It’s Happening – The Wheel Turns

I describe how major changes are manifesting. The Wheel of Karma is turning, a shift is occurring. A new multi-dimensional reality is upon us. 
This episode was published on April 21, 2024 at 3:36pm EDT.

SPECIAL: 15% discount on readings (limited time offer, conditions apply).

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving. It is April 21st, 2024.

Yesterday we had a fairly rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus at just under 22 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter being the great benefic and Uranus being the planet of dramatic change. I felt that this would be a very important point and I had some very interesting experiences yesterday.

I noticed in my YouTube feed that there were many readers that I had never seen before, and that I was unfamiliar with, who had posted recently about great positive changes coming for Sagittarius. I’m a Sag.

These days I don’t normally listen to or watch a lot of videos on YouTube, ironically, but this of course perked my interest. So I listened to a whole bunch of them and again, like I said, these are people or channels that I’ve never seen before. Very Uranian.

They were mostly tarot readers or intuitives and there was quite a consistent theme in all these readings, which I found very interesting. Many people spoke about how a great cycle was ending and a new one was beginning. One even mentioned a split occurring, a split in the timeline or reality – two worlds – that she had commented on previously, and I have done that here myself for quite some time.

Another thing that happened was that I had some insights, or a download, about something really remarkable that relates to astrology that I have never come across before. I spent a few hours digging into this and I realized that this can indicate major cycles in life and the timing of them. There are not many of them. They occur only a few times in a lifetime. So that is something that I want to research more and I will probably comment on later. But it was a very significant breakthrough that has really profound implications. Again, I’ve never come across this before, but it works.

So the theme was great change and like I said, the beginning and endings of cycles, some of which are more than a decade old.

In my case, I am ending a cycle that is about 14 or 15 or even 16 years long and it’s been a tough, tough slog. For me personally, there was also validation about my own experience and why it occurred and what it means. It affirmed my own research into the astrological aspects of this.

I ended my day late last night with my daily spiritual practice. Although it was significantly longer than normal, and I did all of my usual clearings and protections, but I also spent a significant amount of time on setting major new intentions for this next cycle. And I described very clearly, and in a great amount of detail, what I want my reality to look like, how I want it to manifest.

I felt guided to do this and I felt it was very important. It felt to me like there were more beings present while this was occurring than would normally be the case.

In addition to being very clear about my intentions and what I desire, I spent a lot of time clearing out old energies, old connections, old chords with people and situations that were very much a part of the cycle I am leaving behind. So we have to clear and release and detach from the past in order to bring in these new energies and manifest our new desires.

And what could represent desires more than Jupiter in Taurus, and Uranus meeting Jupiter, to bring about radical changes that are positive and beneficial and that are grounded and rooted in reality Taurus. So I would encourage you to do the same.

My previous episode focused a lot about the importance of letting go and leaving behind people and connections that no longer serve us and that rang true as well. That was titled “Judgment is Upon Us” and I published it on April 18th. This is extremely important.

The reason I’m publishing this episode now is because I want to share why this matters.

I woke this morning and I was reflecting on my day yesterday, it being a very important day, following the April 8th eclipse in Aries, “new beginnings”, conjunct Chiron, our wounding. The April 8th eclipse called upon us to release and clear our sadness and grief, our burdens in other words, burdens that we no longer need to carry. Again, the episode I published on April 18th.

The awareness that I had today, the day after Jupiter and Uranus conjuncted exactly in Taurus, is that the reason I came across and saw all of those other channels talking about spirituality and the energies that are at play right now, and what they all mean, was to demonstrate to me how many of the things I have been talking about here on my channel are actually happening. It was a validation.

Here we have all of these people, people that weren’t there before, saying similar things in their own ways. This is tremendously exciting. This shift or ascension or this waking up that many of us have prophesied, myself included, is actually happening. It’s happening very spontaneously and it’s happening very quickly. This is a phenomenally good thing.

It tells us that this shift, that many of us have been expecting and talking about, is actually happening.

There have been a few times, in the recent past, where I thought that some people may be doting me and my work because many of the things that I predicted didn’t seem to be happening.

I checked the math and it was two years, seven months, and eleven days ago that I published my first episode. Two years, seven months, and eleven days. Two plus seven, plus one, plus one, equals eleven.

I have published many episodes speaking about how this new reality of us entering the age of Aquarius would manifest.

I’m telling you right now that all of these people out there with their YouTube channels who are doing tarot readings and psychic readings, these people who are coming out of the woodwork, they represent just the tip of the iceberg. For every one of them, there’s probably thousands who are having similar experiences but who haven’t started YouTube channels. And that was why I was guided to peruse all those YouTube channels yesterday.

This is very important and it is linked to these recent eclipses in Libra, Aries, and this conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

New beginnings. The script has flipped.

Don’t expect the world to change on a dime. That’s not going to happen.

But for many people who have really struggled and had a hard time, feeling almost like they were being blocked or repressed or oppressed, in some cases, for many years, there could be a dramatic turn of fortune.

So I encourage you to follow my advice and clear out the cobwebs of the past to disconnect from people and situations that reflected the prior cycle that you were in. To create space for the new one and to be very clear about what you want to manifest and how you want your life to look in very practical and pragmatic terms. We will be in this energy for quite some time.

And that’s the important message that I want to share with you today, which is fundamentally that yes, it’s actually happening.

In fact, last night I had this insight where I asked myself, maybe everything that I have been expecting and anticipating and talking about is more real than even I accept or believe. That we are entering into this multi-dimensional reality and consciousness that transcends anything we’ve ever experienced before.

It can be hard for us to accept or believe that because it is so outrageously different from the past. That we are going to be consciously connected to each other in very subtle and very psychic ways. Again, humanity has never experienced anything like this before.

So it’s going to take us a bit of time to realize that this is actually happening and our wildest expectations can come true.

The thing about this transit of Jupiter and Uranus is that if you’ve been on the bottom, so to speak, you can suddenly be on the top. And if you’ve been on the top, you can suddenly be on the bottom. Uranus can go either way. Things get turned on their head in an instant.

So some people are going to experience this positively and some people are going to experience this negatively. Things can suddenly go from one extreme to the other.

Some of us have actually had people, subversively or covertly, working at cross purposes to us for years. Kind of like frenemies.

For example, they were motivated by jealousy or spite. Who wanted us to stay the way we were, or to be oppressed, or to not succeed. Secretly wishing us harm or failure. Or they wanted to steal our light. They felt that they should be us.

It’s a vampiric or parasitic relationship where these people refused to do their shadow work, even if they professed otherwise. And often they were draining our energy.

And many of us who are empathic can be quite naive about this. We don’t want to believe that some people are fundamentally darkly oriented. Because we don’t really wish harm on anyone. Even our so-called enemies.

And so, like I said, they’ve been working at cross purposes to us. And these are the kind of connections we need to release, and clear, and let go of.

Finally, after all these years, the tables now turn. It plays into the theme of the karmic comeuppance I have often talked about here. The meek shall inherit the earth. So keep that in mind as well.

And again, do your spiritual practice. Set your intentions. Clear out energies from the past. It’s like we’ve gone through a paradigm shift. And it’s occurred very suddenly and very quickly.

There’s a song from a very rare album that was released in 1968. And I have this album, actually, and have listened to it many times. It’s extremely quirky, but I love it.

And it was by a band called The Incredible String Band. And the album was called Wee Tam. I’d love to include it here, but I’m not sure I can without breaking copyright. So I’ll link it in the episode description.

There’s a refrain in the first song that goes like this, and this was on my mind for the past few days.

We’ll understand it better in the sweet by and by.

All will be One, all will be One.

You won’t need to worry and you won’t have to cry.

Over in the Old Golden Land.

In the Golden Book of the Golden Game, the Golden Angel wrote my name.

When the deal goes down, I’ll put on my Crown.

Over in the Old Golden Land.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 15% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes and links:

Wee Tam and the Big Huge (1968, full album, I reference track one)

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split – Feb 28, 2022

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning – Jan 26, 2023

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness – Feb 14, 2022

Hold The Line Against The Darkness – Mar 28, 2024

Judgement Is Upon Us – Apr 18, 2024

The Die Has been Cast – June 3, 2023

Drawing Lines – Nov 19, 2023

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #AgeOfAquarius #Spirituality


Why Darkness Fears the Light

I discuss the dynamics between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness and how we can identify, understand and manage their interaction.
This episode was published on April 22, 2024 at 4:43pm EDT.

SPECIAL: 15% discount on readings (limited time offer, conditions apply).

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please follow me on Substack.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment, and share astrological updates and links that I find interesting:

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 22nd, 2024.

Darkness is the absence of Light.

Now that sounds like I’m stating the obvious, and I am. But hold that thought.

Like many things, the contrast between Light and Darkness is a continuum.

One of the main features of being on the Spiritual Path is the interplay between the Light and the Darkness. As we embody more Light, the contrast becomes more extreme.

There are no shadows in the Darkness. There are only shadows in the presence of Light.

And this, I think, is one of the things that many people don’t really fully understand or appreciate about being on the Spiritual Path, is that as you embody, or experience, or manifest more Light, you become more aware of your Darkness.

Darkness typically pertains to our wounding, but it can also pertain to our ego, our selfishness, our separateness, our desire to control or manipulate, etc.

I myself have had this demonstrated to me countless times. I have been very fortunate at times to be in the presence of very evolved beings in the physical. And when you’re in their presence, you can become aware of your Darkness in very shocking and dramatic ways.

The Darkness in the presence of Light can actually react very violently. The Light threatens it, because when the Darkness is illuminated, it can’t hide. There is nowhere to run.

It can’t feign ignorance. It can’t deny itself and its true nature, because its true nature is weakness, which is the last thing that the Darkness wants to admit.

Those of us who seek out the Light are going to have to go through a very lengthy and extended process of grappling with our Darkness. It is unavoidable.

Many of us think that we can just bliss out in the Light or transcend, transcend our lower nature, and that can happen sometimes, for a period of time. But ultimately, if you have not resolved, or confronted, or healed your Darkness, it will ALWAYS trip you up. You cannot circumvent it.

This is why I always, always encourage people to do their shadow work.

If you evolve too quickly, and you have unresolved Darkness, it can trip you up in very painful and dramatic ways. You can come crashing back down to where you were. It is your Achilles heel, and it must be mastered.

So again, I think this is a common misconception in the Spiritual community that we are just going to suddenly gain enLightenment, like flicking on a switch, without having a solid foundation of purity and truth and clarity and wisdom to sustain us.

Many people are probably aware of the notion that, for example, when some people channel powerful, evolved beings, these beings have to basically constrain or limit or dilute their energy so as not to harm the channel. This is because the channel in question is unable to sustain or contain the levels of Light that the evolved being holds or carries.

The Light would literally destroy, in other words, kill, the channel if it was not highly constrained, or dumbed down would be another way of putting it. The limiting factor is the Darkness or unconsciousness within the channel.

Thus, we must constantly be purifying and advancing ourselves as we climb up the ladder of evolution, so to speak.

So anybody who is on the Spiritual Path seriously, and I don’t mean dabbling in psychic phenomenon, it’s much more than that, I mean someone who is really on the path consciously, of advancing themselves, is going to constantly be confronted by aspects of Darkness within them. Many of which they may be completely unconscious of, but will become conscious of, must become conscious of, must conquer, advance, and heal. It is a process of purification.

And let’s not kid ourselves, there are not very many people, relatively speaking, who are fully consciously on a Spiritual Path.

Some of these obstacles, some of this Darkness, like I said, can be completely unconscious. Often it has existed for many lifetimes, and it is so inherent and embedded in the individual that they just assume that it is part of reality, part of their paradigm, when in fact it is arbitrary.

