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Darkness is the Absence of Light

I discuss the importance of being informed, aware and engaged socially and politically. 

This episode was published on February 22, 2024 at 2:54pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 22nd, 2024.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines darkness as being the “total or near absence of light”, evil, and “a lack of knowledge or enlightenment”.

Many people have stated that humanity is currently engaged in an epic battle against the forces of darkness, the outcome of which will determine our collective future. This is on the public record in the spiritual and psychic community. Many scholars, academics, leading thinkers, historians, and commentators have also asserted this in recent years.

I myself have drawn astrological parallels to events that transpired in the 1930s and 40s.

After the devastation of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh austerity and reparation measures on Germany. This led to a deep-seated resentment and anger amongst the German population.

In the 1930s, Germany embarked on a mission to restore its power by rapidly expanding its military capabilities as well as its territory. To “make Germany great again”, ironically.

At the time, Germany’s increasingly aggressive, hostile, and expansionist posture was alarming. However, many countries were still reeling from the horrors of World War I, and the prospect of rearming and engaging in another widespread conflict was unwelcome. Thus, the strategy of appeasement emerged, which is commonly associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

It would take until 1939, after Germany seized Czechoslovakia, for Europe to finally admit that appeasement had been a dismal failure and that they had no choice but to forcibly respond to German aggression. By then, Germany had developed and deployed formidable military forces.

By the time World War II ended, an estimated 70-85 million people, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion people that comprised the global population in 1940, would perish. Much of Europe lay in ruins.

That many found the prospect of yet another war in Europe unthinkable is understandable given the circumstances back then. But the denial of reality of German aggression and repeated breaches of its treaty obligations was plainly self-evident.

Hindsight is 20/20, as the saying goes, and we can only speculate about what might have happened if European leaders had responded differently.

Today, the world faces many challenges related to a resurgence of know-nothing populism and far-right extremism.

The most powerful country in human history faces an existentially critical election in less than nine months’ time.

The Republican agenda, should they win, is nothing short of alarming. This openly illiberal agenda is now on the public record. It is no longer a matter of speculation or conjecture.

It is not alarmist to categorize it as Christo-fascist-theocratic-authoritarianism, as many prominent thinkers, academics, scholars and commentators have effectively stated in their own words.

Such an outcome would have profoundly dangerous consequences, geopolitically, militarily and economically, and this is of grave concern as well.

For example, Vladimir Putin has ambitions to regain control over former Soviet-Bloc countries and many on the political right are blithely indifferent to his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, China has been adopting an increasingly aggressive posture and advanced space-based weaponry threatens nuclear deterrence mechanisms that have kept large-scale conflict in check since the 1960s.

It is vitally important for people to understand what is happening and why, to be informed, and to identify and rely on trustworthy and credible sources of information.

As many of us are aware, there is a great deal of propaganda, disinformation and misinformation being widely disseminated through social media and elsewhere.

While all this is happening, we simultaneously face daunting and unprecedented global environmental challenges that have not yet been addressed in any remotely adequate or meaningful way. This status quo is a direct result of disinformation and regulatory capture by financially vested interests.

Compounding this is a public that is extremely poorly informed about the severe consequences and implications of inaction which are already manifesting and will continue to play out for millennia.

I articulate this not to disempower you, however, I have made a compelling case that being ill-informed, misinformed, disengaged, or apathetic can have catastrophic implications.

If we accept the premise that the standard definition of darkness is ”a lack of knowledge or enlightenment”, and that we are, in fact, engaged in a battle against darkness, then it logically follows that the antidote is knowledge and awareness.

The dark side would like nothing better than for us to be disengaged, uninformed, unaware, indifferent and apathetic. For them, that would be the best case scenario, as they would face no resistance to implementing their agenda.

Thus, it is well known that a large part of their playbook promotes distrust in institutions and undermines or discredits truth, knowledge, and reality itself. A disoriented, uninformed, and confused public is a malleable and easily manipulated public.

If, for example, people don’t get out and vote in the next American election, the outcome will be nothing short of frightening for the whole world. This is not hyperbole. Numerous European leaders have expressed dismay and alarm at the prospect of undesirable election results in November.

If people think that political outcomes don’t affect them personally, they are very ill-informed or deeply misguided at best.

To get people out to vote, they must be motivated.

To be motivated, they must know what’s at stake.

To know what’s at stake, they must be informed.

To be informed, they must follow the news and be aware of political developments.

Let us hope that this is not another Neville Chamberlain moment for humanity. The stakes are even higher now.

Please encourage your friends and loved ones to be responsibly informed, aware, and actively engaged, if at all possible. This is a small burden considering that the future of humanity and all precious life on earth rests in the balance.

Ignorance and apathy is bliss until suddenly it is not, as history has very clearly demonstrated. Over and over.

I know that many of you who are empathic or intuitive have sensed for years that we are rapidly approaching a critically important juncture, as have I.

I urge you to trust your inner knowing and wisdom. Do not turn your back on your inner light, your inner truth, your inner voice.

This is a test we simply cannot fail.

This is not a drill.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

USA Pluto Return 2022 – Civil War or Transformation?

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Purging and Decompression

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Links referenced herein:

Biden: Nine heads of state have said I’ve ‘got to win’ in November

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #PlutoInAquarius #PlutoInCapricorn


Hive-Mind vs Self-Actualization – Piscean vs Aquarian Age values

I again discuss the clashes between the Age of Pisces and the emerging Age of Aquarius energies. 
This episode was published on February 28, 2024 at 5:06pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Check my YouTube “Community Tab” where I comment, and share astrological updates and links that I find interesting.

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 28th, 2024.

Before I get into the main topic, I want to draw your attention to the fact that lately I have been posting on my community tab here on YouTube. Kind of like little astrological weather forecasting, when there’s some interesting transits, conjunctions, or stelliums occurring.

I can’t do all of them, obviously, because it would be extremely time consuming, but I pick ones that I think are particularly relevant and I try and provide a spiritual perspective on these. Because I know many of my listeners are interested in those kinds of things, and that they’re also quite sensitive and empathic. And having a little bit of an understanding of some of these things can be quite helpful, I think.

I’m going to also start posting them on my Facebook page, and I might even add them to my website, although I’m not 100% sure yet. But check them out, they’re quite interesting and people seem to appreciate them.

My perspective on astrology and transits is a bit different than most of the people in the mainstream, and of course the people who listen to me are interested in similar things to me, so you might enjoy my perspective. I’ll put links in the episode description for how to access those.

Also I have been getting so many downloads lately about topics I want to cover here, and I have a to-do list where I add these things, and the flood of ideas that have been coming to me is just unbelievable.

I don’t know how I’m going to get through it all, or even if I can. The topic list is growing much faster than I am presently capable of addressing. Anyway, I find that very interesting. Like this morning, there are three things I thought I could talk about, and that maybe I should, but I’m like, how the heck do I do that?

But there’s one in particular that I think might be helpful to people.

By the way, stick through to the end if you can, there’s a bit of an Easter egg.

I want to provide people with a bit of reassurance.

When we look at what’s happening in the world right now, it’s kind of like we’re at peak crazy. We have the election coming up this fall in the United States, which has just monumental implications. And there are all of these things happening around the world like on a daily basis.

I read quite a bit because I just feel like I need to be informed. And there are so many things that I read on a daily basis now that are kind of jaw-dropping that it’s a bit overwhelming. Everything from the global environment, to politics, to demographic and social trends. It’s quite stunning. Like I said, overwhelming, in fact.

But I thought today I could offer a fairly high-level perspective on this. It might be easy to forget while we’re being barraged with all of these events and developments.

We are in the midst of a huge, huge, epic paradigm shift collectively and personally as well as we make this historic shift from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. And I’ve talked a lot about that here before. It’s kind of my focus.

I’m interested in the big picture. What’s driving this? Why is this happening? What does it mean?

And this morning I was thinking about this and I was thinking about how, again, we’re experiencing a clash between Piscean Age values and Aquarian Age values.

Now we know which direction the trend is going, right? It’s not going backwards. That’s not going to happen. It’s just impossible.

But at times, it can look like that movement is being blocked or thwarted.

If we think about the astrological symbols, in the Age of Pisces, there was this overriding theme of surrendering your will or your agency to everything from some ideological dogma or religious dogma or a religious institution or organization.

And those structures and institutions or organizations quite often became corrupted or exploitive because power corrupts.

But nonetheless, there was this habit in the population of, like I said, surrendering their will. And if we look back historically at many of the trends and events that occurred over the last 2,000 years, we can see the consequences of that, the downside of it.

On a higher level, like on a really spiritual level, it could be surrendering your will to the Divine, which has phenomenal potential. But there were very few human beings that actually pursued that in a very highly evolved way.

Mostly, it was people, like I said, surrendering their agency to some dogma or institution that effectively abused them or manipulated them. Or they fell into the maya of illusion and deception, which are lower expressions of Neptunian or Piscean kind of energies.

Studies have shown that people with more conservative worldviews are less prone to changing their minds. They are more closed-minded. And their persona is more fear-based than, say, liberals.

Liberals, on the other hand, are more open to new ideas and experiences and they welcome evolution and change, whereas conservatives traditionally preferred the status quo and were uncomfortable with change.

