You want to, I think, maintain a positive state as much as possible leading up to November. And probably the the point in time will be November 8th. And that might be because we want to be in a higher state to make this shift into the higher timeline. If we’re going to go through a timeline split, and my download is right, and the astrology is right, this is when it’s going to happen. November 8th 2022. Mark your calendars. Tell the people that you love to do their shadow work, to clear themselves.

In my spiritual practice lately – this has just come up for me intuitively over the past month or so – but I’ve been doing a lot of forgiving and letting go of people and the past and past events past traumas just letting go of the past. I recently did a cord cutting which I hadn’t done in a very long time that was extremely powerful. I felt a huge shift in my energy. Let go of as much as you can. Lighten your load.

And I believe I was told Wednesday night about this… they were basically warning me, not warning me like I’m not in danger, but just saying, you know, this is a very important time. There’s going to be a huge shift in November. Prepare yourself for that and be in the right state of mind.

Dolores Cannon said that we needed to not be in a fear-based paradigm, which I think we can argue that a lot of the people on the right of the political spectrum are very much so. And we also needed to clear our karma in order to make the shift into the higher timeline. I did a video about that just a month or two ago about describing how I, through a lot of intense spiritual work, I had cleared my karma.

I have to say something else as well which is it’s kind of personal but it’s one of the things I’ve been struggling with. You know years ago I thought oh I should do an astrology channel, it’ll be really popular. I could see that coming and then I thought no that would be redundant. To me the thought of doing something to pander to people’s sensibilities or to be popular, with that as my agenda, I honestly find it revolting. I just can’t… I can’t… I couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t be authentic for me.

Like obviously I want to make a difference and I want to reach people and I want to speak the truth and I want to… I would like to be able to say things that are important that make a difference, that make the world a better place. That help us understand what’s happening, that help me understand what’s happening, and to connect with other people of like mind and like spirit.

And I’ve really struggled because obviously I don’t have a lot of viewers and I could – because I know what to do or I know what I should do if that was my agenda – but that is not my agenda. I really don’t give a crap about that. And I think that that is actually a quality of Aquarius. Aquarius does its own thing and it doesn’t really give a crap about what other people think. And in fact I’ve been guided very powerfully not to care about what other people think. Like that’s part of my raison d’etre in this lifetime. Is to just be myself and do my own thing (I’m getting strong energy here).

So yeah, like I said I could do stuff that would be a lot more popular than what I’m doing now but to me it wouldn’t be authentic or it would be pandering to popularity. And that’s not to say that everything that’s popular is garbage, it isn’t. But the truth is is that in all fields more often than not you find the people who are saying or doing the really important things aren’t often the center of attention. The most popular stuff is not necessarily the most important stuff, or the deepest stuff.

Anyway I wanted to express that. I want it to be on the record and I think it’s important for other people to realize that too. The age that we’re moving into is going to be like the most authentic people are going to come to the fore. The ones who are following their true heart and their true inspiration and not really caring too much about whether it’s popular or not.

Oh by the way in a prior episode I said that my twitter handle was AquarianDiary it’s actually @Aquarian_Diary (with an underscore). I post more prolifically there stuff that I’m reading.

I also added a feature to my website at aquariandiary.com where people can basically just join a contact list so that we don’t lose touch if anything major happens or changes with this platform or others. And numerous people have used that, thank you. I’m not going to spam that list in any way it’s just for safe keeping in the event that it’s needed.

Thanks for everything! I appreciate it. And we’ll talk to you soon.

You can find a full list of my episodes here.

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

Here I discuss the astrology of right-wing extremism and the role of the astrology of the Uranus square Pluto cycle in recent history.

Such astrological transits have been associated with the rise of radical right-wing extremism, populism, fascism and authoritarianism.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 9:11am on June 15, 2023

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is June 15th, 2023.

This topic has been on my to-do list for a very long time.

I’ll be displaying many dates on the screen, so if you’re interested in those kinds of things, you may want to watch this on YouTube.

It took me many hours to calculate and verify all these states. You can’t just go copy them off the internet somewhere, because often there will be mistakes. That’s not to say that I haven’t made any, but I tried not to. With so many numbers, it’s quite possible to make a typo or something like that, or to omit something.

There’s a few reasons why what I want to talk about today is very important.

One, it helps explain recent trends, namely the rise of fascism and far-right extremism, which threatens liberal democracies around the world currently, including the United States, the most powerful country on the planet. Who’d have thought that would ever happen?

And it also of course explains the rise of populist demagogues, people who are typically extremely unqualified to be in the positions they’re in, and not just because of their blatant lack of expertise, but their abhorrently poor moral and ethical character as well.

At the very least, recent history has been shocking and disturbing.

Let’s not forget that a few generations ago, millions of people around the world rallied to defend democracy against the threat of tyranny and fascist dictators. Our ancestors made tremendous sacrifices to protect our cherished way of life and our freedoms. Anyone with even a superficial understanding of history knows that nobody benefits ultimately from those sorts of tyrannies except a very small handful of people. Anyone who thinks that that form of governance will provide them with some form of safe harbor is profoundly mistaken.

The other main reason that prompted me to talk about this now is that it’s just been stuck in my mind for a few weeks. And I have, very gradually, learned that when things stick in my mind, I need to talk about them, that they’re important. And I have a feeling that if I explain what is going on astrologically, it might help some people wrap their heads around this and give them another perspective that might be helpful.

Have you ever had the experience where a song is stuck in your head, an earworm, sometimes for days, until suddenly you stop and you think about the lyrics and it makes perfect sense. It’s that kind of thing.

What I want to demonstrate here today is the role of the Pluto-Uranus cycle in recent history.

As I worked on this, I realized that you could easily do a full documentary on this one topic. I’m going to keep it fairly simple because I would like people who are not highly skilled at astrology to understand the important role that these two outer planets play and how the timing might be affecting us.

The Uranus-Pluto cycle varies a lot because Pluto’s orbit is very elliptical, so it will appear to spend a lot more time in some signs than others.