It is not real, it is a figment of their imagination, a figment of their experience, a figment of their past life experiences. And part of the process of Spiritual evolution is to become aware of what those things are and transform them so that they no longer represent threats or vulnerabilities.

Like I said before, I have had experiences in the presence of highly evolved beings where my Darkness expressed itself in ways that were completely shocking to me. The Darkness can lash out at, and want to attack, the Light because the Light threatens its existence.

In the presence of Light, the Darkness will no longer exist. It illuminates it and dissolves it.

So yes, the Light is literally a threat to the Darkness, and the Darkness can take on almost a consciousness of its own, and again, we may not be consciously aware of this.

This process is not easy. I have had many, many experiences where my own personal Light has triggered a negative response from others, also in rather shocking ways. I could give many examples of how that has occurred.

So if you are someone who embodies or carries relatively more Light than those in your immediate environment, you can be constantly triggering them and they can react, sometimes in very strange and weird ways, towards you.

And at times, you may ask yourself, “Why do people act this way towards me?” Well that’s one possible explanation.

Your very existence is extremely triggering to those people. It will cause them to do things that even they might ask themselves, “Why do I behave this way in the presence of this person?”

Sometimes, people who carry a lot of Light or more Light, relatively than most people in their experience, sometimes these people have to detach a bit from society and become more reclusive, simply to protect themselves.

Now I’m not encouraging you to become a hermit, but that’s not an uncommon experience.

Again, this notion or belief that we can just bliss out and escape reality or transcend reality is not true, at least in the way many people understand it.

There is a great deal of Darkness here on earth. It pervades many things.

There is Light as well, but the Light does not act aggressively. The Darkness does.

A small example.

At one time, when I was doing a lot of Spiritual practice, and I mean hours and hours a day, I was walking down the street and another pedestrian approached as I was walking down the sidewalk. And just as they passed me, they punched me energetically. They punched me really hard right in the heart chakra.

And I was completely stunned and shaken by this.

The person who passed me by – I have no idea whether they were conscious of this or not – but this really affected me and it affected me for days after.

It’s like their energetic being hated me, just hated me, and whacked me, punched me full force like a sucker punch right in the chest. Bam!

And I wasn’t expecting this at all. I was in a really good mood. I was just smiling.

But it was my state of being that triggered this rage on some level in this person who obviously carried a lot of Darkness.

Another example was once when I walked into a little retail store and I shopped around for a while and then I approached the cash. And as I approached the counter, the girl behind the counter just backed up, just backed away instinctively. And she backed right up to the wall. And even her co-workers kind of looked at her and went like, “What? Why are you doing that?”

I wasn’t projecting any negativity or harm or anything like that towards this person, but I presume it was something similar to what I experienced walking down the street.

So this can occur more subtly in all kinds of ways in the course of our daily life.

If you listen to my last couple episodes as well, that may also be illuminating.

So don’t kid yourself. This is not an easy path to bring Light into the Darkness, and it can manifest in a myriad of ways.

A lot of the nihilism that we’re witnessing in the world right now is a reflection of that. It is because the energies here are being uplifted and people are freaking out. They’re being triggered constantly.

People don’t want to see their Darkness. They fear it. They want to live in the shadows. They do not want to be illuminated.

There’s ignorance, which is just not knowing something, and then there’s willful ignorance, which is a conscious rejection of the Light.

Because the Light is a threat to their identity and persona, at least as they understand it.

They do not yet know that their identity is merely a fabrication. To them, their existence and their identity are one and the same. They do not know that they are Spiritual beings living in a physical body. They think that they are a composite of their thoughts and beliefs and what they’ve been told and what they’ve learned and how other people identify with them. They believe that the Maya or illusion is who they are.

And as we know, the whole process and purpose of Spiritual growth and evolution is to recognize that that is not what we are. That is just a byproduct of being in the third dimension.

I need a trade or a skill to make a living. I have to pay my mortgage. I have duties and responsibilities. I have a place or a status in the community and all that stuff, which is all just, you know, transitory and part of the illusion. But to them, that is their identity.

And when their identity is threatened, they completely freak out. And like I said, in extreme cases, they can react even very violently against the Light.

Self-preservation is one of the strongest instincts of all. It is hardwired into every living thing. So when we feel threatened, no matter on what level, we can respond very forcefully and unconsciously.

And those examples I gave you, those two little examples, walking down the street, being in a store, those are just two of countless examples I could give you. Sometimes people really dislike you and it has nothing to do with your personality.

So what do you do? Well, obviously, you avoid people who are dangerous. That’s just common sense.

Highly evolved beings, when they are in the presence of people, they will often project a tremendous amount of compassion, and people feel that. So it lessens the shock of the Light. It makes people feel comfortable. They know they’re doing this. And people can fall in love with that compassion.

But if they were to shine all of their Light, like I said, it can literally damage people.

I thought I would share that because I don’t think some people really understand the dynamic between Light and Darkness. And it’s critical to understand what is happening in the world right now and why.

Now just to be clear, a couple really important caveats.

As we all know, right now, there is a tremendous amount of delusion in this world. So we have to be careful that we do not confuse the Light with the Darkness.

The Light will always reveal the Darkness and truth. It will not reinforce the Darkness.

It’s typically uncomfortable to recognize the Light or allow it to permeate us and our reality. There can be an awful lot of resistance to it. Not always, but often.

Have you ever noticed sometimes that when you offer assistance to people or insights, they just suddenly disappear and never follow through?

Secondly, I am by no means encouraging people to be overly provocative with their truth, to bludgeon people, or to cause people harm. It is not to be used with force.

If we are unable to discern when we should be compassionate or gentle or keep our mouth shut, we still have a lot to learn.

So again, we should not use our consciousness as a weapon. That is actually Darkness. We’re not like 007 “Licensed to Kill”, right?

So we ask, why am I being attacked for being authentic? And I can tell you this as well, which not many people will say.

I have been attacked, or blocked, in various ways, by many people that you would not think would do such things.

The Darkness often likes to disguise itself as the Light. That is a very hard lesson. So we need to be vigilantly aware and conscious and not easily let our guard down until we verify. Trust but verify. And that applies to me as well.

Often when the Darkness masquerades as the Light, there will be subtle clues, little slips or tells, little actions, little deeds that give it away, where you recognize that it is not authentic.

Now none of us are perfect, myself included. We all screw up. We all make mistakes.

But the differentiating factor is the intent. What is the intent?

Is someone trying to be a good person? Is someone living by the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? It’s really simple.

Most people on the Spiritual Path are going to have a lot of experiences where they are let down, or betrayed, or disillusioned, by people and situations or beliefs or belief systems or institutions or whatever it is.

It is very very hard to mirror higher dimensional reality here in three dimensional reality. It is excruciatingly difficult.

Perfection is extremely elusive and ultimately you’re probably going to find that the only place where you can experience the manifestation of that is through your own inner consciousness and not in the outer world. Our world is full of paradoxes.

This is why Spiritual practice and things like meditation are so important because that is where we can connect with higher dimensional energies.

Directly not through some flawed or fragmented misrepresentation of higher truth, be it an ideology, a religion, a belief system, an intermediary or whatever the case may be.

People that are generally unconscious or low consciousness, tend to be more gullible or vulnerable to manipulation. So often the Darkness will manipulate such people to get at you and that is why it is important to keep good company and to not inadvertently make yourself vulnerable to such influences.

Some people can be shockingly superficial, and self-serving, and judgmental about things they should know better than to be judgmental about. Say for example like your appearance, or your innate mannerisms or character or habits or lifestyle or say you question their fundamental beliefs or assumptions.

Clearly we need to be discerning about who we make ourselves vulnerable to, and I can assure you that this will be a constant challenge on your Spiritual Path. This I believe in particular is grossly underestimated in terms of its impact on you. I regret to say that, but it’s true.

There are certain astrological transits that will bring these kinds of themes to the fore.

It could be Pluto transits, or Neptune transits or transits, through the 12th house, and especially Chiron transits. Like Chiron in aspect to your personal planets or Chiron transiting your first house. You’re going to experience these kinds of things, and most of us will at some point.

Anyway I hope that’s helpful. This is very much off the cuff and I hope I’ve managed to express what I wanted to express adequately and in a way that makes sense.

Mercury is currently still retrograde so fingers crossed.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 15% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon. Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

It’s Happening – The Wheel Turns – Apr 21, 2024

Judgement Is Upon Us – Apr 18, 2024

Hold The Line Against The Darkness – Mar 28, 2024

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split – Feb 28, 2022

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning – Jan 26, 2023

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness – Feb 14, 2022

The Die Has been Cast – June 3, 2023

Drawing Lines – Nov 19, 2023

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #AgeOfAquarius #Spirituality


Judgement Is Upon Us

I describe how it feels like Judgement is Upon Us and what we need to let go of to ease this transition.
This episode was published on April 18, 2024 at 5:00pm EST.

SPECIAL: 15% discount on readings (limited time offer, conditions apply).

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please follow me on Substack.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment, and share astrological updates and links that I find interesting:

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is April 18th, 2024.

It feels like Judgment is Upon Us.

The spectrum between Darkness and Light is a continuum.

At one extreme are those consciously and deliberately aligned with the Darkness. They choose malevolence and self-gratification as a path, denying to themselves that their actions cause harm to others.

The other end of the dark side of the spectrum is characterized by acts or deeds made in ignorance. A part of us always knows we are doing this, though, and they add to our karmic burden of regrets. Neither the weight of Truth or lies can be easily dispelled.

Ultimately, we are all striving for Perfection and nothing less will satisfy us. The older our Soul is, the more we have come and gone, the more we honor this. Maintaining our integrity in all things and in all ways becomes increasingly imperative.

It is the Guiding Light that beckons us to our highest ambition, to reflect the Divine in all of its Purity, Perfection, and Compassion.

As we walk the Spiritual Path, we are constantly tested both by the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light.

The Darkness is easily identified. It is crudely self-evident. It is comically absurd, blatantly hypocritical, illogical, defies facts, reason, and evidence, employs lies, deception, manipulation, and even force or violence. It is parasitic. It takes at others’ expense.

It is self-aggrandizing and self-oriented. It shields itself from Truth by embracing willful ignorance, thus dispelling Light in a self-reinforcing feedback loop. It eats itself.

The Darkness is always tugging at us. It relentlessly seeks out our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It tests our resolve.

The more advanced or powerful we are, the more we are challenged. Will we compromise ourselves?

The Light, on the other hand, never coerces or imposes its will upon us. It allows us to choose our own path. It has no need to employ force. It never seeks to harm us or others. It always aims to uplift. We must call upon it of our own Free Will.

Contrary to what many believe, we are not judged; we judge ourselves. Our failures, flaws, and regrets are our own undoing.

We will tell ourselves that we could have done better, that we should have done better, that we can do better, and we will try again for as long as it takes, even if it takes eternity.

Perfection, to emulate the Divine is our only true ambition.

There may be a handful of humans presently walking this earth that have achieved Perfection Consciousness. Indeed, there may be none. There are many, though, that aspire to it, and I count myself as one.

There are many aspects of our current time that make our hearts heavy. Many are being tested by the Darkness that surrounds us, and many sadly succumb.

As devotees of Truth, this can be gut-wrenching to observe. Having been on the agonizing journey of peeling back layer after layer of ignorance, illusion, and self-deception, we understand the implications. We desire Perfection for All.

We feel empathy for those who lose their way. We know that the further down the path of Darkness one goes, the longer the journey home becomes.

At every turn these days, Darkness is increasingly self-evident. People we expect better from defend and endorse acts of sheer depravity. If not overtly, they do so tacitly.