A conservative sometimes would simply subscribe to a dogma or ideology or religious philosophy or worldview as a way of anchoring themselves. Even if it wasn’t necessarily based on truth, at least they felt they had a solid foundation. And if you think that through, you can think of countless examples of how that’s played out.

So here we are now moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.

The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus. Uranus is the antithesis of rigid structures and dogma. Its core intent is actually to break up or liberate us from encrusted and confining situations and beliefs. It is all about change and evolution. And things happen very quickly, if not abruptly.

Now if you’re a conservative, that kind of energy threatens you at a core fundamental level. I’m not talking about a person’s true essence. I’m talking about their paradigm.

So Uranus will struggle for freedom from confinement or restriction. Again, Uranus is the ruling planet of the Age of Aquarius. And recently, as I have talked a lot about here, going back over two years, Pluto is making its move now into the sign of Aquarius.

So there is going to be a lot of power and deep-rooted psychological transformation, birth and rebirth, with matters and issues pertaining to Aquarian values.

Aquarius is all about expressing our own unique perspective and agency. Again, it will rebel against rigid hierarchical structures and things like patriarchy, which we experienced a lot of while Pluto was in Capricorn.

There is also a social component to this, because Aquarians have very high ideals. They believe in things like egalitarianism and social justice, and they are very rational and intellectual. So they are not inclined to believe in or follow dogma for the sake of dogma, or tradition for the sake of tradition, unless it serves some legitimate or higher purpose.

So we have on the one hand a segment of society that is very resistant to change, if not fearful of it, and that would even prefer to maintain structures, even if they are illegitimate or corrupt, because the alternative is very scary to them.

So as this energy increasingly permeates our reality here on Earth on the collective level, there is a very reactionary backlash occurring to this at the same time. Again there is a core constituency that fits in that category.

Somehow they are going to have to get used to it. I don’t know how that’s going to manifest. I really have a hard time understanding how people who are wedded to dogmas are going to manage with this kind of energy.

As I was describing earlier, the flood of events now is almost hourly. It’s change, change, change, change, change, and it’s going to be like that for a very long time.

So how they manage, I have no idea. But change is upon us and change will be the only constant from here on in.

So those of us who are more liberal or less based in fear and more willing to embrace change and evolution will fare better during this cycle.

As far as I’m concerned, those rigid worldviews and paradigms are doomed. Mark my words. It’s not going to happen. It’s game over.

Now this may take generations to fully play out, maybe even centuries, but the movement is going in that direction. And this means that we will break all kinds of borders and boundaries culturally, politically, socially, economically, technologically, cosmically, and so forth from here on in. That’s going to be the norm.

And again, just to emphasize it one more time, the rigid paradigms and structures from the past are doomed. People aren’t going to put up with institutions, policies, politicians, governments, and so forth basically telling them what to do if it doesn’t make logical sense. It’s just not going to happen.

So that’s the reassurance for you.

So this is why right now it’s so confusing. Because we can see the problems all around us, but we don’t yet have the solutions.

These kinds of changes don’t happen overnight. It’ll take some time for us to evolve and adapt to this new way of being. There’s nothing minor about this at all. It’s major.

Finally, like I’ve been saying in some recent episodes, the charts that I’m looking at show a lot of activations for people coming up in the next year or two. And I’m not suggesting that those apply to the whole world.

I think that what’s happening is that the people I’m speaking with are a bit more advanced or they’re people who will be playing thought leader or leadership roles as the new paradigm starts to manifest more clearly here on earth. Not everyone is going to be leading the charge.

Think of like early adopters. They’re ahead of the curve. And then some years later, everybody else catches up and whatever it is becomes popular, or mainstream.

But these patterns I’ve been seeing suggest that we actually start getting into gear in the span of a year or two. That’s where we start laying down these new foundations I’ve been alluding to.

That’s not to say that some early foundations may not be being laid now, but I think that that’s really when we’re in like first gear. And right now we’re just starting to move forward. We haven’t gained a lot of momentum yet, but I think that’s coming.

So if you’re one of those people, I recommend that you start dreaming about what the new reality is going to look like and how it will manifest in fairly pragmatic terms. We need to start dreaming into reality the future.

I’m not saying it’s necessarily time to act on it, but just allow, and be open to, grounding these new energies. And I’m getting strong chills as I say this.

So wow. Oh… yeah, absolutely. It’s time for us to start dreaming in the new age.

So I’ll leave it there for now and I hope what I’m saying is useful to you.

But just remember, everything is on the table right now. There isn’t an aspect of our society, of our culture, of our paradigm, of our daily lives, of our political, social, or economic lives that are not going to be profoundly affected by this truly epic transition that we are just embarking on.

And the other key point is that no, we’re not going backwards and we’re not staying the same.

And I also have to say that I have been connecting to this personally now for a week or two. And when I do, there’s a tremendous amount of joy attached to this. Like real, high-level joy.

Like this has been a very long time coming.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.


Trump supporters’ brains prevent them from changing their minds: neuroscientist

Some related episodes:

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology – Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#AgeOfAquarius #AgeOfPisces #Astrology


Solar Activity Clickbait BS

I discuss and debunk some common and widely disseminated misconceptions about Solar Cycles, Solar Flares and Solar activity, as they relate to esoteric matters. 

This episode was published on February 26, 2024 at 1:11pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 26th, 2024.

You’ll want to look at your screen in order to follow this episode, so if you’re listening to this by podcast, you may want to watch my video on YouTube.

Sigh… Why am I sighing?

Well, it’s because I have to play the role of party pooper, or Debbie Downer. And party poopers are never popular.

People don’t want to hear that they’re wrong or that they’ve been misled, or that they’ve been engaging in motivated reasoning.

But a topic that I’ve touched on previously has come up again. The last time I did this, I kinda just tacked it on to the end of an episode on a different topic. But I’m approaching it here directly.

And that has to do with solar cycles and solar activity.

First of all, we need to understand the way that the internet works, especially platforms like this one.

The way they work is that the more views you get, the more money you earn from advertisements that get placed in your videos. I don’t know what the exact number is, but I dunno, say you get 100,000 views on a video and you earn a thousand bucks. Whatever that figure is, I just made that up.

So people are incentivized to create videos that will get a lot of views, because that’s how they make money. And if you’re unscrupulous, you don’t care what you put out there. All you care about is getting as many views as possible.

And one of those kind of clickbait type topics that always seems to make the rounds is the subject of solar activity.

Yes, solar cycles exist. Solar cycles generally run an 11-year cycle.

The magnetic poles of our sun flip about every 11 years. The beginning of the solar cycle is when sunspot activity is at a minimum. The middle of the solar cycle, or the solar maximum, is when there is a peak amount of sunspot activity. Like I said, it’s about an 11-year cycle.

Now people will proclaim that this heralds significant events on earth. And yes, there are some implications to solar maximums, like geomagnetic activity on earth that may affect satellites and communications, or even power grids in some extreme cases. We may see increases in the aurora borealis in the northern hemisphere, and things like that.

But it’s important to put this in context, and it’s actually quite simple to do. We can track sunspot activity quite easily simply by observing the sun, which we can do with telescopes, satellites, and so forth. And we’ve been doing this for quite a long time, because of the implications to our communications systems and so forth. I’m not going to get into a highly technical explanation of that.

The point I want to make is that we need to look at what’s happening now, relative to what’s happened in the past, so that we have some context.

The NOAA, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, posts fairly real-time data on their website. You can go and look at this yourself.

If you look at your screen, the graph that I’m showing illustrates the current level of solar activity. As you can see, the solar minimum occurred in about 2020, and the sun is projected to reach a maximum in 2025.

Fair enough. We are in a period of heightened solar sunspot activity.

Now let’s zoom out a little bit and look at a longer time span.

The next graph shows activity going back to 1980.

As we can see, the solar maximums around 2000-2002 were significantly more active than the current cycle. If we go back to 1990, that period was even more active.

Now let’s go back to 1900.

Wow! Look at the level of activity in the late 1950s. There was dramatically more solar activity at that time. In fact, the level of solar activity right now is relatively low compared to past cycles over the last 120 years.

In the episode description, I will put a link to this chart. You can go look at it for yourself.

If you mouse over the chart and use your scroll wheel, you can extend the x-axis or the time span that you want to look at.

My point here is that generally, there’s nothing particularly unusual about the current level of solar activity. The levels of activity currently are not even close to levels of sunspot activity in the past.

So, the lesson here is that what’s going on right now is not abnormal in any way, that some people will promote things without even doing basic fact-checking, and that many people are motivated to produce clickbait that will generate a lot of traffic.

It bothers me when people are being deceived or misled. Everyone makes mistakes. We all do. I make mistakes. Anybody incarnate makes mistakes.

Myself, I have an Errata page where if I make a mistake in an episode, I will document it and publish it. There’s not a lot on there, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be. But at least I try and be straightforward and honest with people. And if I do make a mistake, I’ll admit it.

It doesn’t benefit me to play this role of fact-checking or being a party pooper. In fact, probably the opposite, because I contradict popular or trending narratives. But like I said, I don’t like to see people being misled.

It’s great that people are curious about these kinds of things, or wonder about them, but we have to question the motivations of people who make extraordinary claims without even doing a few minutes of research.