When Pluto and Uranus conjunct, or when these two planets meet at the same degree, it tends to mark very important points in world history. To give you a sense of scale, Pluto and Uranus conjuncted around 1850, 1966, and the next one will occur in 2104.

Pluto represents deep and powerful transformation, metaphorical death and rebirth, the energy of raw power, which can be used for both good and bad, bringing to the conscious what is subconscious. Pluto rules the underworld.

And Uranus represents sudden insights, dramatic events, changes in perspective or circumstances, and it has a very revolutionary energy about it.

So when these two planets meet, depending on the sign, it can mark very potent and significant periods of change and transformation that can be very dramatic.

Just after the conjunction in Aries in 1850 and 1851, within a few years, the first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania in the United States. Now when we look back to the effects of the industrial revolution on atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, 1850 is often used as a starting point, and prior to then is effectively a baseline for the effects of human activity.

The internal combustion engine changed every aspect of life on Earth for humanity. Imagine if we still lived in a world where it took weeks or months to traverse the globe.

The era of industrialization officially began in the year 1850 through 1938. Charles Darwin would soon publish The Origin of Species, and The Science of Epidemiology would soon be born.

All of these completely reshaped history, as well as the entire biosphere of Earth.

No aspect of human experience was left untouched.

To illustrate the potency of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in more contemporary terms, let’s consider the 1960s.

Like I said, Pluto and Uranus conjuncted in Virgo around 1965-66. Now those are the dates when the conjunction was exact, but these two planets would have been within a few degrees of each other for some time before then and for some time after then.

So that period of the 1960s is considered to be an extremely important point in modern history. And if we look at the kinds of events that occurred in the United States as a case in point, it represented a very radical shift in many, many ways.

There was the entire counter-cultural movement, feminism, many people rejected the dogmatic cultural approach from the preceding years in the 1950s. There was a very active student movement, protests against the war in Vietnam, clashes over civil rights, the moon landing, widespread concerns about nuclear annihilation – Pluto was discovered in 1930 and the first atomic bomb was used in the second world war. There were powerful movements on the part of minorities and to address segregation. The Voting Rights Act was implemented, the assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X. There were revolutionary changes in areas like fashion, music, art, popular culture, relationships, and sexuality. People explored different kinds of lifestyles and Eastern spirituality.

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury. Many people even explored doing things like going back to the land, rejecting modern society. Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was published, which many attribute to the birth of the environmental movement. And of course there was a whole movement of people who were, like I said, exploring things like eating and living naturally, exploring alternative forms of medicine. They rejected many aspects of modern society.

I mean, it goes on and on and on. It was enormously powerful and transformative.

And society was quite polarized, much like today in some ways. The effects of that period lasted for decades if they’re not still playing out. Huge changes which also sparked a lot of resistance from the status quo. The powers that be went to great lengths to try and discredit all of this because, of course, it threatened them and their privilege and they’ve been trying to put that genie back in the bottle ever since.

In fact, I have argued here before that that explains why education is so astronomically expensive now because young people are much less likely to rebel if they are in inescapable debt up to their eyeballs.

The next significant milestone in this story is the period around 2012 to 2015 when Uranus in Aries squared Pluto in Capricorn.

So think of the conjunction that occurred in the mid-1960s as the beginning and the first square, some 40 or 50 years later, is a test of the energies or consciousness that were being born in the conjunction back in the mid-1960s.

Even today there are still reactionary and conservative forces who are very much opposed to all of that progress.

The period between 2012 and 2015, give or take a few years on either side, was extremely dynamic.

Again, this was the period when Uranus and Aries was squaring Pluto and Capricorn, during which time we had the Arab Spring, ISIS, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo and the LGBTQ rights movement. Barack Obama was president during this time. Social media, mobile phones and the internet were in their heyday. There was Hurricane Sandy, the Paris Climate Accord was signed, the BRIC nations including China and India began a rapid ascent, the negative impact of dark money really started to become clear, Edward Snowden revealed details of a vast and unprecedented surveillance network, WikiLeaks was active, the news and publishing industries were radically changing. Everything was going online, including entertainment platforms, the anti-austerity movements, there was a lot of tumult and rebellious activity that occurred during this time.

The square is like a testy, challenging aspect where the two forces are kind of at odds with each other and there’s no real clear or easy resolution. And the energies, like I said, that are unleashed from these events can take quite some time to play out.

Donald Trump began to rise to prominence around this time and was first elected in 2016. That was an extremely radical outcome.

We have also seen the rise of a lot of far-right extremism, populists and demagogues, the rising threat of fascism, liberal democracy under attack, in ways that are entirely unprecedented in modern history, concerns about civil unrest, and even the possibility of civil war. We saw Brexit, the post-truth era, rampant conspiracy theories and conspiracy-theorism, extreme forms of fundamentalism, Christian nationalism, and all of these kinds of things.

To put that in a bit of historical context, as I mentioned earlier, Uranus and Pluto conjuncted in 1850-1851, they squared each other in 1932-1934, again with some give and take on either side.

At that time, in the 1930s, Pluto was in Cancer and Uranus was in Aries. Again, that very fiery Mars ruled energy. Cancer can be very protective of home and family, or on a mundane level, the nation.

During that time, of course, we saw the rise of Hitler, which led to World War II, in following years. But it wasn’t just Germany, there were fascistic movements in other countries as well, such as Spain and Italy. Very intense and dark stuff.

Of course, the world was in the midst of a great depression, and programs such as the New Deal under Roosevelt were initiated to try and address that.

The failure of the investment, banking and finance industries created the conditions which led to the rise of far-right extremism and ultimately the Second World War.

The period of the early 2010s, of course, followed closely on the heels of the great housing market and bank failures of 2007 and 2008. The parallels between the early 1930s and the 2010s are eerie.