What was largely suppressed or unspoken now confronts us more and more viscerally. It can’t be ignored. We feel it intensely. When we encounter or observe it, it feels like a gut-punch.

Belligerent ignorance is celebrated. Callousness is weaponized. Lust, greed, and superficiality are worshipped. Unbridled narcissism is a virtue. Injustice and oppression are cravenly rationalized and justified. Brazen and shameless lying has been normalized and is deployed on an industrial scale. Malevolent deception is commonplace. Our most vulnerable are under attack. We are constantly persuaded to deny or ignore what we see with our very own eyes.

People who express compassion are being persecuted. People who value truth and integrity are being prosecuted. People are afraid to question obvious injustices. Darkness and ignorance seems to be sweeping our world. Truth is inverted. Black is white and up is down.

Yet the Golden Rule remains paramount: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

One can’t help but think that Judgment must be upon us. That this is a collective test. That these polarizing times are cleaving us apart. Two separate realities. Two paths.

Hold on to your humanity, your decency, your self-respect, your higher values. Do not cave to the temptation or dismiss the Voice of your Heart, your Truth. Do not be overcome by grief, by the choices others make. The sides being taken, the lines being drawn.

This is the root of much of the grief we are currently experiencing. We have been on a long, almost timeless journey together, but now our paths must diverge. As we part ways, as we bid farewell, some sadness will be felt.

As one journey completes, another commences. We will explore vistas we have never yet seen before or even imagined. It’s there, just over the crest, which we cannot surmount with the burden of darkness that others cling to.

Our destiny softly calls, that voice within us that won’t go away. Being light and nimble is a prerequisite for this passage. To cross this threshold, this summit, we must lay down burdens that are not ours, even if we have carried them for lifetimes.

The time has come, we know this in our hearts. Many will choose to stay where they are, as they are. It is their prerogative, their Free Will. We must let them go their way while we go ours.

When we release ourselves from the grip of regret and sadness at this departure, our journey will quicken.

Do this consciously. Make it a part of your spiritual practice.

Lay down your burdens. They impede the Ascent you have long desired.

Do not judge yourself for this. Cry if you must. Just let it go.

We will all make our way in our own time, and only when we are ready. This is as it should be.

All will be One in the end.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 15% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye for now.

End episode transcript.

Hold The Line Against The Darkness – Mar 28, 2024

The Die Has been Cast – June 3, 2023

Drawing Lines – Nov 19, 2023

The Never-Ending Tragedy of Spineless Complicity – Dec 12, 2023

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #AgeOfAquarius #Spirituality


Hold the Line Against the Darkness

I discuss how we can easily differentiate between forces of Light and Darkness and why we must do so.
This episode was published on March 28, 2024 at 7:04pm EST.

SPECIAL: 20% discount on transit readings for past astrology clients (limited time offer, conditions apply).

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

NEW: Please follow me on Substack.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment, and share astrological updates and links that I find interesting:

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is March 28th, 2024.

The energies lately have been just nuts.

Now I’m sharing this with you because I often find that what I’m experiencing other people have been experiencing as well, and sometimes it’s helpful for us to know that what we’re experiencing or perceiving is not exclusive to us.

As I have said here before, the energies have been extremely intense and fluctuating a lot, but it seems to me that there’s more going on than just that.

I’m aware of course of my own transits, what’s going on for me personally, and what I’m experiencing I don’t think can be entirely explained by my own transits, therefore I think that what’s happening is happening on the collective or mundane level.

I’ve had a really hard time trying to express what I’m experiencing, and have started and stopped many episodes lately, unable to complete them.

On the positive side, I have been completely and unprecedentedly overwhelmed with what I call downloads, and I don’t know when I’m going to get to address all this stuff, but I make lists.

But the energies right now are not really conducive to concentrating. It’s just been very hard. So in time I hope to do that.

One thing that’s been up for me recently though – that I really want to express and felt called to express – is that a lot of this crazy stuff we’re seeing happening in the world right now is really showing us how so many aspects of life, and society, and our economic systems, and political systems, are broken, fundamentally broken. Defunct is the right word.

And I’ve talked a lot about that here before, and in fact predicted that, that is what we would be experiencing, especially with this energy of Pluto in Aquarius, which is unprecedented for anyone who’s alive now. Uranus can just break things.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that people are up in arms about just about everything. That’s not to say that they’re expressing that energy in ways, or directing it towards places that actually deserve it, but there’s no question that there is this energy about breaking things, about tearing down corrupt and defunct structures.

The status quo is no longer a viable option. So we can expect more of that. And again I’ve talked about that here a lot.

Even just environmentally, the evidence is very stark and clear that the way we have been doing things is profoundly wrong and needs to be radically and dramatically transformed. And that will be the case until we do. There’s just absolutely no way of getting around that. I have talked a lot about the implications of the global environmental crisis here on many occasions.

But the important part that I wanted to convey to you today is that change is coming.

Also because I read a lot, I can’t help but notice that there are a lot of karmic comeuppances occurring and that will continue over the next few years for sure.

Lies and deceit and deception are not sustainable. It’s not ethical or moral.

And eventually, karma comes around for those who abuse their power, privilege, authority, wealth or who are promoting disinformation. Karma eventually comes around. It’s always been true.

But things are going to be happening very, very quickly with Pluto and Aquarius. And by quickly, I don’t mean tomorrow. I mean over the coming months and years. And that progress always wins in the long run. So keep that in mind.

The dark side depends on lies, deception, illusion, delusion, manipulation, crimes and criminal activity, coercion. It defies logic and reason, seeks to concentrate power, and is oppressive and punitive, is vengeful and spiteful and narcissistic. It defies truth.

Lies, lying, deception, cheating, stealing are not virtuous. Period.

I think it’s important to state that and to remember that because I keep seeing more and more people starting to fall for deceptive tactics, like they’re falling under a spell. And I often wonder whether this is a test of our character to see who will succumb to the darkness.

So don’t give up. Hold the line. Hold your truth. Truth will win in the end.

There is no room for mass deception, lies, cheating and stealing on a significant scale in the age of Aquarius. Strong chills here. So hold the line.

Willful ignorance is not a valid path unless you are on the dark side. And you’re not. So don’t think for a minute that we’re losing. We’re not. What’s happening is the darkness is being exposed so that we can see it and fix it and do something about it.

The cycle of Pluto and Capricorn is not completely over. Pluto will retrograde back to 29 degrees of Capricorn one more time this fall before it fully settles into Aquarius. So we will be more firmly in that energy at the end of this year and definitely in 2025. Interestingly, that is after the US federal election in November.

So again, hold the line.

I have a couple housekeeping things too that I want to add.

One is that recently I had started posting some little updates about smaller astrological transits on my community tab on YouTube. But I don’t know how many people actually see those and I don’t think that the community tab necessarily alerts people to such things.

So not too long ago, I set myself up on Substack. My handle there is I encourage everyone to please subscribe to me there and follow me there. You can do that for free. I will make these kinds of shorter updates freely available. One of the nice features of Substack is that it will alert you when I post updates. I’ll put a link to that in the episode description or you can find a link to it at my website.

Also, we’re in a really intense period astrologically and I’m offering a 20% discount on transit updates, for clients who have had a reading with me. So if you are one of the many people I have done readings for, check out my website. It’s really helpful to get a lay of the land as to what major transits and progressions are going to be up for you over the coming year.

Forewarned is forearmed. Now that’s a limited time offer so check that out if that interests you. Again, that is for clients that I have already done a reading for.

Another comment is that I published a short not too long ago pointing out how the March 25th eclipse aspected Donald Trump’s natal chart and it looks like he may have pulled a rabbit out of the hat with respect to the judgment that was due on March 25th. I don’t think it’s that simple.

I think that we might find out that there was some hanky-panky going on there or that the ruling that dramatically reduced the amount of money he had to come up with in the short term could get overturned or that the value of truth social was artificially inflated.

Whatever it is, I think that the events that culminated at that eclipse are somehow going to play a role in what I think will be his downfall. So don’t jump to conclusions yet if that’s a matter of concern for you.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 10% off special on currently, as well as 20% off on transit updates for past clients.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me. Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Other episodes referenced in this episode:

Our Paradigm is Literally Untenable and Hardly Anyone will Admit it

Prepare for Major Systemic Changes

The Climate Crisis requires profound societal changes immediately

The Great 2020’s Timeline Split

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness

The Mar 25 Eclipse & Donald Trump’s Civil Fraud Judgement (Short)

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠ ⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #PlutoInAquarius #Spirituality


A Conversation with Cyndy from Soulprint Intuitive Tarot

This episode is derived from a discussion I had with Cyndy from Soulprint Intuitive Tarot on July 4, 2023. We didn’t intend on publishing this conversation but I thought this was worth sharing part of our discussion with my audience.

Please check out Cyndy’s “Soulprint Intuitive Tarot” YouTube channel.

The “Bird’s Eye view” video Cyndy mentioned.

References (my episodes on the 2025-26 time frame Cyndy mentioned):

The Astrology of Mass Delusion: 2011-2026

Uranus square Pluto and Far-Right Extremism: 1930’s and 2010’s

You can support my work and this channel by booking an astrology reading.

Join my YouTube channel to get access to perks. Please try using a computer if you have problems joining on your smartphone.

Please see my sets of Intentions that you can set in your Spiritual practice.

This episode was published on July 11, 2023.

Spirituality #AgeOfAquarius #Psychic

Search for “Aquarian Diary” in your podcast app to find the podcast version of this channel.

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting:

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Purging and Decompression

I discuss the current vacillation of energy and why it is happening.

This relates to the recent ingress of Pluto into the astrological sign of Aquarius, and releasing from the previous astrology of Pluto transiting Capricorn (2008–2024).

This episode was published on February 20, 2024 at 1:55pm EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is February 20th, 2024.

This is just a brief PSA, or Public Service Announcement.

As I have mentioned in recent episodes, we’ve been experiencing a tremendous amount of vacillation of energies. One day the energy is up, the next it’s down.

For me, yesterday was a very high energy day, today is a low energy day.

And I woke this morning with that at the very forefront of my mind.

As I’ve been reflecting on this, my thinking has evolved where I now believe that what’s going on is that we are being hit with waves of energy. There are pulses.

Why would this be?

I think what’s going on is that we’re having waves of the new energy coming in, but at the same time we need to kind of purge the old energies. The up days are the vitalizing energies that are coming in, and the down days are more of the purging energies.

We cannot hold the new energies totally until we have released a lot of the former energies.

If you are familiar with my work, I relate this to the recent shift of Pluto into Aquarius, and the old energy is the Pluto in Capricorn energy.

What’s happening is that we are decompressing. We were compressed during the Pluto in Capricorn cycle from 2008 until recently, and we are being elevated by the Pluto in Aquarius energy which is just commencing.

Again, there is one more period of Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn in the fall of 2024, so the transition will not likely be complete until sometime after then.

There’s a phenomenon in geology called glacial rebound.

Earth’s last glacial period ended about 11 or 12 thousand years ago, and there are still parts of the Earth’s crust that are rebounding from having been under miles of ice for 100,000 years.

This notion came to my mind this morning when I was reflecting on this. The timescale of our shift will be much much faster than that, so don’t panic. It’s just an interesting metaphor.

I noticed yesterday that when the energies were high, there was a lot of laughter. Humor can be very uplifting.

Think some recent episodes by Jon Stewart or John Oliver that kind of went viral in recent days. Very funny. Or former guys’ ridiculous sneakers.

I’ll also include a link to a very funny story from Boing Boing about a couple misguided fundamentalists and their unfortunate experience emigrating to Russia. Setting aside the dangers they may face, it’s really funny.

I’ll put links to those in the episode description.