One other point I mentioned in a previous episode that I’m seeing activations showing up in people’s astrology charts over the next year or two, and that trend has continued. It’s quite something. It’s pretty cool. I think the next couple years are going to be very interesting. So stay tuned.

Also, we are in eclipse season. There are eclipses in March and April.

On March 25th, there is a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra.

On April 8th, there is a solar eclipse at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries.

Eclipses occur several times every year, so they’re not earth-shattering, typically, unless they fall in close aspect to a significant point in your natal chart, in which case they can have very significant influences.

The conventional wisdom is that we feel these up to 3 months in advance, and then they play out up to 6 months afterwards.

I usually look at near-term eclipses in my readings for people, so that’s something you might want to consider.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.


Solar Cycle Progression (NOAA interactive chart)

What Is the Solar Cycle?

Some other episodes:

No, You are NOT Responsible for Every Aspect of Your Reality – Redux

Darkness is the Absence of Light

The original version of this episode can be found here.

Blowback for Abuses of Power – Pluto transit Aquarius

Purging and Decompression

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology – Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#SolarCycles #SolarMaximum #SolarActivity


No, You are NOT Responsible for Every Aspect of Your Reality – Redux

Here I republish an episode that was originally published on November 22, 2021. It remains very relevant today as we strive to dispel commonly held misconceptions and illusions.

This episode was published on February 24, 2024 at 8:03am EST.

Please note that in the recording I stated that this was published on Feb 23. I had originally intended to publish it then, but did not actually do so until Feb 24.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings, all.

Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 23rd, 2024. [This was actually published on Feb 24]

I’m doing something here today that I’ve never done before. It’s a bit of an experiment. I’ll see what the response is like.

And that is, I am republishing an episode that I originally published on November 22nd of 2021. That’s over two years ago.

Why am I doing this?

First of all, it relates to my prior episode. See the episode description for links.

Secondly, it has hardly any views.

Thirdly, I’ve come to realize that very few people go back and listen to old content on YouTube because, of course, the feeds are full of everything that happened in the last few hours.

Fourth, it came to my mind this morning as I was reflecting on my last episode. And I listened to it, and I hadn’t listened to it in a very long time, and I thought, this is actually really good. So it’s good content, and it’s relevant.

Fifth, the quality of the recording back then, I was just using my phone, the quality of the recording is really poor. So I cleaned it up a little bit. I did not alter the content whatsoever other than cleaning it up, sound-wise. It’s exactly the same words. I didn’t cut or change a single word in it.

I would like people to consider actually perusing some of the many episodes I published previously.

I mentioned this one to someone I communicate with quite a bit, and they hadn’t even heard it and thought, oh, that was really good.

So yeah, I want to draw some attention to some of my older content because I still think it’s valuable and useful and maybe helpful for some people.

I’ll also put a link to the original in the episode description.

I hope you enjoy this, and I welcome your feedback.

So here goes.

This is the episode from November 2021.

And it was titled, “No, You Are Not Responsible For Every Aspect Of Your Reality.”

Hi guys, it’s John here.

It is November 22, 2021.

I have a very short window of opportunity to record here, and there’s something that has been just sitting within me that I need to express.

Now I realize that lately I have been posting quite a few things that are critical, shall we say. That’s the energy that’s up these days. I mean, reality is what it is.

And I’m not always going to be posting stuff that is kind of skewed in that direction, I would imagine. But this is what’s going on right now.

Anyway, there’s another thing that has repeatedly come to my attention over a very long time and again was touched recently.

And that is this whole notion of whether or not we are completely responsible for our reality.

Well, from my intellectual perspective, this defies both logic and common sense. And let me give you some examples.

For example, natural disasters, repressive political regimes, economic crises, changing economic circumstances, the sudden passing of a loved one unexpectedly, or a pet, or the breakup of a relationship.

Or I could go on and on and on with examples where you could then look at them and say, “Well, is the person who’s experiencing those things really responsible for that? For that, you know, those difficult or challenging or unfortunate or unpleasant experiences? Really?

Am I responsible personally that, you know, President 45 was who he was? Am I personally responsible, you know, for the climate crisis?”

Of course not. It defies logic.

So you know, to some extent, yes, perhaps before we incarnated here, we knew that we would face certain challenges at certain times in our lives.

Perhaps we have karma that needs to be resolved. Absolutely. Doesn’t… that notion does not offend me. But to suggest that people are entirely responsible for whatever they experience just seems blatantly ridiculous to me.

And the reason that it’s offensive is because it can be, you know, to the person who’s experiencing something very difficult or challenging, somebody that we should be having compassion towards, or that needs help or assistance, to suggest that they are responsible for everything bad that’s happened to them is beyond insulting. It’s a form of victim bashing.

And you know, I think that, you know, we come into this plane of existence, which is full of paradoxes and full of crazy things beyond our control. And we all have free will here.

And apparently, you know, a lot of people have said that the earth is one of the few truly free will based places in the universe. But it’s also the most challenging.

And that would make sense because, you know, other people can do things that are not expected or that are deleterious or damaging or consequential to us that are beyond our control and vice versa.

And I know, for example, I have experienced some things that I was told from multiple sources were not in my soul contract. Difficult, very difficult things that weren’t necessarily in the cards for me, but that just happened because there is a certain degree of chaos and unpredictability here in this dimension. Therefore, those things were not within my control.

And you know, I’m tempted to beat myself up about, you know, when things like that happen. But you know, that may just be a fault of my own perception.

But what really ires me about this insinuation that people are entirely responsible for whatever they experience is, like I said, that I keep picturing somebody who’s in a state of suffering, like somebody who has recently lost a loved one unexpectedly, perhaps to this, you know, plague that we’re experiencing. And them going away thinking that they are somehow responsible for these events, which in fact are beyond their control. And this is like insult to injury, basically.

So yes, there may be some things that are within our control and some things that we are personally responsible for in our reality, but there may be many others that simply are not.

I have, I have known, I know many people and I’ve, and just because I do astrology, I’ve, you know, often look at people’s charts and we discuss transits and things that are going on and you know, like for example, when Saturn transits your moon signs, that’s typically a very difficult period.

And some of these people have had things that have happened to them that were just kind of jaw dropping, you know, bad. And I would never say to these people “Oh, that’s your own fault.”

Good God, like this is like if somebody said that to me, actually somebody said something like that to me once and I just about jumped across the table and I, I pretty sure my face turned beet red almost instantly. And I left that place shortly thereafter and never returned because it’s insulting and not helpful at all.

So I would… you know, astrology is another thing, you know. Like I said, you know, there can be times in our life where certain things are going to happen that we just… You know, you have a Uranus transit to your Venus or to your Moon or to your Sun or to your Ascendant, stuff can happen that is like completely out of the blue.

And you know, you have no way of knowing that something like that’s coming. Like even if you’re an astrologer, you can never really predict what Uranus is going to do because it’s almost always surprising by definition. That’s its nature.

My point though, really is, you know, we should be calling people out when they’re suggesting this.

Yes, to some extent or another, we have some influence over our lives. But like for example, is everybody going to be a celebrity or a king or a queen on planet earth at any given time? Is everybody going to be rich? Is everybody going to be famous? Like, you know, I don’t personally desire those things, but some people do.

But it’s just mathematically impossible that everybody is going to experience those conditions at any given point in time, especially at this point in human history. Where, you know, there are many barriers to people being able to live their ideal life, you know, or if somebody is born into poverty or born into a country that is ravaged by war, you know, are they individually responsible for that? Give me a frigging break. That’s just… it’s absurd.

So yes, we can control certain things within certain parameters.

We’re all born at a certain time and we’re imprinted with the energies of our astrology chart that kind of governs, you know, what kind of things we’re going to do, you know, like somebody has to be, you know… plow the streets in the winter if you live in an area where it snows, you know… I mean, not everybody is going to be a billionaire.

It’s just, you know, or, you know, is everybody in a, living in a country where they’re suffering from drought? I mean, you know, are they all responsible for that? My God, it’s just, it’s infuriating.

So you know, there’s, like I said, there’s some things we can control and there’s some things we can’t.

If you’re born in Bangladesh, you know, and nothing against Bangladesh, the likelihood of you living the same way that somebody who’s born in the suburbs of, you know, Atlanta is far less by definition. You know, and yeah, you could argue, like I said, that the Soul chose those conditions when they incarnated. But there’s a much greater likelihood that if you are born into certain countries that you’re going to not live as long as you would elsewhere or have as much money or whatever. But none of us are any less equal than the other in truth.

So you know, let’s stop this victim bashing, basically.

Like I said, I’ve known many people who’ve gone through some very difficult and trying circumstances, and the last thing I would say to those people is that “Oh, you know, that’s your negative thinking!”

Oh my God, you know, and then there’s, here’s the other side of that, right? Like me right now, I’m upset about this and I’m expressing myself. There’s a place for being upset and unhappy because if we didn’t get that way, sometimes nothing would ever change. It would just be a stasis, right?

People sometimes need to get riled up to affect changes in the world. And sometimes it takes pushing people into uncomfortable situations to get them to actually change because people are kind of lazy or they don’t, you know, they want to stay in familiar territory or whatever the case may be.