So we went through another square between Pluto and Uranus, like I said, around the period of 2012 to 2015, and at that time as well, I recall things like Golden Dawn in Greece, which was very fascistic, and these kinds of trends started to show up around that time. And polarization really started to take off then as well. And we saw the spread of propaganda and disinformation.

Many have said that if the US government hadn’t bailed out the banks, there would have certainly been another global depression. There’s many parallels to what happened in the 1930s.

Astrology never repeats exactly twice, because all of the other planets are moving at different speeds. So, for example, in the 1930s Neptune was in Virgo, up until the early to mid-1940s, and in the 2010s Neptune was in Pisces. And of course, Pluto has been in Capricorn more recently, whereas in the 1930s it was in Cancer.

So these are different energies and things played out differently, but there’s a lot of parallels and similarities between these periods and these events and the timing of them,

And that is what I want to make people understand. Because I have heard people make reference to, “Oh, astrology explains this, what’s going on.” And a lot of it can be explained by this cycle.

So to some degree, and again I’ll be putting dates on the screen – I’m not going to state them all here because there’s just too many of them and it’ll bore people – but the whole time that Pluto and Uranus are in squaring signs, they are kind of at each other in a somewhat antagonistic relationship.

So, for example, when Pluto was in Capricorn and Uranus was in Aries, there was that tension there.

As of now, at the time of this recording, Uranus is in Taurus, Pluto just retrograded back into Capricorn until early 2024, then it will resume its journey through Aquarius through the mid-2040s.

So Uranus and Pluto aren’t actually squaring each other anymore, in effect, is what I’m getting at.

So there was a period when Pluto was in Capricorn and Uranus was in Aries. These are both cardinal signs. And Aries is very fiery and can be assertive and aggressive and even violent in its lower expression.

And Capricorn represents the institutions and power structures of our society, everything from corporate to the law and government and so forth.

So we’ve seen tremendous amount of activity in those areas where there’s been people fighting for their freedom and independence against what they perceive as tyranny, or trying to, conversely, impose tyranny on others.

The energy can go either way. It’s kind of up to us how we express it.

But the bigger point of all of this is that we’re out of that square energy. Uranus left Aries on March 6th of 2019.

So there will be some spillover of these energies into subsequent years. But the really intense phase of that, or the triggering phase, is over. It may not look like it because things are still playing out.

Like for example, in the United States, a lot of people who abused their power or broke the law are starting to be held accountable for actions that they committed years ago. Hopefully as they are prosecuted and held accountable and brought to justice, that will put a damper on things.

Another example is it looks like Putin’s days are numbered because of his failures in Ukraine. Reality is coming to bear on all of these people and all of their actions.

Saturn is currently transiting Pisces through 2026. Pisces rules the 12th house.

One of the things the 12th house was traditionally associated with was imprisonment. Both Saturn and the 12th house are karmic. It is where we are held accountable for our karma.

During part of this cycle there was a conjunction of Pluto and Saturn on January 12th of 2020, which was significant as well because Pluto was conjuncting Saturn in its own domain. And the Saturn-Pluto cycle is a whole other subject, but that is considered to be an important development that is also often linked to the rise of the far right. Authoritarianism, fascism, and those kinds of things.

So it’ll take some time for these things to play out, but overall my point is that we are through the worst of it.

The next major aspect between these two planets will occur between 2046 and 2048, which will be the opposition, with Pluto in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo. That is a very polarizing energy as well, and that should be a very dynamic and important milestone. That’s over 20 years from now. But those of you who are younger, take note. There will be a lot of major developments at that time.

I know there’s a lot of dates and terminology. Just to summarize, the main point I wanted to make was that we can look at the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto as the beginning of major new cycles or developments, and often they move us forward to a new level.

Then there’s the squares, which challenge whatever occurred during the conjunction. It tests it. In the case of 2010s, it was questioning how far have we come with respect to what was brought forward in the 1960s, those new ways of being, there was kind of a battle between the two opposing forces.

That gets settled out, the next one will be the opposition in the 2040s when Pluto has essentially begun its transit of Pisces, which that in and of itself should be huge, because Pisces can on a higher level represent spirituality, the non-material realms, and things like psychic phenomenon, but it can also represent major endings and letting go, to create space for the new.

Pisces rules the 12th house. It’s not about ego or materialism.

So we went through a lot of tumultuous times in the 2010s and we’re still dealing with that now. But like I said, those energies aren’t really directly square to each other anymore. We have other issues going on.

Pluto in Aquarius I have talked a lot about here on my channel. I’ll put links to some of those episodes here as well, which I would encourage you to listen to. A lot of the things I predicted actually came to pass within fairly short order of Pluto moving into Aquarius. It’s just at the very beginning though, so it will take some time for that to really fully manifest.

And now we are also starting to become aware – and I think this occurred just after Pluto went into Aquarius – he masses are starting to realize the implications of the climate and environmental crisis. It’s now in everyone’s faces. And people are having direct experience with it.

Aquarius is very global in scope. It’s about all of us. And the only way to solve those problems is for countries to cooperate. Otherwise, we’re in deep trouble, if we’re not already.

So, humanity is becoming aware of global consciousness, just as I predicted.

Pluto moving into Aquarius, when it settles in there, is really about the people. It’s not about the people at the top of the pyramid. So that’s the really important thing to know.

And Aquarius is very egalitarian, and also very rational and intellectual. Whereas a lot of the far-right stuff seems to be driven based on emotion and grievance and things. That is not an Aquarian energy, typically. I don’t see that stuff persisting.

I think we’ll experience that kind of stuff probably from now until early 2024. It’ll make a bit of a comeback. But after that, and Pluto really starts moving into Aquarius, it’s like, forget it, people aren’t going to do that crap.

Aquarius is very progressive, rational, intelligent, and independent. It doesn’t bode well for dogmatic belief systems, trust me on that.

So I hope this is helpful. It’s a huge topic to try and cover in a short period of time, but I wanted to just paint a broad brush, big picture view of this for people so that they could understand what’s going on, why, and what the timing is essentially.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content, and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

I discuss the astrological influences which are contributing to the current and disturbing levels of mass delusion and extremism which humanity has not experienced since the 1930’s.