I’m sharing this because, if it weren’t for my conversations with friends who are experiencing similar vacillations of energies, I might think I was crazy or unhealthy.

But many people I’ve been speaking with are experiencing the very same thing, and I thought it would be helpful for you, my listeners, to receive some validation if you are also experiencing this.

No, it’s not just you.

I’m making this diary entry here because I think it’s important to document this experience that we’re going through collectively.

As usual, I always look forward to your amazing comments and feedback, and I really appreciate it if you share my content or videos with others, as well as of course liking and subscribing to my channel, which really helps me as well.

I have a tremendous well of topics that I will discuss and that I want to produce episodes on, but I’m in a bit of a holding pattern because the energies are shifting so constantly, it feels like the ground moves every day.

The landscape is changing very quickly right now, and I think that’s also a function of this transitional phase we are in.

Again, I do see the fact that we are starting to laugh a lot about the cringeworthy foibles of those who represent the more reactionary elements of this drama. I think that’s a really good sign that things are turning around. Strong chills here.

Peace be with you as we move along this bumpy ride.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 20% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pluto at 29° Capricorn – A Karmic Reckoning

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

Pre-Equinox Astrology — Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries / South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

Links referenced herein:

Jon Stewart on Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview & Trip to Russia | The Daily Show

John Oliver Offers Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas $1 Million a Year to Resign

Anti LGBTQ Canadian expats disappointed in Russia

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment and share links I find interesting.

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #PlutoInAquarius #PlutoInCapricorn


Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

I discuss how we can predict the timing of cycles of growth, versus cycles of contraction, using the fascinating and very informative astrological technique known as Secondary Progressions.

Please note that this in not intended to be an exhaustive tutorial about this application of astrology. Rather, this is merely an introduction to some basic, but very powerful, aspects of Progressions. 
This episode was published on March 7, 2024 at 11:11am EST.

You can support my work and this channel ⁠⁠by booking an astrology reading⁠⁠

Check my “Community Tab” where I comment, and share astrological updates and links that I find interesting:

Please ⁠⁠add yourself to my contact list⁠⁠.

Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.I’m your host, John Irving.

It is March 7th, 2024.

This episode is dedicated to a very interesting aspect of astrology that deals with what is called the Secondary Progressed Lunation Cycle.

That’s quite a mouthful, but let me explain why this is so interesting and why, if you’re studying astrology, this is something you definitely want to know about.

I’m going to be approaching this in as simple terms as I can because it’s very important to understand the fundamentals of how we calculate Secondary Progressions.

This is one of those topics that if you’re a novice and you first look at your Secondary Progressions, it can be a bit confusing because you don’t understand why they are calculated the way that they are.

It’s actually really simple, but in my experience, I haven’t come across a lot of clear explanations as to how it works, and if you don’t understand how it works, it can be a bit confusing at first. I hope to dispel that so that you can take advantage of this knowledge to gain insights into various phases and cycles of your life. So bear with me, I’ll try and keep it as simple as possible.

Also, if you happen to be listening to this by podcast, you’ll almost certainly want to view this on YouTube instead because I have created quite a few graphics that will help us visualize how Secondary Progressions unfold.

This is not a complete tutorial about Secondary Progressions. I’m focused mainly on a few key factors that tend to show up or indicate cycles of life. But once you see how these play out, you can then go on and study this more deeply if you wish to. But what I’m going to provide here today, I think, is very important and very valuable, like I said.

The technical term for this is “Secondary Progressions,” but just for the sake of brevity, from here on in I may simply refer to them as “Progressions.”

In Secondary Progressions, the Sun moves a degree per year. So the math is really simple.

Each sign is 30 degrees and there are 12 Signs. 30 times 12 equals 360 degrees, a circle.

If you’re born at 10 degrees of Aries, at age 10 your Progressed Sun will be at 20 degrees of Aries.

If you’re born at 5 degrees of Scorpio, at age 10 your Progressed Sun will be at 15 degrees of Scorpio. At age 20 your Progressed Sun will be at 25 degrees of Scorpio. At age 30 your Progressed Sun will be at 5 degrees of Sagittarius.

Very simple.

The Moon and the other planets move at different speeds. Let me explain why.

This is where it can get a bit confusing for people. If you take your natal chart and you looked at the transits every day starting from the day you’re born, let’s say that on the 10th day of your life there was a Full Moon. In your Secondary Progressions, that Full Moon would occur in your 10th year of life.

So it’s a year per day. You need to wrap your head around that.

If there’s a New Moon 14 days later, there would be a New Moon in your Progressions at 24 years of life.

So all we’re doing with Secondary Progressions is we’re mapping each day of life from when you’re born to every year of life. So if you looked at the transits on your 30th day of life, it would map to your Progressions in the 30th year of life. That’s the fundamental way that Secondary Progressions work. It’s a pretty cool concept.

Let’s say that the average person lives to be 80 years old. That means that by Secondary Progressions, the Sun will move 80 degrees in the course of that 80 year life.

So if you start out with your Sun in late Sag, your Progressed Sun might end up in Pisces, depending on what degree of Sag you were born in. So it’s really simple from that perspective.

One of the things that I think confuses people about Progressions is that if you have software and you look at your progress chart at a given point in time, the outer planets, like Pluto and Uranus and Neptune, barely move at all. Well that’s because in the first 80 days of your life, those planets just don’t move very much in that amount of time.

Pluto takes about 248 years to go around the zodiac, so it moves very little over the span of 80 days, or 30 days, or whatever it is. Whereas, for example, the Moon has a 28 day cycle, so there could be 2 or 3 Full Moons in the course of a lifetime, or 2 or 3 New Moons.

And maybe Mercury goes retrograde on the 40th day of your life, which would equate to Mercury going retrograde by progression in the 40th year of life.

Do you get it?

Now, there’s other things that occur here as well too, like your midheaven Progresses and your Ascendant Progresses.

And it gets a little more complicated there too because there are several different ways of calculating the Progressed Ascendant that vary by a few degrees, depending on which calculations you use. And the system you’re using to calculate these may or may not have the ability to change which calculations you’re using.

But again, to keep this fairly simple, I want to focus on a couple things.

One is, when the Progressed Sun changes Signs, that usually indicates a fairly significant period of change.

Each sign is 30 degrees. Let’s say you’re born at 10 degrees of Aquarius. At 20 years old, your Progressed Sun moves into Pisces. Very different energies.

What happens is that this is like another dimension of ourselves and when the Progressed Sun changes Signs, we begin to express more of the energies of the sign that the Progressed Sun moves into.

So you’re still in Aquarius but your vibration changes so that you have more Piscean qualities when that occurs. Or if you’re born a Virgo and your Progressed Sun moves into Libra, you will express more Libra type qualities and have experiences that are more Libran. So we’re not static entirely.

The same can be said for the Progressed Moon which moves at a different speed altogether. It moves approximately 13 degrees per year. It spends, on average, about 2.3 years in each sign. Or house, depending on what house system you use. I use whole sign houses so it’s pretty straightforward. If your Progressed Moon moves into Libra, it’s going to be in there for about 2.3 years.

We can also look at what happens if your Progressed Sun, say, conjuncts Saturn or makes an aspect to some other planet or point. In other words, Progressions to points in our natal chart.

And there’s another dimension as well which is transits to our Progressed positions. Or what happens when planets go retrograde. But that is beyond the scope of what I want to get into here today. I want to keep this fairly simple.

The planets that move the most in Secondary Progressions are the faster moving planets or points like the Moon, Mercury, Venus, to a lesser extent Mars, and then when you get into the slower moving planets, like I said, they tend to move very little.

Again I want to keep this fairly simple and try not to confuse people further if I haven’t already.

But let’s just consider the Progressed lunation cycle itself. It goes like this.. Progressed New Moons and Progressed Full Moons tend to mark significant points in life. New Moons, of course, are new beginnings and Full Moons are culminations where cycles or energies reach a maximum.

There’s one thing here too that people need to understand about New Moons. Everybody says that New Moons are times for setting intentions, for example, or new beginnings, planting seeds. But one of the things that’s often not conveyed very clearly, I don’t think, is that New Moons are not necessarily when things start to manifest.

I often describe New Moons as being like Spring where it’s the end of the Winter and a new cycle of growth is about to begin.

But most of the activity, like in nature at that point, is happening beneath the surface. The buds are just about to start coming out. The seeds are underground, about to germinate or starting to germinate. But they haven’t really made themselves evident yet. And that’s kind of like how New Moons manifest.

If you’re a gardener, you’ll be aware of the risks of planting things prematurely. If things go wrong, you can waste a lot of time and money.

New Moons are a bit like The Fool card in the Tarot deck where you’re just open to possibilities and you’re in a bit of a void. You don’t have a lot of detailed expectations. You’re just like an open vessel.

So New Moons are often preceded by periods of endings. It’s the Balsamic phase where one cycle is winding down and coming to a close.

That period is generally not a good time for initiating major new projects or activities because the energy is waning. You haven’t yet come to the New Moon point where new beginnings or the seeds of them get planted. It’s after the New Moon, as the energy gradually begins waxing or increasing, that we start to see things happening.

So the New Moon itself is actually kind of like a period of limbo because we’re just beginning a new journey. But we haven’t actually traveled yet, if that makes sense.

So we need to be aware that the Balsamic phase of the Lunar Cycle is when the energies kind of come internally and very introspectively as we reflect on the past cycle.

Cut our losses sometimes. We’re kind of clearing the decks or going Zen in a way to try and make space for what is to come next. But we don’t yet fully know what’s going to come next.

We have to let go of the past to allow new things to come in and then we start moving forward with more vigor and energy as the Lunar Cycle begins to wax. And again, it will culminate 14 days or 14 years later. 14 days by Lunar Cycles, 14 years by progression cycles.

So it’s very helpful to know where you are in that cycle.

And culminations, like the Full Moon, does not necessarily mean or indicate a period of success. It just indicates a culmination.

You may have spent the previous 14 days, or 14 years, going off on all kinds of different directions, not being clear about where you’re going or why, or being off course. And the culmination is just simply a realization that, well, things didn’t work out the way I expected them to. I didn’t get the results I wanted, I have to try something else. So culmination, or the Full Moon, can be failure or success, or anything in between, depending, right?

So where these New Moons and Full Moons occur, what Signs and what houses are instructive, and what aspects they make to your natal chart. The degree, like if it’s 29 degrees or 0 degrees, the condition of the house ruler, is it forming an eclipse, and so forth?

But it’s very helpful to understand how these cycles are playing out because, especially with Progressions, these are longer cycles.

It’s interesting to note that the Progressed lunation cycle, which is about 28 years, is very close to the Saturn cycle, which is 28-29 years. That’s a fascinating correlation.

But nonetheless, let’s look at some examples, graphically, to help you understand how this can kind of play out in time. And this is a lot to absorb, so you may need to listen to this again.

For some time now, I have been putting transcripts of my episodes on my website. Sometimes our comprehension, or our ability to absorb and retain information, is better when we read versus listen. So some people like to read. If you want to do that, check my website at if that applies to you.

So let’s look at some graphics that will help illustrate this. If you want all the details, they are on the graphics. You can pause and look at them.

It’s going to vary for everybody, depending on your own natal chart, of course. Your Sun may be in a different sign, different house, and so forth. But the same rules will apply, mathematically.

Planetary Directions.
Planetary rotation is counterclockwise except for the Nodes and retrograde planets.

The planets move counterclockwise in astrology, except for the Nodes, which are always retrograde, or moving clockwise. Or planets when they’re retrograde, which is temporary.

Natal Sun Position.
An example astrology chart showing the natal Sun position at birth.