So it’s okay to be upset about some aspects of the world that we live in right now. If we didn’t and if we’d all be enslaved and we’d just be like bags of jello, you know? So it’s okay to not be happy about things in the world.

You know, the last thing we actually need right now is more complacency. When we see injustice and when we see people being abusive, we should do something about it.

We shouldn’t say, “Oh, well, you know, so-and-so’s husband is beating her because she’s thinking negatively.” God!

Okay, so have I said what I need to say?

This is really important. You know, this is one of the things about the spiritual community.

Like on other dimensions, I’m sure that our thoughts can probably manifest instantaneously in like a nanosecond. And so, yeah, there’s a lot more leeway perhaps on other dimensions for being able to affect our reality.

But down here in three-dimensional reality where we’re dealing with three-dimensional objects and situations, there’s limits to… we operate within parameters.

I think I’m going to stop there. I’ll leave it at that for now.

We’ll talk again soon and one of these days I won’t be in a pissy mood.

Alright, talk to you later.


Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

My previous episode (which I mentioned and is related):
Darkness is the Absence of Light

The original version of this episode can be found here.

Blowback for Abuses of Power – Pluto transit Aquarius

Purging and Decompression

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology – Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Karma #AgeOfAquarius #Spirituality


Blowback for Abuses of Power – Pluto transit Aquarius

I discuss why we should anticipate blowback to occur for prominent, influential or powerful figures that abused their power during the transit of Pluto through Capricorn (2008-2024).

This episode was published on February 21, 2024 at 1:10pm AST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 21st, 2024.

I’ve stated this numerous times in previous episodes, some of which are rather long. But I want to express it here very succinctly and clearly.

And this has been on my mind for a few days, so it feels like I should do this.

And that is this:

Pluto, natally or by transit in some circumstances, can provide people with a significant amount of power.

Whether we consider their roles to be positive or negative, there is a reason why some people are in positions of power. And almost always, the effect of Pluto is playing a role in this. Typically, this has to do with their natal placement of Pluto.

But there’s always a significant catch.

And that is that if you abuse your power for purely selfish reasons, or you abuse it in ways that are not aligned with the highest interests of the greater good, there will eventually be blowback.

If you think about it, many very powerful prominent figures in history have had dramatic comeuppances or downfalls. And these can occur very suddenly.

This is what I call karmic blowback. It can take a long time in some cases, but it will happen. And these energies can express themselves very violently at times. Pluto is often very extreme.

Think of a dictator who is overthrown. Someone like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.

The reason this has been coming to my mind a lot recently is that, as I’ve been talking about, Pluto has shifted into Aquarius, and we can expect that there will be a comeuppance for those who abused their power or influence while Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 until 2024.

Capricorn naturally rules the 10th house, which deals with the power structures and institutions that undergird society, as well as people in positions of leadership and authority or status.

The 10th house is very visible. So that’s why I keep emphasizing power players and power structures, because that’s what we’re talking about.

These are the kind of people we hear about or read about or that are reported on on a fairly regular basis. They are not always high profile, but often they are.

So that’s why this karmic comeuppance is going to be so dramatic, because we will likely be seeing it and we will be aware of it.

Also, they may not be politically powerful figures. It could be people in the corporate sector. It could be people in the judiciary. It could be people involved in criminal activities or organizations. It could be people in any area of life. Entertainment, the media, sports, finance.

We can expect quite a few scandals to emerge over the coming years and I believe that has already started to happen.

Another thing about this is that Pluto operates in the shadows. So many of the things that come to light will be darker in nature and often quite surprising, because much of it will be things that we had no idea about. They were beneath the surface.

It’s kind of like turning over rocks and finding really weird or creepy things underneath that you had no idea were there. And some of it may be quite salacious.

Imagine you’re renovating an old house and you find all kinds of rot in the walls that you didn’t know was there. That’s kind of like how Pluto works. It will expose the rot that was going on behind the scenes.

So you proceed with the renovation and once it’s done, you now have a renewed structure that is good to go for many years, if it is maintained.

Pluto goes into areas that we don’t typically like to go into or look at. It exposes the shadows.

So I anticipate that, like I said, all of the areas that were highlighted with Pluto, Transit and Capricorn, we’re going to find out where the rot was in all of those various arenas. Whether it’s politics, government, corporations, institutions, or any other industry, organization, hierarchical structure, or area of life.

I’m putting this out there very succinctly because I’m encouraging people to pay attention to what happens over the next few years, where there will be a lot of accountability and in some cases prosecutions, or dramatic downfalls, of people who have been powerful figures in recent history.

Make a mental note of that and watch how this plays out. Watch the dominoes fall because it will take down their accomplices as well.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Purging and Decompression

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Links referenced herein:

Indicted ex-FBI informant told investigators he got Hunter Biden dirt from Russian intelligence officials

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #PlutoInAquarius #PlutoInCapricorn


Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

I discuss some of the significant manifestations of the 2nd ingress of Pluto transiting Aquarius and some noteworthy patterns I have observed in client astrology readings lately.

This episode was published on February 17, 2024 at 6:41pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 17th, 2024.

Wow. Just wow. This recent period has just been astonishing.

I thought I would talk a little bit about that because I have made a number of posts on my community tab and been discussing some of the themes that have been coming up for me, and it turns out that they resonate with others as well.

We went through a little period recently that was kind of a mixture of complete exhaustion and then coupled with dramatic bursts of energy, like the energy would fluctuate and vacillate pretty dramatically.

That’s kind of a hallmark of Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, where Pluto recently ingressed on January 20th. So we may need to be prepared overall for pretty dramatic and wild swings of energy insights, themes, and so forth.

I spent some time personally reflecting on this, like why am I completely exhausted one day and then hypercharged the next? And this is what I think is going on.

For me, this period from 2008 until just recently, when Pluto was in Capricorn, was energetically really heavy and it felt oppressive and stifling and confining and restricting and limiting. It even included a degree of fear.

And if we look at what was happening in the world, that’s understandable. We had these oppressive reactionary forces within the power structures of our societies who were threatening to repress us or force their worldview onto us, contain us, control us, dominate us.

And so it’s kind of like we were walking around hunched over, you know, thinking we’re going to get whacked, either on the material or energetic levels. So it’s kind of like there was a barrage of energy shooting down upon us and we had to put up our shields to protect ourselves and keep kind of like a stiff upper lip, be very sort of stalwart and stoic as we’ve been going through this period.

And then after a while, we got used to that. So we’ve been in this very kind of defensive posture for like 16 years.

And let’s face it, many of us have been brutally persecuted in past lifetimes for sticking our necks out. So we have good reason intuitively to be cautious or reserved about expressing our true identities and beliefs.

This frequently shows up in the natal charts of people I do readings for. And I’ve heard stories of people’s past lives that are truly shocking and deeply disturbing.

At the same time, recently, just recently, and a bit last year, when Pluto was in Aquarius for a few months, there was a heightening of the energy. So I also sense right now that there is this heightened energy. It’s resonating on a higher frequency.

But at the same time, we still have that kind of lingering residue of heavy energy that we have been fighting with, which has been exhausting for so many years.

So although the energy has shifted, we haven’t quite acclimated to it yet. And there’s still that lingering kind of fear and hesitation and reservation because we were in the Pluto and Capricorn energy for so long.

Five days ago, I published an episode about this really remarkable conjunction of Mars, Venus, and Pluto at the first degree of Aquarius. And of course, out of curiosity, I wanted to see how events might take place in the world that would reflect those energies.

So I’ve been checking the news, and of course, there’s been a lot of dramatic developments this week, like some really stunning developments that very much fit within those themes, some of which I posted on my community tab here.

The problem, in fact, wasn’t that I couldn’t find them, correlations I mean, the problem was that there was just too many of them. And I can’t just flood my community tab with all this stuff, it would just overwhelm people. So I kind of got like, “Whoa, it’s just overwhelming.”

But, there’s a really interesting theme playing out here, which is that a lot of the kind of karmic reckoning that I had predicted going back a year ago or more is starting to occur. And that gives me hope for this new phase that we’re entering, that justice for all the crimes and abuses of power that occurred with Pluto and Capricorn are now starting to play out.

So this gives us hope that this insanely crazy period that we just went through over the past 16 years is over. It’s coming to an end.

And there’s going to be a comeuppance, and to some degree, things are going to be more normal and hopefully, people will be a lot less inclined to go off the deep end with the batshit crazy stuff once they see other people being held accountable for these kinds of things.

And I expect that over the next few years, we’re going to see a lot of people facing things like prosecution for their actions and misdeeds, much of it of a criminal nature, if it wasn’t organized crime.

There was a weird thing going on while Pluto was in Capricorn where people just thought that they could get away with some of the most outrageous things. And they just kept upping the ante and raising the bar because they were getting away with it.

But that, like I said, seems to be coming to an end, thank God.

So there’s going to be a lot of drama around that, but for a change, it’s going to be good drama because those of us who are based in reality and uphold higher moral and ethical standards are going to be buoyed by that. We’re going to find this very uplifting because at least we now know that there is some justice, that there are limits and constraints that will keep us from going off the deep end completely.

It’s interesting because I often do prayers or set intentions for exactly these kinds of things, and I published a whole bunch of them here as shorts on my YouTube channel. This stuff is real, it’s really happening. Finally, right, because the energy is now conducive to that.