This is a transcript of an episode of Aquarian Diary I published at 5:02am on June 21, 2023.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving. It is June 21, 2023.

Today I want to give people a general sense of when the insanity and all of the extreme and unhinged behavior we have been witnessing, socially and politically, will draw to a close, or at least begin winding down, as it often takes time for these forces to dissipate.

I’ll be displaying quite a few dates on the screen, you may want to watch this on YouTube if that matters to you.

On June 15th, I published an episode on the Uranus-Pluto square and the rise of far-right extremism, where I focused just on that one aspect and its parallels to the 1930s.

There’s another parallel which I didn’t specifically talk about in that episode, which is the transit of Uranus through Taurus.

Uranus transited Taurus from roughly 1934 until 1942, and is currently transiting Taurus again right now from 2018 through 2026.

The previous transit of Taurus occurred during the Great Depression, which ran from 1929 through 1939, it was ended by the war effort, and World War II, which commenced in 1939 through 1945.

Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, or the 11th house.

Aquarius is fixed air. Taurus is ruled by Venus and is fixed earth.

These signs are in a square or antagonistic relationship to each other. Uranus is in its fall in Taurus. It’s a challenging sign for Uranus to be in. So these energies do not mix well. Uranus is all about change and revolution, and Taurus is all about security and predictability. So Uranus transiting Taurus is challenging.

All signs and planets have positive and negative expressions, and Taurus can be very conservative because it desires security, stability and predictability, and Uranus is anything but predictable.

Like I said, more recently, Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and will continue to do so through the end of April of 2026.

So we have seen a tremendous amount of change, revolution and instability around Taurian themes like real estate, property, money, investments, where people live, we went through lockdowns, where people were confined to their homes. Many people relocated, they moved from the city to the country or suburbs or even to other countries. People en masse began working from home… Taurus.

There were unprecedented supply chain disruptions, we’ve now been dealing with rapid inflation and greedflation, income disparity and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is even more extreme, and so on.

Taurus also rules what we value, so we have seen a tremendous amount of changes occurring around people’s values and a lot of conflicts around values like the culture wars.

Uranus can be quite radical, so we have seen the rise of reactionary conservatism to alarming degrees, such as far-right extremism, authoritarian and fascistic movements who want to impose radically conservative, patriarchal, and hierarchical structures on other people in many of the same ways we saw through 1934 and 1942. In that case, we had an actual World War. Extremely radical behavior and very polarizing social movements.

There are currently ultra-right and openly fascistic movements occurring in countries around the world. These forces are often anti-intellectual, they reject evidence and science, try and rewrite history, they attack and undermine the media, education systems and all manner of institutions, they are frequently misogynistic, racist, bigoted and xenophobic.

They define themselves based on their enemies and create them if they don’t exist. Fascists always need scapegoats, usually the most vulnerable members of society, such as trans children. What could possibly be more cowardly and despicable than picking on vulnerable children?

Propaganda and disinformation are frequently deployed, as are threats, bullying and intimidation.

As we can clearly see, there are many parallels between when Uranus transited Taurus in the late 1930s and early 1940s and recent years.

We have also had Neptune transiting Pisces from April 2011 which will continue through 2025 and 2026. Neptune is extra potent while transiting its own sign.

The lower expression of Neptune can be delusion/illusion/fantasy being detached from reality, escapism, alternative realities.

We have seen cult-like behavior where people have fallen under the spell of demagogues, con men, grifters, while being completely unable to perceive all of their flaws and there’s a lot of projection and illusion going on.

But that also will be wrapping up around 2025/2026, roughly around the same time that Uranus leaves Taurus.

So those are two really important things right there.

Again, check the screen for dates.

So Neptune, transiting Pisces, all of the mass delusion, rampant and observed conspiracy theories, the inability to distinguish truth from lies, willful, if not belligerent, ignorance, denial of facts, evidence, and reality, falling for lies and propaganda and shameless con man grifter criminals. Extreme expressions of victimhood, think Donald Trump or the incel movement, or people constantly whining about the crisis of privileged white male masculinity, being completely detached from objectifiable truth or reality, the post-truth era, all of that.

Uranus transiting Taurus, radical conservatism, radical traditional cultural values – so distorted that it’s almost grotesque, extreme resistance to progress or evolution, the rejection of historical facts pertaining to the oppression of minorities, various racial and ethnic groups, deference to authoritarian and strongman leaders, despite their highly flawed moral character and complete lack of credentials.

Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus at the same time?

The United States has been the focal point of a lot of the absolute batshit crazy stuff because it has been going through its Pluto return – which I have also done episodes on – from February 2021 and will continue through January of 2024, which is when it was within a tight two degree orb.

Pluto transits are actually in effect for a wider orb than that. That is just the most intense phase. But the most intense phase will be winding down by early next year.

There has been a lot of crazy stuff going on, but there’s no question that the United States has been the focal point globally for the insanity. Just look at how radical and extreme and crazy the Republican Party and the former president and his hapless sycophants have been acting, many of whom may end up incarcerated.

In 2025-2026, Saturn will move into Aries, beginning a whole new 28-29 year cycle. This all points to 2025-2026 as being the end of the post-truth, batshit crazy era.

As much as the reactionary conservative forces are trying to put the genie back in the bottle, you cannot resist these major transits of, like, Pluto shifting into Aquarius, Neptune moving out Pisces, Uranus moving out of Taurus.

If you are in resistance to these outer planetary energies, the transits manifest as being extremely challenging and disruptive. You cannot be in resistance to these energies, they are much more powerful than you are as an individual. So the more liberal or more progressive forces are in a much better position to deal with these changing and shifting energies because they are more comfortable with change and evolution, they are more adaptable and open-minded.

When Uranus moves into Gemini in 2025-2026, it will be in a trine aspect to the sign of Aquarius, where Pluto is beginning its major 20-year long transit. This is power, Pluto, in very harmonious, easy-flowing aspect to Uranus in Gemini.