The first graphic shows somebody with a natal Sun at 10 degrees of Pisces. So using a natural house system, their Sun would be in the 12th house. And in this case, their Ascendant is at 12 degrees of Aries.

If you have software, and you want to actually make a chart to compare this to, you can see the birth details in the graphic.

Progressed Sun 0 Aries
The Secondary Progressed Sun enters Aries and the 1st house at age 20.

In the graphic on the screen now, I am demonstrating how, at age 20, the Progressed Sun will be at 0 degrees of Aries. Each sign is 30 degrees, started out at 10 degrees of Pisces. So 20 degrees later, or 20 years later, the Sun will move from Pisces into Aries.

This is a very significant shift, because the Sun is changing Signs. It’s moving from a mutable sign into a cardinal sign, and house in this case. And it’s moving into a sector of the astrology chart that is very self-oriented.

The 12th house is very introverted or introspective. The 1st house is very extroverted and self-oriented, and much more visible.

So this person would probably go through a pretty big shift, where suddenly they become much more self-expressive and assertive, and outwardly active, than they had been for the first 20 years of life.

Progressed Sun Ascendant.
The Secondary Progressed Sun conjuncts the Ascendant at age 32.

The chart on your screen now shows when the Progressed Sun will conjunct the natal Ascendant at 12 degrees of Aries. The Sun started out at 10 degrees of Pisces. At age 20, it crosses 0 degrees of Aries. And then 12 years later, or 12 degrees later, the Progressed Sun will conjunct the natal Ascendant.

This is also a very significant point, because it adds another dimension to this energy of self-expression and self-orientation and self-identity, because the Ascendant degree is very visible to others, and it is the interface between us and other people and the world.

And of course, this will occur at age 32 in this case. 20 degrees of Pisces, 12 degrees of Aries equals 32.

Progressed Sun 0 Taurus.
The Secondary Progressed Sun enters Taurus and the 2nd house at age 50.

Here the Progressed Sun, at age 50, has moved to 0 degrees of Taurus. It’s traveled 20 degrees in Pisces, 30 degrees in Aries, which brings us to 0 degrees of Taurus.

So again, another shift, the person will start experiencing and manifesting more of the qualities of Taurus. At age 50, their resources, which provide them with security and a sense of control over their environment and experience, will become more prominent in their life, and all of the themes that we associate with Taurus will be heightened both in their expression and experience.

Progressed Sun 0 Gemini.
The Secondary Progressed Sun enters Gemini and the 3rd house at age 80.

Thirty years later, the Progressed Sun will enter Gemini at age 80, again, since each sign is 30 degrees.

It will be another 30 years before the Progressed Sun would move into Cancer, which would take them to 110 years old. Most people aren’t going to live that long, but if they did, it would occur at age 110. And again, this is where the themes of Gemini become more prominent in their experience and in their consciousness.

Progressed Sun All.
The Secondary Progressed Sun ingresses and conjunction to the Ascendant.

So you can see how the math of the Progressed Sun is pretty simple to understand. It’s just a question of looking at your own personal chart, establishing the degree of your Sun, and doing some basic one degree per year math to figure out when your Sun is going to change Signs or houses and so forth.

And again, when the Sun moves into different Signs, it tends to mark significant points in our journey of life and what themes are going to be present for us.

Now let’s look at the Lunar Cycle. Again, the same chart with a natal Sun at 10 degrees of Pisces.

Natal Moon.
The natal Sun and Moon positions at birth.

In this case, this individual has a natal Moon at 24 degrees of Scorpio at birth. A Full Moon would have occurred prior to their birth, so they were born in a waning cycle of the Moon. Remember, the planets move counterclockwise around the chart.

Progressed Balsamic Phase.
The Secondary Progressed Balsamic phase commences at age 5 years and 3 months.

Born on February 29, 2016, this individual will enter the Balsamic phase of the Lunar Cycle by progression on May 19, 2021. The Balsamic phase spans 45 degrees.

By this time, the Progressed Sun has moved to 15.5 degrees of Pisces, and we’re calculating the Balsamic phase backwards from there, which brings us to half a degree of Aquarius. So this Balsamic phase will span May 19, 2021 through September 26, 2024.

People that are born under a Balsamic Moon are born into this energy of completion. So they will often have a lot of encounters with people that may be not necessarily permanent that are occurring so that they can clear up karma and clear their slate, so to speak, so that in the next incarnation they can begin a whole new cycle. We need to go through these periodically to, like I said, clear the decks.

So again, people born under a Balsamic Moon can experience a lot of endings in life where you meet people, you have intense experiences, a lot of stuff happens in a fairly short period of time, and then you move on. Because you have other people that you need to clear karma or clear ties with to make room for your future incarnations.

It’s also not uncommon for these people to express an interest in spirituality, again, the turning inwards.

We are finishing up a cycle and a new cycle will commence at the Progressed New Moon where the Moon and the Sun meet, which I will demonstrate now.

Progressed Balsamic Phase.
The first Secondary Progressed New Moon occurs at age 8 years and 7 months.

Here we can see that on September 26th of 2024, this individual will have a Progressed New Moon at 19 degrees of Pisces. The first Progressed New Moon in this case will occur at age 8 years and just under 7 months. So 8 years and 7 months.

This is a significant period of the beginning of new beginnings. Effectively, the beginning of a new 27 or 28 year cycle.

And the condition of this point in time, relative to the natal chart and relative to transits, can inform us a lot about what the nature of this new cycle will be about.

1st Progressed Full Moon.
The first Secondary Progressed Full Moon occurs at age 23.

In this graphic, we can see that the Progressed Full Moon will reach a culmination or a Full Moon when the Moon is 180 degrees opposite of the Progressed Sun. In this case, the Sun at this point has Progressed to 3 degrees 17 minutes of Aries in the first house and the Moon is at the opposite point, which is 3 degrees and 17 minutes of Libra.

The first Progressed Full Moon will occur at just under 23 years from birth and 14 years and 5 months from the Progressed New Moon. As I described before, this is the culmination of what began about 14 years prior at the Progressed New Moon, which occurred at 19 degrees of Pisces in the 12th house.

2nd Progressed New Moon.
The second Secondary Progressed New Moon occurs at age 38.

Here we can see the second Progressed New Moon, which will occur at 18 degrees of Aries on February 18th of 2054 at just under 38 years of age. So a major new cycle begins for this person at about 38 years old, characterized by the qualities of the first house and in this case, Aries. This New Moon was just under 15 years from the Full Moon and about 29 and a half years from the first New Moon.

So in this example we can see how the Progressed Sun moves through the Signs and houses and roughly when and we can see the Progressed lunation cycle playing out over these longer time spans. Again, these indicate fairly significant periods of change in our lives and it’s definitely worth paying attention to these things.

If for example, you’re in a Balsamic phase of the Lunar Cycle by progression, it might not be the best time to go out and take on some huge new project that requires a lot of drive and ambition and some good luck because the energies may actually be waning. It might be better to wait until the Progressed New Moon or after when the energies are flowing more in the direction of growth and expansion.

It’s not to say that we can’t accomplish great things when the Progressed Moon is waning. Like maybe you’re writing a book and you publish it at the New Moon or just after the New Moon and all that time that you spend working on your book and writing and researching is occurring during the waning phase when your world is focused more inwardly. And then you move outwardly into the world when the Progressed Moon is in its waxing cycle. Or maybe during the waning cycle you are reaping the rewards that you generated during the waxing cycle.

There are also opening and closing squares that occur during the lunation cycle. There are a lot of other things I could talk about but due to just the amount of time here, I want to keep this fairly simple.

So do check your Progressions and look for some of these key developments I’ve described here. Pay attention to the lunation cycle and pay attention to the Progressed Sun moving through the Signs making conjunctions to planets in your natal chart and so forth. And watch how those play out, it’s fascinating.

Then you can look at transits to your birth chart over the first 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 days of life to see these patterns unfolding that you can project forward throughout the years.

If you find this is all a bit overwhelming, you can always book a reading with me and I’d be happy to walk through how this is playing out for you personally. As well as of course your transits, your natal astrology and so forth.

Where are you in your Progressed lunation cycle? How have you noticed these kinds of shifts playing out?

Let us know in the comments, other people find your experience valuable and insightful and it can help them understand the phase of life that they’re in and how it might play out for them.

Thanks very much for everything. If you like this content, I’d really appreciate it if you share it with others and I look forward to speaking with you again soon.

Again, for more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 10% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Other episodes:

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #SecondaryProgressions #Progressions


USA Progressed New Moon – March 25, 2024

I discuss the imminent USA Secondary Progressed New Moon which will occur on March 25, 2024. This is a significant astrological event that occurs about every 29 years.

The sign, house and degree of Secondary Progressed lunation events can inform us a lot about what this coming cycle may hold for America.

In this case there is a Lunar Eclipse occurring on the same day followed by a major Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 that makes striking aspects to the USA natal chart, as well as the nations’ ongoing Chiron Return.

This episode was published on YouTube on March 16, 2024 at 10:46pm ADT.

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Episode transcript:

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary. I’m your host, John Irving.

It is March 16th, 2024.

There are two versions of this episode. One is short, it’s an executive summary. This is the long version where I go into a lot more detail.

If you don’t have a lot of time or aren’t interested in a lot of detail, you may prefer the shorter version. It has the word “Summary” in the title. And of course, I’ll link that in the episode description.

Today, I want to talk about something that I think is very interesting. I actually noticed this a couple months ago, believe it or not. But I had to make a whole episode explaining some of the basics of Progressions because I felt like some of my listeners may not have a full understanding of how they work.

And it takes quite a bit of effort to produce an episode like this because there’s a lot of graphics and a tremendous amount of calculations that I have to double and triple check. And even then, I’m not entirely sure that I don’t make a typographical error or something, but I try not to.

So in between my other episodes, I’ve been working on this. And I want to present that here to you today.

I strongly encourage you to watch that episode, by the way. It was published on March 7th of 2024 and it is titled “Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions.” That’s a good primer on how some of these secondary progressed lunation events unfold and occur.

As usual, I will be putting links in the episode description to related episodes. So you can find a link to it there.

Also, again, there will be quite a few important graphics in this episode. So if you happen to be listening to this by podcast, you probably want to watch this on YouTube instead. It’s hard to conceptualize this without visual aids.

The USA Secondary Progressed New Moon occurs on March 25, 2024 at 19° 26′ Pisces.

So what I noticed quite some time ago was that on March 25th of 2024, that’s about two weeks from now, the United States of America has a Secondary Progressed New Moon occurring in the fourth house at 19 degrees and 26 minutes of Pisces. This is a very important event, as I described in my primer on this topic.

Most New Moons mark the beginnings of new 28-29 year cycles and they occur in different signs and different houses through the zodiac. As far as I’m aware, I haven’t seen anybody talk about this, and I think it’s quite notable given the political and social environment in the United States right now. It’s something we should pay attention to.

As I mentioned in my previous episode, I may just refer to Secondary Progressions as “Progressions” for the sake of brevity.

Now I am using what is known as the Sibly chart for the United States of America based on a birth date of July 4th, 1776 at 5:10 pm LMT in Philadelphia. There are a few charts that people use for the United States, but this is the most commonly used one and it is used by many top astrologers.

We can make and study astrology charts for organizations, institutions, corporations, or any entity that we can define an inception date for.

A couple years ago, I did a whole episode on the USA Pluto return, and as far as I’m concerned, if we look at what’s been happening in the United States in recent years politically and socially, it’s pretty much irrefutable that that relates to the USA Pluto return, which is a very rare transit, and that to me makes a very compelling case for the accuracy or near-accuracy of the Sibly chart. If we’re objective about it, it’s very hard to dispute. The recent political tumult is completely unprecedented historically. There is no analog for it, not unless you go back to the Civil War itself.