So the initial phase of this is going to be just putting things back into order and back into place.

Then the next phase will be how do we move forward beyond and into new realms of exploring how this energy flows and manifests out into society and the world. That’s when we get into the real phase of progress.

First we have to restore order from the chaos, then we can start being more proactive, and that’s where we come into play.

People like you, if you’re listening to me, you’re probably ahead of your time. You’re a change agent. You came here to help move humanity forward into this new age, and we’ve been being battered and hammered for quite some time now.

And so, like I said, we’ve developed this defensive posture, but soon we will be in creation mode instead of defense mode.

There’s going to be a lot of people who are going to need guidance and direction and instruction on how to work with and handle these kinds of energies, because this is a paradigm shift, which is another thing I’ve talked a lot about here, and paradigm shifts can be very disorienting initially.

It’s a whole new reality. This is a shift of Ages. It’s something that humanity hasn’t experienced for over 2,000 years. It’s huge. It’s virtually unprecedented, especially now that we have all this technology that we can utilize to communicate at the speed of light, which is, again, Pluto in Aquarius ruled by Uranus.

So I find this all tremendously exciting, although lately it has been exhausting.

I would encourage people in their spiritual practice to be clearing energies, and thought forms and beliefs, that were relevant between 2008 and 2024, but that no longer fit into this paradigm we’re moving into.

It’s probably going to take us a bit of time to trust that, but overall we need to do some housecleaning internally so that we can embrace and embody this new energy that is actually here right now. We’re in the hangover stage of this shift of phases of energies. So that’s the good news.

I think that seeing people held accountable for all their misdeeds, what we’ve seen recently is just the beginning.

Watch what happens over the next while. We have another period of Pluto dipping back into 29 degrees of Capricorn for 10 weeks in the fall of this year. That’s the last shot of that energy where people who are not tuned in are likely to make some really big mistakes that they will regret later. If they think for a minute that that is the status quo, they are wrong. So I think that’s the final test of this period of shifting energies.

I want to point out one other thing too, which is something that’s just come to my attention recently.

For some reason I was drawn to go and listen to some of the episodes that I published here a long time ago. I have stuff on here that goes back over two years now. And I don’t normally do that. I don’t go listen to old episodes, especially of my own.

But I was pretty blown away by how spot on I was, how accurately prescient or prophetic I was. Go back and listen to some of my older episodes.

What I publish here has a lasting kind of quality. It’s not all just about in the moment.

And I was quite impressed with how accurately predictive a lot of those themes I’ve talked about are.

In fact, I was listening to someone else a few days ago and they were talking about all this stuff and I was thinking, I did an episode on that like a year and a half ago. And I was kind of like “What is with that?”. You know, I feel like I’m really ahead of my time.

So if you’re bored, and I know everyone is super busy and overwhelmed these days, but a lot of the content I have published here, even going back a long time, is very much accurate about what’s happening here now and what themes are going to be in play.

And that was always my intention, was to build a body of work that was foundational and that would be relevant for a long time.

I know that the trend right now is for people to be very much into immediate gratification and hyper-stimulation, constantly going from one thing to the next. In other words, being ungrounded.

But there’s overriding patterns and themes that are at play here that are really important in terms of understanding what’s going on, on a bigger level.

So in short, we’re in this shift of energies. We have to kind of let go of that past energy. We don’t need to be fearful or anxious in the same way that we used to. So we need to clear out that kind of energy, which will allow us to make this shift more easily.

The tide has turned. A lot of people are going to be held accountable for how they abused their power while Pluto was in Capricorn. Fantastic.

And in the not too distant future – probably more actually in the time frame of when Pluto really settles into Aquarius for the next 20 years, which is in the fall – and I’ll put the dates on the screen, that’s when the real moving forward energy really kicks in and we can completely leave behind all of the fears, apprehensions, dotes, and the defensive posture we had to assume while Pluto was in Capricorn.

Also, a lot of what I’ve been saying here has been coming up very powerfully in the readings I’ve been doing for people lately. It’s showing up in their charts and in their transits.

Like literally I did a reading for someone the other day and I saw these signatures in their transits about how they were coming into this period of time where they would kind of be awakened and come into their mission, their sole mission for this lifetime. There’s trigger points that indicate that they are stepping into action.

Like there’s a lot of us who have been kind of like sleeper agents and over the next year or two, a lot of those people who have been laying low, living their day-to-day lives, are going to start being activated so that they can play a role in bringing in this New Age, the energies of this New Age.

And I’m getting really strong energy as I say this. I couldn’t be more thrilled about predicting that, honestly.

The kind of people who listen to me are like that in a lot of ways. I’ve seen that come up a lot in readings lately, like I said, that there’s a lot of people who are going to be kicked into action.

A lot of people had to be in that kind of dormant state because it was too dangerous for them to come forward and express their full potential and full being. The energies wouldn’t allow it. It was too heavy.

Very interesting, the timing of all of this and how it coincides with Pluto in Aquarius, which I talked about over two years ago here.

So I find this very exciting. I’m not saying we’re completely out of the woods. We’re not, but the energy is shifting very fast.

And that’s another characteristic of Pluto in Aquarius. The energies in Aquarius, because it’s ruled by Uranus, can move phenomenally fast and suddenly.

I also want to make a point that I think that one of the themes here as well in terms of accountability is going to be corporate malfeasance with respect to things like price gouging.

Powerful corporations, especially like monopolies, and there are way too many of those these days, they fit within the Pluto, Transit, and Capricorn umbrella.

And I think that we’re going to find that there’s going to be a lot of comeuppances in the corporate sector as well.

And let’s face it, many of them have been also lobbying and supporting a lot of the policies that we would consider to be anti-liberal or anti-democratic. And there’s going to have to be some accountability there.

Way too much power has been consolidated into the hands of a few.

And often it is these monied corporate interests who are actually driving the agenda, if not literally crafting policies, and financing and lobbying the politicians, who are effectively in many cases puppets or mouthpieces for these vested interests.

So the corporate sector is going to be in for a bit of a rude awakening as these energies shift because clearly they have abused their power and their influence for reasons relating to unfettered greed and narcissism without taking the welfare of society at large into account. And they’re going to have to be put in their place, and there may be some hard lessons learned there.

People keep talking about how the economy is great, but corporate profits have been stratospheric recently, and that accounts for a lot of the economic activity. Meanwhile, a lot of people have been struggling to survive.

Robert Reich published a chart the other day, which I shared on my YouTube channel, which showcases this in very dramatic terms. I’ll put that on the screen as well.

And if we’ve learned anything during this period, it is that we must be constantly engaged and vigilant about issues like social or economic justice or protecting liberal democracies. We can never take our rights or freedoms for granted.

One other point.

There’s some weird things which I’ve talked about before with YouTube comments. Comments sometimes go into like a Bermuda Triangle.

And it bothers me because a lot of people on my channel write these amazing comments, very thoughtful comments.

And I really respect that, you know, that people take the time to do that and that they do so eloquently.

So when comments just aren’t visible or don’t show up or nobody can see them or whatever, it bothers me because I feel bad because people, like I said, take all this time to do this and then nobody sees it.

So if that happens to you, just understand that it’s not me. I don’t have control over this.

I think some comments get flagged for some weird reason, even though I have very rarely seen comments that were truly offensive.

So don’t take it personally is what I’m trying to say. And I apologize for that, but it’s completely beyond my control.

There’s a lot of really weird quirks with the YouTube commenting system. Some people know this, but some people may not.

I just want you to know that I really respect and appreciate your effort. So please accept my apologies if that’s happened to you.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Articles referenced herein:

US has new intelligence on Russian nuclear capabilities in space

Trump Fraud Trial Penalty Will Exceed $450 Million

FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden’s ties to Ukrainian energy company

Amazon rainforest could reach ‘tipping point’ by 2050, scientists warn

At least 8 children among 22 hit by gunfire at end of Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade; 1 person killed

Video of Navalny shows him joking and smiling Thursday

This is the super-scandal that should bring down Viktor Orbán – and it’s far from over

Where are the record corporate profits coming from? Your thinning wallets

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #SpringEquinox #PlutoInAquarius


Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

I discuss the potent and remarkable astrology of the conjunction of Mars, Pluto and Venus at the very first degree of Aquarius in mid-February of 2024. 

This has significant implications for society and with respect to the Divine Feminine. 

This episode was published on February 12, 2024 at 1:37pm EST.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 12th, 2024.

Dates mentioned in this episode are calculated for the Eastern North America time zone. As usual, see the description for links to related episodes.

As I mentioned in my recent Pre-Equinox Astrology episode, which I published very early on February 11th, Mars enters Aquarius at 1:05 AM tomorrow morning, February 13th.

Mars will conjunct Pluto exactly at 1:06 AM on February 14th [at 0° 46′ 07″ Aquarius]. They will be within a very tight 2 degree orb through February 16th, and within a 5 degree orb through February 20th.

This is one of the most volatile and potent combinations of energies, especially if it occurs in close proximity or aspect to a significant point in your natal chart. With this aspect, it is not uncommon for pent up anger, resentment, or even rage or violence to burst forward in surprising and dramatic ways.