Again, Aquarius, which Uranus rules, is fixed air, Gemini is mutable air. So that relationship, when Uranus enters Gemini, commencing in 2025 and 2026, speaks of very rapid change and evolution in an air sign. Air signs are intellectual and rational. They are very fast moving energies. These are not slow energies. And like I said, that is a trine aspect that will occur for about seven years.

Again, it all points to 2025, 2026 being the end of the post-truth, bat-shit-crazy, reactionary conservative period with this insane polarization. All of the complete detachment from reality on the political right drawing to a close. So that’s the time frame. We have another two to three years of craziness to go through.

Although, as I’ve said in other episodes, Saturn transiting Pisces is a reality check and Pluto transiting Aquarius is also a reality check in many ways.

So the tide has started to turn, but we should be completely out of all of this craziness in 2025 and 2026. At least the kind of craziness we’re dealing with now.

I have been focusing here on all of the negative expressions of these energies. It goes without saying that the opposite is true as well. In fact, the majority of the people have not been expressing the negative aspects of these things. There are still many people who are very grounded in reality and who are able to differentiate between BS and reality.

So without question, it is clear that these energies are experienced differently depending on the person. Now why some people are predisposed to the negative expressions and others are not probably relates a lot to their own particular astrological natal chart.

And there are many people in the middle who aren’t quite sure where they stand. But for the purposes of this episode, I am just trying to explain why so many people are going crazy and how long it will last, and when it will mercifully end.

Finally, let’s be clear about one important thing. The dark side lies, manipulates, deceives, and engages in criminal activity. The light does not lie, cheat, or steal, just to be clear.

And yes, I am proudly biased in favor of truth and reality.

I understand that much of what’s happening is fueled by grievance, but the answer is not to burn the place down.

It’s funny, when I’m editing this audio, I often stop and think “Oh, I’m being hyperbolic.” and I’ll reflect for a moment, and only a moment, before I realize that I can provide credible examples of what I’m describing, things that have actually happened or are happening right now. I’m not being hyperbolic, this is all actually happening just as I’m describing it. In other words, it really is this bad, currently.

For a fuller and more detailed analysis, I will link multiple other episodes that are related in the episode description, which I encourage you to review.

I’m going to share a few podcasts simply as a public service.

The first is my favorite, and I’ve mentioned it here before. It is Background Briefing with Ian Masters.

I listen to this podcast every day. As far as I’m concerned, this is the best podcast. One of the most amazing things about it is that there’s nothing else like it, and I find that hard to believe. God knows what we’ll do when Ian Masters retires.

The second is a new podcast by the BBC. It is called Mariana in Conspiracyland.

One of the most disturbing things about this podcast is she documents how many people who would have been traditionally progressive are falling into the right wing rabbit hole as a result of conspiracy theories. Anyway, it’s new, check it out.

I personally find it very interesting. It makes me think about the phenomenon of the RFK campaign in the United States. He is being promoted by many libertarian right-wing nut jobs and has the potential to siphon off absolutely critical votes that could help prevent the Republicans from winning the next election. The Republicans winning would be one of the worst possible things that could happen.

Even people in the progressive community are falling under the spell of propaganda, lies and disinformation, and even overtly and transparently racist ones.

It has eerie parallels with the whole MAGA movement and QAnon and things like that. Which to me seems to be a psyop campaign, like something the Russians would do.

I find that quite disturbing. It’s like some kind of weird mind virus, like a mental illness that is being spread around. It’s very creepy and dark.

Many of us have lost people or even loved ones to conspiracy theories. It can be heartbreaking.

The dark side can be very subtle and devious. We need to be constantly vigilant to inoculate us against its poison.

Conspirituality is another podcast in the same vein. It’s intellectually rigorous and does not pull any punches. So set your ego aside.

Another podcast I have been listening to now for quite some time is The Bulwark with Charlie Sykes.

This is coming from a never Trump perspective. So it’s quite unusual for me to listen to something like this, but the quality of the analysis around what’s going on with Republicans and the former guy is very good and very intelligent. So it gives a different perspective than what I normally would listen to.

I subscribe to many, many podcasts, but those are a few that I thought would be relevant to this episode.

I’ll put links in the episode description to any related content and if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

Uranus transit Gemini 2025-2033

I discuss the astrology of the transit of Uranus through the sign of Taurus and what we can expect when it transits Gemini from 2025 through 2033.

Astrological dates mentioned herein are calculated using the Eastern Daylight time zone.

This episode was recorded between September 8-10, 2023. It was published on October 10, 2023 at 8:00pm EDT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is October 10th, 2023.

The bulk of this was recorded on October 8th.

Today, I will primarily talk about something that has been stuck at the forefront of my mind for about a week in terms of things I want to talk about here.

Before I get to that, though, most people in the world are likely aware of what happened in Israel on the weekend. A terrible tragedy.

At that time, Mars was conjuncting the south node in Libra, opposing the north node in Aries of course, and tightly squaring Pluto in Capricorn. A T-square involving Pluto, Mars, and the Nodes.

I also want to draw your attention to this Libra solar eclipse, this New Moon eclipse which is occurring on October 14th, a few days from now.

Eclipses can bring sudden, intense events to areas that they influence.

In mundane astrology, the seventh house, which is ruled by Libra and its ruling planet Venus, governs things like diplomacy and open enemies. These are enemies that you know exist, as opposed to the 12th house, which traditionally ruled hidden enemies, which are enemies you have but you don’t know you have them or you can’t identify them.

So here we see this dramatic, unexpected event that relates to a complete failure or breakdown of diplomacy, perhaps triggered by the violent and explosive energy of Mars squaring Pluto and involving the Nodes, which are very karmic points.

Like I said, it’s surprising, it’s dramatic, and this event is certainly one that will be noteworthy historically, where relations will never be the same going forward.

In fact, I find it quite surprising that nobody predicted this or saw it coming, given its incredibly significant implications geopolitically and historically.