Also, on the morning of 9/11, transiting Pluto was exact within 17 minutes – that’s minutes, not degrees – of the US natal Ascendant in the Sibly chart at 12° 21’ of Sagittarius. That is dramatically precise.

I don’t have time to cover how this might play out or not using the various birth times that are available. Not only would that be very time-consuming, it would be very confusing. So I’m setting that issue aside. Again, many of the leading astrologers use this chart. And the timing of the USA Pluto return validates it.

I also looked up the Sabian symbol for 19-20 degrees of Pisces, where this progressed New Moon is occurring, which reads “A Table Set for an Evening Meal.”

That’s very interesting because it plays into this theme of the fourth house and the people. It’s like a gathering, the family coming together. It’s a period of harmony. It’s a period of people setting aside their worries and cares and coming together to enjoy the fruit of their efforts. It’s the preparation and anticipation for a coming together that will occur very soon, where people set aside their differences. So it sets a very evocative image for this degree that I think is quite relevant.

In my previous episode, I discussed the Balsamic phase of this cycle and how that plays out, and I’m not going to explain all that here again.

The USA Secondary Progressed Balsamic Moon phase commenced on November 28, 2020.

In this case, I calculated that the Balsamic phase of this progressed lunation cycle began November 28th of 2020, and of course it will end at the New Moon on March 25th of this year. So it has spent 3 years, 3 months, and 26 days in the Balsamic phase.

I find this particularly interesting given all of the challenges that have come up in recent years in America, politically and socially. Because the Balsamic phase is really a phase of endings, where there’s kind of a turning inwards. The energy is cycling down in preparation for the New Moon, which will occur in a couple of weeks, and then the energy starts to cycle up. So we’re going from a period of retrenchment into the beginning of a period of growth.

It’s also interesting that this is occurring in the fourth house, because the fourth house in mundane astrology, or the astrology of nations or worldly affairs, which is a little different than it is for personal astrology charts, the fourth house represents the people and the mood of the people.

The USA Sibly Natal chart highlighting a prominent square between Mars and Neptune.

In the US Sibly chart, there’s a very prominent square between Mars and Neptune. Neptune rules the fourth house. This aspect can lead to acts of aggression, violence, or even war that is not based in reality, or that is based in delusion, or that is somehow misguided. That needs to be kept in mind when considering the US fourth house.

So there’s a lot of people on both the right and the left politically who are dissatisfied with the status quo. They’re unhappy with the way things are, the old ways are not working. Pretty much everybody is unhappy about something, and in some cases it’s quite extreme.

Even with the election that’s coming up, people are unhappy with all of the candidates or prospects for the presidency. Of course, there are some people who support the current candidates, but pretty much everyone agrees, they’re not perfect.

It’s also really interesting to note that the January 6th, 2021 insurrection in Washington DC occurred about 5 weeks after the progressed Balsamic moon phase commenced. I just find the timing of that so interesting. And there’s been a lot of focus on this whole question of the 2020 election and that’s still playing out now.

And of course, Joe Biden was elected on November 3rd of 2020, just before the Balsamic phase technically began, but we’re so close. We’re into that waning energy of that moon phase. So it’s no wonder people are upset and unhappy about the way things are.

Again, for more detail about how these phases work, see my previous episode, which is a bit of a tutorial about the basic aspects of this.

So like I said, during the Balsamic phase, it’s not a period of growth, it’s a period of turning inwards and it can be very frustrating because it’s hard to express your energies during this cycle if you try and start or create or build new things during this phase. It’s a bit like swimming upstream because the energy is flowing the other way. But that should start to flip around come March 25th of this year.

I also calculate that after the progressed New Moon, the moon will progress to the first degree of Aries on December 5th of this year. So the fifth house is a lighter energy generally and more expressive and creative energy than the fourth. Although the US fifth house is fiery, it’s generally a more creative and expressive energy. So December 5th may represent a shift into a bit more of a fun or lighter side of self-expression.

One of the things that has been very prominent during this period in America has been this grievance and a desire to go back to some mythical past that never really existed. You know, that is kind of fourth house stuff for the people.

Also, there’s been many issues around housing and housing affordability, and a lot of people have moved. And we had all of the effects of what happened during the pandemic when a lot of people had to stay at home, which led to all kinds of unhappiness around, you know, social issues and social lives and loneliness and disruption in our communities and the way we lived and the way we worked and a lot of people started working from home. Again, all fourth house issues. Think about it.

And, you know, people have been experiencing insurance rates going through the roof, and being displaced by extreme weather events, and dealing with all of that kind of stuff. And dealing with inflation, which has really increased people’s expenses and they haven’t been able to entertain themselves or travel as much in the same ways that they used to, trapped at home in many respects. And people spent a lot more time connecting with people in their immediate family environment.

I could go on and on about how this has expressed itself and the grievances that it’s fueled. There’s kind of a rage at the economic and political systems just because people haven’t liked what they’ve been going through.

And I know what that’s like when you go through the Balsamic phase of the secondary progressed lunation cycle. It can feel like you’re swimming upstream, like I said, and you get exhausted.

The beginning of the ending of that should be occurring in a couple weeks. So again, good news.

Now I made many calculations, which I will display on the screen in graphic form for you.

And, of course, all of this is based on my astrology software, and I am presuming that the ephemeris within it and its calculations are accurate. I don’t have a reason to suspect they’re not, but I just want to offer that disclaimer. I have come across an awful lot of inaccurate figures on the “interweb”.

I thought it would be interesting to look at the time periods when the United States Secondary Progressed Sun ingressed into various signs. Because as I explained in my previous episode, those have an effect on us and what we experience and express.

It’s kind of like we’re swimming in this energy without even really fully being aware of it for the most part, and it has an effect on us by sign and by house, and these cycles last for 30 years. The Progressed Sun moves a degree per year.

The USA Secondary Progressed Sun ingresses by sign and house from 1886 through 2034.

So I went back all the way to 1886 when the Progressed Sun entered Scorpio.

In 1916, the Progressed Sun entered Sagittarius, which is the first house, very different energy from the 12th, and very different energy from Scorpio.

Of course, you’re probably wondering about the Great Depression, which occurred while the Progressed Sun was transiting Sagittarius and the first house. There were a few notable transits that occurred around this time that may relate. Transits, not Progressions.

One was that Saturn first ingressed into Capricorn, the second house, in March of 1929. It then retrograded back into Sagittarius. It then resumed a more permanent transit of the second house at the end of November of 1929.

From the second house, Saturn would oppose the natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury of the United States in the 8th house. It would square the natal Saturn in the 11th.

Meanwhile, Pluto was transiting Cancer and would hit all of those personal planets. And Neptune began a rather long stay in the 10th house of the Sibly chart.

Another interesting thing, and this is by no means an exhaustive study of this topic, it’s just for your brief entertainment.

The Solar Arc Moon at 27-28° Cancer opposed the natal Pluto in Capricorn exactly on October 6th, 1929. The infamous Wall Street Crash started in September of that year and ended in mid-November. So this solar arc was smack dab in the middle of that. Precisely exact within days or weeks.

Why is that special? Well, that solar arc can only occur once every 360 years. Yes, I said 360 years. That’s why. So do the odds on that.

One more comment on this. The next sign from the 2nd house of the United States Sibly chart is Aquarius where America’s Moon is positioned. Saturn transiting the Moon sign can be very challenging. So the whole time Saturn was in Capricorn, the 2nd house, and then the 3rd house, the Moon sign, and then the 4th house after the 3rd, that’s a difficult period for sure. The Great Depression would last until 1939.

I just took a really quick look at this. Like I said, it’s not exhaustive at all.

Another little interesting side note here. This 3rd house Moon in Aquarius, I think, can explain some of the peculiar contrarianism we see in American culture. This is like somebody who disagrees with the status quo or conventional wisdom just for the sake of being different. It’s like “I don’t care what anyone says, nobody’s going to tell me what to think or say” even if by doing so they reject logic or objective evidence. Hence, things like conspiracism or casual rejection of authorities or mainstream media. But I digress.

In 1945, the Progressed Sun moved into Capricorn and the 2nd house. And if you think about it, this is post-World War II and the United States went through a huge growth spurt economically because it wasn’t damaged nearly as much as most of Europe after the Second World War. And it had all of its infrastructure, factories, and everything else running full tilt. And you know, this is the period, effectively, of the baby boomers, when all the soldiers return and everybody started having kids. And it led to a huge period of prosperity and growth economically that would last for many years. This occurred, of course, while the Progressed Sun was in the 2nd house, which rules money and real estate and things like that. Very interesting to note that.

The next shift, 30 years later, was in 1975 when the Progressed Sun moved into Aquarius in the 3rd house up until 2004. And if we really think about it, this is when computing technology, pagers, cell phones, personal computers, and internet technology really took hold was during this period. And the United States was leading the charge in this technology.

Aquarius governs technology and the 3rd house deals with communications and information technology, in other words. So wow, right? Very, very interesting.

In late 2004, the Progressed Sun moved into Pisces. This is the area of the chart that deals with the people in mundane astrology and in personal astrology it deals with your literal home and home environment.

And I would not be surprised that if we looked back to this point in time, around 2004, that that wasn’t really the beginning of the shift of a lot of the social and political division in the United States. Because people have a lot of different ideas about what it means to be an American and to live an American life. Is it the urban people? Is it the rural people? And things like home ownership, the proverbial white picket fence America, is that dream alive or not?

And again, later on in this period, the Progressed Moon will enter its Balsamic phase. So this is a closing energy.

And more than just our home and home environment, the 4th house represents our roots. Like on a psychic or spiritual level, it can represent our lineage and our past and our ancestors. So there’s a lot of karmic stuff going on really deep down inside in that area that is just enormous in scope. That’s way too much for me to get into here now. But I find this very interesting, the timing of this.

The Progressed Sun itself will not move into the 5th house until late 2034. However, it’s important to note as well, which I’m going to get into in a minute, what’s going on with a lunar aspect of this cycle, which is again a 28-29 year cycle that’s overlapping these Progressed Sun cycles.

The 5th house is generally a very creative and fun house. It’s the most fun house of the zodiac. It deals with creativity, self-expression, children. It’s a heart-based energy.

Whereas the 4th house is ruled by the Moon. The Moon shifts very quickly in our daily lives. It goes through a cycle every 28 days. So people who have strongly placed Moons in their natal charts, for example – just to illustrate a point – can go through fairly rapid mood shifts. They can be quite moody.

So again, it’s not unsurprising to witness the kinds of trends we’ve been experiencing while the Progressed Sun has been going through the United States’ 4th house. It’s a feeling-based thing. This is why a lot of what we’ve been seeing appears to be irrational.

All the conspiracy theories, people pursuing paths politically, for example, that are actually nihilistic or undermining of their own interests because people are being motivated by their feelings around these kinds of things. It’s not entirely rational and we just have to accept that. That’s the way it is.

Everybody has emotions and feelings and they’re playing out for everyone to see. And we’ve been struggling to understand them from an intellectual or rational perspective and we can’t.

One of the things that people don’t realize is that if you don’t have a solid foundation, you know, like for example, there’s a huge homelessness problem, Balsamic phase in the 4th house, you can’t have a strong career, 10th house, the opposite sign, in the opposite house. Because you can’t hold down a good job if you’re living in a cardboard shack, right? Obviously.

So, the country has been experiencing a lot of social disruption, including things like the opioid and drug crisis that has been plaguing society and there have been homeless encampments all over the place. Very Neptunian. But America will be dealing with these kinds of issues probably all the way through 2034 to some degree.