It could originate from within yourself, or it could be externally expressed by others.

This can be related to people, organizations, or institutions that attempt to forcibly dominate or control us, or even harm us. Needless to say, conflict can result.

Bear this in mind in your dealings with others and avoid risky or dangerous situations, people, or places during this time if possible. Also beware of expressing yourself or acting in rash ways that you may regret later when this energy subsides.

A good way to express this energy is through physical activity, being careful to avoid injury or accidents resulting from overconfidence or rashness, especially with sharp implements or tools.

Another way to benefit from this transit is to pay close attention to the nature and condition of any anger, resentment, or sense of injustice or victimization that arise or that this triggers within your psyche. Much of this may have been formerly unexpressed or not totally conscious. Make notes of this as it can point to shadow work or therapy that you can focus on later when the energies settle down. This can be extremely helpful in releasing yourself from past traumas.

Venus will enter Aries [Correction: Venus will enter Aquarius, of course, not Aries!] at 11:06 AM on February 16th and will conjunct Pluto exactly at 3:48 AM on February 17th [at 0° 51′ 41″ Aquarius], thus forming a very potent stellium with Mars and Pluto.

It would not be surprising if what is triggered relates to sexual trauma from this life or past lives.

Again, this is occurring at the very first degree of Aquarius, which Pluto just re-entered on January 20th of this year.

Aquarius deals with society at large – that’s broader society – social justice, causes and groups and organizations related to those kinds of activities, our dreams and hopes for the future, and technology, including the Internet.

Regrettably, with the involvement of Venus, this combination likely deals with violent abuses of the feminine, whether in the past or in the present.

Pluto can represent abuses of power, control, domination, oppression, victimization and subjugation. In Aquarius, it may represent systemic abuses or human rights abuses resulting from state or military action or warfare.

It would not surprise this astrologer if these themes arise or come to light during this period and they may be shocking.

It behooves humanity to confront and reconcile traumas and injustices, whether recent or from the distant past. They fester within our collective unconscious or psyche and our past, from generation to generation, whether we are aware of this or acknowledge this or not. To stop unconsciously perpetuating this and other vicious cycles, we must confront them honestly, sincerely and responsibly. We must do this for ourselves, for society and for future generations.

On February 19th, at 4.30am, the North Node conjuncts Chiron at 16 degrees and 45 minutes of Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars, of course. Again, the theme of trauma related to the masculine.

Chironic energies are never easy to confront, but this aspect speaks to bringing deep wounding to our conscious awareness and self-expression. It implies that the timing of this is fated.

The South Node, which speaks to the past, is transiting Libra. Libra seeks peace and harmony and is ruled by loving and compassionate Venus.

Given that this is occurring very near the recent ingress of Pluto in Aquarius, I predict that this will be a theme for years to come. The reconciliation of, and social justice pertaining to, abuses and subjugation of the Divine Feminine.

Venus can also represent the natural world and the nature spirit realms, which I have also talked about here before, and which have been subject to rapacious and unbridled opportunistic destruction by humans for millennia. Such acts are clearly a manifestation of the lower aspects of the divine masculine. Thus, the themes I have discussed extend to our precious and vulnerable natural world as well.

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is currently transiting Taurus, as is Jupiter. Venus rules Taurus as well as Libra, again drawing our awareness to the natural realms and the land.

Again we must heal and transform our relationship with feminine principles, including the natural world, which provides us with incredible bounty and sustenance.

Those who seek to oppress or harm the divine feminine expression are acting against their own interests. Ultimately, it is unnatural, self-defeating, and nihilistic.

Events that transpire during this time may be quite disturbing and unwelcome. However, in the long run, they may initiate a cycle of much-needed awareness, heart-based healing and transformation. Healing that will help us transform and regenerate our collective psyche in critically important ways.

As we can see, a tremendous amount of powerful and important information can be deduced from astrological transits, on both the personal and collective level.

In the age of Aquarius, we will begin to learn and master collective consciousness. Consciousness that profoundly affects us in ways we barely understand. It is our destiny.

Mastery begins with conscious awareness. Denial of truth is not an option.

If during this time, the Divine Feminine is attacked by lower expressions of masculine energy, know that this is not the way. It is merely an expression of their own unresolved wounding, vulnerability, and weakness.

There are a lot of major, major changes occurring right now astrologically and over the next couple years.

We’re going to have Neptune changing signs. We’re going to have Uranus changing signs. We’re going to have Saturn changing signs. Pluto changing signs recently alone is huge.

And so, this is a really good time to get a lay of the land before these things happen, with your own personal astrology. I know from a lot of people I’m talking to that there are major changes taking place.

Often as expected, people tend to request readings when major things are happening that they don’t understand. But I would highly encourage you to be proactive and get a reading beforehand so that you have some mental preparation for what might be coming up. It can be extremely helpful. You don’t want to leave it to the last minute. And I do have a special going on right now for readings.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Nature Spirits in Distress

How We Will Heal The Earth

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #SpringEquinox #PlutoInAquarius


Getting Along With Saturn – Astrology

I discuss how to get along with Saturn in astrology. I describe what to avoid and how to conduct yourself to minimize the most challenging manifestations of a hard Saturn transit or difficult natal Saturn placement.

In my view this is very simple and mostly requires good old – but strikingly rare these days – common sense.

This episode was published on April 8, 2023.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, Welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 8th, 2023.

People who study astrology or their astrology charts often fear the planet Saturn.

Historically, it was even referred to as the Devil. It is also referred to as the planet of Karma, Duty and Responsibility.

However, as I frequently state when I do readings, in my opinion, Saturn is one of the easiest planets to understand. Its rules and boundaries are quite clear and quite simple, often much more simple than most people think.

This is not going to be a lengthy discourse about Saturn. I simply want to address how to work with it or make friends with it so we can minimize the challenging expression of it by transit or natally.

As I said, Saturn’s rules are very simple.

They go something like this – Be Responsible, Be Pragmatic, Be Realistic, Be Honest, and Be in Integrity.

Generally, if you follow those rules or guidelines, you can kind of breeze through Saturn transits relatively easily.

I’m not saying they’re not challenging, I’m just saying that you won’t experience the harder expressions of Saturn.

So, some practical examples.

If someone is living beyond their financial means and then up comes a hard Saturn transit, say Saturn squaring your Sun or Saturn squaring your Venus or something, or Saturn transiting your second house, you may experience some restrictions or limitations, but you can still get through.

If Saturn is transiting your seventh house of close personal relationships and you’re in a significant relationship, the relationship can go through kind of a testing period, but if the relationship is fundamentally sound and good, it will survive and probably even become stronger as a result.

If the relationship is based on some kind of superficial values and you’re making a lot of compromises within it, it might be severely tested, because Saturn is about reality, not wishful thinking.

The question is always, “Is it real or not?” Are you being sincere and responsible and mature?

So I’m getting chills right now because I’ve recently been going through some Saturn transits that I was a bit nervous about, but I’ve actually found that I have been expressing the positive expressions of Saturn and Saturn hasn’t had a lot to complain about with me lately.

So the positive expression of it is that it helps us refine and purify our aims or ambitions or circumstances, it can help us separate the wheat from the chaff, become more focused, become more real, and so forth. It’s all about helping us determine what’s real versus what’s illusory, which is a good thing.

So in a positive expression, it helps us solidify and strengthen and build solid foundations. As the Lord of Time, Saturn can help create structures in our life that are very long-lasting and durable. This is good! It’s contrary to what a lot of people think.

So yes, when Saturn comes along and challenges us in some aspect of our life, it will test us. So ideally, you’ve been orienting yourself in advance of this to make sure that what you’re engaged in is real and sincere, ethical, and so on.

Another example, if somebody was involved in criminal activity and then Saturn, being the authority figure, comes along and says, “No, you’re not going to get away with this because it’s unethical, you’re breaking the law” or whatever. It’s likely that you’re going to, in some way, be held accountable for your actions.

If our solar system didn’t have Saturn, in my opinion, Earth would be completely chaotic and it would be anarchy here. We need to have rules and laws because a lot of people are irresponsible and do things to other people that are misleading and harmful and so on, and Saturn keeps us accountable.

So it’s really easy to understand on a pragmatic level, like when it comes to just living our lives and being responsible members of society.

On the more spiritual dimensions, it can be about concentration and focus and purification.

So for example, if we have beliefs that are based on illusions, Saturn can help us clarify those beliefs and question their assumptions to make sure they are foundationally accurate.

On the spiritual level as well, Saturn transits can help us focus. So it may mean, for example, a period of time if Saturn is transiting your 12th, if your 12th house is Pisces right now, it can be an excellent time to be very rigorous, concentrated and dedicated to your spiritual practice.

And yes, I personally believe that dedicating time in a disciplined way to our spiritual practice is very important. We put a lot of energy into all kinds of activities in our lives and if spirituality is important to us, it deserves attention as well. At least some time.

For a lot of people, it’s only a few minutes a day. There’s 24 hours in a day. How much time are you devoting to your spiritual practice and what rewards will you reap?

Saturn tends not to give rewards easily. Discipline and diligence is required and it tends not to give rewards immediately. It takes time, but the rewards that you do get can be very solid and long-lasting.