I personally find this very horrible and unfortunate tragedy difficult to contemplate. It’s very disturbing.

In personal astrology, Libra and the 7th house, where the October 14th eclipse is occurring, govern our own close relationships, typically committed ones, as well as business partnerships, and in negative expression, our detractors or “enemies”. So bear that in mind.

We also have, at the same time, and I’ve done a whole episode on this, we have the North Node transiting Aries and the South Node transiting Libra. Which I believe plays into this as well. Aries, of course, is ruled by Mars. Mars is the god of war.

So it’s not surprising to see dramatic expressions of aggression because that is the lower expression of Mars, and a diminishment (South Node) of diplomacy.

In fact, there’s a lot of diplomatic breakdowns that have been occurring recently, even with China, for example, or India, or the BRIC nations.

Countries and leaders are striking out independently (Mars) and a lot of traditional geopolitical policies and alliances are being tested. Rash behavior is not unexpected.

As usual, I will be putting links in the episode description to other episodes where I go into some of these topics in more detail.

But, the North Node entered Aries on July 17th of 2023 and will be transiting Aries until January 11th of 2025.

In the episode prior to this one, I mentioned the two eclipses in October. The second is a lunar eclipse on October 28th at 5 degrees of Taurus. And I also talked about the major retrograde cycles.

And quickly I want to point out here again, just to refresh your memory, that Pluto goes direct on October 10th and then Saturn goes direct on November 4th. So those are coming up fairly quickly.

Neptune will be going direct on December 6th and Jupiter won’t be going direct until December 30th.

Those are major shifts that will be occurring by the end of the year.

When planets are retrograde, think of it like going back and double-checking your path or your progress. Retrogrades give us an opportunity to review or revisit, to make adjustments in our path or direction before we proceed forward again.

This can be very, very useful. It’s kind of like clearing up loose ends.

And so, it’s not surprising that a lot of the issues that we’ve been seeing playing out in the media, and there are many, it’s been incredibly intense from a news and current events perspective. There have been many, many things that are coming to the surface that really need to be addressed in many dimensions of society, politics, human experience, and so forth.

When these planets start moving forward again there will be more of an energy for problem-solving and implementing fixes. Right now there’s a lot of energy going into backtracking a bit, questioning and revisiting topics as I said, giving us a chance to make course corrections before the energy start moving ahead again.

Now we’re still going to have Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn which is a really big deal and I also did a whole episode on that as well. I don’t like to be redundant so I’m not going to repeat all of that. You can check the episode description if you want to consider that.

So finally, back to my original mission here.

I have done a couple episodes talking about a lot of the radical kind of experiences, politically and socially, that we have been witnessing in recent years, trying to put them into a historic context. I’ll link those in the description as well.

But I want to express one of those slightly differently because sometimes it helps to look at things from a slightly different perspective. And that is the transit of Uranus through Taurus.

Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018 and will complete its transit in 2026. And for various reasons I have pinpointed the time frame of 2026 for the end of a lot of the chaos we’ve been experiencing. I’m not going to repeat all that either here right now.

But the aspect of this transit that I want to focus on a little differently is just that most people associate Taurus – in mundane terms or big picture terms – with property, banking, finance, money, possessions, real estate, and the like.

But on another level, Taurus also represents what we value.

Money is an abstract representation of our value. Why is one thing worth a lot more than something else? That’s because people value it, obviously. Or something may be more valuable because it’s more rare, whether it’s a mineral, a piece of fine art, a property, a car, whatever it is.

Uranus can represent dramatic events and dramatic changes. Things that occur suddenly. Things that are out of step with the past. Things that are radical, extreme, or completely unexpected. It can be shocking, and sometimes it can be so shocking that it actually causes trauma. Because it literally breaks up patterns that we may have clung to.

So when we think about, for example, what’s happened with banking and finance and money and the stock market, real estate and housing, and things like inflation over recent years, it has been truly shocking. A lot of norms and patterns that people predicted and expected were completely upended, and in some cases, shattered.

And the same can be said for our values. We have seen an incredible rise of really extreme and radical values and expressions of those. A lot of it has been incredibly shocking. That is a fact.

If you read the news, you can find completely jaw-dropping, shocking things on almost a daily basis. That’s what I experience.

This can be quite stressful and anxiety-inducing, because you don’t know what to expect next. And a lot of these things are outside of what anyone predicted would occur. So they’re very surprising. This is very Uranian.

My point is that we can expect this all the way through 2026. We get a brief reprieve between July and November of 2025 – that’ll give us a taste of what the new normal is going to look like. But things will start to settle down in some ways then.

Then Uranus is going to transit Gemini from 2025 through 2033.

Now in mundane astrology, the third house, which is what Gemini rules, governs communication, short forms of transportation, a country’s neighbors, that would be countries that are adjacent to them, and local commerce.

So in some ways it includes the internet because the internet is a form of communication, and we also use it for commerce.

But it’s more like your local community as opposed to your country. It’s your town, your village, your neighborhood.

And it includes the media because the media is all about communication.

Now you can expand this tent as large as you want because there are many, many expressions of these kinds of activities.

But we can expect, for example, a lot of changes during that time from 2025 to 2033 about how communities function and there will be probably a lot of shake-up and transformation in news, publishing, communications, the media, any form of expression that conveys knowledge or information, even film or art.

Local commerce will probably go through a lot of radical changes, and there will probably be a lot of involvement with technology and the internet with all of this.

The news media is already in a state of crisis. There are many, many traditional publications which have really been struggling with how to survive in a digital age. And so there is a dearth of local reporting in many cases, which is really unfortunate for a lot of obvious reasons.

And I think we’re going to see a huge shift in transportation. So, electric vehicles, for example, electric cars and trucks, community-based transportation, public transportation, all of those kinds of things are going to be up for radical evolution and change.

Now, Uranus can manifest quite shockingly, as I’ve explained. So, a lot of these changes are not necessarily going to be received as being beneficial by everybody. A lot of the stuff that will occur will be upsetting.