Again, I’m a bit frustrated because there’s so much I could talk about here, but I don’t want to overwhelm people with data.

So, I also calculated the progressed New Moons and the progressed Full Moons going back to 1905.

The USA Secondary Progressed New Moons from 1905 through 2024.

The USA Secondary Progressed Full Moons from 1920 through 2038.

There was a progressed New Moon in December 1905 in Scorpio in the 12th house.

There was a Full Moon in February 1920 in Gemini in the 7th house.

The next New Moon was August of 1935 in Sagittarius in the 1st. An interesting note here is that Roosevelt’s New Deal with America was implemented between 1933 and 1938. Again, this progressed New Moon occurred in August of 1935, right in the middle of that and in the 1st house. So that’s like a new definition of who we are. We’re going to change our identity fundamentally. Very interesting.

The next Full Moon was in August of 1949 in the 8th house. Very interestingly, this one was conjunct the United States Venus and Jupiter. Harry Truman unveiled his Fair Deal program. The treaty creating NATO occurred. And the cornerstone of the United Nations headquarters was laid.

This was after World War II, of course. And this Full Moon conjunct the natal Venus and Jupiter of the United States in the 8th house, which also deals with things like banking and money. This was a period of huge prosperity and abundance and growth for America. This is the period that everyone wants to relive.

That may never happen again, but I think this very interesting Full Moon in August of 1949 illustrates that quite clearly.

The next New Moon occurred in 1965 in Capricorn in the 2nd house. 1965. This is during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. There was this huge counter-cultural movement that emerged around this time that asked a lot of fundamental questions about values.

And the second house can govern our values and our connection with our lives. You know, a lot of people rejected the modern ways of living and wanted to do things like live communally and live off the land and all that kind of stuff. Fascinating.

The events of the mid-1960s, I think, are still being played out socially. It was also a period of a lot of social justice issues coming to the fore as well. The war in Vietnam, voting rights, racial issues being addressed, feminism, all these kinds of things. Absolutely fascinating. The timing of this progressed New Moon of the United States in early 1965.

The next Full Moon occurred in April of 1979 in the 9th in Leo. This would have marked a culmination. And again, it was after this that we got Reaganism and all of that kind of political doctrine came to the fore in the 1980s, as well as religious groups becoming politically active during this time. The 9th house deals with international things and higher education and the law, as well as religion and philosophy.

The next New Moon was in October of 1994 in Aquarius in the 3rd house. And 1994 was when technology and the internet and stuff was really starting to take off and very soon afterwards would completely change the world. This is before the dot-com crash, when the stock market started to go crazy over technology stocks and the prospects of what this technology would do for society. And it was a very exciting period. And that was October 1994, a progressed New Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd house, which deals with technology and communications.

The next Full Moon occurred in Virgo in the 10th on December 24th, 2008, less than two months after President Obama was elected. We all know about this, right? This was the 2007-2008 financial crisis, which almost brought the world into a Great Depression. And the US government had to bail out the banks. There was a huge banking crisis.

Millions of people’s properties were affected tremendously. A lot of people lost their homes. And this was the culmination of that energy. The energy would begin to wane after that. So it’s like there was a huge bubble. This Full Moon represented a huge bubble. And of course, the opposing sun was in the 4th house, which represents the people and their living conditions.

The next progressed New Moon is the one that will occur in a couple weeks on March 25th in Pisces. And I’ve already kind of talked about how that’s going to play out.

This New Moon will culminate in a Full Moon in September of 2038 in Libra in the 11th house. This is the house that deals with society. And our hopes and dreams. This one is quite close to the US Midheaven. So it would be interesting to see how that plays out.

But the 11th house, which is the house of Aquarius by default, deals with groups and organizations, our hopes and dreams, social issues, social justice causes, activities and interests that seek or aim to improve the betterment of society, in which case society means everybody, not just the people at the top. And it can also refer to legislation or legislators that govern the country.

So I could have gone into a phenomenal amount of detail. You could actually do a whole episode on each one of these events. But I wanted this to be reasonably long, and I didn’t want to overwhelm people with information.

What you can do is you can look at the graphics on the screen, contemplate the timing of these events, the Progressed Sun shifting through the signs and houses, the Progressed New Moons, the progressed Full Moons, and draw any conclusions you may from that as it unfolds.

Another thing is that there are many aspects that occur at these events, which for the most part I am not getting into because you could literally talk about all this stuff for hours and hours. Anybody who has had a reading with me will know that I can talk about these kinds of things in a meaningful way for a very long time. There’s so much you can mine from these kinds of things. But this is already very long to begin with.

The USA Sibly astrology chart featuring the March 25, 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 5° 07′ Libra.

Remarkably, on the very same day as the Secondary Progressed New Moon, there is also an eclipse occurring at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra. That eclipse is within 4 degrees of the US Midheaven.

It is trining the South Node and sextiling the North Node. That’s pretty cool. It suggests a fated component to this.

It is also squaring the United States Jupiter and Venus in the 8th house in Cancer. Jupiter represents growth and optimism, good luck and good fortune, good foreign trade relations and treaties, as well as the clergy and religion.

And of course, Venus often represents money, nice things, and prosperity as well in many ways. And pleasure and the arts and love and diplomacy.

So around March 25th, this eclipse could represent some kind of sudden challenge to those aspects of the country.

With all that energy in the 8th house and its proximity to the Midheaven, it wouldn’t be surprising if this manifests financially, like in terms of banking. Like there could be some kind of a crisis in the banking system or some of the smaller banks or something like that, or investment funds, hedge funds. I mean, there’s certain people who are speculating that there’s commercial real estate bubbles, that there’s residential real estate bubbles, or it could be insurance companies, or something financially related.

I would not be surprised if around this time, especially because the New Moon is just about to occur, this is the very end of the Balsamic phase, in the 4th house, which deals with home and people, that there is something fairly significant that occurs that is a concern for the general population.

The USA Sibly astrology chart featuring the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse at 19° 24′ Aries.

On April 8th of 2024, there is a solar eclipse at 19° 24’ Aries.

This one is even more notable because at that time, Chiron is at 19° 24’ of Aries as well. Like this is stunning.

So just to be clear, transiting Sun, Moon, and Chiron at exactly the same degree, Sun and Moon forming an eclipse because they’re very close to the North Node.

This eclipse is also passing right over America. You get that?

Transiting Chiron, transiting Sun, transiting Moon, all in an alignment, or conjuncting.

But it gets even crazier because the eclipse and Chiron are within less than a degree of the United States’ natal Chiron. That is crazy.

Chiron, as I have talked about here before, deals with our wounding, wounding that is often unconscious, but it operates in a way that it affects our experience and our reality. And it usually relates to things that occurred in our early childhood.

You know, like your father shot your pony, or one of your parents passed away at a young age, or you were rejected at school, or bullied, or things like that. You didn’t feel accepted, or that you were safe, or that you fit in.

The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse path of totality over Eastern North America.

So this Chiron, natally at 20 degrees of Aries, is the Chiron for the country of the United States. And it is going to be basically body slammed by this eclipse and the Chiron return which are happening at the same time.

The USA Chiron return is within a very tight orb from about May of 2023 through April of 2025.

If all that wasn’t bad enough, at the time of this eclipse, Mars and Saturn are conjunct within just over a degree, at 13-14 degrees of Pisces.

This is one of the most frustrating transits. It can really provoke anger and even rage. Mars feels stymied and blocked, typically by some outside force, agency, or authority that Mars cannot escape or control. Mars likes to do its own thing whenever it wants, and when it can’t, it can seethe and lash out in frustration and resentment. This transit usually only lasts a few days, but the fact that it’s occurring on the day of the eclipse is not a good omen.

By the way, if you personally have any significant points or planets around 19 degrees of Aries, you’ll want to pay attention to this eclipse, what aspects it’s making, and what house it’s occurring in.

Generally, it’s believed that countries or areas where this eclipse is visible are most affected by this, and this one definitely is affecting the United States.

So Aries is the masculine energy where this is occurring, right? It’s the thing that gets you going, it’s what moves you. Aries likes to start things, it doesn’t like to sit still, it likes to act, it can sometimes suffer from foot-in-mouth disease where it speaks before thinking. So in other words, it acts before it thinks.

And the lower expressions can also be things like combativeness, overly assertive, overly aggressive, and even in extreme cases, hostility and war, because it’s ruled by Mars, the god of war. So there’s positive and negative expressions to this, but those would be some of the more negative ones.

With Chiron and Aries, there is woundedness around those kinds of energies. So one is afraid to act because maybe they were criticized for acting that way when they were young, or penalized for expressing their Mars or Aries-type energy. In other words, they feel inhibited about expressing their true self, or their unique creativity, like maybe they felt judged for something they made and other people rejected it.

So sometimes people can withhold the expression of themselves, or they can overcompensate by trying too hard to get people to recognize and acknowledge their unique self or creativity. So it might be like someone who just tries too hard to make an impression, which is a turn-off in and of itself, but it’s motivated by this core weakness, or wounding, or insecurity about just being themselves. I hope that makes sense.

There’s a component to that in the United States as a country. Every country would have Chiron somewhere.

And if people don’t proactively address this by doing things like shadow work, it’ll come out in all kinds of really weird ways. Like someone will be like really inappropriately assertive or aggressive. In ways that actually undermine them, because they don’t know how to work with the wounding.

Or they’ll just get triggered a lot. Either they shut themselves down, or they, like I said, try and overcompensate. And in either case, it’s not a healthy outcome. So that kind of wounding is going to be really brought to the fore. Or there could be a new wounding event that occurs that triggers a Chironic response. Chiron feels rejected and not accepted for who they are. That’s the mentality that’s present here.

The USA Sibly chart Chiron Return, within a 2° orb, spans May 2023 through March 2025.

And the Chiron return itself is a general fairly long period when the wounding of the nation comes to the fore and is put in your face. And there’s nothing you can do about this.

When you go through your Chiron return, you’re just going to have all this stuff from your subconscious that relates to your own personal wounding come to the surface, either emotionally or psychologically, or in your experience, the outer world will trigger or mirror your wounding. Things will happen to you that make you feel worthless or insecure or lacking in confidence.

It’s the “woe is me” kind of thing, where everyone is beating you up or bullying you. It feels like that kind of energy where you’re just being rejected, not accepted, not loved, not appreciated. You can’t just be yourself. And you go into this cycle of just feeling like there’s nothing that you can do.

Again, this is all psychology and wounding. And in a chart for a country like this, we’re talking about stuff that could go back generations, if not to the founding of the country.

And we all know what the US was founded on. It was founded just before the Civil War, effectively, in many ways. So that is the kind of stuff that is probably going to be coming to the surface in a big way.

And it still is if we look at social and political things that are occurring presently in the United States. It’s like all that stuff that was never really fully resolved after the Civil War is still lingering out there in people’s consciousness and is playing out in political battles right now in front of our eyes.

So with major Chiron transits like a Chiron return, you can go through a period where there’s a lot of sadness and grief because you have to process and feel that wounding. It’s like a time when you can’t really repress it or just ignore it.

So this is kind of like the shadow of the United States on a very deep subconscious, unconscious lineage kind of historical level. And again, with the eclipse occurring on that Chiron, wow, this could be really intense. Like something major could come up or shocking could occur that triggers that.

Also in Aries, there’s the potential for violent action. So be aware of that.

Mercury is retrograde at this point and it’s within five degrees of this eclipse as well. So this brings in the mental and communication aspects of these kinds of things. And retrogrades are generally about looking backwards. So that has to be considered as well.

So I’ll leave it there for now.

Astrology nerds right now are probably pulling their hair out. But you didn’t mention this? What about that aspect? Or this historical event? Well again, I’ve covered over a hundred years of history here and obviously I can’t cover everything in a few minutes, much less a few hours. Whole books could be written on some of these developments.