Think of the churches that they built centuries ago, or even in medieval times. Some of these churches would take several generations of activity to construct, but they last for centuries, if not potentially millennia. Fantastic.

You know, our society now is very much geared to immediate gratification and we have this kind of disposable mentality where we are constantly consuming things that we just dispose of. That’s not very Saturnian. And of course, it has consequences for our environment.

Saturn is about quality and mastery. And mastery is about being responsible for yourself on every dimension of your being, from the pragmatic and material to the energetic.

So it’s really just about common sense when dealing with Saturn. Not being in denial, being accountable, being responsible, being diligent, being able to focus and concentrate, being able to determine what is superficial and what is not.

Saturn is not about superficiality. It’s about patience, diligence, and things like that.

Karma, of course, and karma is closely related to personal responsibility. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, as I often say.

So there should be nothing to fear with Saturn if we are conducting our lives with integrity and honor. Saturn does not like shortcuts.

So my advice to you is to follow those principles and the sooner you start the better.

Another example, somebody who lives very lavishly and has very high expenses and overhead, that might be fine until something happens and their income is impacted severely or diminished. And then suddenly they find themselves in a great deal of trouble because they have a very high overhead, which could result in even something like bankruptcy. It can get quite extreme.

Whereas someone who lives more modestly and has savings and so forth, again very pragmatic, can easily weather a period of a year or two or three where their income isn’t as much as they thought it might be. They will kind of breeze through these periods of ups and downs because it’s not very realistic to expect that you’re always going to be making huge amounts of money.

Even the very wealthy can go through periods that are challenging. It could be something like a recession that they have no control over.

It’s very simple common sense really.

The degree to which Saturn will test you often pertains to your own particular astrology. Some people naturally get along with Saturn. That’s just because of the way they are.

And then other people who are less kind of grounded typically have more problems with Saturn.

Again there’s a lot of variables. It depends on your chart. But just bear that in mind.

Like I have met and known people who get through hard Saturn transits really easily. And I have known others who go through some very challenging times under Saturn transits.

My main point here was simply to illustrate that it’s really easy to understand Saturn. It’s not complicated at all and I think a lot of people overthink it.

Neptune by contrast in my opinion is a much more complicated planet to understand because it can manifest on so many different levels and in so many different ways. It can be extremely problematic or it can be extremely creative and spiritual.

There is a wide variety of expressions that have to be considered and a lot of it depends on the native in question.

Saturn can also play a role in helping us be an authority figure. It can create circumstances where certain people can become very authoritative in various areas again depending on your chart for those who are disciplined and who have put in the work.

Recently Saturn began transiting Pisces on March 7th of 2023 all the way through 2026. So roughly three years. And I did a whole episode about that which I will also put in the description. And I titled that “Reality Check” because some expressions of Pisces can be a bit illusory and ungrounded. And Saturn wants us to be grounded and to deal with reality.

So like I’ve said in that episode I find it kind of funny what’s happening right now politically and socially because to me much of that are expressions of Saturn transiting Pisces. See that episode. I think you might find it a bit entertaining.

You can kind of see that I don’t have a hard time with Saturn because where would we be if people were completely detached from reality all the time as many people definitely are.

And I think that combined with the transit of Pluto in Aquarius and Saturn transiting Pisces we’re definitely going through a period of reality check, thank God, because a lot of people are completely detached from reality and it creates many problems as we are seeing.

But Saturn does bring accountability and order and even justice which we all want and desire. This is not a bad thing.

It’s funny I’m pretty sure I’ve not laughed as much when I was recording an episode as I am about Saturn which many people perceive as being dark. So I have made friends with Saturn and I encourage you to do the same thing. You will avoid a lot of BS if you do. Nobody really wants BS.

You know Saturn is the law and we need laws obviously because there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there and they need to be kept in check. And if we follow the rules we can avoid a lot of unnecessary drama and blowback and consequences that will demand huge amounts of time and energy on our part to correct. And we don’t want to waste time. Saturn the Lord of time.

And again Saturn is not about superficiality. If Saturn takes something out of our life it may be because it’s not real or it’s not grounded or it’s not based on truth. Sometimes we may not realize that until later on. It can take time.

I’m someone who actually really disdains ill placed superficiality. You know people who judge us. Do you really want fair weather friends? People who are just associated with you for superficial reasons or who judge you based on superficial reasons like your appearance or your habits. Something that they find objectionable.

They’re not actually connecting to the core aspect of you. They’re just attaching to you for superficial reasons. Or it’s transactional or conditional.

No you probably don’t want that. Because when you do go through some challenging experience they will be the first ones to leave. And the people who are still there with you in the end are your real friends. That’s an example of how Saturn can prune your social contacts. It may be disheartening at the time but later on you will realize that they weren’t really your friends to begin with.

Often younger people have a harder time with Saturn because they haven’t fully matured. As we get older we tend to be more in harmony with Saturn because we’ve had a lot of life experiences so we know these kinds of things from intimate and direct personal experience.

In fact people with strong challenging Saturnian aspects in their natal chart, say for example Saturn near the Ascendant, may have to grow up very quickly and have a lot of responsibility and maybe not as much fun and being carefree as others when they are young. But as they get older they actually start to become and express a more youthful outlook and attitude because Saturn kind of reverses the process. They start out being very mature and responsible and later on in life they almost become younger in their expression.

Again I don’t want this to be a really lengthy discourse on Saturn because it would just be too long. I just want to paint a picture for people to understand. And especially like I said younger people in particular I feel a bit more compassionate towards about this because we don’t really fully mature in my opinion until probably in our 40’s or so, if not even our second Saturn return. So the first Saturn return at 28 or 29 is when we begin to become serious and more responsible about life generally.

Anyway I hope this is helpful. It’s come up a lot for me lately because I’ve been doing a lot of readings and I thought I would share this with you as it might be helpful.

Thanks everyone for all your support.

I am organizing the spiritual evolution workshop or classes that I mentioned in my prior episode. That’s going great. I’m very excited about that. I’ll put a link to that in the description below.

If you’re interested in a reading I’ll also put a link to that in the description.

Take care, all the best and we’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Clearing Karma (and a Position Statement)

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #SpringEquinox #PlutoInAquarius


Astrology #Saturn #SaturnTransit #SaturnReturn

Pre-Equinox Astrology – Spring 2024

I discuss the astrology leading up to the Spring 2024 Equinox and how we can best work with and navigate these astrological transits. 

This episode was published on February 11, 2024 at 2:18am EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 11th, 2024.

There are a lot of major, major changes occurring right now astrologically and over the next couple years. We’re going to have Neptune changing signs. We’re going to have Uranus changing signs. We’re going to have Saturn changing signs. Pluto changing signs alone is huge.

And so this is a really good time to get a lay of the land before these things happen with your own personal astrology.

I know from a lot of people I’m talking to that there are major changes taking place. Often, as expected, people tend to request readings when major things are happening that they don’t understand.

But I would highly encourage you to be proactive and get a reading beforehand so that you have some mental preparation for what might be coming up. It can be extremely helpful. You don’t want to leave it to the last minute. And I do have a special going on right now for readings.

Today I’m going to be talking about some near-term astrology.

I’m going to look at most of the major shifts that occur between now and the Equinox. That’s March 19th or 20th, depending on where you live.

For my calculations I’m using the Eastern Time Zone, and I’m in the Northern Hemisphere.

I have Pisces in the 12th, and so Saturn is transiting my 12th house now. And the 12th house, which I’ve talked a lot about here before, can involve very challenging energies, because in the case of Saturn, for me, it is finishing up a cycle of 28-29 years.

The end of cycles always brings endings, because we are about to begin a new cycle.

So while Saturn has been transiting my 12th, it has been making these challenging aspects to numerous points in my natal chart.

But then recently I was talking to a few people and other people were expressing that they found this period recently very hard. And then I thought, well maybe it’s not just entirely me.

Plus we recently had the shift of Pluto into Aquarius on January 20th, which brings us out of that Pluto in Capricorn energy, which is very hard, because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is not easy or fun or light.

You would naturally expect that the energies would be lighter. And in some ways they have been.

I myself have noticed that kind of on the intuitive and psychic and spiritual levels, the energy is faster and higher. But on the material plane it feels kind of dense.

And I think what’s happening here is that we went through this period of Pluto in Capricorn, which was, and still is in some ways, very traumatic, frightening and disturbing.

And I’ve had the experience before when after going through a very stressful, challenging period, you kind of go through a decompression and you’ve been on edge and in a state of anxiety for a long time. You’re almost like in a state of exhaustion and there’s grief and there’s still lingering fear and trepidation and stuff like that.

Now one of the important things I want to say about this is that with Pluto under the right circumstances can give certain people a lot of power. But there’s also a catch to it. If you abuse that power, it will eventually boomerang upon you. And I did a whole episode on that subtitled “A Karmic Reckoning”.

Most really powerful people in the world have strongly placed Plutos. And if you look at them, a lot of them eventually do have a very dramatic comeuppance or fall from grace.

But that may not happen immediately as soon as say, for example, Pluto shifts into Aquarius.

We have to go through this period of reorientation and then the energies have to kind of settle and we have to get into a new momentum before things really start moving forward.