I expect that many of these issues will pertain to environmental issues, like think about what’s happening for example with the Mississippi River and New Orleans right now, where suddenly they’re finding out that their water supply is being contaminated by saltwater intrusion because of drought and sea level rise.

So there may not be a lot of stability within the boundaries of traditional communities, whether it’s a town or village, the suburbs, whatever.

By now, we’re all aware of these really unprecedented, extreme weather events that have been really devastating to a lot of communities around the globe, whether it’s floods or wildfires or smoke or drought.

Even now, insurance companies are starting to pull out of a lot of these markets and even if it’s available, insurance is becoming insanely expensive. So this makes people vulnerable and puts them and their properties and their communities at risk. We know that the climate situation will worsen for years to come, even under the best case scenarios.

Uranus can fracture things. I’ve seen that in my own personal experience with significant Uranus transits to my personal planets. And like I’ve said before, it can be traumatic.

So, with Uranus in the sector of communities, I think that those kinds of things are probably going to reach a completely different level.

And because Uranus breaks things up, we may start to see people being displaced and dealing with all of the stress and anxiety about that. Where we find that these communities that have been a place of refuge for generations no longer feel secure or safe.

For some reason, the suburbs came to my mind a lot while I was thinking about this.

You know, I hate to say this because I’m a fan of the country, but we might start to realize that we are quite vulnerable in rural settings where we don’t have as much infrastructure or as many municipal services under these kinds of conditions.

I’m going out on a bit of a limb here, but whatever it is, community and community life will be disrupted and changed and broken up in some ways. Living situations may be more transient or less permanent than what we’re familiar with.

Another possibility would be, say, homes get a lot smaller, so they change a lot in size, or maybe they are mobile.

And a lot of this may relate to commerce and the way that commerce is conducted on a local level. We know that there has been a huge consolidation of power and ownership in many, many sectors of the economy, whether it’s grocery store chains, agribusiness, meat processing, sales, whatever.

There will be a lot of stress and strain and changes and things are going to be breaking in a lot of those areas. And like I said, there will certainly be changes that were not expected.

It could also be, for example, that there are new forms of energy, maybe that are distributed, where people are producing their own energy at home, which leads them to be less dependent on utilities or the power grid, that would be very Uranian and technology-driven, which is a Uranian thing.

And like I said there could be tremendous breakthroughs with transportation. For example, batteries with really significant range capabilities could suddenly become available at a much cheaper price, which would completely upend the entire automotive industry. It’s already being dramatically altered, but this would take it to a whole new level and it would occur much more quickly.

Or maybe driverless or autonomous vehicles take off to the point where they become a major form of transportation for people. It could be that it’s much cheaper to use them than it is to buy or lease a vehicle because they will just show up whenever you need them. And you don’t have the monthly lease or bank loan expense and all the other costs associated with owning a vehicle, like maintenance. And a lot of people could adopt that because vehicles are a major expense for people.

That also would have really important implications for us as individuals, for our communities, and for the automotive and transportation industry, which in many cases are locally owned enterprises that could become redundant overnight. Truck drivers are a classic example.

And also for the government, because they generate a lot of tax revenue from vehicles, highways, driving infractions, vehicle licensing fees, and so on. And how do governments tax labor that’s done by machines or computers?

These are the kind of disruptions we should probably anticipate. The technology is there, it just needs to reach a level of maturity. Those kinds of changes would have profound implications.

I would expect to see, in the publishing and news industry, that a lot of things are going to make a shift into being truly digital during this time. And whatever happens with the news and media will likely be something that nobody really fully anticipated. There might have been a few people who saw it coming, but the vast majority of people won’t have seen this coming.

One possibility that might fit into these energies might be a lot of journalists operating independently, because Uranus doesn’t like boundaries. And that’s already kind of starting to happen with podcasting.

The current generation of AI [artificial intelligence] is advancing at an unbelievable pace, and it has the potential to displace countless jobs in fields like the media and publishing and journalism.

But beyond that, combining AI with robotics could render millions of jobs obsolete, which would devastate communities. We would either have completely unprecedented unemployment rates, akin to the Great Depression, or the government is going to have to step in and offer some form of universal basic income.

Internet connectivity itself, right to your home, could also be revolutionized, such that it becomes available to people even if they’re, for example, in far-flung places. We already have satellite connectivity, but that could dramatically expand and become more broadly available or ubiquitous. Like for example, imagine if satellite connectivity was built right into your laptop as a standard thing where you don’t need a wired connection or even Wi-Fi anymore.

There will also likely be a lot of really significant developments with things like computing and cell phone technology. We think our phones are pretty sophisticated right now and they most certainly are compared to what they were like a decade ago, but the proliferation of them and their capabilities will likely go through really profound evolution during this time.

This whole notion of us being digitally connected will be taken to completely different levels. It might even mean, for example, that things like electronic voting takes hold, where we can weigh in on things almost instantaneously.

Digital currencies is another thing. Many people may not realize this, but China is moving very, very quickly towards a purely digital technology for its currency. For day-to-day use, this is the third house.

In fact, even people on the street in China who, for example beg for money, need to have smartphones because people don’t have cash.

So, that’s really good in some ways because it reduces a lot of middlemen. Like when your employer pays you, the money is instantaneously in your account. When you purchase something, it instantaneously goes from you to someone else and there’s fewer middlemen.

Like credit card companies, for example, may not welcome this because they charge a lot of fees on transactions. But if you can make a payment instantaneously with no middlemen, what do you need them for? Think about that. It has huge implications.

The downsides are that the Chinese government can monitor every single transaction by everyone in the country at any point in time. That is really scary. If someone is critical of the Chinese government, they can be cut off from making financial transactions, which basically would bankrupt them. So this can be a very powerful tool of autocratic control and oppression. So there’s potential for abuse, but there’s also upsides to it.