My main point was just to give a very high level overview of how Progressions can play out for a country like the United States and also of course point out the significance of this Progressed New Moon on March 25th, 2024.

I will document any corrections or errors that emerge on my errata page at as usual.

It takes a lot of time to create this kind of content and I would appreciate it if you share this with others who you think may find this interesting.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 10% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.

Related episodes:

Timing Cycles of Life with Secondary Progressions – Astrology

Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

#Astrology #Eclipse2024 #USANewMoon


Battleground Earth and Healing Trauma – Spiritual Healing

I discuss how we perpetuate trauma, and how it affects us in profound ways that many people do not yet fully understand or appreciate. This manifests both personally and collectively, and over significant time spans involving multiple incarnations.
This episode was published on March 3, 2024 at 2:54pm EST.

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Episode transcript.

Greetings all, welcome to Aquarian Diary.

I’m your host, John Irving.

It is March 3rd, 2024.

Today I want to share something that I think is extremely important, and I hope you’ll listen to this in its entirety. It has really significant implications, not just for us as individuals, but for all of us here on Earth, and not just in this lifetime, but in future lifetimes as well.

Before I do that though, I want to circle back to an episode I published on February 12th, which was titled “Mars, Pluto, and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine.”

After I published that episode, I was of course curious to see how that might play out in the world, and for several days after, I was paying attention to the news.

After some reflection and a lot of reporting on this topic, I think one of the main manifestations of that was the Alabama Supreme Court ruling on in vitro fertilization.

That ruling was made public on February 16th, the very day that Venus and Pluto conjuncted in early Aquarius.

The implications of this ruling could literally alter the outcome of the November United States presidential election, and it has very significant implications for women.

If an embryo is a person, and someone who is pregnant has a mishap, like an accident or something, that causes her to have a miscarriage, is that murder? Also, abortion could be murder.

If an embryo is a human being, are women going to have to be locked up for 9 months so that they won’t commit murder by accident? The implications are just stunning.

Our actual birthdays might be 9 months earlier than we think. Does the voting age need to be reduced by 9 months? I mean, you can go on and on and on.

So this represents an attack on women at a very fundamental level, which would criminalize (Mars and Pluto) many aspects of what to date has been fairly normal or accepted behavior.

And although many Republicans have been stating that they support IVF, the question of whether an embryo is a human being or not, from their perspective, has still not been clearly defined or articulated.

The upside to this is that this is the kind of thing that could trigger women to get out and vote in very significant numbers in November, because this affects them very personally.

Anyway, given the stunning ramifications of that, and how closely it reflects the narrative of this triple conjunction, as well as the timing of it, which is amazingly precise, I think that’s the major development.

There were others, of course, too, but that one really jumps out.

What do you think? Is that it? Or are there other events you would point to? How did this show up for you? Let us know in the comments, which I always look forward to.

Now on to the main topic.

There’s a lot I want to express here.

It’s going to be challenging for me to convey all my thoughts, because this is not scripted. And I have so many thoughts on this topic, I just hope I can manage. I hope I can do a decent job.

Recently, someone that I have known for over 20 years passed away. It was sudden and unexpected.

This occurred this past week, but I only found out about it on Friday, because they lived in another part of the country.

And it’s someone I stayed in touch with. This person was a bit older than me, they weren’t young.

And that’s all good, I’ve communicated with a lot of mutual friends and connected with some people to inform them. And it’s all under control. Don’t worry about commenting on that.

The important part of it, though, is that I looked at this person’s transits, and sure enough, at exactly the time of his passing, there was a very notable transit that was exact that I would associate with this event.

And not only that, but this transit is linked to another challenging aspect from Saturn seven and a half years ago.

The transit in question was a conjunction. The transit seven and a half years ago was a square, of course.

I was there and involved with some very dramatic and life-changing events, a major crisis that occurred in this person’s life seven and a half years ago, during the square.

This person had really been there for me when I went through a very challenging period, and in many ways was very generous and kind to me. So when he had major things hitting the fan, I was there for him. I was the last person to help him deal with a very challenging situation.

Where am I going with all this?

In my perspective, this person never fully recovered from those very traumatic and life-altering events that occurred seven and a half years ago, which ultimately led to his passing seven and a half years later, or last week. It’s very, very clear.

And just so you don’t freak out, there wasn’t just one aspect in play this past week. It was a combination of transits and aspects that combined resulted in his passing.

Now I could say in fact that this outcome was fated. It was his time to go. He had lived out his karma, and I’m getting strong chills saying that right now. So I guess that’s true. I was speculating, but now I’m getting reinforcement.

The point of all this is that really traumatic events can play out for years and take a very heavy toll on us. Anybody who has suffered serious trauma, or the passing of a loved one, or some crisis, or some really challenging event in their life, will understand this. It’s just common sense.

But trauma plays out for us collectively as well. Right now, there are horrific events occurring in Ukraine and in the Middle East. Just really disturbing, unimaginable levels of suffering and trauma are being inflicted on millions of people. And those are just two of the things that are going on right now.

There are people experiencing extreme poverty, or the effects of drug addiction, or whatever it is, in our societies around the world.

Now I know, as an astrologer, that trauma doesn’t just affect us in this lifetime. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings or misconceptions, or just plain ignorance, that affects humanity as a whole. For the most part, we are completely clueless about how trauma plays out for multiple lifetimes.

I see this all the time in people’s astrology charts. The indicators are right there, often. And when I do readings for people, I will generally talk about that and give people some practical suggestions on how to work with that, so that they don’t perpetuate it.

Because what happens is, if you had something really traumatic happen three lifetimes ago, it’s still imprinted in you energetically. You have a natural kind of fear response, or a vulnerability to that kind of experience. And often that will show up in our current incarnation. And if we don’t work through that and heal it, it’ll show up in future incarnations as well.

So healing our trauma is incredibly important. Like monumentally important.

Again, this is in the vein of doing our shadow work, which I have long argued here is a critical part of our spiritual path and evolution.

To take that upon ourselves consciously, to deliberately work with it, heal it and transform it, and again I’m getting very strong energy right now, this has to be a part of our spiritual practice for those of us who are more aware or advanced. Because we do not want to keep perpetuating these cycles.

Usually the people that are closest to us, that’s like your family and your siblings, your relatives, people that you get married to or have intense relationships with or intense encounters with, these are the people that you have the most amount of karma with. And you came back together to resolve that.

Emotional events or formative events that affect you deeply on an emotional level, especially in your childhood, are often described by your placement of Chiron.

Most people kind of avoid this because they’re seeking bliss and happiness. They don’t want to delve into the murkier, darker aspects of themselves. But ask anybody who works as a healer in the spiritual community and they will understand exactly what I’m talking about. They work with this on all kinds of different levels.

It can be physical, it can be in your chakras, it can be energetic, it can be working with angels, whatever. But you have to be consciously involved in this or it will just manifest and play out as it normally does. Events will seemingly occur “to” you because karma needs to be resolved.

But on another level, as societies, when we engage in things like warfare or forcing people into poverty or not taking care of the homeless or those with mental health issues, we’re perpetuating this for the whole society, for the whole planet. It will go on and on and on.

Warfare is just horrific in this regard. What’s happening now in Ukraine and in the Middle East is going to ripple through many generations to come. That is what people need to understand.

Now a lot of people I’m sure will think this is just very woo-woo and really out there, but many of my listeners will know what I’m talking about. Society as a whole, though, like I said, is completely clueless about this.

So there’s two things we need to do.

One is we just need to stop, stop perpetuating violence and inflicting trauma on people. That is how we perpetuate the darkness. And it goes on and on and on for many generations to come.

The second thing we need to do is consciously work with people’s traumas to heal and clear them.

We do not necessarily need to experience them through traumatic events. There’s all kinds of ways of working with that to clear and release those energies. And a lot of it has to do with forgiveness as being a core component of this.

But what I’m getting at is that humanity will be locked into this never-ending cycle of trauma unless we break the cycle and heal and clear those patterns from our lineages across the world.

Now there’s also trauma that’s being inflicted on the natural environment. That’s a whole other layer or dimension of this. And I have argued here about how we can heal that as well.

We can call upon divine grace, but we have to do so consciously. And we have to do it from our heart with pure intentions. This is not just an intellectual exercise. It has to be heart-centered, period.

Now what I’m saying may be centuries ahead of its time, but I can assure you that in the future, humanity is going to be tackling this very consciously. And we will elevate the level of consciousness and energy here on earth to a much, much higher level than it is currently. But to do so, we have to resolve all the darkness, which includes all these insane traumas that occur to people during their incarnations. And many of the people I have read for have had past life memories or experiences that have been insanely brutal.

Older souls are generally much more empathic and compassionate because they have experienced a lot of suffering. So they can relate to other people’s suffering from a more compassionate perspective.

This is why many of us, like the people who are listening to me right now, get so freaked out by what’s happening in the world, because we can empathize with it and we do not want other people to experience these kinds of things, for reasons that go way beyond just rational ones. It has to stop.

And there are very dark figures who are deliberately inflicting mass trauma on large populations of people because it will keep us trapped in lower dimensions of consciousness for generations to come. That’s why this is so important.

It has not escaped my attention that I am discussing this while Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune are transiting Pisces. I have a natural house system, so Pisces is in my twelfth, and the twelfth can represent things like endings and death. Don’t take that too literally.

And we had the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun on Saturn recently, which I talked about on my community tab, and many people have been expressing that the energies have been very heavy lately. That’s not surprising.

The Sun will move into Aries on March 19th or 20th, depending on where you live. That is the Spring Equinox and the beginning of a new annual cycle. The energy should pick up quite a bit in terms of our physical vitality and activity levels.

Anyway, I think we need to raise our consciousness about this horrific cycle of trauma and violence and harm that is being caused. When our societies allow mass suffering to occur, and usually to our most vulnerable people, we are being incredibly short-sighted and idiotic.

It’s not just a simple, straightforward, ethical, or moral question about the here and now. It’s the implications that, like I said, may ripple through many generations, if not centuries.

I know my healer friends out there are going to know exactly what I’m talking about. Yes, right? You do. You get this.

They work tirelessly and very hard, and I know many people who do that, at trying to help people clear these kinds of energies. And they’re often just eking out a living doing it. So they really deserve recognition and support for the work that they do.

So when you do your shadow work, and your healing, and you forgive those who have trespassed against you, you are not only helping yourself, you are helping your lineage, your future incarnations, the incarnations of your loved ones, society, and the whole world.

That is the message.

For more detail, check the episode description for other episodes or articles that are related or that I mentioned.

And if you’re interested in a reading with me, I’ll put a link to that as well. I have a 10% off special on currently.

Many sincere thanks to everyone who supports me, especially my YouTube members.

Thank you very much.

Take care, all the best, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

End episode transcript.


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Related episodes:

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

How We Will Heal The Earth

Nature Spirits in Distress

Lightworker Activations – Pluto in Aquarius 2nd ingress

Pluto in Aquarius – Dawn of Global Consciousness⁠

The Stunning Transit of Neptune in Aries: 2025-2039

The Dramatic Astrology of 2028

Purging and Decompression

Pluto Transit Capricorn – Lessons for Humanity

Mars, Pluto and Venus conjunct in Aquarius – Trauma of the Divine Feminine

Pre-Equinox Astrology – Spring 2024

North Node transit Aries, South Node transit Libra: 2023-2025

Saturn, Chiron, Collective Trauma and Darkness

Saturn transit Pisces – Reality Check: 2023-2026

Other episodes of mine featuring Pluto

You can also support this channel with ⁠a monthly membership⁠.

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