I anticipate that a lot of people, organizations and groups are going to have a karmic comeuppance over the next year or two and probably starting in 2024.

We have one more period where Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from September 1st until November 19th of 2024. So we’re not quite out of the woods yet.

And remember, Capricorn rules those power structures that are part of our reality. So watch over the next year or two or maybe even three. I expect to see that there will be a lot of falls from grace, so to speak.

Now we also have Saturn transiting Pisces for the most part through February of 2026. And this is also a karmic cycle. I did an episode on this and the subtitle of that was “Reality Check”.

This is where we have to get really real about our illusions, delusions, ground our spirituality and clear up any outstanding karma before we begin a new cycle when Saturn moves into Aries.

A lot of this kind of stuff happens on the internal level or on the psychic or intuitive levels.

Contrary to what a lot of people believe, there is a huge amount of what is happening here on Earth that is actually happening in non-material dimensions as well.

And given my recent experiences with my own Saturn transits as it goes through my 12th house, I will have a lot more to say about that soon, but I’ll leave that for another episode.

So let’s look a little bit at some of the near-term events.

I posted on my community tab Friday night about the fact that the Moon will conjunct Saturn February 10th because I wanted people to know a little bit about that. And then I also stated that the Moon would move into Aries on Monday morning, local time, and that that should put a bit of a spring in people’s step. I just wanted to give people a little sense of timing.

But there’s more to this because we’re going to also have the Sun transit Pisces from February 18th. And this is a very internalizing period as well. The Sun is going to be in Pisces where Saturn is transiting now.

And it’s easier to understand this in the Northern Hemisphere, but this is kind of like the deep of winter when we go inwards, we lay low, we regenerate, we recuperate, we process everything that’s happened in the past year. It’s very introspective.

And it’s also more of a dreamy time too. It’s a good time for doing creative things, for doing spiritual work, for doing forms of divination, for renewal and regeneration, for letting go.

Because when the Sun moves into Aries, we get very busy and we need the energy that we can recoup and rejuvenate with during this cycle.

So it’s also a period of endings because it’s the end of an annual cycle.

It’s best not to have a lot of external pressures or stress if it’s possible during this time. Ideally, you’re laying in bed and you’re reading a book. You’re taking it easy. You’re doing self-care. That’s what this period is really about or that’s how it’s best to get through it.

If you’re a creative person, like I said, that energy can be wonderful too because you can channel energies and thoughts and ideas that are very tapped into the zeitgeist.

The 12th house is very much tapped into the global unconscious. But it’s not associated with going out and doing things like weightlifting or something or highly strenuous activities. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t exercise. You probably should, but be easy on yourself.

And let’s look at a few other key points here along the way.

If any of these transits or events are very near or in strong aspect to any of your personal planets or key points, you may want to study them in more detail.

I will be publishing a transcript of this on my website, which I do typically these days. If you want to go through and extract specific dates or information, you can do it there. I will usually put the transcript up within an hour or so of publishing the episode.

First of all, no retrogrades. That’s notable. It’s a bit unusual. This means that things are going to be moving forward very quickly whether we realize it or not. And it may feel like time has sped up a bit.

On February 14th, Mars will conjunct Pluto at the first degree of Aquarius. Mars combined with Pluto are one of the more dangerous aspects in astrology. This is probably a good time to stay home and not do anything risky or dangerous or put yourself in dangerous situations, or places for that matter.

We may also see some events take place in the world that involve a lot of violence or warfare or something like that because those two energies together are very intense. The power of Pluto and the aggressiveness and warlike energy of Mars. This is brief. This is just probably from the period of around February 12th to 16th.

Then on February 16th, Venus enters Aquarius. This will help lighten all of this heavy energy a bit and bring a bit of that love energy of Venus, that softer energy of Venus, into social concerns.

I’m moving fairly quickly because of time.

On February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces.

On February 19th, the North Node will conjunct Chiron at 16° 45′ of Aries. I’m not going to get into a huge explanation of Chiron here, but it has to do with wounding and in this masculine energy of Aries and the North Node amplifying those energies. This is kind of reflective of what I have been talking about people experiencing. There’s always grief and trauma and pain associated with Chiron.

On February 22nd, Venus conjuncts Mars at 6° 57′ of Aquarius. This can be kind of great sexual energy if that matters to you. It’s the masculine and the feminine coming together.

On February 23rd, Mercury enters Pisces. That amplifies this Pisces energy I’ve been talking about that is emphasized during this period.

On February 24th, there’s a full Moon at 5 degrees 23 minutes of Virgo.

On the same day, Venus will square Jupiter and Taurus, both at 10 degrees 30 minutes.

On the 27th, Mars will square Jupiter at 10° 52′.

Venus and Mars square Jupiter basically really ramps up their energy. There’s the potential for people to go overboard, for things to be over the top. So just watch that you don’t do things that later on you go like, “Oh, what was I thinking or why did I do that?” because the energy can be very exaggerated and not necessarily in a contained way.

On February 28th, Mercury will conjunct the Sun. That brings the mind and the being very closely together. The identity of the two kind of become one, almost indistinguishable, for better or worse.

On the same day at 9° 46′ of Pisces, the Sun will conjunct Saturn. So this period of around the 27th, 28th of February is probably going to be a little period where things feel a little bit more challenging or we feel limited or like we can’t just do what we want to do. We might have to deal with things like responsibilities or duties or attend to affairs we’d rather not attend to. It’s not a great time for doing expansive things. It’s a better time for focus and concentration. This is generally not a fun energy. So around the 27th, 28th, 29th, just be prepared for a bit of that heavier, more responsible and duty-oriented energy.

So then we’re kind of in the clear a bit until March 8th, where Mercury conjuncts Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. This can be a very creative and dreamy kind of energy involving our minds and how we think and communicate. But just be aware that whatever you’re thinking or doing at that time may not be particularly grounded and or even based in reality. So it’s a great time for doing something like writing a science fiction novel or writing poetry. But it’s not a good time for being pragmatic or making significant decisions around things like money or signing contracts, because you’ll probably find out later on that it wasn’t based in reality. Also, communications can be a little muddled or confused at this time as well.

On March 9th, the next day, the Sun will sextile Uranus. This is kind of a good energy if you want to shake things up or introduce ideas or thoughts that take you outside the boundaries of the status quo. That’s happening at 19° 51′ of Pisces and Taurus.

On March 9th, Mercury enters Aries. This is the beginning of a new cycle for Mercury. Mercury kind of comes out of that dreamy, fantastical Piscean energy and into the energy of Aries, which is all about doing things and starting things and being bold and self-assertive. It’s kind of like going from neutral into overdrive very quickly with mind and communication type things.

On March 10th, there’s a New Moon at 20 degrees of Pisces. If this New Moon hits a personal planet very closely, it can be quite significant. New Moons are about the very, very beginning stages of new cycles and new beginnings.

On March 11th, Venus enters Pisces where it is exalted. This means that the energy of Venus really likes to be in Pisces and it is a wonderful time for self-care, enjoyment, a bit of self-indulgence, positive expression, embodying very loving kind of energy. Venus rules love and love can be very easily expressed in this Piscean energy because there’s very few boundaries. That’s one of the downsides is that you have to be careful with your boundaries in the 12th house. But this is overall a lovely energy, especially for the things that I’ve already described Pisces being beneficial for.

On March 17th, the Sun conjuncts Neptune at 27° 21′ of Pisces. Similar to the Mercury conjunct Neptune transit I already talked about a few minutes ago, with Sun-Neptune aspects, we can lose our sense of identity.

These things happen every year. These aren’t necessarily life-changing transits I’m talking about here. But just be aware that one can kind of lose themselves a bit when the Sun conjuncts Neptune, say from March 16th to the 18th. It’d be a great time for doing spiritual work or dissolving egoic attachments or completely revising or revamping one’s sense of identity.

But this isn’t typically a good transit for getting things done. It’s not about work, work, work. It’s just about being. And like I said, maybe tapping into the higher dimensions. It’s not about physical vitality and energy.

If you’re at all intuitive or psychic with the Sun and other planets transiting Pisces, we tend to be more open psychically during this time. Myself, I have a daily energetic hygiene regimen that I practice. And I just want to make this comment that it’s probably a good idea to be doing something like that to protect yourself energetically simply because we are just more vulnerable. We’re more open psychically during this time.

On March 19th, the Sun enters Aries and this is the beginning of a new cycle. So don’t expect things to happen instantly, but you’ll feel the vitality of the Sun as it moves into Aries. And it’s a great time to start things or to start implementing things or taking action. In the world at large, things should start picking up steam.

The gist of all this is that energies and things are really going to start picking up and moving forward in an active way come March 19th. So we shouldn’t be expecting too much of ourselves between now and then.

If you’re creative, if you’re an artist or a musician or a writer, this could be a fantastic time for those kinds of activities. Or if you’re involved in spiritual activities or if you do things like divination, absolutely. Just do your best practices for staying grounded and keeping your energy clear.

One more comment on all of this. There’s an awful lot of calculations I made here. If it turns out that any of them proved to be off or wrong, or I made a typo, I will make a note in the comments section or my Errata page. I wouldn’t be surprised if I screwed up somewhere, but we’ll see.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

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Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

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This episode was published on July 22, 2023.

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