Now that’s going to put pressure on the United States to also move forward with this technology because they don’t want to be left behind. China is not a direct threat yet in terms of America’s reserve currency, but the US cannot ignore the trends.

So I would not be surprised to see this become a major theme for, for example, the European Union and the United States and other major countries to start seriously implementing digital currencies, for better or for worse.

Because we use currencies in our commerce, day-to-day commerce. That’s the third house.

As someone who has been very involved in internet and internet technology for many years, I don’t even like raising the prospect of this, but I would not be surprised to see a lot of battles over control of the internet and the role of journalism and the media during this cycle.

There may very well be attempts by various governments to try and rein in internet activity, even if some of it is well-intentioned. It may have unforeseen and unexpected consequences and there could be a lot of battles over that. The government may think that it needs to put its foot down, but at what cost?

I am a huge advocate of free speech. There is a fine line between free speech and irresponsible or dangerous speech. Now clearly those that cross that line have to be held accountable, but that is a very slippery slope.

We’re already seeing that begin here in Canada, where the government is trying to implement legislation that many people find very concerning and troubling. And others are arguing that, well, we need to do something about it. But the question is, what do you do, and who are the gatekeepers? And who are the gatekeepers aligned with?

It’s a very complicated, tricky issue, and very few countries in the world even anticipated these kinds of problems, much less what forms of legislation would address them, without stepping on people’s freedoms.

The flip side of that might be that we have much greater privacy laws and digital protections.

It would also not be surprising to see large monopolies in the tech space being taken to task for unfair business practices, for example. Uranus can break things up.

Some of these discussions are already underway with, for example, Google in the United States, as well as Amazon, which are being accused of monopolistic and predatory practices.

Now one other thing that’s really important to note here is that Uranus in Taurus will be trining Pluto in Aquarius the whole time that it’s in Gemini. This is really important.

The trine is the most harmonious or easy flowing aspect in astrology. The energies, in fact, can flow so smoothly that we take them for granted.

But what that means is that this relationship between Pluto and Uranus, two of the big players, will be very harmonious and the energy will flow incredibly easily. It’s like the volume knob is turned all the way up and there’s very little resistance between the two.

Pluto representing change and transformation, death and rebirth, is going to be in this very powerful harmonious aspect to Uranus and Gemini for this whole six or seven year period. And so, these kinds of changes that I’m talking about are going to be flowing very powerfully and without a lot of obstruction.

It doesn’t mean that we as people are going to find that easy because change is just going to be happening so fast and so constantly that it’ll be hard to keep up with. And people, generally, some more than others, like things to be predictable. But in many ways they won’t be.

Of course, I did a huge episode on Pluto and Aquarius, which is really about this shift in consciousness to more of a global level, where we have a trend towards global egalitarianism and connectedness and awareness. The breakdown of the smaller tribes, more of a focus on us as a species and our place in the world. And Aquarius is very intelligent and rational, generally.

So think about how this effect is going to play out for us, like on a community level in our day-to-day lives. It has really big implications if you take all the things I’ve been talking about and meld them together.

So there will be a surge of change and evolution in a very forward-looking, rational, and globally conscious egalitarian perspective.

Now Pluto will be showing us the negative sides of Aquarius because it has to purge. It has to purge the darkness, the garbage. It will be bringing that to our attention wherever we’re not expressing the energies of Aquarius or the 11th house authentically.

So we’re definitely going to have challenges, but the overriding agenda will be to purge all of those false expressions of Aquarius so that we can manifest the accurate and positive expressions of it.

So we’re going to see how governments and organizations and groups and groupthink and nations and tribalism are expressed in its lowest expression or in ways that are antithetical to Aquarius, on a higher level, so that we can get past that. It’s really about what we want the future to look like.

Pluto transits are never easy, but they can be profoundly transformative and sometimes old ways of being and old ways of thinking need to die so that new ones can take their place. It’s very regenerative, but there can be that metaphorical death part of the cycle, and there often is.

The third house, or where Uranus will be transiting in Gemini, is a mutable house, meaning that it is more adaptive and flexible about changes, and is capable of seeing things from different perspectives. So, the overall trend won’t be necessarily as dramatic, perhaps, as it was in the fixed sign of Taurus.

And, of course, yes, in the third house, Uranus is in trine to the house that it rules.

On a personal level, if you have significant planets or points in Gemini, you’re going to be experiencing a lot of very noteworthy and sometimes sudden developments or changes.

While in Gemini, Uranus will be squaring Pisces and Virgo and opposing Sagittarius. Those are all very significant aspects as well.

So, whatever planets or points, like your Ascendant or Midheaven, are in aspects of square, opposition or conjunction to Uranus, things will happen and they can be quite intense and disruptive, and forever change the course of matters that pertain to those planets or points or houses.

As I’ve mentioned, Uranus will be trining Aquarius and Libra during this time and sextiling Aries and Leo. Those are the more easy-flowing energies or aspects.

You’ll have to check your chart for more details on how this transit will play out for you.

So that’s a bit of what you can expect when Uranus moves from the values area into the communication and community area. And again, this is local community, not global community.

So there’s a transformation happening on the global scale, which is Pluto, as well as how that percolates down to and expresses and manifests in our local communities.

However it plays out, you can expect it to be dramatic and unexpected and sometimes shocking.

But at least by then, we won’t be dealing with the radical extreme expressions of values that we’ve been seeing relentlessly for years now. To the point where even democracies are under direct threat. Where it seemed like the genie was let out of the bottle with respect to our psychology around values. A lot of people were saying the quiet part out loud, which is pretty shocking because they’re not supposed to do that, even if that’s how they feel on the inside.

That cycle will be finishing in the next few years.

So that’s what I wanted to say. This is a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I guess that’s just how long it takes to express these things.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. A natal or transit reading makes a great gift, by the way. It’s something people won’t forget.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon. Bye for now.

End transcript.

Other episodes of mine referenced herein:

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

#Astrology #Uranus #Pluto #Aquarius #Gemini #Taurus #3rdHouse #11thHouse

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